MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
The focus is the Machiavellian impact of the Underground Reich’s presence within both sides of bitterly opposing ethnic and ideological struggles. In particular, the program highlights Underground Reich presence on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and within the anti-globalization movement.
After reviewing some of the history of Yasser Arafat’s association with pivotal Nazi operatives Haj Amin al-Husseini and Otto Skorzeny, the broadcast highlights the remarkable and deadly Bormann organization’s support for Israel and its inclusion of Jewish businessmen in its structure. This gives the Underground Reich tremendous influence within Israel proper. The program sets forth the history of fascist elements within the Zionist movement. After briefly chronicling the pivotal role of the Holocaust in the birth of Israel and the Arab nations’ expulsion of Jews and the appropriation of their property following the Israeli war of independence, the broadcast summarizes the fascist/Zionist connection. It is important to note that this is in no way intended to imply that Zionism is fascist, any more than Islam is fascist. There are important fascist elements within both. Israel’s political health and democratic traditions are far in advance of those in the Arab and Muslim worlds.
A fellow traveler of Mussolini, Vladimir Jabotinsky headed up the Betar in the 1930s. The two best-known graduates of the fascist Betar were former Israeli Prime Minister Menaghem Begin and the late Meir Kahane. Jabotinsky’s personal secretary (and a pallbearer at his funeral) was Benzion Netanyahu, the father and political mentor of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Another of the fascist elements within the Zionist movement was the Stern Gang, which advocated a military alliance between Nazi Germany and the Zionist movement in order to drive the British from Palestine-the most famous graduate of the Stern Gang was Yitzhak Shamir, another Israeli Prime Minister. Feivel Polkes (a Polish Jew and a member of the Hagannah) worked with Otto Von Bolschwing, Adolph Eichmann’s superior and a key member of the Dulles/Gehlen axis.
The presence of the Underground Reich in the Israeli right-wing is worth contemplating in the context of the Republican Party’s active courting of the Israeli right during Clinton’s administration. Actively subverting Clinton’s efforts at brokering a Middle East peace accord, the Republicans attempted to have the US embassy moved to Jerusalem (from Tel Aviv.) This was against the advice of the late Yitzhak Rabin and was vetoed by Bill Clinton.
Next, the program reviews the probable subversion of the Camp David peace talks by the Republicans in July of 2000. Key members of the PLO negotiating team at Camp David were proteges of the anti-Semitic James Baker, the elder George Bush’s Secretary of State. Baker brought key Palestinian “moderates” to the United States, where they were coached in the latest PR techniques by the CIA. Termed “Baker’s Dozen” by the Agency, they have become the darlings of the so-called “progressive sector.” In conjunction with the failure of the peace talks, one should bear in mind the fact that the PLO is bankrolled primarily by Saudi Arabia and the Saudis are deeply involved with the Bush/Republican milieu.
The failure of the peace talks assured that Al Gore would not be able to ride the crest of a successful Middle East peace process to victory in the 2000 elections. It also doomed the fortunes of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, weakened the Labor Party and boosted the Likud Party into a position of primacy. Interestingly, the Likud Party sent a representative to the national conference of the Allianza Nationale in Italy (the successor party to Mussolini’s fascisti.) It is Mr. Emory’s view that Israel is the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem.” In effect, it is a concentration camp in which much of the world’s Jewish population has been “concentrated” by design-it will eventually become a death camp (such as Auschwitz) if the Underground Reich gets its way.
The concluding portion of the broadcast examines the manner in which elements of the Underground Reich have fused anti-imperialist rhetoric with fascist ideology. Casting the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in terms of “Zionist imperialism,” they have co-opted the rhetoric of the anti-globalization movement and, to a certain extent, infiltrated it.
Program Highlights Include: Goebbels aide Johann Von Leers’ celebration of the Nazi/Arab nationalist/Islamist alliance as the antidote to “Western Imperialism;” Hungarian fascist Istvan Csurka’s celebration of the 9/11 attacks; German neo-Nazi Horst Mahler’s endorsement of the attacks; Mahler’s apparently recent association with the previously anarchist anti-fascist “Black Bloc;” the Black Bloc’s presence at both the anti-globalization demonstrations in Genoa in 2001 and the recent anti-war march in San Francisco; the presence of Allianza Nationale chief Gianfranco Fini at Genoa in 2001.
1. The broadcast reviews the concept of the “virtual state.” It is the borderless, underground nature of the “virtual state” that is the Underground Reich that makes it so deadly, and so elusive. “University of Texas law professor Philip Bobbitt spent 10 years working on a book published this year that is proving eerily prescient. The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History is a daunting 919 pages about the transformation of war. It’s filled with political theory. It’s laced with portraits of key diplomatic figures. It’s pages upon pages that discuss the differences between what he terms the nation state, and the market state and the emergence of the virtual state (represented by Al Qaeda as an enemy organization without a definable location.)” (“UT Professor Has Finger on Pulse of Warfare” by Sharon Jayson; Austin American-Statesman; 12/2/2002; p. B1. [PDF])
2. Briefly illustrating the presence of the Underground Reich within the milieu of the PLO, the program reviews the association of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. An SS officer and pivotal Third Reich operative, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Haj Amin Al-Husseini) is described by author Martin A. Lee. “Among those who gathered at the Mufti’s home during the mid-1950’s was his distant cousin, Yasser Arafat, then an engineering student at the University of Cairo.” (The Beast Reawakens; Martin A. Lee; Copyright 1997 [HC]; Little, Brown & Co.; ISBN 0–316-51959–6; p. 128.) One should note that the “Grossmufti” was the first leader of the Palestinian national movement. One should not fail to note that Arafat, the first Palestinian terrorist groups and SS Colonel (and ODESSA leader) Otto Skorzeny have strong historical links.
3. Martin Lee describes the Arafat/Skorzeny/terrorist links. “Several young Palestinian refugees, including Yasser Arafat, joined the Egyptian soldiers who were learning the ways and means of unconventional warfare. Although initially the intended target was the British, the future PLO chief realized that rigorous commando exercises would help prepare the Palestinian militants who were eager to renew the battle for their lost homeland. A grateful Arafat recognized Skorzeny’s abundant skills in this area, and the two men struck up a relationship that lasted for many years. Apparently the Palestinian leader was quite fond of the scarfaced paladin [Skorzeny]. ‘Arafat would have done anything for Otto!’ remarked [Otto’s widow] Ilse Skorzeny.’ ” (Ibid.; pp. 129–130.)
4. The Underground Reich’s presence within the Islamofascist milieu is exemplified by the Muslim Brotherhood. Discussing the diaspora of the Brotherhood following its expulsion from Egypt, he discussed the establishment of Munich as a primary base of operations. Said Ramadan was very active against Israel during the War of Independence in 1948. ” ‘Why Munich, why Germany?’ I asked Rifaat Said. ‘Because there, one finds old complicities that go back to the late 1930’s, when the Muslim Brothers collaborated with the agents of Nazi Germany. . .By soaking up the savings of these Muslim workers, Yussef Nada, like Said Ramadan, took advantage of an extremely favorable context and used it as a springboard for the Muslim Brothers’ economic activities.’ ” (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copyright 2000 [SC]; Algora Publishing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 153.)
5. Before discussing the Bormann influence within Israel, the program presents a synoptic account of the Bormann organization. “With the war years far behind him, Martin Bormann goes on and on, quietly making history in worldwide financial circles. He was eighty on June 17, 1980, and his chief of security, Heinrich Mueller, was seventy-nine the same year. Bormann today may be likened to the classic chairman of the board of a vast international business complex, of an organization holding greater assets than any private investment house on Wall Street. Bormann, aged though he is, continues to guide the destiny of his financial empire. But he is sufficiently prudent and farsighted to realize that the assets he controls must be placed in younger hands, and today the leadership council of the senior NSDAP group is reflected in a younger generation, comprising professional managers, lawyers, and financiers, who are calling the shots as money and trade are moved among the markets of the Americas and Europe. Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as in a myriad of other countries, including those in their bastion, Latin America. Their management is of the best and the companies they operate return a profit to everyone involved, from the West German government in corporate taxes and increased trade, to the shareholders of all companies that participated so long ago in Reichsleiter Bormann’s flight capital program.” (Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 by Paul Manning; [HC] Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 226.)
6. The program highlights another interesting aspect of the Bormann organization’s influence in the United States, its select use of Jewish businessmen as front men. One should note that the inclusion of Jewish businessmen in the organization’s structure contributes to the economic support of Israel. In turn, the Bormann financial support of Israel helps to insure the relative silence and complicity of Israel and the Zionist community on substantive issues concerning the postwar survival of the Underground Reich. “Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to survivors of the Holocaust. East Germany ignores any such liability. From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessman in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked, as always, for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much ‘literature.’ So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentine safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. Personal invitation is the only way to reach him.” (Ibid.; pp. 226–227.)
7. The program relates an incident in which organized crime kingpin Meyer Lansky tried to blackmail the Bormann group. This resulted in his removal from Israel. “A revealing insight into this international financial and industrial network was given me by a member of the Bormann organization residing in West Germany. Meyer Lansky, he said, the financial advisor to the Las Vegas-Miami underworld sent a message to Bormann through my West German SS contact. Lansky promised that if he received a piece of Bormann’s action he would keep the Israeli agents off Bormann’s back. ‘I have a very good relation with the Israeli secret police’ was his claim, although he was to be kicked out of Israel when his presence became too noted-and also at the urging of Bormann’s security chief in South America. At the time Lansky was in the penthouse suite of Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, in which he owned stock. He had fled to Israel to evade a U.S. federal warrant for his arrest. He sent his message to Bormann through his bag man in Switzerland, John Pullman, also wanted in the United States on a federal warrant. Lansky told Pullman to make this offer ‘which he can’t refuse.’ The offer was forwarded to Buenos Aires, where it was greeted with laughter. When the laughter died down, it was replaced with action. Meyer was evicted from Israel and was told by Swiss authorities to stay out of their country, so he flew to South America. There he offered any president who would give him asylum a cool $1 million in cash. He was turned down everywhere and had to continue his flight to Miami, where U.S. marshals, alerted, were waiting to take him into custody.” (Ibid.; pp. 227–228.)
8. The implications of the Bormann/Lansky encounter were neatly summed up by Paul Manning. “The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and substance, and no one can tamper with it. I have been told: ‘You cannot push these people. If you do it can be extremely risky.’ Knowing their heritage I take this statement at face value.” (Ibid.; p. 228.)
9. The Israeli right-wing has an historical relationship with fascism. After briefly chronicling the pivotal role of the Holocaust in the birth of Israel and the Arab nations’ expulsion of Jews and the appropriation of their property following the Israeli War of Independence, the broadcast summarizes the fascist/Zionist connection. A fellow traveler of Mussolini, Vladimir Jabotinsky headed up the Betar in the 1930’s (M30). The two best-known graduates of the fascist Betar were former Israeli Prime Minister Menaghem Begin (M30) and the late Meir Kahane (M58). Jabotinsky’s personal secretary (and a pallbearer at his funeral) was Benzion Netanyahu, the father and political mentor of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (FTR#94). Another of the fascist elements within the Zionist movement was the Stern Gang, which advocated a military alliance between Nazi Germany and the Zionist movement in order to drive the British from Palestine-the most famous graduate of the Stern Gang was Yitzhak Shamir, another Israeli Prime Minister (M30). Feivel Polkes (a Polish Jew and a member of the Hagannah) worked with Otto Von Bolschwing, Adolph Eichmann’s superior and a key member of the Dulles/Gehlen axis.
10. The Underground Reich is deeply involved with the Republican Party. During the Clinton administration the Republicans actively subverted Clinton’s attempts at brokering a peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians. For example, when Hillary Clinton came out in favor of the creation of a Palestinian state, House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich traveled to Israel and spoke out against this in an address to the Knesset (the Israeli parliament.)
11. Exemplary of the Republican subversion of Clinton’s attempts at brokering a Mideast peace accord was the Dole bill, which would have moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that Yitzhak Rabin (later assassinated) advised against. Clinton vetoed the law. “Indeed, constitutionally, the President can suspend the application of a law approved by Congress if he judges it contrary to the higher interests of the country, as was the case for the Dole law that proposed to transfer the embassy of the United States to Jerusalem.” (Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; p. 167.)
12. Next, the program reviews the probable subversion of the Camp David peace talks by the Republicans in July of 2000. Key members of the PLO negotiating team at Camp David were proteges of the anti-Semitic James Baker, the elder George Bush’s Secretary of State. Baker brought key Palestinian “moderates” to the United States, where they were coached in the latest PR techniques by the CIA. Termed “Baker’s Dozen” by the Agency, they have become the darlings of the so-called “progressive sector.” In conjunction with the failure of the peace talks, one should bear in mind the fact that the PLO is bankrolled primarily by Saudi Arabia and the Saudis are deeply involved with the Bush/Republican milieu. “According to our sources, the CIA secretly brought several moderate Palestinians to the United States for intensive briefing. This group, code named ‘Baker’s Dozen,’ included most of the ‘official’ Palestinian negotiating team with Israel: ‘Hanan Ashrawi, Hanna Seniora, Saeb Erakat, Sari Nusseibeh and other lower ranking Palestinians were summoned to Langley for a three day conference on integrating their politics with the U.S. . . . Ashrawi was singled out as a good Palestinian image spokeswoman dubbed by the Company-the Palestinian Golda Meir.’ ” (The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People; John Loftus and Mark Aarons; Copyright 1994 [SC]; St. Martin’s Press; ISBN 0–312-15648–0; p. 476.)
10. In the introduction to their book, Loftus and Aarons note the sentiments of Bush (Sr.) Secretary of State James Baker. ” ‘Whatsoever ye shall do unto the least of men . . . So shall ye do also unto me.’ ‑Jesus of Nazareth, called by the Romans ‘King of the Jews,’ circa A.D. 32.” (Ibid.; p. vii.)
11. ” ‘Fuck the Jews . . . they won’t vote for us anyway.’ ‑The Honorable James Baker, Secretary of State, United States of America, circa A.D. 1992.” (Idem.)
12. In the context of the Baker affiliation of the Palestinian negotiators, it is interesting to note that the day that petroleum industry professional Dick Cheney (another Bush, Sr. cabinet officer) was named as George W’s Vice-Presidential candidate, Yasser Arafat walked out of the Camp David peace talks that were being brokered by President Clinton. (“Clinton Ends Deadlocked Peace Talks” by Jane Perlez; New York Times; 7/26/2000; p. A1; “Bush Names Cheney, Citing ‘Integrity’ and ‘Experience’ ” by Frank Bruni; New York Times; 7/26/2000; p. A1.) The possibility that the Republican/petroleum industry/Saudi connection may have played a back channel role in interdicting the peace talks is not a possibility to be too readily discarded. (It should be noted that the elder George Bush was in touch with the Saudi Royal family during the 2000 campaign through the Carlyle group. The Bush/Saudi connection appears to have helped to destroy Jimmy Carter’s election prospects in 1980. Had President Clinton successfully brokered the Israeli/Palestinian peace process, it might have very well given the 2000 election to Al Gore.)
13. The broadcast notes that the key State Department official involved with coordinating policy with so-called “friendly” governments in the region is Dick Cheney’s daughter, Elizabeth. And you thought that Bush’s son was the one you had to worry about. Turns out it’s Cheney’s daughter. “Yet the work assigned to Ms. Cheney, a deputy US assistant undersecretary of state and daughter of the vice-president, is hardly diplomacy as usual. The focus of her efforts is countries in the Arab world. Her newly created post is at the forefront of US efforts to instigate political reform among the authoritarian regimes long regarded by Washington as allies.” (“ ‘Iraq Will Cause a Change in the Region and Make America’s Enemies Desperate’ ” by Rhoula Khalaf; Financial Times; 1/16/2003; p. 11.)
14. As a result of the collapse (Republican/Underground Reich subversion?) of the Camp David peace talks: a devastating and mutually annihilating conclusion to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is closer than ever; the peace process and prospects for the Israeli Labor party appear more remote than ever, despite the ongoing endorsement by the majority of the Israeli population for the establishment of a Palestinian state; the Republicans (despite their Underground Reich connections and anti-Semitism) have been able to trumpet their support for Israel as a campaign and propaganda tool; the Arab world (and many people outside of the Middle East) see the US as being controlled by a “Zionist conspiracy;” and the stage is set for the realization of the scenario presented in Serpent’s Walk.
15. In Serpent’s Walk, a Nazi propaganda tract and teaching tool, like The Turner Diaries, the Nazi Fuehrer (Alan Lessing) inveighs against the Jews. (This takes place after the Underground Reich has infiltrated the US Army, a devastating bio/terror attack involving genetically-engineered micro-organisms has wiped out much of the US population, martial law is declared, Israel gets wiped out by an Underground Reich “preemptive strike”, and the Underground Reich takes over the world.) The premise of the tract is that the US and the world are being manipulated by a “Jewish conspiracy”-a theme one hears with increasing frequency these days from the so-called progressive sector, as well as overtly fascist elements. ” ‘A preemptive, surgical first strike, just like the Izzies pulled on the Arabs a few times.’ He picked up a sheaf of documents. ‘We keep this stuff, right? It’s evidence of their intentions. I’ll give it to Liese’s publicity people right away, and we’ll have it on Home-Net before nightfall. I think we can promise you support.’ ” (Serpent’s Walk by ‘Randolph D. Calverhall;’ Copyright 1991 [SC]; National Vanguard Books; 0–937944-05‑X; pp. 432–433.)
16. ” ‘They deserved it!’ Kenow growled. ‘We didn’t do nothin’ to ‘em.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 433.)
17. ” ‘Even if you did, I doubt if our ethnos group’ll make more than token objections. The world’s had it. Anybody as unpopular as the Jews have always been . . . Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Spain, every country in Europe during the Middle Ages, Russia, America, the Third Reich . . . must be doing something wrong! We’d have preferred peaceful . . . and separate . . . and distant . . . co-existence, but they never got the message. Now we don’t care anymore.’ ” (Idem.)
18. ” ‘It’s too bad . . .’ Wrench began.” (Idem.)
19. “Don’t waste your pity!’ ” Lessing snapped. ‘They wouldn’t waste any on you. Sure, it’s sad that innocent people have to suffer, but it can’t be helped. That’s reality! That’s Nature! You can’t save the dodo, the condors, and the other losers in the battle for survival. Species-extinction happens over and over, like rain in the summer-time. Forget ethics and morality and ‘do-unto-others.’ The Izzies said ‘never again!’ about the ‘Holocaust,’ but then they turned around and did to the Palestinians everything they claimed the Germans had done to them! They called it ‘self-defense’: war under the pretext of peace, oppression in the name of justice and stability! The Arabs were weak and went under, but we’re a different story. We’re going to make it, no matter who gets in our way.’ ” (Idem.)
20. ” ‘I hear Bill Goddard again,’ Wrench murmured.” (Idem.)
21. ” ‘No, you hear me, Alan Lessing! There was a time when I’d have waffled and gone for ‘turn the other cheek,’ but not anymore! Now you hear me, and you hear our Party, our ethnos, our majority . . . our First Fuhrer! You hear the past, you hear the present, and you hear the future! We are the future!’ ” (Idem.)
22. Exemplifying the Underground Reich’s co-opting of the rhetoric of “anti-Imperialism” and their alliance with Arab nationalist movements and Islamists, former Goebbels propaganda aide Johann Von Leers articulated the position of the “virtual state” that is the Underground Reich in a letter to a colleague. ” ‘One thing is clear-more and more patriot Germans join the great Arab revolution against beastly imperialism. In Algeria half a company of German soldiers, dragging with them two French officers and two non-commissioned officers, have cut their throats in the view of the Algerian revolutionaries and have gone on the side of the Algerians and have embraced Islam. That is good! To hell with Christianity, for in Christianity’s name Germany has been sold to our oppressors! Our place as an oppressed nation under the execrable Western colonialist Bonn government must be on the side of the Arab nationalist revolt against the West. Let Adenauer be furious that honest German patriots are not extradited to him or to his British or American bosses, by those freedom-loving Arab countries. May the British swine call us ‘meddlers’-in a short time British meddling in the Middle East will be over, as it has finished in Iraq where the infidel servants of British imperialism are all killed. I hamd ul allah! . . . the backing given by USA to the Jewish tyrants in Germany will make the German nation revolt. Indeed, for out nation there is only one hope, to get rid of Western imperialism by joining the Arab-led anti-imperialist group.”’ (Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International; by Kevin Coogan; Copyright 1999 [SC]; Autonomedia; ISBN 1–57027-039–2; pp. 382–383.)
23. Hungarian fascist Istvan Csurka held forth in a similar vein after the 9/11 attacks. Notice the similarity between the rhetoric of the so-called progressive sector and that used by this virulent, overt fascist. By way of further illustrating the concept of the “virtual state,” it is worth noting that Csurka and his political associates are closely identified with the Hungarian Arrow Cross movement that was allied with Hitler. Both Arrow Cross veterans and Islamofascists are affiliated with the Al Taqwa milieu in the Republican Ethnic Outreach organization. “Istvan Csurka, the far-right leader, used a commemoration of the victims of the New York terror tragedy in the Hungarian Parliament to repeat his declaration that the terrorist attacks on the USA were a ‘reaction from the oppressed peoples of the world against globalization, exploitation and the deliberate genocide . . . in Palestine.’ ” (“Hungary: Arrow Cross Ideology Revived” by Karl Pfeifer; The Searchlight; November/2001 [#317]; p. 32.)
24. Rhetoric similar to that used by Von Leers and Csurka was employed by German neo-Nazi Horst Mahler in praising the 9/11 attacks. (It is worth noting that Mahler is an associate of Al Taqwa director Ahmed Huber, who is also affiliated with the NPD-the top German neo-Nazi party. “One of the most prominent extreme Right-wingers in German politics has caused uproar by praising the terrorist attacks against America on prime time television. Horst Mahler, a former member of the terrorist Red Army Faction, and now a leading voice in the National Democratic Party, said America had got what it deserved and described the victims as ‘collateral damage.’ Mr. Mahler, a lawyer, was imprisoned during the 1970s for his terrorism links. He said on a political opinion program, ‘Panorama’: ‘at last the Americans have been hit in the heart.’ He described the hijackers as ‘warriors prepared to kill themselves’ in the cause of ‘breaking the power of money.’ ” (“German Right-Winger Applauds Terrorists” by Toby Helm; Daily Telegraph; 9/25/2001; accessed at
25. Also illustrative of the operational nature of the “virtual state” that is the Underground Reich is the following very disturbing allegation: that the aforementioned Horst Mahler, along with other neo-Nazis, has infiltrated the Black Bloc, an organization that had a strong and impeccably anti-fascist genesis in Germany. Elements of Black Bloc have descended into agent-provacateur-like activity in connection with the anti-globalization protests in Genoa, Italy, in 2001. “They have shaved heads, dress completely in black, and wear hoods or bandanas to disguise themselves. They carry long metal bars to smash ATMs or shop windows, and Molotov cocktails to throw at police. They are the most feared group in the anti-globalization movement: Black bloc.” (“ ‘L’Internationale’ of Chaos” by Pino Buongio; Panorama; 8/2/2001; p. 1.)
26. “Their political ancestry began in the early eighties when German squatters occupied thousands of abandoned buildings in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Berlin. The success of local ‘Autonomisten’ in repelling police earned them the name ‘das Schwarzer Bloc.’ A heterogeneous movement, born in an ‘Autonomous’ environment, Black Bloc later widened to include neo-nazis from the former East Germany, including the shaven heads of ‘Blut und Ehre’ (Blood and Honour), ‘die Dreien S’ (SSS), and ‘Gruppe Achtundachtzig’ (Group 88). The nazi-skins oppose globalization in order to defend the Aryan race, as upheld by their ideological mentor, the former Red Army faction terrorist turned NPD leader, Horst Mahler.)” (Idem.)
27. The Black Bloc was also present at the January, 2003 anti-war demonstration in San Francisco and behaved in a similarly provocative fashion. “The band that broke away from the Jan. 18 peace march along San Francisco’s Market Street and spent 35 minutes vandalizing the Financial District marked the Bay Area’s introduction to ‘black bloc’ protests, police say. The black bloc, named for its activists’ black attire, couples a confrontational style of street protest with anarchist philosophies. It arose in Europe during the late 1980’s. Americans first saw the black bloc in 1999, when black-clad vandals in masks provoked a police counterattack that turned a Seattle rally against the World Trade Organization into a riot.” (“ ‘Black Bloc’ Protesters Make their Mark in S.F.” by Tom Abate; San Francisco Chronicle; 1/27/2003; p. B1.)
28. Ranged opposite the anti-globalization protesters at Genoa was Gianfranco Fini, the head of the Allianza Nationale. As one grapples with the concept of the “virtual state” consider that Fini heads the successor to Mussolini’s fascist party and that the Israeli Likud Party sent a representative to that conference as did a member of the US Republican Party. Fini and his milieu are also connected to the Al Taqwa/Muslim Brotherhood milieu that views the US and Israel as their mortal enemies. The Genoa anti-globalization imbroglio illustrates in a quintessential way the concept of the Underground Reich as a “virtual state,” and why it constitutes such an elusive and deadly foe. Look at the many and varied tentacles of this particular octopus. “The president of Egypt and the deputy prime minister of Italy have said in recent days that they were aware of a threat from Osama bin Laden’s network of Islamic terrorists to kill President Bush and other leaders of the industrialized world when they met at a summit meeting in Genoa last July. . .” (“2 Leaders Tell Of Plot to Kill Bush in Genoa” by David E. Sanger; The New York Times; 9/26/2001; p. B1.)
29. “Several days before Mr. Mubarak’s interview, in an appearance on Italian television, Gianfranco Fini, the Italian deputy prime minister, discussed parallels between the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and warnings his government had received before the Genoa meeting in July.” (Idem.)
30. For a summary analysis of the For The Record series on 9/11 and related topics, see FTR#397. The description of this broadcast is periodically updated in order to keep the information current.
31. As the prospect of war with Iraq grows more likely, one should bear in mind that the “virtual state” of the Underground Reich is present in both the Bush administration and Saddam Hussein’s regime. It will be interesting to see if this “let’s you and him fight” scenario spells doom for the United States, through a terrorist reprisal using weapons of mass destruction and/or economic destruction as a result of the preposterous economic policies of George W. Bush.
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