Recorded August 7, 2005
NB: This stream contains both FTRs 520 and 521 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast.
Introducing new stories and updating old ones, this program begins by noting a growing body of information suggesting that the subject of “seismic warfare” is not as whacky as it sounds. After noting Yasser Arafat’s business relationship with a Lebanese Christian intelligence chief responsible for the massacre of Palestinians, the program notes that P‑2 grand master Licio Gelli has been indicted for the murder of Roberto Calvi. The conclusion of the program sets forth the fascist political connections and strange cultural and recreational tastes of Vatican scholar Massimo Introvigne.
Program Highlights Include: Introvigne’s links with Latin American fascist elements, as well as Italian ultra-reactionary political parties, associated with the right-wing of the Vatican; common threads linking the stories of Licio Gelli and Introvigne.
1. Supplementing a topic made during numerous “For The Record” programs over the years, the broadcast begins with discussion by Max Boot (a fellow at the influential Council on Foreign Relations) about the possibility that China might employ “seismic warfare” against the United States. The wisdom of the assessment aside, the fact that a CFR analyst would give serious treatment to the subject of seismic warfare in a major metropolitan daily newspaper (Los Angeles Times) signifies that the concept is one not to be treated lightly. (For more about the subject of man-made earthquakes, use the search function in this description, being sure to examine FTR#’s 69, 440, 468.) “Their different approaches include . . . even ecological warfare (creating man-made earthquakes or other natural disasters. . . .”
(“China’s Stealth War on the U.S.” by Max Boot; Los Angeles Times; 7/20/2005.)
2. Next, the program examines a case of strange political bedfellows. The late PLO chairman Yasser Arafat apparently was involved in a multi-million dollar business relationship with the former intelligence chief of a Lebanese Christian militia that massacred Palestinians at two refugee camps in 1982. “Paris investigators looking into the finances of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat are investigating about €7 million ($8.4, million) of transfers they suspect benefited a former Lebanese militiaman. They are seeking: to establish whether the transfers were embezzled from Palestinian public funds, either from the Palestine Liberation Organization or the Palestinian Authority, according to a Paris judicial official.”
(“ Probe of Arafat Finances Focuses on Transfers” by Benoit Faucon Wall Street Journal; p. A15 7/12/05)
3. “The investigators are conducting a wider probe into $11 million, or about €9 million, of unexplained transfers to Mr. Arafat’s widow, Suha, some of which were routed through French bank BNP Paribas SA in Paris. They suspect that €7 million of this .was funneled through bank accounts belonging to Suha Arafat and believe some of that money was used for work on French Riviera villas owned by Pierre Rizk, a. Lebanese man with longstanding connections to Yasser Arafat. Mr. Rizk was a former intelligence chief of the Lebanese Forces, a Christian militia, responsible for the massacre of Palestinian refugees in Beriut camps in 1982. . . .” (Idem.)
4. Updating a story Mr. Emory has covered for more than two decades, the program notes that P‑2 Lodge grand master Licio Gelli has been indicted for the murder of Roberto Calvi, the head of the Banco Ambrosiano. For more about the P‑2 Lodge, the Vatican banking scandals and the Vatican/fascist connection, use the search function on this page, taking particular note of RFA#’s 18–21—available from Spitfire—as well as FTR#’s 504, 508.) “Magistrates investigating the death of the Italian banker Roberto Calvi under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982 are focusing on Licio Gelli the former ‘grand master’ of the illegal P2 Masonic lodge that plotted against Italian democracy in the 1970s. Mr Gelli denies he was involved but has acknowledged that the financier, known as ‘God’s banker’ because of his links with the Vatican, was murdered. He said the killing was commissioned in Poland.”
(“Mason Indicted over Murder of ‘God’s Banker’” By John Phillips; The Independent; 7/22/05.)
5. Pursuing the subject Vatican-related fascism, the rest of the program focuses on Massimo Introvigne, Vatican scholar, international fascist associate, cult “expert” and Vampire buff. Introvigne is a member of Alleanza Catholica, an ultra-reactionary Italian political organization that is allied with the Knights of Malta, the P‑2 Lodge and Opus Dei, as well as the Latin American fascist group Tradition, Family and Property, a some time collaborator of the CIA. Note that Opus Dei, the P‑2 and the Knights of Malta are intertwined in the sub-Rosa power politics of the Vatican. Use the search function to find out more about Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. Evidence suggests that Introvigne’s status as a cult expert serves to justify and (perhaps) run PR interference for various fascist cults. Introvigne appears to have done just that for a fascist sect called “New Acropolis.” “Several weeks ago, theologians wanted to have a simple, normal debate about a few sect questions. An overly partial, extreme right participant? Oh well, that can happen. There appear to be more disreputable forces at work among the sect researchers at CESNUR. How have sects won over so many new souls in the past few years? A dozen sect experts wanted to calmly answer that question a few weeks ago at Amsterdam Free University (VU). However, there was trouble right from the very start from the direction of the congress organized by CESNUR, the Italian ecclesiastical institution.” (“Disreputable Forces at Work Among the Sect Researchers at CESNUR”), By Michiel Louter; 8/13/1997; p. 1.)
6. “A member of that congress, a sociologist by the name of Hermann de Tollenaere, discovered that Maria Dolores Fernandez-Figares, who was supposed to make a presentation on ‘New Acropolis’, a neo-fascist sect, was, herself, a member of that sect. Outraged by this, de Tollenaere went to the TROUW newspaper, which
had suggested on its title page last Tuesday that the CESNUR institution was nothing more than a dubious club of pseudo-theologians, and which occupied itself primarily with whitewashing right-extremist sects, such as the Moonies and New Acropolis — that is, if it were not being paid by the sects themselves. This serious accusation was quickly withdrawn.” (Idem.)
7. “Reender Kranenborg, congress chairman and member of the board of directors which is allied with CESNUR, took the floor and asserted that he had never before heard of New Acropolis. That was peculiar. Last year CESNUR released a collection of articles entitled ‘Pour en Finir avec les Sectes’ — in which the authors accounted more for the ideas of the sects than with the sects themselves. This collection included a comprehensive article about New Acropolis. In it, the sect was described as ‘a philosophy which increases individual freedom of choice.’” (Idem.)
8. “The director of CESNUR, an Italian named Massimo Introvigne, sought out public attention himself after that. In interviews with ‘Volkskrant and TROUW he said that nothing was known to him of the membership of Mrs. Fernandez-Figarez in New Acropolis. She was in the congress, more or less, by coincidence. An oversight which he had already ironed out, in that he had removed her from the list of participants.” (Idem.)
9. “At the same time, Introvigne made a point of mentioning that the fear of sects had been grossly exaggerated by completely unacademic, vengeful anti-sect groups. He would have preferred to simply let Fernandez-Figarez participate in the debate, said Introvigne several days later to the Algemen Dagblad. They have to know that this woman has an academic degree,’ and why should theologians be excluded because of their convictions? ‘I, myself, am a conservative Christian democrat. Does that need to affect me in my role as a theologian?’” (Idem.)
10. “As far as the Dutch press was concerned, that settled the matter. However, further research showed that the situation was not as clear as Introvigne claimed. In view of French, Belgian, Italian and German sources, New Acropolis appears to be a particularly frightening sect with approximately 8,000 members, mainly in South America and southern Europe. It was founded in 1957 by an Argentinian born Italian, Jorge Agel Livraga. He was an art history student who conferred a false academic degree upon himself, and, based on Madame Blavatzky’s theosophical teachings on the origin of race, selected himself as God’s ordained ‘leader’ on earth.” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
11. “An ideal state, according to Livraga, who died in 1991, weeds out everything which is ‘weak and stupid,’ beginning with the gathering of homosexuals into concentration camps. Adherents are attracted with popular courses about Plato, theosophy, meditation techniques, et al. In conjunction with these, the students are taught fascistoid ideas in paramilitary units, where they are also trained in marching, weapons use and the Nazi form of address. The goal is the violent overthrow of democracy. ‘Senselessly stamping on an ant is a greater injustice than the death of a man in the name of an ideal,’ wrote Livraga in one of his letters to his friend, Delia Gutzman. After his death, she [Gutzman] took over the leadership of the sect which had, since the writing of that letter, spread worldwide.” (Idem.)
12. “The headquarters [of New Acropolis] is currently in Brussels. From there, contacts are established with fascistoid groups such as the French ‘Front National’ and the Belgian Westlandpost. The controversial participant, Fernandez-Figarez, certainly appears to be known in the ranks of New Acropolis. She is the daughter of Maria Angela Ligardi, who is the ‘National Commandant’ of the Belgian branch of New Acropolis, which also has its seat in Brussels. Her father, Fernando Fernandez-Figares Muller, was the past ‘National Commandant’ and was (unsuccessfully) responsible for the establishment of a Dutch branch. Their dear daughter’s name is in texts published by New Acropolis on two of their internet sites. It is difficult to believe, then, that Introvigne, the CESNUR director, knew nothing of other sect membership. All the more so since Introvigne is to make a presentation this coming fall to a society of American theosophists entitled, ‘Post-theosophicaI Groups: Ex-members of New Acropolis in France.’ . . .” (Idem.)
13. Introvigne is also a member of an ultra-reactionary Italian political party—the CCD. “ . . . Introvigne, by the way, is a member of the CCD, a right-extremist flavor of the Italian Christian Democrats, who, in the past year, ended an alliance with the neo-fascist ‘Liga Nord,’ and who barely lost the election to the ‘Forza Italia!’ with Berlusconi, their strong leader. What do you really think about fascism? ‘Hahaha! In my own country, I prefer to describe myself as middle right. Look, our alliance could have won the election if they had taken the proper fascists of the MSI on board. But we didn’t do that. And don’t forget the rest of it, that the totalitarian spirits and the communists with their glorification of Stalin and his gulags.’” (Ibid.; p. 3.)
14. “Introvigne is also a member of the militant Catholic splinter movement Alleanza Cattolica, which he joined 18 years ago. The AC is a daughter organization of the international Tradition, Family and Property [T.F.P.] an ultra-conservative club of rich, influential Catholics who are admittedly ‘ready to fight tooth and nail” against “perverted elements of society such as abortion, socialism, unions, drug use and homosexuality.’” (Idem.)
15. “A report called Prayer-Power-Profit by Marishane, a South African sect researcher, was written under commission of the University of Amsterdam in 1989. It makes connections between TFP and other right-wing Catholic organizations such as Opus Dei and the Order of Malta. It accepts relationships to the MOON sect, the terroristic Freemason Lodge P2 and the CIA. The report even announced background operations of the T.F.P. in coups d’etat and death squadrons in Chile and Brazil. Introvigne has never made a secret of his membership in this organization. He regularly writes articles for the AC organ Christianita and also gives instruction for one week a year to the youth department at Legionare Christi.” (Idem.)
16. “May Introvigne officially bear the title of ‘doctor of religious studies’? After majoring in philosophy at the University of Rome, Introvigne, 42 years old, completed his studies at the University of Law in Turin in the late 1970’s. Nothing is known of the ten years following that in the course of his life. Until the lawyer suddenly appeared as director of CESNUR, a ‘Church Service Research Institute’ which was said to be ‘completely independent of political or ecclesiastical organizations,’ and whose chairman was an Italian bishop.” (Idem.)
17. “…The situation is different however in Latin America, where the old land-owning ‘aristocracy’ has for centuries claimed religious authority for its right to exploit the labor of people whom God, they hold, made subordinate to them. In this remote comer of the world, reactionary interests and reactionary idealism go hand in hand. . . .”
(“Alleanza Cattolica and ‘Tradition, Family and Property’” by Miguel Martinez; p. 5.)
18. Curiously, Introvigne is also a vampire buff/promoter. In addition to being fascinated with vampires himself, Introvigne is part of a vampire society that promotes various social/professional events about vampires. Mr. Emory wonders aloud about the possibility that Introvigne’s vampire techniques might well serve as a cover for various types of fascist activity. “ . . . Current interest in things occult, mystical or mysterious as evidenced by the popularity of shows such as ‘the X‑Files’ ‘can be attributed to people’s confusion over religion, intrigue with the devil, and uncertainty about the afterlife’, said Massimo Introvigne, a teacher of sociology religion at one of the 13 Vatican universities in Rome. It’s during periods like this that the idea of vampires gains some credence. . . .”
( “Coffin Break To Vampires Everywhere, Fangs For The Memories” By Carol Bidwell The Los Angeles Daily News; 7/23/1997; p. 1.)
19. “ . . .We’re talking Dracula ’97, the four-day gathering in celebration of the centennial of Bram Stoker’s Gothic vampire novel, Dracula. . . . ‘There are 100 scholars coming to present papers on vampires, but it’s really a party,’ said J. Gordon Melton, who is organizing the event with Massimo Introvigne. ‘The majority of people coming are just like us people who like vampire and horror movies. It’s going to be fun–a bunch of silly people dressing up and biting each other on the neck.’ . . . ” (Ibid.; p. 2.)
I happened upon the Alleanza Cattolica myself as my online referral came from a different source other than CESNUR. There are numerous online accounts of how this is another brainwashing cult.
I thought that there might’ve been Vatican ties. Now I know thanks to spitfirelist. They are a bunch of Losers with a capital “L”.