MP3 One Segment
NB: This RealAudio stream contains FTRs 288 and 289 in sequence. Each is a 30-minute broadcast.
1. Resuming the topic of the powerful Vatican order called Opus Dei. Deeply involved in the elevation of Pope John Paul II, the organization has roots going back to Francisco Franco’s fascist dictatorship in Spain. Following the arrest of a key FBI counterintelligence agent for allegedly spying on behalf of Russia and the former Soviet Union, it emerged that the official (Robert Hanssen) was a member of Opus Dei. (“Was FBI Agent’s True ‘Loyalty’ to Opus Dei?” by Yoichi Clark Shimatsu; Jinn Magazine, March 5, 2001.)
2. “The search for a motive [for Hanssen’s alleged actions] is complicated by the fact that his colleagues say that Hanssen was fiercely anticommunist and a devout member of Opus Dei, an ultraconservative Catholic organization. He was a regular parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena Church, in a Virginia suburb of the capital, where an elite congregation, which includes Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, attend traditional Latin masses.” (Ibid.; p. 1.)
3. Discussing the order and its history, Shimatsu relates its fascist antecedents, and also discusses evidence of a 1980s rapprochement between Moscow and the Vatican. (This rapprochement may have been a motive for the shooting of the Pope by Mehmet Ali Agca.) “Opus Dei, Latin for ‘Work of God,’ is a secretive lay group within the body of the Catholic Church, with more than 80,000 members worldwide. As the only personal prelature in the Church, it is an entity unto itself, separate from the diocesan structure. Founded in the late 1920’s by Spanish priest Jose Maria Escriva, Opus Dei assumed a political role from the start, openly siding with the Franco dictatorship. Its members served in cabinets while Spain was allied with Hitler and Mussolini. Opus Dei foundered in the wake of World War II, but regained impetus under Pope John Paul II, after providing crucial support for his papal candidacy. In the Polish pope, the group found a champion willing to back its harsh stance against abortion, birth control, its crusade against communism, the push for Catholicism as a state religion, and war on left-leaning liberation theologians within the Church. . . .Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, a powerful Opus Dei supporter, pursued a policy of reaching out toward Moscow with the aim of gaining Poland’s release from the Warsaw Pact. . . . Rivers of money, much of it provided by Bill Casey’s CIA, poured into Warsaw and Moscow, and the Vatican found ready support from the U.S. because the security establishment under President Ronald Reagan was packed with conservative Catholics, including Casey, Richard Allen and William Clark.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
4. Shimatsu then speculates about a possible motive for Hanssen’s alleged activities. “Hanssen’s most damaging activities in FBI counterintelligence coincided with these years, 1985–89. Secrets from America’s intelligence vaults could well have been part of the quid pro quo in the late Cardinal’s dance with Moscow. Certainly, the Vatican has had no qualms about violating American sensitivities. Indeed, it seems to reflect a Eurocentric triumphalism. The papal encyclical on labor rights slapped rampant materialism—that is, the immoral United States—as the ‘other’ great evil afoot in the world.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
5. The article also notes that FBI director Louis Freeh is also a member of the order. “Did Hanssen clear the path to the FBI directorate for his fellow Opus Dei member Louis Freeh? This possibility cannot be dismissed, nor should reluctance to interfere with a religious organization prevent a probe into Hanssen’s ties within Opus Dei.” (Ibid.; p. 3.)
6. Following discussion of Hanssen’s relationship to Opus Dei, the program highlights a “legal” organization called the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy. An extreme right-wing consortium with enormous sway within the Bush administration, the organization has already made its influence felt. (“Judgment Daze” by Julian Borger; The Guardian; 3/26/2001.)
7. “Founded in 1982, the group set as its goals the ideological conquest of the nation’s law schools. Two decades on it has achieved an extraordinary degree of success. The Federalists’ law school chapters now offer graduates a faster route to the top, through clerkships in high-profile chambers and a powerful career network, than the mainstream professional body, the American Bar Association (ABA). They scored their greatest triumph last week, when President Bush stripped the ABA of its role as a vetting agency in the appointment of federal judges. The ABA had first been assigned the task by President Eisenhower as a means of setting minimum professional standards for the judiciary around the country. . . . The Federalists have now taken the ABA’s place in all but name. In President Bush’s first week, a task force was set up in the White house to rush through nominations for the 100 (out of a total of 862) federal judgeships in appeals and circuit courts.” (Ibid.; pp. 1–2.)
8. Borger discusses the Federalists’ impact on the Bush administration and the Republican Party. “Many are veterans of earlier campaigns, such as Brett Kavanaugh, the young lawyer who served as chief investigator for Kenneth Starr, President Clinton’s inquisitor and nemesis and another key member of the Federalist Society. Mr. Starr, in turn, got the job of independent counsel from David Sentelle, a conservative circuit judge and early Federalist member. The lawyers acting for Paula Jones in her sexual harassment suit against the president and for Linda Tripp, who handed over secret tapes of Monica Lewinsky, were both Federalists.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
9. The article also sets forth the role of Federalists in the manipulation of the Florida vote count. “The Bush cause was argued by Ted Olson, the head of the Washington head of the Washington chapter of the Federalist Society, who is now Solicitor General. It was supported most fiercely on the Supreme Court by Antonin Scalia, one of the moving spirits behind the formation of the Federalists and a regular attraction at the society’s seminars and retreats for ambitious lawyers.” (Ibid.; pp. 2–3.)
10. Borger also points out that Federalists occupy key cabinet positions in the Bush administration. “The fact that the energy and interior secretaries, Spencer Abraham and Gale Norton are both senior Federalists no doubt played a role. [In guiding Bush environmental policies.] James Bopp, another Florida veteran, is leading the legal fight against campaign finance reform.” (Ibid.; p. 3.)
11. In discussing the radical right-wing nature of the Bush administration, the program underscores the fact that the Florida “recount” constituted a coup d état. “This is the most radical administration in living American memory. I use the word deliberately. Today’s right calls itself ‘conservative,’ but it is not that.” (“The Feeling of a Coup” by Anthony Lewis; New York Times; 3/31/2001; p. A27.)
12. The broadcast concludes with examination of an influential, but little known European business consortium. The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) wields decisive influence within the EU. (“The Quiet Knights of Europe’s Round Table” by Paul Betts; Financial Times; 3/20/2001; p. 10.)
13. “You would not imagine that this place saw the conception of a strategy that is set to be assessed by Thursday’s European Council meeting in Stockholm. That strategy, adopted by European governments and the European Commission at a council last year in Lisbon, drew largely on broad ERT recommendations. It exhorted the European Union to become ‘the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.’ ” (Idem.)
14. The article also discusses the group’s extreme secrecy. “Secrecy has merely strengthened its critics’ conviction that the ERT is ‘a shadowy lobby group that has, for the past 15 years, exerted an iron grip on policymaking in Brussels,’ as The Guardian newspaper described it in a 1999 report. A particularly critical study, entitled ‘Misshaping Europe,’ which was published seven years ago, even suggested that ‘the political agenda of the EC [as the EU was then known] has to a large extent been dominated by the ERT.’ ” (Idem.)
15. “Founded in 1983, it grew out of the groupe des presidents formed in the 1960’s by a very select and small number of European business tycoons led by Giovanni Agnelli of Fiat.” (Idem.)
This is fun: It turns out Antonin Scalia spent his last hours with a number of members from an Austrian-based secret-society dedicated to the Saint Hubert, the Catholic saint of deer hunting, whose conversion story is depicted on bottles of Jagermeister. So the next time you’re slamming that shot of Jager, you’re sort of celebrating one of Scalia’s secretly celebrated saints:
“The group’s Grand Master is “His Imperial Highness Istvan von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria,” according to the Order’s website.”
Note that the John B. Poindexter isn’t the same Opus Dei-affiliated John Poindexter of Iran Contra fame. That would be quite a twist, although dying during a secret hunting excursion with a secret society with the Archduke of Austria as its Grand Master is a pretty good twist too!
As the GOP and conservative movement continues to double and triple down on the stolen election narrative — a ‘lost cause’ revanchist insurrectionist narrative that has become necessary to win GOP primaries heading into the 2022 mid-terms — it’s going to be increasingly important to keep in mind that Donald Trump is far from the only figure who invested their future into this stolen election narrative and we shouldn’t treat the rapid capitulation of the GOP establishment to the Big Lie as a capitulation to Trump’s power and influence alone. Because as the following story about the Federalist Society bullying a Stanford Law Student reminds us, Donald Trump’s 2020 lost cause is also the manifestation of decades of right-wing institutional investments in Big Lies about mass Democratic voter fraud in order to justify increasingly restrictive voting measures. Right-wing audiences were primed for Trump’s stolen election narrative by those decades of right-wing propaganda about stolen elections. The insurrection was both an opportunistic Trump production and the fruition of a long-term GOP establishment institutional project to sow doubts in the public’s mind about any election the Republicans lose. In other words, the GOP establishment forged this stolen election weapon long before Donald Trump picked it up and used it.
And as the following story about the Federalist Society’s failed attempt to ‘cancel’ the graduation of Stanford Law School student Nicholas Wallace makes clear, the Federalist Society has played one of the most significant institutional roles in that multi-decade right-wing establishment effort that made Trump’s stolen election insurrection possible. Hans Spakovksy’s Federalist Society-endorsed ‘voter fraud’ ‘activism’ in particular. But it’s not another story about the Federalist Society pushing bogus voter fraud claims. It’s a story about the Federal Society trying to derail the graduation of a law student who made a blatant joke flier underscoring the prominent role Federalist Society members like Senator Josh Hawley and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton played in perpetuating those baseless stolen election narratives and even suing to force states to overturn their results. And it’s a story about how that bullying backfired. The victim just leveled a powerful rebuke. The kind of powerful concise rebuke that doesn’t feel like the last word on the topic. It’s a reminder that you probably don’t want to piss off a talented law student with a nuisance complaint when you’re blatantly guilty.
It all started for Wallace in late January of this year when he created an obviously satirical flier for a fake Stanford Federalist Society event. A fake “The Originalist Case for Inciting Insurrection,” event featuring Senator Josh Hawley and Texas AG Ken Paxton, scheduled for January 6. This was posted to the student law-talk listserv on Jan. 25. It was obviously just poking fun at how Hawly and Paxton played their roles in fueling questions about the validity of the election, everyone had a chuckle, and that was that. Or at least it seemed like that was that. Until Wallace received a letter on May 27 informing him he was under investigation but violating Stanford’s code of conduct. This was two weeks before his graduation, putting his law degree on hold.
And, of course, this hold up on Wallace’s graduation was due to a complaint filed by Stanford Federalist Society members alleging he defamed the group, its officers, Hawley and Paxton. It was the kind of bad-faithed complaint the right-wing has come to specialize in where it’s only valid if everyone plays dumb. In this case, we all have to play dumb about not just the prominent role played by Federalist Society members like Hawley and Paxton in supporting Trump’s stolen election claims, but also ignore the group’s decades of investment in voter fraud myths promulgated by figures like Hans von Spakovsky. The kind of past and present that one would have to actively play dumb to ignore. It was such a poorly founded complaint against Wallace that when it was suggested he contact the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a group that has ironically taken money from right-wing foundations like the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Charles Koch Institute, Stanford University dropped the investigation a day after FIRE sent a letter contesting the complaint. The university went on to claim administrators had no knowledge of the Federalist Society’s complaint and was angered when they learned about Wallace’s treatment. A complete backpedal in a day.
And don’t forget that the Federalist Society has indisputably had more influence of the selection of the current crop of Supreme Court Justices than any other entity. The Supreme Court’s 6 Justice right-wing majority really is a Federalist Society production.
So it would appear that the Federalist Society exploited its immense power at Stanford Law School to punish Wallace for his obvious prank, but when push came to shove and Wallace made clear he wasn’t going to accept this absurd investigation, the university was forced to cave. Immediately. And that’s part of what makes this such an interesting episode: it’s the story about one of the most powerful legal institutions in the US being forced to back off from its attempt to intimidate an up and coming lawyer because the fact were on Wallace’s side. Undeniable facts about the Federalist Society’s history of promoting exactly the memes and falsehoods that Trump has relied on in his stolen election claims. The Stanford investigation rapidly ruled in Wallace’s favor because history is on his side:
“Like all good satire, it was a little bit believable. But you’d also think anyone smart enough to get into Stanford would have quickly realized that haha it’s a joke. A nerdy legal joke, but definitely a joke.”
Like all good satire, Nicholas Wallace’s flier was a little bit believable. But only a little. You would have be playing dumb to believe it. So of course the Federalist Society’s complaint against Wallace — executed two weeks before graduation — was predicated on that bad-faithed literal interpretation of Wallace’s satire. But the complaint was accurate in one sense: it really did harm the reputation of Federalist Society members. Deservedly so:
But Wallace didn’t stop after forcing Stanford to back down. He just published a piece in Slate is openly calling for a boycott of the Federalist Society, not because it tried to intimidate and ‘cancel’ him over his joke, but because of the profound damage the group has done and continues to do to the very idea of democracy. And as we might expect from a fresh Stanford Law School graduate, Wallace piece is pretty brutal. An undeniable. It’s why this story is going to be so interesting to watch play out: the Federalist Society picked a fight with a law student, tried to ‘cancel’ him, lost badly because their complaints have no basis in fact, and now that student is publicly walking all over the group exposing their anti-democratic agenda. And there’s not really anything the group can do to dispute Wallace’s public critiques. Because, again, history is on Wallace’s side. And he knows it:
“In other words, rather than impairing the Federalist Society’s reputation by spreading a lie, a necessary element of defamation, I hoped to do so by drawing attention to the organization’s all-too-real connections to the Jan. 6 insurrection. In the six months since the attack, the Federalist Society leaders who sought to overturn the results of a free and fair election have faced virtually no consequences, and the organization itself has refused to condemn the insurrectionists in its ranks. An organization that tolerates efforts to undermine democracy should not be permitted to remain in good standing in the legal community. At minimum, attorneys, law scholars, and law students should refuse to participate in the organization’s events until it takes meaningful steps to disavow the anti-democratic movement so many of its members have supported.”
As Wallace readily admits, his flier was indeed intended to impair the Federalist Society’s reputation. By pointing out the group’s very real and serious connections to the January 6 Capitol insurrection and foundation of lies that led up to it. The Federalist Society’s own track record is its own indictment. No deception is necessary. Just the well documented history of the extensive efforts of figures like Hans von Spakovksy, who spent the last decade focused on perpetrating a myth of mass Democratic voter fraud. Efforts that Spakovsky turbo-charged as the 2020 election drew closer. And efforts that have been largely under-recognized by the broader public. Simply put, Spakovksy has been a walking scandal for years. And that scandal has only exploded in the wake of the insurrection. But it’s not just a Spakovsky scandal. It’s a Federalist Society scandal. There’s no honest way to deny it:
And then there’s the shocking lawsuits waged by 18 Republican state attorneys general to overturn election results in other states. It’s a scandal, but it’s not just a GOP scandal. These attorneys general were overwhelmingly Federalist Society members. And that was just one example of Federalist Society members in elected office abusing their powers using specious legal reasoning. As Wallace puts it, no organization with such extensive ties to a violent attack on our democracy should occupy a place of respect within the legal community:
It’s all a reminder that if the Federalist Society was truly interested in investigating the people responsible for damaging its reputation it would investigate itself. Ideally the investigation would include the figures cited on Wallace’s flier (Josh Hawley and Ken Paxton), but it can’t leave out long-standing Federalist Society figures like Hans von Spakovsky. And then hopefully the investigation can proceed to include all of the prominent Federalist Society members who continue to refuse to publicly denounce the insurrection or even continue to support the stolen election Big Lies underpinning it.
Or the group can continue to ignore the role it’s playing in this ongoing assault on democracy and become the pariah organization it deserves to be, with the help of people like Nicholas Wallace. Either/or.