Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #354 Forward Into the Past Pt 3

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

1. Much of the first side of the pro­gram con­sists of read­ing and analy­sis of a very impor­tant recent arti­cle by the bril­liant Kevin Coogan, author of the ency­clo­pe­dic Dream­er of the Day: Fran­cis Park­er Yock­ey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tion­al. (“The Mys­te­ri­ous Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler, Allah. . .and Ibn Laden?” by Kevin Coogan: Hit List; April/May 2002 [Vol­ume 3, #4]; pp. 120–125.)

2. The pro­gram notes Ahmed Huber’s endorse­ment of the absence of “Jew­ish Zion­ist” advi­sors on George Bush’s staff-this in an arti­cle pub­lished short­ly before the 9/11 attacks.  (Ibid.; p. 122.)

3. Sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion pre­sent­ed in FTR#‘s 348 and 351, the pro­gram notes the close asso­ci­a­tion between Jurg Haider and Ahmed Huber. (Ibid.; p. 124.) The Haider/Huber friend­ship lends weight to the belief that Haider may, in fact, be con­vert­ing to Islam (as spec­u­lat­ed about in an arti­cle pre­sent­ed in FTR#351.)

4. Fur­ther doc­u­ment­ing Huber’s place in the post­war Nazi pan­theon, the Coogan arti­cle high­lights a pho­to of Huber with ODESSA leader Leon Degrelle and Fran­cois Genoud. (Idem.)

5. Sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion pre­sent­ed in FTR#343, the broad­cast fur­ther devel­ops dis­cus­sion of the Huber/Islamist/European far right axis. (Idem.)  Huber has attempt­ed to work out an alliance between Islamists and Euro­pean right­ists, through which the lat­ter would come to pow­er and the for­mer would then work to dimin­ish Mus­lim immi­gra­tion to Europe.

6. Huber report­ed in Deutsche Stimme (the pub­li­ca­tion of the NPD, the top Ger­man Nazi par­ty) that Iran­ian Aya­tol­lah Ali Khamenei delin­eat­ed the Mus­lim view­point con­cern­ing Nazi Ger­many.  “. . .Iran’s supreme reli­gious led­er, the Aya­tol­lah Ali Khamenei, pub­licly reject­ed claims by ‘Zion­ists and Marx­ists’ con­cern­ing Ger­man war crimes.  Aya­tol­lah then stat­ed that Mus­lims saw Ger­many dif­fer­ent­ly, both because the Nazis fought against colo­nial pow­ers like Eng­land, France, Bel­gium, and Hol­land, and also ‘because the Third Reich, in the view of Mus­lims, con­tained some inter­est­ing Islam­ic ele­ments,’ by which Khamenei was almost cer­tain­ly refer­ring to the Grand Mufti’s role in World War II.” (Ibid.; p. 125.)

7. The broad­cast spec­i­fies that accused “20th hijack­er” Zac­cha­rias Mous­saoui is being rep­re­sent­ed by Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, a mem­ber of the same law firm as Genoud pro­tégé Jacques Verges. (Idem.)  Verges has also rep­re­sent­ed for­mer SS offi­cer Klaus Bar­bie. (Idem.)

8. The pro­gram also notes anoth­er spec­u­la­tive link between Fran­cois Genoud and the 9/11 attacks.  “Ernest Back­es, a lead­ing Euro­pean expert on mon­ey laun­der­ing, told the Lux­em­bourg-based finan­cial jour­nal Plus Minus that he believed that the 9/4–11 ter­ror­ist mon­ey trail would ulti­mate­ly lead back to Swiss bank acounts set up by an orga­ni­za­tion found­ed by Genoud.  Reports of a pos­si­ble Genoud trail cite the involve­ment of a Swiss lawyer named Bau­doin [Dunant] on the man­age­ment com­mit­tee of the Gene­va branch of the Sau­di Invest­ment Com­pa­ny (SICO), which han­dles much of the bin-Laden fam­i­ly’s invest­ments abroad.” (Idem.)

9. The pro­gram also notes that Bau­doin Dunant rep­re­sent­ed Genoud in a case in 1983, in which Genoud was charged with ter­ror­ism. (In the Name of Osama Bin Laden; by Roland Jacquard; Copy­right 2002 [SC]; Duke Uni­ver­si­ty Press; ISBN 0–8223-2991–3; pp. 17–18.)  The broad­cast also points out that Dunant is vir­tu­al­ly the only non-fam­i­ly mem­ber on the board of direc­tors of SICO.  (Idem.)

10. Fur­ther clar­i­fy­ing Dunan­t’s sta­tus on the board of SICO, the pro­gram high­lights the fact that Dunant is the co-chair­man of the board of direc­tors of SICO.  (“Fam­i­ly Ties: The Bin Ladens” by Neil MacK­ay; The Sun­day Her­ald; 3/31/2002; p. 6.)  His co-chair­man (Beat­rice Dufour) is of Iran­ian extrac­tion and is the sis­ter-in-law of Yeslam Bin Laden, the head of SICO and Osama’s broth­er.  (Idem.)  (As not­ed, Genoud was alleged to have financed Khome­nei’s exile in France.  Huber also main­tains exten­sive con­nec­tions to the Iran­ian Islamist milieu.)

Next, the high­ly secre­tive nature of SICO.  (In the Name of Osama Bin Laden; p. 16.)  In addi­tion to facil­i­tat­ing secret deals between the Saud­is and oth­er par­ties, this high­ly secre­tive nature of the Bin Laden fam­i­ly’s deal­ings is con­sis­tent with Mr. Emory’s hunch that the Bin Laden milieu is inex­tri­ca­bly linked with that of the Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion. The eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal com­po­nent of a Third Reich gone under­ground, the Bor­mann orga­ni­za­tion con­trols cor­po­rate Ger­many and much of the rest of the world. Cre­at­ed and run by Mar­tin Bor­mann, the orga­ni­za­tion­al genius who was the “the pow­er behind the throne” in Nazi Ger­many, the Bor­mann group is a pri­ma­ry ele­ment of the analy­sis pre­sent­ed in the For the Record pro­grams. In this con­text, it should be remem­bered that Genoud was involved with the dis­burse­ment of Nazi monies after the war.  All such funds were rig­or­ous­ly man­aged by Bor­mann.

11. The pro­gram then notes that a key oper­a­tive of Al Que­da was Mohamed Omara Harazi.  (Ibid.; p. 85.)

12. Harazi, in turn, was report­ed by the Yeme­mi secret ser­vices to be a pro­tégé of Wad­di Had­dad, a close asso­ciate of Genoud.  (Ibid.; p. 283.

13. Next, the broad­cast notes the untime­ly death of Salem Bin Laden (anoth­er of Osama’s broth­ers), and the alle­ga­tion that Salem was involved with the “Octo­ber Sur­prise,” the col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Reagan/Bush cam­paign and the Khome­nei forces dur­ing the 1980 cam­paign. (Ibid.; p. 12.)  (For more about this liai­son, see RFA#‘s 31, 38.  In par­tic­u­lar, the dis­cus­sion with Farah Man­sour (a mem­ber of the Iran­ian resis­tance) should be of inter­est in this con­text.

14. Next, Mr. Emory reviews the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Salem Bin Laden by James R. Bath, an ear­ly investor in Arbus­to Ener­gy, W’s first oil ven­ture. (The Mafia, CIA & George Bush; by Pete Brew­ton; SPI Books; Copy­right 1992 [HC]; ISBN 1–56171-203–5; p. 219, 221.)

15. The broad­cast also notes the pres­ence of the Shakarshi fam­i­ly on the board of direc­tors of SICO. (“Fam­i­ly Ties: The Bin Ladens” by Neil MacK­ay; The Sun­day Her­ald; 3/31/2002; pp. 6–7.)  As dis­cussed in RFA# 38, the fam­i­ly was heav­i­ly involved with some of the Iran-Con­tra machi­na­tions, alleged drug smug­gling in par­tic­u­lar.

16. Among the col­lab­o­ra­tors with the Shakarshis in the above activ­i­ties was Hans Kopp, whose wife Mag­dale­na was the Swiss jus­tice min­is­ter at the time.  (“About the Bin Laden Fam­i­ly”; “Front­line: Hunt­ing Bin Laden: Who is Bin Laden”; Copy­right 2001; p. 8.) Mag­dale­na Kopp is pre­sid­ing over the war crimes tri­al of Slo­bo­dan Milo­se­vic.

17. Next, the pro­gram dis­cuss­es the con­nec­tions of Mahrous Bin Laden (yet anoth­er broth­er of Osama’s) to Syr­i­an mem­bers of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and the vio­lent takeover of the Great Mosque in Mec­ca in 1979.  (In the Name of Osama Bin Laden; pp. 12–13.)

18. Mahrous cur­rent­ly head the Bin Laden fam­i­ly’s Med­i­na (Sau­di Ara­bia) oper­a­tions.  (“Fam­i­ly Ties: The Bin Ladens” by Neil MacK­ay; The Sun­day Her­ald; 3/31/2002; p. 5.)

19. Osama Bin Laden’s orig­i­nal recruit­ment as a mujahid (to fight in Afghanistan) was done through an insti­tu­tion close­ly con­nect­ed to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. (Al Que­da: Broth­er­hood of Ter­ror; by Paul Williams; Copy­right 2002 [SC]; Alpha Books; ISBN 0–02-864352–6; p. 76.)

20. The broad­cast con­cludes with dis­cus­sion about the alleged asso­ci­a­tion between Okla­homa City bomber Ter­ry Nichols and Ramzi Youss­eff, the Al Que­da oper­a­tive and mas­ter­mind of the first attack on the World trade Cen­ter.  (Ibid.; pp. 145–146.)


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