MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
As the title indicates, this program furthers investigates the influence of a “virtual state”—the Underground Reich—within diametrically opposite political and ethnic divisions. After discussion of Saudi governmental assistance in the flight of a grand jury witness under investigation in connection with 9/11, the broadcast focuses on Saudi sponsorship of African-American Muslim chaplains for prison populations. The individuals and institutions involved overlap the milieux of Al Qaeda, Al Taqwa, and the elements prominently involved in the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids. Ahmed Huber‑a principal figure in Al Taqwa’s operations and an important personage within the European far right as well-has networked with an African-American Muslim extremist cleric who was principally featured at a January/2003 anti-war rally in Washington, D.C.
International ANSWER—the parent organization behind several significant anti-war demonstrations is an important element of discussion. (This should in no way be misunderstood as impugning the motives of the vast majority of people opposing the war and/or in attendance at these rallies.) One of its most important elements is a Stalinist off-shoot of the Communist Party USA—the WWP. The head of the parent organization of ANSWER-the International Action Center-is former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Clark’s dubious political past is analyzed at considerable length.
Shifting focus dramatically, the broadcast discusses the disastrous economic policies of the Bush Administration. Coupled with anxiety about war in the Middle East and terrorism in the United States itself, this has led to significant strengthening of the euro against the dollar. Traditionally, the dollar was seen as a “safe haven” in turbulent times. That appears to be changing, at least for the time being. Now, investors see Europe as a more stable investment climate than the U.S. This element of the program must be evaluated against some of the political and economic underpinnings of pan-Germanism and geopolitics. The theoretical postulations of thinkers like Friedrich List, Karl Von Clausewitz and Karl Haushofer are central to an understanding of the analysis presented in For The Record, and for understanding the development of the Bormann organization.
Many respected people within the military have profound reservations about Bush administration policy in Iraq. This broadcast presents some surprising additions to the roster of Bush detractors from deep within the ranks of the professional military.
The program concludes with a comparison between one of the closing passages from The Turner Diaries and the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. Although not precise, by any means, the comparison between the climactic episode of The Turner Diaries and the Pentagon attack is close enough to warrant scrutiny. Was the passage, in part, the seed for part of the 9/11 attack?
Program Highlights Include: connections between the Wahhabi-influenced Muslim prison milieu and the milieu of the Republican Party; review of the intercession of Bush associate Talat Othman on behalf of the Green Quest targets; Ramsey Clark’s role in subverting investigations of the assassinations of President Kennedy, his brother Robert and Dr. Martin Luther King; Clark’s representation of Lyndon Larouche, Sheikh Rahman, and Nazi war criminal Karl Linnas; review of evidentiary tributaries connecting the Oklahoma City bombing with the events in, and around, 9/11.
1. Despite the claims of its apologists, Saudi Arabia’s role in the events in, and around, 9/11 continues to raise eyebrows, if not the hackles of this administration. The Saudis recently provided a passport to a witness involved in a grand jury investigation of the 9/11 situation-the passport permitted her exit from the country. “The Saudi Embassy quietly provided the wife of a terror suspect a passport and transportation out of the United States in November, after she was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in New York investigating her husband’s possible links to the Al-Qaida terrorist network, diplomatic and law enforcement sources said. . . . Maha Hafeez al-Marri and her five young children flew to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 10, just three days after federal prosecutors had their last contact with a lawyer representing her. The FBI had confiscated passports for Marri and her children soon after her husband was arrested in Peoria, Ill., in late 2001.” (“Saudis Help Terror Suspect’s Wife Leave U.S.” [Mercury News Wire Services]; San Jose Mercury News; 2/5/2003; p. 7A.)
2. Before examining the Underground Reich’s influence within Third World populations, the discussion reviews the geopolitical theories of Karl Haushofer. Haushofer (a key influence on a number of important Hitler aides) developed the concept of German allegiance with “the Colored Peoples” of the colonial world as a further vehicle for securing German economic and political control. “In its struggle to break British dominance, German military intelligence also looked to nationalist independence movements in the Middle East, Asia, and Ireland. After World War I, Haushofer continued to support these anti-British groups. In the 1930’s, Indian nationalist leader Subhas Chandra Bose [whose Indian national Army later received military support in World War II from both Germany and Japan] was a correspondent for the Zeitschrift fur Geopolitik. [Haushofer’s publication.] . . . In July 1942, foreign policy expert Hans Weigert profiled Haushofer’s ‘Eurasian liberation front’ policies in Foreign Affairs. Weigert pointed that Haushofer actually welcomed ‘the rise of the colored world,’ even writing that ‘the struggle of India and China for liberation from foreign domination and capitalist pressure agrees with the secret dreams of Central Europe.’ ” (Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International; by Kevin Coogan; Autonomedia Inc.; Copyright 1999 [SC]; ISBN 1–57027-039–2; pp. 68–69.)
3. The geopolitical struggle formulated by Haushofer must also be considered in light of the theories of Prussian military theoretician Karl Von Clausewitz. Von Clausewitz noted that: ‘war is the continuation of diplomacy by other means.’ The converse of that statement is also true (‘. . .a post-war is the continuation of war by other means.’) To understand how the events of 9/11 fit into the paradigm presented in the For The Record series, it is important to comprehend the fact that the Underground Reich’s geopolitical thinkers have a deep understanding of the continuity of wars and postwars. (For analysis of the events of 9/11 from an economic and geopolitical standpoint, see FTR#‘s 344–346, 353, 365–367, 372. For a summary analysis of the events of 9/11, see FTR#391.) “The end of battle in 1945 had singled the start of a new kind of war‑a post-war. Germany’s classical military theorist, Von Clausewitz, is famous for having declared that ‘war is the continuation of diplomacy by other means.’ In dealing with a Germany which had gone to school with Von Clausewitz for generations, we knew that, conversely, a post-war is the continuation of war by other means. Since Bismarck, wars and post-wars have formed a continuous series, changing the quality of the events only slightly from year to year, with no such thing as a clear distinction between heat of battle and calm of peace.” (All Honorable Men; James Stewart Martin; Copyright 1950 [HC]; Little, Brown & Co.; p. 235.)
4. One of the populations of “Colored” people in which the Underground Reich and its Islamofascist allies have been able to spread their influence is the African-American prison population in the United States. (For more about Islamofascist recruiting efforts in the African-American population, see FTR#‘s 378, 381, 386.) “Over a quiet dinner at an Indian restaurant in upstate New York, Warith Deen Umar offered his views of Islam and the Sept. 11 attacks. The hijackers should be honored as martyrs, he said. The U.S. risks further terrorism attacks because it oppresses Muslims around the world. ‘Without justice, there will be warfare, and it can come to this country, too,’ he said. The natural candidates to help press such an attack, in his view: African-Americans who embraced Islam in prison. . . . ” (“Captive Audience: How a Chaplain Spread Extremism to an Inmate Flock” by Paul M. Barrett; The Wall Street Journal; 2/5/2003; p. A1.)
5. Umar has traveled under the auspices of the GSISS, one of the institutions targeted in the 3/20/2002 Green Quest raids. ” . . . Imam Umar-Born Wallace Gene Marks and later known as Wallace 10-twice has traveled to Saudi Arabia for worship and study at the expense of the Saudi government and its affiliated charities, part of an extensive program aimed at spreading Islam in U.S. prisons. He and other prison chaplains also have studied and attended conferences at an Islamic school in Virginia that U.S. officials raided last year in a probe of organizations suspected of helping move money to Middle Eastern terrorists. Although New York State officials knew that a few chaplains were making pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia, the state’s prison commissioner said last week that he did know a large group had traveled at the Saudi government’s expense.” (Ibid.; pp. A1-A13.)
6. In addition to lauding the attacks of 9/11, Umar has also spoken glowingly of Osama bin Laden. “Imam Umar and some of his colleagues have brought some of Wahhabism’s harshest prejudices to their captive flock. On September 11, 2001, the chaplain at the men’s prison in remote Cape Vincent, N.Y. preached that God had inflicted his punishment on the wicked and the victims deserved what they got, according to a labor arbitrator’s subsequent ruling upholding his firing. Shocked officials at the prison didn’t intervene for fear of sparking a riot. About six weeks later, the chaplain at the Albion Correctional Facility for women told inmates that Osama bin Laden ‘is a soldier of Allah, a hero of Allah,’ prison officials say. . . .” (Ibid.; p. A13.)
7. Like the accused Washington, D.C. sniper (John Allen Muhammad) Umar’s professional path has crossed with that of Louis Farrakhan. “Before beginning his two-year prison term, he visited nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who promised that Allah would protect him. Mr. Marks became a Nation of Islam leader in prison and later changed his name to Wallace 10X. In 1975, shortly after he was released, New York put the 30-year old parolee on its payroll as one of the state’s first two Muslim chaplains. Some of the other early Muslim chaplains also were ex-convicts. Eventually he moved to the more orthodox Sunni school of Islam and changed his name to Warith Deen Umar. (Warith Deen means ‘inheritor of the religion’; Umar was an early Muslim leader. There are now 200,000 to 340,000 Muslim inmates nationwide, making up 10% to 17% of the prison population, according to estimates by corrections officials and Muslim organizations.” (Idem.)
8. “Prison dawa, or the spreading of the faith, has become a priority for many Muslim groups in the U.S. and the Saudi Arabian government, which runs what spokesman Nail al-Jubeir calls a ‘prison outreach’ program. The Islamic Affairs Department of its Washington embassy ships out hundreds of copies of the Quran each month as well as religious pamphlets and videos, to prison chaplains and Islamic groups who then pass them along to inmates. The Saudi government also pays for prison chaplains, along with many other American Muslims, to travel to Saudi Arabia for worship and study during the hajj, the traditional winter pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are supposed to make at least once in their lives. The trips typically cost $3,000 a person and last several weeks says Mr. Al-Jubeir, the Saudi spokesman.” (Idem.)
9. Further developing the link between the Saudis, the GSISS, the program details the underwriting of Umar’s trips to Saudi Arabia. “Since 1978, Imam Umar has made the pilgrimage to Mecca four times. In 1998 and 2000, he was a member of groups whose travel was financed by the Saudi government affiliated organizations. On the 2000 trip, Imam Umar was among 17 prison chaplains and their wives from the U.S. Taha Jabir Alalwani, the president of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Va., helped arrange the trip in 2000 for the prison-chaplain contingent. He made contacts on their behalf with Saudi government offices and government-funded charities, he says. Mr. Alalwani had gotten to know Imam Umar and other New York prison chaplains in the 1990’s, when they studied at his school and attended conferences there. The school awarded Imam Umar a masters degree in 2001. . . .” (Idem.)
10. The Operation Green Quest raids were directed at Islamofascist elements directly linked to the Republican Ethnic outreach organization and the milieu of George W. Bush. There could be no better illustration of the “virtual state” that is the Underground Reich than its presence within the Bush administration and the Republican Party and its presence within the milieu of Imam Umar. “The U.S. government uses the school to help select chaplains for its prisons and for the military. Last March, a federal task force led by Customs Service agents raided the graduate school and Mr. Alalwani’s Virginia home, trucking away documents and computer files. The search was part of a broad investigation of Islamic organizations and charities in Virginia suspected by federal agents of helping to move Saudi money to foreign terrorist groups, including al Qaeda and Hamas.” (Idem.)
11. “Many American Muslim leaders have condemned the Customs Service task force, known as Operation Green Quest, saying its mission reflects anti-Islam prejudice. Mr. Alalwani strongly denies any association with terrorism. The government hasn’t brought any charges against him or his school or any other of the Virginia-based organizations. Other investigations by Operation Green Quest have resulted in 70 indictments, mostly on charges related to money laundering, currency smuggling and fraud, a Customs Service spokesman says. He denies the service is motivated by any bias against Muslims.” (Idem.)
12. “In its statement, the Bureau of Prisons declined to comment on the investigation but added, ‘We would certainly take appropriate action with respect to any school or organization that has ties to terrorist groups. A Pentagon spokeswoman says the Department of Defense is aware of the investigation and confirms that the military uses the school as an ‘ecclesiastical certifying organization.’ ” (Idem.)
13. Intriguingly, a pamphlet blaming Shia Islam on (that’s right, you guessed it) the Jews was circulated within the New York prison system. This pamphlet was published by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, linked to Jamal Barzinji, Abdullah bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Al Taqwa milieu. Barzinji exemplifies the GOP/Islamofascist link, with a set of associations going to the milieu of George W. Bush and Grover Norquist. “Shiite prisoners at Fishkill have accused Imam Muhammad of calling them ‘infiltrators and snitches’ during Friday sermons. They say Sunni inmates have circulated a pamphlet, ‘The Difference Between the Shiites and the Majority of Muslim Scholars,’ which recounts an ancient smear that Shiaism grew out of a seventh-century conspiracy orchestrated by a Yemeni Jew, who sought ‘to create discord among Muslims by agitating the trible [sic] and racial differences and hostilities.’ The 32-page booklet was published by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, an organization based in Riyadh and backed by the Saudi government.” (Idem.)
14. Another interesting connection between Islamofascist elements associated with the Underground Reich and radicalized African-American muslims concerns Al Taqwa’s Ahmed Huber’s association with Abdul Alim Musa. “Huber has presented talks to pro-Khomeini groups like the Persian Speaking Group of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA). At the 27th MSA convention held in Chicago in December 1997, for example, Huber spoke on Islam at two panels with Imam Abdul Alim Musa and Sheikh Mohammad Al-Asi, both of whom are associated with the pro-Khomeini Institute of Contemporary of Islamic Thought (ICIT). Huber spoke on Islam at two panels with Imam Abdul Alim Musa and Sheikh Mohammad Al-Asi, both of whom are associated with the pro-Khomeini Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT). Huber also appeared with both men a year earlier at another pro-Khomeini conference organized by the Muslim Parliament (MP), which was held in London in November 1996 and which advertised participation by representatives from both Hezbollah and Hamas.” (“The Mysterious Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler, Allah. . .and Ibn Laden?” by Kevin Coogan: Hit List; April/May 2002 [Volume 3, #4]; pp. 120–125.)
15. Huber’s political milieu is reviewed in this program, in order to give us a clearer perspective on the extremist nature of the milieu overlapping the anti-war movement. “Even as Huber plays a major role in Islamist networks, he remains highly active inside Europe’s far right elite. Along with a poster of Imam Khomeini and a framed quote from Hitler denouncing modern art, Huber’s house contains a photo of his friend Joerg Haider, Austria’s leading electoral rightist. But Huber’s most eye-opening picture displays both himself and Genoud at a meeting in Spain with Leon Degrelle, A Waffen-SS General who Hitler once said he wanted to adopt as a son. Degrelle, who lived in Spain in order to escape war crimes charges in his native Belgium was a top leader of the postwar ultra right. Inside Switzerland, Huber helps direct the Avalon Gemeinschaft, an elite far right group whose members include former Waffen SS volunteers. Each year Avalon’s cadre retire to the woods during the summer solstice and conduct ritual celebrations of Europe’s pagan past.” (Idem.)
16. The presence of Huber associate Musa at a recent rally against the war in Iraq could be viewed as portending the formation of a Third Position/Yockeyite milieu inside of the anti-war movement. In connection with the burgeoning anti-war movement, it is worth noting that an organization named International ANSWER (an offshoot of the International Action Center) invited Huber associate Musa to participate in a recent antiwar rally in Washington, D.C. Musa led the crowd in a provocative chant that (like much of what the so-called progressive sector is doing these days) plays right into the hands of those who would equate sincere sentiment against war in Iraq with terrorism and treason. Speaking of International ANSWER, the program relates: “It marches with, and stands with, and cheers on, people like the speaker at the Washington rally, Imam Musa of the mosque Masjid al-Islam, who declared ‘the real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America,’ and then led the crowd in the Islamic bombers’ chant ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ ” (“Marching with Stalinists” by Michael Kelly; The Washington Post; 1/23/2003.)
17. Next, the program reviews some of the background of the IAC, ANSWER and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the nominal head of IAC. (For more on Clark, see FTR#350.) “On September 29, 2001, just a few weeks following the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a large peace rally was held in Washington, D.C., to oppose an American military response to the attack. The main organizer of D.C. rally, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), was officially established shortly after the 9/11 attack. The leading force behind ANSWER’s creation is the International Action Center (IAC), which represents itself as a progressive organization devoted to peace, justice, and human rights issues. The IAC’s organizational clout is considerable: for the past decade it has played a leading role in organizing protest demonstrations against U.S. military actions against both Iraq and Serbia. After the September 11th attack, the IAC decided to turn its long-organized planned protest against the International Monetary fund and World Bank gathering scheduled for the 29th , into an action opposing any use of U.S. military power in response to terrorism.” (“The International Action Center: ‘Peace Activists’ with a Secret Agenda” by Kevin Coogan; Hit List, November/December 2001.)
18. “The IAC owes its current success to Ramsey Clark, a former Attorney General during the Johnson Administration, who is listed on the IAC’s Web site as its founder. Clark’s establishment credentials have caused many in the mass media to accept the IAC’s self-portrayal as a group of disinterested humanitarians appalled by war and poverty who are working to turn American foreign policy towards a more humane course. On its Web site the IAC says it was ‘Founded by Ramsey Clark’ and then describes its purpose: ‘Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism, War, and Corporate Greed, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression within the United States.’ ” (Idem.)
19. The IAC has a profound relationship with a Stalinist organization called the Workers World Party. “Yet since its inception in 1992, the IAC’s actions have given rise to serious doubts about its bona fides as an organization truly committed to peace and human rights issues. Behind the blue door entrance to the IAC’s headquarters on 14th Street in Manhattan can be found deeper shades of red. When one looks closely at the IAC, it becomes impossible to ignore the overwhelming presence of members of an avowedly Marxist-Leninist sect called the Workers World Party (WWP), whose cadre staff virtually all of the IAC’s top positions. Whether or not the IAC is simply a WWP front group remains difficult to say. Nor is there any evidence that Ramsey Clark himself is a WWP member. What does seem undeniable is that without the presence of scores of WWP cadre working inside the IAC, the organization would for all practical purposes cease to exist. Therefore, even if Clark is not a WWP member, he is following a political course that meets with the complete approval of one of the most pro-Stalinist sects ever to emerge from the America far left. . . .” (Idem.)
20. Ramsey Clark himself has an interesting roster of past clients. “Some of Clark’s current clients, including Shaykh ‘Umar’ Abd al-Rahman, the ‘blind Sheik,’ who was convicted and sentenced to a lengthy prison term for his involvement in helping to organize follow-up terrorist attacks in New York City after the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 are a far cry from Father Berrigan. Shaykh Abd al-Rahman, of course, deserves legal representation. What makes Clark’s approach noteworthy is that in the case of Abd al-Rahman, (as well as those of Clark’s other political clients), his approach is based more on putting the government on trial for its alleged misdeeds than actually proving the innocence of his clients. While completely ignoring Shaykh Abd al-Rahman’s pivotal role in the Egyptian-based mosque played in the first World Trade Center attack, Clark tried to portray the blind Shaykh as a brilliant Islamic scholar and religious thinker who was being persecuted simply as a result of anti-Muslim prejudice on the part of the American government. . . .” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
21. After Clark’s past representation of Nazi war criminal Karl Linnas, the program highlights another of Clark’s fascist clients-Lyndon Larouche. ” . . . .Clark’s next legal client was equally surprising. In 1989, he became Lyndon Larouche’s lead attorney in Larouche’s attempt to appeal his conviction on federal mail fraud charges. Larouche, who began his political career in the late 1940’s as a member of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party (SWP), had by the late 1970s embraced the far right, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. . . .” (Idem.)
22. “Left to its own devices, the WWP would have remained on the political margin as a quirky Left sect whose weirdly messianic ideology combined the worst aspects of Trotskyism, Maoism, and Stalinism into a unique and utterly foul brew. That a bizarre outfit like the WWP could become a serious player in American left-wing radicalism in the year 2001 is above all a testament to the existing ideological, intellectual, and moral bankruptcy of the broader left, which still insists on living in a decrepit fantasy world where criminals are good, the police are evil, blacks are noble, whites are all racist, heterosexual men are sexist, all women are victims, Israel is always 100% wrong, the Palestinians are always 100% right, America is ‘objectively’ reactionary, and America’s enemies are ‘objectively progressive and therefore worth defending. If this were not the case, the IAC never could or would have emerged as a serious force.” (Ibid.; p. 10.)
23. As Mr. Emory notes in the program, Bush’s economic policies will destroy this country. The analysis of the 9/11 attacks presented in the For The Record series emphasizes that this administration‑a front for the Underground Reich– is out to destroy the United States of America. The economic impact of the 9/11 attacks is essential to grasp in order to comprehend the impact that Bush & company are having. “But now the fiscal deterioration has reached catastrophic proportions. In its first budget, the Bush administration projected a 2004 surplus of $262 billion. In its second budget, released a year ago, it projected a $14 billion deficit for the same year. Now it projects a deficit of $307 billion. That’s a deterioration of $570 billion, just for next year-matched by comparable deterioration in each following year. You know, $570 billion here and $570 billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” (“Is the Maestro a Hack?” by Paul Krugman; The New York Times; 2/7/2003; p. A29.)
24. “Not my fault, says Mr. Bush. ‘A recession and a war we did not choose have led to a return of deficits,’ he declared. Really? Will the recession and war cost $570 billion per year, every year? Besides, Mr. Bush knew all about the recession and Osama bin Laden (remember him?) a year ago, when his projections showed a return to surpluses by 2005. Now they show deficits forever-even though they don’t include the costs of an Iraq war. . . .” (Idem.)
25. ” . . . Although financial reporters have started to realize that Mr. Bush is out of control-he has ‘lost his marbles,’ says CBS Market Watch-the sheer banana-republic irresponsibility of his plans hasn’t been widely appreciated. That $674 billion tax cut you’ve heard about literally isn’t the half of it. Even according to its own lowball estimates, the administration wants $1.5 trillion in tax cuts over the next decade-more than it pushed through in 2001. Another $575 billion or so will be needed to fix the alternative minimum tax-something officials have said they’ll do, but haven’t put in the budget.” (Idem.)
26. “The administration has used gimmicks to postpone most of the cost of these tax cuts until after 2008-and whaddya know, the Office of Management and Budget has suddenly stopped talking about 10-year projections and now officially looks only five years ahead. But there are long-term projections tucked away in the back of the budget; they’re overoptimistic, but even so they suggest a fiscal disaster once the baby boomers start collecting benefits from Social Security and Medicare. (‘We will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, other presidents, other generations,’ declared Mr. Bush in the State of the Union. And with a straight face, too.)” (Idem.)
27. Reviewing one of the principal theoretical elements at the foundation of the analysis presented in For The Record, the broadcast highlights the work of Friedrich List. List is another of the theoreticians whose ideas are central to an understanding of the geopolitical contest between the Underground Reich and “Anglo-Saxonia” (the United States and Britain.) List posited the idea of German-dominated central European economic union as a vehicle for establishing German economic and imperial superiority to Britain, Germany’s top geopolitical rival (since supplanted by the US). List’s formulations are the basis for the German-dominated European Monetary Union. List understood that economic control led automatically to political control. That awareness is central to an understanding of the operations of the Bormann Organization. “Many of the major elements of economic imperialism were enunciated in the 1840s by the ubiquitous Friedrich List. List argued that overseas colonies were needed to supplement his favorite scheme for economic development: a central European economic union. He foresaw an economic organization with an industrialized Germany as its center and a periphery of other central and eastern European states that would supply food and raw materials for German industry and would purchase German industrial products. A semiautarkic structure would thus be created; it would have the advantage of permitting control, or even exclusion, of British competition, thus allowing central Europe to industrialize successfully in an orderly, planned manner.” (The Ideological Origins of Nazi Imperialism; by Woodruff D. Smith; Copyright 1986 [SC]; Oxford University Press; ISBN 0–19-504741–9 (PBK); p. 30.)
28. One of the principal influences on List’s thinking was the “continental” concepts of Napoleon, who attempted to economically unite Europe under French influence. “Charles Andler, a French author, summed certain ideas of List in his work, The origins of Pan-Germanism, published in 1915.) ‘It is necessary to organize continental Europe against England. Napoleon I, a great strategist, also knew the methods of economic hegemony. His continental system, which met with opposition even from countries which might have profited from such an arrangement should be revived, but, this time, not as an instrument of Napoleonic domination. The idea of united Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shocking if Germany assumes domination over such a bloc-and not France. Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, willingly or by force, will enter this ‘Customs Federation.’ Austria is assumed to be won over at the outset. Even France, if she gets rid of her notions of military conquest, will not be excluded. The first steps the Confederation would take to assure unity of thought and action would be to establish a joint representative body, as well as to organize a common fleet. But of course, both the headquarters of the Federation and its parliamentary seat would be in Germany.” (The Thousand-Year Conspiracy; by Paul Winkler; Charles Scribner’s Sons [HC]; 1943; pp. 15–16.)
29. The policies of List were put into practice by Hjalmar “Horace Greeley” Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister. “Various firsthand reports have given us a fairly accurate picture of the manner in which Nazi Germany is applying the principle of ‘economic collaboration’ to the ‘occupied’ countries, and how, through her agents, she has seized control of all the great industries of France, Belgium and Holland. We have also seen how she has allowed the whole of her economic policy to be dictated by Schacht. All this indicates clearly that Hitler is merely applying the century- old theories of List in the economic sphere.” (Ibid.; pl. 16.)
30. Key German industrialists and financiers, applying the principals of Von Clausewitz and List, sought to utilize the Second World War as a vehicle for achieving German dominance in postwar markets. The aforementioned Hjalmar Schacht was among those who held this view. “In contrast, much of the banking and industrial elite of Germany favored a more traditional, imperial approach to acquiring a new empire in Europe. Among their principal spokesmen were Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, Hermann Abs, and a young Reichsbank director, Karl Blessing. Their strategy favored integrating businesses in countries occupied by the Germans into private industrial syndicates coordinated through German-based cartels and through private institutions such as Deutsche Bank. The private companies in turn pledged their loyalty to Hitler’s government. German military conquest should be used to create conditions through which German corporations could buy up the key enterprises in newly subjugated countries at very favorable prices, this faction contended, but only in rare instances should the state take direct command of industry. Much of the senior leadership of the Deutsche Bank, IG Farben, the Siemens group of companies, and other German-based cartels maintained that Germany should reenter the world marketplace rather than attempt build up the orthodox Nazi dream of a self-sufficient German empire in Central and Eastern Europe.” (The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law and Genocide in the 20th Century; by Christopher Simpson; Copyright 1995 by Christopher Simpson; Common Courage Press [SC]; ISBN 1–56751-062–0; p. 71.)
31. These “corporatist” imperialists maintained strong connections with the SS, and that relationship strengthened as the war wound down. In the views and practices of this milieu, one can better understand the genesis of the Bormann organization. “As the SS grew as an economic power, the SS members of the Himmlerkreis often migrated to new positions on corporate boards, where they could secure government contracts and embody corporate loyalty to the regime. SS men and Nazi party activists who made this transition included Wilhelm Keppler (of the BRABAG brown coal combine and SS enterprises), Fritz Kranefuss (BRABAG, Dresdner Bank), and Ritter von Halt, who joined the Deutsche Bank board. . . .” (Ibid.; p. 155.)
32. ” . . . The companies represented in Himmler’s circle became pacesetters in Aryanization, exploitation of concentration camp labor, seizure of foreign companies in the occupied territories, and similar business ventures that depended on SS cooperation.” (Idem.)
33. One of the principal figures in this group was Ludwig Erhard, a key economic advisor to Konrad Adenauer and the man who succeeded him as Chancellor of Germany. “But as the war turned against the Third Reich, a number of business leaders in the Himmlerkreis began to cooperate in clandestine and semiclandestine contingency planning for the postwar period. Two of the best known of these groups, the Arbeitskreis fur aussenwirtschaftliche Fragen (Working Group for Foreign Economic Questions) and Kleine Arbeitskreis (Small working Group), were nominally sponsored by theReichsgruppe Industrie association of major industrial and financial companies. They brought together Blessing, Rasche, Kurt von Schroeder, Lindemann, and others from the Himmlerkreis with other business people such as Hermann Abs (Deutsche Bank), Ludwig Erhard (then an economist with the Reichsgruppe Industrie and later Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s most important economic advisor-[and , ultimately, his successor]), Ludger Westrick (RKG, aluminum industry, and nonferrous metals), Philipp Reemstma (tobacco, shipping, banking), and with Nazi business specialists such as Otto Ohlendorff (the former commander of the Einsatzgruppe D murder troops) and Hans Kehrl (SS business specialist). A half-dozen similar business forums emerged during the last years of the Third Reich. Most of these overlapped in membership, and all of them favored some variation of the “corporatist” strategy for empire articulated by Hjalmar Schacht, Abs, and others during the showdown over Aryanization in Vienna discussed earlier.” (Ibid.; pp. 155–156.)
34. Schacht and his compatriots (as noted above) put their Listian theories into practice in the economic occupation of Europe. “More recent occupations of countries by Germany (Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Yugoslavia, etc.) at first glance may appear as simple strategic occupation. If one examines them more closely one can perceive, however, that the Prusso-Teutonic powers took advantage of each invasion of foreign territory, from the first day of occupation, to prepare in the most thoroughgoing scientific manner for the permanent subjugation of the occupied country. This was accomplished first of all on the economic level, where the Prusso-Teutonics’ interests primarily are. They are well aware that economic control leads automatically to political control. German economic agencies follow closely on the heels of armies of occupation and endeavor to transform the temporary hold on conquered countries into a permanent economic control.” (The Thousand-Year Conspiracy; p. 224.)
35. The Franco-German bloc currently opposing US policy in the Middle East has its economic foundation in the German corporate control of French economic resources. (See FTR#‘s 305, 366, 367, 372.) That control was cemented by Schacht and his fellow “corporatists” during the war. “Until the present this operation has succeeded much more completely in a country like France, where local authorities have accepted the idea of ‘collaboration’ than in countries occupied against the resistance of their governments. In France capture of control of corporations through forced sale to Germans took place with a show of legality because French authorities and courts, under pressure from Vichy, countenanced these transactions. The Prusso-Teutonics know that military occupation of France cannot last forever. Besides, they have probably considered the possibility of a German defeat which would bring about the fall of the Nazi regime. They must have said to themselves that, even in that case, conquest of France would have yielded them the key advantages they had hoped to gain: they figured that it would be extremely difficult for the French to find the legal forms to get rid of German control over nearly the whole of their national economy. This control having thus been established within legal framework, according to French law, the task of destroying it would be arduous and complicated. This would be true even for a government under no obligation to respect the agreements of Vichy. It would of course be more true for any French government recognizing Vichy laws and decrees.” (Ibid.; pp. 224–225.)
36. “All of this entered into the preparation for what Hitler calls the ‘New Economic Order.’ This ‘New Order’ is in its entirety the old Prussian scheme of List, which ninety years before Hitler’s reign provided the blueprint for the creation of European economic unity under domination of a Prussian Germany. It also provided for subsequent expansion of this Prusso-Teutonic Europe through invasion of the markets of other continents, and establishment of ‘protectorates’ throughout the world. This scheme had always been close to the hearts of the Prusso-Teutonic powers of Germany and had been placed by Dr. Schacht and Dr. Funk in the foreground of the aims pursued by Hitler. Territorial conquest has a meaning subordinate to economic conquest, according to List’s formula.” (Ibid.; p. 225.)
37. The combined theories of Haushofer, List and Von Clausewitz, as implemented by the Bormann organization and the EMU, can be viewed in a disturbing investment phenomenon. If the euro continues to be seen as an economic safehaven for investors, this will erode the dollar’s stance as a reserve currency. That, in turn, will-in combination with the Bush administration’s policies-destroy the country. “The one clear trend has been a flow of investment from the dollar to the euro. The euro, used by 12 of the 15 members of the European Union rose to $1.083 today, resuming a climb that was interrupted briefly by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s speech at the United Nations on Wednesday. Currency experts said the dollar was weak now because Mr. Powell had apparently not rallied the support of France, Germany and other countries for military action against Iraq. Some said that the euro was taking over the dollar’s historic role as a refuge for investors in turbulent times.” (“Britain and the Continent Part Ways on Rates” by Mark Landler; The New York Times; 2/7/2003; p. W7.)
38. The concept of “Proxy War” that has been presented in recent FTR programs can be viewed quite clearly in the context of what follows. “Mr. Duisenberg alluded to this shift, which he described as a change in the ‘value judgments’ made about the two currencies. ‘In the past, when there was geopolitical uncertainty, the dollar was the safe haven for the world,’ Mr. Duisenberg said. ‘Now it weighs on the dollar, rather than boosts it.’ He noted that the euro was still trading slightly below its average value in 2000 and 2001, when it was used only in financial transactions; it began circulating publicly in January 2002. He insisted that the euro had not reached a level where it would pose a threat to exporters by making their goods too expensive abroad.” (Idem.)
39. “Analysts said the dollar would weaken further relative to the euro, particularly if the United States failed to muster support for its Iraq campaign and proceeded without a United Nations mandate. ‘Compare the situation to 12 years ago, when Germany paid a large part of the cost of the gulf war,’ said Carsten Fritsch, a currency analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt. ‘If the U.S. fails to build a broad-based coalition, it will have to finance this war by itself.’ ” (Idem.)
40. As noted in FTR#388, many within the military establishment are leary of the administration’s Iraqi policy. “That’s why in the Pentagon, civilian leaders are gung-ho but many in uniform are leery. Former generals like Norman Schwarzkopf, Anthony Zinni and Wesley Clark have all expressed concern about the rush to war. ‘Candidly, I have gotten somewhat nervous at some of the pronouncements Rumsfeld has made,’ General Schwarzkopf told The Washington Post, adding: ‘I think it is very important for us to wait and see what the inspectors come up with.’ The White House has apparently launched a post-emptive strike on General Schwarzkopf, for he now refuses interviews.) As for General Zinni, he said of the hawks: ‘I’m not sure which planet they live on, because it isn’t the one that I travel.’ In an October speech to the Middle East Institute in Washington, he added: ‘‘If’ we intend to solve this through violent action, we’re on the wrong course. First of all, I don’t see that that’s necessary. Second of all, I think that war and violence are a very last resort.’ ” (Idem.)
41. The program concludes with the climactic episode of The Turner Diaries, authored by the late William Pierce, the author of Serpent’s Walk. Pierce (the head of the National Alliance) has been quite candid in interviews that his “novels” are teaching tools for the Nazi faithful. It does not require a great leap of faith to see that the seed for the attack on the Pentagon may have come from The Turner Diaries. Although the correspondence is not precise, the suicide attack by a low-flying plane is reminiscent of the events of 9/11. “I conferred privately with Major Williams of the Washington Field Command for more than an hour on the problem of attacking the Pentagon. The military’s other major command centers were either knocked out on September 8 or subsequently consolidated with the Pentagon, which the top brass apparently regard as impregnable. And it damned near is. We went over every possibility we could think of, and we came up with no really convincing plan-except, perhaps one. That is to make an air delivery of a bomb.” (The Turner Diaries; “Andrew Macdonald;” Barricade Books, Inc. [SC] 1996; Copyright 1978, 1980 William Pierce; ISBN 80–82692; p. 201.)
42. “In the massive ring of defenses around the Pentagon there is a great deal of anti-aircraft firepower, but we decided that a small plane, flying just above the ground, might be able to get through the three-mile gauntlet with one of our 60-kiloton warheads. One factor in favor of such an attempt is that we have never before used aircraft in such a way, and we might hope to catch the anti-aircraft crews off their guard.” (Idem.)
43. “Although the military is guarding all civil airfields, it just happens that we have an old crop duster stashed in a barn only a few miles from here. My immediate assignment is to prepare a detailed plan for an aerial attack on the Pentagon by next Monday. We must make a final decision at the time and then without further delay.” (Idem.)
44. “November 9, 1993. It’s still three hours until first light, and all systems are ‘go.’ I’ll use the time to write a few pages-my last diary entry. Then it’s a one-way trip to the Pentagon for me. The warhead is strapped into the front seat of the old Stearman and rigged to detonate either on impact or when I flip a switch in the back seat. Hopefully, I’ll be able to mange a low-level air burst directly over the center of the Pentagon. Failing that, I’ll at least try to fly as close as I can before I’m shot down.” (Ibid.; p. 202.)
45. “It’s been more than four years since I’ve flown, but I’ve thoroughly familiarized myself with the Stearman cockpit and been briefed on the plane’s peculiarities: I don’t anticipate any piloting problems. The barn-hangar here is only eight miles from the Pentagon. We’ll thoroughly warm up the engine in the barn, and when the door is opened I’ll go like a bat out of hell, straight for the Pentagon, at an altitude of about 50 feet. . .” (Idem.)
46. “Thus end Earl Turner’s diaries, as unpretentiously as they began. His final mission was successful, of course, as we all are reminded each year on November 9‑our traditional Day of the Martyrs.” (Ibid.; p. 205.)
The story about the targeting of New Mexico Democrats by Solomon Peña, a Republican candidate declaring voter fraud, was a big recent story in US politics. And yet, as we’re going to see in the following post by Moss Robeson, some of the biggest angles to that story have been completely glossed over. Angles like the fact that Peña is a LaRouchie operative and part of a broader push by the LaRouche organization to ally itself even more closely with the GOP while pushing the ‘mass voter fraud’. Angles like that.
As we’re going to see, part of what makes Peña’s LaRouchie ties so interesting is that the LaRouche movement claims that the organization Peña is associated with — the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) — is some sort of breakaway LaRouche entity no longer affiliated with the official LaRouche movement now led by Lyndon LaRouche’s widow, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. But is LPAC really all that separate from the main LaRouche org? As Robeson shows, it’s a stretch to accept that assertion.
For starters, the LaRouche PAC only appeared get replaced with a new entity, the LaRouche Organization, in December of 2020. A rather ominous month given that this was when the planning for a full blown insurrection on Jan 6 really got underway and the LaRouche PAC — and broader LaRouche movement — was fully on board with the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement. That’s part of the story here: the supposed ‘breakaway’ LaRouche entity only ‘broke away’ and was replaced with the LaRouche Organization right before an insurrection started by a ‘Stop the Steal’ movement the LaRouche movement fully supports to this day.
In addition, one of the current leaders of the LaRouche movement, Diane Sare, led a “LaRouchePAC Zoom Meeting for Long Island and Staten Island” during the summer of 2020. As we’re going to see, Sare remains deeply committed to the ‘Stop the Steal’ narratives to this day. Including some networking with Kremlin-connected entities. For example, in November of last year, Sare did a livestream with the crypto-fascist Nova Resistência (NR) in Brazil, a group that is described as ideological following Aleksandr Dugin. In addition, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin who founded the Wagner Group, set up the “Foundation to Battle Injustice” (FBI) in early 2021. The group describes itself as a human rights organization concerned with drawing attention to “racism, police brutality and political harassment in the United States.” On December 1, 2022, the Russian FBI held a press conference featuring Diane Sare on “The end of US democracy: election fraud deprives Americans of the right to vote.” Less than a week later, Helga Zepp-LaRouche appeared on Russian TV for a 20 minute interview.
So right there we have three instance of leaders involved with the ‘official’ LaRouche network coordinating with entities — one with distant Kremlin ties but the other with very direct ties — pushing stolen election narratives. And yet somehow this whole fascinating ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ angle to this story has mostly just been glossed over entirely, if mentioned at all. An angle that simultaneously should raise major questions about the claims by the main LaRouche movement that it no longer has any ties with the LaRouche PAC along with questions about whether or not the ‘divorce’ between LaRouche Organization and the LaRouche PAC was carried out with the knowledge that the LaRouche PAC was going to be engaging in some highly illegal activity. Because it kind of looks like that’s what we’re looking at: in December of 2020, LaRouche PAC ‘broke away’ from the LaRouche movement with plans of playing a role in a violent conservative revolution as the insurrection planning was getting underway. Two years later, we find a LaRouche PAC figure waging a terror campaign on ‘stolen election’ claims at the same time ‘official’ LaRouche leaders like Diane Sare are basically pushing the same ‘revolutionary’ message.
So is the LaRouche PAC actually a separate entity of the broader LaRouche movement at this point? It’s a major questions looming over this story. A major question hardly anyone seems to be trying to answer:
“Solomon Peña kept quiet for several days after Trujillo’s arrest. On January 9, he published one of his last tweets: “When we finally defeat the rigged NM elections, oh, the hero I will be! MAGA nation 4ever!” The LaRouchites are now trying to distance themselves from Peña, but he is one of them, whether they like it or not.”
How much separation is there really between the “LaRouche Organization” founded in December of 2020, and the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) entity that Solomon Peña was closely working with? The broader LaRouche organization is presenting LPAC as some sort of breakaway entity. But as Moss Robeson points out, it’s hard to see where that actual divide is in terms of ideology and agenda:
And that question brings us to Diane Sare, another LaRouch Organization leader with a history of crying voter fraud after she loses blowout elections. And it turns out Sare led a “LaRouchePAC Zoom Meeting for Long Island and Staten Island” during the summer of 2020:
Flash forward to November 2022, and we find Dare networking with crypto-fascist Nova Resistência (NR) in Brazil with ties to Alexander Dugin and a “Foundation to Battle Injustice” (FBI) entity founded by none other than Yevgeny Prigozhin. So the LaRouchie fellow travelers of Solomon Peña was networking with the kind of figures that the media has been fixated on for years now. Now did this story get glossed over?
Finally, let’s also note how the GOP’s current ‘stolen election’ mania is basically an extension of what the LaRouchies have been doing for decades. Again, how has this story been largely ignored?
If only Lyndon LaRouche, who died in 2019, had lived to see the January 6 insurrection...he would have been so proud.
So how is it that this absolutely fascinating story involving, not just the GOP’s apparent adoption the long-standing LaRouche tactics, but actual networking with LaRouchies running as GOP candidates, is still largely running under the radar even after this domestic terror incident? Who knows, but we obviously haven’t heard the last from the LaRouchies so hopefully there will be more interest after the next LaRouche-guided domestic terror attack.