Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #260 Further Discussion with Kevin Coogan

MP3 One Seg­ment
[NB: This stream con­tains both FTRs 237 and 260 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast.]

1. Build­ing on infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed in past dis­cus­sions with Kevin Coogan, this pro­gram high­lights more of the oper­a­tions of Fran­cis Park­er Yock­ey, a Nazi agent dur­ing World War II and active on behalf of inter­na­tion­al fas­cism until his death in 1960. (The infor­ma­tion in this inter­view comes from Kevin’s land­mark text Dream­er of the Day: Fran­cis Park­er Yock­ey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tion­al; copy­right 1999 [soft-cov­er]; ISBN# 1–57027-039–2.)

2. Lit­tle known out­side of the post­war fas­cist inter­na­tion­al Coogan alludes to in his book’s title, Yock­ey has wield­ed a pro­found influ­ence on the devel­op­ment of con­tem­po­rary fas­cism.

3. The broad­cast high­lights Yockey’s con­nec­tions to promi­nent Amer­i­can fas­cists Willis Car­to and Roger Pear­son. The pub­lish­er of Spot­light and a prime mover in the estab­lish­ment of the Insti­tute for His­tor­i­cal Review (the focal point of the Holo­caust-denial move­ment), Car­to pub­lished Yockey’s opus Imperi­um.

4. Imperi­um is a man­i­festo that advo­cates a post-World War II revival of fas­cism, cen­tered on a unit­ed, fas­cist Europe designed to destroy (among oth­er things) Amer­i­can influ­ence in Europe and around the world. The pro­gram high­lights Carto’s suc­cess­ful incor­po­ra­tion of the Nation­al Youth Alliance into his polit­i­cal sphere of influ­ence. (The NYA began as a youth for Wal­lace move­ment.)

5. The broad­cast also sets forth some of Pearson’s activ­i­ties on behalf of inter­na­tion­al fas­cism and updates con­tem­po­rary Yock­ey influ­ences in alter­na­tive sub-cul­tures aimed at young peo­ple.

6. Pro­gram High­lights Include: an ide­o­log­i­cal split with­in the Lib­er­ty Lob­by that has mar­gin­al­ized Carto’s influ­ence with­in the racist and anti-Semit­ic right.

7. Roger Pearson’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the World Anti-Com­mu­nist League;

8. Pearson’s work on behalf of the Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Eugen­ics;

9. Yock­ey influ­ences on black met­al music fas­cists;

10. Yock­ey influ­ences on “con­spir­a­cy cul­ture”; asso­ci­a­tions between the alter­na­tive pub­lish­er Fer­al House and some con­tem­po­rary fas­cist and Satanist ele­ments; the recent arrest of a nazi black met­al musi­cian at Nation­al Alliance leader William Pierce’s com­pound in West Vir­ginia; Pierce’s past asso­ci­a­tion with both Car­to and Amer­i­can Nazi Par­ty leader George Lin­coln Rock­well.


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