Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #27 Specialized Knowledge and Abilities

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2 | Side 3 | Side 4 | Side 5 | Side 6 | Side 7 | Side 8

This series focus­es on the Nazi tac­tic of infil­trat­ing the police and mil­i­tary, in order to com­pro­mise those insti­tu­tions and acquire the “spe­cial­ized knowl­edge and abil­i­ties” required to over­throw the state. This tac­tic has been adopt­ed by Nazis and fas­cists world-wide and is very much in evi­dence in the Unit­ed States. The series ana­lyzes, among oth­er events, the ran­dom mur­der of two black cit­i­zens in North Car­oli­na by off-duty para­troop­ers from the 82nd Air­borne Divi­sion, who were appar­ent­ly mem­bers of white suprema­cist orga­ni­za­tions. The killings took place on the tenth anniver­sary of the killing of Robert Matthews (a mem­ber of “The Order”, the Nazi orga­ni­za­tion that killed Alan Berg, a Den­ver talk show host.) Oth­er points cov­ered in the series include: an analy­sis of the mili­tia move­ment, which dis­cuss­es evi­dence that some ele­ments of the mili­tias may actu­al­ly be an exten­sion of the very gov­ern­ment they pro­fess to be opposed to; dis­cus­sion of the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing indi­cat­ing that the per­pe­tra­tors may very well have been mem­bers of an inter­na­tion­al fas­cist con­spir­a­cy; an exam­i­na­tion of the pro­to-Nazi “Nation­al Bol­she­vik” move­ment in Weimar Ger­many, which com­pares that move­ment to the fas­cist ele­ments with­in the mili­tia move­ment. (Record­ed in the late win­ter and ear­ly spring of 1996.)


4 comments for “FTR #27 Specialized Knowledge and Abilities”

  1. Has any­one tried to tran­scribe these?

    The read­ers were obvi­ous­ly read­ing from pre­pared texts.

    Are those orig­i­nal texts avail­able?

    Charles Stew­art

    Posted by Charles Stewart | October 13, 2011, 5:38 am
  2. Here’s the SPLC’s pro­file on the guy that attacked the Kansas City Jew­ish Cen­ter. He’s got quite a track record:

    South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter

    Glenn Miller

    Date of Birth:
    Spring­field, Mo.
    Ku Klux Klan

    Fra­zier Glenn Miller, also known as Fra­zier Glenn Cross, is the for­mer “grand drag­on” of the Car­oli­na Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he found­ed and ran in the 1980s before being sued by the South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter for oper­at­ing an ille­gal para­mil­i­tary orga­ni­za­tion and using intim­i­da­tion tac­tics against African Amer­i­cans. After sub­se­quent­ly form­ing anoth­er Klan group, the White Patri­ot Par­ty, he was found in crim­i­nal con­tempt and sen­tenced to six months in prison for vio­lat­ing the court set­tle­ment. He went under­ground while his con­vic­tion was under appeal but was caught by the FBI with a weapons cache in Mis­souri. He served three years in fed­er­al prison after being indict­ed on weapons charges and for plot­ting rob­beries and the assas­si­na­tion of SPLC founder Mor­ris Dees. As part of a plea bar­gain, tes­ti­fied against oth­er Klan lead­ers in a 1988 sedi­tion tri­al. On April 13, 2014, Miller was arrest­ed in the shoot­ing deaths of three peo­ple at a Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter and near­by retire­ment com­mu­ni­ty in Over­land Park, Kansas.

    Crim­i­nal His­to­ry:
    In 1986, Miller was con­vict­ed on a fed­er­al con­tempt of court charge after vio­lat­ing the terms of a con­sent order that set­tled a law­suit filed against him and his Klan group by the South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter. He was sen­tenced to a year in prison, with six months sus­pend­ed. How­ev­er, he dis­ap­peared while out on bond await­ing an appeal and was lat­er caught in Mis­souri along with four oth­er Klans­men and a cache of weapons.

    In 1987, he plead­ed guilty to a weapons charge and to mail­ing a threat through the mail. He had been indict­ed along with four oth­er white suprema­cists for con­spir­ing to acquire stolen mil­i­tary weapons, and for plan­ning rob­beries and the assas­si­na­tion of SPLC founder Mor­ris Dees. In an agree­ment with fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors, he received a five-year prison sen­tence in exchange for his tes­ti­mo­ny against 14 white suprema­cist lead­ers in a sedi­tion tri­al. He served three years of that sen­tence.


    Fra­zier Glenn Miller is the founder and for­mer leader of both the Car­oli­na Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patri­ot Par­ty, both of which were oper­at­ed as para­mil­i­tary orga­ni­za­tions in the 1980s.

    Miller quit high school as a senior to join the U.S. Army. In 1979, he retired from the Army as a mas­ter sergeant after 20 years of active duty, includ­ing two tours in Viet­nam and 13 years as a mem­ber of the elite Green Berets.

    Miller claims he read a racist news­pa­per for the first time in the ear­ly 1970s when his father gave him a copy of The Thun­der­bolt, pub­lished by Ed Fields of the racist, anti-Semit­ic Nation­al States’ Rights Par­ty. Accord­ing to Miller, with­in two min­utes of brows­ing through the tabloid, he knew he “had found a home with­in the Amer­i­can White Move­ment. I was ecsta­t­ic.” He joined the Nation­al States’ Rights Par­ty in 1973, but soon left because, he lat­er tes­ti­fied, it was “made up most­ly of elder­ly peo­ple who were not that active.”

    He then joined the Nation­al Social­ist Par­ty of Amer­i­ca, a Nazi group whose mem­bers attacked and killed marchers asso­ci­at­ed with the Com­mu­nist Work­ers Par­ty in Greens­boro, N.C., in 1979. The fol­low­ing year, due to his involve­ment with the Nazi group, the Greens­boro shootout, and death threats against him and his fam­i­ly, his wife left him and moved with their chil­dren to Chica­go.

    Miller was forced to retire from the Army due to his Klan-relat­ed activ­i­ties. He enrolled in John­ston Tech­ni­cal Col­lege in Smith­field, N.C., and also bought a 25-acre farm in Ang­i­er, N.C., near Raleigh. It was there, in late 1980, that he formed the Car­oli­na Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and began to amass ille­gal weapons and con­duct mil­i­tary train­ing with the help of active-duty sol­diers. Miller want­ed to mod­el the Car­oli­na Knights on Hitler’s Nazi Par­ty. “I would try to emu­late Hitler’s meth­ods of attract­ing mem­bers and sup­port­ers,” he wrote in his auto­bi­og­ra­phy. “In the years to come, for exam­ple, I placed great empha­sis on stag­ing march­es and ral­lies. It had been suc­cess­ful with Hitler.”

    Miller rep­re­sent­ed a new, mil­i­tant breed of Klan lead­ers in the 1980s, pre­fer­ring fatigues over the tra­di­tion­al Klan robe and train­ing his troops in mil­i­tary tac­tics. He was not averse to pub­lic­i­ty and began hold­ing ral­lies and march­es on a near-week­ly basis up and down the Atlantic Seaboard. He announced his goal was to cre­ate a Car­oli­na Free State, which would be an “all-white nation with­in the bounds of North and South Car­oli­na.” He said his ene­mies were “nig­gers” and Jews. He boast­ed of hav­ing sup­port­ers at Fort Bragg, the near­by Army base that was home to a large con­tin­gent of U.S. spe­cial forces.

    In 1983, after a black prison guard, Bob­by Per­son, filed a dis­crim­i­na­tion suit against the North Car­oli­na prison sys­tem, mem­bers of the Car­oli­na Knights began to intim­i­date the plain­tiff. They also harassed, threat­ened and intim­i­dat­ed oth­er African Amer­i­cans in the area. The SPLC, led by Mor­ris Dees, sued Miller and his group in June 1984 – demand­ing they stop their cam­paign of intim­i­da­tion and cease all para­mil­i­tary activ­i­ty.

    The SPLC lawyers did not know it at the time, but Miller had ties to The Order, a white nation­al­ist ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion whose mem­bers assas­si­nat­ed Den­ver talk show host Alan Berg just 13 days after the SPLC filed suit. The leader of the group, Robert Math­ews, had giv­en Miller $200,000 in cash that was part of the $3.8 mil­lion stolen dur­ing an armored car rob­bery. It was lat­er revealed that Dees was at the top of The Order’s hit list. Miller tes­ti­fied in the 1988 tri­al of oth­er white suprema­cists that Math­ews told him “they were think­ing about killing” Dees.

    In Jan­u­ary 1985, the SPLC reached a con­sent agree­ment with Miller that pre­vent­ed the Knights from oper­at­ing as a para­mil­i­tary group and from harass­ing, intim­i­dat­ing, threat­en­ing or harm­ing any black per­son or white per­son who asso­ci­at­ed with black per­sons. A month lat­er, how­ev­er, Miller announced the for­ma­tion of a new Klan group, the White Patri­ot Par­ty. His goal was the same: the “uni­fi­ca­tion of white peo­ple.” He vowed to oper­ate peace­ful­ly – unless the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment infringed on his rights, in which case he would resort to “under­ground rev­o­lu­tion­ary tac­tics … with the armed resources at our dis­pos­al.”

    It took less than a year for Miller and the White Patri­ot Par­ty to vio­late the con­sent order. The SPLC obtained pho­to­graph­ic evi­dence of active-duty Marines help­ing train his mem­bers. In a July 1986 tri­al, in which Dees act­ed as a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor to assist fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors, Miller was found guilty of crim­i­nal con­tempt. One wit­ness tes­ti­fied he had pro­cured weapons and explo­sives, includ­ing 13 armor-pen­e­trat­ing anti-tank rock­ets, from mil­i­tary per­son­nel on behalf of Miller, after the set­tle­ment. He also said he received a duf­fel bag full of cash as pay­ment to con­duct train­ing intend­ed to help “cre­ate a para­mil­i­tary guer­ril­la unit for lat­er use in estab­lish­ing a White South­land.” Miller was sen­tenced to a year in prison, with six months of that term sus­pend­ed. He was also ordered to dis­as­so­ci­ate him­self from the White Patri­ot Par­ty and avoid con­tact with white suprema­cists.

    In Octo­ber of that year, while out on bond await­ing an appeal of his con­vic­tion, Miller wrote to North Carolina’s gov­er­nor, ask­ing for an appoint­ment to the Governor’s Task Force on Racial, Reli­gious and Eth­nic Vio­lence and Intim­i­da­tion. He said he would be will­ing to pub­licly dis­cour­age racial vio­lence and act as a liai­son to “the many White groups in North Car­oli­na.”

    But, in 1987, while still out on bond, Miller dis­ap­peared and went under­ground. He mailed a “Dec­la­ra­tion of War” to sup­port­ers, exhort­ing “Aryan war­riors of The Order” to kill “our ene­mies,” and estab­lished a point sys­tem for each kill. The tar­gets were: “Nig­gers (1), White race trai­tors (10), Jews (10), Judges (50) Mor­ris Selig­man Dees (888).” He signed the state­ment “Glenn Miller, loy­al mem­ber of ‘The Order.’”

    The FBI caught up with Miller and four oth­er Klans­men in Spring­field, Mo., where he was tear-gassed out of a mobile home. Author­i­ties found hand grenades, auto­mat­ic weapons, thou­sands of rounds of ammu­ni­tion, the explo­sive C‑4, and $14,000 in cash. He and the oth­ers were indict­ed for con­spir­a­cy to acquire stolen mil­i­tary weapons, explo­sives and equip­ment, and for plan­ning rob­beries and the assas­si­na­tion of Dees. Miller plead­ed guilty to a weapons charge and to send­ing a threat through the mail. He served three years in fed­er­al prison, most­ly in Otisville, N.Y. As part of his plea deal, he agreed to tes­ti­fy against 14 lead­ing white suprema­cists in a sedi­tion tri­al.


    Miller has ties to Kevin W. Harpham, a neo-Nazi who was con­vict­ed of attempt­ing to bomb a Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day parade in Spokane, Wash., in 2011. Although Harpham plead­ed guilty, Miller was con­vinced that Harpham’s lawyers deceit­ful­ly con­vinced him that he would be found guilty regard­less of his inno­cence. Through­out his tri­al pro­ceed­ings, Miller was a reg­u­lar pen pal with Harpham, who was sen­tenced to 32 years in prison.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | April 14, 2014, 7:46 am
  3. @Pterrafractyl–

    The sort of thing Miller [alleged­ly] did is pre­cise­ly the sort of thing advo­cat­ed by the “Lead­er­less Resis­tance” strat­e­gy.

    The advo­cates of this sort of thing, such as Cit­i­zen Green­wald’s client The Nation­al Alliance (pub­lish­er of “The Turn­er Diaries,” which pro­vid­ed the oper­a­tional tem­plate for miller’s bene­fac­tors The Order) have been shield­ed from civ­il suits hold­ing them to account for their mur­der­ous advo­ca­cy, thanks to Green­wald.

    THIS is what makes Green­wald did so utter­ly evil.

    That front-run­ning Nazi fel­low-trav­el­er (G‑wald) should be hound­ed out of town, not award­ed prizes for jour­nal­ism.

    Note that Miller is an admir­er of Ron Paul.


    As Hitler said; “First, tame the intel­lec­tu­als. Then, take them to the fields and hitch them to your race­hors­es.” . . . .



    Posted by Dave Emory | April 14, 2014, 3:57 pm
  4. @Dave: Check out the com­ments about Miller by the may­or of a town he fre­quent­ed. It’s not that sur­pris­ing to hear “but he seemed like such a nice man” com­ments from locals when some­one is charged with mass mur­der. It’s rather sur­pris­ing in this instance.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | April 16, 2014, 1:24 pm

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