Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #583 Update on Islamic Fascism

Record­ed Jan­u­ary 28, 2007

Lis­ten: MP3

Side 1  Side 2


Intro­duc­tion: Updat­ing the sub­ject of Islam­ic fas­cism, the pro­gram empha­sizes its oper­at­ing links with oth­er, non-Islam­ic fas­cist ele­ments. Exem­pli­fy­ing this rela­tion­ship is the role of Kazbek Soob­zokov in a Mus­lim Broth­er­hood char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion called Islam­ic Relief World­wide. The son of Waf­fen SS offi­cer and CIA oper­a­tive Tscher­im Soob­zokov, Kazbek is the Amer­i­can rep­re­sen­ta­tive of this Mus­lim Broth­er­hood enti­ty, which man­i­fests that organization’s Nazi her­itage, as well as help­ing to fund Hamas. Inter­est­ing­ly, and per­haps sig­nif­i­cant­ly, the Mor­mons heav­i­ly finance IRW’s Amer­i­can branch! Much of the first side of the pro­gram updates the inves­ti­ga­tion into Bank Al Taqwa—the main finan­cial organ of the Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and an accused fund­ing source for Al Qae­da. Blam­ing the fail­ure of their inves­ti­ga­tion on lack of coop­er­a­tion by Bank Al Taqwa’s Bahamas branch, the Swiss closed their inquiry in 2006. Al Taqwa’s Bahamas branch was rep­re­sent­ed by Sean Han­na, whose father’s firm rep­re­sent­ed a num­ber of busi­ness­es asso­ci­at­ed with Al Taqwa prin­ci­pals Youssef Nada and Ahmed Idris Nasred­din. A month before [Sean’s father] Arthur D. Han­na assumed the office of Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of the Bahamas, Sean Han­na died unex­pect­ed­ly. Al Taqwa and the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood heav­i­ly over­lap the milieu of the SAAR net­work and relat­ed ele­ments of the GOP hier­ar­chy. The founder of the enti­ties that com­prised the SAAR net­work is Yaqub Mirza, who is deeply involved with com­pa­nies devel­op­ing the military’s new com­put­er­ized war-fight­ing sys­tem. Anoth­er of Mirza’s firms (Ptech) devel­oped the threat-assess­ment soft­ware archi­tec­ture for the Air Force, the FAA and NORAD. Will the C4ISR sys­tem per­form in bat­tle in the way that the Ptech sys­tems did on 9/11?

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Sen­a­tor Bar­bara Boxer’s rescind­ing of an award to a mem­ber of CAIR; the strong pres­ence of ter­ror­ist-relat­ed ele­ments in CAIR; the shock­ing lack of knowl­edge of the Islam­ic world on the part of impor­tant gov­ern­ment per­son­nel; Argentina’s indict­ment of Iran­ian offi­cials for plan­ning the 1994 AMIA bomb­ing; review of the links between the AMIA bomb plot­ters and neo-Nazi ele­ments; the Iran­ian Holo­caust denial con­fer­ence; the pres­ence at that con­fer­ence of for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke; Iran­ian pres­i­dent Ahmadinejad’s grow­ing links to Euro­pean neo-Nazis. (For more about the sub­ject of Islam­ic fas­cism, see—among oth­er pro­grams– FTR#’s 343, 455, 456, 473, 518, 538, 558.)

1. The broad­cast begins by review­ing infor­ma­tion about the release of gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments about the incor­po­ra­tion of Nazi war crim­i­nals into the U.S. intel­li­gence sys­tem at the con­clu­sion of World War II. “. . . . . The Eich­mann papers are among 27,000 new­ly declas­si­fied pages released by the C.I.A. to the Nation­al Archives under Con­gres­sion­al pres­sure to make pub­lic files about for­mer offi­cials of Hitler’s regime lat­er used as Amer­i­can agents. The mate­r­i­al rein­forces the view that most for­mer Nazis gave Amer­i­can intel­li­gence lit­tle of val­ue and in some cas­es proved to be dam­ag­ing dou­ble agents for the Sovi­et K.G.B., accord­ing to his­to­ri­ans and mem­bers of the gov­ern­ment pan­el that has worked to open the long-secret files. . . .”
(“C.I.A. Knew Where Eich­mann Was Hid­ing, Doc­u­ments Show” by Scott Shane; New York Times; 6/7/2006.)

2. Among the Nazis shel­tered by the U.S. for their per­ceived intel­li­gence exper­tise was Tscher­im Soob­zokov, a Waf­fen SS offi­cer and mem­ber of a Mus­lim fight­ing unit. A sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of Soob­zokovs is now mak­ing news, as we will see below. “ . . . . The doc­u­ments also pro­vide new infor­ma­tion about the case of Tscher­im Soob­zokov, a for­mer SS offi­cer who was the sub­ject of a much-pub­li­cized depor­ta­tion case in 1979 when he was liv­ing as an Amer­i­can cit­i­zen in Pater­son, N.J. He was charged with hav­ing fal­si­fied his immi­gra­tion appli­ca­tion to con­ceal his SS ser­vice, which ordi­nar­i­ly would have barred his entry. But the charge was dropped when a C.I.A. doc­u­ment turned up show­ing that he had dis­closed his SS mem­ber­ship. The new­ly declas­si­fied records show that he was employed by the C.I.A. from 1952 to 1959 despite ‘clear evi­dence of a war crimes record,’ said anoth­er his­to­ri­an at the brief­ing, Richard Bre­it­man of Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty. Because it val­ued Mr. Soob­zokov for his lan­guage skills and ties to fel­low eth­nic Cir­cas­sians liv­ing in the Sovi­et Union, the C.I.A. delib­er­ate­ly hid details of his Nazi record from the Immi­gra­tion and Nat­u­ral­iza­tion Ser­vice after he moved to the Unit­ed States in 1955, Mr. Bre­it­man said. But Mr. Soob­zokov ulti­mate­ly did not escape his past. He died in 1985 after a pipe bomb explod­ed out­side his house. The case has nev­er been solved.” (Idem.)

3. Turn­ing to the first top­ic of dis­cus­sion, the pro­gram sets forth the sit­u­a­tion of Islam­ic Relief, a Mus­lim char­i­ty close­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and charged with being a front orga­ni­za­tion for Hamas ter­ror­ists. (Hamas is a Pales­tin­ian off­shoot of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.) Found­ed by a rel­a­tive of Has­san al-Ban­na (the founder of the Broth­er­hood), Islam­ic Relief has been financed by the Mor­mons and has been charged by the Israelis with man­i­fest­ing Nazi ide­o­log­i­cal trap­pings, in addi­tion to its ter­ror­ist oper­a­tions. (For more about the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 343455473518538.) “Mor­mons are among the most patri­ot­ic Amer­i­cans. So, why are they the new financiers of Islam­ic ter­ror­ism and instruc­tion for young chil­dren in behead­ings? The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat­ter-Day Saints, the Mor­mon Church, is the sin­gle largest donor to the U.S. branch of Islam­ic Relief World­wide (IRW), also known as Islam­ic Relief. In the past year, it donat­ed $1.6 mil­lion to the char­i­ty. But Islam­ic Relief is not just any char­i­ty. The Israeli gov­ern­ment says it is a Hamas front group. It is also under inves­ti­ga­tion by the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment. IRW was found­ed in 1984 by Dr. Hany El Ban­na. He is a rel­a­tive of Has­san El Ban­na, founder of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ter­ror­ist group–from which Hamas, Yass­er Arafat, and Al-Qaeda’s sec­ond-in-com­mand Ayman Al-Zawahiri emanat­ed.”
(“Mor­mons Financ­ing Ter­ror­ism?” by Deb­bie Schlus­sel; Front Page Mag­a­zine; 9/4/2006.)

4. More about the Nazi ori­en­ta­tion of Islam­ic Relief: “In May, Israel deport­ed Ayaz Ali, IRW’s chief of oper­a­tions in Gaza, after three weeks in jail. Israel said Ali gave mon­ey to Hamas and Al-Wafa and Al-Tza­lah, both out­lawed by Israel for laun­der­ing mon­ey to Hamas. He also stored images of Osama Bin Laden, Abu Musab Al-Zar­qawi, Senior Ger­man Nazi offi­cials, Nazi swastikas, and a ‘God Bless Hitler’ ban­ner on his com­put­er. Upon Ali’s depor­ta­tion an Israeli gov­ern­ment state­ment said: ‘He also admit­ted that he worked in Jor­dan and coop­er­at­ed with local Hamas oper­a­tives. . . . Incrim­i­nat­ing files were found on Ali’s com­put­er, includ­ing doc­u­ments that attest­ed to [Islam­ic Relief’s] ties with ille­gal HAMAS funds abroad–in the UK and in Sau­di Arabia–and in Nablus. The IRW’s activ­i­ties in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip are car­ried out by social wel­fare orga­ni­za­tions con­trolled and staffed by Hamas oper­a­tives. The inten­sive activ­i­ties of these asso­ci­a­tions are designed to fur­ther Hamas’ ide­ol­o­gy among the Pales­tin­ian pop­u­la­tion. These asso­ci­a­tions’ edu­ca­tion­al and reli­gious insti­tu­tions incite against the State of Israel and advo­cate ter­ror­ist actions against it and its cit­i­zens.’ In 1999, IRW’s British head­quar­ters received $50,000 from a Cana­di­an group that the Trea­sury Depart­ment says is a Bin Laden front, accord­ing to the Los Ange­les Times.” (Idem.)

5. Islam­ic Relief Worldwide’s reg­is­tered Amer­i­can agent is Kazbek Soob­zokov, the son of Tscher­im Soob­zokov! Note the dif­fi­cul­ty of inter­dict­ing ter­ror­ist-sup­port orga­ni­za­tions when they dou­ble as char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tions. “Inves­ti­ga­tor Bill Warn­er notes that IRW’s reg­is­tered agent in the Unit­ed States, Kazbek Soob­zokov, is the son of Nazi Waf­fen SS offi­cer Tscher­im Soob­zokov and was the lawyer for deport­ed accused ter­ror­ist and Islam­ic cler­ic, Imam Wagdy Mohamed Ghoneim. Regard­ing Ghoneim, Immi­gra­tion and Cus­toms Enforce­ment offi­cial Bill Oden­crantz said, ‘Frankly, our task is not to sit around and wait for peo­ple to blow up build­ings.’ At an Islam­ic Relief fundrais­er I attend­ed last Fri­day, Mis­bah Shahid, the orga­ni­za­tion’s Detroit rep­re­sen­ta­tive, announced that IRW pub­lish­es and dis­trib­utes school text­books to chil­dren in Pales­tin­ian refugee camps. But text­books dis­trib­uted in the camps are rid­dled with anti-Semit­ic, anti-Chris­t­ian, and anti-Amer­i­can rhetoric, accord­ing to Mol­ly Resnick of Moth­ers Against Teach­ing Chil­dren to Kill and Hate. Shahid also told the audi­ence that his orga­ni­za­tion is one of the key Non-Gov­ern­men­tal Orga­ni­za­tions cur­rent­ly dis­trib­ut­ing aid to Pales­tin­ian refugee camps in Lebanon, includ­ing UN and U.S. aid. But those camps are known as breed­ing grounds for ter­ror­ists.” (Idem.)

6. It is indeed depress­ing to see the nature of this orga­ni­za­tion, the Amer­i­can branch of which is heav­i­ly sup­port­ed by the Mor­mons. Note that aid was giv­en by IRW to the state of Mis­sis­sip­pi fol­low­ing Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na. This aid was accept­ed by Haley Bar­bour, the GOP gov­er­nor of Mis­sis­sip­pi. As dis­cussed in FTR#433, Barbour’s New Bridge firm is sub­con­tract­ing with the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood-con­trolled Al-Bun­nia firm in the “recon­struc­tion” of Iraq. “Giv­en all this, why are Mor­mons pour­ing mil­lions into Islam­ic Relief? They aren’t alone. Islam­ic Relief’s brochures show Mis­sis­sip­pi Gov­er­nor Haley Bar­bour accept­ing Kat­ri­na aid from IRW, last year. It is a con­sul­ta­tive mem­ber of the UN. It was found­ed in Britain with the con­tin­ued finan­cial aid and assis­tance of the British gov­ern­ment, whose ambas­sador to Israel con­vinced the Israeli gov­ern­ment to allow Islam­ic Relief to open its HAMAS-friend­ly Gaza office. Almost five years after 9/11, we will nev­er end ter­ror­ism if the West con­tin­ues to sanc­tion its fund­ing.” (Idem.)

7. Sup­ple­ment­ing pre­vi­ous dis­cus­sion about the Bank Al Taqwa (the main finan­cial organ of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood), the pro­gram presents infor­ma­tion about Swiss attri­bu­tion for the fail­ure of the post‑9/11 inves­ti­ga­tion into Al Taqwa’s activ­i­ties on behalf of Al Qae­da. The Swiss are blam­ing the fail­ure of the inves­ti­ga­tion on the Bahama­ian author­i­ties. (For more about Al Taqwa, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s343454456513538.) “Swiss author­i­ties recent­ly blamed The Bahamas for the fail­ure of an inves­ti­ga­tion into Al Taqwa Man­age­ment Orga­ni­za­tion now Nada Man­age­ment Orga­ni­za­tion. . . . In Decem­ber 2000 the gov­ern­ment of The Bahamas cre­at­ed leg­is­la­tion that it believed would remove it from the OECD’s black­list. As part of this exer­cise Bahami­an reg­u­la­tors decid­ed they would no longer enter­tain banks that had no phys­i­cal pres­ence in The Bahamas. Scores of banks, deroga­to­ri­ly known as brass plate banks, did their home­work and decid­ed to close shop. Accord­ing to Al Taqwa’s Bahami­an attor­ney and rep­re­sen­ta­tive Sean Han­na, Youssef Nada, Al Taqwa’s founder, had decid­ed that their Bahami­an oper­a­tions did not war­rant the added expense of a phys­i­cal pres­ence and had decid­ed to wind up the oper­a­tion. The Cen­tral Bank had giv­en a grace peri­od for such banks to make the nec­es­sary arrange­ments. . . .”
(“Black­list­ing Fall­out: Swiss Blame Bahami­an Author­i­ties” by C.E. Hug­gins; Caribbean Net News; 6/13/2005)

8. Sean Hanna—Taqwa’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in the Bahamas—belongs to a promi­nent Bahami­an fam­i­ly. His father just assumed the posi­tion of Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al of the Bahamas. “Pledg­ing to unite all Bahami­ans and to fos­ter in them a spir­it of patri­o­tism, His Excel­len­cy Arthur Dion Han­na, 77, became the sev­enth Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al of an inde­pen­dent Bahamas. . . .”
(“Han­na Pledges Uni­ty; Sev­enth Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al also Pledges to ‘Sow the Seeds of Peace’” by Lind­say Thomp­son; The Freeport News.)

9. Arthur Hanna’s com­pa­ny also han­dled busi­ness for sev­er­al enti­ties relat­ed to Youssef Nada and Ahmed Idriss Nasred­din. Items 12, 13 and 14 deal with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood enti­ties rep­re­sent­ed by Arthur D. Han­na.
(“Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Com­mit­tee Adds Twen­ty-Five Indi­vid­u­als and Enti­ties to Its List”; 9/5/2002.)

10. Six months after the Swiss shut down their inves­ti­ga­tion of Al Taqwa and a month before his father assumed office, Sean Han­na died unex­pect­ed­ly. Short­ly after the U.S. pub­licly dis­closed the exis­tence of an account at Al Taqwa main­tained for Al Qae­da by Ali bin Mus­sal­im, bin Mus­sal­im died in Lau­sanne. (For more about his death and the inter­est­ing con­nec­tion he main­tained with the inter­na­tion­al far-right, see FTR#  513, as well as FTR#556.) “In the midst of the Christ­mas sea­son, when every­one is sup­pos­ed­ly enjoy­ing them­selves and hav­ing fun, there are many peo­ple who are in sor­row because of the death of loved ones. It’s a fact that there are no days ear­marked for the Grim Reaper to take a hol­i­day. It does­n’t mat­ter if it’s a per­son­’s birth­day or anniver­sary, whether it’s Christ­mas or any oth­er spe­cial­ty date on the cal­en­dar. If it is the appoint­ed time for some­one, then so be it, that date will be kept, regard­less. . . Sean Han­na was called to the Bar at the young age of 22, but he had the dis­tinc­tion of com­ing from a fam­i­ly of lawyers, with his father Arthur D Han­na at the head, his broth­er Dion and sis­ter Glenys Han­na-Mar­tin, Min­is­ter of Trans­port and Avi­a­tion. Sean Han­na was a rel­a­tive­ly qui­et and unob­tru­sive indi­vid­ual and for the most part kept out of the lime­light, although he was a pas­sion­ate per­son with a keen legal mind, who stood up for what he believed in. . . .”
(“Hol­i­day Deaths”; The Nas­sau Guardian.)

11. Next, the pro­gram turns to the sub­ject of Yaqub Mirza, who set up the busi­ness­es and char­i­ties raid­ed by Oper­a­tion Green Quest on 3/20/2002. In spite of his role in set­ting up those orga­ni­za­tions, Mirza has nev­er been charged with a crime. (For more about Mirza and the Green Quest raids, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 356, 454.) Mirza is also a direc­tor of a high-tech firm called Ptech. Deeply involved with the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and financed, in part, by peo­ple involved with Al Qae­da, Ptech devel­oped the threat-assess­ment soft­ware archi­tec­ture for the Air Force, the FAA, and NORAD, among oth­er gov­ern­ment agen­cies. Many observers believe that Ptech may well account for the strange behav­ior of air defense units on 9/11. (For more about Ptech and Mirza, see FTR#’s 462, 464, 467.) It appears that Mirza is linked to the com­pa­nies devel­op­ing the high-tech mil­i­tary oper­at­ing sys­tem for the future. “Here’s the gist of this post: the Pen­ta­gon is cur­rent­ly throw­ing bil­lions of dol­lars into its vision­ary Future Com­bat Sys­tems net­work (FCS). This is going to the net­work that allows all of the mil­i­tary sys­tems of the future to com­mu­ni­cate and coor­di­nate, includ­ing remote­ly con­trolled drones that will patrol the streets of tomor­row’s urban war­fare night­mare envi­ron­ments. It appears that the com­pa­ny cho­sen to pro­vide the embed­ded oper­at­ing sys­tem for the vital ‘com­mand, con­trol, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, com­put­ing, intel­li­gence, sur­veil­lance and recon­nais­sance’ (C4ISR) infra­struc­ture used across all FCS plat­forms had (and pos­si­bly still has) Yaqcub Mirza on its board. And Yaqcub Mirza just hap­pens to be the guy that set up the Saudi/Muslim Broth­er­hood’s SAAR net­work that was raid­ed in the Oper­a­tion Green­quest raids of 2002 AND sat on the board of Ptech. . . .”
(“Key Mil­i­tary Net­work Oper­at­ing Sys­tem Made by Com­pa­ny with Ptech Ties” post­ed by ftr23532; Demo­c­ra­t­ic Under­ground; post­ed 1/21/07.)

12. “Here’s an overview of the Future Com­bat Sys­tems indi­cat­ing how crit­i­cal C4ISR is to the whole sys­tem: . . . The Army’s Future Com­bat Sys­tems (FCS) net­work allows the FCS Fam­i­ly-of-Sys­tems (FoS) to oper­ate as a cohe­sive sys­tem-of-sys­tems where the whole of its capa­bil­i­ties is greater than the sum of its parts. As the key to the Army’s trans­for­ma­tion, the net­work, and its logis­tics and Embed­ded Train­ing (ET) sys­tems, enable the Future Force to employ rev­o­lu­tion­ary oper­a­tional and orga­ni­za­tion­al con­cepts. The net­work enables Sol­diers to per­ceive, com­pre­hend, shape, and dom­i­nate the future bat­tle­field at unprece­dent­ed lev­els as defined by the FCS Oper­a­tional Require­ments Doc­u­ment (ORD). The FCS net­work con­sists of four over­ar­ch­ing build­ing blocks: Sys­tem-of-Sys­tems Com­mon Oper­at­ing Envi­ron­ment (SOSCOE); Bat­tle Com­mand (BC) soft­ware; com­mu­ni­ca­tions and com­put­ers (CC); and intel­li­gence, recon­nais­sance and sur­veil­lance (ISR) sys­tems. The four build­ing blocks syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly inter­act enabling the Future Force to see first, under­stand first, act first and fin­ish deci­sive­ly.” (Idem.)

13. Lynux­Works got the con­tract to pro­vide the C4ISR sys­tem. “So guess who got the con­tract to pro­vide the C4ISR sys­tem: . . . ‘Lynux­Works Inc. today announced it was cho­sen as the embed­ded oper­at­ing sys­tem ven­dor by Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Advanced Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems for the U.S. Army’s Future Com­bat Sys­tems (FCS) pro­gram’s Inte­grat­ed Com­put­er Sys­tem (ICS). Under terms of the con­tract, Lynux­Works’ Lin­ux-com­pat­i­ble Lynx­OS-178 safe­ty-crit­i­cal real-time oper­at­ing sys­tem (RTOS) will be used to meet the per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty needs of the FCS, a fam­i­ly of advanced, net­worked air- and ground-based mil­i­tary sys­tems for use by the Army’s Future Force. As the com­mand, con­trol, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, com­put­ing, intel­li­gence, sur­veil­lance and recon­nais­sance (C4ISR) infra­struc­ture used across all FCS plat­forms, Gen­er­al Dynam­ics’ ICS will pro­vide com­put­er pro­cess­ing, net­work­ing, infor­ma­tion assur­ance, and data stor­age resources nec­es­sary to sup­port the net­work-cen­tric oper­a­tions of FCS.’”
(Ibid.; Lynux infor­ma­tion from [“Lynux­Works Select­ed as Embed­ded Oper­at­ing Sys­tem Ven­dor for Army’s Future Com­bat Sys­tems Pro­gram”; 4/11/2005.)

14. It is through Lynux­Works that Yaqub Mirza and Ster­ling Man­age­ment Group have access to the C4ISR sys­tem. “Now, look­ing at the Lynux­Works web­site there’s no ref­er­ence to Yuqub Mirza, although, on a side note, for­mer GOP VA gov­er­nor James Gilmore sits on its tech­ni­cal advi­so­ry board. But it turns out that one of the investors in Lynux­works was the Her­don VA-based Ster­ling Man­age­ment Group (SMG), and the Pres­i­dent and CEO of the SMG is Yaqub Mirza. Here’s an SEC fil­ing from 2000 for Lynux­Works (for­mer­ly known as ‘Lynx Real Time Sys­tems’) that lists ‘Ster­ling Lynux Group’ as one of the own­ers and Yuqub Mirza as a direc­tor. Accord­ing to this site, Yacub Mirza might pos­si­bly still sit on Lynux­Work­s’s board. And here’s anoth­er com­pa­ny, PocketPass.com that has both Mirza and Lynux Chair­man Inder Singh of its board of direc­tors. The two appar­ent­ly put financed the cre­ation of Pock­et­Pass back in 1999, so the two appear to have more than just a casu­al busi­ness rela­tion­ship.” (Idem.)

15. Ptech is involved with the C4ISR sys­tem! One won­ders if this sys­tem will mal­func­tion or fall vic­tim to coun­ter­mea­sures as a result of being com­pro­mised. Will it fail to oper­ate prop­er­ly, like the air defense sys­tem on 9/11? “And as men­tioned above, Yacub Mirza also just hap­pens to be both a financier of Ptech (along with accused al-Qae­da financier Yassin al-Qadi) and a Ptech board mem­ber. And for those inter­est­ed, here is some info on Oper­a­tion Green­quest, the SAAR net­work and its ties to Grover Norquist, here is some info on Yassin al-Qadi and obstruc­tion of inves­ti­ga­tions into him (skip down the to the ‘Oper­a­tion Vul­gar Betray­al’ stuff). To make mat­ters worse, it appears that Ptech was involved with the mil­i­tary’s C4ISR sys­tem:...” (Idem.)

16. Details about Ptech’s involve­ment with the C4ISR sys­tem: “The Ptech Frame­Work Mil­i­tary Infor­ma­tion Archi­tec­ture Accel­er­a­tor enables mil­i­tary infor­ma­tion archi­tects and deci­sion mak­ers to cre­ate a com­pre­hen­sive, con­cor­dant con­text for plan­ning and man­ag­ing change in the infor­ma­tion-relat­ed capa­bil­i­ties that are crit­i­cal to the suc­cess of mil­i­tary oper­a­tions and enter­pris­es. With domain-spe­cif­ic meta­mod­els based on con­cepts and behav­ior rules adapt­ed from the DoD C4ISR Archi­tec­ture Frame­work, the CADM, and oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence, the MIAA cre­ates and auto­mat­i­cal­ly enforces a con­sis­tent tax­on­o­my (arti­facts, inter­re­la­tion­ships and rules) through­out all oper­a­tional, sys­tem, and tech­ni­cal view prod­ucts. The MIAA also incor­po­rates the abil­i­ty to orga­nize archi­tec­ture data accord­ing to Zach­man, Boer and oth­er archi­tec­ture frame­works, and pro­vides file-based inter­faces to the Joint C4ISR Archi­tec­ture Plan­ning Sys­tem (JCAPS) and pow­er­ful dis­crete event sim­u­la­tion capa­bil­i­ty (Design/CPN). . . .”
(Ibid.; Ptech infor­ma­tion accessed at: “Mil­i­tary Infor­ma­tion Archi­tec­ture Accel­er­a­tor (MIAA)”)

17. Next, the broad­cast high­lights the rescind­ing of an award giv­en to a mem­ber of the Coun­cil on Arab-Amer­i­can Rela­tions. Orig­i­nal­ly award­ed by Sen­a­tor Bar­bara Box­er, the dec­o­ra­tion was with­drawn because of the CAIR’s links to extrem­ists. “Sen­a­tor Bar­bara Box­er has rescind­ed an award her office gave to a Sacra­men­to Islam­ic activist after crit­i­cism that the group he represents—the Coun­cil on Amer­i­can-Islam­ic Relations—holds extrem­ist views and has ties to inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions. ‘I’m say­ing the four words that every elect­ed offi­cial hates to say: ‘I made a mis­take,’’ the Cal­i­for­nia Demo­c­rat said in a tele­phone inter­view Fri­day. ‘I hope they won’t believe that I did this to hurt the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty . . . . We just have to be more care­ful when we reach out.’ The U.S. senator’s office rescind­ed a ‘cer­tifi­cate of achieve­ment’ award­ed in Novem­ber to Basim Elka­r­ra, head of the council’s Sacra­men­to office. The rare pub­lic rever­sal fol­lows charges from right-wing activists that Box­er was court­ing Mus­lim extrem­ists by asso­ci­at­ing with the group. . . .”
(“Box­er Rescinds Award to Islam­ic Activist” by Ashraf Khalil; The Los Ange­les Times; 1/6/2007; pp. B1-B11.)

18. Exac­er­bat­ing ten­sions between Mus­lim and non-Mus­lim in the Unit­ed States is the fact that extrem­ist orga­ni­za­tions affil­i­at­ed with ter­ror­ists and the Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood have been empow­ered to speak for the aver­age Mus­lim-Amer­i­can. The dis­turb­ing nature of “CAIR-as-Mus­lim-Amer­i­can-civ­il-rights advo­cates” can be gleaned from the fol­low­ing pas­sage, reviewed from FTR#357. “The record of the Coun­cil on Amer­i­can-Islam­ic Rela­tions (CAIR)—which, like the AMC, sends mem­bers to meet­ings orga­nized by [GOP lumi­nar­ies] Norquist and Saffuri—is no more encour­ag­ing. When inter­viewed by Salon’s Jake Tap­per on Sep­tem­ber 26, CAIR Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Direc­tor Ibrahim Hoop­er refused to con­demn Osama bin Laden. CAIR founder Nihad Awad, who appeared with Bush at the Wash­ing­ton Islam­ic Cen­ter, has argued that ‘there is ample evi­dence indi­cat­ing that both the Mossad and the Egypt­ian Intel­li­gence [ser­vice] played a role in the [1993 World Trade Cen­ter] explo­sion.’ And Sir­aj Wahaj, who has served as a CAIR board mem­ber, has been described by fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor Mary Jo White as a pos­si­ble con­spir­a­tor in the ’93 bomb­ing. . . . As Har­vard pro­fes­sor of Islam­ic stud­ies Ali Asani has com­plained, ‘There is gen­er­al con­cern among Mus­lim intel­lec­tu­als about how not only CAIR, but some of these oth­er orga­ni­za­tions are claim­ing to speak in the name of the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty, and how they’re com­ing to be rec­og­nized by the gov­ern­ment as spokes­peo­ple for the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty in the U.S.’ [Empha­sis added.]”
(“Fevered Pitch” by Franklin Foer; The New Repub­lic; 11/12/2001; pp. 5–6.)

19. The lack of knowl­edge about the Islam­ic world on the part of America’s polit­i­cal lead­er­ship is tru­ly depress­ing. Nan­cy Pelosi’s choice of per­son­nel to lead the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee was Sylvestre Reyes of Texas, who clear­ly isn’t qual­i­fied to hold the posi­tion. “ . . . After Nan­cy Pelosi and Jane Har­man had their final cat­fight about who would lead the House Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee, apt­ly enough at the Four Sea­sons’ hair salon in George­town, the new speak­er passed over the knowl­edge­able and cam­era-eager Ms. Har­man and mys­ti­fy­ing­ly gave the con­se­quen­tial job to Sylvestre Reyes of Texas. Mr. Reyes prompt­ly tripped over the most crit­i­cal theme in the field of intel­li­gence. Jeff Stein, inter­view­ing the incom­ing chair­man for Con­gres­sion­al Quar­ter­ly, asked him whether Al Qae­da was Sun­ni or Shi­ite. ‘Predominantly—probably Shi­ite,’ the law­mak­er guessed. As Mr. Stein cor­rect­ed him in the arti­cle: ‘Al Qae­da is pro­found­ly Sun­ni. If a Shi­ite showed up at an Al Qae­da club­house, they’d slice off his head and use it for a soc­cer ball.’ Mr. Stein fol­lowed up with a Hezbol­lah ques­tion: ‘What are they?’ Again, Mr. Reyes was stumped. ‘Hezbol­lah,’ he stam­mered. ‘Uh, Hezbol­lah. Why do you ask me these ques­tions at 5 o’clock? Can I answer in Span­ish?’ . . . .”
(“Flunk­ing Our Future” by Mau­reen Dowd; The New York Times; 12/20/2006; p. A27.)

20. Shi­ite Islam­o­fas­cists also net­work with the fas­cist inter­na­tion­al. In past dis­cus­sions, we have not­ed the evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries run­ning between a num­ber of sup­pos­ed­ly uncon­nect­ed ter­ror­ist incidents—the first World Trade Cen­ter attack in 1993, the 1994 AMIA bomb­ing in Argenti­na, the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing and the 9/11 attacks. These con­nec­tions, in turn, indi­cate that Islam­ic fas­cists are active­ly col­lab­o­rat­ing with neo-Nazi and white suprema­cist ele­ments. The next to last item of dis­cus­sion in the pro­gram con­cerns the Argen­tine government’s charge that Iran direct­ed its Hezbol­lah proxy to car­ry out one of those attacks–the AMIA bomb­ing in 1994. In the AMIA attack, we once again see Islam­ic fas­cists col­lab­o­rat­ing with West­ern fas­cists and white suprema­cists. As dis­cussed in FTR#456, the Argen­tine police who assist­ed the attack were dis­cov­ered to be mem­bers of WAR—White Aryan Resis­tance, an Amer­i­can White Suprema­cist group found­ed by Tom Met­zger and to which Tim­o­thy McVeigh alleged­ly belonged. In addi­tion, the AMIA attacks were aid­ed by Aryan Nations per­son­nel, who trained Islamists in the Tri-Bor­der region of Latin Amer­i­ca. In FTR#’s 456, 457, we exam­ined the alle­ga­tion that a for­mer Green Beret and Viet­nam War vet­er­an who works with the Aryan Nations in the Tri-Bor­der area pro­vid­ed logis­ti­cal assis­tance to Mohamed Atta on 9/11. As can be seen from these file pho­tos of Hezbol­lah ral­lies, the neo-Nazis find plen­ty to like about Hezbol­lah. “Argen­tine pros­e­cu­tors accused Tehran on Wednes­day of mas­ter­mind­ing the dead­ly bomb­ing of a Jew­ish cul­tur­al cen­ter here 12 years ago and were seek­ing the arrest of for­mer Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Hashe­mi Raf­san­jani and oth­er for­mer offi­cials of the Islam­ic Repub­lic. Argen­tine author­i­ties have long con­tend­ed that Iran was involved in the attack, which killed 85 and injured more than 200, but this was the strongest alle­ga­tion to date link­ing Iran to the bomb­ing. The deci­sion to strike the Jew­ish facil­i­ty was made ‘by the high­est author­i­ties of the then-gov­ern­ment of Iran,’ fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor Alber­to Nis­man said at a news con­fer­ence here. Two years ago, 22 defendants—including four Buenos Aires police officers—were acquit­ted of charges of par­tic­i­pat­ing in the bomb­ing plot. Iran­ian offi­cials arranged with Hezbol­lah, the Shi­ite mil­i­tant group in Lebanon with close ties to Tehran, to orga­nize and exe­cute the bomb­ing, the pros­e­cu­tor said Wednes­day. Nis­man said the plot was hatched in August 1993, almost a year before the attack. . . .”
(“Argenti­na Alleges Iran Ordered Attack” by Patrick McDon­nell; Los Ange­les Times; 10/26/2006; p. A5.)

21. Con­clud­ing with the top­ic of Iran’s spon­sor­ship of a Holo­caust denial con­fer­ence, the pro­gram notes that the event was orga­nized by a group of Ahmadinejad’s advis­ers who are form­ing links with neo-Nazi groups in Europe! In this con­text, it is impor­tant to remem­ber that the Iran­ian fun­da­men­tal­ist regime has long had con­texts with Nazis—so-called “neo”-Nazis and mem­bers of the old guard. Bank Al Taqwa direc­tor Achmed Huber has been very close to the regime in Tehran and the Aya­tol­lah Khomeini’s exile in France was paid for by Fran­cois Genoud. Huber has also served as a liai­son per­son coor­di­nat­ing the activ­i­ties of Islam­ic fas­cists and both Amer­i­can and Euro­pean neo-Nazis. (For more about Huber, Iran, Genoud and the neo-Nazi con­nec­tions, see FTR#’s 343, 352, 354, 456, 499.) “Iran’s so-called Holo­caust con­fer­ence this week was billed as a chance to force the West to recon­sid­er the his­tor­i­cal legit­i­ma­cy of Israel. But why would the Ira­ni­ans invite speak­ers with so lit­tle cred­i­bil­i­ty in the West, includ­ing a for­mer Ku Klux Klan grand wiz­ard and dis­graced Euro­pean schol­ars? That ques­tion miss­es the point. Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Ahmadine­jad por­trays such con­fer­ence par­tic­i­pants as David Duke, the for­mer Klan leader, and Robert Fau­ris­son of France, who has devot­ed his life to try­ing to prove that Nazi gas cham­bers were a myth, as silenced truth-tellers whose sto­ries expose West­ern lead­ers as the hyp­ocrites he con­sid­ers them to be. . . .The two-day meet­ing includ­ed no attempt to come to terms with the nature of the well-doc­u­ment­ed Nazi slaugh­ter, offer­ing only a plat­form to those pur­su­ing the fan­ta­sy that it nev­er hap­pened. In addi­tion the orga­niz­ers of the con­fer­ence, a small cir­cle around the pres­i­dent, have been build­ing ties with neo-Nazi groups in Europe. . . . [Empha­sis added.]”
(“Iran Leader Uses Con­fer­ence on Holo­caust to Push Agen­da” by Michael Slack­man [New York Times]; The San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 12/14/2006; p. A28.)


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