MP3 One Segment
NB: This RealAudio stream contains FTRs 276 and 277 in sequence. Each is a 30-minute broadcast.
1. The program begins with review of an excerpt from FTR-245 concerning Deutsche Telekom. Mobile phones are seen as being central to the anticipated world of the internet and e‑commerce. As such, DT’s advance into the American mobile phone market figures prominently in this series on German corporate control over American media.) In order to resist legislation that would impede the firm’s purchase of VoiceStream and Powertel, Deutsche Telekom has retained the powerful Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. (Wall Street Journal, 7/21/2000, p. A9.)
2. In an excerpt from FTR-139, the program highlights the recent addition of Matthias Wissman, the treasurer of the CDU party in Germany (and a former transport minister) to Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. (Financial Times, 3/2/99.)
3. The program also notes that Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering had represented Swiss banks in a lawsuit filed by Holocaust victims against Swiss banks, as well as acting as counsel for German corporations being sued over their use of slave labor in World War II. (Idem.)
4. This connection also suggests the presence of the Bormann group in the background of the lawsuits, as well as in the DT machinations. It should be noted that, as treasurer of the CDU, Wissman must have had first hand knowledge of the CDU funding scandal. (This scandal, as well, almost certainly involves the Bormann organization.)
5. One of the many evidentiary tributaries in the trail of scandal runs in the direction of the Philippines. (“Filipina Maid Hunted in Money Scandal Probe;” The Asian Post; 4/13/-4/26/2000; p. 1.)
6. Former French oil executive Alfred Sirven was pursued to the Philippines by French investigators. (Idem.)
7. Vilma Medina, Sirven’s maid-turned-lover, was a major financial manipulator in the conspiracy, serving as the conduit for many of the funds that were moved about during the course of the machinations. (Idem.)
8. A principal figure in the international financial web that figures in the CDU funding scandal, Sirven was a major executive with Elf-Aquitaine, a French oil company that served as “an oil ministry in a corporate guise.” (“Light Shed on an Extraordinary Past” by Bertrand Benoit; Financial Times; 2/3/2/4/2001; p. 3.)
9. The firm served as a conduit for the placing of political bribes, a funding source for France’s right-wing political parties, as well as a front for French intelligence activity. (Idem.)
10. One of the most significant maneuvers conducted by Elf while Sirven was with the firm was the placing of a bribe with Helmut Kohl’s CDU. (Idem.)
11. This bribe secured the purchase of the Leuna oil refining facility for Elf. (Idem.) (Operated by the Nazi I.G. Farben firm on behalf of the Third Reich, the Leuna facility is located in the former East Germany.)
12. Eventually, Elf “succumbed to a hostile bid from rival TotalFina in 1999.” (Idem.)
13. Much of the program consists of a lengthy excerpt from FTR-193 detailing important aspects of the CDU funding scandal. This excerpt, in turn, comes from a major article about the CDU funding scandal from the New York Times. (“Big Kickbacks Under Kohl Reported” by Roger Cohen and John Tagliabue; New York Times; 2/7/2000.)
14. In addition to the obvious involvement in the scandal of elements connected to both German and French intelligence, the article highlights the involvement of the Thyssen heavy industrial firm with several aspects of the scandal. (Idem.) (The Thyssen firm is one of the principal elements of the remarkable and deadly Bormann flight capital organization, about which Mr. Emory has spoken so often.
When considering German corporations, it is important to remember that they are controlled by the Bormann Organization. This institution has perpetuated its power in an effective, clandestine, and deadly, Mafia-like fashion in the years since World War II. American corporations are driven by the profit motive, and coordinate policies on labor, environmental, marketing and taxation issues–they are otherwise relatively apolitical. In contrast, German corporations, under control of the Bormann group, function as coordinated elements of international economic and political control, not unlike the divisions of an army. Although they, too, strive to make money, profit is subordinate to the goal of German national hegemony.)
15. Thyssen AG was involved in a sale of tanks to Saudi Arabia (one of the many facets of this enormous, international scandal.) (Idem.)
16. In addition, Thyssen was involved with Aquitaine-Elf in some of the operations of the Leuna refinery. (Idem.)
17. Next, the program introduces a number of areas of overlap between the CDU scandal and information presented in other programs. These areas of intersection are discussed at greater length in FTR-278. FTR-275 highlights an important deal between the Bertelsmann company and the Belgian parent firm of the RTL television company. (Bertelsmann has strong links to the Third Reich and is the principal element in the series on German corporate control over the American media.)
18. One of the minority corporate partners in the Bertelsmann/RTL deal has significant capital participation in TotalFina Elf. (“Global GBL Falls for Bertelsmann’s Charms” by Dan Bilefsky; Financial Times; 2/6/2001; p. 18.) TotalFina Elf is, in turn, involved in the complex conspiratorial web involved in the CDU funding scandal. (It should be recalled that TotalFina took over Aquitaine Elf, as discussed earlier in the program.
19. On his way back to France, Sirven was to stop over in Frankfurt, Germany. (“Star Witness in French Corruption Trial Arrested” by Raphael Minder, David Owen, and Hugh Williamson; Financial Times; 2/3–2/4/2001; p. 1)
20. Sirven boasted that he “knew enough secrets to blow up the French Republic ten times over.” (“Sirven Set to Unpack Explosive Evidence” by Raphael Minder; Financial Times; 2/3/2/4/2001; p. 3.)
21. It should be noted that at this time, Germany is engaged in an attempt at “federalizing” the EU, much to the consternation of France. Bertelsmann’s parent (the Bertelsmann foundation) sponsored a think tank at which German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder called for the federalist integration of the EU into a European superstate. (“Schroder Launches Brussels Offensive” by Alan Hall; The Scotsman; 1/26/2001.)
22. This step would entail “a Europe where decisions on tax, defense, health, insurance and a plethora of other issues were defined by the EU and not national governments.” (Idem.)
23. Such a state would, of course, be dominated by Germany. In effect, this would give Germany the control of Europe that it has sought through military conquest in two world wars. In language reminiscent of the oratory of Adolf Hitler, German Foreign Minister warned that, unless this integration took place, grave measures would follow. (Idem.)
24. “The German government will not stand idly by, but would take courageous steps against the centrifugal forces of the inter-governmentalists,” warned Fischer. (Idem.)
25. At the same time, the “eurogroup” is reported to be heading toward a restructuring that would diminish the influence of Britain. (“Moves Afoot to Overhaul the Eurogroup” by Peter Norman; Financial Times; 2/9/2001; p. 2.) In addition, some of the proposed changes in the “eurogroup” (the governing body composed of the finance ministers of the euro-zone states) have been vigorously opposed by the French. This broadcast underscores the possibility that the timing of the arrest of Mr. Sirven (and the possible disclosure of the information that he possesses) may have been timed to pressure the French into acceding to the proposed changes in both the EU and the “euro-group.”
26. The end of this program (and FTR-278) also highlight the implications of Holocaust-related lawsuits for corporate operations in both the United States and Europe. FTR-275 discusses a recent lawsuit that charges IBM with complicity in the Nazi extermination programs. (“Lawsuit Says IBM Helped Nazis” by Barnaby J. Felder [New York Times]; San Francisco Chronicle; 2/11/2001; p. A9.)
27. The counsel for the plaintiffs noted that “public relations strategies have been as important as legal arguments in their Holocaust suits.” (Idem.) This lawsuit was timed to coincide with the publication of a book that presents documentation for the plaintiffs’ arguments.
28. Interestingly (and perhaps significantly) the book is being published by Crown books, a Random House (and Bertelsmann) subsidiary. (“Book Links IBM to Hitler” by Paul D. Colford; New York Daily News; 2/10/2001.)
29. This lawsuit now threatens the settlement of previous Holocaust-related lawsuits by disturbing the “legal peace” in the United States. (“IBM Legal Bombshell Threatens Landmark Holocaust Deal” by Richard Wolffe and John Authers; Financial Times; 2/15/2001; p. 5.) The possibility that the IBM suit may constitute (intentionally or otherwise) a “pressure point” that may hold the key to business operations in both Europe and the U.S. is not one to be too readily cast aside.
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