Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #53 The Terror Connection (Pt. 2)

Lis­ten now: One Seg­ment

In the late 1960s, 70s and ear­ly 80s, Italy expe­ri­enced “the years of lead”- a series of bomb­ings, kid­nap­pings and assas­si­na­tions result­ing from the “Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion.” The Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion (intend­ed to desta­bi­lize Italy, dri­ve it to the right and — ulti­mate­ly — restore fas­cism to that coun­try), appears to have been an out­growth of “Oper­a­tion Glad­io.” Glad­io was the code-name for the Ital­ian ele­ment of a NATO pro­gram called “Oper­a­tion Stay Behind.” This pro­gram was osten­si­bly aimed at set­ting up guer­ril­la groups to resist the Com­mu­nists, if they should come to pow­er in Europe. This broad­cast illus­trates that, in launch­ing the ter­ror­ism, the oper­a­tion appears to have pre­cip­i­tat­ed col­lab­o­ra­tion between Ital­ian fas­cist groups and ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence. (Record­ed in the fall of 1995.)


One comment for “FTR #53 The Terror Connection (Pt. 2)”

  1. It has been sug­gest­ed that Glad­io was set up by Frank Wis­ner.

    HIs son Frank G Wis­ner had secret meet­ings with Egypt­ian Islam­ic JIhad in the US Embassy in Cairo while ambas­sador there.

    This series of meet­ings coin­cid­ed was the ear­ly stages of AL Qae­da, which EIJ agents had a role in build­ing and may have real­ly been lead­ing.

    Short­ly after the meet­ings con­clud­ed, the Blind Sheikh first arrived in the US and began plot­ting.

    Posted by adam | September 22, 2016, 3:14 pm

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