Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #46 Orders to Kill

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2 | Side 3 | Side 4 | Side 5 | Side 6 | Side 7 | Side 8 (record­ed on 4/3/2018) | Side 9 (record­ed on 4/3/2018)

This series ana­lyzes the assas­si­na­tion of Dr. Mar­tin Luther King, Jr. In addi­tion to ana­lyz­ing the FBI’s extend­ed efforts to polit­i­cal­ly neu­tral­ize King, the series dis­cuss­es the com­bi­na­tion of nation­al secu­ri­ty and orga­nized crime ele­ments that appear to have per­formed the assas­si­na­tion. Based on the book Orders to Kill by William Pep­per (Hard­cov­er edi­tion pub­lished by Car­roll and Graff in 1995), the series dis­cuss­es, among oth­er things: an orga­nized crime arms-smug­gling ring, which maneu­vered accused assas­sin James Earl Ray into posi­tion to take the fall for the crime; the mem­ber of that arms-smug­gling ring who boast­ed of actu­al­ly done the shoot­ing; the Army intel­li­gence pro­gram to sur­veil and neu­tral­ize black Amer­i­can lead­ers (includ­ing King); the 20th Spe­cial Forces Group “A team” that, accord­ing to Pep­per, served as a back­up sniper team poised to kill Dr. King and his then-aide Andrew Young (in case the orga­nized crime marks­man missed); and the appar­ent role of ele­ments of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency in help­ing to set Ray up for the assas­si­na­tion. (Record­ed in Sep­tem­ber of 1995.)


2 comments for “FTR #46 Orders to Kill”

  1. “Orders to Kill” was out­stand­ing. Thank you.
    I’m think­ing of Part III, I believe, where you men­tioned in pass­ing that the FBI trained the Ku Klux Klan.

    Posted by Viki D. | April 6, 2018, 8:29 pm
  2. Kudos to KFJC for broad­cast­ing twelve hours of Dave Emory archives and new com­men­tary on the
    heart­break­ing 50th anniver­sary of Mar­tin Luther King’s assas­si­na­tion. While the William Pep­per
    inves­ti­ga­tion and tril­o­gy of books were front and cen­tre it was also a good chance to re-exam­ine the
    pos­si­ble role of the PFLP, the neglect­ed work of Louis Lomax and the ambigu­ous actions of Mark Lane
    con­nect­ing Jim Jones and the Peo­ple’s Tem­ple to the King cov­er-up.

    And though I get the con­cept that, in the poet­ry of Robin­son Jef­fers, peo­ple are bound to the wheel
    there are at least a cou­ple of guys I’d like to see bound to the stake and rolled out into the pub­lic
    square to account for them­selves. And they are both SPOOKS, covert oper­a­tives of the nation­al secu­ri­ty
    estab­lish­ment lion­ized as oppo­nents to the inter­na­tion­al cor­po­rate cap­i­tal­ist fas­cist jug­ger­naut. Both
    are com­plete and utter frauds emblem­at­ic of the decep­tion and duplic­i­ty of the lib­er­al and alter­na­tive
    news and media.

    Jesse Jack­son was not just an FBI infor­mant but, as por­trayed in the Pep­per tril­o­gy, an active accom­plice
    in the mur­der of MLK. And Jack­son had the most to gain from King’s assas­si­na­tion.
    Daniel Ells­berg, as doc­u­ment­ed over the years by Doug Valen­tine, par­tic­i­pat­ed in CIA covert ops in
    Viet Nam under the direc­tion of Ed Lans­dale. Ells­berg found “con­trolled oppo­si­tion” at MIT in the form
    of Noam Chom­sky and Howard Zinn. (I’ve heard audio inter­views in which Bill Pep­per named Chom­sky
    as the “pro­gres­sive” who was unaware that any­one was inves­ti­gat­ing King’s assas­si­na­tion.) Ells­berg
    sought out Zinn and Chom­sky and they were among the first to read xerox copies of the Pen­ta­gon Papers.
    Chom­sky has admit­ted this when inter­viewed by Amy Good­man. Chom­sky and Zinn also par­tic­i­pat­ed
    as edi­tors of the Papers, along­side Ells­berg, which were con­trived in such a fash­ion so as to make Viet Nam
    look like JFK’s idea and to divert atten­tion from both CIA drug traf­fick­ing and the CIA Phoenix Pro­gram
    of assas­si­na­tions.

    In a 1967 inter­view that can be found on youtube Mort Sahl appeared with Elliot Mintz and described
    being black­list­ed from radio and TV for try­ing to help Jim Gar­ri­son solve the Kennedy assas­si­na­tion. He
    talked about Eugene Bradley, Carl McIn­tire and Arcacha Smith. Sahl is 90, still alive, still black­list­ed. He
    dis­cussed the lib­er­al Hol­ly­wood estab­lish­ment with Mintz, the man­agers and agents who told him before
    the JFK assas­si­na­tion he’d nev­er work in Amer­i­ca again if he kept mock­ing pres­i­dent Kennedy in his stand-
    up rou­tine. Said Sahl “They loved him you see. These same peo­ple changed gloves from the left hand to
    the right hand, and see that you con­tin­ue not to work for ask­ing who killed him.”
    Yet phonies like Jack­son, like Ells­berg are trot­ted out on Democ­ra­cy Now or CNN every time there’s an
    anniver­sary or a new leak­er to ped­dle their coun­ter­feit yam­mer­ings while con­tin­u­ing to be noth­ing but
    SPOOKS, dis­in­for­ma­tion sor­cer­ers.

    There are lots of old pho­tos on the inter­net sup­pos­ed­ly show­ing Bernie Sanders at civ­il rights sit-ins or
    being cart­ed away with oth­er 60s pro­test­ers by the cops. Yet does Sanders ever denounce Amer­i­ca’s
    polit­i­cal assas­si­na­tions and ask for new inves­ti­ga­tions? He’s “con­trolled oppo­si­tion” just like Chom­sky,
    Ells­berg, Jack­son and Good­man. They all make me sick!

    And we’ll go through the whole cha­rade again in June dur­ing the 50th anniver­sary of the Robert Kennedy
    assas­si­na­tion (gee what a coin­ci­dence King and Kennedy were mur­dered two months apart)!
    Per­haps sen­a­tor Kamala Har­ris will offer some con­do­lences. After all as Cal­i­for­nia AG she want­ed noth­ing
    to do with William Pep­per, while he rep­re­sent­ed pat­sy Sirhan Sirhan, when his inves­ti­ga­tion dis­closed the
    tam­per­ing of bal­lis­tic evi­dence as well as clear indi­ca­tion that Sirhan was hypo-pro­grammed to dis­tract
    from the real team of assas­sins that night in Los Ange­les.
    Who knows per­haps in 2020 the Demo­c­ra­t­ic tick­et will be SANDERS/HARRIS.
    Would­n’t that be a breath­tak­ing duo! #WE TOO.

    Posted by Dennis | April 9, 2018, 8:37 pm

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