THE PROJECT [Permalink from Daily Ablution blog]
Introduction: In the plethora of broadcasts recorded since 9/11/2001, we have examined the primary role in the attacks of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic fascist organization that was allied with the Axis powers of World War II. Since the end of World War II the group has been affiliated with British intelligence, the CIA, the Saudi political and religious elites and the postwar Underground Reich. Continuing with analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood, its financial vehicle Bank Al Taqwa and its relationship with elements of the Underground Reich, this program highlights a Brotherhood document titled The Project.
A blueprint for the establishment of a worldwide, totalitarian Muslim theocracy, the document places particular emphasis on the infiltration of Western societies and institutions, and the establishment of Islamist networks within the social, political and national security establishments of Western countries. The SAAR network, the overlapping Safa Trust, the Ptech firm and Grover Norquist’s Islamic Institute (a branch of the GOP’s ethnic outreach apparatus) reflect the realization of the document’s tenets in American civil society. (For more on the establishment of such networks and their relationship with the Brotherhood, the Underground Reich, see FTR#’s 454, 455, 456, 462, 464, 467, 515.)
Found in the residence of Al Taqwa chief (and former Nazi spy) Youssef Nada, The Project was drawn up in the early 1950’s by prominent Muslim scholars and is viewed by counter-terrorism experts as derived from the Muslim Brotherhood’s European operations under Said Ramadan.
Analyzing the Muslim Brotherhood as proxy warriors for the Underground Reich, the program sets forth an earlier German use of Muslims as geo-political proxies. During the First World War, Germany and the Ottoman Empire precipitated abortive Islamist uprisings in Russian and British territories in order to gain badly needed petroleum-production facilities for Germany’s war effort. Kaiser Wilhelm even issued a declaration of Muslim sympathies in order to woo the Turks and other Muslims to the German cause. Much of the program reviews the fascist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazi past of Youssef Nada. The broadcast also reviews Bank Al Taqwa’s profound links to the milieu of Francois Genoud—the heir to the last wills and testaments and collected literary writings of—get this—Adolph Hitler, Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels!
The Nazi and fascist character of the Muslim Brotherhood can be concisely grasped by looking at this file photograph of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rally on 4/15/2005. Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Program Highlights Include: “The Project’s” reliance on the notorious anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; Nazi banker Francois Genoud’s close ties with Al Taqwa director Achmed Huber; Al Taqwa chief Youssef Nada’s role in aiding the escape of the Grand Mufti from Germany at the end of the war; review of Hitler’s political last will and testament, in which he sought alliance with the Muslim peoples of the earth in order to further the aims of the Third Reich; the deep affinity of Arabs for the Nazis during World War II; the close relationship of Genoud with Beaudoin Dunand, the key director of SICO—the European holding company for the Bin Laden family’s vast holdings; Genoud’s role as a financial adviser to the Bin Laden family.
1. The program begins with an article from the Swiss publication Le Temps about a Muslim Brotherhood blueprint for world conquest. Found in the apartment of Al Taqwa bank chief Youssef Nada at the time of his arrest, the document was (according to Nada) drawn up in the early 1980’s by prominent Islamic scholars. (Readers and listeners should compare this blueprint for Muslim Brotherhood world domination with the doctrine expressed by Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna in John Roy Carlson’s Cairo to Damascus, published in 1951. The book is available in a file available on the Spitfire website at The interview with al-Banna is on pages 91 and 92 in the original text.)
“In November 2001, in the course of a search, Swiss investigators discovered the ‘Project’: an ambitious strategy designed to ‘establish the reign of God’ over the entire earth. Is it possible that the development of world Islamism over the last 20 years is, at least in part, the product of a secret strategy, a deliberate plan to take power? That’s the politically incorrect question raised by the surprising discovery made by the Swiss and Italian police during a search carried out near Lugano in November 2001.”
(“Islamism and the Conquest of the World”; Le Temps; 10/6/2005.)
2. Note that the document was found in the residence of former Nazi spy Youssef Nada. (Nada’s Third Reich espionage career is highlighted below.) It is Mr. Emory’s considered opinion that the Muslim Brotherhood is functioning as an extension of the Underground Reich and, in turn, constitutes an extension of German imperial policy in the 19th and 20th centuries. That imperial policy sought alliance with the Muslim population of what the Germans called the “Earth Island” as a vehicle for world domination. (For more about Nada and the concept of the Earth Island, use the search function to locate supplemental material. FTR#’s 391, 454, 455, 456 are compilations summing up many elements of Mr. Emory’s work on 9/11, including Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Al Taqwa nexus.)
“In a villa belonging to Youssef Nada, an Egyptian banker that the American authorities accuse of having supported terrorism, the investigators seized an amazing document, kept secret for nearly two decades: the ‘Project’, a strategic text of which the ultimate goal is ‘the establishment of the reign of God over the entire world.’”
3. “The open criminal investigation against Youssef Nada, who ran the Islamic bank Al-Taqwa de Lugano from its creation in 1988, was closed last May. But the Arab financier, who denied all links with terrorism, admitted having been, over the years, one of the principal leaders of the international branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most important contemporary Islamist groups. Founded in Egypt in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood gave birth to a vast ‘Islamic Movement’ inspired by its ideas, which represent today the main world force calling for Islamism.”
4. Note that this document was formalized in December of 1982, during the Afghan war against the Soviets, an event that saw the marriage of much of the U.S. national security establishment with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudi-financed Safari Club. (For more about the Brotherhood’s role in the Afghan war, see FTR#473. For more about the Safari Club, see FTR#’s 522, 524.) Part of the document’s significance lies in the fact that it indicates that the dynamics of the anti-Soviet Afghan war were simply part of the Brotherhood’s (and Underground Reich’s) plans to gain world domination after the conclusion of the conflict. Note the emphasis the document places on nurturing anti-Semitism in the targeted countries!
“The Project is a 14-page document, dated December 1982, which opens with this passage: ‘This report presents a global vision of an international strategy of Islamic policy. Local Islamic policies are to be drawn up in the different regions according to its guidelines.’ The document recommends the ‘study of the centers of power locally and worldwide, and the possibilities of placing them under influence’, ‘getting into contact with every new movement engaged in jihad, across the planet’, ‘creating cells of jihad in Palestine’, and ‘nurturing the sentiment of rancor with regard to Jews’. All of that with the goal of coordinating the Islamic work in the sole direction [sic] in order to ... consecrate the power of God on Earth.”
5. “The Swiss investigators who studied the al-Taqwa dossier have devoted several analyses to The Project and what it represents. One confidential document of an antiterrorist ‘Task Force’ set up after the attacks of September 11, 2001, speaks of ‘a fundamental text for understanding the long term goals of the Muslim Brotherhood’: ‘Entitled The Project, the document specifically describes the strategy envisioned to assure that the fraternity achieves a growing influence over the Muslim world. It is pointed out that the [Muslim Brotherhood] doesn’t have to act in the name of the Brotherhood, but can infiltrate existing entities. They can thus avoid being located and neutralized.’”
6. It is very important to take stock of the fact that The Project advocates the infiltration of existing institutions in Western countries and the establishment of networks inside of Europe and the United States. In this context, it is vitally important to weigh this blueprint in light of the establishment of the SAAR network and the overlapping Safa Trust, as well as related institutions such as the Ptech company and Grover Norquist’s Islamic Insitute. (For more about these subjects, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 454, 455, 456, 462, 464, 467, 515.) It is very important to keep in mind that the SAAR network and the Safa Trust are very closely linked to the Bush administration and the GOP.
“A second report from the Swiss investigators states that The Project, and other documents found in Youssef Nada’s house, ‘confirm the role played by the Muslim Brotherhood at the same time as an inspiration and support, direct or indirect, of radical Islam, over the entire world’. Accordingly, The Project could play a role in the creation by the Muslim Brotherhood and their successors of a network of religious, educational and charitable institutions in Europe and the United States. In fact, The Project recommends ‘construction of social, economic, scientific and medical institutions, and the penetration of the domain of the social services, to be in contact with the people’.”
7. The Project was drawn up in December of 1982. It is highly significant that it anticipates world developments that occurred after its creation, including the Palestinian Intifada and aid by the Brotherhood to Islamist groups in Bosnia and the Philippines.
“To this end, it will be necessary to ‘study the diverse political environment and the probabilities of success in each country’. One western official who had studied it described The Project as ‘a totalitarian ideology of infiltration that represents, in the end, the gravest danger for European societies: The Project, which will become a danger in 10 years, he said, will see emerging in Europe the demand for a parallel system, the creation of ‘Muslim Parliaments of the sort that already exists in Great Britain... thus beginning the slow destruction of our institutions, of our structures. For this official, who asked not to be named, The Project is not a simple philosophical text, but a ‘road map’ of which certain elements have been put in place in the real world: notably, it anticipates the start of the war against Israel in the Palestinian territories, and the support given these past years by the Muslim Brotherhood to several armed Islamic groups, from Bosnia to the Philippines.”
8. It is important to note that the document’s authenticity has not been disputed by Youssef Nada, the man in whose residence it was found. Apologists for the Muslim Brotherhood and related elements have claimed it is a forgery.
“The discovery of The Project also raises many questions which, for now, remain unanswered. The identity of its author, for example, remains unknown. Youssef Nada, the keeper of The Project for nearly 20 years, simply told the Swiss investigators that he hadn’t written the text. Approached several times by Le Temps, he finally explained that the document had been drawn up by some ‘Islamic researchers,’ but that it didn’t represent the official position of the Islamic Brotherhood. ‘I don’t agree with but 15 or 20% of the text’, he said. Why in that case, did he keep it at his house? ‘I don’t know. I should have thrown it away’.”
9. The document owes its intellectual genesis to Said Ramadan, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the 1960’s Ramadan relocated to Europe, in order (as will be seen below) to reform the alliance between the Nazis and the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan’s sojourn in Geneva was directed at allying with Francois Genoud, a pivotal Nazi financier closely connected to the Al Taqwa milieu.
“The importance of The Project lies as much in its history, and those of the men surrounding it, as with its content. Its intellectual origins date back to the 1960s, when the ‘theoretician-in-chief’ of the Muslim Brotherhood, Said Ramadan, found refuge in Geneva. In September 1964, his newspaper El Muslimoun published an article calling for the launch of an ‘ideological war’ against the West. He thus acted in response to the creation of the state of Israel, considered by Islamists to be an element in a vast plot against the Muslim religion and its faithful. ‘That is why we’re convinced that the sophisticated ideological plan has to be countered by an ideological plan just as sophisticated, and that it is necessary to respond to these ideological attacks, to this ideological ‑war, with an ideological war.”
10. A key to the Nazi influence on the Muslim Brotherhood and The Project is the document’s reliance on the European forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—a notorious European forgery that was a mainstay of Nazi anti-Semitic ideology.
“The article makes explicit reference to ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, a document fabricated by Tsarist police that describes a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. Even though it’s a forgery, the anti-Semitic text continues to be taken seriously in Islamist circles. Last August, The Wall Street Journal revealed that the ‘Protocol’ was cited during a recent meeting of the ‘European Council of Fatwahs and Research’, an organization designed to counsel the Muslims of Europe regarding their daily lives. According to a participant in the meeting, the Protocols demonstrates the existence of a Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy the moral values of Muslim families. It is understood that, inspired by such ideas, the Islamists wanted to react by developing their own Project.”
11. “The lead thinker of the Council of Fatwas, Yousouf al-Qaradawi, was one of the principal shareholders of the Al-Taqwa bank of Lugano. He is without doubt the most popular preacher in Europe and the Arab world, and some of his ideas are in line with those of The Project. Thus, in a document published in 1990, he proposed to develop the presence of the Islamic Movement at the heart of ‘jihad groups’, in order to eliminate ‘all foreign influences’ in Islamic lands, from Morocco to Indonesia.”
12. The Le Temps article points out that the Muslim Brotherhood did not precipitate the Muslim emigration to Western countries, but is taking advantage of it.
“Despite the evident ideological similarities, and the historic links of the great thinkers of the Muslim Brotherhood with this document, the recent history of lslamism cannot be summarized in this Project alone. And the expansion of Islam in the West over the course of the last decades has not been planned by anyone: it results from the progressive installation of Muslim immigrants in Europe and the United States. But the heirs to the Muslim Brotherhood will profit from this development to open a new space for their actions and ideas. Their declared objective has always been to ‘protect’ Muslim communities, as Sheikh Qaradawi puts it, from the ‘whirlwind of materialist ideas that prevails in the West’.”
13. “Far from confirming this view, The Project bears important witness of what could be the ulterior motives and hidden objectives of the Islamist movement, both now and in the future trying to strengthen its influence on Muslim communities in the West.”
14. By way of prefacing the discussion of the Brotherhood as proxy warriors by the Underground Reich, the program reviews the affinity of Arabs for Hitler during World War II, because they saw the Nazis as potential liberators of that region from British and French colonial domination. In addition, the Arabs’ affinity for the Nazis was born out of their mutual hatred of the Jews (and later Israel). The Third Reich (like the Kaiser before them) saw the Arabs (and the Muslim Brotherhood) as political and military allies who could give them control over the key oil-producing regions of the world.
“Support for Nazism was not limited to the former Mufti. ‘We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books .... We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism,’ recalled Sami al-Joundi, one of the founders of Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party. Indeed, a popular WWII song was heard in the Middle East featuring words: ‘Bissama Allah, oria alard Hitler’ – ‘In heaven Allah, on earth Hitler.’ Picking up the theme of the book, posters were put up in Arab markets and elsewhere proclaiming, ‘In heaven Allah is thy ruler; on earth Adolph Hitler.’ John Gunther of Inside Asia reported: ‘The greatest contemporary Arab hero is probably Hitler’ . . . .”
15. In his last will and testament, Hitler saw alliance with the Muslim world as a key to future Nazi world domination. It is against the background of this that much of the subsequent discussion should be evaluated. Note also that this political will and testament was bequeathed to Francois Genoud. Although he died in 1996, Genoud’s name crops up significantly in a number of important respects in the context of the events of 9/11. For an overview of Genoud’s career, see FTR#453. For more information about Genoud and 9/11, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 343, 354, 371, 456, 498, 499. We will be examining Genoud’s links to the milieu of Al Taqwa and the Muslim Brotherhood below. For a contemporary interpretation of Hitler’s words, substitute the United States for Britain in the following context:
“Adolf Hitler declared in his ‘Testament,’ reported by Martin Bormann: ‘All of Islam vibrates at announcement of our victories..... What can we do to help them..., how can it be to our interest and’ our duty? The presence next to us of the Italians... creates a malaise among our friends of Islam,... it hinders us from playing one of our better cards: to support the countries oppressed by the British. Such a policy would excite enthusiasm throughout Islam. It is, in effect, a particularity of the Muslim world that what touches one, whether good or ill, is felt by all the others.... The people ruled by Islam will always be nearer to us than France, in spite of the kinship of blood’...”
(Testament of Hitler, Headquarters of the Fuhrer, February 4 to April 2, 1945, preface by Francois Genoud; noted as Footnote #8 in: “The Reds, The Browns and the Greens” by Alexandre Del Valle; Occidentalis; 12/13/04; p. 10.)
16. Hitler and the Nazis did not originate the concept of a Muslim alliance as a vehicle for advancing German interests. During the First World War, the Kaiser and the Germans forged an alliance with the Ottoman Empire against the British interests in that area. As part of this alliance, the Kaiser made a declaration of “Muslim sympathies.” Note that the goal of the Ottoman alliance was, ultimately, control over vital oil-producing territories.
“ . . . Few Americans have realized the extent to which both world wars dripped petroleum concern. Save for the bloody 1942–45 island-hopping in the Pacific, we usually picture both world wars in European terms. Peripheries like North Africa were just that-sideshows. Ship convoys were maritime adjuncts.”
(American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; by Kevin Philips; Viking [HC]; Copyright 2004 by Kevin Phillips; ISBN 0–670-03264–6; p. 248.)
17. “What we have especially neglected is the role of the Middle East and oil in the two wars. Twice, the Germans and their allies pursued both. Important in the first conflict, petroleum became absolutely central between 1939 and 1945. Sixteen years before the guns of August 1914, the sultan of Turkey–Abdulhamid II, often called ‘the Damned’–received a secret- service report about clandestine German exploration in what is now Iraq but then was Ottoman Mesopotamia. The Kaiser’s state visit to Constantinople, his grandiose profession of Muslim sympathies, his pursuit of a Turkish alliance, and his dream of a railroad from Berlin to Baghdad had a further, dark and seeping motivation. According to British historian Peter Hopkirk, ‘German geologists posing as archaeologists were at that very moment prospecting for oil around Mosul, in northern Mesopotamia. In fact, or so his spies informed him, they had already found it, for an intercepted German report spoke of the region offering ‘even greater opportunities for profit than the rich oilfields of the Caucasus.’ Those fields had made Russia the Ottoman Empire’s great rival, the world’s top turn-of-the-century producer.”
18. “The oil era was just beginning. After war broke out in 1914, the battle- field presence of automobiles, trucks, and aircraft, as well as the British navy’s reliance on oil rather than coal power, made petroleum an ever more important war resource. Luckily, large new oil fields in the United States and British development of Persia, together with Russian production still accounting for 15 percent of world output, gave the Allies a leg up in dominating petroleum geography. After Germany, despite its advantages in coal, iron, and rail transport, failed to win a quick victory advancing into France in 1914, the war moved into the trenches. Motor transport and aircraft use mushroomed, and Germany’s lack of oil became perilous.”
(Ibid.; pp. 248–249.)
19. “Through 1916, German war managers got some oil from overseas but relied mainly on supplies from neutral Romania, Europe’s second-largest producer. Although the Kaiser had completed his railroad from Berlin to Baghdad, commercial oil and gas development was not yet under way in Mesopotamia-despite conspicuous natural gas vents and oil seepage widely commented upon since the days of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.”
(Ibid.; p. 249.)
20. The First World War saw an early German use of Muslims as proxy combatants against the British and Russians. (Note that, in World War II, this same gambit was used to great effect, with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruiting numerous Muslim military units for the Third Reich. For more about the Grand Mufti see—among other programs—FTR#’s 414, 416, 456.)
“Alas for Berlin, little came of the Turco-German ‘holy war’ designed to stir 1914–15 Muslim revolution in the Russian Caucasus and against British authority in Persia and India. Although the sultan, as caliph of Islam, proclaimed jihad, no serious rising took place. Turkish troops in the north did little more than mass near the Russian border. In the south, they threatened but did not attack the Anglo-Persian oil refinery in Abadan, just across the border in neutral Persia. The limited success came in 1915, when local tribesmen agitated by German agents and the Turks damaged the Anglo-Persian pipeline from the oil fields to Abadan, greatly reducing its flow for five months. Ironically, Winston Churchill, as first lord of the admiralty in 1914, had despaired of Britain’s ability to defend the Persian oil fields and refinery: ‘There is little likelihood of any troops being available for this purpose. We shall have to buy our oil from somewhere else.’”
21. “Each side put a high priority on constricting the other side’s oil supply. Germany responded to Britain’s naval blockade and control of surface waters with a submarine campaign that decimated British shipping, not least oil tankers. In early 1917, adoption of unrestricted submarine warfare against Allied shipping doubled the tonnage sunk from a year earlier, reducing the Royal Navy’s oil supply to a level that threatened paralysis.”
22. “On the other side, when neutral Romania joined the Allies in late 1916, the Germans responded by capturing the Romanian oil fields around Ploesti, but they were partly thwarted by a group of British destruction teams led by Colonel John ‘Empire Jack’ Norton-Griffiths. Given reluctant permission by the Romanian government, they wrecked derricks and pipelines, set the wells ablaze, and left such destruction that production could not be resumed until spring. Output by the Germans for all of 1917 was only one-third that of 1916. After the war, General Ludendorff acknowledged the dire effects.”
(Ibid.; pp. 249–250.)
23. After World War I, the allies divided the old Ottoman Empire between Britain and France. In World War II, the Germans again used pan-Islamism as a vehicle for gaining control of the Earth Island. With the advent of The Project, it appears that the Underground Reich has extended that concept to incorporate the World’s Muslim peoples as proxy warriors around the world, not just in their native countries.
“After the Kaiser’s Islamic holy war had fizzled, Britain, France, and Russia turned their thoughts to a postwar division of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. As set out in the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, Russia’s postwar sphere of influence would include the Bosporus and part of Anatolia; France’s would comprise Lebanon, Syria, and oil-rich Mosul. Britain would hold sway in Arabia, Palestine, and most of Mesopotamia, including Baghdad. Sir Maurice Hankey, secretary of the war cabinet, explained: ‘Oil in the next war will occupy the place of coal in the present war.... The only big supply we can get under British control is the Persian and Mesopotamian supply. Therefore, control over these supplies becomes a first-class British war aim.’ Revolution cost Russia its place at the postwar table, so Britain and France alone divided the Middle East pie.”
(Ibid.; p. 250.)
24. “Besides guiding a tribal revolt in Arabia, British troops also prevailed in Palestine and Mesopotamia. From a base in Basra near the Persian border, between 1915 and 1917 they drove up the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates to seize Baghdad. Some of the same towns and battlefields- Shaiba, Al ‘Amara, Nasiriya would be revisited in the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003.”
25. “One other petroleum-driven campaign took place before the armistice. When revolution-racked Russia left the war in 1917, Germans and Turks took aim at the scarcely defended Russian oil fields in Baku, just north of Turkey and Persia. Before German diplomacy could work, a Turkish army put Baku under siege in the summer of 1918. However, a small British relief force arrived, delayed the oil center’s capture, and then slipped away, Turkish troops did not take the city until September, too late for desperately needed oil to help Germany, which was forced to surrender on November 11. . . .”
26. Next, the program turns to review of the history of the Brotherhood’s alliance with Nazi Germany and its affiliation with fascist ideology. Discussing the diaspora of the Muslim Brotherhood following its expulsion from Egypt, the program discusses the establishment of Munich as a primary base of operations. The site was chosen in order to further the cause of Nazi/Islamist alliance. Note that it was Said Ramadan (whose influence was seen above in the generation of The Project) who selected Munich as the eventual place for European Brotherhood relocation. Geneva, Switzerland, was the first, for reasons that will be discussed below. For more on Munich as a center or Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood activity, see FTR#518.)
“ ‘Why Munich, why Germany?’ I asked Rifaat Said. ‘Because there, one finds old complicities that go back to the late 1930’s, when the Muslim Brothers collaborated with the agents of Nazi Germany. [Emphasis added.] . . By soaking up the savings of these Muslim workers, Youssef Nada, like Said Ramadan, took advantage of an extremely favorable context and used it as a springboard for the Muslim Brothers’ economic activities.’”
(Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copyright 2000 [SC]; Algora Publishing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 153.)
27. Youssef Nada himself (the head of the Brotherhood’s Bank Al Taqwa) is alleged to have been an agent of the Abwehr, the military intelligence service of the Third Reich. It was in Nada’s residence that The Project manuscript was discovered. (For more about Nada’s service to the Third Reich, see FTR#416.)
“But Youssef Nada is even better-known to the Egyptian [intelligence] services, who have evidence of his membership in the armed branch of the fraternity of the Muslim Brothers in the 1940’s. At that time, according to the same sources, he was working for the Abwehr under Admiral Canaris and took part in a plot against King Farouk. This was not the first time that the path of the Muslim Brothers crossed that of the servants of the Third Reich.”
(Ibid.; 140–141.)
28. Highlighting the political philosophy of the “Fraternity” (author Richard Labaviere’s nickname for the Muslim Brotherhood), the program sets forth the fascist orientation of this organization.
“The history of the Fraternity makes the Brothers’ concept of the Islamic State clear: a theocratic State of fascistic inspiration. . . .Some of them were fellow travelers of the Nazis, and are still trying today to resuscitate the old alliance of Islamism and the swastika.”
(Ibid.; p. 121.)
29. “Muhammad Said al-Ashmawy continued: ‘All my research always brings me back to the same point: at the beginning of this process of the perversion of Islam are the Muslim Brothers, an extreme Right cult.’.. . An extreme Right cult? ‘The history of the Muslim Brothers is infused and fascinated by fascistic ideology,’ Said al-Ashmawy adds. ‘Their doctrines, their total (if not totalitarian) way of life, takes as a starting point the same obsession with a perfect city on earth, in conformity with the celestial city whose organization and distribution of powers they can discern through the lens of their fantastical reading of the Koran.’ This ‘Fascistic affiliation’ would crop up in the analyses of several of our interlocutors, in particular that of the journalist Eric Rouleau, who is a specialist in the Middle East, former French ambassador to Tunisia and Turkey.”
(Ibid.; p. 124.)
30. As noted in FTR#s 332, 340 and 343, the fascists used anti-colonial sentiment in the Third World to recruit confederates against Britain and France. The Muslim Brotherhood was utilized in this fashion.
“Lastly, the emergence and the rise to power of Fascism, hostile to French and British colonialism, gave rise to many analogies with corporatist propaganda and the methods of mobilization of Mussolini’s gangs.” (Ibid.; p. 126.) (For more on the Corporate State espoused by Mussolini, see AFA 1, Miscellaneous Archive Show M42 and FTR#268.)
31. The theocratic fascism of the Brotherhood was enunciated by the organization’s founder Hassan al-Banna. “ ‘Islam is doctrine, divine worship, the fatherland, the nation, religion, spirituality, the Koran and the sword.’”
32. Further highlighting the comparisons between the Brotherhood’s economic program and those of Mussolini and Hitler, the broadcast continues:
“Taking Italy’s choices under Mussolini for inspiration, the economic program set three priorities . . . The social policy foresaw a new law on labor, founded on corporations. This economic program would more directly reveal its relationship to totalitarian ideologies a few years later, with the works of Mohamed Ghazali . . . . Mohamed Ghazali recommended ‘an economic regimen similar to that which existed in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.’ . . .The moral code is also an important component in this program, which is intended to create the ‘new Muslim man.’ . . . The notion of the equality of the sexes is inherently negated by the concept of the supremacy of male social responsibilities . . .the ‘natural’ place of the woman is in the home.”
(Ibid.; p. 127.)
33. Recapitulating the last will and testament of Hitler (discussed above), the broadcast highlights the Fueherer’s political legacy, as promulgated by Nazi banker and terror mastermind Francois Genoud. Genoud is a principal point of intersection between the postwar Underground Reich and Islamist forces, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
“In the preface to the [Martin] Bormann document, Hitler’s Table Talk, Genoud wrote that Hitler wanted the people of the Third World to carry on the work of the Thousand Year Reich.”
(“Hitler’s Swiss Connection” by David Lee Preston; The Philadelphia Inquirer; 1/5/1997; p. 3.)
34. According to the book Dollars for Terror, the original move by Said Ramadan (mentioned above in the Le Temps article as an apparent force behind the creation of The Project) to Switzerland was to coordinate the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood with those of Nazi banker Francois Genoud. It was in this precise time period that Ramadan was instrumental in the formation of the Muslim World League, one of the most important Islamic civic organizations in the world. (For more about Francois Genoud, see—among programs—FTR#453.)
“Let us mention only the incident of the treasure of the FLN, at the center of which the banker Francois Genoud may be found. [Said] Ramadan and the Muslim Brothers thought that they could play a part in the Algerian process as they had done in Palestine in 1947. Said Ramadan thus left Munich to settle in the city of Calvin.”
(Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam; by Richard Labeviere; Copyright 2000 [SC]; Algora Publishing; ISBN 1–892941-06–6; p. 154.)
35. The program reviews an item of discussion from FTR#352. An article in the San Francisco Chronicle contains an allegation that Francois Genoud is believed to have founded Al Taqwa in order to fund terrorists such as Carlos the Jackal and Bin Laden.
“Authorities believe Genoud founded Al Taqwa Bank and allocated its resources to support international terrorists such as Vladimir Ilich Ramirez, alias Carlos the Jackal, and Bin Laden.”
36. Reprising an item of discussion from FTR#357, the program cites the opinion of Ernest Backes (one of Europe’s foremost experts on money laundering) concerning the role of Francois Genoud in the development of the events of 9/11. Genoud (who committed suicide in 1996) was very close to Al Taqwa personages, especially Achmed Huber. According to Backes, Genoud was also a financial adviser to the Bin Laden family.
“Financial expert Ernest Backes of Luxembourg has [studied] white-collar crime in the field of banking for many years. According to him, there are indications of unusual transactions with which the groups [associated with] bin Laden could have earned money. ‘You can, for example, examine whether, within a certain time period there’s been an attack against the securities of a given airline company. Since these securities are safe in a ‘clearing system,’ you can’t get an overall view, who the owner was at a given time.’ . . .According to Backes’ information, the trail leads to Switzerland, to the accounts of an organization that was founded by the late lawyer Francois Genoud and evidently still survives. Says Backes, ‘One of the grounds for accusation is that this Swiss attorney had the closest connections with the Bin Laden family, that he was an advisor to the family, one of its investment bankers. It’s known for certain, that he supported terrorism and was the estate executor for Hitler and part of the terror milieu.’ [Italics are Mr. Emory’s].”
(“Insider Trading Prior to the Terror Attacks in the US?: Speculating on Terror—Who Profited from the Attacks?” by Rolf Bovier & Pierre Matthias; Bayerische Rundfunk Online (BR-Online); 9/25/2001)
37. On the subject of Genoud, the program reprises an item of information from FTR#354. The co-chairman of the board of directors of SICO, the holding company that manages the Bin Laden business interests in Europe, is Baudoin Dunand, a friend and professional associate of Francois Genoud. (In FTR#’s 498, 499, we looked at the probable role of SICO in the events of 9/11.)
“This company, established by the bin Ladens in 1980, is the flagship for the group’s activities in Europe. It is headed by Yeslam bin Laden, and the board of directors is made up almost exclusively of members of the family clan, except for a Swiss citizen, Baudoin Dunand. This well-known lawyer from French-speaking Switzerland, who is on the boards of several dozen companies, came to public notice in 1983 when he agreed to represent the Swiss banker Francois Genoud, a controversial figure who had been a disciple of Hitler and sole heir of Goebbels’s copyrights before becoming one of the financiers of the FLN during the Algerian War. The friendships of the bin Ladens sometimes seem surprising, but they are logical: Francois Genoud has always been pro-Arab.”
38. Next, the broadcast highlights Al Taqwa director Achmed Huber’s relationship with key Nazi banker and agent Francois Genoud. Huber also maintains close relationships with both German and American neo-Nazis, and he coordinates their activities with those if Islamists.
“Back in Switzerland, Huber next became close friends with the Swiss banker Francois Genoud, whom Huber recalls first meeting in ‘pro-Arab associations.’ Best known for funding SS butcher Klaus Barbie’s legal defense team, Genoud held the legal copyright to writings by Hitler, Goebbels and Martin Bormann. Genoud, who committed suicide in 1996, is also believed to have played a key role in the postwar management of Nazi funds. [Emphasis added.] In the late 1960’s, he also worked closely with radical Palestinian groups, particularly the ‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ (PFLP). Along with organizing legal support for captured PFLP militants, he even helped coordinate the PFLP’s hijacking of a Lufthansa Boeing 747 en route from Delhi to Aden. Through his ties to the PFLP’s leader, Dr. Wadi Haddad (who affectionately dubbed him ‘Sheikh Francois’), Genoud befriended Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, better known as ‘Carlos the Jackal.’ Both men remained in close contact right up to Genoud’s death.”
39. More about Huber’s relationship with Francois Genoud:
“ . . . During his many tribulations, Achmed Huber became acquainted with the neo-Nazi banker Francois Genoud, whose path in life presents a singular summary of the interconnections, the specific alliances that have been tied and untied between Islam and the swastika. Pierre Pean, who thoroughly studied the parallel lives of this enigmatic destiny, interviewed Achmed Huber at length. Huber explained to him that he is sympathetic to Francois Genoud because ‘everyone jumps on him.’”
40. Note Genoud’s widespread influence in the Muslim world, including Iran and Asian Islamic nations.
“Still referring to the neo-Nazi banker, A.H. told Pean, ‘I never asked him any questions, but I noted that, in circles as different as the German Right, the Islamic movements of Asia, the Palestinians, and in the Maghreb, people speak of him with great respect. Everyone told me: ‘he helped us.’ I have the impression that he played an important though discreet role. . . .It was I who introduced him to the Iranians. I said to them: ‘He is a friend, you can trust him.’ [Emphasis added.] Here, in Switzerland, he was very active in opposing the antiracist law inspired by the Zionists who wanted to criminalize ‘revisionism’. Genoud was with us. Officially we lost, but by such a small margin that the law is not applied.’”
(Ibid.; p. 144.)
41. One of the highlights of the program is the allegation that Al Taqwa’s Youssef Nada helped key Axis spy Haj Amin Al-Husseini–the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem–escape from Germany at the end of World War II.
“Another valued World War II Nazi collaborator was Youssef Nada, current board chairman of al-Taqwa (Nada Management), the Lugano, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Bahamas-based financial services outfit accused by the US Treasury Department of money laundering for and financing of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. As a young man, he had joined the armed branch of the secret apparatus’ (al-jihaz al-sirri) of the Muslim Brotherhood and then was recruited by German military intelligence. When Grand Mufti el-Husseini had to flee Germany in 1945 as the Nazi defeat loomed, Nada reportedly was instrumental in arranging the escape via Switzerland back to Egypt and eventually Palestine, where el-Husseini resurfaced in 1946.)”
(“Islamism, Fascism and Terrorism (Part II)” by Marc Erikson; Asia Times; 11/5/2002; p. 2.)
42. There is an old expression that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In that context, check out the following picture of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rally from 4/15/2005. Palestinian Islamic Jihad is (along with Hamas) one of the splinter groups of the Islamic Association of Palestine—the Brotherhood’s umbrella group for that part of the world. The PIJ is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. In this photo, they are assuming a very “un-Islamic” pose.
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