Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #330 Connecting the Dots, Part IV

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

Con­tin­u­ing the analy­sis and dis­cus­sion of the ter­ror­ist blitzkrieg of 9/11/2001, this pro­gram begins with analy­sis of the duplic­i­tous role played by the Saud­is in regard to the attacks.

1. While super­fi­cial­ly pre­tend­ing to oppose Bin Laden and Islam­ic extrem­ism, the Saud­is in prac­tice pro­mul­gate Wah­habism, the ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive Mus­lim doc­trine char­ac­ter­ized as “Islam­o­fas­cism.” (“Sau­di Ara­bia: The Dou­ble Act Wears Thin;” The Econ­o­mist; 9/29–10/5/2001; pp. 22–23.)

2. One of the Euro­pean bases of Bin Laden’s oper­a­tion appears to be Bosnia Herze­gov­ina.  (“Clas­si­fied Report Warns U.S., Europe of Ter­ror­ists Based in Bosnia” by Craig Pyes, Josh Mey­er and William C. Rem­pel; L.A. Times, Octo­ber 15, 2001.)

3. Next, the broad­cast excerpts FTR#293, which in turn access­es infor­ma­tion from oth­er FTR pro­grams.  Fur­ther devel­op­ing the analy­sis of Islam­o­fas­cism, the pro­gram high­lights the SS back­ground of Bosn­ian pres­i­dent Ali­ja Izetbe­gov­ic.  (Izetbe­gov­ic’s dog­mat­ic Islam­o­fas­cist ide­ol­o­gy is detailed in FTR#154. Excerpt­ing FTR#161, the pro­gram high­lights the 13th Waf­fen SS (Han­jar) Divi­sion.  Com­posed of Balkan Mus­lims, the unit wore fezzes with the tra­di­tion­al Waf­fen SS uni­forms. This divi­sion was assem­bled with the assis­tance of Haj Amin Al-Hus­sei­ni, the so-called Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. A major in the SS, Al-Hus­sei­ni was a key Ger­man spy dur­ing World War II, as well as a major oper­a­tive on behalf of what Mr. Emory calls “the Under­ground Reich.”

4. As a young man, Bosn­ian pres­i­dent Ali­ja Izetbe­gov­ic was a mem­ber of and recruiter for the Han­jar Divi­sion! (From a let­ter to David Binder of The New York Times, writ­ten by Milan Bula­jic, a Ser­bian expert on war crimes com­mit­ted in the Balka­ns by Axis forces dur­ing World War II. Bula­jic could be thought of as the Ser­bian Simon Weisen­thal. The let­ter quotes ver­ba­tim from the tran­script of Izetbe­gov­ic’s tri­al.) Izetbe­gov­ic did not deny the charges of hav­ing worked for Hus­sei­ni and the Han­jar Divi­sion, but mere­ly excused his actions on the basis of hav­ing been very young at the time. He was sen­tenced to three years in prison.

5. It is impor­tant to note in that con­text that after Izetbe­gov­ic became head of the new­ly inde­pen­dent state of Bosnia, he estab­lished an elite divi­sion named Han­jar, and pat­terned after the 13th Waf­fen SS. (Some Call It Peace: Wait­ing for War in the Balka­ns; by Joseph Bodan­sky; Copy­right 1996 [HC]; The Inter­na­tion­al Media Cor­po­ra­tion.) The unit func­tioned as the per­son­al guard unit of the Bosn­ian polit­i­cal lead­er­ship and also as a “spe­cial forces” unit that was deployed in sup­port of oth­er mil­i­tary for­ma­tions. (Idem.)

6. Com­posed pri­mar­i­ly of non-Bosn­ian Balka­ns (includ­ing eth­nic Alba­ni­ans), the unit was trained and led by Arab and Pak­istani vet­er­ans of the Afghan con­flict.  (Idem.)

7. In 1993, U.N. observers not­ed that the re-cre­at­ed Han­jar was engaged in force pro­jec­tion into Koso­vo and Mace­do­nia and they fore­cast that con­flict would break out in those areas. (Idem.)  Their pre­dic­tion proved to be accu­rate.

8. Next, the pro­gram reca­pit­u­lates the “Islam­o­fas­cist” nature of the World Mus­lim Con­gress, a key ele­ment in the anti-Sovi­et Afghan war of the 1980’s.  (The Beast Reawak­ens; by Mar­tin A. Lee; pp. 225–226.)  (For more detailed dis­cus­sion of the WMC, see the descrip­tions for FTR#‘s 328, 329.)  The Afghan con­flict was the chrysalis from which Osama Bin Laden, Ramzi Youss­eff, and the Pak­istani and Arab com­bat­ants lead­ing Izetbe­gov­ic’s “Han­jar II” emerged as war­riors.  The WMC was found­ed by the Grand Mufti, who recruit­ed the 13th Waf­fen SS divi­sion of Izetbe­gov­ic’s youth, and it was heav­i­ly financed by the Saud­is.  Mr. Emory spec­u­lates that the Islam­o­fas­cist com­bat­ants spawned through the WMC and the Afghan con­flict have been coopt­ed by the “Under­ground Reich” to be used against the Unit­ed States, Israel and the Unit­ed King­dom.

9. The sec­ond side of the pro­gram begins with with Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s pre­cip­i­tous evac­u­a­tion of promi­nent Saud­is in the imme­di­ate after­math of the attacks. (“Wash­ing­ton Con­cerned by Moves of Saud­is” by Christo­pher Drew and Judith Miller; New York Times; 9/19/2001; p. B4.)  (As will be seen in FTR#334, these cit­i­zens includ­ed mem­bers of the Bin Laden fam­i­ly before they could be ques­tioned by the FBI.)

10. Inter­est­ing­ly (and, per­haps, sig­nif­i­cant­ly), Sau­di Ara­bia changed intel­li­gence chiefs last sum­mer.  (“Strains in Saudi‑U.S. Rela­tions” by Patrick Tyler [New York Times]; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 9/24/2001; p. A7.)

11. Along with the appoint­ment of Robert Mueller to head the FBI and the “sui­cide” of J.H. Hat­field, the replace­ment of the Sau­di intel­li­gence czar might con­sti­tute maneu­ver­ing by the Under­ground Reich in direct antic­i­pa­tion of the attacks of 9/11.

12. High­light­ing Philip­pine con­nec­tions to the Bin Laden orga­ni­za­tion, the pro­gram sets forth infor­ma­tion about Islam­ic char­i­ties that are alleged­ly involved in the fund­ing of Al Qued­da.  (“Scruti­ny Grows Over Mus­lim Char­i­ties” by David B. Ottoway and Dan Mor­gan [Wash­ing­ton Post]; San Jose Mer­cury News; 9/30/2001; p. 19A.)  One of the orga­ni­za­tions close­ly asso­ci­at­ed with these char­i­ties is the Mus­lim World League.  (Idem.)  Mr. Emory asks the help of lis­ten­ers in deter­min­ing if the Mus­lim World League is the same orga­ni­za­tion as the WMC.

13. The same arti­cle also high­lights a for­mer broth­er-in-law of Osama Bin Laden, who alleged­ly is involved with Islam­ic ter­ror in the Philip­pines.  (Idem.)

14. Under­scor­ing evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries between the 9/11 attacks and the 1993 attack on the World Trade Cen­ter, the broad­cast details con­nec­tions between the Philip­pine-based Abu Sayaf orga­ni­za­tion (alleged­ly allied with Bin Laden) and Ramzi Youss­eff, the mas­ter­mind of the first attack on the WTC.  (“Philip­pines Offers U.S. Its Troops and Bases” by Mark Landler; New York Times; 9/3/2001; p. A5.)

15. Sheikh Omar Abdel Rah­man (anoth­er U.S. sup­port­ed vet­er­an of the Afghan war against the Sovi­ets) was con­vict­ed of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Cen­ter.

16. One of his sons is alleged­ly involved with the Bin Laden orga­ni­za­tion.  (“U.S. Reveals Iden­ti­ty of Ter­ror Attack Plan­ner” by Dan Eggen and Serge F. Kovales­ki [Wash­ing­ton Post]; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 10/7/2001; p. A5.)

17. Next, the pro­gram excerpts FTR#92.  Intrigu­ing­ly, a wit­ness (exclud­ed by Judge Matsch from the tri­al of Tim­o­thy McVeigh) alleged­ly con­nect­ed McVeigh’s co-con­spir­a­tor Ter­ry Nichols with the afore-men­tioned Ramzi Youss­eff. (“Rest of Bomb­ing Sto­ry a Mys­tery” by Lou Kilz­er and Kevin Fly­nn; Rocky Moun­tain News; 6/3/97; accessed at www.insidedenver.com.)

18. Mr. Emory believes that the Under­ground Reich authored the Okla­homa City bomb­ing, the 1993 WTC attack and the attacks of 9/11. FTR #328 details con­nec­tions between the 9/11 attacks and the AMIA bomb­ing in Argenti­na.  (It should be not­ed that the AMIA cen­ter was a repos­i­to­ry for infor­ma­tion about Nazi war crim­i­nals.)  In yet anoth­er excerpt from a pre­vi­ous broad­cast, FTR#330 excerpts FTR#88.

19. The pro­gram high­lights an alleged link between the Okla­homa City bomb­ing and the AMIA bomb­ing. An inves­ti­ga­tion by the FBI found some of the par­tic­i­pants in the bombing–Argentine  secu­ri­ty ser­vice per­son­nel– belonged to the Amer­i­can white suprema­cist Tom Met­zger’s White Aryan resis­tance. McVeigh also [alleged­ly] belonged to this group. (“AMIA Bomb Plot­ters’ Con­nec­tion;” La Nacion; 7/27/97.)

20. Many inves­ti­ga­tors have alleged that WAR mem­ber Den­nis Mahon was involved with the Okla­homa City bomb­ing.  (“White Suprema­cist Takes Fifth in Okla­homa Bomb Plot”[AP]; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 7/17/97.)

21. The broad­cast sup­ple­ments dis­cus­sion from FTR#327 con­cern­ing appar­ent stock-mar­ket manip­u­la­tion  in con­nec­tion with the 9/11 attacks.  (“Sus­pi­cious Prof­its Sit Uncol­lect­ed” by Chris­t­ian Berthelsen and Scott Winokur; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 9/29/2001; p. A1.)

22. The pro­gram also rais­es the ques­tion of pos­si­ble Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion own­er­ship of the World Trade Cen­ter.  (Mar­tin Bor­mann: Nazi in Exile; by Paul Man­ning; Lyle Stu­art; Copy­right Paul Man­ning [1981]; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 279.)

23. Sup­ple­ment­ing infor­ma­tion from FTR#326, the pro­gram con­cludes with dis­cus­sion of the Ger­man con­nec­tions to the 9/11 attacks.  (“Ter­ror Plot Secrets Emerge” by Dan Eggen and Bob Wood­ward [Wash­ing­ton Post]; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 9/29/2001; p. A1.)

(Record­ed on 10/15/2001.)


One comment for “FTR #330 Connecting the Dots, Part IV”

  1. Thanks for repost­ing this, Dave, this could be REAL impor­tant, par­tic­u­lar­ly if anoth­er 9/11 does hap­pen......

    Posted by Steven | October 19, 2011, 12:36 pm

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