Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #332 B as in Bush, B as in Bormann, B as in Von Bolschwing

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2


1. The focal point of the broad­cast is Otto von Bolschwing, one of the prin­ci­pal offi­cers in admin­is­ter­ing Hitler’s liq­ui­da­tion of the Jews.  In addi­tion to his own sig­nif­i­cance, Von Bolschwing is note­wor­thy because Helene von Damm (a pro­tégé of Von Bolschwing’s) select­ed the lists of per­son­nel from which Ronald Rea­gan’s cab­i­net appoint­ments were made.  It is Mr. Emory’s con­vic­tion that the Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tions (and the admin­is­tra­tions of both Georges Bush) are fronts for the “Under­ground Reich” and the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion.

2. The first half of the pro­gram details impor­tant his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal con­nec­tions between Von Bolschwing and sev­er­al fig­ures who fig­ure in the back­ground of the events lead­ing up to the 9/11 attacks.  In charge of SS intel­li­gence oper­a­tions in the Mid­dle East, Von Bolschwing con­spired with Sau­di King Ibn Saud (a close friend and pro­fes­sion­al asso­ciate of Mohammed Bin Laden, Osama’s father), British fas­cist Jack Phil­by, Bush fam­i­ly busi­ness asso­ciate Allen Dulles and Haj Amin al-Hus­sei­ni to (among oth­er things) give the Third Reich access to the oil reserves of the Mid­dle East.  (Cor­rec­tion: Ibn Saud was not an in-law of the Bin Laden fam­i­ly, although they were very close. This rela­tion­ship is detailed in FTR#292.)

3. Although osten­si­bly work­ing for British intel­li­gence, Jack Phil­by was actu­al­ly a dou­ble agent on behalf of the Third Reich.  (The Secret War Against the Jews: How West­ern Espi­onage Betrayed the Jew­ish Peo­ple; John Lof­tus and Mark Aarons; Copy­right 1994 [HC]; St. Mar­t­in’s Press; ISBN 0–312-11057‑X; p. 46.)

4. Phil­by and Von Bolschwing con­spired to manip­u­late Great Britain into pro­mot­ing the idea of Jew­ish emi­gra­tion to Pales­tine and then com­mu­ni­cat­ed this infor­ma­tion to the fierce­ly anti-Semit­ic Ibn Saud.  (Ibid.; pp. 46–48.)  This had the effect of dis­cred­it­ing Great Britain in the eyes of the Arabs, to the ben­e­fit of the Third Reich.  (For more about this, see FTR#216.)

5. Phil­by then con­spired with the Third Reich to try to secure Sau­di oil for Hitler, using Fran­co’s Spain as a trans-ship­ment point.  (Ibid.; p. 51.)  It should be not­ed that Fran­co was a Nazi pro­tégé, hav­ing come to pow­er large­ly as a result of the mil­i­tary sup­port giv­en to his fas­cist forces by Hitler and Mus­soli­ni.

6. In 1940, Phil­by, Ibn Saud, Allen Dulles, Dulles’ broth­er (and law part­ner in the pow­er­ful Sul­li­van & Cromwell firm) and Dil­lon, Read invest­ment pro­fes­sion­als Paul Nitze and James For­re­stall worked a three-way deal in order to secure Sau­di oil for the Third Reich.  (Ibid.; pp. 63–64.)

It should be not­ed that two of the prin­ci­pal Amer­i­can oil com­pa­nies involved in this trans­ac­tion, Stan­dard of Cal­i­for­nia and Stan­dard of New Jer­sey, had sig­nif­i­cant cap­i­tal par­tic­i­pa­tion by the Nazi I.G. Far­ben chem­i­cal com­pa­ny.

7. Ibn Saud, the Third Reich, Phil­by and the Grand Mufti active­ly con­spired to secure the Mid­dle East for Nazi Ger­many, with Ibn Saud as the head of the “caliphate.”  (Ibid.; p. 68.)

8. The first side of the pro­gram con­cludes with dis­cus­sion of the fact that 70% of the invest­ment cap­i­tal that financed the Third Reich in the 1930’s came from the Unit­ed States and that Allen Dulles was a cen­tral fig­ure in arrang­ing this rela­tion­ship.  (Ibid.; p. 57.)

9. After the war, Von Bolschwing went to work for Allen Dulles and the CIA and was brought to the Unit­ed States by Dulles.  (Ibid.; p. 46.)

10. The sec­ond side of the pro­gram con­sists of an excerpt of RFA#30, deal­ing with Von Bolschwing’s activ­i­ties after he was brought to the Unit­ed States.  Cor­rec­tion: In the ver­bal intro­duc­tion to the excerpt from RFA#30, Mr. Emory mis­states the ini­tials of Von Bolschwing’s elec­tron­ics firm.  It is TCI, not TCCI.  Hakim was one of the oper­a­tors in the Iran-Con­tra relat­ed machi­na­tions. It should be not­ed that George H.W. Bush direct­ed both the Iran-Con­tra and Iraq­gate affairs, uti­liz­ing the inter-agency gov­ern­men­tal net­works that were cre­at­ed pur­suant to the Vice-Pres­i­den­t’s task force on com­bat­ing ter­ror­ism.

High­light­ing the over­lap between the milieu of Von Bolschwing and the Iran-Con­tra scan­dal, the broad­cast dis­cuss­es Inter­na­tion­al Imag­ing Sys­tems, a sub­sidiary of TCI that was lat­er acquired by Albert Hakim’s Stan­ford Tech­nol­o­gy.  (“Los Gatos Mys­tery Man in Spot­light” by Pete Carey; San Jose Mer­cury News; 7/18/1986.)

11. It should be not­ed that Hakim had pre­vi­ous­ly uti­lized Frank Ter­pil in con­nec­tion with Stan­ford Tech­nol­o­gy.  (Ibid.)

12. Next, the pro­gram reviews Von Bolschwing’s career in the Unit­ed States, after he was brought here by Allen Dulles.  (“Ex-Naz­i’s Bril­liant U.S. Career Stran­gled in a Web of Lies” by Pete Carey; San Jose Mer­cury News; 11/20/81; pp. 1A-24A.)

13. In addi­tion to his stew­ard­ship of TCI (and its sub­sidiary Inter­na­tion­al Imag­ing Sys­tems), Von Bolschwing employed his pro­tégé, Ms. von Damm in the firm.  (Idem.)

14. The broad­cast high­lights Helene von Damm’s role in select­ing the lists of per­son­nel that Ronald Rea­gan used to select his cab­i­net appoint­ments.  (“Big Pro­mo­tion for Rea­gan’s Ex-Sec­re­tary;” San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 8/3/82.)

15. Con­clud­ing with dis­cus­sion of van Damm’s involve­ment with Albert Hakim, the pro­gram sets forth alle­ga­tions that von Damm worked for some of Hakim’s Euro­pean sub­sidiary com­pa­nies.  (San Jose Metro; 12/11–17/86.)


One comment for “FTR #332 B as in Bush, B as in Bormann, B as in Von Bolschwing”

  1. In house memo: Time to revive this research now; review deep back­ground of British Fas­cism to the House of Saud.

    Posted by Constance Summers | January 23, 2015, 1:18 pm

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