Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #402 Pincer’s Movement

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

This pro­gram ana­lyzes the Islamofascist/Nazi/white suprema­cist link. Con­sti­tut­ing the twin ele­ments of a pin­cers move­ment direct­ed by the Under­ground Reich, the white suprema­cists and the Islam­o­fas­cists will, if not inter­dict­ed, destroy the Unit­ed States and will-as Win­ston Churchill said-“plunge the world into an abyss, made more sin­is­ter by the knights of per­vert­ed sci­ence.” While the one attacks from with­out, the oth­er may well attack from with­in.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: A nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed col­umn by con­ser­v­a­tive pun­dit Bob Novak indi­cat­ing that the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is, indeed, “wag­ging the dog” in Iraq; alleged espi­onage by Nation­al Guard intel­li­gence offi­cers on behalf of white suprema­cist lawyer Kirk Lyons; Lyons’ wed­ding at the Aryan Nations com­pound in Ida­ho; review of the low-lev­el sui­cide aer­i­al attack on the Pen­ta­gon with which The Turn­er Diaries cul­mi­nates; review of the alleged 9/11/Oklahoma City link run­ning  through a motel out­side of Okla­homa City; review of the alleged Philippine/Al Qaeda/Oklahoma City link; orga­nized crime/­nar­cotics-smug­gling con­nec­tions to the Aby Sayyaf (Al Qae­da affil­i­ate); the con­nec­tions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood; Mohammed’s links to Oper­a­tion Bojin­ka and the Okla­homa City bomb­ing; the relo­ca­tion of Al Qae­da ele­ments to the “three bor­ders” area of Latin Amer­i­ca; and the orga­nized-crime and drug-smug­gling ele­ments work­ing with the Islam­o­fas­cists in the “three bor­ders” region.

1. Begin­ning with a col­umn by Bob Novak‑a con­ser­v­a­tive colum­nist-the pro­gram high­lights the view of Bush allies that this admin­is­tra­tion is engag­ing in the Iraqi adven­ture as a sub­sti­tute for a viable domes­tic and eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy. “A senior Bush offi­cial pri­vate­ly admits what his admin­is­tra­tion can­not declare pub­licly. The stag­nant econ­o­my, a dag­ger aimed at the heart of George W. Bush’s sec­ond term, will not imme­di­ate­ly respond to the pres­i­den­t’s eco­nom­ic growth pro­gram. The eco­nom­ic engine will not be revived until the war against Sad­dam Hus­sein is launched and won. Mil­i­tary vic­to­ry is antic­i­pat­ed inside the Bush admin­is­tra­tion as the ton­ic that will prompt cor­po­ra­tion offi­cers and pri­vate investors to unleash the Amer­i­can econ­o­my’s dor­mant pow­er. Although it is impolitic to say so, the fact that the Unit­ed States will be sit­ting on a new major oil sup­ply will stim­u­late the domes­tic econ­o­my. That puts a high pre­mi­um on quick­ly gain­ing con­trol of Iraq’s oil wells before they can be torched‑a major uncer­tain­ty in an oth­er­wise strict­ly script­ed sce­nario.” (“Play­ing Texas Pok­er, Bush Bets All on Iraq” by Robert Novak; Chica­go Sun-Times; 3/6/2003; pp. 1–2.)

2. ” ‘This is Texas pok­er, with the pres­i­dent putting every­thing on Iraq,’ a Repub­li­can sen­a­tor (who thor­ough­ly approves of this pol­i­cy) told me. The extra­or­di­nary gam­ble by Bush leads to deep­en­ing appre­hen­sion by Repub­li­can politi­cians as they wait for the inevitable war. They con­sid­er the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty divid­ed, drift­ing to the left and devoid of new ideas. Yet, Bush’s re-elec­tion next year is threat­ened by two issues: the econ­o­my and the war on ter­ror­ism. Suc­cess on both is tied to war with Iraq. . . .” (Ibid.; p. 2.)

3. ” . . . The sen­a­tor who told me the pres­i­dent is play­ing ‘Texas pok­er’ is delight­ed to march with Bush in a cru­sade for democ­ra­cy in the Arab world, a goal that col­leagues well-versed in diplo­ma­cy view as unre­al­is­tic. That is the heart of George W. Bush’s gam­ble, with his pres­i­den­cy and the course of the nation at stake.” (Ibid.; p. 3.)

4. Next, the broad­cast sets forth alleged espi­onage con­duct­ed by an Army Nation­al Guard offi­cer on behalf of Aryan Nations attor­ney Kirk Lyons. (For more about Lyons and his con­nec­tions to alleged Okla­homa City bomb­ing mas­ter­mind Andreas Strass­meir, see-among oth­er programs-FTR#‘s 399, 400, as well as the pro­grams cit­ed in that broad­cast.) Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, the doc­u­ments alleged­ly giv­en to Lyons involved the response of the Nation­al Guard to emer­gen­cies either for­eign or domes­tic. It is worth not­ing that the alleged espi­onage took place in 1999, when the 9/11 attacks were being planned. “A for­mer Wash­ing­ton Army Nation­al Guard intel­li­gence offi­cer arrest­ed ear­li­er this week on espi­onage charges had a top-secret clear­ance and had drift­ed toward the rad­i­cal right in recent years, accord­ing to sources famil­iar with the inves­ti­ga­tion. Rafael Davi­la, 51, and his ex-wife, Deb­o­rah Davi­la, 46, are sus­pect­ed of pro­vid­ing white suprema­cists and oth­er rad­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions with sen­si­tive mate­ri­als involv­ing the strate­gic response of the Guard to a vari­ety of emer­gency sit­u­a­tions, both for­eign and domes­tic, accord­ing to a Depart­ment of Jus­tice source.” (“Two Indict­ed on Espi­onage Charges, Linked to Suprema­cist Groups” by Mike Carter and Ray Rivera; Seat­tle Times; 2/6/2003; p. 1.)

5. “Mil­i­tary offi­cials con­firmed Rafael Davi­la’s clear­ance lev­el but would not com­ment on what infor­ma­tion he alleged­ly pro­vid­ed. The two were arrest­ed Tues­day after a grand jury in Spokane indict­ed them on unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of ‘doc­u­ments relat­ed to the nation­al defense of the unit­ed States’ in 1999-the year Rafael Davi­la retired from the Guard with the rank of major.” (Idem.)

6. “Rafael Davi­la is named in a sin­gle felony count while Deb­o­rah Davi­la is named in three counts, includ­ing pro­vid­ing false state­ments to the FBI in April 2000. Accord­ing to the indict­ment, she lied when she told agents she did not know Kirk Lyons‑a fire­brand North Car­oli­na lawyer who has defend­ed the Ku Klux Klan and White Patri­ot Par­ty and who has advo­cat­ed for ‘South­ern Eth­nic Cleans­ing.’ ” (Idem.)

7. “Lyons was involved as a defense lawyer in a 1987 tri­al in Fort Smith Ark, in which But­ler and 10 oth­ers were charged with sedi­tious con­spir­a­cy to over­throw the gov­ern­ment by acts of vio­lence. All the defen­dants were acquit­ted. A fed­er­al law-enforce­ment source said some of the nation­al secu­ri­ty doc­u­ments were passed on to Lyons. Lyons has not been charged with a crime. He told The Asso­ci­at­ed Press he bare­ly knew Deb­o­rah Davi­la but that she had attend­ed his wed­ding, which was per­formed by Aryan nations founder Richard But­ler at the group’s for com­pound near Hay­den Lake, Ida­ho.” (Idem.)

8. Deb­o­rah Davi­la-alleged­ly involved in the theft of the doc­u­ments-was an attendee at Lyons wed­ding. Because of the fact that the wed­ding took place at the Hay­den Lake com­pound in Ida­ho-VERY heav­i­ly guard­ed and not acces­si­ble to out­siders, this is of more than pass­ing sig­nif­i­cance. “Kirk Lyons, an attor­ney from Texas who defend­ed a rogues’ gallery of neo-Nazis and white suprema­cists, tied the knot at the Aryan Nations encamp­ment in Sep­tem­ber 1990. It was actu­al­ly a Scot­tish-style dou­ble wed­ding, with kilts and bag­pipes. Lyons and his friend Neil Payne mar­ried two sis­ters, Bren­na and Beth Tate, respec­tive­ly. Their broth­er, David Tate, was then in prison for mur­der­ing a Mis­souri State high­way patrol­man. David had been a mem­ber of ‘the Order,’ a ter­ror­ist off­shoot of the Aryan Nations that embarked upon a spree of bank heists and killings in the Unit­ed States dur­ing the ear­ly 1980s. Tate had par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al com­man­do raids against armored cars before the police caught up with him.” (The Beast Reawak­ens; Mar­tin A. Lee; Copy­right 1997 [HC]; Lit­tle, Brown & Co.; ISBN 0–316-51959–6; pp. 339–340.)

9. It should be not­ed that the Order was financed by “Ger­man fam­i­lies liv­ing in Latin Amer­i­ca.” “Oth­er­wise known as die Brud­er Schweigen (Ger­man for ‘the Silent Broth­er­hood’), the Order was led by a young, neo-Nazi zealot named Robert Jay Math­ews, who recruit­ed fol­low­ers when he fre­quent­ed the Aryans Nations head­quar­ters. Math­ews fan­cied him­self a lat­ter-day Robin Hood who robbed from the Jews and gave to the Aryans. Using stolen mon­ey and coun­ter­feit bills, he waged a cam­paign of ter­ror mod­eled after The Turn­er Diaries, a nov­el that described a suc­cess­ful para­mil­i­tary insur­gency by white suprema­cists in the Unit­ed States.” (Ibid.; p. 340.)

10. In the con­text of the white supremacist/Islamist alliance, it is fright­en­ing to con­sid­er the inter­est of 9/11 mas­ter­mind Mohammed Atta and alleged 20th hijack­er Zacharias Mous­saoui in crop-dust­ing planes. “The vet­er­an F.B.I. agent [Coleen Row­ley] who exposed the bureau’s fail­ure to heed evi­dence of ter­ror­ist plots before the Sept. 11 attacks is now warn­ing her supe­ri­ors that the bureau is not pre­pared to deal with new ter­ror­ist strikes that she and many col­leagues fear would result from an Amer­i­can war with Iraq. The agent, Coleen Row­ley of the bureau’s Min­neapo­lis field office, is not a coun­tert­er­ror­ism spe­cial­ist and does not have access to detailed intel­li­gence about Al Qae­da and its plan­ning. But she is a 22-year F.B.I. vet­er­an who is inti­mate­ly acquaint­ed with the bureau’s inner work­ings and with the think­ing of fel­low agents, includ­ing agents who spe­cial­ize in coun­tert­er­ror­ism. . . .” (“Agent Who Saw 9/11 Laps­es Still Faults F.B.I. on Ter­ror” by Philip Shenon; New York Times; 3/6/2003; pp. 1–2.)

11. ” ‘ . . . Lack of fol­low-through with regard to Mous­saoui and Reid gives a hol­low ring to out ‘top priority’-i.e. pre­vent­ing anoth­er ter­ror­ist attack,’ she wrote. ‘Mous­saoui almost cer­tain­ly would know of oth­er Al Qae­da con­tacts, pos­si­bly in the U.S., and would also be able to alert us to the motive behind his and Mohammed Atta’s inter­est in crop-dust­ing.’ Law enforce­ment offi­cials have spec­u­lat­ed that Mr. Atta, the ring­leader of the Sept. 11 attack sought infor­ma­tion on crop-dust­ing planes in hopes of using one to dis­perse chem­i­cal or bio­log­i­cal weapons.” (Ibid.; p. 3.)

12. High­ly maneu­ver­able and able to fly effec­tive­ly at very low alti­tudes, crop-dust­ing air­craft fig­ured in the hypo­thet­i­cal sce­nario with which The Turn­er Diaries con­cludes. Recall that that nov­el-pub­lished by the same pub­lish­er as Ser­pen­t’s Walk-was the inspi­ra­tion for Tim­o­thy McVeigh & com­pa­ny in the Okla­homa City bomb­ing, as well as the Order. Remem­ber, also, that the Nation­al Alliance (the par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of Nation­al Van­guard books-the pub­lish­er of both books) is close­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the Ger­man NPD which, in turn, has con­nec­tions to the milieu of Al Taqwa’s Ahmed Huber and his asso­ciate Horst Mahler. “In the mas­sive ring of defens­es around the Pen­ta­gon there is a great deal of anti-air­craft fire­pow­er, but we decid­ed that a small plane, fly­ing just above the ground, might be able to get through the three-mile gaunt­let with one of our 60-kilo­ton war­heads. One fac­tor in favor of such an attempt is that we have nev­er before used air­craft in such a way, and we might hope to catch the anti-air­craft crews off their guard.” (The Turn­er Diaries; “Andrew Mac­don­ald;” Bar­ri­cade Books, Inc. [SC] 1996; Copy­right 1978, 1980 William Pierce; ISBN 1–56980-086–3; p. 201.)

13. “Although the mil­i­tary is guard­ing all civ­il air­fields, it just hap­pens that we have an old crop duster stashed in a barn only a few miles from here. My imme­di­ate assign­ment is to pre­pare a detailed plan for an aer­i­al attack on the Pen­ta­gon by next Mon­day. We must make a final deci­sion at the time and then with­out fur­ther delay.” (Idem.)

14. “Novem­ber 9, 1993. It’s still three hours until first light, and all sys­tems are ‘go.’ I’ll use the time to write a few pages-my last diary entry. Then it’s a one-way trip to the Pen­ta­gon for me. The war­head is strapped into the front seat of the old Stear­man and rigged to det­o­nate either on impact or when I flip a switch in the back seat. Hope­ful­ly, I’ll be able to mange a low-lev­el air burst direct­ly over the cen­ter of the Pen­ta­gon. Fail­ing that, I’ll at least try to fly as close as I can before I’m shot down.” (Ibid.; p. 202.)

15. “It’s been more than four years since I’ve flown, but I’ve thor­ough­ly famil­iar­ized myself with the Stear­man cock­pit and been briefed on the plane’s pecu­liar­i­ties: I don’t antic­i­pate any pilot­ing prob­lems. The barn-hangar here is only eight miles from the Pen­ta­gon. We’ll thor­ough­ly warm up the engine in the barn, and when the door is opened I’ll go like a bat out of hell, straight for the Pen­ta­gon, at an alti­tude of about 50 feet. . .” (Idem.)

16. Next, the pro­gram reviews an aspect of the Okla­homa City bomb­ing and a pos­si­ble link between that attack and some of the hijack­ers impli­cat­ed in the 9/11 attacks. A motel locat­ed at some dis­tance from Nor­man, Okla­homa (where some of the alleged hijack­ers appar­ent­ly took flight train­ing) may pro­vide doc­u­men­ta­tion of con­nec­tions between Atta and accused 20th hijack­er Zac­carias Mous­saoui. Atta alleged­ly tried to book rooms at this motel with Mous­saoui and anoth­er of the sus­pect­ed hijack­ers. This is sig­nif­i­cant for sev­er­al rea­sons. For one thing, the motel was far­ther away than oth­er, rea­son­ably priced motels. Atta, for what­ev­er rea­son, want­ed this motel. As stat­ed above, the fol­low­ing account may estab­lish a hard link between Atta and Mous­saoui. This same motel was appar­ent­ly fre­quent­ed by Mujahid Menep­ta, an asso­ciate of Mouss­saoui, who vis­it­ed the motel in the time before the 1995 Okla­homa City bomb­ing. This same motel was also report­ed to have been host to Tim McVeigh and alleged Mid­dle East­ern and/or Iraqi nation­als, with whom he may have been con­spir­ing. (For more about some of the Mid­dle East­ern con­nec­tions to the Okla­homa City bomb­ing, see FTR#‘s 88, 92.)  It is also worth not­ing that legal author­i­ties in this coun­try do not appear to have been over­ly eager to pur­sue these leads, per­haps out of a desire to avoid hav­ing to reopen the inves­ti­ga­tion into the Okla­homa City bomb­ing. “What hap­pened at the non­de­script road­side motel out­side Okla­homa City was just a fleet­ing encounter dur­ing the twist­ed cross-coun­try odyssey of the ter­ror­ists who would car­ry out the Sep­tem­ber 11 attacks. Mohammed Atta, alleged leader of the plot, and two com­pan­ions want­ed to rent a room, but could­n’t get the deal they want­ed, so they left.’ ” (“The Ter­ror­ist Motel” by Jim Cro­gan; L.A. Week­ly; 7/26/–8/1/2002.)

17. In con­nec­tion with Mous­saoui, recall that his French attor­ney-Isabel Coutant Peyre-is a law part­ner of Fran­cois Genoud pro­tégé Jacques Verges. She is also the future wife of Car­los the Jack­al. “It was an inci­dent of no par­tic­u­lar impor­tance, except for one thing. The own­er of the motel remem­bers Atta being in the com­pa­ny of Zacara­ias Mous­saoui, the so-called ‘20th hijack­er,’ who was arrest­ed pri­or to ‘Sep­tem­ber 11 and now faces con­spir­a­cy charges in con­nec­tion with the ter­ror assaults.’ ” (Ibid.; p. 1.)

18. “If this rec­ol­lec­tion is cor­rect, the entire inci­dent, and its absence from the pub­lic record, rais­es new ques­tions about the FBI inves­ti­ga­tion of Mous­saoui and even the 1995 destruc­tion of the Fed­er­al Build­ing in Okla­homa city,. Already the FBI has endured a with­er­ing polit­i­cal and media cri­tique for fail­ing to aggres­sive­ly inves­ti­gate Mous­saoui and his con­tacts dur­ing his four weeks in cus­tody pri­or to the attacks on the World Trade Cen­ter and the Pen­ta­gon. Some FBI offi­cials have respond­ed by char­ac­ter­iz­ing Mous­saoui as only a minor play­er. But the report from the motel own­er, if proven, could change that. And it also could force the FBI to reopen its inves­ti­ga­tion of Mid­dle East­ern con­nec­tions to the 1995 Okla­homa City blast, because con­vict­ed bombers Tim­o­thy McVeigh and Ter­ry Nichols report­ed­ly stayed at the same motel, inter­act­ing with a group of Iraqis dur­ing the weeks before the bomb­ing.” (Ibid.; p.1)

19. The broad­cast high­lights pre­vi­ous­ly reviewed infor­ma­tion the alle­ga­tions of Abu Sayyaf co-founder Edwin Ange­les about his con­nec­tions with McVeigh co-con­spir­a­tor Ter­ry Nichols and Ramzi Youssef, the mas­ter­mind of the first World Trade Cen­ter attack in 1993. “Among the most inter­est­ing rev­e­la­tions that Ange­les shared with Elmi­na [Abdul-Ange­les’ wife] was about a meet­ing between him­self, Ramzi Youssef, Abdul Murad (both of whom are now serv­ing mul­ti­ple prison terms for ter­ror­ist activ­i­ties, includ­ing the first World Trade Cen­ter bomb­ing in 1993), and two men who Ange­les only iden­ti­fied as Iraqis. The meet­ing, accord­ing to Elmi­na, was held in a ware­house near a Dole (Phil.) plant in South Cota­ba­to, between Gen­er­al San­tos City and Davao del Sur. There were two oth­er men at that meet­ing: a man who Ange­les iden­ti­fied as Nichols and as ‘code name Farmer,’ and anoth­er Amer­i­can who he did not iden­ti­fy by name. (It is impor­tant to note that most Fil­ipinos com­mon­ly describe Causasians in the coun­try as Amer­i­cans.) The meet­ing, accord­ing to Elmi­na took place in 1994. She could not remem­ber the exact date.” (“Deathbed Con­fes­sion: Abu Part of Okla­homa Blast” by Dori­an Zumel Sicat; Manil­la Times; 4/2/2002.)

20. “In that meet­ing, accord­ing to Elmi­na, Ange­les told her that the major top­ic of the dis­cus­sion was the bomb­ing of spec­i­fied tar­gets and how to build bombs. Ange­les told Elmi­na that Nichols was lat­er sent to a place that he (Ange­les) did­n’t name for more detailed instruc­tion on how Nichols and his oth­er ‘Amer­i­can’ friend could build a bomb to destroy a build­ing in the Unit­ed States. She did not spec­i­fy-she could not remem­ber-which build­ing that was to be.” (Idem.)

21. “Ange­les also told Elmi­na about Project Bojenko, an [alleged­ly] Iraqi-financed oper­a­tion of ter­ror that tar­get­ed sev­er­al build­ings in the US inter­ests. Among the build­ings in the US, accord­ing to Elmi­na, were anoth­er attack on the World Trade Cen­ter; the Fed­er­al Build­ings in San Fran­cis­co, and in ‘a place he called Uklahu­ma’ (Okla­homa).” (Idem.)

22. Next, the pro­gram fur­ther devel­ops the Abu Sayyaf/Al Qae­da link. Note that Ange­les named Abubakar Abdu­razak as being in atten­dance at the meet­ing with Ramzi Youssef and Ter­ry Nichols. ” ‘The Abu Sayyaf group devel­oped on the island of Basi­lan. . . . Its extreme stand­point and the vio­lence of its meth­ods quick­ly made up for its lack of rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ness. The chief of the group, Abubakar Abdu­razak Jan­jalani, defied the MNLF lead­er­ship and set out to recruit all the dis­ap­point­ed Mus­lims. In 1995, this group mas­sa­cred the hun­dred inhab­i­tants of the Chris­t­ian vil­lage of Ipil, on the island of Min­danao. The Abu Sayyaf group (‘the sword-bear­er’) had approx­i­mate­ly a thou­sand com­bat­ants includ­ing ‘Afghans’ trained in the Tale­ban camps in Pak­istan, Yemen, Soma­lia and Sudan.” (Dol­lars for Ter­ror: The Unit­ed States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copy­right 2000 [SC]; Algo­ra Pub­lish­ing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 321.)

23. The fol­low­ing pas­sage con­tains a ref­er­ence to “Oper­a­tion Bojin­ka-alleged­ly the oper­a­tional par­a­digm for the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Cen­ter. “Dur­ing the tri­al of the World Trade Cen­ter bombers (1993) the explo­sives expert of the team-Ramzi Ahmed Youssef ‑admit­ted hav­ing planned the oper­a­tion togeth­er with ‘Afghans’ at one of the Abu Sayyaf group’s bases. Accord­ing to var­i­ous police sources the same orga­ni­za­tion was also behind the attack against a Philip­pine Air­lines Boe­ing 747, fly­ing the Mani­la-Tokyo route, in Decem­ber 1994. The toll: one dead and 20 wound­ed, main­ly Japan­ese. It appar­ent­ly also pre­pared an attack against the pope, in Mani­la, dur­ing the pon­tif­i­cal vis­it in Jan­u­ary 1995, Accord­ing to the Thai intel­li­gence ser­vices the Abu Sayyaf group is financed by Osama bin Laden, though his broth­er in-law Mohamed of August Jhamal Khalif, region­al man­age of a Sau­di NGO. The Philip­pine Dai­ly Inquir­er of August 23, 1998 adds that ‘in recent years Bin Laden was a fre­quent vis­i­tor to the Philip­pines in par­tic­u­lar in the area of Min­danao.” (Ibid.;p.321.)

24. “How­ev­er, the Sau­di does not show up on the Philip­pine author­i­ties’ black list. Estab­lished at the request of Inter­pol, this list counts 519 ter­ror­ists and inter­na­tion­al crim­i­nals from 19 coun­tries. The Philip­pine pres­i­den­t’s chief of staff even recalls that in the Philip­pines ‘Osama bin Laden is known for his phil­an­thropic activ­i­ties in sev­er­al Mus­lim orga­ni­za­tions that are active in the south, where they sup­port the poor Mus­lim pop­u­la­tion.’ ” (Ibid.; pp. 321–322.)

25. Note the link to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, in turn, linked to inter­na­tion­al fas­cism. “Accord­ing to the same sources, bin Laden’s broth­er-in-law is said to bring finan­cial help to the Gam’a islamiya (who claimed to have been behind the Lux­or mas­sacre). His col­lab­o­ra­tion with Osama bin Laden also means that he must have worked with the Pales­tin­ian and Jor­dan­ian Mus­lim Broth­ers. Last­ly, bin Laden’s import-export com­pa­nies in Sudan were one of the prin­ci­pal busi­ness out­lets of the two part­ners.” (Ibid.; p. 322.)

26. In addi­tion to ter­ror­ism, the Abu Sayyaf/Al Qae­da milieu is inex­tri­ca­bly linked to orga­nized crime, drug traf­fick­ing and the weapons trade. “These con­nec­tions often par­al­lel those of the drug trade. In the Philip­pines, experts esti­mate the annu­al pro­duc­tion of mar­i­jua­na at $1.5 bil­lion a year, going up by approx­i­mate­ly 10% year­ly. For that alone, the nar­cotics traf­fic would be more than $10 bil­lion, that is, half of the Philip­pine State bud­get. Admit­ted­ly, the Islamists do not con­trol all of these flows, but the Abu Sayyaf group plays a big part. Its mer­ce­nar­ies look after the pro­tec­tion of trans­port and the ship­ping of car­goes via jun­gle air­ports in the islands of Basi­lan, Sulu and Jolo. By the same air chan­nels, and also by sea, weapons are deliv­ered for the group’s com­bat units. This sup­ply chain is man­aged by Pak­istani inter­me­di­aries who are trained direct­ly in the Afghan camps around Peshawar.” (Idem.)

27. “For a few years now, the reli­gious dimen­sion of the fight car­ried out by the Abu Sayyaf group has been sub­sumed in activ­i­ties that are clos­er to orga­nized crime than to rev­o­lu­tion­ary Islamism. Raised in the con­text of a ‘holy war,’ the ‘new Afghans’ often end up as mer­ce­nar­ies of the tra­di­tion­al cir­cuits of orga­nized crime. And con­verse­ly, some find the reli­gious ali­bi a good means of ‘white­wash­ing’ their pri­ma­ry activ­i­ties that relate pure­ly and sim­ply to orga­nized crime. Ter­ror­ism can lead to any­thing, as long as you can get out. . . .These nar­co-Islamist cur­rents emerge in the Indi­an Ocean, ‘the new heart of the world’ that opens the routes to Europe, from the south­ern­most ports of Sind and Baluchis­tan, from south­ern Africa and Latin Amer­i­ca.” (Idem.)

28. Not­ing the recent arrest of alleged 9/11 mas­ter­mind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the broad­cast notes his con­nec­tion to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. “Mohammed, the son of a devout Pak­istani liv­ing in Kuwait, joined the Egypt­ian Mus­lim Broth­er­hood as a teenag­er before mov­ing west to get an engi­neer­ing degree at the North Car­oli­na Agri­cul­tur­al and Tech­ni­cal Insti­tute in 1986.” (“Al Qae­da Leader Lived in VIP Oasis in Rawalpin­di” by Juli­ette Terzi­eff; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 3/6/2003; p. A10.)

29. Khalid Sheik Mohammed was involved with Ramzi Youssef in the plan­ning of “Oper­a­tion Bojinka”-alluded to above. This plan was the oper­a­tional par­a­digm for the 9/11 attacks. We have explored Zacharias Mous­saoui’s links to Al Qae­da and the fear expressed by one FBI agent that Mous­saoui planned to fly a plane into the World Trade Cen­ter. “Mr. Mohammed first came to the atten­tion of Amer­i­can coun­tert­er­ror­ist offi­cials in 1995, as a result of his role in a Philip­pines-based plan hatched with his rel­a­tive, Ramzi Youssef to blow up as many as a dozen Amer­i­can air­lin­ers as they crossed the Pacif­ic. [This was Oper­a­tion Bojin­ka.] This was to be fol­lowed by a dra­mat­ic series of ter­ror­ist strikes against the Unit­ed States.” (“Qae­da Aide Slipped Away Long Before Sept. 11 Attack” by James Risen and David John­ston; The New York Times; 3/8/2003; p. A12.)

30. The dis­cus­sion con­cludes with exam­i­na­tion of the geo­graph­i­cal relo­ca­tion of Al Qae­da ele­ments to the ‘tri-bor­der area.’ Note that this area has his­tor­i­cal­ly been repos­i­to­ry for Nazi war crim­i­nals. Note also the pres­ence of Al Qae­da ele­ments in Venezuela. Venezuela is cur­rent­ly head­ed by the fer­vent­ly anti-Amer­i­can Hugo Chavez. Chavez has depart­ed from OPEC pol­i­cy vis a vis the pric­ing of its oil exports. In addi­tion, Chavez has appoint­ed Car­los the Jack­al’s broth­er to a key posi­tion in the nation’s petro­le­um indus­try. Car­los is inti­mate­ly to Fran­cois Genoud and his milieu, as dis­cussed in the pro­grams cit­ed above in con­nec­tion with Genoud.) “The US faces a grow­ing risk from both Mid­dle East­ern ter­ror­ists relo­cat­ing to Latin Amer­i­ca and ter­ror groups from the region, a top US mil­i­tary offi­cial has warned. Gen­er­al James Hill, com­man­der of US South­ern Com­mand, told Latin Amer­i­can mil­i­tary offi­cers and region­al intel­li­gence ana­lysts in Mia­mi yes­ter­day that groups such as Hizbol­lah, the mil­i­tant Shia Mus­lim group, had estab­lished bases in Latin Amer­i­ca. These groups were tak­ing advan­tage of smug­gling hot spots such as the tri-bor­der area’ join­ing Brazil, Argenti­na and Paraguay, and Venezue­la’s Mar­gari­ta Island to chan­nel to funds to ter­ror­ist groups found the world. . . .Fer­nan­do Fal­con, a for­mer Venezue­lan state secu­ri­ty police chief, said: ‘If I were Al Qae­da, I would be set­ting up in Venezuela right now.’ ” (“Ter­ror­ist Groups Are ‘Relo­cat­ing to US Back­yard” by Andy Webb-Vidal in Mia­mi; The Finan­cial Times; 3/5/2003; p. 5.)

31. Once again, we see the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood in con­nec­tion with the Islamofascist/organized crime link in the tri-bor­der area. “Once an oblig­a­tory way sta­tion for war crim­i­nals and oth­er flee­ing Nazis, the region known as ‘the three bor­ders’ (Brazil, Argenti­na, Paraguay) is con­sid­ered by anti-ter­ror­ist experts to be a new base of rad­i­cal Islamism. Often, intel­li­gence agen­cies have traced the lead­ers of Hezbol­lah, Hamas and the inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion of the Mus­lim Broth­ers to this area. Form­ing a tri­an­gle between the towns of Puer­to Iguazu (Argenti­na); Foz do Iguacu (Brazil) and Ciu­dad del Este (Paraguay), the area holds a pop­u­la­tion of more than 400,000, a quar­ter of them for­eign­ers, with strong Near East­ern com­mu­ni­ties, espe­cial­ly Lebanese.” (Dol­lars for Ter­ror; p. 334.)

32. And once again, we see the drug trade and its cen­tral impor­tance for the Islam­o­fas­cist milieu in Latin Amer­i­ca. “At the cen­ter, the site of the mar­velous water­falls of Iguacu hosts more than 40,000 vis­i­tors a year, which makes the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and the mon­i­tor­ing of peo­ple par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult. In addi­tion the topog­ra­phy, criss­crossed by innu­mer­able rivers and streams, makes it impos­si­ble to get an over­all view. This tor­ment­ed phys­i­cal and human geog­ra­phy encour­ages all sorts of traf­fic. Ciu­dad del Este has thus become the Latin-Amer­i­can cap­i­tal for coun­ter­feit­ing and for the smug­gling of weapons and explo­sives. Weapons come from the Unit­ed States via Paraguay, and are main­ly des­tined for the mar­kets of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo; they fol­low the route to Foz do Iguacu and cross the bor­der of Paraguay at Mato Grosso do Sul. Small land­ing strips in the region are also used for deliv­er­ing car­goes, and drugs.” (Idem.)

33. “A non-pro­duc­ing coun­try, Brazil is today the main region­al tran­sit cen­ter for the cocaine trade from Colom­bia and Bolivia, head­ing for the Unit­ed States and Europe, via Cape Verde, the Ivory Coast and South Africa. Experts esti­mate that 80% of Colom­bian cocaine pass­es through the Islam­ic-Latin Amer­i­can tri­an­gle. The Latin-Amer­i­can tri­an­gle. The Latin-Amer­i­can, Chi­nese and Near East­ern mafias have made their head­quar­ters there. The mosque of Foz do Iguacu, which also has a Koran school, reg­u­lar­ly receives vis­its by reli­gious dig­ni­taries and Sau­di busi­ness­men, although the com­mu­ni­ties are main­ly Shi­ite. In 1997, the Lebanese for­mer prime min­is­ter Raf­ic Hariri ws the hon­orary guest of the Arab com­mu­ni­ty of Ciu­dad del Este. Accom­pa­nied by a del­e­ga­tion by Gulf financiers, he was main­ly inter­est­ed in Near East­ern invest­ments in the region. At the time, the police ser­vices iden­ti­fied a close col­lab­o­ra­tor of Osama bin Laden in his ret­inue. . .” (Ibid.; pp. 334–335.)

34. ” . . . Whether in Latin Amer­i­ca or in Beirut, these busi­ness milieux reveal the osmo­sis that is going on between the crim­i­nal hier­ar­chies and the legal struc­tures of eco­nom­ic and finan­cial activ­i­ty world­wide. It is symp­to­matic that when one finds the heads of var­i­ous crim­i­nal groups, one reach­es the lim­it of the crim­i­nal activ­i­ty at the same time.” (Ibid.; p. 335.)

35. Orga­nized crime and the tremen­dous prof­its derived from the drug trade are cen­tral to the func­tion­ing of the glob­al econ­o­my. “The influ­ence of the Mafias is nev­er so great and so dan­ger­ous as when they lever­age their crim­i­nal activ­i­ties to ply all the levers that legal soci­ety offers in order to sub­vert that legal­i­ty itself. Mon­ey laun­der­ing is not only a mon­e­tary activ­i­ty aim­ing to legal­ize dirty mon­ey by inject­ing it into lic­it eco­nom­ic sec­tors; it is also exert­ed on orga­ni­za­tions and elite groups that also wish to be made respectable. ‘One point is essen­tial: orga­nized crime is not only a prob­lem of crim­i­nal­i­ty any­more. It is a too broad a top­ic, these days, to be entrust­ed sole­ly to the crim­i­nol­o­gists. The econ­o­my of crime was based in the legal econ­o­my. If you make a clean dis­tinc­tion between orga­nized crime and the sphere of finance, you are con­demned to not under­stand either one. Cer­tain­ly, it is more com­fort­able to regard the Mafias and the crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tions as malev­o­lent for­eign pow­ers. Real­i­ty is less appeal­ing and more com­plex: crim­i­nal­i­ty has become an essen­tial gear in the engine of con­tem­po­rary soci­eties.’ ” (Idem.)

36. A fright­en­ing and grue­some pos­si­bil­i­ty to con­tem­plate in con­nec­tion with the Latin American/Islamofascist/drug smug­gling nexus is the sce­nario pre­sent­ed in Ser­pen­t’s Walk. The dev­as­tat­ing bio-ter­ror attack that leads to the dec­la­ra­tion of mar­tial law and a Nazi takeover of the coun­try is effect­ed through the intro­duc­tion of the dead­ly agents through the drug-smug­gling routes. Could this be part of the pin­cers move­ment that the Under­ground Reich will close on the Unit­ed States?


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