Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #421 Pump This: The Schwarzenegger File

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

Intro­duc­tion: Inter­roga­to­ry in nature, this pro­gram high­lights the Nazi fam­i­ly back­ground and Nazi-like affec­ta­tions of Cal­i­for­nia Guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger. Begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of a body build­ing pic­ture in which Schwarzeneg­ger is giv­ing the Nazi salute, the broad­cast sets forth numer­ous accounts of Schwarzenegger’s man­i­fes­ta­tion of a Nazi/Aryan per­sona dur­ing his body­build­ing days. The dis­cus­sion also exam­ines Gus­tav Schwarzenegger’s Nazi back­ground in the Aus­tri­an brown-shirts, and the Third Reich’s mil­i­tary police—the lat­ter a key liai­son ele­ment with the SS mobile killing squads on the East­ern Front. (Gustav–Arnold’s father–was with a unit that was involved in some of the most bru­tal fight­ing in Rus­sia.) After exam­in­ing the strong areas of over­lap between the elder Schwarzenegger’s back­ground and the areas pro­ject­ed as repos­i­to­ries of Third Reich post­war under­ground oper­a­tives, the broad­cast exam­ines the curi­ous­ly large influ­ence that Gus­tav was able to exert on behalf of Arnold’s mil­i­tary career. It appears that Gus­tav may well have been more than a mere small-town police chief. Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger was a close polit­i­cal ally of and defend­er of Nazi war crim­i­nal Kurt Wald­heim, lat­er elect­ed pres­i­dent of Aus­tria. Schwarzeneg­ger has nev­er repu­di­at­ed his sup­port for Wald­heim. Much of the pro­gram exam­ines the net­work­ing of Bush fam­i­ly ally and invest­ment advis­er Allen Dulles and per­son­al­i­ties (includ­ing Ronald Rea­gan, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush and William Casey) that were to become lumi­nar­ies in the Repub­li­can hier­ar­chy. All of these men were involved with the Cru­sade for Free­dom, an ille­gal CIA/State Depart­ment oper­a­tion in which Nazi and fas­cist war crim­i­nals were brought into the US for polit­i­cal pur­pos­es. Many even­tu­al­ly coa­lesced into the Repub­lic eth­nic out­reach orga­ni­za­tion. The key words and con­cepts to under­stand in the con­text of this broad­cast are net­work­ing, oli­garchy, hier­ar­chy. Is Schwarzeneg­ger asso­ci­at­ed with the Under­ground Reich? Was his ascen­sion real­ized through the net­work­ing of ele­ments of the Amer­i­can pow­er elite with the Under­ground Reich?

Pro­gram High­lights Include: The Dulles milieu’s vet­ting of Schwarzenegger’s Nazi pal Wald­heim for ser­vice with the Aus­tri­an gov­ern­ment; Aus­tri­an ambas­sador Helene Von Damm’s net­work­ing with SS oper­a­tive Otto von Bolschwing and the Dulles milieu; the Third Reich’s pro­ject­ed use of dis­abled vet­er­ans, the police, women and young girls as post­war under­ground oper­a­tives; leg­is­la­tion that has already been intro­duced that would allow Schwarzeneg­ger to run for Pres­i­dent.

1. Begin­ning with the first thing that put Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger on Mr. Emory’s “radar screen”, the pro­gram high­lights a pic­ture from Sports Illus­trat­ed that shows “Der Ter­mi­na­tor” giv­ing the Nazi salute. (Note that this is NOT a doc­tored pic­ture. Skep­ti­cal lis­ten­ers are emphat­i­cal­ly encour­aged to go to a library, secure the orig­i­nal arti­cle, and dis­trib­ute it to media sources.) (“Pex Sell Tix” by Dan Geringer; Sports Illus­trat­ed; 12/7/1987; p. 80; [the pic­ture itself is on page 84].)

2. Appar­ent­ly, this sort of behav­ior was not unusu­al for Schwarzeneg­ger.

“ . . . In Arnold: The Edu­ca­tion of a Body­builder, he wrote that he was over­whelmed by [Schwarzeneg­ger men­tor Reg] Park’s lux­u­ri­ous house, his pool, his antiques, and his ser­vants and that he felt out of place. He did, how­ev­er, appar­ent­ly feel quite at home with the South African sys­tem of apartheid. Accord­ing to Rick Wayne, who is black, when they dis­cussed apartheid Arnold said he thought South Africa was right, say­ing things like ‘If you gave these blacks a coun­try to run, they would run it down the tubes.’ How­ev­er, Rick was accus­tomed to Arnold’s reac­tionary views and quirky ways. He and Arnold had posed togeth­er in Munich. In his book, Mus­cle Wars, a study of body­build­ing pol­i­tics, Rick recalled that after Arnold had ‘struck a pose rem­i­nis­cent of the Nazi salute,’ he received less applause from the Ger­man audi­ence than he had expect­ed. Arnold’s response was to com­ment to Rick, ‘These peo­ple are noth­ing with­out an Aus­tri­an to lead them.’”

Arnold: The Unau­tho­rized Biog­ra­phy; by Wendy Leigh; Copy­right 1990 by Wendy Leigh; Con­g­don & Weed [HC]; ISBN 0–86553-216–8; pp. 68–69.

3. “A veneer of Nazism” was viewed by many Schwarzeneg­ger asso­ciates as part of Schwarzenegger’s body build­ing per­sona.

“ . . . On [Joe] Weider’s instruc­tions, [Art] Zeller pho­tographed Arnold con­stant­ly. Zeller remem­bers that from the start Arnold was ready to sac­ri­fice every­thing to achieve his goals, get­ting enough sleep and train­ing hard. Always pre­pared to admit to his defi­cien­cies and to devote him­self to elim­i­nat­ing them, Arnold imme­di­ate­ly took pos­ing lessons from Dick Tyler. Tyler, decid­ing that Arnold mer­it­ed ‘hero­ic’ music, picked for his pos­ing rou­tine Thus Spake Zarathus­tra. Years lat­er Tyler com­ment­ed that if Hitler had want­ed to adver­tise the Aryan ide­al, Arnold would have been its per­fect rep­re­sen­ta­tive.”

Ibid.; p. 87.

4. More about Schwarzeneg­ger’s Nazi veneer:

“Tyler’s remarks may sound a tri­fle barbed; how­ev­er, since 1977 rumors have cir­cu­lat­ed in the body­build­ing world that dur­ing the film­ing of Pump­ing Iron, the pseu­do-doc­u­men­tary film that trans­formed him into a leg­end, Arnold said he admired Hitler. When con­tact­ed for a news­pa­per arti­cle in 1988, George But­ler, the pro­duc­er and direc­tor of the film and still a close friend of Arnold’s today, admit­ted that dur­ing the film­ing of Pump­ing Iron Arnold def­i­nite­ly did say that he admired Hitler. But­ler then con­ced­ed that the remark was cut from the final ver­sion of the film, adding that Arnold expressed his admi­ra­tion of ‘Hitler and Kennedy in almost the same breath as peo­ple who were lead­ers.’ When asked why Arnold admired Hitler, But­ler replied that the con­text in the film was that Arnold was say­ing he had ‘always want­ed to be remem­bered like the most famous peo­ple in his­to­ry, like Jesus and so on . . .”

Ibid.; pp. 87–88.

5. Man­fred Thel­lig had a sim­i­lar take on Schwarzeneg­ger’s atti­tude toward the Third Reich:

“Man­fred Thel­lig, who worked with Arnold in Munich, offers a sim­i­lar inter­pre­ta­tion. Accord­ing to Thel­lig, Arnold ‘def­i­nite­ly admires the Teu­ton­ic peri­od of the Third Reich. He just loved those left­over relics of the Third Reich in Munich—those Teu­ton­ic stat­ues.’ He added that Arnold would say, ‘If I had lived at that time, I would have been one of those Teu­ton­ic breed­ers’ but explains, ‘When­ev­er he opened his mouth and it sound­ed like ‘Oh, there is a neo-Nazi,’ this was just play­ing Tarzan. It wasn’t seri­ous. . .’”

Ibid.; pp. 88–89.

6. Oth­ers have seen Schwarzeneg­ger “Sieg Heil”:

“There are, nev­er­the­less, wit­ness­es over the years who have seen Arnold break into the ‘Sieg Heil’ salute and play his records of Hitler’s speech­es. Arnold respond­ed to this issue dur­ing a 1989 Pent­house inter­view with jour­nal­ist Sharon Churcher. Accord­ing to Churcher, a for­mer asso­ciate of Arnold’s dur­ing the sev­en­ties had heard from a mutu­al acquain­tance that Arnold had Nazi para­pher­na­lia in his apart­ment. Accord­ing to the asso­ciate, Arnold’s reac­tion at that time was to claim through Pump­ing Iron pro­duc­er George But­ler, that his inter­est ‘was only that of a stu­dent.’ But­ler, pro­fess­ing to have for­got­ten the above exchange, says that he had nev­er seen any Nazi para­pher­na­lia at Arnold’s house.”

Ibid.; p. 89.

7. More about the Pent­house arti­cle:

“The arti­cle goes on to quote Arnold as say­ing, ‘I total­ly hate the Nazi peri­od.’ He adds, ‘When you come from a back­ground like Ger­many or Aus­tria, then you some­times are joked about and peo­ple give you some­times gifts that maybe had some­thing to do with that [Nazi] time.’ When asked if he kept any such presents, Arnold replied, ‘No. I am so much against that time peri­od. I despise it.’”


8. Per­haps he was not “so much against that peri­od”!

“There is yet anoth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty. As one body­builder, who observed Arnold in Amer­i­ca doing the ‘Sieg Heil’ salute com­ment­ed, ‘It was expect­ed of him.’ Arnold per­son­i­fied Aryan suprema­cy and Ger­man­ic strength of will. To top that, his father had been a mem­ber of the Nazi par­ty. Both his her­itage and his image were inescapable. Inescapable, but not inerad­i­ca­ble. Yet Arnold, far from under­play­ing his roots, embraced and adver­tised them.”

Ibid.; pp. 89–90.

9. More about the rea­son for Schwarzeneg­ger’s Nazi affec­ta­tions:

“Essen­tial­ly always an enter­tain­er, a per­former who glo­ried in sat­is­fy­ing his audi­ence, Arnold must have known that the Nazi aura sur­round­ing him did not dis­please his admir­ers. After all, the goal of many body­builders is to carve for them­selves bod­ies befit­ting a mas­ter race, and to that end pow­er and dom­i­nance are val­ued above all. Body­build­ing jour­nal­ist Dick Tyler, who was Joe Weider’s West Coast edi­tor and who met Arnold dur­ing his first months in Amer­i­ca, sums up the allure of the jack­boot in body­build­ing terms: ‘I used to tell body­builders, ‘When you go out there, think of your­self as the very best. There is no oth­er. It will come across to the audi­ence and they love it. That’s why they are there. They are sit­ting there with their skin­ny bod­ies and they are look­ing up at that stage—looking up at their heroes.’ They want that arro­gance, and Arnold knew this. You didn’t need to give any advice to him about being arro­gant.’ All in all, alle­ga­tions of Arnold’s veneer of Nazism prob­a­bly didn’t hurt him in the unique are­na that is body­build­ing.”

Ibid.; p. 90.

10. Con­trast­ing with his lat­er (cos­met­ic and polit­i­cal­ly-moti­vat­ed?) efforts on behalf of the Wiesen­thal Insti­tute and the Muse­um of Tol­er­ance, Schwarzenegger’s views on eth­nic­i­ty struck some as sug­gest­ing a dif­fer­ent agen­da.

“All through his gru­el­ing train­ing, Arnold kept the image of [Schwarzenegger’s black Brazil­ian rival] Serge Oli­va in front of him. Black body­builder Dave DuPre, who would appear with Arnold years lat­er in Pump­ing Iron, says Arnold declared one time while work­ing out at Gold’s. ‘Serge is your only black hope to beat me. Black peo­ple are infe­ri­or. You are not capa­ble of achiev­ing the suc­cess of white peo­ple. Black peo­ple are stu­pid.’ Black peo­ple weren’t the only tar­get of his ven­om, for as usu­al he was com­plete­ly demo­c­ra­t­ic in his heck­ling. Accord­ing to DuPre, ‘He would make fun of Jews. If any­body looked Jew­ish, he would point it out and tell them that they were infe­ri­or.”

Ibid.; p. 101.

11. After set­ting forth Schwarzengger’s “veneer of Nazism” dur­ing his body build­ing days, the broad­cast under­takes an exam­i­na­tion of his father’s back­ground. As will be seen, Gus­tav Schwarzenegger’s cir­cum­stances sug­gest at least the pos­si­bil­i­ty that he may have served as an oper­a­tive of the Under­ground Reich in Aus­tria dur­ing the post­war peri­od. Lat­er in the pro­gram, we will look at the degree of over­lap between Schwarzenegger’s sit­u­a­tion and some of the groups select­ed for post­war under­ground work.

“Doc­u­ments lodged in the Aus­tri­an State Archives in Vien­na, only now avail­able as 30 years have elapsed since Gustav’s death, give the most detailed account yet of that role. They show that not only did he join the Nazi par­ty but was also a mem­ber of the SA (Sturmabteilung or stormtroop­ers), the brown-shirt­ed Nazi para­mil­i­tary wing made up of the most enthu­si­as­tic of Hitler’s fol­low­ers.”

“Ter­mi­na­tor?” by Wendy Leigh; Mid Day; 3/9/2003; pp. 1–2; accessed at http://web.mid-day.com/smd/play/2003/march/46822.htm.

12. More about Gus­tav’s ser­vice for the Third Reich:

“After enlist­ing in the Wehrma­cht in Novem­ber 1939, he served as a sergeant major in the Feldgendarmerie—the Ger­man mil­i­tary police. His unit was attached to a Panz­er group and took part in the inva­sion of Rus­sia, where he would have wit­nessed some of the most bru­tal fight­ing of the war and the mur­der of civil­ians . . .”


13. Schwarzeneg­ger’s father was tak­en with the Hitler mys­tique ear­ly on.

“By the end of the ‘30’s, Europe was chang­ing. Hitler had been in pow­er in Ger­many since 1933 and was deter­mined to bring Aus­tria (his coun­try of birth) with­in the Ger­man Reich and there were many there who sup­port­ed him. Schwarzeneg­ger was cer­tain­ly one of them. He joined the Nazi Par­ty when it was still illegal—on March 1, 1938, days before Hitler’s annex­a­tion of Aus­tria. In August, as Europe stood on the brink of war, he joined Feld­gen­darmerie Unit 521, formed in Vien­na with the help of the Ord­nungspolizei (the Ger­man Order Police).”


14. Schwarzeneg­ger’s father may well have been involved in atroc­i­ties.

“His 110-man unit was first attached to the 14th Army dur­ing the inva­sion of Poland and then Hitler’s Panz­er Gruppe 4, part of the Army group North, in the attack on Rus­sia. It was when Unit 521 was ordered to join up with Gen­er­al Eric Hoepner’s Panz­er Gruppe 4 for the attack on Rus­sia in may 1941, that Schwarzeneg­ger became involved in the most bru­tal fight­ing of the Sec­ond World War. Dur­ing the advance, the Feld­gen­darmerie was often involved in burn­ing down vil­lages and shoot­ing par­ti­sans.”


15. It is impor­tant to note that the elder Schwarzenegger’s wartime role entailed liais­ing with the SS-con­trolled Ein­satz­grup­pen on the East­ern Front. As will be seen lat­er, the Ein­satz­grup­pen and relat­ed ele­ments formed a key ele­ment of the Under­ground Reich forces recruit­ed into US intel­li­gence and (lat­er) the Repub­li­can Par­ty.

“The Feld­gen­darmerie units soon earned an unen­vi­able rep­u­ta­tion for bru­tal­i­ty. They were so hat­ed in Rus­sia that a boun­ty was put on their heads by the Sovi­ets demand­ing they be shot on sight in revenge. But there was a more sin­is­ter role for the men of the mil­i­tary police: they liaised with the Ein­satz­grup­pen, the SS forces respon­si­ble for shoot­ing par­ti­sans, Jews and Com­mu­nists and ini­ti­at­ing Hitler’s Final Solu­tion through the use of mobile gas cham­bers on spe­cial­ly adapt­ed lor­ries. Between June, 1941, and Jan­u­ary 31, 1942, Ein­satz­gruppe A, which was attached to Panz­er Gruppe 4, was report­ed to have killed 209,052 Jews.”


16. Wound­ed and plagued by malar­ia, Schwarzenegger’s com­bat role end­ed in August of 1942. Lat­er in the broad­cast, we will exam­ine the role of dis­abled vet­er­ans in the Third Reich’s plans for under­ground post­war work.

“Schwarzenegger’s involve­ment in the war end­ed in August 22, 1942, when he was wound­ed. Ini­tial­ly, he was treat­ed in the mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal in Lodz, but accord­ing to the records he also suf­fered recur­ring bouts of malar­ia, which led to his dis­charge in Feb­ru­ary, 1944, when he was allowed to return to Graz.”


17. Schwarzenegger’s moth­er also had strong feel­ings for Hitler. (Women were also viewed as essen­tial for post­war under­ground work by the Nazis.)

“The next record in the archives comes on Octo­ber 20, 1945, when he mar­ried Aure­lia Jadrny, a wid­ow, in Murzsteg. Dur­ing the war, Aure­lia worked in a gov­ern­ment office, dis­pens­ing food stamps. How­ev­er, as mun­dane as her job may have been, she wasn’t immune to Hitler’s allure. Many years lat­er, Arnold con­fid­ed to a girl­friend that when Hitler marched into Aus­tria, Aure­lia was in the crowds and almost swooned.”


18. Although the elder Schwarzeneg­ger was offi­cial­ly cleared of direct par­tic­i­pa­tion in Nazi atroc­i­ties, it should be not­ed that (as we will see short­ly) those Nazis select­ed for under­ground work were giv­en fal­si­fied records that facil­i­tat­ed their even­tu­al “sheep-dip­ping.”

“Dur­ing the de-Naz­i­fi­ca­tion of Aus­tria after the war, when Nazi sym­pa­thiz­ers were inves­ti­gat­ed and assigned a cat­e­go­ry from one to five—with one rep­re­sent­ing those believed to have com­mit­ted war crimes and five for those deemed innocent—Schwarzenegger was clas­si­fied as Cat­e­go­ry 3, mean­ing he was incrim­i­nat­ed by his wartime activ­i­ties though not guilty of major atroc­i­ties. He was banned from resum­ing his job in the police depart­ment. What hap­pened next is not on record, nor is the process by which he was able to resume work, but by 1948, Schwarzeneg­ger had become police chief of Thal [Ital­ics are Mr. Emory’s].”


19. Turn­ing to exam­i­na­tion of the Third Reich’s plans for the post­war Nazi under­ground with­in the “Father­land” itself (of which Aus­tria was part), the pro­gram exam­ines a vital­ly impor­tant book from 1944 that set forth the plans for the Under­ground Reich.

“But what has not yet become known is that all this also applies to a much greater num­ber of anony­mous per­sons all over Ger­many, those on the sec­ond and third lev­els of the Nazi stra­ta. These unknown per­son­al­i­ties may be used lat­er by the under­ground. Par­ty func­tionar­ies who may be known local­ly, but cer­tain­ly not nation­al­ly, can eas­i­ly be trans­ferred to anoth­er city or town, where they will sud­den­ly appear as anti-Nazis.”

(The Nazis Go Under­ground; by Curt Riess; Copy­right 1944 by Curt Riess; Dou­ble­day, Doran and Co., Inc. [HC]; p. 97.)

20. More about the Nazis plans for post­war, under­ground activ­i­ty:

“The par­ty helps in their mas­quer­ades. These men get new doc­u­ments which ‘prove’ that they have always been anti-Nazi. Notes are insert­ed in their per­son­al files say­ing they must be watched on account of their anti-Hitler atti­tudes and ‘unwor­thy’ behav­ior. Some of them will undoubt­ed­ly be sent to con­cen­tra­tion camps for crimes which they have nev­er com­mit­ted, but which will make them look depend­able in the eyes of the Allies; some have per­haps already suc­ceed­ed in join­ing anti-Nazi cir­cles and are pre­tend­ing to con­spire against Hitler. Lat­er on they will be able to use such activ­i­ties as ali­bis.”


21. Note that the civ­il infra­struc­ture was viewed as an essen­tial repos­i­to­ry for the forth­com­ing Nazi under­ground. Areas of employ­ment that would prove absolute­ly nec­es­sary for the AMG (Allied Mil­i­tary Gov­ern­ment) to ensure the smooth func­tion­ing of post­war Ger­many were select­ed as pri­ma­ry repos­i­to­ries for trust­ed Nazi oper­a­tives.

“And though they [the AMG] will not want to co-oper­ate with those they know as Nazis in Ger­many, they may be forced by neces­si­ty to co-oper­ate with those Nazis they don’t rec­og­nize as such. For they will not be able to admin­is­ter the coun­try, even for a week, with­out using the already exist­ing machines and appa­ra­tus­es of admin­is­tra­tion. These machines are full of Nazis, unknown, anony­mous. If they should all be removed, every­thing would break down: sup­ply, trans­port, the mails, elec­tric­i­ty, gas, water. The heads of depart­ments, the promi­nent Nazis, will either dis­ap­pear of their own free will or be fired by the occu­pa­tion author­i­ties. But that is the only rad­i­cal change that the lat­ter can make. Any more would bring inde­scrib­able con­fu­sion and gen­er­al dis­or­der.”

Ibid.; pp. 82–83.

22. Reiss delin­eates some of the gov­ern­men­tal insti­tu­tions that will be seen as irre­place­able and, as such, like­ly repos­i­to­ries for under­ground Nazi oper­a­tives.

“There are a great num­ber of irre­place­able bureaus and orga­ni­za­tions which no AMG will want to touch. For exam­ple, the numer­ous health depart­ments, every orga­ni­za­tion which helps pro­tect pub­lic health, will have to go on func­tion­ing. If there is any inter­fer­ence with them, the whole coun­try, and this includes invad­ing troops, might be swept epi­dem­ic.”

Ibid.; p. 83.

23. More about the secret­ing of under­ground Nazis in the gov­ern­men­tal and civic infra­struc­ture:

“Nat­u­ral­ly it is in all the exist­ing orga­ni­za­tions that Nazis will first try to hiber­nate at the end of the war, when they must play dead. They will be in fire depart­ments and in util­i­ties; they will sit in tax col­lec­tors’ offices—an impor­tant strate­gic posi­tion, because it is these offices that will fur­nish the lists from which the Allies will deter­mine repa­ra­tions pay­ments; and they will fill the offices of food-dis­trib­ut­ing agen­cies whose task it will be to avert famine after the war [Schwarzenegger’s moth­er worked in such a capac­i­ty].”


24. Of pri­ma­ry sig­nif­i­cance for our pur­pos­es is the fact that Schwarzenegger’s father served as a police­man. As dis­cussed above, the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing his post­war appoint­ment are unclear. The police were an area of civ­il infra­struc­ture viewed as one of the most impor­tant areas for secret­ing trust­ed oper­a­tives for post­war work. It is also inter­est­ing (though not nec­es­sar­i­ly sig­nif­i­cant) that the Ord­nungspolizei were one of the pro­ject­ed repos­i­to­ries for post­war Nazis. The Ord­nungspolizei were instru­men­tal in the for­ma­tion of the Feld­gen­darmerie, in which Gus­tav Schwarzeneg­ger served.

“Anoth­er ide­al place will be the police. Herr Himm­ler has been quot­ed as say­ing that no AMG could pos­si­bly dis­solve the entire Ger­man police with­out throw­ing Ger­many, and thus Europe, into com­plete chaos. He is prob­a­bly right . . . Such groups will be the Crim­i­nal Police, the Ordungspolizei (the reg­u­lar uni­formed police) the Land­jaeger (gen­darmes in the open coun­try), and the Feurschutzpolizei (Fire Police).”

Ibid.; p. 86.

25. Gus­tave became the chief of police in a small, coun­try vil­lage called Thal. In light of that fact, reflect on what fol­lows:

“About nine months ago Himm­ler reor­ga­nized the gen­darmes into a new orga­ni­za­tion called Landwacht (Coun­ty Guards) whose sup­posed duty it is to pre­vent dis­or­ders in vil­lages and towns. It is made up of the natives of each par­tic­u­lar dis­trict and is sup­posed to be a non-polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion. Any­body who vol­un­teers is accept­ed. Himmler’s idea in form­ing the Landwacht was to have ready a group of law-enforc­ing offi­cers who were appar­ent­ly com­plete­ly non-polit­i­cal and who could be used by the AMG. It is into this Landwacht that Himm­ler has been send­ing men of his Elite Guard.”

Ibid.; pp. 86–87.

26. The police were seen as a par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful repos­i­to­ry for ded­i­cat­ed Nazis ded­i­cat­ed for post­war, under­ground work:

“Himm­ler also believes that the Crim­i­nal Police and the reg­u­lar uni­formed police will not be dis­solved, since these depart­ments have nev­er been com­plete­ly iden­ti­fied with the par­ty. It is dif­fi­cult indeed to run a coun­try or even a city with­out the help of a long-estab­lished crim­i­nal police or reg­u­lar police force. The smooth work­ing of a crim­i­nal police depends on per­son­al con­tacts devel­oped over a long peri­od of time, on an army of tip­sters and stool pigeons, on the inti­mate knowl­edge of the habits and hide­outs of the crim­i­nals. Only in extreme cas­es will occu­py­ing author­i­ties fail to use old hands in police mat­ters.”

Ibid.; p. 87.

27. As not­ed above, dis­abled vets were one of the areas pro­ject­ed as an area for post­war Under­ground Reich oper­a­tives. As dis­cussed in the Wendy Leigh arti­cle about Gus­tav Schwarzenegger’s wartime career, he was offi­cial­ly dis­abled for much of the con­flict.

“At present there is in exis­tence an orga­ni­za­tion com­pris­ing all Ger­man war crip­ples. Its head is Hanns Ober­lin­dober, who was the head of a sim­i­lar orga­ni­za­tion called the War Vet­er­ans’ Aid Soci­ety, after World War I. In the thir­ties Ober­lin­dober gained inter­na­tion­al impor­tance as the leader of the War Vet­er­ans’ Asso­ci­a­tions. Ober­lin­dober him­self made exten­sive trav­els to France and oth­er neigh­bor­ing coun­tries, pos­ing as a paci­fist and stag­ing touch­ing scenes of inter­na­tion­al frat­er­niza­tion. Too late it became known to the French secret ser­vice that he used his orga­ni­za­tions as an appa­ra­tus for espi­onage.”

Ibid.; p. 84.

28. More about the pro­ject­ed use of dis­abled vets as post­war, under­ground Nazi oper­a­tives:

“It can be assumed that Ober­lin­dober him­self will dis­ap­pear after the defeat. He has become much too noto­ri­ous. It may also be assumed that his orga­ni­za­tions will not be allowed to con­tin­ue in their present form. How­ev­er, what­ev­er admin­is­tra­tive appa­ra­tus may be set up to take care of Ger­man war crip­ples after the war, the need for so-called experts will be great and thus oppor­tu­ni­ty will be offered for a num­ber of ‘neu­tral’ Ober­lin­dober men to be slipped into the new set­up. In this con­nec­tion it is inter­est­ing to note that quite a few new men have been report­ed to have entered the Ober­lin­dober orga­ni­za­tion late­ly, the arrange­ments with the War Min­istry hav­ing been made, so it is said, by Ober­lin­dober him­self.”

Ibid.; pp. 84–85.

29. It is also inter­est­ing to note that women were pro­ject­ed for post­war work. Schwarzenegger’s moth­er had dis­trib­uted food stamps dur­ing the war and she was appar­ent­ly quite tak­en with Hitler. (Remem­ber, again, that such civ­il ser­vice posi­tions were a repos­i­to­ry for Under­ground Reich oper­a­tives.) Is it pos­si­ble that she and Gus­tav were select­ed as an “Under­ground Cou­ple?” A young Aus­tri­an woman—Helene Van Damm—appears to have played an essen­tial part in the Under­ground Reich’s efforts in the Unit­ed States. Van Damm is dis­cussed below. (For more about Van Damm, see FTR#’s 332, 399, as well as RFA#’s 3, 32—available from Spit­fire.)

“Whichev­er of the orga­ni­za­tions dis­cussed here will be left intact—whether it be the wel­fare orga­ni­za­tions or the hos­pi­tals, the Crim­i­nal Police or the machin­ery of Speer, the rail­roads or the util­i­ties that will be most active in the com­ing Nazi underground—one thing is cer­tain: the women will have to play a large part in its activ­i­ties. Since it is prac­ti­cal­ly cer­tain that the Allies will not sen­tence any women as war crim­i­nals except in proved cas­es of cap­i­tal crimes, there will be lit­tle rea­son for the lead­ing per­son­al­i­ties of the women’s orga­ni­za­tions to dis­ap­pear and be replaced by unknown per­son­al­i­ties, although the orga­ni­za­tions them­selves will, of course, under­go a change.”

Ibid.; p. 92.

30. More about the pro­ject­ed role of women as post­war oper­a­tives:

“Among the tasks of women in the com­ing Nazi under­ground on which Frau Scholtz-Klink has to con­cen­trate must be: . . . Spe­cial train­ing of stenog­ra­phers, typ­ists, fil­ing clerks, et cetera—in short, of all female per­son­nel like­ly to be used either by the occu­py­ing pow­ers (AMG) or by a future Ger­man gov­ern­ment.”

Ibid.; p. 93.

31. After hav­ing mar­ried a mem­ber of the mil­i­tary intel­li­gence unit in which for­mer Rea­gan nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er Richard Clarke had served, Van Damm came to the Unit­ed States and divorced her hus­band short­ly after­ward. Note that the selec­tion of young girls [women] for pro­ject­ed rela­tion­ships with Allied troops was envis­aged by the Third Reich.

“[A key area will be] the train­ing of young girls, or rather their prepa­ra­tion for the time when Ger­many is occu­pied by hun­dreds of thou­sands of for­eign sol­diers. After the last war, dur­ing the occu­pa­tion of the Rhineland, if a Ger­man girl had any­thing to do with an Amer­i­can or Eng­lish sol­dier, not to speak of inti­mate rela­tions, it was con­sid­ered by the fam­i­ly and the entire com­mu­ni­ty as out­ra­geous behav­ior incom­pat­i­ble with ‘Ger­man Hon­or.’ This time such ‘out­ra­geous behav­ior’ will not only be encour­aged, but prac­ti­cal­ly demand­ed, by the Nazis, no mat­ter what the offi­cial stand on this par­tic­u­lar prob­lem is. The rea­son is that young Ger­man girls enter­ing into inti­mate rela­tions with for­eign sol­diers may well con­vince these sol­diers that the Ger­mans are by no means the bad peo­ple they are pic­tured; that the Nazis, too, had their good points. In short, these Ger­man girls are being trained as dis­sem­i­na­tors of Nazi pro­pa­gan­da.”

Ibid.; pp. 93–94.

32. Van Damm lat­er became a pro­tégé of Otto Von Bolschwing, and worked for him in a busi­ness capac­i­ty. The pas­sage that fol­lows could be seen as fore­shad­ow­ing her role with Von Bolschwing’s busi­ness inter­ests.

“The train­ing of women who will be log­i­cal con­tacts between the under­ground move­ment or cer­tain cells of the under­ground par­ty and cir­cles of influ­ence, such as big busi­ness, indus­tries, car­tels, for­eign politi­cians, et cetera.”

Ibid.; p. 94.

33. Before turn­ing to some dis­turb­ing indi­ca­tions that Schwarzenegger’s father was far more than a mere small-town police chief, we note that the town of Graz (of which Thal is a sub­urb) was viewed as spe­cial by Hitler.

“In fact, Hitler ws so grat­i­fied by the Graz­ers’ enthu­si­asm that he award­ed the city an hon­orary title: die Stadt der Erhebung—the town of the ele­va­tion. Aus­tri­ans, even now, remem­ber Hitler’s tri­umphant entry into Graz, how the crowds mobbed the street, climb­ing lamp­posts for a glimpse of der Fuhrer, shout­ing ‘Sieg Heil’ with stri­dent fer­vor.”

(Arnold: The Unau­tho­rized Biog­ra­phy; p. 8.)

34. A seem­ing­ly insignif­i­cant detail about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ser­vice in the Aus­tri­an army, the fact that his father (osten­si­bly noth­ing but a small town police chief) was able to pull strings in a num­ber of ways is note­wor­thy. Any­one even remote­ly famil­iar with mil­i­tary pro­to­col would under­stand that Schwarzenegger’s father under nor­mal cir­cum­stances would nev­er have been able to pre­vail on the Aus­tri­an army to change its reg­u­la­tions in such dra­mat­ic fash­ion just for his son.

“Besides, accord­ing to Arnold, Gus­tav had smoothed the path for his younger son by using his influ­ence to have him sta­tioned at a camp near Graz. He had also pulled strings so that Arnold, char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly impressed by the size and pow­er of tanks, could be a tank dri­ver. Arnold claims that, thanks to Gustav’s influ­ence, the Aus­tri­an Army made an excep­tion to the required tank driver’s min­i­mum age, low­er­ing it from twen­ty-one to eigh­teen, thus enabling him to ful­fill his ambi­tion.”

Arnold: The Unau­tho­rized Biog­ra­phy; p. 34.

35. Per­haps even more strik­ing is Schwarzenegger’s con­tention that he for­got to engage the brake after park­ing a tank, that it rolled into the riv­er as a result, and that he was not dis­ci­plined for his neg­li­gence! Talk to a mil­i­tary vet­er­an about this. Ask their opin­ion.

“Dri­ving a tank pro­vid­ed Arnold with a tremen­dous sense of pow­er, and in Arnold The Edu­ca­tion of a Body­builder, he describes how much he loved the recoil of the guns when they fired and how it fed some­thing in his nature that was moved by demon­stra­tions of strength. Some­times, though, army life proved to be dan­ger­ous. Once he ‘parked’ a tank but for­got to put the brake on. The tank rolled into the riv­er. Accord­ing to Arnold, there were no con­se­quences.”


36. Rem­i­nis­cent of George W. Bush’s AWOL stint from the Texas Air Nation­al Guard (per­formed with impuni­ty due to his father’s sta­tus), Schwarzeneg­ger, too, was able to skip out from the Aus­tri­an army in order to com­pete in a con­test.

“He knew exact­ly what he want­ed. And he had tak­en great risks to obtain it. For despite being the prod­uct of Gustav’s school of obe­di­ence and dis­ci­pline, Arnold, as he would many times in his career, had gam­bled. To com­pete in Stuttgart he had gone AWOL.”

Ibid.; p. 35.

37. A polit­i­cal act that sug­gests his lat­er activ­i­ties on behalf of the Muse­um of Tol­er­ance and the Wiesen­thal Cen­ter may well have been cos­met­ic in nature is Schwarzenegger’s endorse­ment of, and sup­port for, Kurt Wald­heim, a Nazi war crim­i­nal and lat­er pres­i­dent of Aus­tria.

“For there was one flaw in the oth­er­wise per­fect Shriver/Schwarzenegger nuptials—one false note that threat­ened to cloud the bright­ness of the day. Amid all the good wish­es and hopes for future hap­pi­ness, the love and the kind­ness, a dark shad­ow was cast by a gift from some­one whom many peo­ple had iden­ti­fied as evil. The gift was two life-size, papi­er-mache dolls fab­ri­cat­ed by artist Christa Muller, repli­cas of Arnold, dressed in leder­ho­sen, car­ry­ing Maria, dressed in a dirndl. They were sent from Arnold’s Aus­tri­an home­land by Kurt Wald­heim.”

Ibid.; pp. 245–246.

38. More about Wald­heim’s con­tri­bu­tion to Schwarzeneg­ger’s nup­tials:

“The dolls, promi­nent­ly dis­played at the wed­ding recep­tion, assumed a slight­ly sin­is­ter air, as if they might sud­den­ly open up to reveal the grin­ning specter of Kurt Wald­heim lurk­ing inside their shells. After all, only the day before the press had car­ried yet anoth­er sto­ry about Waldheim’s duplic­i­ty, his con­ceal­ment of his nazi past, and evi­dence of nazi atroc­i­ties with which he may have been con­nect­ed . . .”


39. Schwarzeneg­ger made a point of endors­ing Wald­heim at his wed­ding to Shriv­er.

“ . . . In a ges­ture that per­haps was a defi­ant dec­la­ra­tion of independence—and that, accord­ing to one guest, caused Jack­ie Kennedy Onas­sis to pale—Arnold spoke the fol­low­ing words, lat­er record­ed by wed­ding guest Andy Warhol in his diaries: ‘My friends don’t want me to men­tion Kurt’s name because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. con­tro­ver­sy, but I love him and Maria does too and so thank you, Kurt.’ CBS’ Ter­ry Smith, also a wed­ding guest, con­firms that Warhol’s record­ed com­ments encap­su­late the gist of Arnold’s remarks. Lat­er, in what was described as ‘an awk­ward moment,’ Arnold praised Kurt Wald­heim, adding that he was a vic­tim of bad press. Accord­ing to anoth­er guest, Arnold’s friend Richard Burk­hold­er, ‘he [Arnold] wished Kurt Wald­heim was at the wed­ding. He also assured every­one that Wald­heim hadn’t done what he had been accused of . . .’”

Ibid.; pp. 246–247.

40. Schwarzeneg­ger cam­paigned on behalf of Wald­heim when the lat­ter ran for pres­i­dent of Aus­tria.

“ . . . If, indeed, he did believe that he had boobed in defend­ing Kurt Wald­heim, Arnold took no steps to rem­e­dy the sit­u­a­tion. The usu­al­ly self-pro­tec­tive Arnold seemed to have placed Waldheim’s inter­ests ahead of his own. Far from retract­ing his remarks cham­pi­oning Wald­heim, Arnold went on to lend his name to posters that trum­pet­ed his sup­port of Wald­heim in the Aus­tri­an pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. The posters were dis­played all over Aus­tria, but, luck­i­ly for Arnold, escaped the atten­tion of the Amer­i­can press. He has nev­er retraced his defense of Wald­heim. Nor has he since with­drawn his sup­port from him.”

Ibid.; pp. 247–248.

41. Schwarzeneg­ger per­pet­u­at­ed his rela­tion­ship with Wald­heim, even after the con­tro­ver­sy had con­tin­ued to ripen:

“Yet, despite the mount­ing evi­dence as to Waldheim’s alleged past, in August 1986 Arnold vis­it­ed the Aus­tri­an pres­i­dent in his sum­mer home on Lake Attersee, out­side of Salzburg. The vis­it, report­ed exten­sive­ly in both the Aus­tri­an and the Ger­man press, was notable, for Wald­heim, then banned from enter­ing the Unit­ed States (a ban that has nev­er been lift­ed), rarely received impor­tant vis­i­tors, hav­ing been ostra­cized by the rest of the world . . .”

Ibid.; p. 248.

42. More about the Schwarzeneg­ger-Wald­heim rela­tion­ship:

“In the fall of 1988, when asked by jour­nal­ist Sharon Churcher about his alle­giance to Wald­heim, Arnold refused to char­ac­ter­ize his meet­ing with Wald­heim as bad judge­ment. Arnold is not and has nev­er been respon­si­ble for his father’s polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions. How­ev­er, one can’t help won­der­ing why Arnold, rather than repu­di­at­ing Wald­heim for his duplic­i­ty in con­ceal­ing his Nazi past, rose up so pub­licly in defense of him.”

Ibid.; pp. 248–249.

43. There is already a bill on the floor of Con­gress (intro­duced by Schwarzenegger’s friend and fel­low Repub­li­can Orrin Hatch) that would per­mit Der Ter­mi­na­tor to run for Pres­i­dent.

“His name has nev­er appeared on a ballot—only a movie marquee—but already, peo­ple are whis­per­ing about Pres­i­dent Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger. Oh, no, you’re saying—that can’t be. For starters, he hasn’t even run for Cal­i­for­nia gov­er­nor yet. First things first. And then there’s the lit­tle mat­ter of the Con­sti­tu­tion, which pro­hibits any but native-born Amer­i­cans to run for Pres­i­dent or Vice-Pres­i­dent. Not to worry—or do wor­ry, depend­ing on your pol­i­tics. Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch has intro­duced a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment to allow the for­eign-born who have been nat­u­ral­ized cit­i­zens for at least 20 years to run for the big job. Arnold’s shown up at some fund-rais­ers for his pal Orrin, but no, no, no, that’s not what this is about. The Deseret Morn­ing News in Utah quot­ed a Hatch spokes­woman as say­ing that the Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ty to Gov­ern Amendment—which is what hatch is call­ing it—is a ‘pol­i­cy judg­ment not asso­ci­at­ed with any one indi­vid­ual.’”

(“Arnold for Pres­i­dent? At Least One Hur­dle May Fall” by Pat Mor­ri­son; The Los Ange­les Times; 7/21/2003; p. B2.)

44. To have an undis­tin­guished movie actor become Gov­er­nor of Cal­i­for­nia and then Pres­i­dent would not be unprece­dent­ed. As not­ed in—among oth­er progrms—FTR#’s 29, 48, 113, 248, 332, 346, 361, Ronald Rea­gan served as the front man for an ille­gal domes­tic intel­li­gence oper­a­tion known as the Cru­sade for Free­dom. Hatched by Allen Dulles (who invest­ed Bush fam­i­ly mon­ey in the Third Reich and lat­er became direc­tor of the CIA), this oper­a­tion was over­seen by Richard Nixon. William Casey (Nixon’s direc­tor of the SEC and man­ag­er of the Rea­gan-Bush cam­paign in 1980) over­saw the State Depart­ment machi­na­tions that brought these Nazi and fas­cist ele­ments into the Unit­ed States. Casey lat­er became direc­tor of the CIA. The Repub­li­can eth­nic branch (which grew out of this Nazi émi­gré com­mu­ni­ty) lat­er became a repos­i­to­ry for Islam­o­fas­cist ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with Al Taqwa and Al Qae­da. (For more about this con­nec­tion, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 356, 357, 415.)

“As a young movie actor in the ear­ly 1950’s, Rea­gan was employed as the pub­lic spokesper­son for an OPC front named the ‘Cru­sade for Free­dom.’ Rea­gan may not have known it, but 99 per­cent for the Crusade’s funds came from clan­des­tine accounts, which were then laun­dered through the Cru­sade to var­i­ous orga­ni­za­tions such as Radio Lib­er­ty, which employed Dulles’s Fas­cists. Bill Casey, who lat­er became CIA direc­tor under Ronald Rea­gan, also worked in Ger­many after World War II on Dulles’ Nazi ‘free­dom fight­ers’ pro­gram. When he returned to New York, Casey head­ed up anoth­er OPC front, the Inter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee, which spon­sored the immi­gra­tion of these Fas­cists to the Unit­ed States. Casey’s com­mit­tee replaced the Inter­na­tion­al Red Cross as the spon­sor for Dulles’s recruits. Con­fi­den­tial inter­views, for­mer mem­bers, OPC; for­mer mem­bers, British for­eign and Com­mon­wealth Office.”

(The Secret War Against the Jews; by John Lof­tus and Mark Aarons; Copy­right 1994 by Mark Aarons; St. Martin’s Press; [SC] ISBN 0–312-15648–0; p. 605.)

45. Among the most shock­ing ele­ments of the Cru­sade for Free­dom was the recruit­ment of an entire SS intel­li­gence unit, lat­er reset­tled in the U.S. This unit—the VorKom­man­do Moskau–was deeply involved with the SS Ein­satz­grup­pen. Schwarzenegger’s father was also heav­i­ly involved with the coor­di­na­tion of the Ein­satz­grup­pen. Is it pos­si­ble that we are look­ing at “deep-net­work­ing”? Under what cir­cum­stances did Schwarzenegger’s father come to be a police chief? Was he more than just a police chief? Is Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger “2nd gen­er­a­tion Under­ground Reich?”

“VorKom­man­do Moskau was an elite for­ward unit of SS intel­li­gence on the Sovi­et front. Its pri­ma­ry mis­sion was anti-Com­mu­nist intel­li­gence col­lec­tion, but it also was respon­si­ble for secu­ri­ty screen­ing of the occu­pied pop­u­la­tions in a broad sec­tor of the East­ern Front, which held near­ly 6 mil­lion Jews. Pre­cise­ly this secu­ri­ty and intel­li­gence expe­ri­ence made the men of the unit so attrac­tive to West­ern intel­li­gence after the war and led them to their jour­ney to the Unit­ed States and mem­ber­ship in Nixon’s Repub­li­can ‘eth­nic groups.’”

Ibid.; p. 496.

46. More about the VorKom­man­do Moskau:

“VorKom­man­do Moskau did not kill the Jews. It hired the col­lab­o­ra­tors, who recruit­ed the exe­cu­tion­ers, who killed the Jews. From 1940 to 1942, this one small unit act­ed as an employ­ment agency for the archi­tects of Nazi geno­cide in East­ern Europe. Con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, while the Ger­mans mas­ter­mind­ed and con­trolled the machin­ery of the Holo­caust, the foot­sol­diers who car­ried it out were not pri­mar­i­ly Ger­mans, but local vol­un­teers from Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine, and White Rus­sia. Those non-Ger­mans who wished to serve Hitler’s New Order first had to pass a secu­ri­ty check by VorKom­man­do Moskau.”


47. While serv­ing as chair­man of the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee, the elder George Bush shep­herd­ed the Nazi émi­gré com­mu­ni­ty into posi­tion as a per­ma­nent branch of the Repub­li­can Par­ty.

“It was Bush who ful­filled Nixon’s promise to make the ‘eth­nic emi­gres’ a per­ma­nent part of Repub­li­can pol­i­tics. In 1972, Nixon’s State Depart­ment spokesman con­firmed to his Aus­tralian coun­ter­part that the eth­nic groups were very use­ful to get out the vote in sev­er­al key states. Bush’s tenure as head of the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee exact­ly coin­cid­ed with Las­z­lo Pasztor’s 1972 dri­ve to trans­form the Her­itage Groups Coun­cil into the party’s offi­cial eth­nic arm. The groups Pasz­tor chose as Bush’s cam­paign allies were the émi­gré Fas­cists whom Dulles had brought to the Unit­ed States.”

Ibid.; pp. 369–370.

48. More about the GOP/Nazi link:

“Near­ly twen­ty years lat­er, and after expos­es in sev­er­al respectable news­pa­pers, Bush con­tin­ued to recruit most of the same eth­nic Fas­cists, includ­ing Pasz­tor, for his own 1988 eth­nic out­reach pro­gram when he first ran for pres­i­dent.”

Ibid.; pp. 370–371.

49. Of inter­est in this con­text is the fact that it was the Dulles milieu that vet­ted Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Nazi war crim­i­nal friend Kurt Wald­heim for his first job in the Aus­tri­an gov­ern­ment. The back­ground check on Wald­heim was per­formed by Dulles’ son-in-law Fritz Mold­en.

“Both [Karl] Gru­ber and [Fritz] Mold­en had strong ties to U.S. intel­li­gence. Mold­en actu­al­ly wound up mar­ry­ing the daugh­ter of OSS (lat­er CIA) chief Allen Dulles, for whom he had worked dur­ing the war . . . Gru­ber turned the back­ground inves­ti­ga­tion over to Mold­en. In turn, Mold­en asked his friends in Amer­i­can intel­li­gence to check Wald­heim out. This was, of course, redun­dant. Even­tu­al­ly, Mold­en report­ed to Gru­ber that his con­tacts had ‘inves­ti­gat­ed [Wald­heim] and found no mate­r­i­al on him, noth­ing, noth­ing.”

(Wald­heim: The Miss­ing Years; by Robert Edwin Hertzstein; Copy­right 1988 by Robert Edwin Herzstein; Arbor House/William Mor­row [HC]; ISBN 0–87795-959–5; pp. 168–169.)

50. Among the Nazis brought into the coun­try by Dulles & co. was Otto von Bolschwing. Von Bolschwing’s pro­tégé Helene Von Damm select­ed all of the per­son­nel from which Ronald Rea­gan made his appoint­ments when he was Gov­er­nor of Cal­i­for­nia. She per­formed the same func­tion when he became Pres­i­dent. Note in this con­text the above dis­cus­sion about the Third Reich’s plans to have young girls estab­lish sex­u­al liaisons with Allied troops. (For more about the Von Damm/von Bolschwing con­nec­tion, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 180, 332, 399, as well as RFA’s 3, 32, avail­able from Spit­fire.)

“Eich­mann was replaced on the Mid­dle East­ern scene by a far more skilled intel­li­gence offi­cer, Otto von Bolschwing. Before World War II, von Bolschwing set up an import-export busi­ness in Pales­tine as a cov­er for his espi­onage activ­i­ties. He was an edu­cat­ed man from a good fam­i­ly and an enthu­si­as­tic sup­port­er of Hitler. After the war, von Bolschwing became one of Allen Dulles’s senior agents in the CIA.”

Ibid.; p. 46.

51. Even­tu­al­ly, Von Damm became U.S. ambas­sador to Aus­tria. (She mar­ried a hote­lier and divorced him. He lat­er com­mit­ted sui­cide. Her sec­ond hus­band was Chris­t­ian Von Damm. He became head of the Bank of America’s La Paz, Bolivia Branch at the time that Klaus Barbie’s “cocafascisti” were hold­ing forth in that coun­try. For more about Bar­bie, see—among oth­er programs—RFA#’s 3, 17, 19, avail­able from Spit­fire.)

“Dulles helped von Bolschwing emi­grate to Cal­i­for­nia, where he estab­lished a busi­ness asso­ci­a­tion with Helen von Damm, lat­er Ronald Reagan’s ambas­sador to Aus­tria. In lat­er years, his busi­ness went bank­rupt and he was forced to sur­ren­der his Amer­i­can cit­i­zen­ship on the grounds that he was a Nazi war crim­i­nal.”


52. Von Damm and Schwarzeneg­ger are not strangers.

“Arnold’s busi­ness part­ner and men­tor, Jim Lorimer, whether by acci­dent or design, was in Vien­na, and, cau­tious for a moment, Arnold left Brigitte [Nielsen] behind at the Hilton while he and Jim had Sun­day brunch with the Amer­i­can ambas­sador to Aus­tria, Helene Von Damm.”

Arnold: The Edu­ca­tion of a Body­builder; p. 216.


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