Introduction: Tackling an important but little known subject, this broadcast highlights the tiny European kingdom of Liechtenstein. Despite having a population of just over 30,000, this “constitutional” monarchy is an epicenter of money-laundering and high-level financial maneuvering, as well as some of the ills that come with that activity. Terrorist financing, drug trafficking and related activities comprise much of the economic livelihood of the population. After reviewing the role of Liechtenstein in the Alfa/Crown Russian corporate and organized crime nexus and the principality’s temporary evolution into an absolute monarchy under the stewardship of Prince Hans-Adam II, the program examines the close relationship of the country’s ruling family to the Hapsburg dynasty. The Hapsburgs, like many of the other royal families of Europe, sided with the Axis powers in World War II and continue to manifest fascist sympathies and alliances—tendencies that may be present in the family of Hans-Adam as well. Deeply involved with hedge funds and with access to the important capital centers of central Europe, the royal family maintains a tight aura of secrecy surrounding their investment business. Hans-Adam II has also financed academic think tanks that bear a striking similarity to some of the NGO’s that occupy a prominent position in the contemporary covert operations landscape. The program concludes with discussion of the close cooperation between the Swiss financial sector and Liechtenstein, as well as an illicit traffic in human organs and blood products operated out of the law office of Norbert Seeger, who heads the Citizens’ Progressive Party of Liechtenstein. That party served as a front for the assumption of absolute power by the prince for a period of several years, beginning in 2001.
Program Highlights Include: Review of the links of the Liechtenstein royal family to the Al Taqwa/Muslim Brotherhood milieu that financed Al Qaeda and Hamas; the involvement of a Princeton University think tank financed by Hans-Adam II with areas of Islamist activity in Europe and Southwest Asia; discussion of the possible role of Liechtenstein in the Bormann capital network; the marriage of Karl von Hapsburg (heir to the Hapsburg throne) to the daughter of Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, one of the principal figures in the Bormann capital milieu; Prince Hans-Adam’s demand that the Czech Republic reimburse Liechtenstein for property confiscated after World War II; Liechtenstein’s role in sheltering Russian Cossacks who fought with the Nazis in World War II.
1. The broadcast begins with review of an excerpt from FTR#530 discussing the role of Liechtenstein in an apparent Underground Reich network involved in the events of 9/11. A principal element in that discussion was the Crown/Alfa group, a Russian conglomerate with a fellowship program sponsored by the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft. One of the principal figures in the Crown/Alfa network is Dr. Norbert Seeger, about whom we will more below.
“ . . . 30. Dr. Norbert Seeger; Rechtanswalt, Vaduz [Liechtenstein]—Information includes: Knowledge of facts pertaining to role of Crown Finance Foundation and other Crown entities in money laundering and tax evasion activities. . . .”
2. A critical element of the discussion in FTR#530 concerns the tiny principality of Liechtenstein—a small European country of 32,000 people, whose principal industry is money laundering. As we will see, Liechtenstein figures significantly in the events in and around 9/11. In 2001, Prince Hans Adam became (for all intents and purposes) the only absolute monarch in Europe. This gambit was accomplished through a popular referendum, effected under the auspices of a front group—the Progressive Citizens Party. The referendum ceded to the Prince virtually all real power. In particular, he had the ability to completely control the judicial system, thereby controlling all legal investigations in the country—a particularly interesting and important power in the very important year of 2001! This assumption of absolute power put Hans Adam in the position of being able to block or neutralize any legal investigation into any of the financial shenanigans that transpired in Liechtenstein, including 9/11-related activities! As will be seen below, the main business in this tiny country is money laundering.
“ . . . In a referendum in March 23, 64% of voters in Liechtenstein approved a measure to give Prince Hans Adam II the power to dismiss governments, approve judicial nominees and veto laws. It is the most power of any monarch in Europe. Hans Adam had threatened to leave the country if the measure was not approved. . . The Prince’s involvement in legislation consists in a right to take initiatives in the form of government bills and in the right to veto parliamentary proposals. The Prince has the power to enact princely decrees. Emergency princely decrees are possible when the security and welfare of the country is at stake. A countersignature by the head of government is, nevertheless required. The Prince has the right to convene and adjourn parliament and, for serious reasons, to adjourn it for 3 months or to dissolve it. On the basis of the names put forward by Parliament, the Prince nominates the government district and high court judges, the judges of the Supreme Court, and the presidents and their deputies of the Constitutional Court and of the Administrative Court of Appeal. The Prince’s other authorities include exercising the right to mitigate and commute punishments that have been imposed with legal force and the abolition—i.e., the dismissal—of investigations that have been initiated. All judgments are issued in the name of the Prince. . . .”
3. The head of Liechtenstein’s Progressive Citizens Party is Norbert Seeger—a principal figure in Alfa’s Crown Resources subsidiary!! Are the Alfa Group and Liechtenstein part of the Bormann capital network?
“ . . . Since 2001, it has been the Progressive Citizens Party that has provided all the members of the government. The minority parties, as opposition parties, act as a check on the government in Parliament and on parliamentary commissions. . . .”
4. “ . . . Political parties and leaders: Progressive Citizens’ Party of FBPL. [Norbert Seeger]; . . .”
5. Next, the broadcast reviews information from FTR#442. One of the most important connections illustrated in this program is the evidentiary tributary connecting the Bank Al Taqwa and the royal family of Liechtenstein. Recall that Bank Al Taqwa is a principal financial source for Al Qaeda and other Muslim Brotherhood offshoots. One should not forget that Al Taqwa itself originates from a firm established in Vaduz, Liechtenstein—that nation’s capital. Liechtenstein is one of the principal “funny money” centers of Europe, and a major pivot point for the Bormann organization. This information should be evaluated against the background of the information presented in FTR#’s 352, 357, 359, 377, 378. Those broadcasts highlight the intersection between the Al Taqwa milieu and European far-right interests, including the P‑2 and Alleanza Nationale milieu in Italy. These links with powerful European capital interests and far-right networks indicate that there is much more going on here than just Islamic fundamentalism. In light of the links between Liechtenstein, Crown/Alpha (Norbert Seeger) and the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, the Asat Trust/Liechtenstein royal family connection assumes potentially larger significance. Do the various tendrils of the creature portrayed in this program description constitute a Bormann/Underground Reich network deeply involved in 9/11?!
“ . . . The prosecution also alleged that [alleged Al Qaeda financier Soliman] Biheiri is linked to a secretive financial network in Switzerland and Liechtenstein called Al Taqwa, which American and European investigators say is a financial backer of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood, often depicted as the ideological parent of most radical Islamic groups, recently has come under government scrutiny for its possible direct role in supporting terrorism, most prominently because of Al Taqwa.”
(“Terror Fund Trail Leads to Alpine Kingdom” by Marc Perelman; Forward; 10/17/2003.)
6. A brief review of Bank Al Taqwa’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda:
“The Bush administration and the United Nations have designated the Al Taqwa network and its main officials—two self-avowed Muslim Brothers and an admitted Nazi sympathizer—as supporters of Al Qaeda. As a result, their assets have been frozen and they are the focus of a Swiss investigation. The Al Taqwa officials have repeatedly rejected the charges. At the [alleged Al Qaeda financier Soliman] Biheiri detention hearing last month, prosecutor Steven Ward described Biheiri as the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘financial toehold in the U.S.’”
7. “The prosecution said it had established links between [alleged Al Qaeda financier Soliman] Biheiri and the two principals of Al Taqwa, Youssef Nada and Ghaleb Himmat. According to testimony from special agent Kane of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the addresses of Nada and Himmat were found in Biheiri’s laptop computer. Kane told the court that there were ‘other indications’ of connections between al Taqwa and Biheiri’s company BMI, including financial transactions. . . .”
8. “. . . One company in the Al Taqwa galaxy that was designated by the United States and the U.N. as a terrorist-related entity is a Liechtenstein entity called Asat Trust. Its director Martin Wachter, told the Forward this year that Asat Trust operates merely as a registry for businesses and is not involved in the operation of any company. He added that the American government had wrongfully designated Asat Trust as a terrorist-related entity because it had once represented Al Taqwa in a small real estate deal in Switzerland.”
(Ibid.; pp. 2–3.)
9. “Still, copies of business registration documents on file with authorities in Liechtenstein show that Asat Trust has been intimately involved with the Al Taqwa network during the last 30 years, registering changes in company names, personnel and financial structure, which may explain why Asat Trust landed on the American and U.N. terrorist lists.”
(Ibid.; p. 3.)
10. The information about the Al Taqwa links with the royal family of Liechtenstein are set forth as follows:
“The records also shed light on the involvement of one member of the royal family of Liechtenstein in Asat Trust. According to the documents, deceased Prince Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein became a board member of Asat Trust in May 1970 and stayed until November 1990, when he was replaced by Wachter, the trust’s current director. Florian Krenkel, a spokesman for the royal family, said Prince Emmanuel had died in 1987 and that he was a distant cousin from ruling Prince Hans Adam II. . . .”
11. “ . . . There also appears to be some links between Asat Trust and a bank owned by the Liechtenstein royal family. Several Asat Trust documents feature on their letterheads ‘Bank in Liechtenstein AG’ beneath ‘Asat Trust.’ The royal family bank has changed its name and is now called LGT bank. A telephone and an e‑mail query to the bank’s spokesman Hans-Martin Uehringer went unreturned. . . .”
12. More about Liechtenstein and its money-laundering economy:
“High atop an Alpine ridge sits a prince in a 130-room castle, in a tiny domain that has made a name for itself by hiding people’s money. It has also found a bit more international attention than it would like.”
13. Note the references to Liechtenstein’s role in the CDU funding scandal. (These are the references to the conspiracy involving Kohl, the French oil company and the “decrepit oil refinery.”) For more about the CDU funding scandal, see—among other broadcasts—FTR#’s 193, 276, 278, 506. In FTR#’s 469, 476, we noted the links of John P. Schmitz to various aspects of the 9/11 investigations, as well as his links to the Bush milieu. Schmitz was a beneficiary of the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship, a subsidiary program (along with the Alfa Fellowship) of the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft. Schmitz is an in-law of Jeb Bush (see FTR#533.) When working with the Bundestag, Schmitz worked with Mathias Wissman, the former treasurer of the CDU! Later, Wissman went to work for Wilmer Cutler & Pickering, a law firm that also employed Schmitz and that represents key German government-linked corporations in their attempts to move into American markets. (For more about this, see—among other programs—FTR#492.) Again, with the Asat Trust [Al Taqwa] link to the Liechtenstein Royal Family, the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft/Atta/Alfa/Robert Foundation Fellowship relationship, we may well be looking at a Bormann/Underground Reich network “in the raw.”
“Last year, when German prosecutors investigated millions of dollars of secret donations to former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the tail led to Liechtenstein, a principality the size of Fort Wayne, Ind. When Swiss investigators looked into millions of dollars of obscure ‘payments’ involving the sale of a decrepit refinery to a French oil company, the money trail also led to Liechtenstein. In 1996, when American agents seized a Swiss launderer of Latin American drug profits, he confessed that he loved to do business in Liechtenstein since its banks never divulged much about its clients.”
14. “The affable 55-year-old Prince Hans Adam II, whose ancestors bought the country from the Austrian crown some three centuries ago, sees his nation of 32,000 people as merely offering banking privacy and low taxes. To him, bank secrecy and wafer-thin tax rates are services the country just like its dairy products and its leading export, dental prosthetics.”
15. “Since many of Europe’s wealthy face income tax rates exceeding 50 percent, Liechtenstein offers a secluded place to squirrel away their fortunes. It also has a top income tax rate of just 18.9 percent. Taxes for holding companies or enterprises with no more than a mailbox here are a mere 1 percent.”
16. “But those kinds of lures have apparently attracted some unsavory elements. Liechtenstein’s headaches began last November, when the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel published what it said were details of a German intelligence report that made accusations against Liechtenstein banks and fiduciaries—specialists in establishing mailbox corporations that are used to mask bank accounts. The enterprises were tied to a Sicilian Mafia group, Latin American drug lords and Russian gangs, the report said.”
17. “The article also asserted that a former Liechtenstein prime minister had assembled a network of banks, government workers and lawyers to help organized crime. Prince Hans Adam, in an interview, accused Germany of seeking to ruin Liechtenstein as a tax haven. To do so, he added, the Germans ‘did not hesitate to commit character assassination on a country and on individual people.’ . . .”
18. Note that the Swiss currency is Liechtenstein’s “coin of the realm”—something that no doubt facilitates the money laundering infrastructure in that tiny nation.
“ . . . In 1924, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire following World War I, Liechtenstein entered a customs union with Switzerland, whose currency is the coin of the realm. . . .It is not lost on Liechtensteiners that while German governments pillory their system, German politicians use it to hide campaign donations. In 1997, a local employee of one influential fiduciary gave Der Spiegel diskettes containing confidential client information. Among Germans stashing money here were not only well-known business people and an Olympic gold medalist, but also officials of Chancellor Kohl’s political party, the Christian Democratic Union. . . .”
19. “ . . . Yet when financial inspectors from the Council of Europe visited Liechtenstein in September, they came to very different conclusions. To lift bank secrecy, they found that requests must pass 12 appeal levels. They also found that the office for investigating bank reports of suspicious money has five overworked employees. So to learn where suspicious money comes from, the banks simply ask their clients. ‘The examiners fail to see how ‘tipping off’ in such circumstances can be avoided,’ the inspectors politely concluded in their report.”
20. “Peter Csonka, the team’s secretary, said Liechtenstein had 80,000 trust companies—almost 3 for every citizen—as well as 280 lawyers and 80 trustees, most of whom ‘are in some business where the purpose is not totally clear.’ Financial policing, he said, ‘equals zero.’ . . .”
21. Note the prince’s relative immunity, as well as his inclination to use private auditors to “keep the books” for the kingdom. Note that Arthur Andersen was the auditor that facilitated the Enron rip-off.
“One hurdle to reform, some say, is the growing political dissent between the prince and the government on matters like constitutional reform and law enforcement. The prince, for instance, proposes contracting oversight of the banking system to private auditors, and suggests PricewaterhouseCoopers or Arthur Anderson. ‘I’m a proponent of outsourcing whatever can be done better,’ he said. [Emphasis added.] For his part, Prime Minister Mario Frick wants the deletion of constitutional passages assuring the prince’s immunity. ‘He could steal my car, and I can’t do anything about it,’ Mr. Frick said. The prince recently annoyed politicians by mailing his own proposals for reform to all households and posting them on his Web site: . . .”
22. Delving into the nature of the royal family of Liechtenstein, the program notes the closeness between Hans-Adam II’s clan and the Hapsburg dynasty that ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the end of World War I.
“LADISLAV KAHOUN: To what degree does your family feel spiritually akin to the Hapsburg dynasty? Do you know that in the Czech and Moravian awareness you were always considered the house closest to the Hapsburg dynasty? PRINCE HANS-ADAM II: My grandmother was a sister of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was killed in Sarajevo. This is perhaps the reason why in the Czech and Moravian awareness the Liechtenstein house is considered the closest to the Hapsburg dynasty. Historically one has to say that the Liechtenstein family became a foreign dynasty with the end of the Holy Roman Empire and were therefore quite close to the Hapsburg dynasty. A number of those foreign dynasties kept properties in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire after 1806 as the Liechtensteins did. They were also very often closer related to the Hapsburg dynasty through marriage—just think about Empress Sissi, the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph II. . . .”
(Interview with Prince Hans-Adam II;
23. Noting the close affinity between the royal family of Liechtenstein and the Hapsburgs, the broadcast sets forth the fascist inclinations of Otto von Hapsburg, the aging patriarch of that family.
“ . . . The final escalation was reserved for Otto von Hapsburg, a CSU delegate to the European parliament and the son of the last Austrian emperor; since 1973 he has also been president of the ultra-right Pan-Europa-Union and a member of the Freedom for Rudolf Hess Committee [Emphasis added.] . . . .”
24. Otto von Hapsburg’s son and heir to the Hapsburg throne, Karl von Hapsburg, married Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza in the Zagreb (Croatia) cathedral. The Thyssen-Bornemisza family is at the epicenter of the Thyssen industrial empire, the Bormann capital network and the Underground Reich. For more about the Thyssen role in the Bormann network, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 273, 305, 361, 370, 435, 506.
(“Karl von Habsburg;“
25. The fascist inclinations of the Hapsburgs are not unique among European monarchical families. “It is more than eerie. A disturbing sidebar to the political culture of these restorations was how many of the would-be monarchs, royal houses, and supporting factions had been on the fascist side in World War II. Italy’s House of Savoy ws banished in part for backing Mussolini and supporting his 1938 race laws, targeting Jews. In Bulgaria, Simeon’s House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha fought through much of the war as an ally of Nazi Germany. The Serbian factions backing the potential Alexander II evoked memories of World War II massacres and ethnic battles still commemorated after six hundred years. The Romanian House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, supported by the Iron Guard movement that blended rural Eastern Orthodox religion with folkish nationalism, fought most of World War II on Hitler’s side.” (American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; by Kevin Philips; Viking [HC]; Copyright 2004 by Kevin Phillips; ISBN 0–670-03264–6; pp. 63–64.)
26. “Unfair as it may be to lump together the Houses of Karadjordjevic, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Savoy, and Honenzollern-Sigmaringen, they suggest the dark side of the global political force that has buoyed dynasty and restoration. The analogy to the English-speaking nations is obviously limited, but the caveats cannot be entirely ignored. And now, we must turn to the different encouragement given to aristophilia during the 1980’s and 1990’s by economic forces. . . .”
(Ibid.; p. 64.)
27. In the context of the fascist inclinations of many of Europe’s royal families, the program examines Liechtenstein’s sheltering of Russian Cossacks who had fought for the Third Reich. In light of the Liechtenstein royal family’s devout Roman Catholicism, one must seriously consider that this act of “mercy” may have been yet another example of Vatican/fascist collaboration in aiding the escape and resuscitation of pro-Axis forces in the wake of World War II. (For more about the Vatican/fascist axis, see—among other programs—AFA#’s 17–21—available from Spitfire, as well as FTR#532.)
“ . . .LADISLAV KAHOUN: A piece of information that in the end of WWII, several thousand Cossacks fighting on the side of the Germans escaped to Liechtenstein appeared recently in a discussion on the Neviditelny pes server. The allies then allegedly entered your country and handed them over to the Soviet Union. Did the allies violate your neutrality at that time? PRINCE HANS-ADAM II: The allies did not violate our neutrality at the end of World War II. The Russian troops fighting on the side of the Germans against the communists were disarmed when they crossed the border into Liechtenstein. Despite strong pressure from the Soviet Union, Liechtenstein refused to hand over those people against their will and accepted them as refugees according to international law. Those who wanted to return were either executed or sent to the Gulag by the Soviet authorities. As far as I know Liechtenstein was the only country who refused to hand over Russian troops fighting on the German side to the Soviet authorities against their will. . . .”
(Interview with Prince Hans-Adam II; accessed at:
28. In evaluating the politics of the royal family of Liechtenstein, it is noteworthy that Prince Hans-Adam II has supported an effort to have the Czech Republic reimburse Liechtenstein for properties confiscated at the end of World War II.
“LADISLAV KAHOUN: According to the above-mentioned article, published the BBC Czech service, this means that each Czech citizen would have to pay CZK 2,000 if the claims concerning your financial compensation should be met. WWII took place nearly sixty years ago and most Czech citizens remember neither the war nor the confiscation based on President Benes’ decrees. And needless to say, they have not participated in confiscating the property. Do you consider it just that the current Czech citizens should settle such a huge amount of money even though they participated in no way on the events you base your claim on? PRINCE HANS-Adam II: This question has already been answered by the answer to question 5. . . .”
29. Next, the program turns to the enormous economic clout of the Liechtenstein royal family. Their little money-laundering kingdom is the perfect seat for the enormous investments they control. Hans-Adam and his family control LGT Capital, a major investor in hedge funds, including LTCM (the focal point of the hedge fund crisis of the late 1990’s.)
“ . . . Liechtenstein’s Prince Hans-Adam II made his first foray into hedge funds by investing in Long Term Capital Management LP. Instead of retreating when LTCM collapsed in 1998, his family firm, LGT Capital Partners, put $2.5 billion more into such funds—including money from outside investors. In all, LGT Capital has swept $6 billion for investment in buyout firms and hedge funds, unregulated investment pools that bet on falling as well as rising prices. Unlike royals who devote their time to ceremonies and charities, Prince Hans-Adam, 60, heads the foundation that owns LGT Group, parent of LGT Capital.”
(“Liechtenstein’s Prince Helps Lure $2.5 Billion to Hedge Funds” [Bloomberg]; accessed at:
30. “ ‘Prince Hans-Adam is unique in running this kind of business,’ says Bob Houston, editor of Royalty Monthly magazine in London. ‘He’s the only one who has a proper job.’ LGT Capital’s hedge-fund business, which reduces risk by spreading its money among multiple funds, helped the firm prosper when Hans-Adam battled parliament for more power and police probed allegations of money laundering in the country of 34,000 people. Now LGT is pushing to expand. [Emphasis added. Note: that was in 2001, when probes into Liechtenstein’s money-laundering business might have revealed some of the 9/11-related networks—D.E.]. . .”
31. “ . . . The House of Liechtenstein, which has ruled the country for almost 300 years, formed LGT Capital to manage the family’s money, and first accepted outside funds in 1996. The firm uses the slogan ‘investing like the prince’ on its Web site and offers clients the chance to put their money in the so-called Princely Portfolio. ‘They are very credible and quite successful,’ says Joe Seet, a partner at Sigma Partnership, a hedge-fund consulting firm in London.”
32. Note the secrecy that accompanies LGT Capital’s enormous clout. Is this firm part of the Bormann capital network?
“The firm’s ties to the royal family have helped it win clients among wealthy families from Scandinavia to Switzerland and Austria, says Jacob Schmidt, a director at Allenbridge Group Plc in London, which provides research on fund managers. ‘The family has access to all the serious money in central Europe,’ Schmidt says. He declined to identify any of LGT Capital’s clients. Thomas Weber, 43, a partner at LGT Capital, also declined to name any individuals who invest with the firm. . . .”
33. A recent endowment by Hans-Adam II to Princeton University established an academic institute that will concentrate on areas that have been major focal points of Islamist activity—Chechnya, Kosovo and the Balkans, and Kashmir. Is this institution a think tank that will work as part of a NGO covert operations milieu? Does this institution, in effect, constitute another link of the Liechtenstein royal family to Islamists (like the Asat Trust discussed above)?
“A $12 million gift to Princeton from Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein will create the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, which will serve as a center for research and teaching on issues of self-determination around the world. The gift will expand the University’s existing Liechtenstein Research Program on Self-Determination, which also has been funded by Prince Hans-Adam II. It will enable Princeton faculty, students and outside experts to expand their work and embark on wide-ranging new projects in such places as Kosovo, Kashmir, and Chechnya. [Emphasis added.]”
34. “As a bridge between academia and the practical world, the Liechtenstein Institute will engage both in fundamental research and in a practical search for solutions to real-world problems. ‘By creating a non-polemical environment for research and discussion, we hope to help reduce the tumultuous and frequently violent process inherent in the search for increased autonomy,’ said Wolfgang Danspeckgruber [a nice Anglo-Saxon name—D.E.], a lecturer in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the founding director of the new institute. He believes the institute can advance compromises that recognize community autonomy within existing states along with regional integration, preventing secession in all but the most extreme cases.”
35. “Researchers at the institute are beginning work on three major projects. An initiative launched in June by Danspeckgruber and Stephen Kotkin, director of the Russian Studies Program, is exploring state power, borders and self-governance in the former Soviet Union. The project is expected to conclude with findings and recommendations presented at a major conference in 2001. In the second project, which is also supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, researchers will develop strategies to prevent and manage crises of self-determination. This project brings together Danspeckgruber, Michael Doyle, director of the Center of International Studies, Jeffrey Herbst, chair of the Department of Politics; and Gilbert Rozman, professor of sociology.”
36. “In the third project, researchers will search for solutions to the problem in Kashmir, where separatist groups have mounted an 11-year struggle against Indian rule. Predominantly Muslim Kashmir has been the main point of conflict between India and Pakistan since the partition of India in 1947. At the same time, the institute will continue to work to assist in finding a peaceful solution for conflict in the Balkans. An international conference evaluating the implications of self-determination at the beginning of the 21st century is planned for the coming academic year, Danspeckgruber said. . . . The institute is an outgrowth of the Liechtenstein Research Program on Self-Determination, which was created in 1994 and supported by Prince Hans-Adam II. . . .”
37. The program concludes with examination of an alleged illicit human organ and blood smuggling network run out of the law firm of Norbert Seeger, who is discussed above. Seeger is the head of the front group for the royal family—the Progressive Citizens Party. [Note that the “freerepublic” website has much right-wing and even fascist propaganda posted on it. It should not be given face-value credibility, although it does feature the re-postings of some important articles and is, therefore, somewhat useful as a raw source of information.)
“For the first time someone has come forward with details, including the names of companies and go-betweens that clearly establish how Liechtenstein has become a money-laundering capital. Marie-Gabrielle Koller, who holds double Austrian and Canadian citizenship and worked in Liechtenstein law firm between 1993–1996, has denounced the system from within, as it were. In a long statement, the young women accused her own firm of having set up offshore companies to facilitate a trade in untested blood products and human organs.”
(“New Accusations Against Liechtenstein”; Intelligence Newsletter: THREAT ASSESSMENT; MONEY LAUNDERING; 6/1/2000. Accessed at:
38. “According to Intelligence Newsletter sources, her report underlined the extremely close relationship between financial institutions in Vaduz and Swiss banks. ‘Up to 80% of customers with accounts in Liechtenstein are recommended by Swiss banks. Liechtenstein law empowers companies in the principality to deposit their money in an account with a Swiss bank,’ she said, adding that the system allowed ‘the Swiss banks to do covertly in Liechtenstein to do what they can’t do, for various reasons, at home.’ [Emphasis added.]”
39. Note Ms. Koller’s analysis of the central role of money-laundering in the Liechtenstein economy, and the tacit complicity of virtually the entire population in that activity.
“ . . . Ms. Koller, who had been married to a Liechtenstein politician, said the vast majority of the tiny country’s population was in favor of the system. Indeed, Liechtenstein counts 32,000 inhabitants but only 18,000 nationals. Each of the 100,000 offshore companies registered in the principality must have a local on its companies registered in the principality and must have a local on its board when it seeks incorporation. As a result, a big proportion of the population lives of fat fees earned in serving as ‘directors,’”
40. Note the clout of the Liechtenstein establishment, acting through the closely-allied Swiss financial establishment. Ms. Koller has been the focal point of considerable retribution for her activities.
“After denouncing the system before the head of government and then the justice minister, Ms. Koller discovered that she was unable to find work and came under other forms of pressure. Up to now she has filed 18 complaints, particularly for ‘economic espionage’ and ‘violation of professional confidentiality.’ Nor has she been able to get work in Switzerland since 1997 because of pressure exerted by Credit Suisse, the second-ranking Swiss bank. The Swiss establishment is reportedly involved heavily in Liechtenstein through Credit Suisse Trust AG Liechtenstein. [Emphasis added.]”
41. That Norbert Seeger’s law firm is the apparent epicenter of a blood and human organ smuggling operation is more than a little interesting. What is the purpose of this network, other than profit? Might it be involved in genetic experimentation and/or cloning? Could it be connected to the trafficking of AIDS-tainted products, along the lines of what we examined in FTR#411?
“The Swiss lawyer Marie-Gabrielle Koller who exposed money-laundering practices in Liechtenstein (IN) now claims to have discovered an extensive trade in human organs in Europe. She says the traffic passes by way of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the United Kingdom and the British Virgin Islands. [Emphasis added.]”
42. “The chief prosecutor in Geneva, Bernard Bertossa, has opened an inquiry into her allegations. For its part, Intelligence Newsletter has obtained a number of documents which indicate that from 1995 onwards at least one attempt was made to illicitly sell human organs reaching West Europe from Russia.”
43. “Ms. Koller worked in Liechtenstein in a prestigious law firm run by Norbert Seeger, who is also president of the principality’s Progressive Citizens Party, between 1993–1996. [Emphasis added.] In January, 1995, Seeger founded an Association for Science and Medical Research whose official aim was to supply organs to university laboratories; according to Ms. Koller, the association in fact carried out a number of illicit transactions.”
44. Note that Ms. Koller’s allegations appear to have been borne out by subsequent investigations.
“From the outset the organization counted several Russian nationals among its members. The Association was officially registered with another law firm, Renggli, until the latter declared it was ‘out of the question’ that it remain on the premises. Ms. Koller denounced her boss to the Liechtenstein authorities in 1995. For her pains, however, she was sued for economic espionage by Seeger. In 1996, the German news magazine Focus claimed to have evidence of a network trading in illicit blood and organs and linked Seeger and a Fribourg-based doctor, Michael Hummel, to it.”
45. “While investigators in the canton of St. Gall in Liechtenstein closed the case in 1997, they acknowledged the Association was ‘dubious, without members or notable activity.’ They added that Hummel had been ‘remunerated for services through hidden payments from foreign commercial partners who must remain secret.’ [Emphasis added.]”
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