Listen: One Segment
Continuing discussion of the devastating attacks of 9/11, this program highlights connections between intelligence operations of the 1980s and the terrorist blitzkrieg.
1. The chief suspect in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden had his genesis as a warrior in the Afghan war against the Soviets during the 1980’s. (“Blowback Chronicles” by Giles Folden; The Guardian, 9/15/2001; p. 2.)
2. Among the elements that figured in both the Iran-Contra scandal and the Afghan mujahadeen support network was Keenie-Meenie Services, a British security firm with strong connections to the intelligence community. (Idem.)
3. Another element that figured in both the Iran-Contra scandal and the Afghan support effort was BCCI. (Ibid.; p. 3.) The milieu of BCCI figures heavily in the Iran-Contra scandal and also looms large in the connections of George W. Bush, James R. Bath and the Bin Laden family. (Robert Mueller, appointed as head of the FBI in July, was less than vigorous in his investigation of BCCI when he was with the Justice Department of the elder George Bush.)
4. The Afghan mujahadeen support effort was heavily underwritten by the Saudis. (Idem.)
5. The broadcast underscores the fact that Bush’s father has strong ties to Unocal, which was planning to put a pipeline through Afghanistan. (Ibid.; p. 4.)
6. Next, the program details the significant role of the World Muslim Congress in the mujahadeen support effort. (The Beast Reawakens; Martin A. Lee; copyright 1997 [HC]; ISBN 0–316-51959–6; pp. 225–226.)
7. The WMC was founded by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a major in the SS and a key Axis spy. (Ibid.; p. 225.)
8. Funded by the Saudi royal family and the Saudi government, WMC has retained all of its fascist character. Providing speakers for the Holocaust-denying Institute of Historical Review, the WMC has mailed holocaust denial literature to members of congress and the British parliament. (Ibid.; p. 226.)
9. It should be noted that the Saudi government hired American neo-Nazi William Grimstead as an American lobbyist. (Idem.)
10. Next, the program highlights the alleged connections of Imad Muganiyeh to the milieu of the September 11 attacks. (“Two New Names Surface as Sept. 11 Ringleaders” by Chris Blackhurst [London Independent]; San Francisco Chronicle; 9/21/2001; p. A20.)
11. Allegedly a key player in Bin Laden’s network, Muganiyeh was a key figure in the torture and kidnapping of CIA officer William Buckley (an incident central to the machinations of the Iran-Contra scandal.) (Idem.)
12. He also was pivotally involved in the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Argentina in 1992 and the AMIA, a Jewish cultural center, in 1994. (Idem.)
13. The remainder of the broadcast consists of an excerpt from FTR 109, detailing connections between the Iran-Contra scandal, the Argentine security services and the two bombings allegedly masterminded by Muganiyeh. Argentine investigators have allegedly linked Monzer Al-Kassar to both bombings. (“Government Worried About Visit of Al-Kassar;” Clarin; 8/2/98.)
14. Al-Kassar, a Syrian intelligence officer close to him, former Argentine president Carlos Menem’s first wife and Menem associate Alfredo Yabran are all from the same city in Syria. (Idem.)
15. Swiss investigators have also linked Al-Kassar to the bombings. (“Syrian Linked to Bombings” [Jewish Telegraphic Agency]; Jewish Bulletin of Northern California; 6/21/96.)
16. In addition to Al-Kassar, a former Argentine intelligence agent (Leonardo Sanchez Raisse) connected to the Iran-Contra affair appears to be an evidentiary tributary to the two bombings in which Muganiyeh was involved. (“Former Spy Released from Jail After 34 Days;” Clarin; 8/2/98.)
The Reagan Legacy Project is never finished:
Yes, the Reagan Legacy Project: the gift that keeps on giving. For instance, did you know that Ronald Reagan once fought a grizzly bear with his magical fire breath and traveled to the year 3010 to fight the Robot King? He also built the pyramids!
Oh wait, that’s from a different legacy project. Easy mistake.
Still, given Rand’s indirect Iran Contra reference, the question is raised of who would fill the role of the Contras and secretly receive the proceeds from the secret arms sales to Iran under a future Paul presidency? Another group of right-wing central American militants? Ukrainian “volunteer battalions”?
Or might it be a group even closer to home? That seems possible.