MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
Supplementing the discussion and analysis from earlier programs on the subject of the terrorist blitzkrieg of 9/11, this program derives its title from the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk.
1. It is conjectured credibly that, like The Turner Diaries (also published by National Vanguard Books), the book is actually a blueprint for what is going to take place. It is a novel about a Nazi takeover of the United States in the middle of the 21st century. The book describes the Third Reich going underground, buying into the American media, and taking over the country. “It assumes that Hitler’s warrior elite — the SS — didn’t give up their struggle for a White world when they lost the Second World War. Instead their survivors went underground and adopted some of their tactics of their enemies: they began building their economic muscle and buying into the opinion-forming media. A century after the war they are ready to challenge the democrats and Jews for the hearts and minds of White Americans, who have begun to have their fill of government-enforced multi-culturalism and ‘equality.’ ” (From the back cover of Serpent’s Walk by “Randolph D. Calverhall;” Copyright 1991 [SC]; National Vanguard Books; 0–937944-05‑X.)
2. The program begins with discussion of the Saudi role in the events of 9/11. Ten days before the attacks, the Saudis warned George W. Bush that his policy on the Israeli-Palestinian question was “unacceptable.” (“Saudis Warned Bush Over Policy on Israel” by Roula Khalaf; Financial Times; 10/10/2001; p. 1.)
3. A Saudi-based charity that has been alleged by the U.S. to be a support organization for the Bin Laden organization (the Muwafaq Foundation) is run by, among others, two members of the Bin Mahfouz family. (“Philanthropist, or Fount of Funds for Terrorists?”; by Jeff Gerth and Judith Miller; New York Times; 10/13/2001; p. B3.)
4. The Bin Mahfouz family were deeply involved with the BCCI, and were represented in the U.S. by James R. Bath. Bath helped capitalize Dubya’s first oil company and was the North American business representative for the Bin Laden family.
5. Significantly, the Saudi government has not frozen funds connected to the financing of the Bin Laden organization and has been less than vigorous in providing background information on the Saudi nationals involved in the attacks. (“Saudi Cooperation on Bin Laden Lags, U.S. Aides Say” by Jane Perlez; New York Times; 10/11/2001; p. B5.)
6. Next, the program takes up the subject of an allegation by German intelligence that the Echelon system provided the U.S. and the United Kingdom with advanced warning of the 9/11 attacks. (“Newspaper: Echelon Gave Authorities Warning of Attacks” by Ned Stafford [Newsbytes]; 9/13/2001; accessed at With the epicenter of the conspiracy having taken place in Germany, this allegation by the Germans would appear to be an attempt at deflecting partial responsibility for the attack away from themselves. As noted in past programs, Germany has been attacking the Echelon network and the related Menwith Hill listening station for years. In the past, Mr. Emory has voiced the opinion that ECHELON and Menwith Hill are essential to both U.S. and British national security and has analyzed the EU/German pressure to curtail these operations against the background of escalating intelligence friction between the U.S. and Germany.
7. Significantly, a long-awaited European Parliament report on Echelon concluded that “many European countries had similar abilities”—that would undoubtedly include Germany. (“Report on U.S. Spy System” by Suzanne Daley; New York Times; 9/6/2001; p. A6.)
8. In light of that fact, why didn’t German intelligence know about the attacks? A Libyan arrested in Munich in connection with the attacks had been under investigation since April. (“Egyptian Terror Cell ‘Linked to Bin Laden’ ” by Heba Saleh; Financial Times; 10/12/2001; p. 5.)
9. The German prosecutor in charge of the investigation has been charged with ignoring evidence that might have led to the interdiction of the attacks. (“Berlin Demands Boost in Terror Probe” by Hugh Williamson; Financial Times; 10/9/2001; p. 2.)
10. Examining the geopolitical benefits that have accrued to Germany from the 9/11 attacks, the broadcast notes that German chancellor Gerhard Schroder stated that Germany will no longer play ‘a secondary role’ in international affairs. (“Germany Ready for More Senior Role in World Affairs” by Haig Simonian; Financial Times; 10/12/2001; p. 7.)
11. Alarmingly, German Luftwaffe pilots are now manning AWACS aircraft that are patrolling American airspace. (“Berlin Flexes its Muscles” by Haig Simonian; Financial Times; 10/13–14/2001; p. 9.)
12. Much of the rest of the broadcast examines information supplementing the long-running discussion of German control over the American media. In Serpent’s Walk, the descendants of the SS go underground after the Second World War, put together an enormous economic organization, gain control over the American media, infiltrate the U.S. military and, after a biological warfare attack that destroys much of the U.S. and martial law is declared, this “underground Reich” takes over the United States. It is certainly credible that the book is, in fact, a blueprint for what the Bormann organization and its associates are planning to do.
The program then highlights U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick’s use of the 9/11 attacks to promote “fast track” trade legislation that would permit George Bush to bypass Congress. (“Boost for Bush on ‘Fast Track’ Trade Deal” by Edward Alden; Financial Times; 9/27/2001; p. 1.) Zoellick’s background strongly suggests involvement with the Bormann organization. The fast track legislation being pursued by Zoellick would further facilitate takeovers of American media outlets by German corporations.
13. In addition, the non-stop coverage of the 9/11 attacks has badly depressed American media stocks, due to the loss of advertising revenues. (“Media Feeling the Pain” by Mark Schwanhausser; San Jose Mercury News; 9/23/2001; p. 1F.)
14. This will, of course, make easier a potential takeover of one of the suffering companies. Stocks of other companies, including the British Pearson firm, have also declined as a result of the attacks. (“Global Media Troubles Deepen” by Christopher Grimes and Patrick Jenkins; Financial Times; 10/3/2001; p. 17.)
15. The Bertelsmann firm, on the other hand, is in excellent financial shape for prospective takeovers, and is planning such transactions. (“Bertelsmann Looking Around for Acquisitions” by Jeff Leeds; Los Angeles Times; 9/28/2001; p. C5.)
16. (Bertelsmann is a central focus of the series on German corporate control over the American media and appears to be a Bormann firm.) One of the transactions that placed Bertelsmann in a capital-rich position was its sale of AOL Europe, which may give the firm 6.75 billion dollars (including 2.5 billion in cash.) (“It Looks Like Bertelsmann Outfoxed AOL in Europe” by Scott Herhold; San Jose Mercury News; 10/11/2001; p. 1F.)
17. Next, the program highlights the “hypothetical” biological warfare attack that paves the way for the SS takeover of the United States. (Serpent’s Walk; p. 139.) The broadcast underscores the fact that American media outlets were among the first targets of the Anthrax bioterror that followed the 9/11 attacks. (“Mail Room Anxiety—Delivery Curbed” by Bill Wallace, Robert Salladay and Henry K. Lee; San Francisco Chronicle; 10/13/2001; p. 1.)
18. The broadcast concludes with discussion of unusual stock market activity in the weeks preceding 9/11. The activity in S&P 500 index options was very unusual in connection with the 9/11 attacks, potentially yielding extraordinary capital to whoever appears to have engineered the manipulation. (“Follow the Money” by Erin E. Arvedlund; Barron’s; 10/8/2001; p. 22.)
19. Correction: $120,000 is the sum needed to yield a net of $780,000, not $1,200, as was incorrectly noted in the broadcast.
Hi Dave,
I do hope everything is ok with you. I do appreciate the time and effort you have given over the years. I have donated in the past but at the moment am unable to do so.
Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for all your hard work!
A Friend
@A Friend: Yep. Truth is, he and I may not always see eye to eye and will disagree every once in a while, but I will say Dave deserves a LOT of kudos and applause for having the guts to tell the truth that most won’t even touch with a ten-foot pole, particularly when it comes to the Underground Reich, and 9/11. and many other subjects as well.
Dave, If I can get back on my feet, one of the first things I’ll do is definitely send some cash your way, as a token of gratitude. =)
The walk continues....................
Gütersloh / New York / London, 10/29/2012
Bertelsmann and Pearson to Combine Book Businesses
Thomas Rabe implements new Bertelsmann strategy in the book publishing business
Bertelsmann to hold 53 percent of new publishing group, Pearson 47 percent
Markus Dohle (Random House) appointed as CEO, John Makinson (Penguin) as Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bertelsmann to appoint five representatives to the Board of Directors, Pearson four
The international media groups Bertelsmann and Pearson announced today that they will combine the activities of their respective trade-book publishing companies, Random House and Penguin Group. Bertelsmann will own 53 percent, Pearson 47 percent. The closing of the transaction is scheduled to take place in the second half of 2013, following regulatory approval.
The announcement of the combination was made today in Gütersloh, Germany by Thomas Rabe, Chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann, and in London by Marjorie Scardino, Chief Executive of Pearson.
Upon closing, Markus Dohle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Random House worldwide, will be CEO of the new group. John Makinson, Chairman and CEO of Penguin, will become Chairman of the Board of Directors. Additional senior executive appointments will be announced in due course. Bertelsmann will appoint five representatives to the group’s Board of Directors, Pearson four. The new name will be Penguin Random House. Until the closing, the companies will maintain their current separate operations and continue conducting business independently.
The new publishing group will include all the publishing divisions and imprints of Random House and Penguin in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, as well as Penguin’s publishing company in China, and Random House’s Spanish-language publishing operations in Spain and Latin America. Random House’s Munich-based German-language publishing company, Verlagsgruppe Random House, will not be part of the Group and will remain at Bertelsmann. In the new company, the publishing imprints of Random House and Penguin will continue to publish their books with the autonomy they presently enjoy, and retain their distinct editorial identities.
Bertelsmann Chairman & CEO Thomas Rabe says: “With this planned combination, Bertelsmann and Pearson create the best course for the future of our world-renowned trade-book publishers, Random House and Penguin, by enabling them to publish even more effectively across traditional and emerging formats and distribution channels. It will build on our publishing tradition, offering an extraordinary diversity of publishing opportunities for authors, agents, booksellers, and readers, together with unequalled support and resources.”
Mr. Rabe also observed, “Today’s announcement is a milestone not only for Random House, but also for the entire Bertelsmann group, with its 177-year publishing history. Its significance for our business and for the cultural resonance of our book publishing operations worldwide is on a par with such momentous agreements as the takeover of Goldmann Verlag in 1977; the acquisition of a stake in Bantam Books, our first-ever U.S. investment, that same year; the purchase of Doubleday in 1986; and especially that of Random House in 1998. Each of these steps was aimed at increasing the breadth and quality of Bertelsmann’s publishing operations, as our new company will.”
For Bertelsmann, the planned combination also marks a significant step in the implementation of its four new strategic priorities under Thomas Rabe, which it recently adopted and announced: strengthening the core, digital transformation, the establishment of growth platforms, and the development of growth regions. The Chairman & CEO comments: “The combination of Random House and Penguin, first of all, significantly strengthens book publishing, one of our core businesses. Second, it advances the digital transformation on an even greater scale, and third, it increases our presence in the target growth markets Brazil, India and China.”
Marjorie Scardino, chief executive of Pearson, said: “Penguin is a successful, highly-respected and much-loved part of Pearson. This combination with Random House — a company with an almost perfect match of Penguin’s culture, standards and commitment to publishing excellence — will greatly enhance its fortunes and its opportunities. Together, the two publishers will be able to share a large part of their costs, to invest more for their author and reader constituencies and to be more adventurous in trying new models in this exciting, fast-moving world of digital books and digital readers.”
Markus Dohle, Chairman & CEO of Random House, adds: “Our new company will bring together the publishing expertise, experience, and skill sets of two of the world’s most successful, enduring trade book publishers. In doing so, we will create a publishing home that gives employees, authors, agents, and booksellers access to unprecedented resources. I deeply believe that the support and services that we will be able to offer, coupled with the creative and editorial independence that we will continue to maintain, will benefit everyone in the book publishing environment, especially our passionate readers from today’s generation to the next.”
About Bertelsmann
Bertelsmann is an international media company whose core divisions encompass television (RTL Group), book publishing (Random House), magazine publishing (Gruner + Jahr), and outsourcing services (Arvato) in 50 countries. In 2011, the company’s businesses, with their 100,000 employees, generated revenues of €15.3 billion. Bertelsmann stands for a distinctive combination of creativity and entrepreneurship that empowers the creation of first-rate media, communications, and service offerings to inspire people around the world and to provide innovative solutions for customers.
Never forget that Bertelsmann is the former publisher for the SS (old man Heinrich Mohn was SS) and its house historian, Dirk Bavendamm, blames World War II on FDR, U.S. Imperialism and, you guessed it, Jewish control over the U.S. news media!
Dave Emory