Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker

Record­ed Novem­ber 8, 2004

MP3  Side 1  Side 2

Intro­duc­tion: Flesh­ing out dis­cus­sion in FTR#’s 482, 483, this pro­gram fea­tures more infor­ma­tion from Daniel Hop­sick­er, the author of Wel­come to Ter­ror­land: Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 Cov­er-up in Flori­da. Mr. Emory con­sid­ers this vol­ume to be one of the most impor­tant books about 9/11. Be sure to check out Daniel’s web­site. In addi­tion to fur­ther dis­cus­sion about the numer­ous evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning between the Iran/Contra scan­dal and the milieu in which the 9/11 hijack­ers oper­at­ed in Flori­da, the pro­gram details the extra­or­di­nary back­ground of the asso­ciates of Wal­ly Hilliard, Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof. Hilliard’s asso­ciate Mark Shu­bin has, as Mr. Emory says, more con­nec­tions than a switch­board, includ­ing con­nec­tions to Ken­neth Good, an asso­ciate of Neil Bush (the President’s broth­er) in the crim­i­nal activ­i­ties sur­round­ing the Sil­ver­a­do Sav­ings and Loan in Col­orado. Much of the pro­gram cen­ters on the pro­found Ger­man links to the hijack­er milieu in Flori­da, includ­ing Arne Kruithof’s asso­ci­a­tion with Pas­cal Schreier. Daniel notes that some of Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates in Flori­da were the sons and daugh­ters of promi­nent Ger­man indus­tri­al­ists.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: The links of Kruithof’s part­ner Glenn Good­man to air units appar­ent­ly involved in the Iran/­Con­tra-relat­ed drug traf­fic; Jeb Bush’s endorse­ment of Dis­cov­er Air, one of Hilliard’s bogus air­lines; Pas­cal Schreier’s wife’s pur­chase of anoth­er of the strange avi­a­tion schools through which the 9/11 hijack­ers tran­sit­ed; Jeb Bush’s role in the spir­it­ing away(to Wash­ing­ton, D.C.) of the Venice Police Department’s files on Rudi Dekkers; the remark­able sto­ry of Hilliard pilot P.J. Kahn—licensed to fly reg­u­lar­ly into Havana, Cuba; alle­ga­tions that Rudi Dekkers is Ger­man, not Dutch; Dekkers asso­ciate Rick Boehlke’s work for a wealthy Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist named Folk­er, who was buy­ing up large amounts of prop­er­ty in the Pacif­ic North­wes; Iran/Contra oper­a­tive Diet­rich Reinhardt’s busi­ness asso­ci­a­tion with Rudi Dekkers; the unusu­al cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the crash of Arne Kruithof’s plane—it was com­pact­ed before the FAA could deter­mine the cause of the crash!.

1. The pro­gram begins by review­ing some of Wal­ly Hilliard’s back­ground and, in par­tic­u­lar, his stew­ard­ship of Huff­man Avi­a­tion, the flight school through which sev­er­al of the 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trat­ed the Unit­ed States. (The descrip­tions for FTR#’s 482, 483 con­tain mate­r­i­al about some of Hilliard’s back­ground and activ­i­ties.)

2. Fur­ther devel­op­ing the extra­or­di­nary, cloak-and-dag­ger milieu in which Hilliard oper­at­ed, the pro­gram sets forth the col­or­ful espi­onage back­ground of Hilliard asso­ciate Mark Shu­bin. “Mark Shu­bin was Hilliard’s busi­ness part­ner in a num­ber of air­planes, includ­ing a $35 mil­lion Gulf­stream. Shu­bin lived in Mia­mi. We had heard a num­ber of dif­fer­ent sto­ries about him, each more lurid than the next. . . . The true sto­ry was that Shubin’s father was indeed a KGB Colonel impris­oned after being caught by his own gov­ern­ment spy­ing for the Unit­ed States. He and his fam­i­ly, includ­ing young Mark, had been ‘trad­ed out’ of Rus­sia in the spy exchange involv­ing Fran­cis Gary Pow­ers, the pilot of a U‑2 shot down over Rus­sia in a famous inci­dent in 1960.”
(Wel­come to Ter­ror­land Mohamed Atta & the 9–11 Cov­er-Up in Flori­da; by Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad­cow Press [HC]; Copy­right 2004 by Daniel Hop­sick­er; ISBN 0–9706591‑6–4; pp. 262–264)

3. “After set­tling in Amer­i­ca, the KGB Colonel’s son grew up to become a CIA pilot fly­ing U‑2’s over Rus­sia, where his native Russ­ian lan­guage skills proved use­ful. We were already well into spy lore, and we’d bare­ly sat down. ‘Wal­ly was manip­u­lat­ed by some­body with a lot of pow­er,’ said Mark Shu­bin. ‘He was black­mailed. Rudi was the one per­son who knew what was going on.’” (Ibid.; p. 264.)

4. “Shu­bin had quite a bit of busi­ness with Wal­ly Hilliard, we learned. He had a com­pa­ny, Sky Bus, Inc., whose planes were shared in com­mon with Hilliard’s Plane 1 Leas­ing to Sky Bus between March and August 2000. Plane 1 Leas­ing remained an ‘own­er of sorts.’ Two of the planes that flowed from Hilliard’s Plane 1 Leas­ing, tail num­bers N11UN and N111UN, were list­ed as being owned by both Plane 1 Leas­ing and Sky Bus. We thought the ‘UN’ des­ig­na­tion on the tail num­ber might be a clue. We were right. We dis­cov­ered Shu­bin had estab­lished a com­pa­ny called ‘Inter­na­tion­al Diplo­mat­ic Couri­er Ser­vices,’ on August 28, 2001.” (Idem.)

5. “We asked an avi­a­tion busi­ness own­er about the planes with ‘UN’ num­bers. Coy Jacob said the last let­ters in an ‘N’ num­ber are picked by the indi­vid­ual plane own­er. So Shu­bin and Hilliard’s two planes either flew for the UN or were try­ing to look like they did. Then we rec­og­nized the name of anoth­er busi­ness part­ner of Shubin’s, a man who gained a bit of fame dur­ing the Sav­ings and Loan Scan­dal of a decade ago. Mark Shu­bin was in busi­ness with the noto­ri­ous Ken Good.” (Idem.)

6. Next, the pro­gram high­lights the activ­i­ties of one of Hilliard asso­ciate Mark Shubin’s partners—Ken Good. Good had been one of Neil Bush’s cronies in the Sil­ver­a­do Sav­ings and Loan deba­cle. (For more about the Sil­ver­a­do case, see—among oth­er programs—Miscellaneous Archive Show M43—avail­able from Spit­fire, as well as FTR#249.) “Ken­neth Good was a big part of the Sil­ver­a­do Sav­ings and Loan col­lapse. He was in busi­ness with Neil Bush. In fact, Ken Good had been so clear­ly a Bush fam­i­ly retain­er that it strained creduli­ty to think that Shubin—and Wal­ly Hilliard—now were not sim­i­lar­ly con­nect­ed. In 1983, Neil Bush, Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush’s son, and our cur­rent president’s broth­er, became part­ners in an oil ven­ture with Ken Good and William Wal­ters, a Den­ver devel­op­er.” (Ibid.; pp. 264–265.)

7. “Two years lat­er, Bush joined the board of Sil­ver­a­do, a Den­ver S&L to which Wal­ters and Good already owed more than $100 mil­lion that was nev­er to see the light of day again. Neil Bush received a $100,000 ‘gift’ from Good, as well as oth­er major finan­cial assis­tance. Yet he was press­ing Silverado’s management—without men­tion­ing these favors—to let Good off the hook on his debts. There was no con­flict of inter­est. It was all just a coin­ci­dence.” (Ibid.; p. 265.)

8. “By the late sum­mer of 1988, exam­in­ers made ready to seize the com­pa­ny. But then they got a phone call from the White House, accord­ing to TIME mag­a­zine. The elec­tion was too close; Silverado’s col­lapse would inevitably have spot­light­ed the Repub­li­can candidate’s son, whose con­duct had cer­tain­ly been uneth­i­cal and pos­si­bly ille­gal. So the bank board’s seizure of Sil­ver­a­do was delayed. When Sil­ver­a­do final­ly col­lapsed, it cost U.S. tax­pay­ers over $1 bil­lion. But it hadn’t been anybody’s fault. . .” (Idem.)

9. “The Hous­ton Post’s Peter Brew­ton, who broke the CIA-Mob con­nec­tion to the Sav­ings and Loan Scan­dal, said Neil Bush’s Sil­ver­a­do part­ners ‘all had con­nec­tions to indi­vid­u­als or S&L’s in Texas that did busi­ness with orga­nized crime fig­ures or CIA oper­a­tives. Good is one Sil­ver­a­do bor­row­er who got a large loan at a Texas S&L con­nect­ed to (Her­man) Beebe, alleged­ly con­nect­ed to the under­world.’ Her­man Beebe was an inti­mate, as they say, of New Orleans ‘Mafia King­fish,’ Car­los Mar­cel­lo. So Ken Good hung with both the Bush­es and the Mob. Ken Good cost Amer­i­cans over $132 mil­lion, just from loans from Sil­ver­a­do.” (Idem.)

10. More about Good’s oper­a­tions with Shu­bin
and the extra­or­di­nary irreg­u­lar­i­ties that char­ac­ter­ized the busi­ness­es through which Atta and asso­ciates infil­trat­ed the Unit­ed States. Again, note the numer­ous evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning in the direc­tion of the Iran-Con­tra affair. “ . . . Shu­bin and Good’s part­ner­ship seemed to share a lot in com­mon with Hilliard-Dekkers and Richard Boehlke’s. Good’s air­line, Express One Inter­na­tion­al, sup­plied both air­craft and crews to Sky Bus, the way Boehlke had for Dekkers and Hilliard. And Shubin’s Fort Laud­erdale based car­ri­er was soon-to-be-bank­rupt, a fate which Atta’s Flori­da asso­ciates seem to face with an awful reg­u­lar­i­ty. Good’s Express One—drat the luck—will itself soon be bank­rupt, and in bank­rupt­cy pro­ceed­ings the company’s lead­ing lessor will be revealed to be Fino­va Cap­i­tal, A Cana­di­an com­pa­ny ‘linked’ top the CIA, and which also financed Iran Con­tra-era pro­pri­etary air­lines like Richard Secord’s South­ern Air Trans­port.” (Ibid.; p. 266.)

11. The aura of inter­na­tion­al intrigue sur­round­ing Hilliard, Dekkers and com­pa­ny is height­ened by dis­cus­sion of one of Hilliard’s pilots—Pakistani P.J. Kahn. “ . . . P.J. Kahn, we knew, had crashed one of Wally’s Lear jets in Sep­tem­ber of 2002, with eight doc­tors on board. All eight need­ed treat­ment. Oth­er than that, he was a mys­tery, a Pak­istani nation­al who had some­how ingra­ti­at­ed him­self with south­ern Florida’s movers and shak­ers. ‘Hilliard signed a con­tract with P.J. Kahn, who bought the old Air Flori­da Cer­tifi­cate,’ said an avi­a­tion observ­er. ‘P.J. Kahn moved in with Mr. Hilliard’s back­ing. He’s an Arab oper­a­tor with a license to fly (an air­line). Kahn’s got a con­tract with the U.S. Trea­sury For­eign Assets Con­trol to fly direct­ly to Havana. He has spe­cial per­mis­sion as an autho­rized car­ri­er to fly direct to Havana.’ We were puz­zled. For­eign nation­als aren’t allowed to own U.S. air car­ri­ers. Also, U.S. air car­ri­ers aren’t sup­posed to be fly­ing to Havana. Puz­zle­ment turned to increduli­ty when we heard from sev­er­al peo­ple that P.J. Kahn had dis­ap­peared. ‘I heard he has to flee the coun­try for some rea­son,’ shrugged an avi­a­tion insid­er in Naples, who would say no more.” (Ibid.; p. 267.)

12. In FTR#483, we exam­ined Hilliard’s and Dekkers’ Flori­da Air, an air­line that was still­born from a busi­ness stand­point. Despite the fact that it was appar­ent­ly lit­tle more than a dum­my com­pa­ny, it received the endorse­ment of then Flori­da Sec­re­tary of State Kather­ine Har­ris, who presided over the theft of the 2000 Flori­da vote. Anoth­er of Hilliard’s bogus airlines—Discover Air—also received a celebri­ty endorse­ment from a big-name Flori­da politi­cian, Gov­er­nor Jeb Bush (anoth­er of the President’s broth­ers). “ . . . Hilliard’s lat­est ill-starred avi­a­tion enter­prise also offered com­muter ser­vice under the name Dis­cov­er Air. After not one tick­et was sold on its inau­gur­al route, it went—almost immediately—out of busi­ness. Notwith­stand­ing this unique­ly dis­mal record, for rea­sons unknown, Flori­da polit­i­cal lumi­nary Gov. Jeb Bush stepped for­ward to tour its facil­i­ties and praise its com­plete­ly un-praise­wor­thy man­age­ment.” (Ibid.; p. 328.)

13. Jeb Bush also was present when the FBI cart­ed-off all of the Venice (Flori­da) police department’s files on Huff­man Avi­a­tion. “ . . . We want­ed to know if Dekkers had any local ‘pri­ors.’ But it made Sergeant Mar­ty Tre­anor sigh. Then he start­ed to say some­thing, thought bet­ter of it, and sighed again. He said he couldn’t tell us if Dekkers had been in any trou­ble in Venice, because all of his files were gone. ‘Gone?’ ‘The FBI took all our files, every­thing. They loaded the files right out­side this win­dow,’ said Tre­anor, indi­cat­ing a park­ing lot out­side the sta­tion, ‘into two Ryder trucks, then drove them right onto a C‑130 mil­i­tary car­go plane at the Sara­so­ta air­port, which took off for Wash­ing­ton with Jeb Bush aboard.’ We will come back to vis­it the ques­tion of the Gov­er­nor of Florida’s nation­al secu­ri­ty respon­si­bil­i­ties. The impor­tant point was that tak­ing files was a lot dif­fer­ent than copy­ing them. The FBI wasn’t tak­ing any chances.” (Ibid.; p. 31.)

14. Return­ing to a sub­ject cov­ered in—among oth­er pro­grams—FTR#477, the broad­cast flesh­es out Atta and company’s Ger­man con­nec­tions. Through­out the milieu through which the 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trat­ed, one finds Ger­mans. Hilliard’s and Dekkers’ part­ner (in Flori­da Air) Rick Boehlke worked for a wealthy Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist who was buy­ing large amounts of prop­er­ty in the Pacif­ic North­west. (It is worth not­ing in this regard that White Suprema­cists have long focused on the Pacif­ic North­west as an area that could be turned into “an Aryan home­land.” Is it pos­si­ble that Boehlke’s Ger­man bene­fac­tor was involved with such a scheme? Note, also, that an acquain­tance of Dekkers alleged that he told her he was Ger­man, not Dutch. “Who had Rudi Dekkers and co. been work­ing for? We didn’t know any­one you could just walk up to and ask. We maybe got a clue from Mike Pick­ett, the avi­a­tion exec­u­tive who had watched Rick Boehlke with the same amaze­ment with which avi­a­tion pro­fes­sion­als in Flori­da watched Dekkers. ‘When Boehlke came in he was just a restau­ra­teur at the Gig Har­bor air­port,’ he said. ‘Then he became the Gen­er­al Man­ag­er for a Ger­man named Folk­er, a Ger­man indus­tri­al­ist buy­ing up all the land in that area.’ [Empha­sis added.] More Ger­mans. Jes­si­ca Daley, an attrac­tive air­line pro­fes­sion­al in her late twen­ties, worked for Rick Boehlke at Har­bor Air and lat­er trans­ferred and worked for Rudi Dekkers at Flori­da Air. While Har­bor Air was going under, Boehlke told Jes­si­ca to fly down to Flori­da and see Rudi. ‘When I walked into his (Rudi’s) office he was yelling and scream­ing at peo­ple,’ she recalled. ‘He said, ‘Peo­ple call me a bas­tard Nazi because I’m loud and I’m Ger­man. And I’m very demand­ing.’ Dekkers told her he was Ger­man, not Dutch, Jes­si­ca said.” (Ibid.; pp. 233–234.)

15. Arne Kruithof—the oth­er “Mag­ic Dutch Boy” at whose schools many of the 9/11 hijack­ers trained—also had a Ger­man con­nec­tion. The pro­gram focus­es on Kruithof’s Ger­man asso­ciate Pas­cal Schreier. Schreier and Kruithof had a busi­ness in Ger­many called “Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions.” Author Hop­sick­er spec­u­lates about the pos­si­ble role of Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions in get­ting trainees from Europe to the U.S. “Spec­u­la­tion about [Arne] Kruithof cen­tered on his rela­tion­ship with Rudi Dekkers, and also to anoth­er part­ner, Pas­cal Schreier. A Ger­man nation­al liv­ing in Munich, Schreier and Kruithof had a co-ven­ture, called Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions. Accord­ing to its lit­er­a­ture the com­pa­ny pro­vid­ed finan­cial assis­tance and a ‘Men­tor Pro­gramme.’ About their ‘men­tor­ing pro­gramme,’ the company’s lit­er­a­ture said: ‘The help is both finan­cial and prac­ti­cal. We now pro­vide one-to-one prac­ti­cal assis­tance from expe­ri­enced Pro­fes­sion­al Pilots (our Men­tors) whom we have estab­lished through­out the world.’ ‘Men­tor’ sound­ed a lot like ‘han­dler’ to us. Were we being too cyn­i­cal? French News­pa­per Le Monde had report­ed that Osama bin Laden’s broth­er Yeslam sent stu­dent pilots to Venice for train­ing. Noth­ing more about this mech­a­nism has sur­faced. Was Avi­a­tion Aspi­ra­tions the vehi­cle that had been used to insert Yeslam bin Laden’s pilots into the Venice flight schools?” (Ibid.; pp. 294–295.)

16. Schreier’s wife took over anoth­er of the high­ly unusu­al “flight schools” through which many of the hijack­ers passed. That school—Professional Aviation—was anoth­er of the schools at which Atta had enrolled. “Schreier’s job was recruit­ing flight stu­dents from his Munich base. Had he recruit­ed in Ham­burg? We didn’t know. We did know that the company’s mot­to was ‘Bet­ter train­ing because we care.’ Who was Pas­cal Schreier, and why did he care? ‘Pas­cal Schreier has an infe­ri­or­i­ty com­plex.’ Venice Air­port insid­er Max Burge told us. ‘He’s 6’2” blond, good-look­ing, Ger­man, and you could see it in him. Rudi And Arne, too.’ We didn’t get to meet him, but we learned a few inter­est­ing tid­bits to share. ‘Pas­cal Schreier is mar­ried to a lady who took over the 135 School at Port Char­lotte,’ said one avi­a­tion source.” (Ibid.; p. 295.)

17. “Pascal’s wife, San­dra K. Hamou­da, who was half-French and half-Tunisian, now owned the flight school in Pun­ta Gor­da once known as Pro­fes­sion­al Avi­a­tion, the one which went bank­rupt in Feb­ru­ary 2001, while Mohamed Atta and all those Tunisians were there. Now it appeared that they’d kept the school in the fam­i­ly.” (Idem.)

18. It appears that Schreier, Hilliard and Dekkers were also in busi­ness togeth­er. “Lat­er, we learned that the new own­ers of Huff­man Avi­a­tion were from the largest flight school in the Nether­lands, which used to train up in Lake­land, Flori­da. It was near Rot­ter­dam, the city from which Arne Kruithof hailed. Pas­cal Schreier was also appar­ent­ly involved with Wal­ly and Rudi’s failed avi­a­tion ven­tures. The true name of their flop air­line, which flew as Flori­da Air, was Sun­rise Air­lines. And Pas­cal Schreier owned a com­pa­ny called Flori­da Sun­rise with an address at the Venice Air­port. It was too close for coin­ci­dence.” (Idem.)



21. Sup­ple­ment­ing dis­cus­sion in FTR#483, the pro­gram sets forth the unusu­al cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the crash of Kruithof’s plane. Recall that Dekkers was also in a near-fatal air crash at around the same time. Dekkers’ heli­copter went down when he was en route to a con­fronta­tion with Wal­ly Hilliard over their busi­ness part­ner­ships. The wreck­age of Kruithof’s plane was com­pact­ed before the FAA could exam­ine it—a high­ly irreg­u­lar set of cir­cum­stances. “ . . . There were sus­pi­cious irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion into Kruithof’s plane crash that observers at the air­port said had nev­er before hap­pened. With­out any find­ing on the cause of the crash. . . before inves­ti­ga­tors were even able to get a look at the downed the plane, the wreck­age was gone. Things like that weren’t sup­posed to hap­pen. ‘Even though the FAA hadn’t yet deter­mined the cause for the crash,’ said one shocked observ­er, ‘the plane was almost imme­di­ate­ly dragged off to be com­pact­ed.’ He looked stunned. ‘That’s not just irreg­u­lar. It’s high­ly irreg­u­lar. We’re all kind of won­der­ing just what the hell’s going on.’” (Ibid.; pp. 293–294.)

22. Kruithof’s busi­ness part­ner Glenn Good­man was anoth­er of the high­ly inter­est­ing peo­ple in the Venice/Naples area. “ . . . Kruithof’s plane crash also threw a spot­light on the pilot of the downed plane, Glenn Good­man, the pilot at the con­trols of the downed Beech D‑18. Good­man and Kruithof were part­ners in Arne’s flight school at the Venice Air­port, just like Rudi and Wal­ly were in theirs. . .” (Ibid.; p. 295.)

23. “ . . . Kruithof and Good­man formed ‘Flori­da Flight Main­te­nance,’ in July of 2000, just as Mohamed Atta and Mar­wan began train­ing at the Venice Air­port. Good­man also owned a DC‑3 that sat at the Venice Air­port for two years before being donat­ed to an air muse­um in July, 2000, called the ‘Flori­da Mil­i­tary Avi­a­tion Muse­um.’ This was a major red flag. Donat­ing planes and then get­ting them back from air muse­ums is a ruse which has been used to pro­vide planes over the years to a rich and col­or­ful crop of elite deviants with intel­li­gence con­nec­tions.” (Idem.)

24. Once again, we find evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning in the direc­tion of the Iran/Contra scan­dal. “A mil­i­tary flight muse­um was the same venue used by the CIA in the past to ‘lib­er­ate’ mil­i­tary planes and heli­copters in var­i­ous sor­did para­mil­i­tary schemes. It was being used right next door in Char­lotte Coun­ty, we remem­bered, to ‘re-assign’ 23 heli­copters to new bil­lets. Also trou­bling was the fact that as Goodman’s com­pa­ny was closed invol­un­tar­i­ly by the State of Flori­da on Sep­tem­ber 21, 2001. Was it’s clo­sure 9/11-relat­ed? [Empha­sis added.]” (Idem.)

25. “Known as N90079, Inc., the com­pa­ny was named for the ‘N‑Number’ of the business’s sole asset, the aging DC‑3. Because the com­pa­ny nev­er filed an annu­al report, much about it remains a mys­tery. When we ran the plane’s reg­is­tra­tion, or ‘N’ num­ber, we dis­cov­ered that the plane’s col­or­ful his­to­ry has includ­ed long stints in exot­ic locales. It spent quite a bit of time, for exam­ple, back in the 80’s, in Manuel Noriega’s Pana­ma. The DC‑3 could be traced back to an infa­mous South Flori­da Cus­toms air­plane ‘bone yard,’ where ‘planes with check­ered pasts’ sit in a fenced stor­age yard, like the sis­ter ship to the famous C‑123 shot down over Nicaragua in 1986 with Eugene Hasen­fus aboard. Prob­a­bly just a coin­ci­dence.” (Ibid.; p. 296.)

26. In FTR#’s 482, 483, we exam­ined the high­ly irreg­u­lar oper­a­tions out of Char­lotte Coun­ty air­port. This pro­gram high­lights still more irreg­u­lar­i­ties around the Char­lotte air­port. Again, note that the milieu in which Jamie Hill and com­pa­ny oper­at­ed is also con­nect­ed to the milieu of the Iran-Con­tra affair. “ . . . Jamie Hill had been a tar­get of the Char­lotte Coun­ty Sheriff’s inves­ti­ga­tion, we’d learned. ‘He’s got sev­en heli­copters sit­ting on his prop­er­ty today that don’t belong to him,’ one local law enforce­ment source stat­ed. ‘He’s got mil­lions of dol­lars of air­craft parts with the num­bers filed out.’ Jamie Hill’s part­ner in the com­pa­ny strong­ly sus­pect­ed of hav­ing been a con­duit for the dis­ap­pear­ance of 23 heli­copters from the Coun­ty Sheriff’s Air Wing turns out to be anoth­er noto­ri­ous covert oper­a­tive with a sig­nif­i­cant pres­ence at the Char­lotte Coun­ty Air­port. Diet­rich Reinhardt’s name, which could have been lift­ed straight out of tran­scripts of the Iran Con­tra Hear­ings, had also been linked with Bar­ry Seal’s infa­mous Mena, Arkansas cocaine smug­gling.” (Ibid.; p. 126.)

27. “We dis­cov­ered that one of Reinhardt’s com­pa­nies active at the Char­lotte Coun­ty Air­port, Caribe Air, had been doing busi­ness with Rudi Dekkers’ Huff­man Avi­a­tion. Caribe Air was an espe­cial­ly noto­ri­ous CIA pro­pri­etary whose past includ­ed ‘blem­ish­es’ like hav­ing all its air­craft seized at Mena, Arkansas after gov­ern­ment pros­e­cu­tors accused the com­pa­ny of using its planes to trans­port cocaine worth bil­lions of col­lars into the U.S.” (Ibid.; pp. 126–127.)

28. “It was begin­ning to feel like Old Home Week in Char­lotte Coun­ty. Reinhardt—apparently not con­tent with the dis­tinc­tion of being busi­ness part­ners with a man sus­pect­ed of mak­ing heli­copters disappear—was linked to the man who trained both pilots who crashed air­lin­ers into the Twin Tow­ers of the World Trade Cen­ter. Dekkers had had a ‘main­te­nance con­tract’ with Reinhardt’s com­pa­ny. This is no doubt just anoth­er freak coin­ci­dence. Why would Diet­rich Rein­hardt know Rudi Dekkers? . . .” (Ibid.; p. 127.)

29. “Rein­hardt had also oper­at­ed the now-defunct St. Lucia Air­ways, referred to as a CIA pro­pri­etary com­pa­ny in a Sen­ate intel­li­gence com­mit­tee report. Reports in The Wash­ing­ton Post linked St. Lucia planes to the deliv­ery of Hawk and TOW mis­siles to Tehran, Iran in
1985 and 1986 as part of the covert arms-for-hostages deal between the Unit­ed States and Iran. But busy guys like Diet­rich are hard to get on the phone. The Post report­ed, ‘Attempts to reach Rein­hardt by tele­phone in Frank­furt, Ger­many, were unsuc­cess­ful. His tele­phone had been dis­con­nect­ed.’ Was Diet­rich Rein­hardt Ger­man?” (Idem.)


4 comments for “FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker”

  1. Shu­bin Mark..Mark Shu­bin he is a con man, the most bigest and i would say talant­ed LIAR ! His father NEVER been a colonel i KGB,...and Mark nev­er been in israeli air force, he nev­er been in any army at all..! He is a sick man........

    Posted by William Card | January 22, 2011, 1:44 pm
  2. [...] FTR #484 [...]

    Posted by The controlled demolition of America on 9/11: Meet the Saudis and their Islamic nano-thermites | lys-dor.com | September 7, 2011, 10:18 am
  3. [...] also reca­pit­u­late an item from FTR #484. Hero­ic jour­nal­ist Daniel Hop­sicker was told by agents of the Ger­man BKA (the [...]

    Posted by “Danger, Will Robinson!”–Peter Thiel, Robots and the Underground Reich (Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid!) | The Freedom Report | August 16, 2013, 5:55 pm
  4. “San­dra Hamouda’s half-Tunisian, we learned, and she has an extend­ed fam­i­ly in Flori­da. Hamoudas are list­ed as offi­cers of a num­ber of appar­ent­ly fam­i­ly-led firms in Pun­ta Gor­da, with names like Uni­ver­sal Tech­nolo­gies and Airex Enter­pris­es. Globex Enter­pris­es.”

    Address for Globex was the gat­ed com­mu­ni­ty of Cedar Bend, Orlan­do.

    Inter­est­ing then that Ziyad Khaleel lived on Cedar Bend

    Posted by adam | March 25, 2017, 6:22 am

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