Recorded August 5, 2002
MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
This interview highlights the political and historical landscape against which the events of 9/11/2001 should be viewed. In this visit with Kevin Coogan, we review some of the key points of Kevin Coogan’s vitally important recent book Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Post War Fascist International (Copyright 1999 [SC]; Autonomedia; ISBN 1–57027-039–2.) (Kevin’s work is featured prominently in the FTR series about the 9/11 attacks.) In addition, the second half of the program sets forth some of the key points of Coogan’s recent article about Ahmed Huber and Al Taqwa. As mentioned in previous programs, the use of Mr. Coogan’s remarkable work should not be misconstrued as constituting an endorsement by Kevin for Mr. Emory’s working hypothesis about 9/11.
1. The program begins with a summary by Mr. Coogan of Yockey’s life and work. A Nazi operative before, during and after the Second World War, Yockey drew on a number of philosophical inspirations, particularly Oswald Spengler and his book The Decline of the West. Seeing the disintegration of the West in the First World War, the rise of Bolshevism and the Great Depression, Yockey eventually became enamored of the fascist philosophy. Differing from Hitler’s Nordic racial philosophy, Yockey came to see a pan-European fascism as a prescription for human political ills. His philosophy was summed up in the volume Imperium, ultimately published and publicized by Willis Carto and his Liberty Lobby organization.
2. Further developing principal elements of the political philosophy of “Yockeyism,” the program underscores a number of key differences between Yockey’s ideas and the tenets of “classical” fascism and Nazism. Yockey saw potential alliances between the fascist international and the former Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, Castro’s Cuba and the Third World as essential to what he saw as an absolute necessity—the destruction of the United States as a prerequisite to the establishment of the Imperium. Yockey hated the U.S. and felt that the aforementioned countries and entities (traditionally ranged as enemies of fascism in traditional fascist ideology as well as “Cold War” philosophy) were important to its eventual annihilation. (It is Mr. Emory’s considered opinion that much of the so-called progressive sector is, in effect, Yockeyite in its manifestations and pronunciations–particularly in the aftermath of 9/11.)
3. Next, the program highlights the influence of Karl Haushofer and his “geopolitics” on the thinking of key Third Reich leaders and, most importantly, Yockey himself. Of particular note is the fact that Haushofer saw an alliance between Germany and the peoples of the so-called “colored” world as critical to world domination and the successful overthrow of the British Empire, in particular.
4. One of the principal allies of the Third Reich and an individual who operated in some of the same political arenas as Yockey was Haj Amin al-Husseini—the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. An officer in the SS, Husseini operated on behalf of the Third Reich and could be viewed as an embodiment of key elements of the geopolitical thinking of Haushofer and, to an extent, Yockey. The Grand Mufti was particularly active in the Third World in the postwar period.
5. The Grand Mufti played a key part in the Bandung (Indonesia) conference in the 1950’s—a forum in which the non-aligned or “Third World” nations formalized their existence and association. Precipitating an anti-American coalition among these nations as well as the Marxist countries figured prominently in the thinking of Yockey.
6. Another one of the prominent fascists associated with the Arabo/fascist milieu of the Grand Mufti was Francois Genoud. A primary player in the Nazi espionage milieu before, during, and after World War II, Genoud gained prominence in the Arab world as one of the Nazi bankers operating on behalf of the Algerian FLN. Genoud became a prime mover in the world of international terrorism, associating with, among other elements, Carlos the Jackal, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and various European fascist elements associated with the Third Position. (For more about the Third Position, see FTR#’s 231, 267, as well as Miscellaneous Archive Shows M19 and M21.) Genoud was very close to the Grand Mufti throughout his career on behalf of the Third Reich. That career involved the aiding of Nazi fugitives after the war, the postwar dispensing of Nazi funds and legal assistance to accused Nazi war criminals. Among Genoud’s close associates was attorney Jacques Verges, who has assisted, among others, “Butcher of Lyons” Klaus Barbie, the aforementioned PFLP, and Carlos the Jackal. Carlos’ wife-to-be (Isabelle Coutant-Peyre) is a law partner of Verges and the French attorney for Zaccharias Moussaoui, the accused 20th hijacker.
7. A key player in the postwar Nazi underground in Egypt and the Middle East was Johann Von Leers, chief anti-Semitic propagandist for Goebbels during the Third Reich. After the war, Von Leers participated in the Nazi diaspora, landing first in Argentina and then Egypt. The publisher of Der Weg, a Nazi propaganda periodical published in Argentina, Von Leers ushered a number of Yockey’s writings into print. After relocating to Egypt, Von Leers converted to Islam, changing his name to Omar Amin Von Leers. In Egypt, he became the head of Nasser’s Institute for the Study of Zionism. Among the people who eventually came under Von Leers’ sway was Achmed Huber (nee Alfred Huber). Huber is a director of Al Taqwa (later renamed Nada management).
8. Much of the second half of the broadcast focuses on Ahmed (or Achmed) Huber–an individual whose presence overlaps the milieu of Bin Laden and the postwar fascist underground of Genoud, the Grand Mufti and Von Leers. (See Coogan’s recent article on Huber “The Mysterious Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler, Allah and Bin Laden?”). As mentioned at the beginning of this description, Kevin’s article comprises the bulk of the discussion in FTR#354.
9. A socialist early in life, Huber fell under the sway of the Muslim Brotherhood, Von Leers and the Grand Mufti. (For more about the Muslim Brotherhood, see among other programs, FTR#’s 343, 350, 351, 358, 369.) The combined influence of these elements prompted Huber to become both a Muslim and a convert to fascism. Although a Sunni, Huber maintains excellent relations with the Shiite Islamic fundamentalists in Iran. Huber became very close to Francois Genoud as well.
10. Much of Huber’s efforts have been directed toward coordinating political actions among European and American rightists and Islamic fundamentalists in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. In addition to the avowed goal of bringing down the United States and annihilating Israel, Huber and his associates seek to establish Islamic fundamentalist rule in the Middle East and to coordinate an anti-immigration policy between the Islamists and European rightists. In theory, at least, this would end Muslim immigration to Europe.
11. Among Huber’s more intriguing connections is his relationship with the Avalon Gemeinschaft, a European pagan/fascist group. Synthesizing elements of pagan/occult religious philosophy with fascist political ideology, the Avalon Gemeinschaft would appear, at first glance, to be at fundamental variance with the Muslim religiosity espoused by Huber.
12. The broadcast highlights Huber’s association with Al Taqwa, Youssef Nada and (allegedly) the milieu of Osama Bin Laden. This relationship is discussed at great length in broadcasts enumerated at the beginning of this description.
13. An associate of the German Nazi group NPD, Huber numbers among his colleagues in that organization Horst Mahler, an individual with an ideological and political history as varied as that of Huber. Originally associated with the Baader Meinhoff Gang (an extreme left wing terrorist group in Germany), Mahler embraced a pro-Palestinian ideological line and, ultimately, gravitated to a fascist political philosophy. Mahler was vocal in his support for the attacks of 9/11.
14. Other Program Highlights Include: Discussion of the Muslim Brotherhood’s links to African-American Islamist elements; Islamist connections to the New Black Panthers; the genesis of Egyptian President Nasser’s infatuation with the Third Reich; Huber’s profession of the Shehada (belief in and adoption of Islam).
Kevin Coogan’s magnum opus Dreamer of the Day can be obtained from Autonomedia. Visit their website at .
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