Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #533 The Florida-Argentine Connection: Another Helluva Conspiracy Theory

Record­ed Novem­ber 13, 2005

Lis­ten: MP3  Side 1  Side 2


Intro­duc­tion: In this broad­cast, we exam­ine some impor­tant and reveal­ing con­nec­tions of Jeb Bush and Kather­ine Har­ris to fig­ures asso­ci­at­ed with an episode in Argentina’s “dirty war” of the 1970’s and the cov­er-up of the AMIA bomb­ing of 1994. In addi­tion, the pro­gram delin­eates the rela­tion­ship of some of these Bush asso­ciates to the busi­ness and media empire of Gus­ta­vo Cisneros—implicated in the 2003 coup attempt against Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and the prin­ci­pal share­hold­er in Uni­vi­sion, the largest Span­ish-lan­guage TV net­work in the Unit­ed States. Har­ris and Jeb Bush appoint­ed Argen­tine cit­i­zen Patri­cio Lom­bar­di to be Florida’s Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­can affairs, the first state in the coun­try to have such a posi­tion. Lom­bar­di is a for­mer aide to Car­los Ruck­auf, a one-time Argen­tine labor min­is­ter linked to the dis­ap­pear­ance of dis­si­dent Mer­cedes-Benz work­ers dur­ing that country’s dirty war, as well as the cov­er-up of the AMIA bomb­ing, a crime that has evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning in the direc­tion of the Okla­homa City bomb­ing, as well as 9/11. Lom­bar­di has also been asso­ci­at­ed with the Cis­neros media empire and the Green­berg Trau­rig firm, Jack Abramoff’s for­mer lob­by­ing out­fit. The pro­gram also sets forth infor­ma­tion about Jer­ry Peren­chio, the head of Uni­vi­sion (con­trolled by Cis­neros) and one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s pri­ma­ry finan­cial back­ers. Mr. Emory sus­pects that we are look­ing at an Under­ground Reich/Bormann cap­i­tal net­work set-up here. In this con­text, do not lose sight of the gov­ern­ment of Car­los Men­em and the lengths to which it went to cov­er-up the Argen­tine role in the Nazi dias­po­ra and flight cap­i­tal pro­gram in the wake of World War II. For more about this, see FTR#532.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Gus­ta­vo Cisneros’s alleged links to mon­ey laun­der­ing; Cisneros’s rela­tion­ships with David Rock­e­feller and par­tic­i­pants in the 1973 coup against Sal­vador Allende in Chile; Gus­ta­vo Cisneros’s Cuban ori­gins; the strange death of Cisneros’s nephew; the rela­tion­ship of Buenos Aires province of Argenti­na to Flori­da (estab­lished by Lom­bar­di with his for­mer boss Car­los Ruck­auf, who is now the gov­er­nor of Buenos Aires province); a look at some of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s inter­est­ing finan­cial back­ers.

1. Begin­ning dis­cus­sion of the Flori­da-Argen­tine con­nec­tion, the pro­gram high­lights the sign­ing of an agree­ment between the con­tro­ver­sial Argen­tine politi­cian Car­los Ruck­auf and gov­er­nor Jeb Bush of Flori­da. The agree­ment will devel­op eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al ties between Buenos Aires province and Flori­da. The agree­ment was ham­mered out by Patri­cio Lom­bar­di, an Argen­tine cit­i­zen and a for­mer aide to Ruck­auf. Lom­bar­di is now the Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­can affairs for the state of Flori­da, func­tion­ing in that capac­i­ty as an aide to Kather­ine Har­ris, who was instru­men­tal in the steal­ing of the Flori­da elec­tion on behalf of George W. Bush in 2000!

“With the objec­tive of solid­i­fy­ing the rela­tion­ship of the province of Buenos Aires with the out­side world, [provin­cial] gov­er­nor Car­los Ruck­auf will trav­el Mon­day to Flori­da where he will be meet­ing with his col­league Jeb Bush. The meet­ing will take place in Tam­pa, where both will sign an agree­ment on har­bor facil­i­ties, Argen­tine Patri­cio Lom­bar­di said to “Bugler.” Lom­bar­di now han­dles all rela­tion­ships between the state of Flori­da and Latin Amer­i­ca for Jeb Bush.”

(“He Signed Agree­ments with Gov­er­nor Jeb Bush: Ruck­auf Vis­its Flori­da” by Ann Baron [Wash­ing­ton Cor­re­spon­dent]; Clar­in; 7/22/2000.)

2. The arti­cle men­tions that Jeb mar­ried a Mex­i­can woman. Colum­ba Bush’s sis­ter is mar­ried to John P. Schmitz, a ben­e­fi­cia­ry of the fel­low­ship pro­grams sub­sumed under the Carl Duis­berg Gesellschaft and the broth­er of Joseph Schmitz, cur­rent­ly the head of the Black­wa­ter secu­ri­ty out­fit. John P. Schmitz has close links to the elder George Bush the 9/11 milieu. (For more about the Schmitz fam­i­ly, the Carl Duis­berg Gesellschaft and oth­er points of infor­ma­tion in this rela­tion­ship, see FTR#’s 469, 476, 529, 530.)

“Broth­er of the Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date and son of the ex-Pres­i­dent with the same name, Jeb not only mar­ried a Mex­i­can but has always been close­ly bound to Latin Amer­i­ca by busi­ness. At the White House, ex-Argen­tine ambas­sador [to the US] Diego Gue­lar (who han­dles for­eign rela­tions for the Buenos Aires gov­ern­ment) said: ‘For us, Flori­da is like a busi­ness part­ner of ours.’ ‘We have the same type of rela­tion­ship with Sao Paulo in Brazil and West­phalia in Ger­many,’ he explained.”


3. Note that Buenos Aires province has the same type of rela­tion­ship with Sao Paulo in Brazil and West­phalia in Ger­many [as not­ed in the para­graph above]. Note also that a series of stu­dent exchanges and schol­ar­ships are being set up between Argenti­na and Flori­da. These sound curi­ous­ly like the Carl Duis­berg Gesellschaft and its sub­sidiary fellowships—used to spon­sor the pro­fes­sion­al careers of 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta and John P. Schmitz, among oth­ers. Is the Flori­da-Argen­tine connection—like the Carl Duis­berg Gesellschaft and its sub­sidiary programs—an appar­ent Under­ground Reich net­work­ing pro­gram? In that con­text, one should not lose sight of the pri­ma­ry eco­nom­ic posi­tion of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal oper­a­tion in Latin Amer­i­ca. For more about this, see FTR#305.

“It is antic­i­pat­ed that Bush and Ruck­auf will sign an agree­ment of cul­tur­al exchange and schol­ar­ships. ‘One of my tasks in the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is to work with the State Depart­ment to bring Latin Amer­i­can stu­dents to col­leges in Flori­da’ said Lom­bar­di. [Empha­sis added.] Soon Ruck­auf will go to Mia­mi, where he will meet with indus­tri­al­ists and will attend a recep­tion orga­nized by the pub­lic rela­tions firm Green­berg Trau­rig.”


4. Devel­op­ing back­ground infor­ma­tion about this cast of char­ac­ters, the pro­gram sets forth some of the skele­tons in Ruckauf’s clos­et, includ­ing the fact that—as labor min­is­ter under Isabel Per­on and then the mil­i­tary jun­ta in Argentina—he drew up an accord that led to the “dis­ap­pear­ance” of dis­si­dent work­ers at the Mer­cedes Benz plant in Buenos Aires.

“The ex-Argen­tine min­is­ter Car­los Ruck­auf will have to tes­ti­fy before a judge inves­ti­gat­ing the dis­ap­pear­ance of 14 peo­ple dur­ing the mil­i­tary dic­ta­tor­ship (1976–1983), it was announced today. The sub­poe­na was issued by the Fed­er­al Court of the City of Pla­ta, cap­i­tal of Buenos Aires Province, which con­venes next Wednes­day for the tes­ti­mo­ny of the ex-min­is­ter and present nation­al deputy-elect (Car­los Ruck­auf). The case con­cerns the fate of 14 work­ers who worked in a Mer­cedes Benz Plant in Canue­las and from which they dis­ap­peared in 1976 after the coup d’etat that restored the mil­i­tary regime.”

(“In the Case of the Dis­ap­peared of Mer­cedes, the Ex-Chan­cel­lor Car­los Ruckauf’s Appoint­ment with a Fed­er­al Judge” by: PL; 10/29/03.)

5. “The inter­ro­ga­tion was asked for last August through the Per­ma­nent Assem­bly for Human Rights of Pla­ta to con­sid­er if Ruck­auf may have respon­si­bil­i­ty in the case, after the dis­sem­i­na­tion of some dec­la­ra­tions that Ruck­auf signed in 1975 when he was Sec­re­tary of Labor of the nation­al gov­ern­ment. The connection of the ex-min­is­ter to the case is sourced from doc­u­ments giv­en to the Argen­tine judi­cia­ry by Ger­man jour­nal­ist Gabriela Weber, in which the auto­mo­tive com­pa­ny rec­og­nized ‘the efforts of the Sec­re­tary of Labor to elim­i­nate sub­ver­sive ele­ments in the fac­to­ries.’”


6. Note that Ruck­auf was vice-pres­i­dent of Argenti­na under Car­los Men­em. For more about Menem’s sus­pi­cious con­nec­tions, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 109, 328, 340, 457, 532.

“One of those texts indi­cates that Ruck­auf plead­ed for the sup­pres­sion of those peo­ple in 1975, when he held the labor min­istry in the cab­i­net that was soon over­thrown by the mil­i­tary coup, and at the time when the Mer­cedes Benz plant was the cen­ter of a con­flict that stemmed from the dis­missal of 115 strik­ing work­ers. Dur­ing the last decade, Ruck­auf has been vice-pres­i­dent of the country—in the gov­ern­ment of for­mer chief exec­u­tive Car­los Menem—governor of the province of Buenos Aires (the most impor­tant in Argenti­na) and min­is­ter until last May in the admin­is­tra­tion of ex-pres­i­dent Eduar­do Cuhalde.”


7. More about Ruck­auf and the elim­i­na­tion of the Mer­cedes work­ers:

“ . . . In 1975, the com­pa­ny [Mer­cedes Benz] signed an agree­ment with Ruck­auf, then Isabel Peron’s Sec­re­tary of Labor, which cre­at­ed an extra­or­di­nary basis of social action ‘to con­tribute to the well-being of the work­ers, to improve the pro­duc­tion [of the plant] and to erad­i­cate the neg­a­tive fac­tors that dis­turb labor activ­i­ty.’ In the judi­cial process it is under­stood that this agree­ment [con­clud­ed by labor min­is­ter Car­los Ruck­auf] served as the antecedent for the per­se­cu­tion and lat­er dis­ap­pear­ance of Mer­cedes Benz employ­ees. ‘Mer­cedes Benz want­ed to sup­port the effort of the min­istry and of SMATA to elim­i­nate sub­ver­sive ele­ments of the fac­to­ries,’ con­cludes the doc­u­ment. The fol­low­ing Tues­day, the Oviedo La Rio­jan will have to deter­mine if there are facts pre­vent­ing Ruck­auf from being sworn in as a nation­al deputy.”

(“From Mer­cedes Benz to the AMIA” by Felipe Yapur; Pag­i­na 12 Web­site; 12/29/03.)

8. Ruck­auf helped cov­er up the AMIA bomb­ing of 1994. (The AMIA bomb­ing has evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries lead­ing in the direc­tion of the bomb­ing of Pan Am 103, Okla­homa City bomb­ing, as well as 9/11. Fore more about these links, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 109, 328, 330, 457.)

“Jew­ish lead­ers plan to file a legal com­plaint against for­mer for­eign min­is­ter Car­los Ruck­auf who last year apol­o­gized to the Iran­ian gov­ern­ment for an Argen­tinean judge’s deci­sion to issue inter­na­tion­al war­rants against four Iran­ian min­is­ters and diplo­mats accused of mas­ter­mind­ing the July 18, 1994 bomb­ing of the AMIA Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter, in which 85 peo­ple died. . . .”

(Arti­cle by Alana Rosen­baum, Diego Melamed, Frank Brown, Clare Chap­man; The Jerusalem Report; 8/11/2003.)

9. Next, the pro­gram high­lights some aspects of Patri­cio Lombardi’s pro­fes­sion­al career. A for­mer aide to Ruck­auf in Argenti­na, Lom­bar­di is Florida’s Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­can affairs. He has been involved with the busi­ness empire of Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros in Latin Amer­i­ca. Cis­neros has a num­ber of tele­vi­sion net­works that dom­i­nate Latin Amer­i­can TV, as well as being the prin­ci­pal share­hold­er in Uni­vi­sion, the largest Span­ish-lan­guage TV net­work in the­ Unit­ed States. (Cis­neros’ oper­a­tions are sub­sumed under the CGC—the Cis­neros Group of Com­pa­nies.)

“ . . . The gov­ern­ment employ­ee has in her staff an Argen­tinean who worked for Car­los Ruck­auf and lob­bied for the Men­em gov­ern­ment: Patri­cio Lom­bar­di . . . One thinks that those trips [by Har­ris] are relat­ed to Bush’s behind the scenes busi­ness­es, as well as her own—she declared a per­son­al for­tune of 6.5 mil­lion, with­out count­ing the tens of mil­lions that her Swedish hus­band (Anders Ebbe­son) has amassed. Har­ris trav­eled to Argenti­na sev­er­al times dur­ing the pres­i­den­cy of Men­em, even say­ing that she and her hus­band are both enam­ored of Buenos Aires, where they spent some Christ­mases. . . . Har­ris has employed Lom­bar­di for two years. The young entre­pre­neur, born in Lanus, worked as advis­er ad hon­orem for Ruck­auf . . . Now Lom­bar­di is sit­u­at­ed as lob­by­ist in the epi­cen­ter of pow­er and already has a busi­ness rela­tion­ship with the pow­er­ful Columbian group Cis­neros.”

(“A Friend of Men­em Could Be a Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Bush’s in Latin Amer­i­ca” by Fer­nan­do Alm­iron; Pag­i­na 12 Web­site [Todos Los Gen­eros]; 01/01/2001.)

10. More about Kather­ine Har­ris and Patri­cio Lom­bar­di. Note that Lom­bar­di (again, an Argen­tine cit­i­zen and deputy to Ruck­auf) is the first such “sec­re­tary of state” for any state in the union.

“Flori­da Sec­re­tary of State Kather­ine Har­ris will make a spe­cial appear­ance at @d:tech.Latin Amer­i­ca in Mia­mi Beach on Tues­day, and plans to make a major announce­ment regard­ing the state’s Latin Amer­i­can trade ini­tia­tives. . . . The appear­ance by Har­ris fol­lows her recent for­ma­tion of the Inter­net Task Force for Flori­da and Latin Amer­i­ca, and the appoint­ment of Patri­cio Lom­bar­di as the state’s first Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­can Affairs.”

(“Flori­da Sec­re­tary of State Kather­ine Har­ris to Make Major Announce­ment at @d:tech.Latin Amer­i­ca; State­ment Will Address State’s Latin Amer­i­can Trade Ini­tia­tives”; Busi­ness Wire; 3/13/2000.)

11. More about Lom­bar­di: note that, in addi­tion to his links to the Cis­neros empire, he worked for Green­berg Trau­rig, the out­fit for which Jack Abramoff worked! (For more about Abramoff, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 516, 528.)

“ . . . Mr. Lom­bar­di was the first state lev­el Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­ca in the his­to­ry of the Unit­ed States. . . . He was Direc­tor for Cor­po­rate Strat­e­gy and Insti­tu­tion­al Affairs for Cis­neros Group of Com­pa­nies, a major pan-region­al mul­ti-media and enter­tain­ment with oper­a­tions through­out The Amer­i­c­as. He also held an impor­tant posi­tion with the Inter-Amer­i­can Devel­op­ment Bank . . . He was a Senior Con­sul­tant for Green­berg & Trau­rig, a lead­ing law firm in the Unit­ed States. . . .”

(“Patri­cio Lom­bar­di”; Arias Kent Web­site; 2004.)

12. The broad­cast doc­u­ments the rela­tion­ship between Green­berg Trau­rig and Abramoff.

“ . . . The rev­e­la­tions led to Abramoff’s ouster in March from Green­berg Trau­rig, the law firm where he led one of Washington’s most suc­cess­ful lob­by­ing groups. Green­berg Trau­rig said it act­ed after Abramoff ‘dis­closed to the firm for the first time per­son­al trans­ac­tions and relat­ed con­duct which are unac­cept­able to the firm.’ Lawyers for Abramoff and [Michael] Scan­lon declined to com­ment this week on the inves­ti­ga­tions. . . .”

(“Ex –Lob­by­ist is Focus of Widen­ing Inves­ti­ga­tions” by Susan Schmidt; Wash­ing­ton Post, 7/16/2004; p. A19.)

13. Next, the pro­gram sets forth some of the note­wor­thy char­ac­ter­is­tics of the cor­po­rate and media empire of Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros, a close asso­ciate of the Bush­es and one of many men and women of Cuban extrac­tion in the Bush cir­cle of friends. Note the Bush family’s Venezue­lan con­nec­tions. As will be seen below, Cis­neros appears to have been deeply involved with the attempt to oust Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Don’t lose sight of the fact that Lombardi—Deputy Sec­re­tary of State for Latin Amer­i­can affairs for Flori­da, for­mer aide to Car­los Ruck­auf and asso­ciate of Green­berg Traurig—was deeply involved with the Cis­neros group.

“ . . . A report by jour­nal­ist Ger­ar­do Reyes filed Novem­ber 19,2000 from Mia­mi, men­tions that in 1977, when his father was named CIA Direc­tor, Jeb estab­lished him­self in Venezuela as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Com­merce Bank of Texas, owned by James Bak­er, who was a friend of Bush Sr. and lat­er Sec­re­tary of State. Jeb speaks Span­ish flu­ent­ly, thanks to his mar­riage to the Mex­i­can Colum­ba Gar­cia [whose sis­ter is mar­ried to John P. Schmitz—D.E.], which is why ‘the fam­i­ly was rapid­ly accept­ed by the rich Venezue­lan petro­le­um soci­ety.’ . . .”

(“The Bush Family’s Murky Deal­ings in Venezuela” by Edgar Gon­za­lez Ruiz.)

14. The broad­cast high­lights the appar­ent Cis­neros involve­ment in the coup d’etat against Hugo Chavez.

“ . . . But, oth­er mem­bers of the Bush fam­i­ly also have impor­tant ties to Venezuela. After the failed coup d’etat against Chavez, tele­vi­sion mag­nate and Bush Sr. friend Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros was impli­cat­ed as one of the prin­ci­pal pro­po­nents of the coup. Cis­neros pub­licly denied his role in the coup, but the mag­a­zine Newsweek not­ed that Pedro Car­mona ‘was seen leav­ing Cis­neros’ office’ before going to the Gov­ern­ment Palace to swear in as pro­vi­sion­al pres­i­dent. Accord­ing to Newsweek, Venezue­lan leg­is­la­tor Pedro Pablo Alcan­tara said that the brief Car­mona dic­ta­tor­ship was orga­nized in Cis­neros’ offices, and that Cis­neros was the ‘supreme com­man­der’ of the oper­a­tion. Newsweek also said that Otto Reich had spo­ken with Cis­neros ‘two or three times’ dur­ing the events of the coup.”


15. More about Gus­ta­vo Cisneros’s vast busi­ness and media empire. Again, do not fail to note that he is of Cuban extrac­tion. All of the Bush­es, includ­ing Jeb Bush, have very close con­nec­tions to the anti-Cas­tro Cuban com­mu­ni­ty. Do note that he is the largest stock­hold­er in Uni­vi­sion, the largest Span­ish lan­guage TV chain in the Unit­ed States. Jer­ry Peren­chio, the head of Uni­vi­sion, is one of the largest finan­cial back­ers of Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger.

“ . . . 57-year-old Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros Rendiles has a for­tune of around $5 bil­lion, one of the largest in Latin Amer­i­ca, after Mex­i­can Car­los Slim. Cis­neros occu­pies the 94th posi­tion on the list of the 500 rich­est men in the world, accord­ing to Forbes mag­a­zine. Of Cuban ori­gin, Cis­neros is the major­i­ty share­hold­er in Uni­vi­sion, the largest Span­ish lan­guage TV chain in the Unit­ed States, and he pos­sess­es chan­nels with vast audi­ences in oth­er coun­tries, such as Venevi­sion in Venezuela, Chile­Vi­sion, Cara­col Tele­vi­sion of Colum­bia, and Caribbean Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work. He also owns the bot­tler Panam­co and is a major share­hold­er in Coca Cola. Cis­neros, togeth­er with his wife Patri­cia Phelps, were often on the White House guest list of Ronald and Nan­cy Rea­gan. The friend­ly rela­tion­ship between Cis­neros and Bush Sr. also seems to encom­pass pri­va­tiz­ing the state-owned PDVSA, putting it on Bush Sr.’s list of Texas busi­ness­es. . . .”


16. “ . . . Cis­neros belongs to the Amer­i­c­as Soci­ety, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion chaired by David Rock­e­feller, whose mis­sion is to ‘pro­vide mem­bers strate­gic advan­tages for doing busi­ness in a region that offers enor­mous oppor­tu­ni­ties, but also con­sid­er­able risks.’ Anoth­er mem­ber of this soci­ety is Chilean media mag­nate Agustin Edwards, who was a key fig­ure in the CIA-backed con­spir­a­cy against the con­sti­tu­tion­al gov­ern­ment of Sal­vador Allende. . . .”


17. After dis­cussing alle­ga­tions of drug-mon­ey laun­der­ing by Cis­neros, the arti­cle fea­tured here dis­cuss­es the family’s involve­ment with finan­cial fraud.

“ . . . Ricar­do Cis­neros, Gustavo’s broth­er and sec­ond in com­mand of the fam­i­ly busi­ness, was involved in the most noto­ri­ous finan­cial scan­dal in Venezuela’s his­to­ry: the 1994 fail­ure of Ban­co Lati­no, the result of which a Venezue­lan judge issued an arrest war­rant against Ricar­do, accus­ing him of fraud as a mem­ber of the bank’s Board of Direc­tors. Accord­ing to the charges, the Board of Direc­tors approved cred­it to busi­ness­es, some of them owned by indi­vid­ual board mem­bers, exceed­ing estab­lished legal lim­its, and divert­ed bank funds. Ricar­do, who was out of the coun­try when the war­rant was issued, fled. . . .”


18. Cisneros’s nephew (a direc­tor of Uni­vi­sion) died of an appar­ent drug over­dose.

“Car­los Enrique Cis­neros, the for­mer pres­i­dent of the Cis­neros Tele­vi­sion Group, died on April 10 [2004] from a drug over­dose. His death is being inves­ti­gat­ed as a pos­si­ble sui­cide by the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Coroner’s Office. He was 38. The nephew of media mogul Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros . . . . he devel­oped for­eign mar­kets for the fam­i­ly bis­ness, the Cis­neros Group of Com­pa­nies (CGC). . . . Cis­neros, who served on the board of direc­tors of Uni­vi­sion Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Inc. . . .ded­i­cat­ed his free time to phil­an­thropic ven­tures. . . . [Empha­sis added.]”

(“Car­los E. Cis­neros”; 4/14/2004.)

19. Note that the Cis­neros TV empire is based in South Beach (Flori­da).

“ . . . Cis­neros had built a port­fo­lio of a dozen Latin Amer­i­can pay-TV chan­nels as pres­i­dent of South Beach-based Cis­neros Tele­vi­sion Group in the late 1990’s . . . in 2000, the Cis­neros Group of Com­pa­nies merged CTG with anoth­er of the par­ent company’s hold­ings, El Sitio, whose chair­man, Rober­to Vivo-Chane­ton, took over as head of the new com­pa­ny, Clax­son Inter­ac­tive Group. . . .”

(“Cis­neros Nephew [38] Found Dead in Los Ange­les from Drug Over­dose” by David Cole­man; 4/13/2004.)

20. The head of Uni­vi­sion (con­trolled by Gus­ta­vo Cis­neros) is Jer­ry Peren­chio. Note how secre­tive he is. Note also that this Ital­ian Amer­i­can got his start—in part—with MCA. Author Dan Mold­ea has writ­ten a superb book about MCA, Ronald Rea­gan and the mob titled Dark Vic­to­ry.

“If Jer­ry Peren­chio is a mis­un­der­stood man, he deserves to be. For years, the CEO of Uni­vi­sion Com­mu­ni­ca­tions has not grant­ed media inter­views. Secu­ri­ty guards wave off pho­tog­ra­phers who try to snap his pic­ture. In 1996, Uni­vi­sion pro­vid­ed His­pan­ic Busi­ness with an offi­cial pho­to­graph, but the net­work quick­ly request­ed its return, and that was the last known image of the CEO. For that rea­son, this issue’s cov­er fea­tures an illus­tra­tion based on that pho­to­graph. . . . Mr. Peren­chio came to Hol­ly­wood from Fres­no, the son of an Ital­ian-Amer­i­can vint­ner. . . . After a stint in the Air Force, he took a job in 1957 at the tal­ent agency MCA. Under the leg­endary agent Lew Wasser­man. . . . Again, his secre­tive nature tends to cre­ate an impres­sion of shadi­ness. . . The lat­est Forbes 400 ranks him as the 76th-rich­est per­son in the Unit­ed States, with a net worth of $2.3 bil­lion. . . .”

(“The Invis­i­ble Media Mogul”; His­pan­ic Busi­ness; 12/2003.)

21. Note that Peren­chio is one of the largest finan­cial back­ers of Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger. His largest indi­vid­ual backer is William Arm­stead Robin­son, who also gives evi­dence of being involved with the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work and the Under­ground Reich. (For more about Robin­son and Schwarzeneg­ger, see FTR#492.) Note that anoth­er of Schwarzenegger’s finan­cial back­ers is Tim Drap­er, descen­dant of the Drap­er fam­i­ly that played a promi­nent role in the devel­op­ment of fas­cism and is very close to the Bush­es. (For more about Drap­er, see FTR#264.) Yet anoth­er of Schwarzenegger’s main back­ers is William Lyon, who helped devel­op some of the bogus col­leges that appear to have served as intel­li­gence fronts for—among oth­er things—the traf­fick­ing around of West Coast asso­ciates of the 9/11 hijack­ers! (For more about William Lyon and the diplo­ma mill con­nec­tion, see FTR#507. For more about Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger, see: FTR#’s 421, 422, 429, 434, 436, 492, 496, 529.)

“ . . . The list also includes Jer­ry Peren­chio, head of Uni­vi­sion, the nation’s largest Span­ish lan­guage tele­vi­sion net­work; financiers Robert Day, Tim­o­thy Drap­er and Lawrence Dodge; devel­op­ers Alex Spanos and William Lyon . . . .”

(“Schwarzeneg­ger Patrons Pro­vide Mon­ey, Sup­port” by Tom Chorneau [AP]; 2/14/2004.)


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