Recorded December 19, 2004
MP3 Side 1 Side 2
After presenting more discussion about the death of investigative journalist Gary Webb, this interview further documents the bizarre, treasonous and sometimes illegal practices of the Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. A major power broker within the Republican Right, the Moon organization is the very antithesis of the “Family Values” to which the GOP gives lip service. In addition to Moon’s “purification rituals”, in which he has sexual intercourse with various congregants in order to “purify their wombs of the influence of Satan,” the organization has sanctioned horrible abuse of Moon in-laws by some of the True Children, as his offspring are called. Much of the broadcast centers on Moon’s enormous financial apparatus. One of the enduring mysteries about the Moon organization concerns the source of its vast reservoirs of money. Not only does the group have seemingly unlimited sources of funding, but much of the organization’s dealings are conducted in huge cash transactions.. The program highlights the money-laundering mechanisms of the Unification Church, including the use of The Washington Times to launder large sums of money.
Program Highlights Include: The late ‘70’s investigation of the Moon organization that became known as Koreagate; the destruction of the political career of Donald Fraser—the Congressman who led the Koreagate investigation; the lawsuit brought by Moon’s daughter-in-law against his son; the manner in which that lawsuit was quashed; Moon’s fundamentally anti-American views (Moon views the subjugation of the American government and its people as his fundamental goal); Moon’s statement that the United States is so Satanic that “even hamburgers should be considered Satanic, because they come from America.”
1. The program begins with more discussion of the death of the late Gary Webb. After reviewing some of the information presented in FTR#490 about this subject, we mentioned the fact that Webb died of two gunshot wounds to the head, which led some to conclude that Webb was actually murdered. Although there has been a great deal of Internet chatter to this effect, Webb’s family and close friends do not doubt the suicide verdict. “For the record”, so to speak, Mr. Emory is indeterminate on this aspect of Webb’s death—he just doesn’t know whether it was a suicide or not. The item that follows is another of the stories on Robert Parry’s website that covers Gary Webb’s life and work. Listeners can hear Mr. Emory’s reading of Gary Webb’s original “Dark Alliance” series from The San Jose Mercury News in FTR#01.
2. The following story is available at
Hung Out to Dry
How Webb’s Series Died
By Georg Hodel[Editor’s Note: We published the following story in 1997 when senior editors at the San Jose Mercury News were pulling the plug on Gary Webb’s investigation into the Reagan-Bush administration’s contra-cocaine scandal. Our article was written by Georg Hodel, a journalist working with Webb at the Mercury News. We are republishing Hodel’s story now to help readers better understand how Webb’s journalistic career was shattered, beginning his decline toward suicide last week. –Robert Parry, Editor, December 16, 2004]
The “Dark Alliance” contra-crack series, which I co-reported with Gary Webb, has died with less a bang or a whimper than a gloat from the mainstream press.
“The San Jose Mercury News has apparently had enough of reporter Gary Webb and his efforts to prove that the CIA was involved in the sale of crack cocaine,” announced Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, who has »Continue original article»
3. The remainder of the program deals with the profound influence of the Unification Church in the Republican power structure. After reviewing some of the subjects touched upon in FTR#490, Robert highlighted the role of Japanese war criminals Ryoichi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama in the Moon organization. (For more about this subject, see—among other programs—RFA#’s 7, 11—available from Spitfire—as well as FTR#’s 84, 291, 446, 451.) Next, the broadcast sets forth the bizarre sexual rituals that Moon—endeared to the Christian fundamentalist right and the “Family Values” crowd—has long incorporated in his organization. “Church officials repeatedly have denied the reports of Moon’s sexual rituals. But the charges received new attention in 1993 with the Japanese publication of The Tragedy of the Six Marys—a book by the early Moon supposedly carried to South Korea. According to Pak’s book, Moon taught that Jesus was intended to save mankind by having sex with six already-married women who would then have sex with other men who would pass on the purification to other women until, eventually, all mankind would have pure blood.”
(Secrecy and Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq; by Robert Parry; p. 78.)
4. “Pak contended that Moon took on this personal duty as the second Messiah and began having sex with the ‘six Marys’ into a kind of rotating sex club. Pak wrote that Moon’s first wife divorced him after catching him in a sex ritual. In all, Pak estimated that there were at least 60 ‘Marys,’ many of whom ended up destitute after Moon discarded them.” (Idem.)
5. “According to the testimony of one ‘Mary,’ named Yu Shin Hee, she met Moon in the early 1950’s and became a follower along with her husband. Devoted to the church, her husband abandoned her and her five children, whom she then put into an orphanage. She, in turn, agreed to become one of just one ‘blood exchange,’ a phrase referring to sexual intercourse. Still, she was required to have sex with other men. Seven years later, a broken woman with no money, she tried to return to her children, but they also rejected her.” (Idem.)
6. “When Moon impregnated another one of the women, Moon sent her to Japan, where she gave birth to a baby boy, according to Pak’s account. Moon later admitted fathering the child, who died in a train crash at the age of 13. But Pak wrote than Moon refused to admit responsibility for other illegitimate children born to the women. ‘By forwarding this teaching, he violated mothers, their daughters, their sisters,’ Pak wrote. (After The Tragedy of the Six Marys was published, the Unification Church denounced the allegations as spurious. Under intense pressure, the aging Pak Chung Hwa agreed to recant. However, his book’s accounts tracked closely with U.S. intelligence reports of the same period and interviews with former church leaders.) (Idem.)
7. “Moon’s history of sexual liaisons out of wedlock also was corroborated by Nansook Hong, one of Moon’s daughters-in-law who broke with the so-called True Family in 1995 over abuse she suffered at the hands of Moon’
s eldest son, Hyo Jin Moon, during their 14-year marriage. Nansook Hong reported in her 1998 book, In the Shadow of the Moons, that family members, including Moon himself, acknowledged that he had ‘providential’ sex with women in his role as the Messiah. Nansook Hong said she learned about Moon’s sexual affairs when her husband, Hyo Jin, began justifying his affairs As mandated by God, as his father claimed his affairs were.” (Ibid.; pp. 78–79.)
8. “ ‘I went directly to Mrs. Moon with Hyo Jin’s claims,’ Nansook Hong wrote. ‘She was both furious and tearful. She had hoped that such pain would end with her, that it would not be passed on to the next generation, she told me. No one knows the pain of a straying husband like True Mother, she assured me. I was stunned. We had all heard rumors for years about Sun Myung Moon’s affairs and the children he sired out of wedlock, but here was True Mother, confirming the truth of these stories. I told her that Hyo Jin said his sleeping around was ‘providential’ and inspired by God, just as Father’s affairs were. ‘No, Father is the Messiah, not Hyo Jin. What Father did was in God’s plan.’ Later, in a discussion about the extramarital sex, Moon himself told Nansook Hong that ‘what happened in his past was ‘providential’ she wrote.” (Ibid.; p. 79.)
9. “As for the sexual purification rituals, Nansook Hong said the rumors had followed the church for decades, despite the official denials. ‘In the early days of the Unification Church, members met in a small house with two rooms,’ Nansook Hong wrote. ‘It was known as the House of the Three Doors. It was rumored that at the first door one was made to take off one’s jacket, at the second door one’s outer clothing, and at the third one’s undergarments in preparation for sex.’ As for Chung Hwa Pak’s Tragedy of the Six Marys, Nansook Hong said Moon succeeded in persuading his old associate to rejoin the church and then got him to disavow the memoirs, ‘I’ve always wondered what the price was of that retraction,’ Nansook Hong wrote.” (Idem.)
10. Moon’s former daughter-in-law, Nansook Hong, was horribly abused by Moon’s son. Her story reveals not only the utter depravity of life within the inner sanctum of the Moon organization, but also sheds light on the vast sums of money that pervade the Moon organization. The source of those vast sums of money is one of the great mysteries surrounding the outfit. “ ‘From very early in our marriage, Hyo Jin has abused drugs and alcohol and is an addict as a result,’ Nansook wrote in the affidavit. ‘He has a ritual of secreting himself in the master bedroom, sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, drinking alcohol, using cocaine and watching pornographic films. . . . When he emerges he is more angry and more volatile.’ Nansook described a pattern of abuse which included Hyo Jin beating her in 1994 when she disrupted one of his cocaine parties. ‘He punched me in the nose and blood came rushing out,’ Nansook wrote. ‘He then smeared my blood on his hand, licked his hand and said, ‘It tastes good. This is fun.’’ At the time, she was seven months pregnant.” (Ibid.; p. 278.)
11. “On another occasion, Nansook said he forced her to stand naked in front of him for hours because ‘I needed to be humiliated.’ Meanwhile, Nansook complained that her in-laws did little to confront Hyo Jin. ‘Although Hyo Jin’s family knew of his addictions and his abuse of me and the children, I received very little emotional or physical support from them,’ Nansook wrote. ‘I was constantly at the mercy of Hyo Jin’s erratic and cruel behavior.’” (Idem.)
12. “To finance his personal and business activities, Hyo Jin received hundreds of thousands of dollars in unaccounted cash, Nansook said. ‘On one occasion, I saw Hyo Jin bring home a box about 24 inches wide, 12 inches tall and six inches deep,’ she wrote in her affidavit. ‘ He stated that he had received it from his father. He opened it. . . . It was filled with $100 bills stacked in bunches of $10,000 each for a total of $1 million in cash! He took this money and gave $600,000 to the Manhattan Center, a church recording studio that he ostensibly runs. He kept the remaining $400,000 for himself. . . . Within six months he had spent it all on himself, buying cocaine and alcohol, entertaining his friends every night and giving expensive gifts to other women.’” (Idem.)
13. “Another time, a Filipino church member gave Hyo Jin $270,000 in cash, according to Nansook. She added that Hyo Jin also ordered the Manhattan Center to cover his credit-card bills, which often exceeded $5,000 a month and that he instructed employees to buy drugs for him with the company’s money.” (Idem.)
14. “After fleeing with the children, Nansook said she feared that Hyo Jin would ‘hunt me down and kill me.’ To protect her, Associate Justice Edward M. Ginsburg barred Hyo Jin from approaching Nansook and the children. Taking into account Hyo Jin’s jet-set lifestyle, Ginsburg also ordered Hyo Jin to pay $8,500 a month in support payments and $65,000 for Nansook’s legal fees. Ginsburg ruled that Hyo Jin ‘had access to cash in any amount requested on demand’ from ‘commingled’ church and personal money. Ginsburg noted, too, that Hyo Jin received $84,000 a year from a family trust and earned a regular salary from the Manhattan Center.” (Ibid.; pp. 278–279.)
15. “On July 17, 1996, when Hyo Jin failed to pay Nansook’s legal fees, he was held in contempt of court and jailed in Massachusetts. To free Hyo Jin, the Unification Church’s vaunted legal team sprang into action. The lawyers developed a strategy that portrayed Hyo Jin as a man of no means. They filed a bankruptcy petition on his behalf in federal court in Westchester County, New York. As part of those filings, Hyo Jin’s lawyers submitted evidence that on August 5, 1996, three weeks after his jailing, Hyo Jin was severed from the Swiss-based True Family Trust. The lawyers also submitted a document showing that as of August 9, Hyo Jin had lost his $60,000-a-year job at Manhattan Center Studios ‘due to certain medical problems.’” (Ibid.; p. 279.)
16. “Nansook’s lawyers denounced the bankruptcy maneuver as a devious scheme to spare Hyo Jin from his financial obligations. To corroborate Nansook’s statements about Hyo Jin’s access to nearly unlimited money, her lawyers secured testimony from a former Manhattan Center official and Unification Church member, Madelene Pretorious. At a court hearing, Moon returned from a trip to Korea ‘with $600,000 in cash which he had received from his father. . . Myself along with three or four other members that worked at Manhattan Center saw the cash in bags, shopping bags.’” (Idem.)
17. “On another occasion, Hyo Jin’s parents gave him $20,000 to buy a boat, Pretorious recalled. There was a time, too, when Hyo Jin dipped into Manhattan Center funds to give $30,000 in cash to one of his sisters. The center also gave Hyo Jin cash several times a week to cover personal expenses, ranging from bar tabs to a Jaguar automobile, Pretorious said.” (Idem.)
18. “But Hyo Jin Moon won the legal round anyway. A judge ruled that the federal bankruptcy claim, no matter how dubious, overrode the Massachusetts contempt finding. Hyo Jin was released from jail. After that, the Moon family stepped up negotiations with Nansook to prevent more embarrassing disclosures.” (Idem.)
19. “As those legal battles were playing out, I met with Pretorious at a suburban Boston restaurant. A law school graduate from South Africa, the 34-year-old full-faced brunette said she was recruited by the Unification Church through the student front group CARP in San Francisco in 1986–1987.” (Idem.)
20. Madelene Pretorious discussed some of the mechanisms by which the Moon organization was able to launder vast sums of money. Note that The Washington Times was one of the principal vehicles in this complex scheme. “In 1992, Pretorious went to work at the Manhattan Center and grew concerned about the way cash, brought to the United States by Asian members, would circulate through the Moon business empire as a way to launder it. The money would then go to support the Moon family’s lavish life style or be diverted to other church projects. At the center of the financial operation, Pretorious said, was One-Up Corporation, a Delaware-registered holding company that owned Manhattan Center and other Moon enterprises including New World Communications, the parent company of The Washington Times.” (Ibid.; pp. 279–280.)
21. “ ‘Once that cash is at the Manhattan Center, it has to be accounted for,’ Pretorious said. ‘The way that’s done is to launder the cash. Manhattan Center gives cash to a business called Happy World which owns restaurants. . . . .Happy World needs to pay illegal aliens . . . .Happy World pays some back to the Manhattan Center for ‘services rendered.’ The rest goes to One-Up and then comes back to Manhattan Center for ‘services rendered.’ . . .” (Ibid.; 280.)
22. Moon’s financial apparatus involved the illegal importation of vast sums of cash. “ . . . In Nansook Moon’s 1998 memoirs, In the Shadow of the Moons, Moon’s ex-daughter-in-law—writing under her maiden name Nansook Hong—alleged that Moon’s organization had engaged in a long-running conspiracy to smuggle cash into the Unites States and to deceive U.S. Customs agents.” (Ibid.; p. 281.)
23. “ ‘The Unification Church was a cash operation,’ Nansook Hong wrote. ‘I watched Japanese church leaders arrive at regular intervals at East Garden [the Moon compound north of New York City] with paper bags full of money, which the Reverend Moon would either pocket or distribute to the heads of various church-owned business enterprises at his breakfast table.” (Idem.)
24. “ ‘The Japanese had no trouble bringing the cash into the United States; they would tell Customs agents that they were in America to gamble at Atlantic City. In addition, many businesses run by the church were cash operations, including several Japanese restaurants in New York City. I saw deliveries of cash from church headquarters that went directly into the wall safe in Mrs. Moon’s closet.’” (Ibid.; pp. 281–282.)
25. “Mrs. Moon pressed her daughter-in-law into one cash-smuggling incident after a trip to Japan in 1992, Nansook Hong wrote. Mrs. Moon had received ‘stacks of money’ and divvied it up among her entourage for the return trip through Seattle, Nansook Hong wrote. ‘I was given $20,000 in two packs of crisp new bills,’ she recalled. ‘I had them beneath the tray in my makeup case. . . . I knew that smuggling was illegal, but I believed the followers of Sun Myung Moon answered to higher laws.’” (Ibid.; p. 282.)
26. “U. S. currency laws require that cash amounts above $10,000 be declared at Customs when the money enters or leaves the country. It is also illegal to conspire with couriers to bring in lesser amounts when the total exceeds the $10,000 figure, a process called ‘smurfing.’ In the Shadow of the Moons raised anew the question of whether Moon’s money laundering—from mysterious sources in both Asia and South America—has made him a conduit for illicit foreign money influencing the U.S. government and American politics. . . .” (Idem.)
27. Eventually, the Moon organization’s “funny money” precipitated an investigation by the staff of Congressman Donald Fraser—the probe that became known as “Koreagate”. Note that the special prosecutor chosen to lead this investigation was Leon Jaworski, who was on the board of directors of the MD Anderson Fund (a CIA domestic funding conduit). Jaworski had also been a Warren Commission counsel (present at the interrogation of Jack Ruby, discussed in FTR#108), in addition to his role as Watergate Special Prosecutor. (For more about Jaworski, see—among other programs—G3, available from Spitfire, and Miscellaneous Archive Show M31, also available from Spitfire.) “But the South Korean scheme backfired in the late 1970’s, with the explosion of the ‘Koreagate’ scandal. Representative Donald Fraser, a Democrat from Minnesota, led a congressional probe which tracked Tongsun Park’s influence-buying campaign and exposed the KCIA links to the Unification Church. The ‘Koreagate’ investigation revealed a sophisticated intelligence project run out of Seoul, using the urbane Park and the mystical Moon to cultivate U.S. politicians as influential friends of South Korea—and to undermine politicians who were viewed as enemies.” (Ibid.; p. 84.)
28. “The ‘Koreagate’ investigation traced the church’s chief sources of money to bank accounts in Japan, but could follow the cash no further. In the years since, the sources of Moon’s money have remained cloaked in secrecy.” (Idem.)
29. “When I inquired about the vast fortune that the Unification Church has poured into its American operations, the church’s chief spokesman refused to divulge dollar amounts for any of Moon’s activities. ‘Each year the church retains an independent accounting firm to do a national audit and produce an annual financial statement,’ wrote the church’s legal representative Peter D. Ross. ‘While this statement is used in routine financial transactions by the church, [it] is not my policy to make it otherwise available.’ Ross also refused to pass on interview requests to Moon and other church leaders.” (Idem.)
30. Nonetheless, the investigation of Moon was, ultimately, unsuccessful and Congressman Fraser’s political career was destroyed. As discussed in RFA#7—available from Spitfire—Fraser’s aide Robert Boettcher (author of Gifts of Deceit about the Moon organization) subsequently jumped, fell or was pushed off a roof in New York City. “In 1978, Fraser got a taste of the negative side of Moon’s propaganda clout as the South Korean religious leader’s new U.S. conservative allies mounted a strong defense against the ‘Koreagate’ allegations. In pro-Moon publications, Fraser and his staff were pilloried as leftists. Anti-Moon witnesses were assailed as unstable liars. Minor bookkeeping problems inside the investigation, such as Fraser’s salary advances to some staff members, were seized upon to justify demands for an ethics probe of the congressman. . . . Moon weathered the Koreagate political storm. Facing questions about his patriotism, Fraser lost a Senate bid in 1978 and left Congress.” (Ibid.; pp. 84–85.)
31. Among the more remarkable aspects of Moon’s ascension in the Republican hierarchy is the fact that he is stridently anti-American. “ . . . Yet, Moon also made clear that his longer-range goal was destroying the U.S. Constitution and America’s democratic form of government. ‘History will make the position of Reverend Moon clear, and his enemies, the American population and Government will bow down to him,’ Moon said, speaking of himself in the third person. ‘That is Father’s tactic, the natural subjugation of the American government and population.’” (Ibid.; p. 239.)
32. More about Moon’s anti-Americanism: “ ‘Reverend Moon looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘America is Satanic. America is so satanic that even hamburgers should be considered evil, because they come from America’, Stacey said.” (Ibid.; p.
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