MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
1. Beginning with information about the ECHELON system and the NSA/GCHQ facility at Menwith Hill, the program discusses ongoing friction between the United States / United Kingdom and the EU over alleged electronic eavesdropping. (“EU Warns on E‑Mail Spy Threat from U.S.” by Deborah Hargreaves; Financial Times; 5/30/2001; p. 6.)
2. It has been advanced that ECHELON and Menwith Hill are essential to both U.S. and British national security and has analyzed the EU/German pressure to curtail these operations against the background of escalating intelligence friction between the U.S. and Germany.
3. This has led Germany to close a long-standing U.S. intelligence facility at Bad Aibling. (“U.S. to Shut Spy Station in Germany” by Tony Czuczka [AP]; 6/1/2001.)
4. A Tory MP has charged the Germans with using the Euro in order to wage economic war in a fashion not unlike Hitler’s currency manipulations. (“MP Likens Schroder’s Vision for Europe to Hitler’s” by Robert Shrimsley; Financial Times; 5/12–13/2001; p. 5.)
5. The program then considers a very important, but little-noticed change in EU trade regulation. Germany reversed its stand and opposed EU legislation that would have permitted hostile takeovers of EU owned corporations. (“Berlin ‘Bowed to Pressure’ Over New Takeover Code” by Haig Simonian; Financial Times; 5/3/2001; p. 2.)
6. Germany pressured other EU member states to oppose the legislation. (“Germans Seek to Kill off EU Takeover Directive” by Deborah Hargreaves; Financial Times; 7/3/2001; p. 2.)
7. That pressure was successful and the European Parliament voted against the legislation. (“European Takeover Plan Rejected” by Daniel Dombey; Financial Times; 7/5/2001; p. 1.)
8. It should be noted in this context that German corporations may engage in hostile takeovers of American corporations. It should also be noted in that context that the state of Lower Saxony has significant capital participation in, and voting rights in the Volkswagen Corporation. (“EU Questions German State’s VW Veto” by Paul Hofheinz and Scott Millen; Wall Street Journal; 5/11/2001; p. A12.)
9. This is precisely the type of “Golden Shares” that have long figured in EU economic debate, the takeover issue, in particular. In past discussion of Chrysler’s acquisition by Daimler-Benz, Mr. Emory has noted that the transaction was precisely the type of deal that is all but impossible to swing in Europe. (See also FTR-96.)
10. Next, the broadcast underscores several interesting aspects of a recent shareholders meeting of DaimlerChrysler. (“DaimlerChrysler CEO Meets Shareholder Wrath” by Daniel Rubin; Austin Statesman-American; 4/12/2001; pp. C1-C6.)
11. The shareholders discussed the obvious pro-German swing of the firm, its environmental encroachments and its involvement in nuclear weapons development. (Ibid.; p. C6.)
12. The program then details the pivotal involvement of the Bormann organization in the growth of the German automobile industry, VW and Daimler/Benz, in particular. “But it is just as true that the river of wealth back into West Germany from assets sequestered by Martin Bormann and the corporations that participated in his brilliantly conceived program of flight capital was a major factor in the recovery of the nation—and the best-kept secret in all German history. The return of capital began slowly. As factories were rebuilt and revved up for production, money from Swiss banks representing their secret accounts flowed into the Rhineland It was termed investment money, and the first corporations to enjoy its impact were those with demand products: automobiles, steel, and chemicals. Ferdinand Porsche, who designed the famed ‘Tiger’ tank, redesigned Hitler’s ‘people’s car,’ the Volkswagen, and a new factory was erected to turn it out. Daimler-Benz shortly had its Mercedes cars and trucks rolling from the assembly lines, and as the giant industrial complexes geared once again for full production and business, the smokestacks of Essen told a story of full employment and the eagerness and managerial staffs to get on with the job of climbing up from zero to total output. The Swiss bankers themselves, watching the funds they were directed to invest in these German industries, also invested their own funds and those of their German, British, French, Belgian, Swiss, and American clients. One American occupation officer was advised by his Swiss banker to invest his modest army salary in West German automotive firms. ‘I gave him carte blanche with my account,’ said the officer, ‘and months later on a visit to Zurich, I discovered my few thousand dollars had escalated to $250,000, and was still appreciating.’ Regrettably, a problem soon arose: following his discharge from the army and his return to the United States he couldn’t declare his secret account, because he had consistently failed to include it on his U.S. tax returns. A pillar of his community, he had to go abroad to spend these gains.” (Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; P. 281.)
13. The economic and political component of a Third Reich gone underground, the Bormann organization controls corporate Germany and much of the rest of the world. One prominent banker described it as, “the most important concentration of money power under a single control in history.” Created and run by Martin Bormann, the organizational genius who was the “the power behind the throne” in Nazi Germany, the Bormann group is a primary element of the analysis presented in the For the Record programs.
14. The broadcast concludes with a brief look at the Bormann organization’s vast economic influence in the United States. “Schmitz’s wealth—largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), General Motors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and the 700 secret companies controlled in his time by I.G., as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War II—has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland.” (Ibid.; p. 280.)
15. Central to that wealth and influence is the Hermann Schmitz Trust and the vast wealth bequeathed from the I.G. Farben executive. (Idem.)
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