Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #323 The Unabomber

Lis­ten: Side 1 | Side 2

High­light­ing an aspect of “the Unabomber” case that has attract­ed com­par­a­tive­ly lit­tle atten­tion, this pro­gram doc­u­ments con­vict­ed Unabomber Theodore Kaczyn­ski’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exper­i­ment at Har­vard while an under­grad­u­ate. This exper­i­ment may very well been part of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty’s psy­cho­log­i­cal exper­i­men­ta­tion and mind con­trol pro­grams.

1. Short­ly before the broad­cast was record­ed, Kaczyn­s­ki lost an appeal to have his guilty plea over­turned. “A fed­er­al appeals court refused again yes­ter­day to let Theodore Kaczyn­s­ki with­draw his guilty plea and face a death-penal­ty tri­al for the Unabomber mur­ders. A dis­sent­ing judge said the rul­ing treats Kaczyn­s­ki as ‘less than human.’ The U.S. Court of Appeals in San Fran­cis­co denied a rehear­ing of its 2‑to‑1 rul­ing last Feb­ru­ary that found that Kaczyn­s­ki plead­ed guilty vol­un­tar­i­ly to save his life. . .Before his plea in a Sacra­men­to fed­er­al court, Kaczyn­s­ki had object­ed to his court-appoint­ed lawyers’ plans to por­tray him to the jury as men­tal­ly ill.” (“U.S. Appeals Court Rules Kaczyn­ski’s Guilty Plea Stands” by Bob Egelko; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 8/18/2001; p. A7.)

2. As we shall see, Kaczyn­ski’s lawyers may have been right. Fur­ther­more, his aber­rant men­tal state may have result­ed (in part at least) from his par­tic­i­pa­tion in an exper­i­ment as a pre­co­cious, 16-year-old under­grad­u­ate at Har­vard. “In the fall of 1958, Theodore Kaczyn­s­ki, a bril­liant but vul­ner­a­ble boy of six­teen, entered Har­vard Col­lege. There he encoun­tered a pre­vail­ing intel­lec­tu­al atmos­phere of anti-tech­no­log­i­cal despair. There, also, he was deceived into sub­ject­ing him­self to a series of pur­pose­ly bru­tal­iz­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal experiments—experiments that may have con­firmed his still-form­ing belief in the evil of sci­ence. Was the Unabomber born at Har­vard?” (“Har­vard and the mak­ing of the Unabomber” by Alston Chase; The Atlantic Month­ly; June/2000; p. 1; accessed at www.theatlantic.com/issues/2000/06/chase.htm .)

3. Devel­op­ing the sto­ry of this appar­ent­ly bru­tal­iz­ing exper­i­ment, the broad­cast sets forth Har­vard psy­chol­o­gist Hen­ry A. Mur­ray’s super­vi­sion of the exper­i­ment in which Kaczyn­s­ki par­tic­i­pat­ed. “No. 7 Divin­i­ty Avenue is a mod­ern mul­ti-sto­ry aca­d­e­m­ic build­ing today, hous­ing the uni­ver­si­ty’s Depart­ment of Mol­e­c­u­lar and Cel­lu­lar Biol­o­gy. In 1959, a com­fort­able old house stood on the site. Known as the Annex, it served as a lab­o­ra­to­ry in which staff mem­bers of the Depart­ment of Social Rela­tions con­duct­ed research on human sub­jects. There, from the fall of 1959, through the spring of 1962, Har­vard psy­chol­o­gists, led by Hen­ry A. Mur­ray, con­duct­ed a dis­turb­ing and what would now be seen as eth­i­cal­ly inde­fen­si­ble exper­i­ment on twen­ty-two under­grad­u­ates. To pre­serve the anonymi­ty of these stu­dent guinea pigs, exper­i­menters referred to indi­vid­u­als by code name only. One of these stu­dents, whom they dubbed ‘Law­ful,’ was Theodore John Kaczyn­s­ki, who would one day be known as the Unabomber, and who would lat­er mail or deliv­er six­teen pack­age bombs to sci­en­tists, aca­d­e­mi­cians, and oth­ers over sev­en­teen years, killing three peo­ple and injur­ing twen­ty-three.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)

4. Reflect­ing the per­spec­tive that most peo­ple have of Kaczyn­s­ki, the pro­gram fur­ther under­scores the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Kaczyn­ski’s behav­ior may have been strong­ly influ­enced by the exper­i­ment. “Most of us believe we already know Ted Kaczyn­s­ki. Accord­ing to the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom, Kaczyn­s­ki, a bril­liant for­mer pro­fes­sor of math­e­mat­ics turned Mon­tana her­mit and mail bomber, is, sim­ply, men­tal­ly ill. He is a para­noid schiz­o­phrenic, and there is noth­ing more about him to inter­est us. But the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom is mis­tak­en. I came to dis­cov­er that Kaczyn­s­ki is nei­ther the extreme lon­er he has been made out to be nor in any clin­i­cal sense men­tal­ly ill. He is an intel­lec­tu­al and a con­vict­ed mur­der­er, and to under­stand the con­nec­tions between these two facts we must revis­it his time at Har­vard.” (Ibid.; p. 3.)

5. Appar­ent­ly, Har­vard has been less than can­did about all of the data con­cern­ing the exper­i­ment in which Kaczyn­s­ki par­tic­i­pat­ed. “Kaczyn­s­ki told me that the Hen­ry A. Mur­ray Research Cen­ter of the Rad­cliffe Insti­tute for Advanced Study, although it released some raw data about him to his attor­neys, had refused to share infor­ma­tion about the Mur­ray team’s analy­sis of that data. Kaczyn­s­ki hint­ed dark­ly that the Mur­ray Cen­ter seemed to feel it had some­thing to hide. One of his defense inves­ti­ga­tors, he said, report­ed that the cen­ter had told par­tic­i­pat­ing psy­chol­o­gists not to talk with his defense team.” (Idem.)

6. Alton Chase was only slight­ly more suc­cess­ful than Kaczyn­s­ki at obtain­ing infor­ma­tion about the exper­i­ment. As the infor­ma­tion about the exper­i­ment was clar­i­fied, the abu­sive nature of the exper­i­ment began to become clear. “Sev­er­al of the research assis­tants I inter­viewed could­n’t, or would­n’t, talk much about the study. Nor could the Mur­ray Cen­ter be entire­ly forth­com­ing. After con­sid­er­ing my appli­ca­tion, its research com­mit­tee approved my request to view the records of this exper­i­ment, the so-called data set, which referred to sub­jects by code names only. But because Kaczyn­ski’s alias was by then known to some jour­nal­ists, I was not per­mit­ted to view his records. Through research at the Mur­ray Cen­ter and in the Har­vard archives I found that, among its oth­er pur­pos­es, Hen­ry Mur­ray’s exper­i­ment was intend­ed to mea­sure how peo­ple react under stress. Mur­ray sub­ject­ed his unwit­ting stu­dents, includ­ing Kaczyn­s­ki, to inten­sive interrogation—what Mur­ray him­self called ‘vehe­ment, sweep­ing, and per­son­al­ly abu­sive’ attacks, assault­ing his sub­jects’ egos and most-cher­ished ideals and beliefs.” (Ibid.; pp. 3–4.)

7. Detail­ing the psy­cho­log­i­cal pro­file of Kaczyn­s­ki devel­oped by prison psy­chi­atric offi­cials, the pro­gram doc­u­ments the con­ver­gence of two belief sys­tems that pre­cip­i­tat­ed Kaczyn­ski’s attacks. “My quest was specific—to deter­mine what effects, if any, the exper­i­ment may have had on Kaczyn­s­ki. This was a sub­set of a larg­er ques­tion: What effects had Har­vard had on Kaczyn­s­ki? In 1998, as he faced tri­al for mur­der, Kaczyn­s­ki was exam­ined by Sal­ly John­son, a foren­sic psy­chi­a­trist with the U.S. Bureau of Pris­ons, at the order of a court. In her eval­u­a­tion John­son wrote that Kaczyn­s­ki ‘has inter­twined his two belief sys­tems, that soci­ety is bad and he should rebel against it, and his intense anger at his fam­i­ly for his per­ceived injus­tices.’ The Unabomber was cre­at­ed when these two belief sys­tems con­verged. And it was at Har­vard, John­son sug­gest­ed, that they first sur­faced and met. She wrote: ‘Dur­ing his col­lege years he had fan­tasies of liv­ing a prim­i­tive life and fan­ta­sized him­self as ‘an agi­ta­tor, rous­ing mobs to fren­zies of rev­o­lu­tion­ary vio­lence.’ He claims that dur­ing that time he start­ed to think about break­ing away from nor­mal soci­ety.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 4.)

8. Ask­ing a piv­otal ques­tion, the pro­gram sets forth the cen­tral point of inquiry—did the Mur­ray exper­i­ment lead to Kaczyn­ski’s behav­ior. “It was at Har­vard that Kaczyn­s­ki first encoun­tered the ideas about the evils of soci­ety that would pro­vide a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for, and a focus to, an anger he had felt since junior high school. It was at Har­vard that he began to devel­op these ideas into his anti-tech­nol­o­gy ide­ol­o­gy of rev­o­lu­tion. It was at Har­vard that Kaczyn­s­ki began to have fan­tasies of revenge, began to dream of escap­ing into wilder­ness. And it was at Har­vard, as far as can be deter­mined, that he fixed on dual­is­tic ideas of good and evil, and on a math­e­mat­i­cal cog­ni­tive style that led him to think he could find absolute truth through the appli­ca­tion of his own rea­son. Was the Unabomber—‘the most intel­lec­tu­al ser­i­al killer the nation has ever pro­duced,’ as one crim­i­nol­o­gist has called him-born at Har­vard?” (Idem.)

9. Ini­tial­ly, the psy­cho­log­i­cal pro­file of Kaczyn­s­ki is not what one would have expect­ed, giv­en what ulti­mate­ly came to pass. “The health-ser­vices doc­tor who inter­viewed Kaczyn­s­ki as part of the med­ical exam­i­na­tion Har­vard required for all fresh­men observed: ‘Good impres­sion cre­at­ed. Attrac­tive, mature for age, relaxed. . . . Talks eas­i­ly, flu­ent­ly and pleas­ant­ly. . . . likes peo­ple and gets on well with them. May have many acquain­tances but makes his friends care­ful­ly. Prefers to be by him­self part of the time at least. May be slight­ly shy . . . . Essen­tial­ly a prac­ti­cal and real­is­tic plan­ner and an effi­cient work­er. . . . Exceed­ing­ly sta­ble, well inte­grat­ed and feels secure with­in him­self. Usu­al­ly very adapt­able. May have many achieve­ments and sat­is­fac­tions.’ [Ital­ics are Mr. Emory’s] The doc­tor fur­ther described Kaczyn­s­ki thus: ‘Pleas­ant young man who is below usu­al col­lege entrance age. Appar­ent­ly a good math­e­mati­cian but seems to be gift­ed in this direc­tion only. Plans not crys­tal­lized yet but this is to be expect­ed at his age. Is slight­ly shy and retir­ing but not to any abnor­mal extent. Should be [a] steady work­er.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 12.)

10. In assess­ing the Kaczyn­s­ki sto­ry and the exper­i­ment to which he was sub­ject­ed, it is inter­est­ing (and pos­si­bly sig­nif­i­cant) to note the pro­fes­sion­al back­ground of the experimenter–Henry A. Mur­ray. “He [Mur­ray] lent his tal­ents to nation­al aims dur­ing World War II. For­rest Robin­son, the author of a 1992 biog­ra­phy of Mur­ray, wrote that dur­ing this peri­od he ‘flour­ished as a leader in the glob­al cru­sade of good against evil’ . . . . (He had long shown inter­est, for exam­ple, in the whole sub­ject of brain­wash­ing.) Dur­ing the war Mur­ray served in the Office of Strate­gic Ser­vices, the fore­run­ner of the CIA, help­ing to devel­op psy­cho­log­i­cal screen­ing tests for appli­cants and (accord­ing to Tim­o­thy Leary) mon­i­tor­ing mil­i­tary exper­i­ments on brain­wash­ing. In his book The Search for the ‘Manchuri­an can­di­date’ John Marks report­ed that Gen­er­al ‘Wild Bill’ Dono­van, the OSS direc­tor, ‘called in Har­vard psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor Hen­ry ‘Har­ry’ Mur­ray’ to devise a sys­tem for test­ing the suit­abil­i­ty of appli­cants to the OSS. Mur­ray and his col­leagues ‘put togeth­er an assess­ment sys­tem . . . [that] test­ed a recruit’s abil­i­ty to stand up under pres­sure, to be a leader, to hold liquor, to lie skill­ful­ly, and to read a per­son­’s char­ac­ter by the nature of his cloth­ing.... Mur­ray’s sys­tem became a fix­ture in the OSS.’ ” (Ibid.; [Part II]; pp. 10–11.)

11. After the war, Mur­ray put his OSS-relat­ed skills to work at Har­vard. “Before the war, Mur­ray had been the direc­tor of the Har­vard Psy­cho­log­i­cal Clin­ic. After the war Mur­ray returned to Har­vard, where he con­tin­ued to refine tech­niques of per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment. In 1948, he sent a grant appli­ca­tion to the Rock­e­feller Foun­da­tion propos­ing ‘the devel­op­ment of a sys­tem of pro­ce­dures for test­ing the suit­abil­i­ty of offi­cer can­di­dates for the navy.’ By 1950, he had resumed stud­ies on Har­vard under­grad­u­ates that he had begun, in rudi­men­ta­ry form, before the war, titled ‘Mul­ti­form assess­ments of Per­son­al­i­ty Devel­op­ment Among Gift­ed Col­lege Men.’ The exper­i­ment in which Kaczyn­s­ki par­tic­i­pat­ed was the last and most elab­o­rate in the series. In their post­war form, these exper­i­ments focused on stress­ful dyadic rela­tions, design­ing con­fronta­tions akin to those mock inter­ro­ga­tions he had helped to orches­trate for the OSS.” (Ibid.; p. 11.)

12. Kaczyn­s­ki was reluc­tant to par­tic­i­pate in the exper­i­ment. “Kaczyn­s­ki told Mel­lo that he was ‘pres­sured into par­tic­i­pat­ing’ in the Mur­ray exper­i­ment. His hes­i­ta­tion turned out to be sen­si­ble. Researchers gave the vol­un­teers almost no infor­ma­tion about the exper­i­ment in which they would par­tic­i­pate. . . . the test that served as the cen­ter­piece for this under­tak­ing appears remark­ably sim­i­lar to the old OSS stress test. Stu­dents would be giv­en the third degree. But where­as the OSS appli­cants must have known that endur­ing unpleas­ant inter­ro­ga­tions could be part of their job, these stu­dents did not. The intent was to catch them by sur­prise, to deceive them, and to bru­tal­ize them.” (Ibid.; [Part three]; p. 1.)

13. The pur­pose, and con­text, of the exper­i­ments remains unclear and some­what omi­nous. “At oth­er times, he recalled the ide­al­is­tic goal of acquir­ing knowl­edge that would lead to improv­ing human per­son­al­i­ty devel­op­ment. At still oth­er times, his lan­guage seemed to sug­gest a con­tin­ued inter­est in stress­ful inter­ro­ga­tions. For exam­ple, Mur­ray explained in his ‘Notes on Dyadic Research,’ dat­ed March 16, 1959, that an ongo­ing goal of the research, which focused heav­i­ly on ‘degree of anx­i­ety and dis­in­te­gra­tion,’ was to ‘design, and eval­u­ate instru­ments and pro­ce­dures for the pre­dic­tion of how each sub­ject will react in the course of a stress­ful dyadic pro­ceed­ing.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 5.)

14. Some have raised the ques­tion of whether the exper­i­ment may have been relat­ed to CIA mind con­trol research being con­duct­ed at that time. (Some of that was done at Har­vard.) In par­tic­u­lar, some have raised the ques­tion of whether some of the stu­dents may have been admin­is­tered LSD. (For more on the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty’s exper­i­men­ta­tion with LSD, see RFA#28—available from Spit­fire.) “Such equiv­o­ca­tion prompts one to ask, ‘Could the exper­i­ment have had a pur­pose that Mur­ray was reluc­tant to divulge?’ Was the mul­ti­form-assess­ments project intend­ed, at least in part, to help the CIA deter­mine how to test, or break down, an indi­vid­u­al’s abil­i­ty to with­stand inter­ro­ga­tion? The writer Alexan­der Cock­burn has asked whether the stu­dents might have been giv­en the hal­lu­cino­genic drug LSD with­out their knowl­edge, pos­si­bly at the request of the CIA. By the late 1950’s accord­ing to some, Mur­ray had become quite inter­est­ed in hal­lu­cino­gens, includ­ing LSD and psilo­cy­bin. And soon after Mur­ray’s exper­i­ments on Kaczyn­s­ki and his class­mates were under way, in 1960, Tim­o­thy Leary returned to Har­vard and, with Mur­ray’s bless­ing, began his exper­i­ments with psilo­cy­bin. In his auto­bi­og­ra­phy, Flash­backs (1983), Leary, who would ded­i­cate the rest of his life to pro­mot­ing hal­lu­cino­genic drugs, described Mur­ray as ‘the wiz­ard of per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment who, as OSS chief psy­chol­o­gist, had mon­i­tored mil­i­tary exper­i­ments on brain­wash­ing and sodi­um amy­tal inter­ro­ga­tion. Mur­ray expressed great inter­est in our drug-research project and offered his sup­port.’ ” (Idem.)

15. Fur­ther devel­op­ing the hypo­thet­i­cal CIA/LSD/mind con­trol con­nec­tion, the pro­gram sets forth more infor­ma­tion about Mur­ray and the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty. “That Leary had Mur­ray’s sup­port was con­firmed by Mar­tin A. Lee and Bruce Schlain in their book Acid Dreams: The Com­plete social His­to­ry of LSD (1985). ‘Leary returned to Har­vard and estab­lished a psilo­cy­bin research project with the approval of Dr. Har­ry Mur­ray, chair­man of the Depart­ment of Social Rela­tions. Dr. Mur­ray, who ran the Per­son­al­i­ty Assess­ments sec­tion of the OSS dur­ing World War II, took a keen inter­est in Leary’s work. He vol­un­teered for a psilo­cy­bin ses­sion, becom­ing one of the first of many fac­ul­ty and grad­u­ate stu­dents to sam­ple the mush­room pill under Leary’s guid­ance.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 6.)

16. After not­ing that there is no evi­dence that Kaczyn­s­ki ever received any LSD or oth­er mind-alter­ing drugs, the pro­gram goes on to empha­size that, nonethe­less, the defense/intelligence con­nec­tions of the project are appar­ent. “Although direct evi­dence of sup­port from a fed­er­al defense grant is so far lack­ing, cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence exists: the strong sim­i­lar­i­ty between the OSS stress tests and the lat­er exper­i­ments; Mur­ray’s asso­ci­a­tion with the OSS; his grant pro­pos­al to do research for the Navy Depart­ment; and the lack of any clear­ly explained pur­pose for the study. Obvi­ous­ly, the dyadic stud­ies would have had con­sid­er­able util­i­ty for the defense estab­lish­ment, either as a frame­work for test­ing recruits or as con­tin­u­ing work on how to improve inter­ro­ga­tion tech­niques.” (Idem.)

17. A cen­tral point of dis­cus­sion con­cerns the fact that the exper­i­ment does appear to have con­tributed to Kaczyn­ski’s emo­tion­al insta­bil­i­ty. “There is no evi­dence of imme­di­ate men­tal degra­da­tion in the pro­jec­t’s after­math. Emo­tion­al tur­moil is anoth­er mat­ter. As Sal­ly John­son, the foren­sic psy­chi­a­trist, report­ed, Kaczyn­s­ki clear­ly began to expe­ri­ence emo­tion­al dis­tress then, and began to devel­op his anti-tech­nol­o­gy views.” (Ibid.; p. 7.)

18. Appar­ent­ly, Kaczyn­s­ki him­self had con­cerns about the pos­si­bil­i­ty that he was a vic­tim of mind con­trol. “When, soon after, Kaczyn­s­ki began to wor­ry about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of mind con­trol, he was not giv­ing vent to para­noid delu­sions. In view of Mur­ray’s exper­i­ment, he was not only ratio­nal but right.” (Ibid.; p. 11.)

19. Pro­vid­ing back­ground to some of the appar­ent effects of Har­vard’s cur­ricu­lum on under­grad­u­ates, the broad­cast relates insights of a num­ber of Har­vard alum­ni con­cern­ing the trau­mat­ic philo­soph­i­cal views that many of them assim­i­lat­ed. This may have had an effect on Kaczyn­s­ki as well. (Ibid.; [Part Two]; pp. 7–9.)

20. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Kaczyn­s­ki seems to have become some­thing of a role mod­el for less respon­si­ble ele­ments of the Green move­ment. “Kaczyn­s­ki has attract­ed a large new fol­low­ing of admir­ers. Indeed, he has become an inspi­ra­tion and a sort of leader in exile for the bur­geon­ing ‘green anar­chist’ move­ment. In a let­ter to me, Kaczyn­s­ki made clear that he keeps in con­tact with oth­er anar­chists, includ­ing John Zerzan, the intel­lec­tu­al leader of a cir­cle of anar­chists in Eugene, Ore­gon, who was among the few peo­ple to vis­it Kaczyn­s­ki while he was in jail in Sacra­men­to, await­ing tri­al. Accord­ing to The Boston Globe, There­sa Kintz, one of Zerzan’s fel­low anar­chists, was the first writer to whom Kaczyn­s­ki grant­ed an inter­view after his arrest. Writ­ing for the Lon­don-based Green Anar­chist, Kintz quot­ed Kaczyn­s­ki as say­ing, ‘For those who real­ize the need to do away with the tech­no-indus­tri­al sys­tem, if you work for its col­lapse, in effect, you are killing a lot of peo­ple.’ ” (Ibid.; [Part Four]; p. 3.)

21. Not all of Kaczyn­ski’s admir­ers are lim­it­ing their activ­i­ties to intel­lec­tu­al imi­ta­tion. “The Los Ange­les Times has report­ed that last June, 200 of Zerzan’s com­rades riot­ed in Eugene, smash­ing com­put­ers, break­ing shop win­dows, throw­ing bricks at cars, and injur­ing eight police offi­cers. Accord­ing to the Seat­tle Times, fol­low­ers of Zerzan’s also arrived in force at last Decem­ber’s ‘Bat­tle of Seat­tle,’ at the World Trade Orga­ni­za­tion meet­ing, where they smashed shop win­dows, flat­tened tires, and dumped garbage cans on the street.” (Idem.)

22. This type of activ­i­ty has met with Kaczyn­ski’s explic­it approval. “Kaczyn­s­ki con­tin­ues to com­ment approv­ing­ly on the vio­lent exploits of envi­ron­men­tal rad­i­cals. In a let­ter he wrote last year to the Den­ver tele­vi­sion reporter Rick Sallinger, he expressed his sup­port for the Earth Lib­er­a­tion Fron­t’s arsons at the Vail ski resort—fires that destroyed more than $12 mil­lion worth of prop­er­ty.” (Idem.)

23. ” ‘I ful­ly approve of [the arson],’ he wrote Sallinger, ‘and I con­grat­u­late the peo­ple who car­ried it out.’ Kaczyn­s­ki went on to com­mand an edi­to­r­i­al in the Earth First! Jour­nal by Kintz, who wrote, ‘The Earth Lib­er­a­tion Fron­t’s eco-sab­o­tage of Vail con­sti­tut­ed a polit­i­cal act of con­science per­fect­ly in keep­ing with the sin­cere expres­sion of the bio­cen­tric par­a­digm many Earth First!‘ers espouse.’ ” (Idem.)

(Record­ed on 9/9/2001.)


2 comments for “FTR #323 The Unabomber”

  1. Last week in Seat­tle, 4 blocks from where I live, a sud­den ran­dom shoot­ing spree took place. At the Cafe Rac­er, an ex-mil­i­tary man shot 5 (killing 4), then pro­ceed­ed to shoot and kill one more down­town, then shot and killed him­self when approached by police.

    The inci­dent leaves every­one ask­ing ques­tions. The media nar­ra­tive is that he was men­tal­ly ill, and had been refused ser­vice at the café.

    None of the media cov­er­age men­tioned his ex-mil­i­tary sta­tus except the fol­low­ing arti­cle, which includes this nugget:


    ” ... “He men­tioned going to Fort Lewis for a [psy­chi­atric] eval­u­a­tion,” Moore says. “But in the next breath, he was talk­ing about a covert mil­i­tary oper­a­tion he’d fin­ished.” So she told him he should con­sid­er the pos­si­bil­i­ty that what he was think­ing was­n’t true. “It was the nicest way I could think of to tell him, ‘Dude, you’re total­ly off your rock­er.’ ”

    Staw­ic­ki lis­tened. You could see him con­sid­er­ing it, she says, before he sim­ply shut the con­ver­sa­tion down. It was heart­break­ing, Moore says... ”

    Food for thought: After it has come to light that Ted Kaczyn­s­ki was a test sub­ject for the CIA’s ear­ly MK Ultra LSD exper­i­ments, who would’ve believed Ted’s sto­ry?

    Posted by R. Wilson | June 8, 2012, 6:08 pm
  2. The Sci­ence Chan­nel show “Dark Mat­ters” (2012) had a drama­ti­za­tion of Murray’s exper­i­ment, show­ing its con­fronta­tional aspects and pos­si­ble effects on the young Kaczyn­ski. It didn’t go in to Murray’s intel­li­gence back­ground though.

    Posted by David | December 15, 2012, 3:37 pm

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