Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #570 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker

Update on the Ger­man Con­nec­tions to 9/11

Record­ed Sep­tem­ber 24, 2006

Lis­ten: MP3  Side 1  Side 2


Intro­duc­tion: Fur­ther explor­ing 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates in Flori­da, this inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er sheds more light on the mys­te­ri­ous and sin­is­ter Wolf­gang Bohringer, one of the Ger­mans who Atta referred to as his “broth­er.” (For more on Bohringer, see FTR#542. For more about Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates in Flori­da, see FTR#477.) Hav­ing relo­cat­ed to remote Fan­ning Island (one of the Kiri­bati Islands, for­mer­ly known as the Gilberts), Bohringer is report­ed­ly plan­ning on open­ing a flight school for trainikng peo­ple to fly DC3’s, an excel­lent air­craft for smug­gling con­tra­band. This is a con­tin­u­a­tion of a career of shad­owy and osten­si­bly ille­gal activ­i­ties in which Bohringer has been involved. For­mer­ly work­ing as a pilot for Czech crim­i­nal king­pin Vic­tor Kozeny, Bohringer keeps large amounts of cash and weapons on his yacht moored at Fan­ning Island. Bohringer’s for­mer employ­er Kozeny has alleged­ly been involved with Bush fam­i­ly asso­ciates in a decades-long scheme to laun­der mon­ey to help cor­rupt U.S. elec­tions. Acquain­tances on Fan­ning Island describe Bohringer as rabid­ly anti-Semit­ic, lend­ing cred­i­bil­i­ty to some of Mr. Emory’s pre­vi­ous spec­u­la­tion that Bohringer, and per­haps oth­er Ger­man asso­ciates of Atta’s, may well be of Nazi per­sua­sion.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Bohringer’s involve­ment in an Atlanta com­put­er com­pa­ny alleged­ly involved in mas­sive fraud; the involve­ment of Bohringer’s boss Kozeny in a scheme to gain con­trol over the state-run oil com­pa­ny of Azer­bai­jan; Kozeny’s alleged involve­ment in mas­sive drug smug­gling; the alleged involve­ment of Kozeny with an exec­u­tive of insur­ance AIG; Bohringer’s close asso­ci­a­tion with the Fly­ing Club of Munich; the Fly­ing Club of Munich’s report­ed Nazi asso­ci­a­tions; attempts by law enforce­ment to cov­er-up the Ger­man con­nec­tions of Atta and the 9/11 hijack­ers’ links to a glob­al crim­i­nal net­work.

1. Intro­duc­ing the sub­ject of the broad­cast, the dis­cus­sion begins by high­light­ing fea­tures of the career of Wolf­gang Bohringer, one of 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta’s clos­est friends–one of a num­ber of Ger­mans with whom Atta asso­ci­at­ed in Flori­da and a man with (as Mr. Emory likes to say) more con­nec­tions than a switch­board. Cur­rent­ly oper­at­ing out of a remote Pacif­ic island, Bohringer appears to be part of the “glob­al net­work” that Tony Blair iden­ti­fied as being behind the 9/11 attack. “One of Mohamed Atta’s clos­est asso­ciates in Flori­da before the 9/11 attack today car­ries a chest on his yacht filled with sev­er­al mil­lion dol­lars in new bills, auto­mat­ic weapons, pass­ports from a half-dozen nations, and works for a major inter­na­tion­al mob­ster. Wolf­gang Bohringer, a Ger­man pilot, iden­ti­fied by Atta’s one-time girl­friend Aman­da Keller as one of Mohamed Atta’s clos­est asso­ciates in Flori­da dur­ing the run-up to the 9.11 attack, and one of the hand­ful of peo­ple the ter­ror­ist ring­leader called “my broth­er,” recent­ly resur­faced on a tiny island in the South Pacif­ic, in the Repub­lic of Kiri­bati. There he announced his inten­tion to set up a flight school on Fan­ning Island, almost a thou­sand miles south of Hawaii and one of the most remote places on Earth. Bohringer plans to teach pilots how to fly DC3’s, the 70-year old avi­a­tion work­horse fre­quent­ly used in weapons and drug smug­gling.”
(“ ‘Close Asso­ciate’ of Mohamed Atta Sur­faces in South Pacif­ic” by Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 9/15/2006.)

2. On Fan­ning Island, Bohringer is plan­ning to open a flight school to teach pilots to fly DC3’s—an old but very ser­vice­able air­craft that is ide­al for the smug­gling of con­tra­band. Knowl­edge­able experts say the DC3 could also be adapt­ed to aer­i­al spray­ing. Bio­log­i­cal war­fare ter­ror­ism any­one? “The island has no elec­tric­i­ty, and a pop­u­la­tion of bare­ly one hun­dred souls. While it hard­ly seems an ide­al place for a flight school, the remote loca­tion and lack of offi­cial scruti­ny may make it ide­al for some­thing. Bohringer, accom­pa­nied by a woman he report­ed­ly met over the Inter­net named Ana Maria Uhr, almost imme­di­ate­ly aroused sus­pi­cion, after he announced plans for a flight school train­ing what local cit­i­zens sus­pect­ed would be an assort­ment of smug­glers and mer­ce­nar­ies to fly DC3’s. Alarmed local res­i­dents con­tact­ed The Mad­Cow­Morn­ingNews about the Ger­man pilot, offer­ing new details which prompt­ed us to take a clos­er look at him as a pos­si­ble link to the elu­sive glob­al net­work which British Prime Min­is­ter Tony Blair, two weeks after 9/11, said had assist­ed the ter­ror­ist hijack­ers.” (Idem.)

3. Bohringer is also asso­ci­at­ed with a major Czech orga­nized fig­ure named Vic­tor Kozeny. One ques­tion that sug­gests itself is whether or not Mohamed Atta’s pres­ence in Prague may have had some­thing to do with the Bohringer/Kozeny rela­tion­ship. Note that the milieu of Atta and the 9/11 hijack­ers also over­laps the milieu of the Alfa group (see FTR#530). As is the case with Kozeny, Alfa over­laps the milieux of drug smug­gling and petro­le­um intrigue in the for­mer Sovi­et Union. Are Kozeny’s activ­i­ties in Azer­bai­jan relat­ed to the activ­i­ties of Alfa? “Dur­ing the same peri­od Wolf­gang Bohringer was hang­ing out with Mohamed Atta, Bohringer was the per­son­al pilot of a noto­ri­ous Czech Mob­ster named Vic­tor Kozeny, who is known as the ‘Pirate of Prague.’ Kozeny owns a pri­vate island in the Bahamas, trav­els on an Irish pass­port, and is cur­rent­ly fight­ing extra­di­tion to the U.S. on charges of mas­sive finan­cial fraud and alleged­ly pay­ing mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar bribes to gov­ern­ment offi­cials in the Repub­lic of Azer­bai­jan in an effort to take-over that oil-rich country’s State Oil Com­pa­ny. After defraud­ing thou­sands of peo­ple around the world while trav­el­ing on an Irish pass­port, includ­ing the chair­man of the North­ern Ire­land peace talks, Sen­a­tor George Mitchell, Kozeny sought refuge in the Bahamas. Bohringer had opened a flight school in Naples, Flori­da in 1996, ille­gal for a for­eign­er. But he had­n’t got­ten in any trou­ble with the FAA.” (Idem.)

4. “Per­haps his asso­ci­a­tion as the per­son­al pilot for a major East­ern Euro­pean Mafia fig­ure named Vic­tor Kozeny had helped. Kozeny is the sub­ject of inves­ti­ga­tions by the FBI and US Cus­toms, and was recent­ly charged in the U.S. with steal­ing $182 mil­lion dol­lars by the Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney. Bohringer moved to Atlanta to began a posi­tion as cor­po­rate pilot in Feb­ru­ary 1, 2001, accord­ing to his online bio, for a soft­ware com­pa­ny called HBOC. No doubt it is just a coin­ci­dence, or dashed bad luck, but Bohringer’s new employ­er was involved in a major account­ing scan­dal that cost share­hold­ers $9 bil­lion of lost val­ue in a sin­gle day. ‘HBOC was found to be a mob bust-out,’ a finan­cial ana­lyst emailed us. Kozeny, we were shocked to dis­cov­er, had at some point in the mid-90’s con­trolled one-third of the entire Czecho­slo­va­kian econ­o­my. ‘Kozeny bought fac­to­ries and ‘rides’ on pipelines, mean­ing they crossed land he owned and paid big for the priv­i­lege.’” (Idem.)

5. Kozeny’s ques­tion­able activ­i­ties may over­lap an inter­na­tion­al mon­ey-laun­der­ing scan­dal involv­ing asso­ciates of the Bush fam­i­ly and involv­ing the ille­gal fund­ing of U.S. elec­tions. “With his ill-got­ten gains, Kozeny tried to buy off top offi­cials in the for­mer Sovi­et Repub­lic of Azer­bai­jan to gain con­trol of that coun­try’s state-owned oil com­pa­ny. One man already con­vict­ed in the scheme, Hans Bod­mer, belonged to a net­work of Russ­ian oli­garchs, one of whom, Pyotr Aven, has been accused by a Russ­ian cor­rup­tion task force of being engaged in drug traf­fick­ing. Kozeny’s part­ners in the Azeri scheme includ­ed a man­ag­ing direc­tor of Hank Green­berg’s Amer­i­can Insur­ance Group (AIG). Green­berg was forced to step down amid the Eliot Spitzer probe, a scan­dal, it is rumored, which involved a major Bush fam­i­ly and asso­ciates’ inter­na­tion­al mon­ey-laun­der­ing oper­a­tion that has spanned more than a gen­er­a­tion and has been used to ille­gal­ly fund US elec­tions since the Nixon era.” (Idem.)

6. The fact that one of Kozeny’s alleged col­lab­o­ra­tors in the above con­spir­a­cy is an exec­u­tive with AIG is inter­est­ing, and pos­si­bly sig­nif­i­cant. AIG has an inter­est­ing pedi­gree, over­lap­ping both the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and the world of GOP rightwing pol­i­tics. Note Atta’s move­ments in Feb­ru­ary of 2001. Was he vis­it­ing poten­tial tar­gets with Bohringer? (For more about the shady doings of AIG, see FTR#531.) “AIG was found­ed from Asia Life/CV Starr, a Shang­hai-based inter­na­tion­al import/export and insur­ance firm found­ed in 1919 by Cor­nelius V. Starr, an Office of Strate­gic Ser­vices (OSS) oper­a­tive in South­east Asia dur­ing World War II. Clin­ton antag­o­nist Ken­neth Starr is his nephew. Cur­rent­ly, Kozeny is await­ing extra­di­tion to the U.S. from the Bahamas. A pros­e­cu­tor there revealed in court that Kozeny pos­sess­es an aston­ish­ing num­ber of pass­ports, includ­ing six from Ire­land alone. ‘He appears to be able to pro­duce for­eign pass­ports at will,’ stat­ed the pros­e­cu­tor. Atta and Al She­hhi flew or drove to Atlanta on sev­er­al occa­sions dur­ing the month of Feb­ru­ary 2001. To meet with Wolf­gang? On two of those vis­its, Atta rent­ed a plane, the first with a pilot, the sec­ond unescort­ed, and vis­it­ed an area of Ten­nessee where he observed a dam, and sev­er­al nuclear fuel pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties.” (Idem.)

7. The car­go on Bohringer’s yacht is more than a lit­tle inter­est­ing: “On his yacht, the ‘Argos,’ Bohringer was car­ry­ing a chest filled with ‘stacks of brand new hun­dred dol­lar bills, more mon­ey that I have ever seen in my life,’ wrote one local res­i­dent. Like his for­mer boss, Bohringer is no slouch in the pass­port depart­ment... Aboard Wolf­gang’s yacht were pass­ports from a half-dozen nations, and a cache of firearms, includ­ing a Glock. He claimed to be an arms deal­er, and acknowl­edged his involve­ment with East­ern Euro­pean Mob­sters. Bohringer also report­ed­ly admit­ted know­ing Mohamed Atta, but stat­ing to sev­er­al islanders that anoth­er Ger­man pilot in Naples, Rex Gasteiger, was to blame for link­ing him to 9/11. Soon sev­er­al res­i­dents qui­et­ly report­ed sur­pris­ing­ly deep sus­pi­cions to local author­i­ties. ‘To me Wolf­gang is car­ry­ing dirty mon­ey, lots of it,’ wrote one. ‘If he can gets a flight school going it does not take a stretch of the imag­i­na­tion to see he would sell it to some else who sells it to some­one else and Hon­olu­lu gets vapor­ized. He seems to know the mon­ey tree and could be work­ing to set things up for oth­ers to do so and so has been fund­ed to do so.’” (Idem.)

8. Among his many endear­ing qual­i­ties, Bohringer is appar­ent­ly vicious­ly anti-Semit­ic. In the dis­cus­sion with Daniel Hop­sick­er in the actu­al broad­cast, Daniel men­tions that the Fly­ing Club of Munich, close­ly con­nect­ed to Bohringer and his father, appears to have Nazi con­nec­tions, as Mr. Emory had sur­mised in pre­vi­ous dis­cus­sion in FTR#542. “Locals on Fan­ning Island sent us the pic­tures of Wolf­gang in this sto­ry. ‘A month before Wolf­gang left with his boat he met Ana on the inter­net. He sent tick­ets and cred­it card for her to meet him in Paris. He would take her as crew on a round the world trip. First stop Hawaii. But when they were a day out of Hawaii he informed her they were sail­ing to anoth­er island and not stop­ping at Hawaii.’ ‘My friend crewed with them to Samoa, and on the trip he found Wolf­gang liked hav­ing his pic­ture tak­en,’ one local res­i­dent wrote us. On the trip Ana con­fid­ed she was real­ly wor­ried about Wolf­gang. He seemed to run­ning from some­thing. So she told him what she’d read about him on the Inter­net about the 9/11 thing.’ ‘Wolf­gang alle­vi­at­ed my con­cerns with sim­ple expla­na­tions about an unhap­py busi­ness part­ner­ship with the guy who bought his flight school,’ the res­i­dent wrote. ‘But, it was clear he hat­ed Jews. He told some very bad jokes about ovens, Jews, bread, and blacks.’ We com­pared the new pic­tures with what Aman­da Keller had told us about Wolf­gang. She called Bohringer ‘The Ice­man,’ she said, because of his resem­blance to a char­ac­ter in the movie ‘Top Gun,’ the rival to Tom Cruise played by Val Kilmer. And indeed, the resem­blance is remark­ably close.” (Idem.)

9. Res­i­dents of Fan­ning Island heard Bohringer dis­cussing hav­ing won his Green Card in a lot­tery, con­firm­ing what Atta’s girl­friend Aman­da Keller had learned. “Keller also said Wolf­gang won a lot­tery to get his green card. The locals on Fan­ning Island report that Bohringer told them that sto­ry too. So clear­ly Aman­da Keller had known Bohringer. Her tes­ti­mo­ny has once again proven cor­rect, as it also was when she told of help­ing Atta move from Deep Creek, part of the recent­ly-incor­po­rat­ed town of North Port. Doc­u­ments made pub­lic after the Mous­saoui tri­al show Atta was send­ing fax­es from a Postal Express in Deep Creek on March 11, 2001, at exact­ly the time Aman­da Keller says he was there. The Mous­saoui tri­al pro­duced the largest trove of gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments about the hijack­ers’ South Flori­da move­ments. The Reporters Com­mit­tee for Free­dom of the Press was instru­men­tal in the release of many of those court doc­u­ments. The FBI fought them every step of the way. Now we know why. The doc­u­ments prove they’ve been lying. ‘Him (Atta ) and Wolf­gang drove around in the red con­vert­ible a lot,’ she said. ‘Their favorite place to eat was Hoot­ers in Sara­so­ta. They got kicked out of Hoot­ers for grab­bing their boobs.’” (Idem.)

10. Wolfgang’s activ­i­ties are def­i­nite­ly out of the ordi­nary. Note that he was one of the first of what Hop­sick­er calls “the Ger­man ele­ment” to arrive in Naples, Flori­da. “‘He spoke Ger­man with Wolf­gang, who was in his thir­ties. Wolf­gang was with Mohamed when he came by the nurs­ing home to see me one time. Mohamed called cer­tain people—Arabic people—‘my broth­er.’ And I was won­der­ing how he had so many fam­i­ly mem­bers. Like gang mem­bers do, ‘this is my broth­er,’’ she said. ‘But not all Arabs. So it wasn’t like just any­one Mus­lim was his broth­er. He called Wolf­gang and Juer­gen ‘my broth­er,’ too. He and Wolf­gang were very tight, they went every­where togeth­er. When he came into the pic­ture they were togeth­er all the time.’ The sto­ry of Wolfgang’s life to date is stud­ded, accord­ing to peo­ple we spoke with who knew him, with activ­i­ties con­sid­er­ably out of the ordi­nary. While sail­ing around the world on a 47-foot yacht, for exam­ple, instead of cross­ing the Indi­an Ocean from the coast of Africa on a direct line, he took a ‘detour’ to Bom­bay, where he met his wife Suji­ta. He was one of the first of the ‘Ger­man ele­ment’ to arrive in Flori­da, in 1996, when he opened a flight school in Naples. Pri­or to arriv­ing in Naples he was asso­ci­at­ed with an orga­ni­za­tion called ‘The Fly­ing Club of Munich,’ in Augs­burg, Ger­many. In Spring 2002, he became a nat­u­ral­ized U.S. cit­i­zen.” (Idem.)

11. Note that Bohringer, like Rudi Dekkers (the head of Huff­man Avi­a­tion, the flight school through which Atta and oth­er 9/11 hijack­ers infil­trat­ed the U.S.), appears to have been immune to arrest and pros­e­cu­tion by law enforce­ment author­i­ties, despite enor­mous wrong­do­ing. “Like Rudi Dekkers, Wolf­gang was noto­ri­ous in avi­a­tion cir­cles for bad behav­ior. We found records of his scrapes in the files of air­port author­i­ties in Flori­da, includ­ing a let­ter sent by a for­mer employ­ee solic­it­ing to offer pri­vate flight instruc­tion at his Wolf Aero, Bohringer’s flight school, with­out author­i­ty and in vio­la­tion of FAA rules was in the air­port records in Naples. ‘Wolf­gang showed up from Munich in the mid-1990’s and imme­di­ate­ly began oper­at­ing a flight school ille­gal­ly,’ stat­ed Naples flight instruc­tor Mar­cus Huber, a flight instruc­tor in Naples. ‘He’s half Swiss, half Ger­man.’ Like Rudi Dekkers, Wolf­gang also seems to have had a ‘hall pass’ from fed­er­al author­i­ties, which embit­tered oth­er for­eign flight train­ers not sim­i­lar­ly well-con­nect­ed. ‘When Wolf­gang applied for an E‑2 Visa, he made up a fake com­pa­ny, a clean­ing ser­vice,’ Huber told us. ‘Some­times it makes me mad that a crim­i­nal gets pref­er­ence.’ In the wake of the Sept 11 dis­as­ter, U.S. offi­cials repeat­ed­ly promised expla­na­tions. But it was left to British Prime Min­is­ter Tony Blair to sketch out the Cliff notes ver­sion of the case against Bin Laden. He said, ‘Al Qae­da is a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion with ties to a glob­al net­work.’” (Idem.)

12. In his arti­cle, Daniel Hop­sick­er links the net­work to which Bohringer, Dekkers and Atta belonged to a net­work iden­ti­fied by Sibel Edmonds, a rel­a­tive­ly well-known whis­tle blow­er. “Almost five years after Tony Blair first told the world that a ‘glob­al net­work’ pro­vid­ed assis­tance to the ter­ror­ist hijack­ers while they were in the U.S., what is hap­pen­ing on a tiny island in the South Pacif­ic may point towards the inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion in ques­tion. ‘You have a net­work of peo­ple who obtain cer­tain infor­ma­tion and... sell it to whomev­er would be the high­est bid­der,’ explained Sibel Edmonds, for­mer FBI trans­la­tor, who was muz­zled by U.S. Attor­ney Gen­er­al John Ashcroft, who went to the Supreme Court to ensure her silence about... some­thing. ‘There are cer­tain points where you have your drug-relat­ed activ­i­ties com­bined with mon­ey laun­der­ing and infor­ma­tion laun­der­ing, con­verg­ing with your ter­ror­ist activ­i­ties... Post‑9/11 intel­li­gence ‘fail­ures’ include the will­ful quash­ing by the Gov­ern­ment of inves­ti­ga­tions trac­ing these crim­i­nal net­works.’ Atta’s Ger­man bud­dy Bohringer works for a glob­al net­work. Did it assist Atta and the ter­ror­ist hijack­ers? Was there a con­nec­tion between the larg­er orga­ni­za­tion, or net­work, behind gang­ster financier Vic­tor Kozeny, and that of the ter­ror­ists in Flori­da plot­ting to kill Amer­i­cans on the 11th of Sep­tem­ber in 2001?” (Idem.)

13. “Aman­da Keller was not the only eye­wit­ness quot­ed men­tion­ing Atta’s Ger­man asso­ciates. Atta’s land­lord for a brief week told reporters about a wild 3‑day week­end Aman­da and Atta spent in Key West, along with anoth­er girl named Lin­da. ‘The two girls were intro­duced to two men from Ger­many that they said were Mohamed’s friends,’ Tony LaCon­ca told the Char­lotte Sun-Her­ald. When we first learned that all of Atta’s asso­ciates in Flori­da had not been Arab, we were under­stand­ably eager to learn more about the ter­ror­ist ring­lead­ers’ two Ger­man friends. Sun-Her­ald reporter Elaine Allen-Emrich had appar­ent­ly felt the same way... ‘The FBI in Tam­pa would nei­ther con­firm nor deny that any agents were inter­view­ing peo­ple in the North Port area,’ she report­ed. ‘Asked for more infor­ma­tion about Atta’s wild week­end, an FBI spokesper­son iden­ti­fied only as ‘Pam’ said, ‘We rec­om­mend that you check in with CNN for cur­rent infor­ma­tion. Any press state­ments can be found on tele­vised sta­tions like CNN.’ We went look­ing for our­selves. The results are in Wel­come to TERRORLAND. We didn’t feel like ‘check­ing in with CNN.’” (Idem.)

14. Daniel also dis­cussed the 9/11 B.S. move­ment, and the con­scious attempt to deceive peo­ple about the events of 9/11—attributing the attacks to “con­trolled demo­li­tions”, a “cruise mis­sile” hit­ting the Pen­ta­gon or “the Mossad.” For more about this, see some of Daniel’s Mad Cow Morn­ing News arti­cles, includ­ing:
“Coin­tel­pro 9/11: Peak Oil and the Lev­el Above Sau­di” By Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 9/28/2004;
“Coin­tel­pro 9/11: John Gray and Sau­di Gen­e­sis” By Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 10/6/2004;
“Khashog­gi, Cults, Cov­er-Ups & Mars & Venus Doing Lunch” by Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 10/13/2004;
“The 9/11 Hero­in Con­nec­tion” By Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 9/6/2006.


3 comments for “FTR #570 Interview with Daniel Hopsicker”

  1. Well look at that: one of the sons of Osama bin Laden, Hamza bin Laden, mar­ried the daugh­ter of 9/11 hijack­er Mohammed Atta. Hamza is also believed to be a mem­ber of al Qae­da and plan­ning new ter­ror attacks in part to avenge the death of his father. This is accord­ing to Osama’s half-broth­ers, who claim that they believe Hamza is pos­si­bly liv­ing in Afghanistan, but they aren’t sure.

    Inter­est­ing­ly, Mohammed Atta was­n’t actu­al­ly known to have a daugh­ter before. As the arti­cle notes, his will made no men­tion of chil­dren and Atta was pre­vi­ous­ly thought to have been a prude with no known mar­riages, or chil­dren, before the 9/11 attack. Some accounts of his adult life had por­trayed him as an avowed vir­gin which, of course, ignores the exten­sive work Daniel Hop­sick­er did in explor­ing Atta’s time in Flori­da while he dat­ed a strip­per, Aman­da Keller, drank heav­i­ly, snort­ed cocaine, and alleged­ly palled around with fig­ures like Wolf­gang Bohringer. And yes, Aman­da Keller did even­tu­al recant her claims of know­ing Atta, but it was a recant­i­ng that was prob­lem­at­ic on numer­ous lev­els and no expla­na­tion for all the oth­er cor­rob­o­rat­ing tes­ti­monies. So now we are learn­ing that Mohammed Atta appar­ent­ly had a daugh­ter. A daugh­ter who trag­i­cal­ly appears to be fol­low­ing her father’s foot­steps:

    The Guardian

    Hamza bin Laden has mar­ried daugh­ter of lead 9/11 hijack­er, say fam­i­ly

    Exclu­sive: union con­firmed by Osama bin Laden’s fam­i­ly dur­ing inter­view with the Guardian

    Mar­tin Chulov
    Sun 5 Aug 2018 06.37 EDT
    Last mod­i­fied on Mon 6 Aug 2018 05.01 EDT

    Hamza bin Laden, the son of the late al-Qai­da leader, has mar­ried the daugh­ter of Mohammed Atta, the lead hijack­er in the 9/11 ter­ror attacks, accord­ing to his fam­i­ly.

    The union was men­tioned by Osama bin Laden’s half-broth­ers dur­ing an inter­view with the Guardian. Ahmad and Has­san al-Attas said they believed Hamza had tak­en a senior posi­tion with­in al-Qai­da and was aim­ing to avenge the death of his father, shot dead dur­ing a US mil­i­tary raid in Pak­istan sev­en years ago.

    Hamza bin Laden is the son of one of Osama bin Laden’s three sur­viv­ing wives, Khairi­ah Sabar, who was liv­ing with her hus­band in a com­pound in Abbot­tabad, near a large Pak­istani mil­i­tary base, when he was killed. He has since made pub­lic state­ments urg­ing fol­low­ers to wage war on Wash­ing­ton, Lon­don, Paris and Tel Aviv and is seen as a deputy to the ter­ror­ist group’s cur­rent leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

    “We have heard he has mar­ried the daugh­ter of Mohammed Atta,” said Ahmad al-Attas. “We’re not sure where he is, but it could be Afghanistan.”

    West­ern intel­li­gence agen­cies have been increas­ing­ly focus­ing on the where­abouts of Hamza bin Laden over the past two years, see­ing him as more like­ly than any­one else to gal­vanise fol­low­ers. His mar­riage to the daugh­ter of Atta, an Egypt­ian nation­al, appears to con­firm that the 9/11 alum­ni remains a cen­tral hub of al-Qai­da and that the organ­i­sa­tion itself con­tin­ues to be organ­ised around Osama bin Laden’s lega­cy.

    Anoth­er of Bin Laden’s sons, Khalid, was killed in the US raid in Abbot­tabad. A third, Saad, was killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan in 2009. Let­ters pur­port­ed­ly writ­ten by Osama bin Laden and seized from the com­pound sug­gest­ed he was groom­ing Hamza to replace him, part­ly to avenge the death of Saad.

    Bin Laden’s wives and sur­viv­ing chil­dren have returned to Sau­di Ara­bia, where they were giv­en refuge by the for­mer crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef. The women and chil­dren remain in close con­tact with Bin Laden’s moth­er, Alia Ghanem, who told the Guardian in an inter­view that she remained in reg­u­lar touch with sur­viv­ing fam­i­ly mem­bers.


    The fam­i­ly claimed they did not have any con­tact with Osama bin Laden from 1999 until his death in 2011. They said they had not heard from Hamza bin Laden nor received any mes­sages from him.

    In recog­ni­tion of his appar­ent sta­tus with­in al-Qai­da, the US gov­ern­ment labelled him a spe­cial­ly des­ig­nat­ed glob­al ter­ror­ist in Jan­u­ary 2017, mean­ing his assets could be blocked and any­one who dealt with him faced arrest.

    The family’s claim will come as a sur­prise to many, and is impos­si­ble to con­firm. Atta was pre­vi­ous­ly thought to have been a prude with no known mar­riages, or chil­dren, before he died pilot­ing Amer­i­can air­lines Flight 11 into the North Tow­er of the World Trade Cen­tre. Some accounts of his adult life had por­trayed him as an avowed vir­gin.

    The will Atta left, five years before the attack, made no men­tion of depen­dents, though any child would like­ly have been born clos­er to 2001. He is believed to have spent many months in 2000 in Afghanistan dur­ing the deci­sive moments of the plot to strike New York and Wash­ing­ton. Next to noth­ing is known of his move­ments dur­ing that time.

    Hamza bin Laden is know to have spent many years after the attacks in Iran, where he and dozens of oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers of the 9/11 plot­ters were guard­ed by senior Iran­ian intel­li­gence and mil­i­tary offi­cials. The group was at times in effect under house arrest and oth­er times free to move around. Hamza was men­tored in Iran by Abu al-Khayr al-Mas­ri, who was deputy to al-Zawahiri after the death of Osama bin Laden. Al-Mas­ri was released by Iran and tak­en to the Turk­ish bor­der, from where he crossed into Syr­ia. He was killed by a US drone in Idlib province in Feb­ru­ary 2017.

    Some reports at the time sug­gest­ed Hamza had also trav­elled to Syr­ia. How­ev­er, he is believed to have instead made his way to the trib­al ter­ri­to­ries between Afghanistan and Pak­istan.


    “Hamza bin Laden has mar­ried daugh­ter of lead 9/11 hijack­er, say fam­i­ly” by Mar­tin Chulov; The Guardian; 08/05/2018

    “The union was men­tioned by Osama bin Laden’s half-broth­ers dur­ing an inter­view with the Guardian. Ahmad and Has­san al-Attas said they believed Hamza had tak­en a senior posi­tion with­in al-Qai­da and was aim­ing to avenge the death of his father, shot dead dur­ing a US mil­i­tary raid in Pak­istan sev­en years ago.

    So it was­n’t just any son that Atta’s daugh­ter mar­ried. It was Hamza, the son who has appar­ent­ly tak­en a senior posi­tion with al Qae­da and is aim­ing to get revenge for his father’s death:

    Hamza bin Laden is the son of one of Osama bin Laden’s three sur­viv­ing wives, Khairi­ah Sabar, who was liv­ing with her hus­band in a com­pound in Abbot­tabad, near a large Pak­istani mil­i­tary base, when he was killed. He has since made pub­lic state­ments urg­ing fol­low­ers to wage war on Wash­ing­ton, Lon­don, Paris and Tel Aviv and is seen as a deputy to the ter­ror­ist group’s cur­rent leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

    “We have heard he has mar­ried the daugh­ter of Mohammed Atta,” said Ahmad al-Attas. “We’re not sure where he is, but it could be Afghanistan.”

    West­ern intel­li­gence agen­cies have been increas­ing­ly focus­ing on the where­abouts of Hamza bin Laden over the past two years, see­ing him as more like­ly than any­one else to gal­vanise fol­low­ers. His mar­riage to the daugh­ter of Atta, an Egypt­ian nation­al, appears to con­firm that the 9/11 alum­ni remains a cen­tral hub of al-Qai­da and that the organ­i­sa­tion itself con­tin­ues to be organ­ised around Osama bin Laden’s lega­cy.

    Anoth­er of Bin Laden’s sons, Khalid, was killed in the US raid in Abbot­tabad. A third, Saad, was killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan in 2009. Let­ters pur­port­ed­ly writ­ten by Osama bin Laden and seized from the com­pound sug­gest­ed he was groom­ing Hamza to replace him, part­ly to avenge the death of Saad.

    It’s also inter­est­ing to note that Hamza bin Laden was appar­ent­ly shel­tered by the gov­ern­ment of Iran, along with dozens of oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers of the 9/11 plot­ters. Con­sid­er­ing that al Qae­da isn’t exact­ly a Shia-friend­ly orga­ni­za­tion that’s a pret­ty remark­able fun fact if true:

    Hamza bin Laden is know to have spent many years after the attacks in Iran, where he and dozens of oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers of the 9/11 plot­ters were guard­ed by senior Iran­ian intel­li­gence and mil­i­tary offi­cials. The group was at times in effect under house arrest and oth­er times free to move around. Hamza was men­tored in Iran by Abu al-Khayr al-Mas­ri, who was deputy to al-Zawahiri after the death of Osama bin Laden. Al-Mas­ri was released by Iran and tak­en to the Turk­ish bor­der, from where he crossed into Syr­ia. He was killed by a US drone in Idlib province in Feb­ru­ary 2017.

    Some reports at the time sug­gest­ed Hamza had also trav­elled to Syr­ia. How­ev­er, he is believed to have instead made his way to the trib­al ter­ri­to­ries between Afghanistan and Pak­istan.

    Also note that the claims that Iran was shel­ter­ing Hamza was made in March of this year by Sau­di crown prince Mohammed bin Salman as part of a larg­er claim that Iran is shel­ter­ing al Qae­da. The Iran­ian gov­ern­ment no sur­pris­ing­ly denies this. It would be inter­est­ing to learn if there’s any truth to these claims or if it’s a Sau­di-dri­ven deflec­tion for the exten­sive sup­port the Sau­di gov­ern­ment has giv­en to these groups over the years.

    And, final­ly, we have to note that the dis­cov­ery of a daugh­ter isn’t in keep­ing with the offi­cial nar­ra­tive that Atta was a prude reli­gious zealot. It’s espe­cial­ly sur­pris­ing since his will men­tioned no depen­dents:

    The family’s claim will come as a sur­prise to many, and is impos­si­ble to con­firm. Atta was pre­vi­ous­ly thought to have been a prude with no known mar­riages, or chil­dren, before he died pilot­ing Amer­i­can air­lines Flight 11 into the North Tow­er of the World Trade Cen­tre. Some accounts of his adult life had por­trayed him as an avowed vir­gin.

    The will Atta left, five years before the attack, made no men­tion of depen­dents, though any child would like­ly have been born clos­er to 2001. He is believed to have spent many months in 2000 in Afghanistan dur­ing the deci­sive moments of the plot to strike New York and Wash­ing­ton. Next to noth­ing is known of his move­ments dur­ing that time.

    And, at this point, there’s no evi­dence that Atta’s daugh­ter actu­al­ly exists. It’s based on the word of Osama bin Laden’s half-broth­ers. But if it turns out to be true that’s just one more piece of evi­dence sug­gest­ing that the offi­cial nar­ra­tive about Mohammed Atta leaves much to be desired.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 20, 2018, 12:40 pm
  2. It’s kind of sad that one of the best signs of top notch inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism in the mod­ern era is the degree to which that jour­nal­ism was ignored and cov­er up it. But this is our world, and as such, it’s hard to accept the real­i­ty that we don’t have Daniel Hop­sick­er to go turn­ing over any more rocks for us. R.I.P. Daniel.

    So with Hop­sick­er hav­ing shucked off his mor­tal coil, it’s worth tak­ing at one of the more ground­break­ing — and there­fore wide­ly ignored — sto­ries he wrote. It was a fol­lowup to a sto­ry that Hop­sick­er almost sin­gle-hand­ed­ly deliv­ered to the world, which itself is kind of a col­lec­tive indict­ment about the rest of us. That would, of course, be the sto­ry of Aman­da Keller and her time as Mohammed Atta’s girl­friend in the ear­ly months of 2001. As we’ve seen, it’s a sto­ry that goes off into all sorts of sor­did intel­li­gence-relat­ed areas like Rudi Dekkers hero­in traf­fick­ing oper­a­tion out of Huff­man Avi­a­tion and Atta’s rela­tion­ship to the mys­te­ri­ous Wolf­gang Bohringer.
    And as we also saw, it was a sto­ry that was ‘cov­ered up’ in the most pre­pos­ter­ous way pos­si­ble. All of a sud­den, Aman­da Keller declared that she had made it all up. And that was that. And that was the case by the end of 2003, just a lit­tle over two years into the inves­ti­ga­tion. Even more absurd was how Keller was­n’t even hid­ing that she was being intim­i­dat­ed by the FBI when Hop­sick­er fol­lowed up with her at the time. Nor was were the many oth­er eye­wit­ness­es includ­ed Keller’s land­lord, Char­lie Grapen­tine, who open­ing spoke with Hop­sick­er at the time about FBI harass­ment and intim­i­da­tion. Specif­i­cal­ly, intim­i­da­tion NOT to talk with any­one about what they saw regard­ing Atta and Keller. They were all will­ing to talk to Hop­sick­er about this back in 2003.

    And that brings us to the fol­low­ing Octo­ber 2006 arti­cle. It’s a fol­lowup on the coverup. As Hop­sick­er describes, the tri­al of Zacharias Mous­saoui turned out to con­tain quite a few doozies in terms of the infor­ma­tion released in the doc­u­ments. Doozies like the fact that it con­tains call records for Mohammed Atta in ear­ly 2001. Call records that the FBI had pre­vi­ous said did­n’t exist. Records that just hap­pen to over­lap with the peri­od of time when Keller and Atta were liv­ing togeth­er for four months in the Venice. A peri­od that the FBI assert­ed Atta had actu­al­ly relo­cat­ed to the Mia­mi area. Yes, the FBI was appar­ent­ly run­ning cov­er for Atta’s where­abouts in ear­ly 2001, assert­ing he was in Mia­mi when evi­dence sug­gests he was very much in the Venice area liv­ing with Keller. Evi­dence that includ­ed a Venice-area cell phone num­ber that was some­how left out of evi­dence the FBI chose to release ear­li­er.

    But as Hop­sick­er also points out in the arti­cle, it was a joint FBI-media coverup, with the NY Times-owned Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune — which has pre­vi­ous­ly been one of the only main­stream media pub­li­ca­tions to cov­er the Keller/Atta rela­tion­ship — writ­ing a puff peace push­ing the nar­ra­tive that Keller made it all up and had nev­er actu­al­ly lived with Atta. A puff piece that ignores the fact that the Sara­so­ta area was filled with eye­wit­ness­es who saw the odd cou­ple togeth­er and instead relies on a sin­gle unnamed FBI agent who assures read­ers that the gov­ern­ment checked Atta’s phone records and found that the two had nev­er called each oth­er. As the unnamed FBI agent states, “There’s noth­ing there to cor­rob­o­rate the rela­tion­ship between the two.

    This gross bla­tant coverup all played out almost 17 years ago. And for all prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es, the coverup is still in full effect. The sto­ry of Aman­da Keller, Mohammed Atta, the Rudi Dekkers hero­in traf­fick­ing oper­a­tion and the mys­te­ri­ous Wolf­gang Bohringer remain almost entire­ly off of every­one’s radar and like­ly to remain that way for­ev­er. One might sus­pect a self-respect­ing soci­ety would want to get to the bot­tom of these kinds of ques­tions. Espe­cial­ly in light of all the recent rev­e­la­tions (thanks to ongo­ing court cas­es) about the FBI and CIA run­ning cov­er for the 9/11 hijack­ers in the months lead­ing up to the attack. But, alas, this is mod­ern Amer­i­ca, a land that can’t be both­ered to mean­ing­ful­ly care about the past, present, or future. A land where bla­tant coverups live on for­ev­er. It’s how we roll:

    Mad Cow Morn­ing News

    Mous­saoui Docs Show FBI With­held Evi­dence

    By Daniel Hop­sick­er
    Octo­ber 4, 2006

    Recent­ly-released court doc­u­ments from the tri­al of Zacharias Mous­saoui show clear evi­dence of the FBI attempt to cov­er-up the where­abouts and activ­i­ties of lead 9.11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta in Flori­da between Jan­u­ary and May of 2001, con­firm­ing reports which have appeared exclu­sive­ly in the Mad­Cow­Morn­ingNews.

    Released over gov­ern­ment objec­tion through the efforts of The Reporters Com­mit­tee for Free­dom of the Press, the doc­u­ments illus­trate the pat­tern of omis­sion and selec­tive edit­ing through which the Bureau has deflect­ed atten­tion from the ter­ror­ist’s con­spir­a­cy’s base of oper­a­tions in Venice FL.

    Four months after the FBI’s offi­cial chronol­o­gy states Mohamed Atta left Flori­da’s Gulf Coast for the Mia­mi area, Atta was still using a Venice-area cell phone.

    And these four months worth of Atta’s phone calls are not list­ed or includ­ed in the released cell phone records.

    The doc­u­ments also give the lie to con­tin­u­ing attempts by the ter­ror­ists’ home­town paper, the New York Times-owned Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune, to sal­vage its lack­lus­ter record in cov­er­ing the sto­ry of the dozens of sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists liv­ing cheek-by-jowl in its midst by inval­i­dat­ing the tes­ti­mo­ny of a key wit­ness, uncrit­i­cal­ly pre­sent­ing her recan­ta­tion as if wit­ness­es being pres­sured to change their sto­ries were not a dai­ly fact of life.

    It’s a brief piece, but that’s not the point. A search for “Aman­da Keller” in the Lex­is-Nex­is data­base today yields only these two rebut­tal sto­ries from the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune.

    The paper reports that Aman­da Keller now says she nev­er lived with Mohamed Atta. Despite numer­ous pub­lished reports (includ­ing their own), the cor­rob­o­rat­ed tes­ti­mo­ny of oth­er eye­wit­ness­es to the same events, as well tes­ti­mo­ny by these same wit­ness­es of being vic­tims of a sys­tem­at­ic cam­paign of intim­i­da­tion by the FBI…that, appar­ent­ly, is sup­posed to be that.

    It was ‘my bad’ for lying,” Mohamed Atta’s erst­while girl­friend Aman­da Keller sup­pos­ed­ly told a Her­ald-Tri­bune reporter. “I real­ly didn’t think about it until after I did it.”

    Heather does 9/11

    Events, how­ev­er, con­tin­ue to prove Keller’s ear­li­er tes­ti­mo­ny cor­rect and right on the mon­ey. The most recent was the release over the week­end of the sound­less sui­cide video of a beard­ed Mohamed Atta and Siad Al Jar­rah at a camp in Afghanistan with Osama bin Laden.

    Mohamed Atta had a beard when I met him,” said Atta’s erst­while girl­friend Aman­da Keller over four years ago.

    Despite the denial of Atta’s father, who has pre­vi­ous­ly proven to be an invet­er­ate liar (and who was in Flori­da less than two weeks before the attack) that was Mohamed Atta in the sui­cide video.

    And he was wear­ing a beard. Advan­tage Keller.

    By neglect­ing to men­tion the numer­ous wit­ness­es who insist– for no vis­i­ble rea­son oth­er than it hap­pens to be the truth–that Mohamed Atta and Aman­da Keller lived togeth­er for sev­er­al months at the Sand­piper Apart­ments across the street from the Venice Air­port, the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune made their sec­ond attempt to refute it on the 5th anniver­sary of the attack.

    Pro­vid­ing yet anoth­er good rea­son why peo­ple are turn­ing away from the main­stream press in droves, The Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune also neglects to men­tion that it was the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune itself, along with sev­er­al oth­er news­pa­pers, which first report­ed Atta lived with Keller at the Sand­piper.

    The arti­cle now attrib­ut­es the report to “con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists.”

    No need to won­der just who they meant by that.

    Unnamed FBI Offi­cial: “Noth­ing to see here. Move along.”

    The obvi­ous ques­tion would be: What pos­si­ble motive would any­one have for lying about being a for­mer girl­friend of the most reviled man on the plan­et?

    The ques­tion must not have occurred to either Tri­bune reporter Heather Allen or edi­tor David Hack­ett. The arti­cle offers no expla­na­tion for why Keller sup­pos­ed­ly lied, then left town to avoid pub­lic­i­ty.

    Nor does it offer the rea­son numer­ous oth­er eye­wit­ness­es to the liai­son also pre­sum­ably lied, a list that includes two apart­ment man­agers, the woman who owned the apart­ment build­ing, sev­er­al next-door neigh­bors, and even the post­man. All remain unmen­tioned.

    Nor does the sto­ry quote the orig­i­nal reporter on the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune sto­ry, Ear­le Kimel, although this omis­sion is slight­ly less sur­pris­ing in an arti­cle which neglects to inform its read­ers that it was one of the news­pa­pers which orig­i­nal­ly report­ed the sto­ry it is now tak­ing pains to refute.

    Who does get quot­ed? You’ll nev­er guess…

    An unnamed fed­er­al offi­cial. What a sur­prise.

    The sto­ry relies sole­ly and com­plete­ly on anony­mous sources, just as the paper’s first sto­ry had, quot­ing state­ments from unnamed per­sons var­i­ous­ly labeled “inves­ti­ga­tors” and “author­i­ties.”

    The gov­ern­ment had checked Atta’s phone records, the sto­ry stat­ed, and found Atta and Keller had nev­er called each oth­er.

    An unnamed FBI agent states, “There’s noth­ing there to cor­rob­o­rate the rela­tion­ship between the two.

    From the peo­ple who brought you Judith Miller & Jayson Blair

    When the unnamed agent lied, he or she may have tem­porar­i­ly for­got­ten about the trea­sure trove of gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments about the hijack­ers released after the recent­ly-con­clud­ed Mous­saoui tri­al.

    The records include Mohamed Atta’s phone records.

    The FBI’s offi­cial chronol­o­gy states that short­ly after Christ­mas in the year 2000 Atta and body­guard Mar­wan Al-She­hhi left Venice Flori­da for the jazz­i­er precincts of the Mia­mi area.

    The Mad­Cow­Morn­ingNews has been report­ing the direct tes­ti­mo­ny of numer­ous cred­i­ble witnesses–real peo­ple with real names– who con­tra­dict the FBI, includ­ing every­one from the Sher­iff of near­by Char­lotte Coun­ty to Mohamed Atta’s erst­while Amer­i­can girl­friend, all of whom said Atta was in the Venice area dur­ing the first five months of 2001.

    If Aman­da Keller’s phone num­ber didn’t appear in Atta’s new­ly-released phone records, then perhaps–choke!–the FBI is right. Keller knew Atta in the Spring of 2001: March, April, and into May.

    Those would be the phone records to look at. We held our breath, and looked them up.

    Atta’s Venice phone ser­vice end­ed when?

    We began by leaf­ing through the records for Atta’s phone at the house in near­by Nokomis which he and Mar­wan shared while both attend­ed Huff­man Avi­a­tion. If Atta real­ly did leave Venice for Mia­mi at the end of 2000, the way the FBI says he did, this would be the log­i­cal point for his ser­vice to be cut­off.

    Instead, Atta’s released phone records clear­ly expose an FBI cov­er-up.

    Mohamed Atta got this Ver­i­zon cell phone from Was­sam Ham­moud, a Lebanese man who has ties to the cell of con­vict­ed ter­ror­ists in Dear­born Michi­gan, and who was him­self recent­ly con­vict­ed of solic­it­ing the behead­ing of a fed­er­al agent.

    It lists all his calls, or appears to, between July of 2000, when the FBI says he arrived in Venice, and Jan­u­ary 20th of 2001, sev­er­al weeks after they say he left.

    Yet a sec­ond doc­u­ment, the return of sub­poe­na doc­u­ment from the phone com­pa­ny, Ver­i­zon, clear­ly states that Mohamed Atta’s Nokomis cell phone was in ser­vice until May 21st, four full months longer than the peri­od cov­ered by the phone bills pre­sent­ed by the FBI as com­plete.

    Four months worth of Atta’s phone calls are not list­ed or includ­ed in the released cell phone records. Why aren’t the full phone records includ­ed in the Mous­saoui tri­al doc­u­ments? Why is the FBI hold­ing them back?

    Only a ‘con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist’ would ques­tion the FBI

    Four months after the FBI’s offi­cial chronol­o­gy states Mohamed Atta left Flori­da’s Gulf Coast for the Mia­mi area, Atta was still using a Venice-area cell phone.

    Sara­so­ta pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor Bill Warn­er was incred­u­lous at the news.

    “Atta’s Ver­i­zon cell phone, a Pre­Pay account, was active from 7/15/2000 until 5/12/2001 and was list­ed at the 516 Lau­rel Rd Nokomis address,” he began.

    “But you would­n’t con­tin­ue to use a cell phone with a Sarasota/Venice area code if you had already moved to Ft Laud­erdale or Mia­mi, because all of your calls would then incur roam­ing charges, which were exor­bi­tant­ly expen­sive in 2000 and 2001.”

    “Mohamed Atta was depict­ed as being very fru­gal with his mon­ey. He would have nev­er con­tin­ued to pay huge roam­ing and long dis­tance charges if he had actu­al­ly moved out of the Sarasota/Venice area by 2001,the way the FBI says he did,” Warn­er said.

    “So he must have still been here…in Sara­so­ta and Venice, dur­ing this time peri­od.”

    Aman­da and Atta didn’t meet until near the end of Feb­ru­ary. He would have been call­ing her from then until two and a half-months lat­er.

    Atta’s phone records for this time peri­od are miss­ing.

    What does this say about the name­less FBI agent assert­ing Aman­da Keller didn’t live with Mohamed Atta… because there weren’t any phone calls to her on his records? Was this the rea­son the FBI agent felt com­fort­able lying?

    But the Mous­saoui records yield one fur­ther doc­u­ment which con­clu­sive­ly proves the FBI is lying, a fax sent by Atta to a flight school in Mia­mi.

    The fax is dat­ed March 11, 2001. It was sent from a Postal Express store bare­ly a mile from the house Atta and Mar­wan rent­ed while attend­ing Huff­man Avi­a­tion at the Venice Air­port, the home they were sup­posed to have left for good three months ear­li­er.

    Encoun­ter­ing resis­tance at the Chee­tah

    In a meet­ing at the Sara­so­ta Herald-Tribune’s Venice bureau, which had iron­i­cal­ly been our first stop in our search for Aman­da four years ago, to check in with reporter Ear­le Kimel, who first broke the sto­ry, we had already point­ed out that there was a big dis­crep­an­cy in the phone records.

    Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune reporter Heather Allen may just live in a bliss­ful world where state­ments by FBI agents can be accept­ed at face val­ue. A will­ing sus­pen­sion of dis­be­lief can be a won­der­ful thing to have… if you’re on your way to Dis­ney World.


    Atta may have been in Venice as recent­ly as April,” Kimel had report­ed. “Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.

    We asked him if he had any clue about what had hap­pened to her. Was she just a reluc­tant wit­ness? Or had she been fright­ened into silence?

    Kimel knew a bit about recal­ci­trant wit­ness­es: he’d found some strip­pers who had danced for Atta in a Sara­so­ta strip joint, the Chee­tah, but had then encoun­tered resis­tance from the estab­lish­men­t’s man­age­ment when he began to ask them a few ques­tions…

    They threw him out of the club.

    Kimel’s next sto­ry about Atta and Aman­da includ­ed a brief phone inter­view with her. She spoke to him from her mother’s house in the north­ern Flori­da town of Lady Lake. “She said author­i­ties told her not to say any­thing at all about Atta,” report­ed Kimel.

    The sto­ry then quot­ed Aman­da Keller’s last eleven words, before she lapsed into a silence which only end­ed after we found her more than a year lat­er:

    “I can’t real­ly dis­cuss any­thing. I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.”

    Thick wad of hun­dreds guar­an­tees ‘a lot of vis­i­tors’

    Atta’s stay at the Sand­piper was only a small part of the ini­tial local news cov­er­age. Accounts in three news­pa­pers stat­ed basi­cal­ly the same thing…

    Land­lord Charles Grapen­tine was quot­ed say­ing Atta had been liv­ing in his apart­ment build­ing in April, with Aman­da Keller, in apart­ment 26 on the sec­ond floor. A group of Six Mid­dle East­ern men with whom Atta was close, includ­ing his body­guard Mar­wan Al-She­hhi, rent­ed an apart­ment down­stairs. Man­ag­er Paula Grapen­tine said Atta had “a lot of vis­i­tors.”

    Maybe that had some­thing to do with why the sto­ry quick­ly became so polit­i­cal­ly sen­si­tive. “A lot of vis­i­tors” opens the door to ques­tions the FBI did­n’t want asked.

    Mohamed Atta stuck out in a way that made him hard to for­get, even before the 9/11 attack, said Paula Grapen­tine. “He was very unfriend­ly; he wouldn’t talk to women.”

    Atta stopped by the Grapentine’s apart­ment one time to dis­cuss some­thing regard­ing the com­plex, Paula stat­ed. “He came to talk about some­thing and said, ‘I don’t talk to women and you’re sup­posed to look down when you talk to me,’” Grapen­tine recalled.

    “Atta always car­ried a fan­ny pack around his waist,” Charley Grapen­tine said. “I remem­ber Aman­da once telling him that she need­ed some new clothes, and he reached in and peeled off a few hun­dreds from a thick roll of cash he had stuffed inside the fan­ny pack.”

    “He treat­ed women like they were beneath him.”

    May­tag repair­men as “con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists”

    Her hus­band Char­lie Grapen­tine is a griz­zled for­mer marine in his ear­ly 60’s. He remem­bers when Aman­da per­formed her infor­mal evic­tion. Lat­er we learned from Aman­da her­self that she had sought his coun­sel on what to do about the unwork­able arrange­ment. Amanda’s name was on the lease.

    Grapen­tine told her to kick him out.

    Char­lie Grapentine’s rec­ol­lec­tions of Mohamed Atta were not received warm­ly by the FBI. And on the sub­ject of talk­ing to reporters, their response was pos­i­tive­ly frosty.

    “They called me a liar, and told me to keep my mouth shut,” the ex-marine told us grim­ly. “Nobody likes to hear that; that they didn’t see some­thing they know they saw.”

    At the apart­ment next door to Aman­da and Atta’s apart­ment on the sec­ond floor lived a pleas­ant-look­ing 50 year-old house­wife. Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son is nobody’s idea of a ‘con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist.’ She cares dur­ing the day for the baby of a friend need­ing help.

    Her hus­band is a May­tag repair­man. It doesn’t get any more nor­mal than that.

    She had not sought pub­lic­i­ty, nor had she spo­ken to the press. And a good thing too… She believes she would have been in trou­ble if she had.

    Stephanie con­firmed the Grapentine’s account, then offered new details. While Atta and Aman­da lived next-door, signs of trou­ble in their rela­tion­ship were hard to miss, Fred­er­ick­son said. He had been no pic­nic as a neigh­bor.

    Atta’s cheesy taste for infi­del flesh is already well-known. But when it came to his own girl­friend, he balked at shar­ing glimpses of it with oth­ers. Since his girl­friend had recent­ly become a ‘lin­gerie mod­el,’ this cre­at­ed dif­fi­cul­ties.

    “That’s when she start­ed dress­ing real­ly slut­ty, and dye­ing her hair pink,” Fred­er­ick­son said. “She wasn’t going to let her­self be con­trolled by him.”

    The Flor­sheim Bureau of Intim­i­da­tion

    What Stephanie real­ly want­ed to talk about, however–what both she and Char­lie Grapen­tine were fair­ly burst­ing to talk about–was how she had been harassed and intim­i­dat­ed by agents of the FBI.

    “At first, right after the attack, they told me I must have been mis­tak­en in my iden­ti­fi­ca­tion,” she stat­ed. “Or they would insin­u­ate that I was lying. Final­ly they stopped try­ing to get me to change my sto­ry, and just stopped by once a week to make sure I hadn’t been talk­ing to any­one.”

    For at least six months after the 9/11 attack, Fred­er­ick­son says, she received week­ly vis­its from agents from the FBI’s Sara­so­ta office. “The ques­tion they asked was always the same,” she says.

    “You aren’t say­ing any­thing to any­body, are you?”

    She shrugs. “Who was I going to tell? Most every­one around here already knew.”

    A year after the 9/11 attack, both the Fred­er­ick­son’s and Grapen­tine’s were angry at hav­ing their per­son­al integri­ty attacked by FBI agents, who seemed much less con­cerned with catch­ing ter­ror­ists than they were in squelch­ing their sto­ry.

    A com­pe­tent and intel­li­gent woman, Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son knows what she saw. She resent­ed the FBI agents heavy-hand­ed and repeat­ed asser­tions to the con­trary. And she want­ed us to know about it.


    Aman­da Keller com­plained of FBI intim­i­da­tion

    When we final­ly found Aman­da Keller, one of the first things she said was how dis­tressed she had been when she learned that her for­mer land­lord had talked to the press. “When I saw Char­lie talk­ing in the news­pa­per I knew they were going to jump all over him,” she said. “I thought, ‘Char­lie, no. Can’t you just wait?’”

    She said she’d suf­fered the same bul­ly­ing harass­ment from the FBI that oth­er wit­ness­es at the Sand­piper Apart­ments had been forced to endure.

    Even after she left Venice, FBI agents called her every oth­er day for months after the attack. That was­n’t all, either…

    “There was a police car con­stant­ly watch­ing the house,” she told us. “When we burned some leaves in a burn bar­rel, a police offi­cer came over and told us we weren’t allowed to burn any­thing because we were on some FBI list, and they were afraid we might be burn­ing doc­u­ments or some­thing.”

    This seems like pret­ty seri­ous sur­veil­lance for a girl who had lived with some oth­er Mohamed. We asked her, in our first meet­ing: Was this why she recant­ed her orig­i­nal state­ment?

    “Because of the intim­i­da­tion by the FBI,” she replied. “They told me not to talk to any­body, to keep my mouth shut. The news­pa­per quote was accu­rate: ‘I can’t say any­thing because I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.’”

    If Aman­da Keller had­n’t been liv­ing with Mohamed Atta, why had the FBI engaged in a reg­u­lar and sys­tem­at­ic pat­tern of intim­i­da­tion of eye­wit­ness­es in Venice, Flori­da?

    Junior G‑Men of the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune

    A reporter made the rounds of eye­wit­ness­es, mak­ing a per­sis­tent attempt to spike the sto­ry. It won him the enmi­ty of Sand­piper res­i­dents. Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son said he accused her of mak­ing it up. He urged her to stop talk­ing about it.

    He said he worked for the New York Times. He did­n’t.

    His name was Chris Gri­er, and he worked at the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune, until lat­er being fired, for snoop­ing through oth­er reporter’s com­put­ers, we were told… for spy­ing.

    Aman­da received a vis­it from Gri­er as well.

    “A N.Y. Times reporter named Chris-young, tall, kind of heavy, dark hair and a dark goa­tee-came to my house. And he was mad because I wouldn’t talk to him. But I was still reel­ing from Gar­ret dying, and this dude would NOT leave me alone. I stood out­side argu­ing with him for­ev­er, and he was try­ing to trip me up, get me to say some­thing, and I said, ‘I don’t know what the hell you’re try­ing to do,’” she recalls.

    It was Gri­er who authored the Her­ald-Tri­bune’s first attempt to dis­cred­it the sto­ry. He invent­ed the “Sec­ond Mohamed.” His sto­ry was head­lined:

    “Fifth pilot trainee van­ish­es; “Mohammed” slept on her couch, Venice woman says.”

    The “Fifth Pilot” was an ‘Unknown Ter­ror­ist.’ He was The Man Who Was Not There. The only record of his exis­tence con­sist­ed of his stay with Aman­da. There was nev­er a fol­low-up sto­ry about him.

    There was nev­er a “Fifth Pilot Iden­ti­fied” head­line.

    Even his name remained a mys­tery. He was Mohamed No Last Name. In in-depth news accounts about the Ham­burg cadre’s key mem­bers, from that day until this, he has nev­er again been mentioned…not even once.

    A year lat­er we received sev­er­al emails from a man claim­ing to be him. He enclosed two pic­tures of some­one he said was him­self. He looked noth­ing like Atta. He did­n’t glow­er, and even if he had, he was well over six feet tall.

    A free press was sup­posed to guard the peo­ple’s right to know

    The fact that this trans­par­ent ruse–this weak tea–was suc­cess­ful in keep­ing oth­er news­pa­pers from going after the sto­ry speaks vol­umes about the sor­ry state of Amer­i­ca’s sup­posed “free press.”

    The “Mighty Wurl­itzer,” as the CIA’s dis­in­for­ma­tion machine has been called, grinds on. The sto­ry comes around again.

    It’s a lot like Peter Jen­nings ridicu­lous two-hour spe­cial made in the last year of his life, for­ev­er dis­grac­ing his mem­o­ry. It attempt­ed, of course, to prove Oswald act­ed alone, but nev­er both­ered to explain why, if that were the case, dozens of hor­ri­fied onlook­ers and police offi­cers can be seen in the Zaprud­er tape respond­ing to the shoot­ing.. by charg­ing the grassy knoll.

    Jen­nings bought him­self a tick­et to ride along­side Dan Rather, the only reporter in Dealey Plaza when JFK was shot.

    Rather, of course, did­n’t see a thing. And some­how, in all the years he host­ed the CBS Evening News, his dis­com­fort came through.

    Shake­speare was right. Mur­der will out.



    “Mous­saoui Docs Show FBI With­held Evi­dence” By Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 10/04/2006

    “Released over gov­ern­ment objec­tion through the efforts of The Reporters Com­mit­tee for Free­dom of the Press, the doc­u­ments illus­trate the pat­tern of omis­sion and selec­tive edit­ing through which the Bureau has deflect­ed atten­tion from the ter­ror­ist’s con­spir­a­cy’s base of oper­a­tions in Venice FL.”

    As we’ve seen with so much of the 9/11 inves­ti­ga­tion, it’s the doc­u­ments released dur­ing judi­cial hear­ings that are often the most elu­ci­dat­ing, as was the case with the tri­al of Zacharias Mous­saoui. And as Daniel Hop­sick­er lays out in this Octo­ber 2006 piece, not only had the FBI been engag­ing in a coverup of much of this infor­ma­tion, but it was a bla­tant coverup that involved the aggres­sive silenc­ing of numer­ous eye­wit­ness­es. In par­tic­u­lar, the eye­wit­ness­es who could cor­rob­o­rate the fact that Aman­da Keller real­ly had been Mohammed Atta’s girl­friend, with the two liv­ing togeth­er for months in 2001. Eye­wit­ness­es who had become espe­cial­ly incon­ve­nient fol­low­ing Keller’s even­tu­al­ly, and utter­ly pre­pos­ter­ous, recant­i­ng of all of her sto­ries about hav­ing ever lived with Atta at all.

    But this isn’t just an FBI coverup. It was a media coverup too, with the NY Times-owned Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune casu­al­ly accept­ing Keller’s absurd recant­i­ng and just drop­ping the sto­ry entire­ly. A joint FBI/media coverup in action. A bla­tant one at that, just five years after 9/11:

    The doc­u­ments also give the lie to con­tin­u­ing attempts by the ter­ror­ists’ home­town paper, the New York Times-owned Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune, to sal­vage its lack­lus­ter record in cov­er­ing the sto­ry of the dozens of sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists liv­ing cheek-by-jowl in its midst by inval­i­dat­ing the tes­ti­mo­ny of a key wit­ness, uncrit­i­cal­ly pre­sent­ing her recan­ta­tion as if wit­ness­es being pres­sured to change their sto­ries were not a dai­ly fact of life.

    It’s a brief piece, but that’s not the point. A search for “Aman­da Keller” in the Lex­is-Nex­is data­base today yields only these two rebut­tal sto­ries from the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune.

    The paper reports that Aman­da Keller now says she nev­er lived with Mohamed Atta. Despite numer­ous pub­lished reports (includ­ing their own), the cor­rob­o­rat­ed tes­ti­mo­ny of oth­er eye­wit­ness­es to the same events, as well tes­ti­mo­ny by these same wit­ness­es of being vic­tims of a sys­tem­at­ic cam­paign of intim­i­da­tion by the FBI…that, appar­ent­ly, is sup­posed to be that.

    It was ‘my bad’ for lying,” Mohamed Atta’s erst­while girl­friend Aman­da Keller sup­pos­ed­ly told a Her­ald-Tri­bune reporter. “I real­ly didn’t think about it until after I did it.”


    The obvi­ous ques­tion would be: What pos­si­ble motive would any­one have for lying about being a for­mer girl­friend of the most reviled man on the plan­et?

    The ques­tion must not have occurred to either Tri­bune reporter Heather Allen or edi­tor David Hack­ett. The arti­cle offers no expla­na­tion for why Keller sup­pos­ed­ly lied, then left town to avoid pub­lic­i­ty.

    Nor does it offer the rea­son numer­ous oth­er eye­wit­ness­es to the liai­son also pre­sum­ably lied, a list that includes two apart­ment man­agers, the woman who owned the apart­ment build­ing, sev­er­al next-door neigh­bors, and even the post­man. All remain unmen­tioned.

    Nor does the sto­ry quote the orig­i­nal reporter on the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune sto­ry, Ear­le Kimel, although this omis­sion is slight­ly less sur­pris­ing in an arti­cle which neglects to inform its read­ers that it was one of the news­pa­pers which orig­i­nal­ly report­ed the sto­ry it is now tak­ing pains to refute.

    Who does get quot­ed? You’ll nev­er guess…

    An unnamed fed­er­al offi­cial. What a sur­prise.

    The sto­ry relies sole­ly and com­plete­ly on anony­mous sources, just as the paper’s first sto­ry had, quot­ing state­ments from unnamed per­sons var­i­ous­ly labeled “inves­ti­ga­tors” and “author­i­ties.”

    The gov­ern­ment had checked Atta’s phone records, the sto­ry stat­ed, and found Atta and Keller had nev­er called each oth­er.

    An unnamed FBI agent states, “There’s noth­ing there to cor­rob­o­rate the rela­tion­ship between the two.

    It’s a coverup that was so bla­tant you almost had to won­der if being this bla­tant was inten­tion­al. Like a kind of intim­i­da­tion play. Because as we’ll see, the eye­wit­ness­es were clear­ly intim­i­dat­ed when Hop­sick­er came to talk to them. Intim­i­dat­ed and pissed. And then there’s the phone records, which direct­ly con­tra­dict the FBI’s time­line on Atta’s where­abouts. Why would the FBI want to obscure Atta’s pres­ence in the Venice area from Jan­u­ary to May of 2001 and instead claim he was in Mia­mi? The time­frame that just hap­pens to over­lap with the time Aman­da Keller and Atta were liv­ing togeth­er. The phone records prov­ing this lie were released as part of the Mous­saoui tri­al. The evi­dence is right there. And here the FBI, and the media, stuck with this bla­tant lie. A lie that is main­tained to this day. A self-respect­ing soci­ety would want answers on stuff like this. But this is mod­ern Amer­i­ca. We’re fine with the gross bla­tant lie and fine let­ting it linger and putre­fy for decades. It’s how we roll:

    When the unnamed agent lied, he or she may have tem­porar­i­ly for­got­ten about the trea­sure trove of gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments about the hijack­ers released after the recent­ly-con­clud­ed Mous­saoui tri­al.

    The records include Mohamed Atta’s phone records.

    The FBI’s offi­cial chronol­o­gy states that short­ly after Christ­mas in the year 2000 Atta and body­guard Mar­wan Al-She­hhi left Venice Flori­da for the jazz­i­er precincts of the Mia­mi area.

    The Mad­Cow­Morn­ingNews has been report­ing the direct tes­ti­mo­ny of numer­ous cred­i­ble witnesses–real peo­ple with real names– who con­tra­dict the FBI, includ­ing every­one from the Sher­iff of near­by Char­lotte Coun­ty to Mohamed Atta’s erst­while Amer­i­can girl­friend, all of whom said Atta was in the Venice area dur­ing the first five months of 2001.


    We began by leaf­ing through the records for Atta’s phone at the house in near­by Nokomis which he and Mar­wan shared while both attend­ed Huff­man Avi­a­tion. If Atta real­ly did leave Venice for Mia­mi at the end of 2000, the way the FBI says he did, this would be the log­i­cal point for his ser­vice to be cut­off.

    Instead, Atta’s released phone records clear­ly expose an FBI cov­er-up.

    Mohamed Atta got this Ver­i­zon cell phone from Was­sam Ham­moud, a Lebanese man who has ties to the cell of con­vict­ed ter­ror­ists in Dear­born Michi­gan, and who was him­self recent­ly con­vict­ed of solic­it­ing the behead­ing of a fed­er­al agent.

    It lists all his calls, or appears to, between July of 2000, when the FBI says he arrived in Venice, and Jan­u­ary 20th of 2001, sev­er­al weeks after they say he left.

    Yet a sec­ond doc­u­ment, the return of sub­poe­na doc­u­ment from the phone com­pa­ny, Ver­i­zon, clear­ly states that Mohamed Atta’s Nokomis cell phone was in ser­vice until May 21st, four full months longer than the peri­od cov­ered by the phone bills pre­sent­ed by the FBI as com­plete.

    Four months worth of Atta’s phone calls are not list­ed or includ­ed in the released cell phone records. Why aren’t the full phone records includ­ed in the Mous­saoui tri­al doc­u­ments? Why is the FBI hold­ing them back?


    Four months after the FBI’s offi­cial chronol­o­gy states Mohamed Atta left Flori­da’s Gulf Coast for the Mia­mi area, Atta was still using a Venice-area cell phone.

    Sara­so­ta pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor Bill Warn­er was incred­u­lous at the news.

    “Atta’s Ver­i­zon cell phone, a Pre­Pay account, was active from 7/15/2000 until 5/12/2001 and was list­ed at the 516 Lau­rel Rd Nokomis address,” he began.

    “But you would­n’t con­tin­ue to use a cell phone with a Sarasota/Venice area code if you had already moved to Ft Laud­erdale or Mia­mi, because all of your calls would then incur roam­ing charges, which were exor­bi­tant­ly expen­sive in 2000 and 2001.”

    “Mohamed Atta was depict­ed as being very fru­gal with his mon­ey. He would have nev­er con­tin­ued to pay huge roam­ing and long dis­tance charges if he had actu­al­ly moved out of the Sarasota/Venice area by 2001,the way the FBI says he did,” Warn­er said.

    “So he must have still been here…in Sara­so­ta and Venice, dur­ing this time peri­od.”

    Aman­da and Atta didn’t meet until near the end of Feb­ru­ary. He would have been call­ing her from then until two and a half-months lat­er.

    Atta’s phone records for this time peri­od are miss­ing.

    What does this say about the name­less FBI agent assert­ing Aman­da Keller didn’t live with Mohamed Atta… because there weren’t any phone calls to her on his records? Was this the rea­son the FBI agent felt com­fort­able lying?

    And it’s note just phone records. A fax dat­ed March 11, 2001, was sent from a Postal Express store a mile from the home they alleged­ly left three months ear­li­er:

    But the Mous­saoui records yield one fur­ther doc­u­ment which con­clu­sive­ly proves the FBI is lying, a fax sent by Atta to a flight school in Mia­mi.

    The fax is dat­ed March 11, 2001. It was sent from a Postal Express store bare­ly a mile from the house Atta and Mar­wan rent­ed while attend­ing Huff­man Avi­a­tion at the Venice Air­port, the home they were sup­posed to have left for good three months ear­li­er.

    Then there’s the fact that the orig­i­nal Sara­so­ta-Her­ald Tri­bune report who first broke the sto­ry of Keller and Atta’s rela­tion­ship, Ear­le Kimel, recount­ed how the man­ag­er of the Sand­piper Apart­ments, where Atta and Keller lived togeth­er under Keller’s name, claimed he saw Atta there sev­er­al times in April of 2001. And as Kimel also not­ed, Keller told him direct­ly that author­i­ties had warned her about talk­ing to any­one about the case. It was wit­ness intim­i­da­tion, as report­ed by the orig­i­nal Sara­so­ta-Her­ald Tri­bune reporter. Again, a self-respect­ing soci­ety would want answers. Instead, we’re all just expect­ed to for­get this ever hap­pened:

    In a meet­ing at the Sara­so­ta Herald-Tribune’s Venice bureau, which had iron­i­cal­ly been our first stop in our search for Aman­da four years ago, to check in with reporter Ear­le Kimel, who first broke the sto­ry, we had already point­ed out that there was a big dis­crep­an­cy in the phone records.

    Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune reporter Heather Allen may just live in a bliss­ful world where state­ments by FBI agents can be accept­ed at face val­ue. A will­ing sus­pen­sion of dis­be­lief can be a won­der­ful thing to have… if you’re on your way to Dis­ney World.


    Atta may have been in Venice as recent­ly as April,” Kimel had report­ed. “Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.

    We asked him if he had any clue about what had hap­pened to her. Was she just a reluc­tant wit­ness? Or had she been fright­ened into silence?

    Kimel knew a bit about recal­ci­trant wit­ness­es: he’d found some strip­pers who had danced for Atta in a Sara­so­ta strip joint, the Chee­tah, but had then encoun­tered resis­tance from the estab­lish­men­t’s man­age­ment when he began to ask them a few ques­tions…

    They threw him out of the club.

    Kimel’s next sto­ry about Atta and Aman­da includ­ed a brief phone inter­view with her. She spoke to him from her mother’s house in the north­ern Flori­da town of Lady Lake. “She said author­i­ties told her not to say any­thing at all about Atta,” report­ed Kimel.

    The sto­ry then quot­ed Aman­da Keller’s last eleven words, before she lapsed into a silence which only end­ed after we found her more than a year lat­er:

    “I can’t real­ly dis­cuss any­thing. I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.”

    And despite all this gross intim­i­da­tion, it was very clear that plen­ty of these eye­wit­ness­es were still very will­ing to talk, includ­ing the land­lord of the Sand­piper Apart­ments, Charles Grapen­tine. And his wife Paula. They both had detailed sto­ries to share, like sto­ries about all the vis­i­tors they had. Sto­ries that all point towards a giant FBI coverup of some­thing very sig­nif­i­cant when it comes to under­stand­ing the nature of the net­work behind this ter­ror­ist oper­a­tion. Atta’s rela­tion­ship with Keller was being treat­ed like some sort of nation­al secu­ri­ty cri­sis. Why? And why so lit­tle curios­i­ty from the Amer­i­can soci­ety at large about this? It’s not like Keller’s rela­tion­ship with Atta was­n’t major news at one point. And yet this absurd recant­i­ng, cou­pled with a bla­tant FBI coverup that emerged as a con­se­quence of the Mous­saoui tri­al, was just glossed over with a giant col­lec­tive yawn:

    Atta’s stay at the Sand­piper was only a small part of the ini­tial local news cov­er­age. Accounts in three news­pa­pers stat­ed basi­cal­ly the same thing…

    Land­lord Charles Grapen­tine was quot­ed say­ing Atta had been liv­ing in his apart­ment build­ing in April, with Aman­da Keller, in apart­ment 26 on the sec­ond floor. A group of Six Mid­dle East­ern men with whom Atta was close, includ­ing his body­guard Mar­wan Al-She­hhi, rent­ed an apart­ment down­stairs. Man­ag­er Paula Grapen­tine said Atta had “a lot of vis­i­tors.”

    Maybe that had some­thing to do with why the sto­ry quick­ly became so polit­i­cal­ly sen­si­tive. “A lot of vis­i­tors” opens the door to ques­tions the FBI did­n’t want asked.

    Mohamed Atta stuck out in a way that made him hard to for­get, even before the 9/11 attack, said Paula Grapen­tine. “He was very unfriend­ly; he wouldn’t talk to women.”

    Atta stopped by the Grapentine’s apart­ment one time to dis­cuss some­thing regard­ing the com­plex, Paula stat­ed. “He came to talk about some­thing and said, ‘I don’t talk to women and you’re sup­posed to look down when you talk to me,’” Grapen­tine recalled.

    “Atta always car­ried a fan­ny pack around his waist,” Charley Grapen­tine said. “I remem­ber Aman­da once telling him that she need­ed some new clothes, and he reached in and peeled off a few hun­dreds from a thick roll of cash he had stuffed inside the fan­ny pack.”

    “He treat­ed women like they were beneath him.”


    Her hus­band Char­lie Grapen­tine is a griz­zled for­mer marine in his ear­ly 60’s. He remem­bers when Aman­da per­formed her infor­mal evic­tion. Lat­er we learned from Aman­da her­self that she had sought his coun­sel on what to do about the unwork­able arrange­ment. Amanda’s name was on the lease.

    Grapen­tine told her to kick him out.

    And it’s like Grapen­tine was just ignored. He was direct­ly called a liar by an FBI agent who told him to keep him mouth shut. Again, Keller’s rela­tion­ship with Atta was being treat­ed like a major nation­al secu­ri­ty cri­sis. Agen­cies don’t engage in behav­ior like this unless they have no bet­ter option. Intim­i­dat­ing these wit­ness­es was appar­ent­ly the FBI’s best option at the time:

    Char­lie Grapentine’s rec­ol­lec­tions of Mohamed Atta were not received warm­ly by the FBI. And on the sub­ject of talk­ing to reporters, their response was pos­i­tive­ly frosty.

    “They called me a liar, and told me to keep my mouth shut,” the ex-marine told us grim­ly. “Nobody likes to hear that; that they didn’t see some­thing they know they saw.”

    And then there’s Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son, the next door neigh­bor to Keller’s apart­ment con­firmed both Atta’s rela­tion­ship to Keller dur­ing this peri­od AND the FBI intim­i­da­tion. But also note Fred­er­ick­son’s lament when faced with FBI ques­tions over whether she was plan­ning on talk­ing to any­one about what she saw: “Who was I going to tell? Most every­one around here already knew”:

    At the apart­ment next door to Aman­da and Atta’s apart­ment on the sec­ond floor lived a pleas­ant-look­ing 50 year-old house­wife. Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son is nobody’s idea of a ‘con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist.’ She cares dur­ing the day for the baby of a friend need­ing help.

    Her hus­band is a May­tag repair­man. It doesn’t get any more nor­mal than that.

    She had not sought pub­lic­i­ty, nor had she spo­ken to the press. And a good thing too… She believes she would have been in trou­ble if she had.

    Stephanie con­firmed the Grapentine’s account, then offered new details. While Atta and Aman­da lived next-door, signs of trou­ble in their rela­tion­ship were hard to miss, Fred­er­ick­son said. He had been no pic­nic as a neigh­bor.

    Atta’s cheesy taste for infi­del flesh is already well-known. But when it came to his own girl­friend, he balked at shar­ing glimpses of it with oth­ers. Since his girl­friend had recent­ly become a ‘lin­gerie mod­el,’ this cre­at­ed dif­fi­cul­ties.

    “That’s when she start­ed dress­ing real­ly slut­ty, and dye­ing her hair pink,” Fred­er­ick­son said. “She wasn’t going to let her­self be con­trolled by him.”


    What Stephanie real­ly want­ed to talk about, however–what both she and Char­lie Grapen­tine were fair­ly burst­ing to talk about–was how she had been harassed and intim­i­dat­ed by agents of the FBI.

    “At first, right after the attack, they told me I must have been mis­tak­en in my iden­ti­fi­ca­tion,” she stat­ed. “Or they would insin­u­ate that I was lying. Final­ly they stopped try­ing to get me to change my sto­ry, and just stopped by once a week to make sure I hadn’t been talk­ing to any­one.”

    For at least six months after the 9/11 attack, Fred­er­ick­son says, she received week­ly vis­its from agents from the FBI’s Sara­so­ta office. “The ques­tion they asked was always the same,” she says.

    “You aren’t say­ing any­thing to any­body, are you?”

    She shrugs. “Who was I going to tell? Most every­one around here already knew.”

    Also note how Keller was­n’t hid­ing the fact that she was being silenced by the FBI. At least not hid­ing it to Daniel Hop­sick­er, one of the few reporters in the world appar­ent­ly who took the ini­tia­tive to actu­al­ly inter­view one of the cen­tral eye wit­ness­es in the 9/11 inves­ti­ga­tion. As was the case with the rest of these eye wit­ness­es. It under­scores how this real­ly was a joint coverup between the inves­ti­gat­ing author­i­ties AND the press. Because you can’t have a bla­tant coverup with like this with so much con­tra­dic­to­ry evi­dence already out there with­out the media act­ing as a will­ing accom­plice:

    When we final­ly found Aman­da Keller, one of the first things she said was how dis­tressed she had been when she learned that her for­mer land­lord had talked to the press. “When I saw Char­lie talk­ing in the news­pa­per I knew they were going to jump all over him,” she said. “I thought, ‘Char­lie, no. Can’t you just wait?’”

    She said she’d suf­fered the same bul­ly­ing harass­ment from the FBI that oth­er wit­ness­es at the Sand­piper Apart­ments had been forced to endure.

    Even after she left Venice, FBI agents called her every oth­er day for months after the attack. That was­n’t all, either…

    “There was a police car con­stant­ly watch­ing the house,” she told us. “When we burned some leaves in a burn bar­rel, a police offi­cer came over and told us we weren’t allowed to burn any­thing because we were on some FBI list, and they were afraid we might be burn­ing doc­u­ments or some­thing.”

    This seems like pret­ty seri­ous sur­veil­lance for a girl who had lived with some oth­er Mohamed. We asked her, in our first meet­ing: Was this why she recant­ed her orig­i­nal state­ment?

    “Because of the intim­i­da­tion by the FBI,” she replied. “They told me not to talk to any­body, to keep my mouth shut. The news­pa­per quote was accu­rate: ‘I can’t say any­thing because I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.’”

    And that brings us to the farce of an arti­cle writ­ten by a Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune arti­cle that appeared to be designed to some­how obfus­cate the paper’s own ear­li­er report­ing on Keller and Atta. All of a sud­den, it was turned into Keller and the mys­te­ri­ous ‘Mohammed’, an unnamed fifth pilot trainee who nev­er appear again in any report­ing or inves­ti­gat­ing. In oth­er words, it was a coverup for very lazy or incu­ri­ous peo­ple:

    A reporter made the rounds of eye­wit­ness­es, mak­ing a per­sis­tent attempt to spike the sto­ry. It won him the enmi­ty of Sand­piper res­i­dents. Stephanie Fred­er­ick­son said he accused her of mak­ing it up. He urged her to stop talk­ing about it.

    He said he worked for the New York Times. He did­n’t.

    His name was Chris Gri­er, and he worked at the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune, until lat­er being fired, for snoop­ing through oth­er reporter’s com­put­ers, we were told… for spy­ing.

    Aman­da received a vis­it from Gri­er as well.

    “A N.Y. Times reporter named Chris-young, tall, kind of heavy, dark hair and a dark goa­tee-came to my house. And he was mad because I wouldn’t talk to him. But I was still reel­ing from Gar­ret dying, and this dude would NOT leave me alone. I stood out­side argu­ing with him for­ev­er, and he was try­ing to trip me up, get me to say some­thing, and I said, ‘I don’t know what the hell you’re try­ing to do,’” she recalls.

    It was Gri­er who authored the Her­ald-Tri­bune’s first attempt to dis­cred­it the sto­ry. He invent­ed the “Sec­ond Mohamed.” His sto­ry was head­lined:

    “Fifth pilot trainee van­ish­es; “Mohammed” slept on her couch, Venice woman says.”

    The “Fifth Pilot” was an ‘Unknown Ter­ror­ist.’ He was The Man Who Was Not There. The only record of his exis­tence con­sist­ed of his stay with Aman­da. There was nev­er a fol­low-up sto­ry about him.

    There was nev­er a “Fifth Pilot Iden­ti­fied” head­line.

    Even his name remained a mys­tery. He was Mohamed No Last Name. In in-depth news accounts about the Ham­burg cadre’s key mem­bers, from that day until this, he has nev­er again been mentioned…not even once.

    A year lat­er we received sev­er­al emails from a man claim­ing to be him. He enclosed two pic­tures of some­one he said was him­self. He looked noth­ing like Atta. He did­n’t glow­er, and even if he had, he was well over six feet tall.

    Again, most of this FBI intim­i­da­tion had occurred by the fall of 2003. As Hop­sick­er report­ed at the time. Two decades ago. And as we can see, the coverup out­lived Hop­sick­er and appears poised to out­live us all. Because while Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy may have had its brains blown out on Novem­ber 22, 1963, the fan­ta­sy ver­sion can live on for­ev­er. A fan­ta­sy ver­sion that isn’t above threats and intim­i­da­tion when it comes to main­tain­ing appear­ances. And a fan­ta­sy ver­sion that has no place for real jour­nal­ism.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 28, 2023, 6:03 pm
  3. With the pass­ing of Daniel Hop­sick­er and, in turn, the effec­tive clo­sure of so much of what he start­ed to uncov­er about the 9/11 inves­ti­ga­tion (or lack there­of), it’s worth tak­ing anoth­er look back at the mys­tery of the ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’. That would be the alleged ‘real boyfriend’ of Aman­da Keller, who def­i­nite­ly WASN’T dat­ing Mohammed Atta in the Spring of 2001, accord­ing to the pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive. No, instead, Keller made it all up, and revealed that she made it all up to a Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune reporter on Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001, just 12 days after the attack. Notably, that’s also 14 months before Keller did her Decem­ber 2002 inter­view with Hop­sick­er where she dis­cussed her time with Atta in far more detail.

    The ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’ has long been one of the more remark­able, and absurd, details about the whole inves­ti­ga­tion into the South Flori­da ter­ror nexus. And it remains part of the offi­cial expla­na­tion to this day. Accord­ing to US inves­ti­ga­tors at the time, Keller did indeed date a “Mohamed” in the Spring of 2001 and they had indeed stayed at the Sand­piper Apart­ments in Venice, Flori­da, in April of 2001. But this was a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent Mohamed who had returned to Paris by the time of attacks and was no where to be found. And at that point, the inves­ti­ga­tion into the sec­ond Mohamed appar­ent­ly end­ed, along with the inves­ti­ga­tion into all of the oth­er South Flori­da asso­ciates of Atta we learned about from Keller.

    Beyond that, as Hop­sick­er points out, the cru­cial local South Flori­da news arti­cles where Keller described her time with Atta had all been expunged from news data­bas­es like Lex­is­Nex­is by the time ‘Mohamed Ara­jak’ reached out to him in 2005. The only ref­er­ence we can find in those data­bas­es is that Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001, Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune arti­cle, where Keller recants. The only copies that remain are in micro­fiche archives, if at all. It’s quite a nail in the cof­fin.

    And let’s not for­get the recent rev­e­la­tion about the ‘Alec Sta­tion’ joint FBI and CIA fusion cen­ter run­ning cov­er for the 9/11 hijack­ers against US law enforce­ment in the peri­od lead­ing up to the attacks. And as we saw in that report­ing, one of the biggest rev­e­la­tions of all was just how much evi­dence regard­ing the South Flori­da ter­ror cell remains clas­si­fied and hid­den from the pub­lic to this day.

    But, of course, the ear­ly claims of a ‘sec­ond Mohamed’ was­n’t real­ly the end of it. As we saw, this sec­ond Mohamed alleged­ly reached out to Daniel Hop­sick­er in 2005, iden­ti­fy­ing him­self as “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki”. He even sent pho­tos of him­self with Keller, one of which Hop­sick­er post­ed. Let’s just say you would have to have a seri­ous vision prob­lem to mis­take this guy with Atta.

    Inter­est­ing­ly, this sec­ond Mohamed is wear­ing sun­glass­es in the pho­to, which is too bad. Because as we’re also going to see, it turns out that the eyes of this sec­ond Mohamed could be a very reveal­ing piece of phys­i­cal evi­dence. Why? Because that Sep­tem­ber 22, 2001, arti­cle where Keller recants her whole sto­ry about dat­ing Atta includes some com­ments by her moth­er and sis­ter, who both met this sec­ond Mohamed. Accord­ing to her sis­ter Tam­my, Mohamed has very creepy eyes and would just leer at her. Which, of course, was the key phys­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tic that so many peo­ple had report­ed about Atta. The dude sim­ply had very creepy eyes. So it was­n’t just a ‘sec­ond Mohamed’. It was a sec­ond Mohamed who shared Atta’s char­ac­ter­is­tic creepy eyes. That was a nar­ra­tive that emerged less than two weeks after the attacks. A nar­ra­tive even Keller obvi­ous­ly did­n’t stick to since she was will­ing to talk with Hop­sick­er at all, despite all of the offi­cial pres­sure she was clear­ly under, which might explain why this “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” felt the need to reach out to Hop­sick­er years lat­er:

    Mad­Cow Morn­ing News

    The ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’ in Venice

    By Daniel Hop­sick­er
    May 3, 2005

    More than three years after the 9.11 attack, intrigue con­tin­ues to swirl con­cern­ing knowl­edge of the ter­ror­ist hijack­ers move­ments, activ­i­ties, and asso­ciates while in the U.S. prepar­ing the assault.

    A mys­te­ri­ous French-Arab man resur­faced last week who author­i­ties had dubbed the ‘5th ter­ror­ist pilot’ and a ‘Sec­ond’ Mohamed in Venice, FL. In an email, he alleged that a num­ber of eye­wit­ness­es, includ­ing the girl who had lived with him, had all mis­tak­en him… for Mohamed Atta.

    It was he they’d known in Venice, not the ter­ror­ist ring­leader, he assert­ed. And he sug­gest­ed the con­fu­sion might owe some­thing to their com­mon name, “Mohamed.”

    Before dis­miss­ing the claims of this sup­posed “Sec­ond Mohamed,” we must first con­sid­er a curi­ous sto­ry from the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, which seems to back him up.

    It was while review­ing his alle­ga­tions that we dis­cov­ered that cru­cial ear­ly news reports filed in Venice dur­ing the week after the attack in the local Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune have been removed from the news­pa­per data­base Lex­is-Nex­is, relied on by jour­nal­ists and inves­ti­ga­tors world­wide.

    9.11 a dead issue… for Gold­bugs

    Miss­ing are sto­ries report­ing that Mohamed Atta was liv­ing across from the Venice Air­port at the Sand­piper Apart­ments dur­ing the Spring of 2001, with Aman­da Keller, a pink-haired Amer­i­can strip­per.

    Also at this time, as if the air was not already filled with enough intrigue for sev­er­al spy nov­els, two more alleged Euro­pean asso­ciates of Atta chose this pre­cise moment to step for­ward and deny hav­ing asso­ci­at­ed with the ter­ror­ist ring­leader, includ­ing a Ger­man pilot who recent­ly filed a law­suit against us in Kather­ine Har­ris’s home­town of Sara­so­ta, Flori­da.


    So…if the Sep­tem­ber 11th attack is a dead issue, as some allege, why the con­spic­u­ous flur­ry of activ­i­ty?

    Per­haps its a sig­nal that there remains some­thing of major val­ue still hid­den and wait­ing to be found beneath the gar­bled offi­cial account of the chronol­o­gy and move­ments of ter­ror­ist ring­leader Mohamed Atta.

    The ‘Sec­ond’ Mohamed in Venice?

    The series of events which led to the dis­cov­ery of ‘dis­ap­peared’ news about Atta in Venice began with notice that we were being sued—again.

    One clear mes­sage seems to be that the Mad­Cow­Morn­ingNews will need to place the bud­get line for “Defense attor­ney” under ‘re-occur­ring expens­es.” (See relat­ed sto­ry on how to get our new video free as a pre­mi­um for a con­tri­bu­tion to our free press fund.)

    Today the miss­ing sto­ries can only be found in one place we’re aware of: the micro­fiche record kept of the paper-as-print­ed in the Sara­so­ta Library.

    [see image of clip of Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune arti­cle]

    What this means is that—unless you already knew about them—these sto­ries effec­tive­ly no longer exist.

    Just to make sure they nev­er go away, we are mak­ing them avail­able here. Both con­tain most­ly unre­mark­able inter­views with numer­ous local eye­wit­ness­es whose paths crossed with those of the ter­ror­ists. Their tes­ti­mo­ny mat­ter-of-fact­ly con­tra­dicts the FBI’s offi­cial account, which states Atta moved to Venice soon after arriv­ing in the U.S., and left for good in Decem­ber of 2000.

    Rare slip by Atta leaves trail of clues

    “FBI Links Third Ter­ror­ist to Venice” was the head­line of the first, on Sept. 16, writ­ten by Her­ald Tri­bune staff writ­ers Robert Eck­hart and Michael Wern­er, in which law enforce­ment offi­cials mat­ter-of-fact­ly con­firm to reporters that before mov­ing to Venice, Mohamed Atta lived 30 miles to the south in rur­al Char­lotte Coun­ty.

    “Atta lived for sev­er­al months in rur­al Char­lotte Coun­ty before mov­ing to Venice, Sher­iff Bill Clement said at a news con­fer­ence Thurs­day. Clement said the Sheriff’s Office had for­ward­ed sev­er­al tips to the FBI about Atta, who used an alias in Char­lotte Coun­ty.”

    Atta had gone to flight school at the Char­lotte Air­port, local author­i­ties dis­cov­ered, when a local busi­ness own­er took advan­tage of one of Atta’s few slip-ups…The ter­ror­ist ring­leader had inad­ver­tent­ly for­ward­ed a five-page screed which includ­ed the pic­ture of a dead Mid­dle East­ern child to an avi­a­tion busi­ness at the Char­lotte Air­port.

    The hor­ri­fied own­er imme­di­ate­ly passed it on to the Coun­ty Sher­iff. So local law enforce­ment got it before the FBI. Then the well-mean­ing Sher­iff released it to the media, much to the sub­se­quent dis­plea­sure of the FBI.

    He must have thought he still lived in a coun­try where there is some­thing called the “peo­ple’s right to know.”

    [see image of arti­cle with head­line “Fourth ter­ror­ist sus­pect may have ties to Venice”]

    This infor­ma­tion con­tra­dicts the FBI’s account. But it also throws into ques­tion the entire chronol­o­gy of the crime, from Atta’s arrival in the U.S. to his sub­se­quent move­ments, which is dis­turb­ing because the FBI’s inves­ti­ga­tion was the sole inves­tiga­tive source relied on by both the Joint Con­gres­sion­al Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee inquiry and the lat­er “inde­pen­dent” 9.11 Com­mis­sion.

    Both “inves­ti­ga­tions” knew only what the FBI told them…a tru­ly chill­ing prospect.

    The sec­ond account was pub­lished two days lat­er with the head­line: “Fourth Ter­ror­ist Sus­pect May Have Ties to Venice.” It too quot­ed cred­i­ble wit­ness­es whose tes­ti­mo­ny is almost laugh­ably at odds with the FBI’s ver­sion of events.

    Reporter Ear­le Kimel not­ed the dis­crep­an­cies.

    “Huff­man flight instruc­tors have said they believe Atta left the area short­ly after receiv­ing his pilot’s cer­ti­fi­ca­tion,” he report­ed.

    “How­ev­er, Atta may have been in Venice as recent­ly as April. Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.”

    “A fun­ny, sweet smell. And he snif­fled a lot.”

    Here’s a taste of what they are try­ing to hide. If these wit­ness­es tes­ti­fied before cam­eras in front of some­thing like Sam Erwin’s Water­gate Com­mit­tee, we would live in a bet­ter world than we are appar­ent­ly allowed.

    For exam­ple, the apart­ment manager’s wife Paula Grapen­tine, told the Char­lotte Sun that Atta had had “a lot of vis­i­tors.” That could have opened what leg­endary Sen. William Ful­bright used to call, “an end­less can of worms.”

    And the own­er of the Sand­piper Apart­ments, Vicky Keyser, told author­i­ties the stu­dents smoked a strange tobac­co which smelled like mar­i­jua­na. This is far from only ref­er­ence we will hear con­cern­ing the ter­ror­ist hijack­ers and drugs.

    And here’s an inter­est­ing find: One week after the attack, Bri­an Ross of NBC News report­ed a curi­ous dis­cov­ery with pos­si­ble sig­nif­i­cance to the sto­ry of Mohamed Atta’s sup­posed Ger­man asso­ciates:

    “And yet more evi­dence of the over­seas mon­ey trail has been found at a fly­ing school in Pun­ta Gor­da. The own­er says FBI agents seized records relat­ing to at least 12 for­eign stu­dents whose tuition was paid with for­eign wire trans­fers.”

    “They were very inter­est­ed in the Ger­man trans­fers, and they were very inter­est­ed in the Mid­dle East­ern trans­fers,” Byers told Ross.

    But… the FBI says the hijack­ers received “no out­side help.” So why were they inter­est­ed in “the Ger­man trans­fers?”

    FBI “Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rists”

    Any ordi­nary mor­tal who starts talk­ing about things like “A Sec­ond Oswald” is labeled a con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist. But some­how when the FBI con­jures up a ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’ no one even blinked.

    The sole sur­viv­ing report men­tion­ing Atta at the Sand­piper in the Lex­is-Nex­is news­pa­per data­base is a Sept 23, 2001 arti­cle in the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, in which author­i­ties take pains to refute the ear­li­er reports. Iron­i­cal­ly this only serves to call atten­tion to the fact that the ear­li­er sto­ries are no longer there.

    Under the head­line “FIFTH PILOT TRAINEE VANISHES” on Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001 the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune pair reversed itself, and now report­ed author­i­ties were say­ing Aman­da Keller had not lived with Mohamed Atta, but with anoth­er Mohamed.

    “He told the peo­ple he lived with in Venice ear­li­er this year that he was mov­ing to Paris,” read the report. “The man, known as Mohammed, stayed at Aman­da Keller’s unit in the Sand­piper Apart­ment com­plex on Air­port Avenue in April.”

    This “Sec­ond Mohamed,” who had until then com­plete­ly escaped men­tion, was a man about whom author­i­ties oth­er­wise knew lit­tle…

    “Inves­ti­ga­tors have iden­ti­fied a fifth man of Mid­dle East­ern descent who trained to fly in Venice, but they don’t know if he was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks because they can’t find him.”

    “No snig­ger­ing allowed.”

    While they may not have known if he was involved with the 9.11 attack, author­i­ties were com­plete­ly sure about one thing… The numer­ous eye­wit­ness­es told police, reporters and the FBI that ter­ror­ist ring­leader Atta had been liv­ing at the Sand­piper Apart­ments dur­ing the Spring of 2001 had not in fact seen the ter­ror­ist ringleader…They had seen this man.

    He was the ‘sec­ond’ Mohamed. No snig­ger­ing was appar­ent­ly allowed.

    Accord­ing to state­ments the FBI made to Aman­da Keller while ques­tion­ing her, “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” was an alias of Atta’s. And the FBI Ter­ror­ist List—mistakenly released to the pub­lic a month after the attack by the Finnish Gov­ern­ment, to the Bureau’s consternation—also list­ed “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” as one of Atta’s numer­ous alias­es.

    But Aman­da Keller was far from alone in iden­ti­fy­ing Mohamed Atta as the man she had lived with for sev­er­al months. In the days after the attack every one of the local news­pa­pers in the area—the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, Char­lotte Sun, and Venice Gon­do­lier—ran eye­wit­ness accounts of Atta at the Sand­piper, across the street from the Venice Air­port.

    “Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.”

    “In a tele­phone inter­view late Fri­day, Keller said she met Atta through a friend and let him stay in the apart­ment with her and her then-boyfriend, Gar­rett Metts, because she felt sor­ry for him. She said author­i­ties told her not to say any­thing at all about Atta,” the paper report­ed.

    “I can’t real­ly dis­cuss any­thing,” she said. “I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.”

    Anoth­er sto­ry just three days after the attack report­ed: ”FLIGHT SCHOOL MAY HAVE CHARGED SUSPECTED TERRORISTS EXTRA RENT.” The local Venice Gon­do­lier report­ed Huff­man Avi­a­tion rent­ed an apart­ment for $550 a month at the Sand­piper, and then turned around and sub­let it to stu­dents at an out­ra­geous­ly high markup. Rudi Dekkers had been goug­ing the ter­ror­ists. We couldn’t muster any indig­na­tion over it.

    The secret his­to­ry of 9.11 con­tains items like the one from the Char­lotte Sun, stat­ing Aman­da had been intro­duced in Key West to two men from Ger­many who said were Mohamed’s friends.

    “FBI agents seized records from a finan­cial­ly trou­bled flight school at the Char­lotte Coun­ty Air­port, Pro­fes­sion­al Avi­a­tion, that recruit­ed stu­dents from Tunisia and went out of busi­ness in the spring of 2001, after tip­sters said they saw Atta there late last year or ear­ly this year,” the Char­lotte Sun-Her­ald report­ed.

    “The FBI in Tam­pa would nei­ther con­firm nor deny that any agents were inter­view­ing peo­ple in the North Port area,” Char­lotte Sun reporter Elaine Allen-Emrich wrote.

    “Asked for more infor­ma­tion about Atta’s wild week­end, an FBI spokesper­son iden­ti­fied only as Pam stat­ed “We rec­om­mend that you check in with CNN for cur­rent infor­ma­tion. Any press state­ments can be found on tele­vised sta­tions like CNN.”

    You Should Have “Checked In” with CNN First

    Yet ‘Mohamed Ara­jak­i’s’ email naive­ly assumes he has only Aman­da Keller to “dis­cred­it” to make the sto­ry go away.

    “The only com­mon points between Atta and myself are that I am from an Ara­bic back­ground, I was in Venice at the wrong time at the wrong school… (And) I for­got, my fam­i­ly name starts with an A as well,” the email stat­ed.

    “It is true that she met a cer­tain Mohamed but it was not Mohamed Atta, but myself. The only per­son to blame is Aman­da as she knew she was lying. Do a lit­tle bit of inves­ti­ga­tion and you will find things about Mohamed Arakji, because I am the Mohamed she knew not the oth­er one.”

    Upset about what he termed “the enor­mous lies you have been pub­lish­ing about Aman­da and Mohamed Atta,” he wrote, “Unfor­tu­nate­ly for you and myself, we had to deal with this ser­i­al liar psy­cho.”

    “She took facts and turned them to sell a sto­ry. I hope it did not cost you too much to buy noth­ing but lies.”

    In point of fact, we paid Aman­da noth­ing. We’d been puz­zled about why her sto­ry had­n’t already been told in the tabloids… “Terrorist’s Girl­friend Bares All!” would sell a lot of papers in the check-out line.

    Aman­da Keller nev­er went look­ing for pub­lic­i­ty. We went look­ing for her. We did­n’t feel like “check­ing in with CNN.”

    The accu­sa­tion that Keller was a gold-dig­ger look­ing for a pay­day in the deaths of 3000 peo­ple is a lie. As if antic­i­pat­ing it might not fly, the email offered a sec­ond expla­na­tion for how a half dozen ordi­nary cit­i­zens had mis­tak­en him for Mohamed Atta…

    “Also you must know that it is very easy to mis­take one Arab guy for anoth­er.”


    Every Pic­ture Tells a Sto­ry

    [see pic of Keller with the ‘sec­ond Mohamed’]

    “Aman­da men­tions trans­ves­tites in Key West, my friend got grabbed by a group of them in the street, as it was fun­ny, I took a pic­ture as well,” stat­ed the email.

    We dug out Aman­da’s com­ments about the trip to Key West: “So we went by Diva’s (in Key West) and it was the first time I ever saw a drag queen,” she told us. “And I was stand­ing there talk­ing to them, so they had their pic­tures tak­en with a drag queen.”

    “Peter, Mohamed and Stephan were all stand­ing next to the drag queen, who stuffed his hand down all their pants in the pic­tures, and Peter and Stephan both laughed it off, but Mohamed got real­ly angry,” said Aman­da.

    Some­where there are pho­tographs of ter­ror­ist ring­leader Mohamed Atta being groped by a drag queen in Key West. The truth is always stranger than fic­tion. Still, giv­en the numer­ous reports of Atta’s un-Islam­ic pro­cliv­i­ties, its not at all unbe­liev­able.

    Mr. “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” sent along sev­er­al pho­tos of him­self...

    Some­times a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words.

    We nev­er believed any cred­i­ble wit­ness would mis­take ter­ror­ist ring­leader Atta for any­one else, and see­ing this man’s pho­to only rein­forced the con­vic­tion...

    Could you mis­take this man for Mohamed Atta?

    We couldn’t either.


    “The ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’ in Venice” By Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad­Cow Morn­ing News; 05/03/2005

    “A mys­te­ri­ous French-Arab man resur­faced last week who author­i­ties had dubbed the ‘5th ter­ror­ist pilot’ and a ‘Sec­ond’ Mohamed in Venice, FL. In an email, he alleged that a num­ber of eye­wit­ness­es, includ­ing the girl who had lived with him, had all mis­tak­en him… for Mohamed Atta.”

    That’s right, A French-Arab man decid­ed to reach out to Daniel Hop­sick­er back in 2005 to insist that he was the real ‘Mohamed’ that Aman­da Keller had been dat­ing back in 2001. Not Mohamed Atta. Aman­da Keller was mak­ing it all up, accord­ing to this sec­ond Mohamed. And yet, as we’ve seen, it was far from just Aman­da Keller who was mak­ing these claims. You had land­lords like Char­lie Grapen­tine and next-door neigh­bors iden­ti­fy­ing Atta too. Local media was on the sto­ry. At least in the days fol­low­ing 9/11. But we’re expect­ed to ignore all of that, and accept this ‘sec­ond Mohamed’ nar­ra­tive. Even with a pro­vid­ed pic of this sec­ond Mohamed that looks noth­ing like Atta:

    Accord­ing to state­ments the FBI made to Aman­da Keller while ques­tion­ing her, “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” was an alias of Atta’s. And the FBI Ter­ror­ist List—mistakenly released to the pub­lic a month after the attack by the Finnish Gov­ern­ment, to the Bureau’s consternation—also list­ed “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” as one of Atta’s numer­ous alias­es.

    But Aman­da Keller was far from alone in iden­ti­fy­ing Mohamed Atta as the man she had lived with for sev­er­al months. In the days after the attack every one of the local news­pa­pers in the area—the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, Char­lotte Sun, and Venice Gon­do­lier—ran eye­wit­ness accounts of Atta at the Sand­piper, across the street from the Venice Air­port.

    “Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.”

    “In a tele­phone inter­view late Fri­day, Keller said she met Atta through a friend and let him stay in the apart­ment with her and her then-boyfriend, Gar­rett Metts, because she felt sor­ry for him. She said author­i­ties told her not to say any­thing at all about Atta,” the paper report­ed.

    “I can’t real­ly dis­cuss any­thing,” she said. “I’m afraid I’ll get in trou­ble.”

    Anoth­er sto­ry just three days after the attack report­ed: ”FLIGHT SCHOOL MAY HAVE CHARGED SUSPECTED TERRORISTS EXTRA RENT.” The local Venice Gon­do­lier report­ed Huff­man Avi­a­tion rent­ed an apart­ment for $550 a month at the Sand­piper, and then turned around and sub­let it to stu­dents at an out­ra­geous­ly high markup. Rudi Dekkers had been goug­ing the ter­ror­ists. We couldn’t muster any indig­na­tion over it.


    Yet ‘Mohamed Ara­jak­i’s’ email naive­ly assumes he has only Aman­da Keller to “dis­cred­it” to make the sto­ry go away.

    “The only com­mon points between Atta and myself are that I am from an Ara­bic back­ground, I was in Venice at the wrong time at the wrong school… (And) I for­got, my fam­i­ly name starts with an A as well,” the email stat­ed.

    “It is true that she met a cer­tain Mohamed but it was not Mohamed Atta, but myself. The only per­son to blame is Aman­da as she knew she was lying. Do a lit­tle bit of inves­ti­ga­tion and you will find things about Mohamed Arakji, because I am the Mohamed she knew not the oth­er one.”

    Upset about what he termed “the enor­mous lies you have been pub­lish­ing about Aman­da and Mohamed Atta,” he wrote, “Unfor­tu­nate­ly for you and myself, we had to deal with this ser­i­al liar psy­cho.”

    “She took facts and turned them to sell a sto­ry. I hope it did not cost you too much to buy noth­ing but lies.”

    In point of fact, we paid Aman­da noth­ing. We’d been puz­zled about why her sto­ry had­n’t already been told in the tabloids… “Terrorist’s Girl­friend Bares All!” would sell a lot of papers in the check-out line.


    “Also you must know that it is very easy to mis­take one Arab guy for anoth­er.”


    [see pic of Keller with the ‘sec­ond Mohamed’]


    Mr. “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” sent along sev­er­al pho­tos of him­self...

    Some­times a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words.

    We nev­er believed any cred­i­ble wit­ness would mis­take ter­ror­ist ring­leader Atta for any­one else, and see­ing this man’s pho­to only rein­forced the con­vic­tion...

    Could you mis­take this man for Mohamed Atta?

    We couldn’t either.

    This ‘sec­ond Mohamed’ sto­ry was remark­able, if wide­ly ignored, at the time when this sto­ry was break­ing in 2005. But let’s not for­get all the rev­e­la­tions we’ve had since. Like the recent rev­e­la­tion about the ‘Alec Sta­tion’ joint FBI and CIA fusion cen­ter run­ning cov­er for the 9/11 hijack­ers against US law enforce­ment in the peri­od lead­ing up to the attacks. In oth­er words, it’s not obvi­ous that the hijack­ers were on the US intel­li­gence’s radar in the pre‑9/11 peri­od. Which makes ques­tions about mys­te­ri­ous Ger­man affil­i­ates or a ‘sec­ond Mohamed’ all the more intrigu­ing. It would be a mas­sive mys­tery if this was a self-respect­ing soci­ety that actu­al­ly cared about itself. Instead, we get this bla­tant coverup that no one seems to care about. A coverup that includes the purg­ing of news data­bas­es of any of those local news arti­cles from the days imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing 9/11 lay­ing out all the oth­er eye­wit­ness­es who saw Aman­da Keller with Mohamed Atta in the Spring of 2001. Micro­fiche archives are the only places these sto­ries exist, if at all any­more:

    It was he they’d known in Venice, not the ter­ror­ist ring­leader, he assert­ed. And he sug­gest­ed the con­fu­sion might owe some­thing to their com­mon name, “Mohamed.”

    Before dis­miss­ing the claims of this sup­posed “Sec­ond Mohamed,” we must first con­sid­er a curi­ous sto­ry from the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, which seems to back him up.

    It was while review­ing his alle­ga­tions that we dis­cov­ered that cru­cial ear­ly news reports filed in Venice dur­ing the week after the attack in the local Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune have been removed from the news­pa­per data­base Lex­is-Nex­is, relied on by jour­nal­ists and inves­ti­ga­tors world­wide.


    Today the miss­ing sto­ries can only be found in one place we’re aware of: the micro­fiche record kept of the paper-as-print­ed in the Sara­so­ta Library.

    [see image of clip of Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune arti­cle]

    What this means is that—unless you already knew about them—these sto­ries effec­tive­ly no longer exist.

    Just to make sure they nev­er go away, we are mak­ing them avail­able here. Both con­tain most­ly unre­mark­able inter­views with numer­ous local eye­wit­ness­es whose paths crossed with those of the ter­ror­ists. Their tes­ti­mo­ny mat­ter-of-fact­ly con­tra­dicts the FBI’s offi­cial account, which states Atta moved to Venice soon after arriv­ing in the U.S., and left for good in Decem­ber of 2000.


    Miss­ing are sto­ries report­ing that Mohamed Atta was liv­ing across from the Venice Air­port at the Sand­piper Apart­ments dur­ing the Spring of 2001, with Aman­da Keller, a pink-haired Amer­i­can strip­per.

    Two dis­ap­peared arti­cles in par­tic­u­lar are very intrigu­ing. One, pub­lished in the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune on Sep­tem­ber 16, 2001, reveals that local law enforce­ment had actu­al­ly warned the FBI about Atta’s extrem­ism after Atta appar­ent­ly acci­den­tal­ly for­ward­ed a screed to an avi­a­tion busi­ness at the Char­lotte Air­port when he was liv­ing in Char­lotte Coun­ty before mov­ing to Venice. Two days lat­er, the same paper pub­lished an arti­cle where Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of the Sand­piper Apart­ments where Keller and Atta stayed in the Spring of 2001, men­tioned see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. That sin­gle state­ment basi­cal­ly backs up the entire sto­ry Keller first told. But, alas, that arti­cle has been purged from Lex­is­Nex­is and oth­er news data­bas­es too. It only exists in micro­fiche at this point. If at all:

    “FBI Links Third Ter­ror­ist to Venice” was the head­line of the first, on Sept. 16, writ­ten by Her­ald Tri­bune staff writ­ers Robert Eck­hart and Michael Wern­er, in which law enforce­ment offi­cials mat­ter-of-fact­ly con­firm to reporters that before mov­ing to Venice, Mohamed Atta lived 30 miles to the south in rur­al Char­lotte Coun­ty.

    “Atta lived for sev­er­al months in rur­al Char­lotte Coun­ty before mov­ing to Venice, Sher­iff Bill Clement said at a news con­fer­ence Thurs­day. Clement said the Sheriff’s Office had for­ward­ed sev­er­al tips to the FBI about Atta, who used an alias in Char­lotte Coun­ty.”

    Atta had gone to flight school at the Char­lotte Air­port, local author­i­ties dis­cov­ered, when a local busi­ness own­er took advan­tage of one of Atta’s few slip-ups…The ter­ror­ist ring­leader had inad­ver­tent­ly for­ward­ed a five-page screed which includ­ed the pic­ture of a dead Mid­dle East­ern child to an avi­a­tion busi­ness at the Char­lotte Air­port.

    The hor­ri­fied own­er imme­di­ate­ly passed it on to the Coun­ty Sher­iff. So local law enforce­ment got it before the FBI. Then the well-mean­ing Sher­iff released it to the media, much to the sub­se­quent dis­plea­sure of the FBI.

    He must have thought he still lived in a coun­try where there is some­thing called the “peo­ple’s right to know.”

    [see image of arti­cle with head­line “Fourth ter­ror­ist sus­pect may have ties to Venice”]

    This infor­ma­tion con­tra­dicts the FBI’s account. But it also throws into ques­tion the entire chronol­o­gy of the crime, from Atta’s arrival in the U.S. to his sub­se­quent move­ments, which is dis­turb­ing because the FBI’s inves­ti­ga­tion was the sole inves­tiga­tive source relied on by both the Joint Con­gres­sion­al Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee inquiry and the lat­er “inde­pen­dent” 9.11 Com­mis­sion.

    Both “inves­ti­ga­tions” knew only what the FBI told them…a tru­ly chill­ing prospect.

    The sec­ond account was pub­lished two days lat­er with the head­line: “Fourth Ter­ror­ist Sus­pect May Have Ties to Venice.” It too quot­ed cred­i­ble wit­ness­es whose tes­ti­mo­ny is almost laugh­ably at odds with the FBI’s ver­sion of events.

    Reporter Ear­le Kimel not­ed the dis­crep­an­cies.

    “Huff­man flight instruc­tors have said they believe Atta left the area short­ly after receiv­ing his pilot’s cer­ti­fi­ca­tion,” he report­ed.

    “How­ev­er, Atta may have been in Venice as recent­ly as April. Charles Grapen­tine, the man­ag­er of Sand­piper Apart­ments on Air­port Avenue in Venice, said he remem­bers see­ing Atta at the com­plex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was liv­ing in the apart­ment of Aman­da Keller.”


    And note how this sec­ond Mohamed seemed to con­firm that, yes, Keller was indeed hang­ing out with the oth­er Ger­mans she’s men­tioned at this time, Peter and Stephan. So, in the­o­ry, there’s anoth­er pair of peo­ple who could con­firm this ‘sec­ond Mohamed’ sto­ry. But they did­n’t decide to come for­ward to help their alleged friend Mohamed clear all this up:

    “Aman­da men­tions trans­ves­tites in Key West, my friend got grabbed by a group of them in the street, as it was fun­ny, I took a pic­ture as well,” stat­ed the email.

    We dug out Aman­da’s com­ments about the trip to Key West: “So we went by Diva’s (in Key West) and it was the first time I ever saw a drag queen,” she told us. “And I was stand­ing there talk­ing to them, so they had their pic­tures tak­en with a drag queen.”

    “Peter, Mohamed and Stephan were all stand­ing next to the drag queen, who stuffed his hand down all their pants in the pic­tures, and Peter and Stephan both laughed it off, but Mohamed got real­ly angry,” said Aman­da.

    Some­where there are pho­tographs of ter­ror­ist ring­leader Mohamed Atta being groped by a drag queen in Key West. The truth is always stranger than fic­tion. Still, giv­en the numer­ous reports of Atta’s un-Islam­ic pro­cliv­i­ties, its not at all unbe­liev­able.

    Mr. “Mohamed Ara­ja­ki” sent along sev­er­al pho­tos of him­self...

    Some­times a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words.

    We nev­er believed any cred­i­ble wit­ness would mis­take ter­ror­ist ring­leader Atta for any­one else, and see­ing this man’s pho­to only rein­forced the con­vic­tion...

    Could you mis­take this man for Mohamed Atta?

    We couldn’t either.

    Final­ly, there was one arti­cle from this peri­od imme­di­ate­ly after the attacks that can still be found in news data­bas­es like Lex­is­Nex­is: a Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001, arti­cle in the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune where Keller appears to recant every­thing she had said about dat­ing Atta. Instead, she insists that she had actu­al­ly dat­ed a sec­ond Mohamed who was tak­ing flight train­ing class­es in Venice at the time. Recall how Keller open­ly told Hop­sick­er that the reporter who authored this report, Chris Gri­er, was seem­ing­ly try­ing to trip her up and argu­ing with her, which, itself is anoth­er very curi­ous part of this whole sto­ry. Because Keller’s recant­i­ng took place before she did her Decem­ber 2002 inter­view with Hop­sick­er. So she recant­ed to the news less than two weeks after 9/11, but was open­ly talk­ing with Hop­sick­er for his Wel­come To Ter­ror­land book a year lat­er. It’s anoth­er wrin­kle in this case point­ing towards Keller being pres­sured to keep qui­et:

    FBI “Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rists”

    Any ordi­nary mor­tal who starts talk­ing about things like “A Sec­ond Oswald” is labeled a con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist. But some­how when the FBI con­jures up a ‘Sec­ond Mohamed’ no one even blinked.

    The sole sur­viv­ing report men­tion­ing Atta at the Sand­piper in the Lex­is-Nex­is news­pa­per data­base is a Sept 23, 2001 arti­cle in the Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune, in which author­i­ties take pains to refute the ear­li­er reports. Iron­i­cal­ly this only serves to call atten­tion to the fact that the ear­li­er sto­ries are no longer there.

    Under the head­line “FIFTH PILOT TRAINEE VANISHES” on Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001 the Sara­so­ta Her­ald-Tri­bune pair reversed itself, and now report­ed author­i­ties were say­ing Aman­da Keller had not lived with Mohamed Atta, but with anoth­er Mohamed.

    “He told the peo­ple he lived with in Venice ear­li­er this year that he was mov­ing to Paris,” read the report. “The man, known as Mohammed, stayed at Aman­da Keller’s unit in the Sand­piper Apart­ment com­plex on Air­port Avenue in April.”

    This “Sec­ond Mohamed,” who had until then com­plete­ly escaped men­tion, was a man about whom author­i­ties oth­er­wise knew lit­tle…

    “Inves­ti­ga­tors have iden­ti­fied a fifth man of Mid­dle East­ern descent who trained to fly in Venice, but they don’t know if he was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks because they can’t find him.”

    Now let’s take a clos­er look at that Sep­tem­ber 23, 2001, arti­cle, which is still avail­able in news archives. And note that, while Aman­da Keller does­n’t give much infor­ma­tion oth­er than to state that it was actu­al­ly this sec­ond Mohamed, and not Mohamed Atta, who she was liv­ing with April of 2001 at the Sand­piper Apart­ment com­plex, they did appar­ent­ly inter­view her mom and sis­ter. And accord­ing to Aman­da’s sis­ter Tam­my, the thing she remem­bers most about this sec­ond Mohamed was his creepy eyes and how he was leer. Which, of course, was Mohamed Atta’s sig­na­ture phys­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tic:

    Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune

    Fifth pilot trainee van­ish­es ; “Mohammed” slept on her couch, a Venice woman says: [All Edi­tion]

    Gri­er, Chris.
    ; Sara­so­ta, Fla. [Sara­so­ta, Fla]. 23 Sep 2001: A1.

    Inves­ti­ga­tors have iden­ti­fied a fifth man of Mid­dle East­ern descent who trained to fly in Venice, but they don’t know if he was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks because they can’t find him.

    He told the peo­ple he lived with in Venice ear­li­er this year that he was mov­ing to Paris. The man, known as Mohammed, stayed at Aman­da Keller’s unit in the Sand­piper Apart­ment com­plex on Air­port Avenue in April.

    Author­i­ties would not release the man’s full name and Keller would not divulge it, cit­ing instruc­tions from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Law Enforce­ment.

    Inves­ti­ga­tors recent­ly asked Keller about the man because his name appeared on a list of flight stu­dents at Venice area flight schools.

    One inves­ti­ga­tor, speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, said the man is among “hun­dreds” of flight stu­dents of for­eign descent now under scruti­ny by fed­er­al author­i­ties.

    They aren’t sure whether he was among the 19 men who hijacked the jets that crashed into the Pen­ta­gon, the World Trade Cen­ter tow­ers and in rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia.

    But his train­ing in Venice and his dis­ap­pear­ance have attract­ed their atten­tion because of four oth­er men who author­i­ties say trained in Venice to pre­pare for the attacks.

    Ramzi Binal­shibh, 29, Mohamed Atta, 33, Mar­wan Al-She­hhi, 23, and Ziad Samir Jar­rah are believed to have trained at one of two schools in Venice, the Flori­da Flight Train­ing Cen­ter or Huff­man Avi­a­tion.

    Keller said com­ments attrib­uted to her in the Her­ald-Tri­bune on Sat­ur­day, say­ing that Atta lived in her apart­ment, were wrong. She said that it was this uniden­ti­fied fifth man, also named Mohammed, that stayed in her home.


    The fifth man being eyed by inves­ti­ga­tors was tall, lanky and qui­et, accord­ing to Keller’s moth­er and sis­ter.

    In inter­views at their home in the North Flori­da town of Lady Lake, they said the man intro­duced him­self as Mohammed.

    “He would leer,” said Tam­my Payne, Keller’s sis­ter. “God was he creepy.”

    Susan Payne, Keller’s moth­er, said her daugh­ter and then- boyfriend Gar­rett Metts often took in strangers at her apart­ment.

    The two were pop­u­lar, Payne said, and peo­ple often stayed there after nights of par­ty­ing and vis­it­ing the clubs.

    Mohammed, Tam­my Payne said, often went out club­bing, usu­al­ly at Mar­gari­ta Mag­gie’s in Sara­so­ta.

    In an inter­view at her moth­er’s house, Keller would­n’t talk about the man who stayed on her couch. But she did say the atten­tion she’s received from police and the media has been unwel­come.


    “Fifth pilot trainee van­ish­es ; “Mohammed” slept on her couch, a Venice woman says” by Chris Gri­er; Sara­so­ta Her­ald Tri­bune; 09/23/2001

    “Keller said com­ments attrib­uted to her in the Her­ald-Tri­bune on Sat­ur­day, say­ing that Atta lived in her apart­ment, were wrong. She said that it was this uniden­ti­fied fifth man, also named Mohammed, that stayed in her home.”

    “Whoops! I was wrong! Dif­fer­ent Mohamed!” That was more or less how this sto­ry was offi­cial­ly killed, just 12 days after the 9/11 attacks. And note how the Flori­da Depart­ment of Law Enforce­ment was appar­ent­ly the agency instruct­ing Keller not to divulge the full name of this Mohamed. Beyond that, the sole inves­ti­ga­tor who spoke to the reporter, Chris Gri­er, only did so on a con­di­tion of anonymi­ty. Thus ensur­ing no fol­low up ques­tions could ever be mean­ing­ful­ly asked:

    He told the peo­ple he lived with in Venice ear­li­er this year that he was mov­ing to Paris. The man, known as Mohammed, stayed at Aman­da Keller’s unit in the Sand­piper Apart­ment com­plex on Air­port Avenue in April.

    Author­i­ties would not release the man’s full name and Keller would not divulge it, cit­ing instruc­tions from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Law Enforce­ment.

    Inves­ti­ga­tors recent­ly asked Keller about the man because his name appeared on a list of flight stu­dents at Venice area flight schools.

    One inves­ti­ga­tor, speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, said the man is among “hun­dreds” of flight stu­dents of for­eign descent now under scruti­ny by fed­er­al author­i­ties.

    They aren’t sure whether he was among the 19 men who hijacked the jets that crashed into the Pen­ta­gon, the World Trade Cen­ter tow­ers and in rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia.

    But his train­ing in Venice and his dis­ap­pear­ance have attract­ed their atten­tion because of four oth­er men who author­i­ties say trained in Venice to pre­pare for the attacks.


    Also note how, while Aman­da Keller would­n’t talk more about this mys­tery man, her moth­er and sis­ter did talk. And it’s hard not to notice how they describe some­one with one of Mohamed Atta’s chief per­son­al char­ac­ter­is­tics: very scary eyes:

    The fifth man being eyed by inves­ti­ga­tors was tall, lanky and qui­et, accord­ing to Keller’s moth­er and sis­ter.

    In inter­views at their home in the North Flori­da town of Lady Lake, they said the man intro­duced him­self as Mohammed.

    “He would leer,” said Tam­my Payne, Keller’s sis­ter. “God was he creepy.”

    Susan Payne, Keller’s moth­er, said her daugh­ter and then- boyfriend Gar­rett Metts often took in strangers at her apart­ment.

    The two were pop­u­lar, Payne said, and peo­ple often stayed there after nights of par­ty­ing and vis­it­ing the clubs.

    Mohammed, Tam­my Payne said, often went out club­bing, usu­al­ly at Mar­gari­ta Mag­gie’s in Sara­so­ta.

    In an inter­view at her moth­er’s house, Keller would­n’t talk about the man who stayed on her couch. But she did say the atten­tion she’s received from police and the media has been unwel­come.

    So here’s a quick reminder that Atta’s scary eyes were indeed one of his pri­ma­ry phys­i­cal fea­tures: Accord­ing to the loan offi­cer who met with Atta as he was try­ing to get a $650,000 loan to buy a crop-duster, Atta’s “very scary” black eyes left a deep impres­sion:

    ABC News

    Woman Recalls Encounter With 9/11 Leader

    By ABC News

    June 6, 2002 — Four of the hijack­ers who attacked Amer­i­ca on Sept. 11 tried to get gov­ern­ment loans to finance their plots, includ­ing ring­leader Mohamed Atta, who sought $650,000 to mod­i­fy a crop-duster, a gov­ern­ment loan offi­cer told ABCNEWS.

    First Atta, then Mar­wan Al-She­hhi, Ahmed Algham­di and Fayez Rashid Ahmed Has­san al Qadi Ban­i­ham­mad, all of whom died in the Sep­tem­ber attacks, tried to get loans from the U.S. Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, Johnelle Bryant told ABCNEWS, speak­ing out to the pub­lic for the first time.

    It was Atta who was the most per­sis­tent, and the most fright­en­ing, Bryant said in an exclu­sive, exten­sive inter­view in which she recount­ed how Atta railed against her when the loan was denied, ask­ing her how she would like to see the destruc­tion of Wash­ing­ton, D.C., and mon­u­ments there, which he observed in a pic­ture on the wall of her Flori­da office.

    Bryant recalled how Atta sat across from her with his “very scary” black eyes for more than an hour.

    “His eyes, he had very scary-look­ing eyes. His eyes were black,” she remem­bered. “How could some­body be that evil, be that close to me, and I did­n’t rec­og­nize it?”



    “Woman Recalls Encounter With 9/11 Leader” by ABC News; ABC News; 06/06/2002

    ““His eyes, he had very scary-look­ing eyes. His eyes were black,” she remem­bered. “How could some­body be that evil, be that close to me, and I did­n’t rec­og­nize it?””

    Are we look­ing at two dif­fer­ent Mohameds who just hap­pen to have ter­ri­fy­ing eyes as their most mem­o­rable fea­ture? Ter­ri­fy­ing eyes aren’t exact­ly a com­mon trait. And sure coin­ci­dences hap­pen. But so do coverups. Which seems more like­ly in this case? Hmmm...

    So if you hap­pen to stum­ble across a French-Arab “Mohamed Ara­jac­ki” with very creepy eyes of the right age who spent time in South Flori­da in 2001, you might want to alert the press and US inves­ti­ga­tors that would be quite a find, but one appar­ent­ly cares any­more. If ever.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 30, 2023, 5:56 pm

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