Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #353 Tides of Oil, Money, and Financial Safe Harbors

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

Spec­u­la­tive in nature, this pro­gram begins explo­ration of “deep con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry” in con­nec­tion with the 9/11 attacks.

1. The broad­cast begins with dis­cus­sion of an inves­ti­ga­tion of pos­si­ble con­nec­tions between Al Taqwa, Khalid Bin Mah­fouz and a now-defunct, Vir­ginia based fund called the Saar Foun­da­tion. (“U.S. Is Exam­in­ing Whether Dona­tions by 2 Wealthy Saud­is Indi­rect­ly Aid­ed Ter­ror­ism” by Judith Miller; New York Times; 3/25/2002; p. A10.) Begun in 1983, the Saar Foun­da­tion received 1.7 bil­lion dol­lars in 1998 (the year of the Embassy bomb­ings in Africa), and yet showed a net loss of $9 mil­lion when it closed in Decem­ber of 2000. (Idem.) The Trea­sury Depart­ment is inves­ti­gat­ing areas of over­lap between the peo­ple involved with Saar and those involved with Bin Mah­fouz-Cherif Sed­ky (the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Bin Mah­fouz) was a prin­ci­pal fig­ure involved with Saar. (Idem.) Saar, in turn, employed peo­ple con­nect­ed to Al Qae­da. (Idem.)

2. Next, the pro­gram reviews mate­r­i­al about evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries con­nect­ing Bin Mah­fouz, Al Taqwa and the Bin Laden orga­ni­za­tion. (“Im Wun­der­land des Has­s­es”; by Johannes von Dohnanyi; Welt­woche; Aus­gabe 01/2002.)

3. Not­ing that Saar (one of a num­ber of Islam­ic char­i­ties in the U.S. being inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with Al Qae­da) was locat­ed in Vir­ginia, Mr. Emory reviews infor­ma­tion about the pres­ence of Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ist ele­ments in the Unit­ed States. One of these is an Islam­ic char­i­ty called Mer­cy Inter­na­tion­al, alleged to have been con­nect­ed to Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ist ele­ments. Mer­cy Inter­na­tion­al is an off­shoot of Al Taqwa sub­sidiary, Gulf Office. (Dol­lars for Ter­ror: The Unit­ed States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copy­right 2000 [SC]; Algo­ra Pub­lish­ing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 150; vis­it their web­site at www.algora.com .)

4. The con­nec­tion between Gulf Office, Al Taqwa and Mer­cy Inter­na­tion­al is under­scored. (Ibid.; p. 151.)

5. Mer­cy Inter­na­tion­al even­tu­al­ly relo­cat­ed from Switzer­land to Michi­gan. (Ibid.; pp. 151–152.)

6. The broad­cast then reviews alleged sup­port of the petro­le­um fac­tion of U.S. intel­li­gence in mov­ing the head­quar­ters of Mer­cy Inter­na­tion­al to the Unit­ed States. (Ibid.; p. 364.)

7. The pro­gram notes that Bin Laden’s broth­er-in-law had been giv­en a visa to enter the Unit­ed States-an occur­rence that out­raged the FBI. (Ibid.; p. 365.)

8. The pro­gram high­lights a diver­gence of opin­ion and prac­tice between the FBI and the CIA. “The dis­cus­sion makes it clear that the FBI and the CIA had engaged in ‘a war between the police forces,’ since the Gulf War, with the FBI reproach­ing the intel­li­gence agency for its ‘too great lenien­cy with regard to its ‘Islamist part­ners.’ ” (Ibid.; pp. 365–366.) This broad­cast also dis­cuss­es the pres­ence in the Unit­ed States of Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ists con­nect­ed to Al Qae­da. Many of these ele­ments were able to estab­lish them­selves here dur­ing the anti-Sovi­et Afghan war of the 1980’s.

9. Next, Mr. Emory reviews the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Khalid Bin Mah­fouz (now rep­re­sent­ed by Sed­ky) by James R. Bath, an ear­ly investor in Arbus­to Ener­gy, W’s first oil ven­ture. (The Mafia, CIA & George Bush; by Pete Brew­ton; SPI Books; Copy­right 1992 [HC]; ISBN 1–56171-203–5; p. 219.)

10. Bath also rep­re­sent­ed the Bin Laden fam­i­ly. (Ibid.; p. 221.)

11. Bin Mah­fouz was also a pri­ma­ry play­er in the BCCI scan­dal. (Ibid.; p. 222.)

12. Not­ing the macro-eco­nom­ics of oil and inter­na­tion­al finance, Mr. Emory then deplores the recent fail­ure of con­gress to man­date more effi­cient gas mileage for Amer­i­can cars. (“Fuel Bill Runs Out of Gas” by Car­olyn Lochhead; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 3/14/2002; p. A1.) This will weak­en the coun­try by con­tin­u­ing Amer­i­can depen­dence on Mid­dle East­ern oil, as well as enhanc­ing the pow­er of Gulf “Islam­o­fas­cism” by fur­ther entrench­ing Sau­di eco­nom­ic pow­er. In addi­tion to oil, per se, Sau­di eco­nom­ic pow­er in (and over) the Unit­ed States man­i­fests itself through the petrodol­lar milieu.

13. In addi­tion to direct Sau­di invest­ment in the U.S. (the phe­nom­e­non of which the Bush/Bin Laden/Bin Mah­fouz con­nec­tions are exem­plary), Sau­di Ara­bia finances much of Amer­i­ca’s for­eign debt through its pur­chase of Trea­sury Bills. (Dol­lars for Ter­ror: The Unit­ed States and Islam; p. 253.)

14. Fur­ther exem­pli­fy­ing the “Petrodol­lar” influ­ence in the Unit­ed States, Prince Alwaleed recent­ly increased his equi­ty in Cit­i­group and AOL-Time Warn­er. (“Sau­di Prince Boosts Hold­ings In Three Stocks” by Julia Angwin; Wall Street Jour­nal; p. B13.)

15. The pre­car­i­ous debt sit­u­a­tion of the Unit­ed States com­bined with the effect that the Bush eco­nom­ic and mil­i­tary poli­cies will have on Amer­i­ca’s cur­rent accounts deficit may allow Al Qae­da (and, by exten­sion, the Under­ground Reich) to destroy Amer­i­ca eco­nom­i­cal­ly. A recent col­umn under­scores just how pre­car­i­ous the long-term U.S. debt sit­u­a­tion is. (“An Unsus­tain­able Black Hole” by Mar­tin Wolf; Finan­cial Times; 2/27/2002; p. 13.)

16. Next, Mr. Emory under­takes dis­cus­sion of some aspects of 20th cen­tu­ry finance and cap­i­tal flow, not­ing two crises of liq­uid­i­ty-one at the end of the First World War and one in the 1970s. The “solu­tions” to both of these crises man­i­fest them­selves, in part, in the Bush fam­i­ly par­tic­i­pa­tion with cap­i­tal inter­ests that are ene­mies of the Unit­ed States. Inter­view guest Christo­pher Simp­son spoke in 1998 about a cri­sis in liq­uid­i­ty cre­at­ed by the repa­ra­tions pay­ments man­dat­ed by the Treaty of Ver­sailles. The finan­cial bonds that stemmed from the Amer­i­can invest­ments in Ger­many saw the gen­e­sis of the Bush fam­i­ly’s involve­ment with the Third Reich. W’s great grand­fa­ther, George Her­bert Walk­er, was one of Hitler’s ear­li­est finan­cial back­ers. Walk­er (whose last name is the Pres­i­den­t’s mid­dle name) brought his son-in-law, Prescott Bush Sr., into his Nazi-linked busi­ness­es. (The Secret War Against the Jews: How West­ern Espi­onage Betrayed the Jew­ish Peo­ple; John Lof­tus and Mark Aarons; Copy­right 1994 [HC]; St. Mar­t­in’s Press; ISBN 0–312-11057‑X; p. 358.)

17. This pro­gram reviews the role of Sul­li­van & Cromwell attor­ney Allen Dulles in attempt­ing to mask the Bush fam­i­ly’s Nazi assets, as well as high­light­ing the con­fis­ca­tion of sev­er­al of those com­pa­nies by the Alien Prop­er­ty Cus­to­di­an dur­ing World War II. (Ibid.; p. 360.)

18. With the launch­ing of Oper­a­tion Safe­haven, a Trea­sury Depart­ment oper­a­tion aimed at inter­dict­ing the out­flow of cap­i­tal from Nazi Ger­many dur­ing the lat­er phase of the war, FDR hoped to put the Amer­i­can financiers who had backed Hitler into the defen­dan­t’s dock at Nurem­burg. (Ibid.; pp. 77–78.) Had this pro­gram been suc­cess­ful, W’s prog­en­i­tors would have been con­vict­ed of war crimes. Safe­haven was unsuc­cess­ful, how­ev­er. Vet­er­an lis­ten­ers will rec­og­nize this cap­i­tal out­flow as the foun­da­tion of the Bor­mann Orga­ni­za­tion.

19. After resign­ing from the OSS (Amer­i­ca’s World War II intel­li­gence ser­vice), Allen Dulles con­tin­ued to laun­der Nazi mon­ey. (Ibid.; p. 109.)

20. Dulles and his World War II intel­li­gence super­vi­sor (William “Wild Bill” Dono­van) were involved with one of the prin­ci­pal Nazi mon­ey laun­der­ing fronts-the World Com­merce Cor­po­ra­tion. (Ibid.; p. 110.) Both felt that the defeat of Tru­man in 1948 was essen­tial. Tru­man, of course, won the elec­tion.

21. Dulles and oth­er mem­bers of the Wall Street mafia viewed the defeat of Dewey as due to “Jew­ish influ­ence.” Dulles then uti­lized his polit­i­cal pro­tégé Richard Nixon to help import Nazis and Third Reich col­lab­o­ra­tors into the Unit­ed States to counter what the Repub­li­cans felt was exces­sive “Jew­ish influ­ence” in the Amer­i­can elec­torate. (Ibid.; p. 122.)

22. The prin­ci­pal spokesper­son for this oper­a­tion (the Cru­sade For Free­dom) was Ronald Rea­gan and the offi­cial prin­ci­pal­ly involved in arrang­ing for the fas­cists to emi­grate to the U.S. was William Casey, cam­paign man­ag­er for the Reagan/Bush cam­paign in 1980 and Rea­gan’s CIA direc­tor. (Ibid.; p. 605.) George H.W. Bush’s father was close to William Casey, and Bush was close to Nixon. In this, and the next, pro­gram, Mr. Emory explores whether the “Petrodol­lar” milieu which saw the Georges Bush joined to the Bin Laden/Bin Mah­fouz fam­i­lies might have seen Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ists brought into the Unit­ed States to fur­ther counter “Jew­ish” influ­ence. The elder Bush helped make the Nazis a per­ma­nent ele­ment of the Repub­li­can par­ty. (Ibid.; p. 369.) Just as the Nazis were involved in the Cold War against the Sovi­ets at the end of World War II, Islam­ic fun­da­men­tal­ists were involved with “Jihad” against the Sovi­ets in the 1980s. Was there a “Jihad For Free­dom” in the 1980s?


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