Recorded April 1, 2007
MP3 Side 1 | Side 2
Introduction: Updating and/or highlighting a variety of stories, this program begins with the story of Jeremiah Duggan, a young British Jew murdered in Germany after traveling to Wiesbaden to attend an event staged by the Schiller Institute. A German branch of the fascist organization of Lyndon La Rouche, the Schiller Institute was staging what the late, unfortunate Duggan believed to be an anti-war event, critical of the Bush Administration. Duggan was not aware of the fascist character of the La Rouche organization, nor did he know of the group’s doctrinaire anti-Semitism. Although the evidence that Duggan was murdered is incontrovertible, the German police authorities are actively covering up Duggan’s killing, insisting that he committed suicide by running in front of a car. Revisiting the subject of the murderous reaction of the Muslim community to a Danish newspaper’s publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohamed, the broadcast details the active suppression of two Cambridge University students’ commemoration of the event. Not only were the students forced into hiding by the reaction to the publication, but the University censured them and the local police opened a criminal investigation into the students’ behavior! Next, the program details the contamination of U.S. long-grain rice crops by genetically engineered strains, and notes that the contamination threatens the livelihood of the U.S. farmers. The “accidental” contamination of the farmers’ seed stock came from the Bayer and BASF firms—two “former” members of the I.G. Farben chemical cartel and major elements of the postwar Underground Reich. After further discussion of the beginning of synthetic fuel production in the U.S., the broadcast notes that the continued high price of oil makes the marketing of synthetic fuel commercially viable. The high price of crude, in turn, is maintained at its exorbitant level by continued political instability and military adventurism, such as the recent Iranian kidnapping of British sailors and Marines. After setting forth the fact that the Israeli military incursion into Lebanon had been planned well in advance, the broadcast concludes with discussion of the possibility that Democratic Party and left-wing kingmaker George Soros may well be an operative of the Bormann capital network and the Underground Reich.
Program Highlights Include: Soros’s work for the Third Reich in World War II, helping with the “Aryanization” of Jewish property during the Holocaust; the refusal of the German authorities to reopen the Jermiah Duggan case, despite overwhelming evidence that Duggan was killed; review of the I.G. Farben-developed Fischer-Tropsch hydrogen process, which Mr. Emory long predicted would be reintroduced when the price of crude became sufficiently high to make synthetic fuel profitable.
1. Beginning with discussion of the apparent murder of a young Jewish peace activist in Germany, the program notes that the young Briton had defensive wounds on his hands, had ingested large quantities of blood before dying, and had called his mother shortly before his death to say he was in danger. The victim—Jeremiah Duggan—had traveled to Germany to attend a conference sponsored by the Schiller institute, the German component of the fascist La Rouche organization. [Lyndon La Rouche is a prominent American fascist, whose organization has gained considerable traction in the so-called “progressive” sector in the U.S. For more about the La Rouche organization, check out Dennis King’s Lyndon La Rouche and the New American Fascism.] “Compelling new evidence suggests that a 22-year-old Briton who had become involved with a right-wing political cult in Germany was murdered, contradicting the authorities’ verdict of suicide. Two new reports from leading forensic pathologists suggest that Jeremiah Duggan, a student at the British Institute in Paris, was battered to death with a blunt instrument as he tried desperately to defend himself. The findings, to be revealed on Tuesday, cast grave doubt on the official verdict that Duggan hurled himself in front of cars on a dual carriageway in Wiesbaden. Forensic specialists found no trace of tire marks on his body, or anything to suggest that he had been struck by a vehicle. But they did detect classic ‘defense wounds’ to Duggan’s forearms and hands, which usually suggest someone trying to protect himself. His head injuries are consistent with being beaten and ‘exclude any possibility that the injuries to his head occurred because a motor vehicle ran over the body’, according to the two studies. . . .”
(“New Evidence Shows ‘Suicide’ Student Was Beaten to Death” by Mark Townsend and Jamie Doward; The London Observer; 3/25/2007.)
2. Mr. Emory notes that the story of the killing of Jeremiah Duggan is noteworthy for a couple of reasons: it illustrates just how dangerous the La Rouche organization is and the incident also gives ample illustration of the Underground Reich at work. Consider what we have here—a German fascist organization murders a Jew with the connivance and active assistance of the German police and judicial authorities! “ . . . 21 March 2003 Jeremiah Duggan travels to Wiesbaden for what he believes is an anti-war conference. In fact, it was organized by the far-right Schiller Institute, which is inspired by Lyndon LaRouche, a US right-wing conspiracy theorist, and run by his wife. It has a history of anti-Semitism. 27 March At 4.20am, Duggan, who was Jewish, called his mother, saying: ‘I’m in deep, deep trouble, I want out.’ Later he was found dead on a dual carriageway. 29 March German authorities claim he took his own life by jumping into traffic. . . .” (Idem.)
3. Next, the program highlights the disgraceful behavior of British authorities. When two students at Cambridge University’s Clare College commemorated the anniversary of the deadly rioting that followed a Danish paper’s publication of cartoons of the prophet Mohamed, the university authorities censured them [even as they were driven into hiding by threats against them], and the Cambridgeshire police opened a criminal investigation into their activities! (For more discussion of “Cartoongate,” see FTR#543.) “. . . .Last month, two students at Cambridge University’s Clare College became victims of this state of affairs. The students dedicated an edition of their satire magazine to the one-year anniversary of the global Muslim riots which followed the publication of caricatures of Muhammad in the Danish Jyllands Posten newspaper. As the students recalled, those riots led to the deaths of more than a hundred people. Although the British media refused to republish the caricatures, British Muslims held terrifying protests throughout the country where they called for the destruction of Britain, the US, Denmark and Israel and for the murder of all who refuse to accept the global domination of Islam. In their magazine, the students published some of the caricatures and mocked the Muslims for their hypocrisy in accusing British society of racial prejudice while calling for its violent destruction. The Muslim reaction was apparently swift. Fearing for their lives, the students were forced into hiding. But the Muslims were not alone in their anger. Clare College set up a special disciplinary court to consider action against the students. And the Cambridgeshire police opened a criminal investigation against them in late February. . . .”
(“The Road to Serfdom” by Caroline Glick; The Jerusalem Post; 3/23/2007.)
4. Many “For The Record” shows have dealt with the German I.G. Farben chemical firm. The backbone of the Third Reich, I.G. Farben and its successor firms dominate the history of the 20th and [so far] the 21st centuries. This program highlights a problem plaguing American rice farmers. Although U.S. agriculture has embraced genetically-modified crops, they have been largely rejected abroad, thus hurting American agricultural exports. Recently, U.S. rice farmers have been victimized by two genetically contaminated crop strains—one made by Bayer and the other by BASF. Both Bayer and BASF are successor firms to I.G. Farben, which was never effectively de-Nazified and which functioned as key Bormann entities in the postwar period. The genetic contamination of the American rice crop has seriously damaged the fortunes of the U.S. rice-farming community. Is the contamination accidental, or is it part of an economic warfare program by the Underground Reich against the United States? Are Bormann Organization controlled entities filling the gap in U.S. rice exports? (For more about I.G. Farben, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 385, 411, 506, 511, 552. For more about I.G. Farben and its involvement with the postwar Bormann capital network, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 305, 576. For further research, take advantage of the books available from Spitfire.) “. . . U.S. farmers such as Zaunbrecher have been caught in the middle, fighting off domestic efforts to introduce gene-altered rice until international markets warm to the product. He was going to plant a conventional variety called Cheniere on at least 500 of his more than 2,000 acres, until he learned that it had become inexplicably tainted with a weed killer-resistant gene created by Bayer CropScience of Research Triangle Park, N.C., that was unapproved for rice. In its place, he ordered Clearfield131, another non-engineered variety, developed by BASF of Germany. But on March 5, the USDA put out an emergency call to prevent all planting of that variety. Tests had found two laboratory-made genes not meant to be in it, one belonging to Bayer and one that has yet to be fully identified. . . .”
(“Rice Industry Troubled by Genetic Contamination” by Rick Weiss; Washington Post; 3/11/2007.)
5. Supplementing previous programs about the resuscitation of the hydrogenation process to develop gasoline from coal, the program notes the nascent development of synthetic fuel production in the United States. (For more about this topic, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 385, 544, 552.) “When railroads ruled, it was the sweating firemen shoveling coal into the furnace who kept the engines running. Now, nearly two centuries after Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ steam locomotive helped usher in the Industrial Revolution, that same coal could be the fuel that keeps the jet age aloft. But with a twist: The planes of the future could be flown with liquid fuel made from coal or natural gas. Already the United States Air Force has carried out tests flying a B‑52 Stratofortress with a coal-based fuel. And JetBlue Airways Corp. supports a bill in Congress that would extend tax credits for alternative fuels, pushing technology to produce jet fuel for the equivalent of $40 a barrel — way below current oil prices. Major coal mining companies in the United States, which has more coal reserves than Saudi Arabia has oil, are investing in ways to develop fuels derived from carbon. The technology of producing a liquid fuel from coal or natural gas is hardly new. The Fischer-Tropsch process was developed by German researchers Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch in 1923 and used by Germany and Japan during World War II to produce alternative fuels. Indeed, in 1944, Germany produced 6.5 million tons, or 124,000 barrels a day. . . .”
(“Liquid coal: A Cheaper, Cleaner 21st Century Fuel?” by Steve James [Reuters];; December 17, 2006.)
6. One of the factors that makes the Fischer-Tropsch process practical in this day and age is the fact that the price of oil has risen so much. The oil price rise, in turn, stems largely from the increase in violence in the Middle East. As discussed in FTR#’s 560, 561, that increase in the price of oil is one of the most profound political/economic phenomena of modern times, effecting a world-wide transfer of wealth from virtually everyone and everything into the coffers of the most foul individuals and institutions in the world. “Oil prices rose yesterday when tensions with Iran escalated after the Islamic Republic’s capture of 15 UK Royal Navy sailors. The incident comes at an important moment in the stand-off between Iran and the West over its nuclear ambitions. The US has sent a second aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, and the Iranian navy has started a week of naval exercises there. Heightened geopolitical tensions combined with a tightening oil market have sent oil prices to new highs for the year. Crude and petroleum product inventories in the developed world are declining and US p[petrol demand is increasing at a stronger-than-expected pace ahead of peak summer demand. . . .”
(“Oil Rises After Capture of UK Sailors Increases Tensions” by Kevin Morrison; Financial Times; 3/24–25/2007; p. 12.)
7. Highlighting an important, though little-known aspect of the Lebanon War of 2006, the broadcast notes that the Israeli military campaign had been long in the planning. It was not a spontaneous reaction to the kidnapping of some Israeli soldiers. The campaign had actually been discussed with journalists before the outbreak of hostilities. Although it is not a matter of focus in this description, the battle plan as described in the Israeli press called for simultaneous flanking attacks [both right and left] by heavy armor and mechanized infantry, an air drop of troops along the Litani River to prevent resupply and reinforcement and an aerial assault on the Hezbollah leadership. Why this plan was abandoned is a matter of conjecture. Some Israeli media sources have suggested that the original battle plan was abandoned at the request of the Bush administration. Whatever the case, the current Israeli administration appears to be the military equivalent of the Bush administration, i.e. incompetent. “Jerusalem — Israel’s military response by air, land and sea to what it considered a provocation last week by Hezbollah militants is unfolding according to a plan finalized more than a year ago. In the six years since Israel ended its military occupation of southern Lebanon, it watched warily as Hezbollah built up its military presence in the region. When Hezbollah militants kidnapped two Israeli soldiers last week, the Israeli military was ready to react almost instantly.’ Of all of Israel’s wars since 1948, this was the one for which Israel was most prepared,’ said Gerald Steinberg, professor of political science at Bar-Ilan University. ‘In a sense, the preparation began in May 2000, immediately after the Israeli withdrawal, when it became clear the international community was not going to prevent Hezbollah from stockpiling missiles and attacking Israel. By 2004, the military campaign scheduled to last about three weeks that we’re seeing now had already been blocked out and, in the last year or two, it’s been simulated and rehearsed across the board.’ More than a year ago, a senior Israeli army officer began giving PowerPoint presentations, on an off-the-record basis, to U.S. and other diplomats, journalists and think tanks, setting out the plan for the current operation in revealing detail. Under the ground rules of the briefings, the officer could not be identified. . . .”
(“Israel Set War Plan More than a Year Ago” by Matthew Kalman; San Francisco Chronicle; 7/21/2006.)
8. In his discussion of the Bormann capital network, Mr. Emory has noted that the organization makes a point of using Jews as front men and operatives. In that context, the broadcast concludes by noting that left-wing Democratic Party activist and kingmaker George Soros appears to have gotten his professional start helping with the Third Reich’s appropriation of Jewish assets during the Holoaust. Is Soros a “Bormann Jew”?! (For more about the Bormann organization’s use of Jews, see—among other programs—FTR#305. For discussion of Soros’ Quantum Fund and its apparent links to the Underground Reich, see FTR#576.) “ . . . One of the central players in this concerted attack has been the billionaire George Soros. Soros is an anti-Zionist Jew with a troubling past. Specifically, by his own admission in interviews with 60 Minutes in 1998 and PBS in 1993, Soros collaborated with the Nazis in seizing Jewish property in Budapest in 1944. Author Serge Trifkovic, who is currently researching a biography of Soros, tells of a Holocaust survivor in Hungary who claims that the reason Soros was allowed to remain free was ‘the boy’s special knowledge of the Jewish community and its attempts to protect its property from confiscation.’ . . .”
(“The Road to Serfdom” by Caroline Glick; The Jerusalem Post; 3/23/2007.)
9. Two video productions are being generated by a couple of documentary filmmakers. One is a DVD of a three-lecture series called “The First Refuge of a Scoundrel: The Relationship Between Fascism and Religion.” To learn more about this, visit The Anti-Fascist page. In addition, there will soon be a documentary about Mr. Emory, titled “The Anti-Fascist.” For more about this project, visit
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