MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
1. This program analyzes some of the events in the 2000 presidential campaign against the background of the political heritage of the Bush family.
2. In particular, the broadcast relates recent stories involving Latin American political violence with the political milieu of Jeb Bush (governor of Florida and the brother of George W.)
3. Discussion begins with new disclosures concerning the assassination of Orlando Letelier, a Chilean diplomat living in exile in the United States. Recently declassified documents reveal that U.S. intelligence was aware of the impending assassination. (“Documents Shed Light on Assassination of Chilean in U.S.” by Christopher Marquis and Diana Jean Schemo; The New York Times; 11/14/2000; p. A8.)
4.The Letelier assassination was part of an international assassination consortium known as Operation Condor. Next, the broadcast excerpts RFA#37 and reviews key aspects of Operation Condor. (The material is from The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence and International Fascism, by Henrik Kruger, softcover and hardcover editions copyright 1980 by South End Press.)
5. Operation Condor and the Letelier killing were orchestrated by an international fascist milieu that Kruger calls the International Fascista. (Idem.) Incorporating Nazi SS officers, CIA operatives, anti-Castro Cubans and Latin American and European fascists, the International Fascista is at one with the political forces behind George Bush.
6. Many of Condor’s crimes were committed while the elder Bush was director of the CIA. (Idem.)
7. One of the major elements in Operation Condor and the Fascist International was the CORU organization. (Idem.)
8. Headed by a militant anti-Castro Cuban named Orlando Bosch, CORU was behind a wave of terrorist incidents in the U.S. and Latin America, again, while Bush was director of the CIA. (Idem.)
9. A colleague of Bosch’s and an alleged participant in the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner in which 73 people died was recently arrested in Panama and detained on suspicion of conspiring to murder Fidel Castro. (“Former CIA Agent Accused of Castro Plot
10. Next, the program excerpts more information from RFA#37, detailing Jeb Bush’s role as his father’s liaison with the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida. (“The Family That Preys Together” by Jack Colhoun; Covert Action Information Bulletin #41; Summer 1992.) The anti-Castro Cubans were deeply involved in the Contra support effort.
11. Jeb Bush also maintained contacts with figures from the Miami underworld milieu. (Idem.)
12. In particular, Jeb led the effort to win freedom for CORU’s Orlando Bosch. (Idem.)
13. In light of the political heritage of the Bush family and the associations maintained by Jeb, the electoral irregularities besetting the 2000 campaign should not come as a surprise. The concluding portion of the broadcast details some of those irregularities and some of the people apparently involved in them. In addition to the disputed “butterfly ballots” in Palm Beach county, African voters appear to have been interdicted in large numbers in their attempts to vote. (“Fairness for Whom?” by Bob Herbert; The New York Times; 11/13/2000; p. A25.)
14. A Republican official contravened Florida election law by allowing Republican workers to camp out in her office for as long as 10 days to make handwritten corrections on the pre-printed applications. (“G.O.P. Played Role in Absentee Vote” by Michael Moss and Ford Fessenden; The New York Times; 11/14/2000; p. A1.)
15. As has been well-recorded, the Florida official in charge of the balloting was co-chair of the Bush for President campaign in that state. (“Florida Official Has Dual Roles In a Maelstrom” by Michael Cooper; The New York Times; 11/14/2000; p. A1.)
16. Even though Jeb Bush recused himself from the recount battle, some of his top aides have not. (“Jeb Bush’s Top Aides Taking Time Off to Help the Governor’s Brother” by Lisa Getter; The San Jose Mercury News; 11/17/2000; p. 25A.)
17. In addition, it turns out that the head of the political desk at Fox news who led the media stampede to reassign Florida from Gore to Bush, was Jeb and “W’s” cousin John Ellis. (“One More election Embarrassment for the Press: Bush Cousin” by Tom Rosenstiel; The Los Angeles Times; 11/15/2000; p. B9.)
18. Ellis was in close telephonic contact with Jeb and “W” on election night, apparently feeding them political intelligence on the election. (“News Executive Called Races, and Bush” by Bill Carter; The New York Times; 11/14/2000; p. A17.) (Recorded on 11/19/2000.)
Here’s a few articles that raise interesting questions about the fate of Florida in the era of a rogue post-presidency Trump movement now that Donald Trump has made Mar-a-Lago his post-presidency permanent residence:
First, we have a report out of Axios about what appears to be the rumblings electoral runs for members of the Trump, with growing talk of Ivanka Trump taking on Marco Rubio for a Florida senate. This isn’t particularly unexpected, but it’s the fact that this chatter is happening in the midst of a full blown rhetorical war between Trump and now-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell following McConnell’s condemnations of Trump’s role in the January 6 Capitol insurrection that makes this kind of talk something to be taken seriously. And if Ivanka really does become Florida’s next senator, it’s hard to see Florida not becoming some sort of Trumpistan Mecca for the MAGA movement.
As the Axios article notes, the buzz around the Trumpian future of the Republican Party is happening at the same time a slate of former Trump cabinet officials are scheduled to speak at the upcoming CPAC conference. A conference that has relocated itself from its long-time home in the DC area to Orlando, seen as a reflection of Florida as the new home of conservative power brokering in America.
And that brings us to the next two articles. They’re about a wave or recent Silicon Valley interest in the Venetian Islands neighborhood of Miami beach. The problem is that it appears to be largely ‘Alt Right’ Silicon Valley interest, and there’s a goal of turning Miami into a kind of far right friendly Silicon Valley. Peter Thiel is the latest far right Silicon Valley figure to make the move, picking up a pair of adjacent beachfront mansions in the neighborhood.
Thiel has ties to the beginning of this move-to-Miami movement: In early December, Delian Asparouhov, a principal at Thiel’s Founders Fund, publicly wondered about moving Silicon Valley to Miami. Francis Suarez, Miami’s Republican mayor, tweeted back , “How can I help?” This apparently kicked off a social media-driven wave of right-wing interest in the idea.
One of the first big Silicon Valley name to move the move is Keith Rabois. Rabois joined Theil’s Founders Fund in 2019. Rabois happens to be a fellow “PayPal Mafia” associate of the Thiel’s. But Rabois and Theil’s history actually goes back to their time at Stanford, when the two were among the campus’s more outspoken far right students on Campus. Rabois went on to contribute to Thiel’s libertarian student publication, The Stanford Review. To get a sense of Rabois’s politics at that time, Rabois was reprimanded by Stanford in 1992 when he stood outside a gay professors home shouting homophobic slurs and suggesting the professor should “die of AIDS”. Fittingly, Rabois, now a major Silicon Valley investor following his days at PayPal, was forced to resign fro FourSquare in 2013 following the revelation that he was sexually harassing a male employee he was dating at the company.
Other Silicon Valley investors who recently made the move to Miami include SoftBank Group COO Marcelo Claure, who announced several weeks ago that SoftBnak will be launching a $100 million initiative to fund Miami-based tech companies and companies moving to Miami. Recall how Softbank teamed up with Saudi Arabia in recent years to create a giant technology investment fund. So when we’re talking about Softbank basically sponsoring the development of Miami’s technology scene, Keep in mind that it’s potentially a Saudi-financed agenda too. Is Crown Prince MBS looking to create a big imprint on Miami? Given the close relationship between the Saudis and the Trump family, Florida looking more and more like it could become a new Trumpistan can only make it a more tempting target for someone like MBS looking to cash in on cronyism and wield their financial influence.
Ok, first, here’s the latest hint from Axios that Senator Ivanka of Florida is a thing that really could happen. The Trumpification of the state is just getting underway:
“The former president is a possible headliner himself. After all, the event once held in Washington and then suburban Maryland has now been wholly relocated to Florida, Trump’s home and the new locus for conservative power brokers.”
Florida, it’s the new home of Trumpism which makes it the new home of American conservatism. Even CPAC can’t resist the Trump family’s allure.
But it’s not just the political class in DC that are finding themselves drawn to Florida. Back in December, Delian Asparouhov at Peter Theil’s Founders Fund set off what appears to be a growing trend of right-wing tech investors setting up shop in Miami, with the city’s Republican mayor encouraging the hype. SoftBank Group CEO Marcelo Claure is also promoting the city. But its long-time Thiel associate and PayPal Mafia alum Keith Rabois who appears to be playing the role of chief tech evangelist:
“For those marquee names and those who look up to them, Miami marks a sharp contrast to the governments that have “marginalized and rejected” them in the past, Suarez said in an interview with The Real Deal last month. “I’m letting them tell their story. There’s nothing more powerful [than that].””
Miami won’t “marginalize and reject” these right-wing tech entrepreneurs. That’s the promise of Miami’s Republican mayor Francis Suarez as he promotes his city, But it’s fellow tech investors like Keith Rabois and SoftBank Group CEO Marcelo Claure who are likely to make the biggest impact on luring tech companies to the area:
And look who is already responding to the Siren’s call: Peter Thiel just bought two beachfront mansions:
“Thiel is one of the biggest tech names to plunk down cash for a waterfront Miami Beach home in recent months, as more venture capital and tech executives move to South Florida. In December, Keith Rabois, a member of the “PayPal Mafia” and a general partner at Founders Fund, paid nearly $29 million for a mansion, also on the Venetian Islands.”
Long-time friends and co-investors Thiel and Rabois are setting up camp on the Venetian Islands and inviting the rest of their friends to join them. It’s one component of what appears to be a much larger far right pilgrimage to Florida, the new far right American Mecca.
And that’s all why the fate of Florida is suddenly very much an open question. We’ve long known that the state is fated to eventually be submerged under a flood of rising oceans in coming decades and centuries. But we are now seeing the start of a new demographic flood swamping the state, with the city of Miami poised to take the brunt of what looks like a surge of super-rich far right tech assh*les descending on the city with plans of making it their own. The residents of Florida had better prepare. Nasty weather ahead.