Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #310 Bush League: Associates and Actions of the Georges Bush, Part 1

Lis­ten: Side 1 | Side 2

1. George W. Bush recent­ly appoint­ed Elliot Abrams to the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. Abrams was one of the con­vict­ed Iran-Con­tra con­spir­a­tors par­doned by his father short­ly before leav­ing office. (“Iran-Con­tra Fig­ure Back at White House”; New York Times; 6/30/2001; p. A4.)

2. Bush also recent­ly select­ed Robert Mueller, a mem­ber of his father’s Jus­tice Depart­ment, to be FBI direc­tor. (“S.F. Pros­e­cu­tor Mueller Picked to Lead FBI, Mend Its Image” by Zachary Coile and Bob Egelko; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 7/6/2001; pp. A1-A12.)

Pres­i­dent Bush tapped Robert S. Mueller III, the U.S. attor­ney in San Fran­cis­co, as the new direc­tor of the FBI yes­ter­day, seek­ing a no-non­sense man­ag­er to repair the image of an agency accused of botch­ing sev­er­al recent high-pro­file cas­es.

Mueller, a 56-year-old vet­er­an fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor who helped put Pana­man­ian strong­man Manuel Nor­ie­ga behind bars, was nom­i­nat­ed to suc­ceed Louis Freeh. Freeh, who led the depart­ment through eight tur­bu­lent years under Pres­i­dent Bill Clin­ton, retired last month.

Mueller was picked for the 10-year FBI direc­tor’s term after prov­ing him­self as act­ing deputy attor­ney gen­er­al dur­ing Bush’s pres­i­den­tial tran­si­tion. His nom­i­na­tion requires Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion.

3. In his work for the Bush Jus­tice Depart­ment, Mueller was less than vig­or­ous in his role over­see­ing the pros­e­cu­tion of Gen­er­al Nor­ie­ga of Pana­ma and the BCCI case. (“In the Run­ning for FBI Direc­tor” by Sta­cy Finz; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 7/1/2001; pp. A1-A6.) Both the BCCI case and the Nor­ie­ga case over­lap the Iran-Con­tra inves­ti­ga­tion and the elder Bush was prin­ci­pal­ly involved in the Iran-Con­tra imbroglio. Full dis­clo­sure con­cern­ing the BCCI case could lead to inves­ti­ga­tion of James R. Bath, the Texas busi­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Bin Laden fam­i­ly and one of the financiers of George W.‘s first oil ven­ture. Bin Laden’s forces have for­mal­ly tak­en cred­it for bomb­ing the U.S.S. Cole dur­ing the cam­paign. (“Islam­ic Mil­i­tants Brag They Bombed War­ship Cole” by Diana Elias [AP]; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 6/20/2001; p. A8.) It is believ­able that the Cole bomb­ing was exe­cut­ed for the ben­e­fit of the Bush cam­paign.

4. In that con­text, the broad­cast sug­gests the pos­si­bil­i­ty that some of the dif­fi­cul­ties that the FBI (among oth­er insti­tu­tions) has encoun­tered in con­nec­tion with the Cole bomb­ing may result from obstruc­tion by the Bush camp. (“U.S. Faces Hur­dles in Approach to USS Cole Probe” by David S. Cloud and Neil King, Jr.; Wall Street Jour­nal; 7/6/2001; p. A10.)

5. Next, the pro­gram exam­ines the pro-Bush stance of Fox News, run by George Sr.‘s asso­ciate Roger Ailes. (“Good Guys on Cable TV” by William Ger­man; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 7/6/2001; p. A25.)

6. That net­work led the media rush to call Flori­da as a Bush win, and the Fox polit­i­cal desk was head­ed by Bush’s cousin, John Ellis.

7. The pro­gram high­lights the bizarre, cult-like ini­ti­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny of the elite Skull and Bones soci­ety, to which both Georges belonged. (“At Skull and Bones, Bush’s Secret Club Ini­ti­ates Ream Gore” by Ron Rosen­baum; New York Observ­er; 4/19/2001; pp. 11–17.)

8. The broad­cast high­lights the recent extra­di­tion of a col­lab­o­ra­tor of Enrique Fuentes Leon, a drug-deal­ing polit­i­cal ally of George W. Bush. (“U.S. Returns an Ex-Judge to Mex­i­co” by Tim Wein­er; New York Times; 6/22/2001; p. A3.)

9. Leon had bribed Ernesto Diaz on behalf of a wealthy Aca­pul­co play­boy who had raped, tor­tured and kid­napped a 6‑year-old girl. (“Los Ami­gos de Bush” by Julie Reynolds; El Andar; Fall, 2000; Vol. 11, #3; p.23;

10. Nar­co-attor­ney and Bush ally Roy Bar­rera, Jr. rep­re­sent­ed Har­ry Black­thorne, a Texas mul­ti-mil­lion­aire whose ex-wife was stabbed to death in front of her tod­dler quadru­plets. The hit man fled to Mex­i­co and was rep­re­sent­ed by Enrique Fuentes Leon. (Ibid.; p. 27.)


3 comments for “FTR #310 Bush League: Associates and Actions of the Georges Bush, Part 1”

  1. Ringers always love fel­low ringers. With the appoint­ment of Robert Swan Mueller as spe­cial
    coun­sel to lead the Rus­sia-Trump inves­ti­ga­tion for the jus­tice depart­ment there’s a sud­den
    sigh of bi-par­ti­san relief.

    “It’s a sur­pris­ing­ly good choice” said Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen. Kamala Har­ris. “I believe him to be a
    con­sum­mate pro­fes­sion­al.”
    Like Mueller, Har­ris knows a lot about “con­sum­mate” cov­er-ups. As Cal­i­for­nia AG she
    rec­om­mend­ed denial of parole for RFK assas­si­na­tion pat­sy Sirhan Sirhan, even though
    bal­lis­tic analy­sis pro­vid­ed by defence lawyer/author Willam Pep­per point­ed to fraud­u­lent
    pros­e­cu­tion and fram­ing of his client.

    Mueller, con­sid­ered a men­tor to fired FBI direc­tor James Comey, comes by his Deep State
    (and pos­si­bly Bor­mann) cre­den­tials through a “con­sum­mate” lin­eage. He is the grand-
    nephew of for­mer CIA deputy direc­tor Richard Bis­sell. Wife Ann Cabell Stan­dish is the
    grand­daugh­ter of for­mer CIA deputy direc­tor Gen­er­al Charles Cabell. (Charles’ broth­er
    Earl was the may­or of Dal­las on Nov 22 1963). JFK fired both men, along with direc­tor
    Allen Dulles fol­low­ing the Bay of Pigs fias­co.

    I’m remind­ed of the film Chi­na­town when the Jack Nichol­son char­ac­ter JJ Gittes, speak­ing
    of heavy Claude Mul­vahill, says “when he was sher­iff of Ven­tu­ra Coun­ty the rum run­ners
    land­ed hun­dreds of tons of booze on the beach and nev­er spilled a drop. He ough­ta be
    able to hold onto your water for ya.”

    If not Robert Swan Mueller can always car­ry the water.

    Posted by Dennis | May 21, 2017, 2:22 pm
  2. While still main­tain­ing Robert Mueller is the grand-nephew of Richard Bis­sell (through
    mar­riage) I’m no longer con­fi­dent that his wife Ann Cabell Stan­dish is the grand-daugh­ter
    of Gen­er­al Charles Cabell. Cabell had sev­en grand­chil­dren but I have no defin­i­tive proof
    Ann is one of them.

    Apolo­gies if I mis­led any­one. How­ev­er I believe the thrust of my con­tention regard­ing
    con­tin­u­ous deep polit­i­cal events such as assas­si­na­tions, spe­cial coun­sels and coverup by
    com­mit­tee is true and accu­rate. These deep events rep­re­sent the inter­sec­tion of both
    elect­ed and unelect­ed, pri­vate and pub­lic, crim­i­nal and legit­i­mate rela­tion­ships and

    Posted by Dennis | May 22, 2017, 6:19 pm
  3. @Dennis–

    Robert Mueller’s moth­er was named Alice Trues­dale.

    Her Father was Melville Dou­glas Trues­dale.

    His Sis­ter was Marie Trues­dale. (Aunt of Alice.)

    Marie Trues­dale mar­ried Richard M. Bis­sell Sr. (Uncle of Alice)

    Their son was Richard M. Bis­sell Jr. (First Cousin of Alice)

    Robert Mueller, son of Alice, is there­fore the sec­ond cousin of the Richard Bis­sell Jr.

    Posted by RKW | December 16, 2018, 11:39 pm

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