This program documents the pivotal support that Germany and the United States gave to Croatia during the Balkan War. Virtually a recapitulation of the Ustachi regime (allied with Germany during World War II), “independent” Croatia received arms, military training, diplomatic support and mercenary support from both Germany and the United States. That support proved decisive in Croatiaâs war with the Serbs. The broadcast documents the extremely close relationship between Germany, Croatia and the Ustachi elements that returned to power, once Croatia seceded from the Yugoslav Federation. The segments highlight the support that emigre Ustachi elements received from both Germany and the United States. One of the major points of discussion concerns the importation of Ustachi into the United States for political purposes. The Ustachi were brought into the United States under the auspices of the Crusade For Freedom, an illegal domestic intelligence operation. The CFF imported Central and Eastern European fascists and Nazi collaborators (many of them war criminals who had participated in Hitler’s liquidation of the Jews.) The brainchild of Allen Dulles (who became head of the CIA), the Crusade For Freedom was managed for Dulles by Richard Nixon. The chief spokesman for the program was Ronald Reagan. The State Department machinations that allowed the fascists to enter the country were arranged by William Casey (Reagan’s 1980 campaign manager and director of the CIA from 1981 until his death in 1986.) In time, the Ustachi and their fellow Nazi collaborators evolved into a vitally important element of the Republican party. (Recorded in the fall of 1995.)
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