Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #283 The Mueller File

MP3 One Seg­ment
NB: This RealAu­dio stream con­tains FTRs 282 and 283 in sequence. Each is a 30-minute broad­cast.

1. This pro­gram cov­ers the post-war activ­i­ties of Gestapo Chief Hein­rich Mueller. Mueller was report­ed to have died in the ruins of Berlin at the end of the war. When his grave was opened in 1963, it con­tained the remains of two (or by some accounts three) men, none of them Mueller.

2. The broad­cast high­lights Mueller’s work on behalf of U.S. intel­li­gence after the war, as well as his over­lap­ping activ­i­ties as direc­tor of the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann Orga­ni­za­tion. This insti­tu­tion has per­pet­u­at­ed its pow­er in an effec­tive, clan­des­tine, and dead­ly, Mafia-like fash­ion in the years since World War II. The Bor­mann group dom­i­nates cor­po­rate Ger­many and wields enor­mous influ­ence around the world.)

3. The pro­gram begins with an excerpt from Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show M‑57, high­light­ing Mueller’s escape from Berlin at the end of the war, and his work for U.S. intel­li­gence dur­ing the Cold War. (“The Flight of the Wolf: Berlin 1945” by Gre­go­ry Dou­glas; The Mil­i­tary Advis­er; Win­ter of 1992–93 [Vol­ume 4, #1].)

4. The infor­ma­tion in the Dou­glas arti­cle is, in turn, drawn large­ly from U.S. Army Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Corps (CIC) doc­u­ments on file at the Nation­al Archives. These doc­u­ments were accessed by writer Gita Sere­ny, while doing research for a Lon­don Times arti­cle. (Idem.)

5. In addi­tion, the Dou­glas arti­cle presents infor­ma­tion from a CIA debrief­ing of Mueller, appar­ent­ly con­duct­ed pri­or to his employ­ment by the agency. (Idem.)

6. It should be not­ed that a foren­sic exam­i­na­tion of the CIC doc­u­ments con­duct­ed by the FBI sup­ports their verac­i­ty. (Idem.)

7. The U.S. intel­li­gence inter­view with Mueller was con­duct­ed with his even­tu­al employ­ment being a fore­gone con­clu­sion. (Idem.)

8. In Feb­ru­ary, an arti­cle in the Los Ange­les Times pro­vid­ed sig­nif­i­cant cor­rob­o­ra­tion for the infor­ma­tion in M‑57. (“New Ques­tions Arise on Fate of Gestapo Chief” by Hen­ry Wein­stein; Los Ange­les Times; 2/26/2001; pp. A1-A6.)

9. “U.S. Army Intel­li­gence records indi­cate that Mueller–who was nick­named ‘Gestapo Mueller’ to dis­tin­guish him from the hun­dreds of oth­er Muellers in the Nazi hierarchy–was cap­tured by Amer­i­cans in 1945, says his­to­ri­an George Chalou, who worked at the Nation­al Archives for 28 years.” (Ibid.; p. A6.)

10. The arti­cle also notes that “a Ger­man tele­vi­sion net­work aired a program–based in part on doc­u­ments from the U.S. Nation­al Archives in Maryland–claiming that Mueller was cap­tured by the U.S. Army, but released for unknown rea­sons.” (Idem.)

11. In addi­tion, the arti­cle notes that ele­ments of the Mueller file were with­held. “Despite the fact that the files were opened more than 50 years after the end of World War II, numer­ous por­tions have been redact­ed. In Feb­ru­ary 1999, eight months before the Army records were made pub­lic by the Nation­al Archives, Army offi­cials sent Rab­bi Hier a let­ter say­ing some of his requests for infor­ma­tion on Mueller were being denied on grounds of ‘nation­al secu­ri­ty,’ includ­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty that more com­plete dis­clo­sure could com­pro­mise intel­li­gence-gath­er­ing meth­ods.” (Idem.)

12. The arti­cle makes anoth­er allu­sion, as well. “Index cards stat­ing that Mueller was in cus­tody first in the town of Ilme­nau and then in Decem­ber 1945 in a ‘civil­ian intern­ment’ camp in Altenstadt in Upper Bavaria. . . .It ends with the cryp­tic and provoca­tive sen­tence, ‘case closed 29 Jan 46.’ It is unclear who placed the infor­ma­tion on the card, which states that a Mueller dossier was to be sent to Frank­furt.” (Idem.)

13. The arti­cle also notes that there “. . .have been uncon­firmed reports that he served as an ‘enforcer’ for for­mer Nazis liv­ing in South Amer­i­ca. . . .” (Idem.)

14. As vet­er­an lis­ten­ers know, these reports are far more than “uncon­firmed.” Mueller served as the secu­ri­ty direc­tor for the Bor­mann group and, in that capac­i­ty, worked direct­ly with U.S. intel­li­gence, the CIA, in par­tic­u­lar. “The Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion had many com­mer­cial and polit­i­cal links to the cap­i­tals of these three nations, and real clout was avail­able should the chase become too hot. The CIA could have pulled aside the gray cur­tain that obscured Bormann—at any time. But the CIA and Mueller’s crack orga­ni­za­tion of for­mer SS men found it to their mutu­al advan­tage to coop­er­ate in many sit­u­a­tions. There is no moral­i­ty in the sense that most of us know it in the strange world of pro­fes­sion­al secre­cy, and when it was to the advan­tage of each to work togeth­er they did so.” (Mar­tin Bor­mann: Nazi in Exile; by Paul Man­ning; copy­right 1981; Lyle Stu­art [hard­cov­er]; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p.211.)

15. As might be sur­mised, Mueller’s oper­a­tives also worked with the orga­ni­za­tion of Rein­hard Gehlen. “Even Gen­er­al Gehlen, when he was chief of the Fed­er­al Repub­lic’s intel­li­gence ser­vice, sent his agents to con­fer with Gen­er­al Hein­rich Mueller in South Amer­i­ca.” (For more on Gehlen, see RFA‑3, among oth­er pro­grams.) (Ibid.; p. 274.)

16. Jour­nal­ist Paul Man­ning had direct and exten­sive con­tact with the Mueller orga­ni­za­tion, while doing the research for his remark­able book. (Ibid.; pp. 272–273.)

17. “Dur­ing years of research for this book, I have become aware of Hein­rich Mueller and his secu­ri­ty force, which pro­vides pro­tec­tion for the lead­er­ship in Latin Amer­i­ca and wher­ev­er else they may trav­el to Europe and to the Unit­ed States to check on invest­ments and prof­its. Through inter­me­di­aries, I have attempt­ed unceas­ing­ly to pen­e­trate to the cen­tral core of the orga­ni­za­tion in South Amer­i­ca, but have been denied access. At the last meet­ing that I know about, it was vot­ed: ‘Herr Man­ning’s writ­ing would focus undue atten­tion on our activ­i­ties and his request must once again be denied.’ The elder­ly lead­ers, includ­ing Reich­min­is­ter Bor­mann, who is now eighty, want­ed me on the scene to write of their side of the sto­ry, above all his sto­ry, of one of the most amaz­ing and suc­cess­ful finan­cial and indus­tri­al cloak­ing actions in his­to­ry, of which he is jus­ti­fi­ably proud. I had sent word to Bor­mann that the true sto­ry, his first­hand account, should become a mat­ter of his­tor­i­cal record, and stat­ed that I would be agree­able to writ­ing it if I could tell his true sto­ry, warts and all.” (Ibid.; p. 272.)

18. “Back came the word: ‘You are a free world jour­nal­ist, and can write as you think best. We, too, are inter­est­ed only in truth.’ They agreed to my request to bring along a three-man cam­era crew from CBS News to film my con­ver­sa­tions with Mar­tin Bor­mann, and even approved my wish for at least a per­son­al thumbprint of the for­mer Reich­sleit­er and par­ty min­is­ter, which would be pos­i­tive proof of his iden­ti­ty. At the orga­ni­za­tion’s request, I sent the back­ground, names, pho­tos and cre­den­tials of the par­tic­u­lar CBS cam­era­men: Lawrence Wal­ter Pierce, Richard Hen­ry Perez, and Oden Lester Kitzmiller, an award-win­ning cam­era crew (which got the exclu­sive film cov­er­age of the attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Gov­er­nor George Wal­lace when he was run­ning for pres­i­dent).” (Ibid.; pp. 272–3.)

19. “I am sor­ry to say that the younger lead­ers , the ones now in vir­tu­al com­mand, vot­ed ‘No.’ They did agree, how­ev­er that 232 his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments from World War II, which Bor­mann had had shipped out of Berlin in the wan­ing days of the war, and which are stored in his archives in South Amer­i­ca, could be sent to me anony­mous­ly, to be pub­lished. They said their lengthy inves­ti­ga­tion of me had pro­duced con­fi­dence that I was an objec­tive jour­nal­ist, as well as a brave one, for their prob­ing stretched back to World War II days, and up to the present.” (Ibid.; p. 273.)

20. “Hein­rich Mueller, now sev­en­ty-nine years old, who also serves as keep­er of these archives as well as chief of all secu­ri­ty for the NSDAP, reject­ed this deci­sion: when the couri­er reached the Buenos Aires inter­na­tion­al air­port bear­ing these doc­u­ments for me he was relieved of them by the Argen­tine secret police act­ing under an ini­tia­tive from Mueller.” (Idem.)

21. “As Mueller had explained pre­vi­ous­ly, he had noth­ing against me per­son­al­ly; I had been cleared of any ‘strange con­nec­tions’ by his agents in New York City, whose sur­veil­lance efforts were sup­ple­ment­ed by the old pros of the Gestapo, up from South Amer­i­ca to assist in watch­ing me. This con­tin­ued inter­mit­tent­ly for years, and efforts were stepped up in response to the inten­si­ty of my inves­ti­ga­tions. The state­ment I had orig­i­nal­ly made to their rep­re­sen­ta­tives in West Ger­many, that I was only a dili­gent jour­nal­ist try­ing to dig out an impor­tant sto­ry, final­ly proved sat­is­fac­to­ry to them. I observed that Mueller had­n’t lost his touch in the field of sur­veil­lance, judg­ing by the qual­i­ty, skill, and num­ber of men and women who tracked me, at what must have been enor­mous cost, wher­ev­er I went in New York City, Wash­ing­ton, and over­seas.” (Idem.)

22. Mueller did­n’t restrict his secu­ri­ty activ­i­ties on behalf of the Bor­mann group to sur­veil­lance. “Israeli agents who move too close­ly to these cen­ters of pow­er are elim­i­nat­ed. One such ter­mi­na­tion was Fritz Bauer, for­mer­ly attor­ney gen­er­al for the State of Hesse in Frank­furt, a sur­vivor of Auschwitz and the man who tipped off the Israeli Mossad about the pres­ence of Adolf Eich­mann in Buenos Aires, who was killed on orders of Gen­er­al Mueller. . . .Mueller’s ruth­less­ness even today is what deters Artur Axmann from alter­ing his tes­ti­mo­ny that he saw Bor­mann lying dead on the road­way the night of their escape from the Fuehrerbunker, May 1–2, 1945. . . .To this day, Axmann, the only so-called liv­ing wit­ness to the ‘death’ of Bor­mann in Berlin, knows his life is in jeo­prady if he revers­es him­self. Gen­er­al Mueller is thor­ough and has a long mem­o­ry, and for a Nazi such as Axmann to go against Mueller’s orig­i­nal direc­tive would make him a trai­tor; ret­ri­bu­tion would sure­ly fol­low.” (Ibid.; pp. 289–90.)

23. The broad­cast con­cludes with an excerpt from FTR-145, that high­lights Mueller’s dis­cred­i­ta­tion of jour­nal­ists attempt­ing to tell the truth about Bor­mann. When writer Ladis­las Fara­go (the author of, among oth­er titles, After­math) was in Latin Amer­i­ca research­ing the Bor­mann sto­ry, Mueller staged a false pho­to­graph of Bor­mann and mis­lead Fara­go into using it in his book. (Excerpt­ed from a let­ter from Paul Man­ning to William Leonard [the Pres­i­dent of CBS News]; 11/1/81.) The jour­nal­is­tic assault on Fara­go in this coun­try was led by Ger­ald Pos­ner, who also “walked point” for the media in the 1990’s with his unten­able rein­force­ment of the War­ren Com­mis­sion’s hypoth­e­sis.

24. The excerpt from the Man­ning-Leonard let­ter also dis­cuss­es the Mueller out­fit’s train­ing of Moham­mar Khadafy’s secret ser­vice. (Idem.) (This is also dis­cussed in RFA‑3.)

25. Man­ning also relates an account of his broad­cast appear­ance with a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Wiesen­thal orga­ni­za­tion, who agreed with his view that the Mueller net­work was the best intel­li­gence out­fit in the world. The Wiesen­thal rep­re­sen­ta­tive also agreed that Bor­mann had escaped from Europe. (Idem.)


One comment for “FTR #283 The Mueller File”

  1. I won­der whose body this real­ly is? And read down for a new book about “The Flight of The Wolf” (misc audio archives)

    Nazi Gestapo chief and ‘Final Solu­tion’ plan­ner Hein­rich Mueller ‘buried in Jew­ish ceme­tery’ in Berlin

    By Agence France-Presse


    The head of Hitler’s Gestapo secret police and one of the organ­is­ers of the Holo­caust, Hein­rich Mueller, was buried in a Jew­ish ceme­tery in Berlin in 1945, a Ger­man news­pa­per report­ed Thurs­day.

    For 68 years, the fate of “Gestapo-Mueller” has been unclear but Bild, based on doc­u­ments found by a his­to­ri­an, said he died at the end of the war and was buried in a com­mon grave in a Jew­ish ceme­tery in cen­tral Berlin.

    “Mueller didn’t sur­vive the end of the war,” the mass cir­cu­la­tion news­pa­per quot­ed Johannes Tuchel, head of the Memo­r­i­al to the Ger­man Resis­tance, as say­ing.

    “His body was interred in 1945 in the Jew­ish ceme­tery in Berlin-Mitte in a mass grave,” he said.

    Mueller was long rumoured to have sur­vived World War II. Bild quot­ed a Ger­man BND for­eign intel­li­gence file stat­ing that Mueller was in Carls­bad in the for­mer Czecho­slo­va­kia in sum­mer 1949.

    But Tuchel told Bild that the secret ser­vices were wrong.

    “Mueller’s body was already found in August 1945 in a pro­vi­sion­al grave near the for­mer Reich’s avi­a­tion min­istry by a bur­ial com­man­do,” he told Bild.

    His body was dressed in a general’s uni­form, Tuchel said. “In the inner left breast pock­et was, among oth­er things, his ser­vice cer­tifi­cate with a pho­to,” he went on.

    Bild also print­ed a doc­u­ment it said was from the registrar’s office in Berlin-Mitte show­ing Mueller was buried in the district’s Jew­ish ceme­tery.

    The leader of Germany’s Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty, Dieter Grau­mann, react­ed angri­ly.

    “That one of the most bru­tal Nazi sadists is buried in a Jew­ish ceme­tery is a dis­taste­ful mon­stros­i­ty. The mem­o­ry of the vic­tims is being treat­ed here with con­tempt,” he told Bild.

    Mueller attend­ed the Wannsee Con­fer­ence at a vil­la on the out­skirts of Berlin in Jan­u­ary 1942 at which senior Nazis plot­ted the “Final Solu­tion”, a plan to exter­mi­nate all Jews in Nazi-occu­pied Europe.


    And a new book about Hitler’s escape- dove­tails with the info on “Flight of The Wolf” in the Misc audio archives:


    Adolf Hitler ‘lived in Argenti­na till 1962 after flee­ing near end of WWII‘

    Mel­bourne, Oct. 31 (ANI): A new book has sug­gest­ed that Adolf Hitler not only sur­vived WWII but lived a fruit­ful life in Argenti­na.

    In the new book ‘Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler,’ British authors Ger­rard Williams and Simon Dun­stan have writ­ten that on the night of April 27, 1945, three peo­ple, Hitler, Eva Braun, broth­er-in-law, Her­mann Fegelein, emerged from a secret tun­nel con­nect­ing the bunker to the sur­face.

    Every­thing was pre­pared to the last detail by Hein­rich Muller, head of the Gestapo, right down to the dress worn by the body dou­bles that would be passed of as the corpses of the Fuhrer and his intend­ed bride, Braun.

    The small par­ty reached the vast Hohen­zollern­damm that ran through the cen­tre of Berlin, where a Junkers-52 trans­port air­craft wait­ed for them, with Cap­tain Peter Baum­gart, an expe­ri­enced Luft­waffe pilot, pilot­ing the plane.

    The small team land­ed in Den­mark, then jet­ted off to Spain, from where Gen­er­al Fran­co sup­plied the team with an air­craft to take them to the Canary Islands.

    From there, Hitler got aboard a sub­ma­rine to reach the Argen­tine coast, where he got off near the small port of Necochea, some 300 miles south of Buenos Aires.

    He nev­er set foot out­side Argenti­na and found some form of domes­tic hap­pi­ness by mar­ry­ing Eva Braun, with whom he fathered two daugh­ters.

    And after 17 years of liv­ing in hid­ing, he died on Feb­ru­ary 13, 1962, aged 73. (ANI)

    Posted by Swamp | October 31, 2013, 7:49 am

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