MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
This interview further develops information from Kevin’s encyclopedic text, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Post War Fascist International (Autonomedia; copyright 1999 [SC]; ISBN 1–57027-039–2.)
1. Beginning with discussion of German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer’s alleged connections with members of the German “left-wing” terrorist group known as the Baader-Meinhoff Gang, the program focuses on connections between international fascism and left-wing, communist and so-called “Third World” elements.
2. The program discusses endorsement of the Baader-Meinhoff gang by Swiss-based Nazi operative Francois Genoud.
3. Third Reich finance minister Hjalamar Schacht maintained contacts with the People’s Republic of China in the 1950’s, as well as Indonesia and (to a lesser extent) Saudi Arabia.
4. Much of the early discussion centers on Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the self-styled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. A Nazi operative before, during and after the Second World War, Husseini was a key functionary at the Bandung (Indonesia) conference in 1954. (The term “Third World” was coined at that conference.) Husseini was instrumental in cementing links between the Third Reich, the postwar Fascist International and Middle Eastern nationalist movements.
5. One of the elements of discussion that may prove most illuminating (and most shocking) to listeners concerns the connections between fascist elements and Cuban Communist Party dictator Fidel Castro.
6. Although (in principle) anti-communist, some fascists saw Castro’s anti-Americanism as a potentially useful tool to weaken or destroy the United States and/or its influence.
7. One of the most fascinating Castro/fascist connections concerns SS-linked arms dealers supplying both the forces of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Battista and the guerilla forces of Fidel Castro (who eventually overthrew Battista.)
8. Highlighting the operational ambivalence of postwar Third World elements, the broadcast discusses pro-Soviet and pro-American elements of the Bruderschaft, an organization of Wehrmacht and SS officers. Whereas some elements of the Bruderschaft advocated an alliance with the Soviets against the Americans or (at the very least) a neutral Germany, others acceded to U.S. overtures to join the NATO alliance.
9. One of the most bizarre points of discussion concerns the National Renaissance Party, the first openly Nazi party in the United States after the close of World War II. The NRP’s ideological alliances ran the gamut from Fidel Castro and Egyptian leader Gamel Abdel Nasser, to the U.S.S.R and the People’s Republic of China. (The anti-American and, in some cases, anti-Semitic stance of these elements was the point of affinity for the openly fascist NRP.) The NRP even had operational contacts with African-American separatist groups in the greater New York area.
10. Program Highlights Include: the connections between Francois Genoud and Carlos the Jackal; Schacht’s forging of the Jiddah agreement; Francis Parker Yockey’s links to the Soviet Union; the Bruderschaft’s wooing of Third Reich General Heinz Guderian; the Castro links of Nazi agent H. Keith Thompson; Thompson’s role as an arms broker between Castro, Battista and South American-based Nazi arms traffickers; Yockey’s connections to Castro; the Grand Mufti’s connections to the World Muslim Congress; the World Muslim Congress’ connections to the former World Anti-Communist League; the NRP’s links to Nazi agents H. Keith Thompson, Fred Weiss and Francis Parker Yockey. Be sure to examine the discussions of 9/11 in connection with many of these elements.
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