Recorded June 12, 2005
MP3 One Segment
NB: This stream contains both FTRs 514 and 515 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast.
Highlighting and clarifying the subject of the Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood, this program presents an interview with the heroic John Loftus, whose work has graced these pages extensively over the years. After discussing the fascist origins of the group and its alliance with the Third Reich during World War II, Loftus traces the Brotherhood’s postwar sponsorship by both British intelligence and the CIA. In addition to setting forth the CIA’s role in relocating many of the Brotherhood from Egypt to Saudi Arabia in the 1950’s, Loftus traces the evolution of the Brotherhood into the MAK—the name given the anti-Soviet Brotherhood elements active in Afghanistan in the 1980’s. After the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan, the MAK evolved into al Qaeda. Mr. Loftus traces the evolution of this Islamic fascist organization from World War II right on up through its alliances with GOP heavyweights Grover Norquist and Karl Rove.
Program Highlights Include: Discussion of GOP kingmaker Grover Norquist’s lobbying efforts on behalf of people associated with the Brotherhood such as Sami al-Arian and Abdurahman Alamoudi; the failure of the US to provide documents to the Swiss about Bank al-Taqwa; the Bank al-Taqwa’s deep links to the Brotherhood and veterans of that organization’s alliance with the Nazis in World War II; Loftus’ role in generating the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids.
1. In a return visit to the “For The Record” broadcast, John Loftus gives an overview on the Muslim Brotherhood. Specifically, John discusses its fascist origins and allegiances during World War II, its co-option by British Intelligence after the war and its eventual sponsorship by elements of the CIA. The Brotherhood spawned first the Afghan mujahadin and eventually Al Qaeda. Hamas is an off-shoot of the Brotherhood, as is Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Brotherhood elements figure prominently in both the first World Trade Center attack and then 9/11. Much of the discussion can be found in the description for FTR#473. For more background on the Brotherhood and its links to international fascism through the decades, as well as its links to the GOP and the events of 9/11, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 343, 354, 416, 454, 455, 456, 462, 464, 515.)
2. John relates his primary role in the investigation of Sami al-Arian. That inquiry led directly to the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids that targeted Muslim Brotherhood elements operating within a para-military, financial and political milieu heavily intersecting the interests around George W. Bush. Because word had been handed down to keep their hands off the Saudis, intelligence and law enforcement elements had handled the 555 Grove Street milieu with kid gloves. That changed when John Loftus filed his lawsuit. As related in FTR#454, after the raids of 3/20/2002, many of the Green Quest investigators were targeted by elements of the FBI and CIA.
3. A major element of discussion turns on Grover Norquist and his lobbying efforts on behalf of many of the people and interests targeted by the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids. (Much of the information from this part of the program may be found in FTR#435, as well as FTR#454. An update on Norquist and the GOP/Islamist connection is presented in FTR#515.) John relates that the Norquist/Rove/Islamist axis helped to block investigation of the terrorist money trails, as well as seeing to it that only the most extremist Muslim elements had access to the President in the aftermath of 9/11.
4. A stunning disclosure concerned the suspension of the Swiss investigation into Bank al-Taqwa. (For more on this subject, see FTR#513.) John notes that the US authorities refused to provide information requested by the Swiss! Characterizing the al-Taqwa cast as “World War II-era Nazis” who were funding Islamist terrorist groups around the world, John highlights the connections between al Taqwa, clients of Grover Norquist and international terrorism. Combined with the untimely death of key witness Ali bin Mussalim and failure of both the Saudis and al-Taqwa’s Bahamas branch to provide key information to the Swiss, the US refusal to disclose key documents has served to exonerate Nada and Himmat, to a considerable extent.
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