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Continuing discussion of the 9/11/2001 attacks, this program continues discussion of events in, and around, the event. This broadcast highlights maneuvering of a cynical, Machiavellian nature by the Underground Reich.
1. This program begins with discussion of American policy toward “Islamofascism” as being “Incoherent” and, at times, Machiavellian. “Although a major shakeup ensued within the U.S. secret service [intelligence agencies], that did not change a thing in terms of the international tribulations of the world’s primary power, which continuously oscillates between improvisation with no thought for tomorrow, and a carefully-constructed Machiavellism.” (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copyright 2000 [SC]; Algora Publishing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 161.)
2. Exemplifying the exploitation of Al Qaeda, the September 11 attacks and the Afghan war for economic gain, the broadcast highlights the projected pipeline carrying oil from the Caspian Sea, realized as a result of the Afghan conflict. (“A New Oil Game With New Winners” by Richard Butler; New York Times; 1/18/2002; p. A25.) (For more about this project, and the elder George Bush’s investment in Unocal, one of the backers of the project, see FTRs 328, 334.)
3. A major focal point of Islamic fundamentalist activity has been the Chinese province of Xinjiang. (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; pp. 10–11.) Vitally important because of its economic resources and military strategic significance, Xinjiang has experienced a wave of Wahhabi terror. (Idem.)
4. The Chinese government alleges that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda have been deeply involved with promoting terrorism among the Uighur population of Xinjiang. (“Beijing Says Chinese Muslims Were Trained as Terrorists With Money From bin Laden” by Elisabeth Rosenthal; New York Times; 1/22/2002; p. A11.) It is speculated that elements of U.S. intelligence associated with major corporate interests may have been involved with exploiting Al Qaeda in order to either promote separatism of Xinjiang and subsequent economic exploitation, or to oblige the Chinese government to accede to U.S. corporate policy in the region. As discussed, the manipulation of Islamic fundamentalism has been used to effect a similar state of affairs in the former Soviet Union. It is believable that the Underground Reich has utilized this “global corporatism” to “double” on U.S. intelligence and the United States.
5. The recent revelation that Uighur combatants were involved in a firefight with U.S. forces lends credence to the Chinese statements. (“U.S. Forces Clash With al Qaeda Gunmen” by Ellen Knickmeyer [AP]; San Francisco Chronicle; 1/28/2002; p. A9.)
6. Next, the program highlights the Islamic extremist attack on the Indian parliament and the possibility that the flare-up of Indian/Pakistani tensions may, in effect, open up a “Southern Front” allowing the exodus of Al Qaeda fighters. (“Kashmir Could Trigger al-Qaeda Escape” by Farhan Bokhari; Financial Times; 12/21/2001; p. 2.) The possibility that the Underground Reich and the Islamofascists is not one to be readily dismissed.
7. Interestingly (and perhaps significantly), the Austrian border with Slovakia has become a focal point of reconsolidation by Al Qaeda. (“Austrian Border Offers al Qaeda a New Gateway to Europe” by Eric Geiger; San Francisco Chronicle; 1/22/2002; p. A11.)
8. The broadcast highlights the role of Iraqi weapons dealer Abdul Jebara as a conduit between European fascists and Saddam Hussein. (“Convicted Arms Dealer Funnels Aid from Europe’s Far Right to Iraq” by Eric Geiger; San Francisco Chronicle; 5/3/2001; pp. B1-B4.) Jebara’s operations are centered in the Austrian province of Carinthia, the domain of Austrian fascist Joerg Haider. (Ibid.; p. B1.) There are strong and long-standing Nazi and fascist connections to nationalist elements in the Arab and Muslim worlds.
9. As the U.S. has targeted Saddam Hussein (diplomatically), Haider has visited and lent support to the Iraqi dictator. (“America Turns on Haider for ‘Encouraging Saddam’ ” by Rupert Cornwell; London Independent; 2/14/2002.)
10. The Iraqi press has trumpeted Haider’s visit as indicating European solidarity against the “U.S. and Zionist conspiracy.” (“Haider Stays in the Headlines with ‘Private’ Visit to Saddam” by Della Meth-Cohn in Vienna and William Hall in Zurich; Financial Times; 2/14/2002; p. 2.)
11. Interestingly (and perhaps significantly) Haider is supporting Iraq against the U.S. while, at the same time, manipulating anti-immigrant (and anti-Arab) sentiment in Austria for his own political benefit. (“Austrian Rightist Is Working on His Comeback” by Steven Erlanger; New York Times; 2/7/2002; p. A3.)
12. Anti-immigrant, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment is propelling European politics to the right. (“A Jumpy, Anti-Immigrant Europe Is Creeping Rightward” by Steven Erlanger; New York Times; 1/30/2002; p. A3.)
13. The tactical alliance with, and ideological/racist opposition to, Muslims and Arabs has historical antecedents. This same duality is reflected in the policy and statements of American fascist groups in the wake of the September 11 attacks. (“After the Attacks: American White Nationalism since 11 September 2001” by Devin Burghart; Searchlight; January, 2002 [#319]; p. 34.) It is worth noting that the National Alliance (publisher of the Turner Diaries) Serpent’s Walk is among those groups. and
14. Next, the program highlights a very disturbing death. (“Crash Adds Mystery to an Inquiry” [AP]; New York Times; 1/30/2002; 2/14/2002; p. A17.) The fiery death of Katherine Smith may obscure connections between September 11 and an attempt to obtain false identification by Middle Eastern associates of Ms. Smith.
15. One of the things to ponder in connection with Bush’s preposterous “Axis of Evil” speech is the possibility that it could lead to the diplomatic, political and (perhaps) economic isolation of the United States. Iran has responded to Bush’s address by returning Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives who have fled Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia, among other places. (“Iran Poised to Send Home Terrorism Suspects” by Guy Dinmore; Financial Times; 2/13/2002; p. 6.) The Saudis have been less than vigorous in pursuing Bin Laden’s operatives.
16. The Bush speech has led to increased resentment against the United States in Iran, increased solidarity between the Iranians and the Iraqis (mortal enemies in the past) and the possibility that Iraq will attack Israel with missiles in the event of a U.S. attack on Saddam. (“Who Hijacked Our War” by Chris Matthews; San Francisco Chronicle; 2/17/2002; p. D6.) In that context, one should not dismiss prognostication made in AFA 37 to the effect the Underground Reich and Germany may precipitate a Middle Eastern war with weapons of mass destruction that would annihilate Israel, kill most of the Arabs, neutralize the utility of the Middle Eastern oil fields, and make Russia the most important oil producer in the world. In addition, it may result in terrorist annihilation against the United States.
17. Considering the “Axis of Evil,” it is worth noting that the elder George Bush was the principal player in arming both Iran and Iraq in the 1980’s. This was accomplished through Bush’s own private spy agency, set up as a device to “fight terrorism.” (The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People; John Loftus and Mark Aarons; Copyright 1994 [HC]; St. Martin’s Press; ISBN 0–312-11057‑X; pp. 407–409.)
18. In addition to arming Iran (one element of Bush the Younger’s “Axis of Evil”), the elder Bush armed Saddam Hussein. (Ibid.; p.429.)
Very interesting stuff. Of course, we can’t forget the fact that Beijing are the bad guys as well as the M.B.
If anything, there is likely a power struggle going on; IMO, they are two sides of the same Reichsmark and that the poor man-on-the-street Uighurs are the real victims as far as Xinjiang is concerned.
You’ve repeatedly opined about the Chinese being “bad guys” and hinted broadly that I don’t seem to be aware of that.
Perhaps this simply reflects a difference in age (I’m in my ’60’s), but I do not believe in “good guys” and “bad guys” in the way that you appear to do.
I have NO illusions about China–it is no accident that it is the “sweatshop-de-jour” for the transnational corporations.
However China is a major power, and screwing with the Chinese won’t help us at all.
By the same token, interfering in the internal affairs of Russia will not benefit us.
I have no illusions about Putin either.
We are not in a position to attempt destabilization of either country and should refrain from doing so.
Imagine Russia or China supporting the Lakota claim to independence.
Do you think the U.S. would tolerate that for a minute? And this is not to say that the Lakota do not have real, serious grievances.
For the U.S. to align itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in championing either the Uighurs or Muslim independence in the North Caucasus is madness.
We don’t complain about Saudi Arabia’s abuse of human rights. Why do you think that is the case, Stephen?
Dave Emory
Dave, any thoughts about the new book “Against Them” by a Tegan Mathis about a coded novel from many years ago by Lynne Cheney which supposedly was about the JFK Assassination and the Underground Reich.
@Dave: Hello Dave, glad to hear from you again.
And yes, you did have a very good point about the Lakota. The U.S. government would be up in arms in no time. Frankly, I think the U.S. government needs to get the hell out of Xinjiang before something truly awful happens, and that I can totally agree that our collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood has been nothing but disastrous.
And, of course, we have Saudi Arabia, who provides the majority of our oil. That seems one of the primary reasons that the human rights abuses are usually ignored over there.
If you want to hear my opinion, I think the best thing that could happen to China, would be change that comes from within and from the people and for the people. I, too, don’t see how meddling in Xinjiang has helped us one bit.
(And I do apologize if it seemed like I was attacking you as that was definitely not the intention I had in mind.)
If Washington can’t stop throwing our military at every single conflict it finds without thinking(or caring!) about the consequences, and just because it has oil or whatever, then something WILL eventually go terribly wrong. I’m not saying it’ll be WW3 or anything, but you don’t need that to throw America for a nasty loop.
Just one well-placed nuke in a major city like Chicago or Denver, Colorado Springs, or San Diego and much of this country might just be in a state of semi-anarchy before you could say ‘Armageddon’.
Again, we both realize that there is something terribly wrong in both Russia and China, and that you are absolutely correct in that meddling in the internal affairs of both nations has accomplished nothing positive.
And, frankly, I feel the same way about Iran as well. Their government may be horribly oppressive, but do those policymakers in D.C. honestly believe for one second that the Iranian people might not be scared of conflict enough to hide behind these very same tormentors?
It’d be like a democratic Congo invading dictatorial Zambia. Granted, in this hypothetical situation, many of the Zambians despise their leader and want him out of office. But what if the Congolese air force decided to bomb every village that may have hosted the enemy at one point? What if some of these bombs killed many innocent civilians, including perhaps some who may have welcomed the Congolese? What if Congolese soldiers continued to receive faulty orders and ended up killing people who they thought were enemy militants but were really innocent? Isn’t it possible some of the Zambians might stand behind their leader, even a few of those who might have despised him, just because they want the mass fatalities to cease?
We want change, don’t we? I would say to Congress and the President: “Let the people wake up on their own, as they have started to in Iran a couple of years ago! Unprovoked wars and subterfuge haven’t done anything! They have only turned people against us! Let the people see for themselves, how corrupt their governments are!”, or something to that effect. Last thing we need is for another botched conflict to further harm America’s reputation in the world, especially when our current President is doing his best to begin fixing it. Unfortunately, only time will tell, really.
Keep up the good work, Dave, and I do hope you’ll be back on the air.....someday. =)
Never heard of it. It’d be difficult to imagine a member of the Cheney family writing such a book, unless it was celebrating JFK’s killing and extolling the Underground Reich.
@Dave: I apologize for not understanding, Dave, but never heard of what?
@Larry FW and Steven–
Never heard of the book “Against Them.”
This debate is stimulating. Allow me to jump in.
@Steven L.: I must agree with Dave on what you say about China. You insist a lot on saying that they are bad guys but everybody are “bad” in terms of business interests, foreign policy, geo-politics, etc. The Chinese are certainly not any worse than any other people. By the way, this culture is infiltrated by an ancient criminal organization, called the Triad. I assume that the people running the Chinese government are good and decent people like any other, but they have to deal with the Triad, the same way Russia has to deal with its criminal gangs. Dave is right when he says that it is not in our interests to mingle into Russia’s or China’s business. They are very old peoples and they have the right to have their own societies and civilizations.
Globalization has transformed China into a giant sweatshop to allow the transnational corporations to dump their cheap products into our regional economies, destroying the small and middle-size businesses, destroying the middle class, in a nutshell, breaking our economy for their profit. Look how we have become poorer since the Free-Trade agreements have been signed. Weren’t they supposed to bring us prosperity?
Again, I agree with Dave. It is incredible how little criticism is heard on Saudi Arabia but a lot on Iran, how little on Tibet but a lot on China, how little on the Palestinians but a lot on Israel, etc, etc. U.S. interests wouldn’t have anything to do about it, would it?
@LarryFW: I don’t know the book but judging by the trend, I would say Dave is probably right. Mimi Alford just published Once upon a secret, a book in which she basically says that Kennedy was a sexual deviant, that he treated women like whores and lot of other stuff that can be invented by anyone. After trashing Roosevelt for the New Deal and for stooding against the fascists, now the Reich seems to be in a mood for targetting Kennedy. And why, according to you? Because Russ Baker has done such a good job at studying the Bush familiy and the murder of JFK, than now, their only option remains to try to smear, slander Kennedy and destroy his reputation, because they can’t respond on the level of ideas and documents. Standard Republican procedure.