Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #35 Fun With Science

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2

Fright­en­ing and poten­tial­ly dead­ly devel­op­ments in sci­en­tif­ic research are ana­lyzed in this pro­gram. Cor­po­rate and mil­i­tary research in the fields of med­i­cine and seis­mol­o­gy con­tin­ue to pro­duce tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions that under­score Albert Ein­stein’s obser­va­tion upon the advent of nuclear weapons that “every­thing has changed but our way of think­ing.” The broad­cast high­lights a num­ber of points includ­ing: Amer­i­can and Sovi­et research into envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion for mil­i­tary pur­pos­es (seis­mic weapons and the manip­u­la­tion of earth­quakes in par­tic­u­lar); indi­ca­tions that Great Britain may have inoc­u­lat­ed some of its Gulf War troops with exper­i­men­tal vac­cines which may be among the caus­es of “Gulf War Syn­drome” afflict­ing British vet­er­ans of that con­flict; infor­ma­tion about the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the polio vac­cine with SV40 (a can­cer-caus­ing mon­key virus); a pro­gram to immu­nize Amer­i­can school chil­dren against hepati­tis B (the exper­i­men­tal hepati­tis B vac­cine appears to be the vec­tor through which gay and Native Amer­i­cans were inoc­u­lat­ed with AIDS); a strange seis­mic event in Aus­tralia which may have been a test of a seis­mic weapon (pos­si­bly by mem­bers of the Japan­ese Aum Shin­rikyo cult) and an analy­sis of the fas­cist and Nazi over­tones of Aum’s ide­ol­o­gy and struc­ture. Aum’s ter­ror­ist attacks helped to desta­bi­lize the Japan­ese gov­ern­ment in 1995. (Record­ed on 2/2/97.)


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