Recorded April 22, 2007
MP3 One segment
NB: This stream contains both FTRs 594 and 595 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast.
Introduction: American political intellectuals have traditionally looked to Europe as a source of enlightenment. Mr. Emory, on the other hand, looks upon Europe—not Africa—as the real “dark continent.” As the Old World rejuvenates from centuries of devastating religious and political warfare, European political institutions are manifesting their old character. Beginning our European travelogue in sunny Italy, the broadcast highlights the formation of a privatized, counterterror subgroup of the Sismi intelligence service—the DSSA. Closely associated with the residua of Mussolini’s fascisti, the Sismi has historically manifested a fascist political orientation. Observers in Italy fear that the DSSA may well be recapitulating the “Strategy of Tension” and the “Years of Lead” provocations covered by Mr. Emory in AFA#’s 17–21; available from Spitfire. After our sojourn in sunny Italy, we travel next to the vital, politically reborn “new” Federal Republic of Germany, where German soldiers in training are being drilled to shoot African Americans. After experiencing the vitality and freedom of expression pulsing through the Federal Republic of Germany, we journey next to Merry Old England, where the British journalists’ union passed a resolution condemning Israel and calling for a boycott of Israeli goods. This resolution was passed at the same time as another resolution calling for the Palestinian Authority to secure the release of a BBC reporter kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists. [“Those damned Israelis!”]. Concluding our vacation in the ancient land of Persia, we wrap up our tour by experiencing some of the quaint local customs of Iranian Muslim fundamentalists: the Iranian Supreme Court exonerated a number of Islamic Basiji militia members who murdered people in the name of Islam. Among their victims were a young couple who were engaged to be married. Their “crime against Islam?” They were seen walking together! Shame on them!!
Program Highlights Include: Review of the re-institution of Nazi elements in the German armed forces after World War II; Iraninian President Ahmadinejad’s background in the murderous Basiji militia; review of the links between the P‑2/DSSA/Sismi milieu and the Islamofascist milieu of the Bank Al Taqwa; the role of the DSSA/Sismi milieu in a number of incidents that have disgraced the United States, such as the Niger/Yellowcake disinformation and the rendition of an Islamic cleric [for which 13 CIA offices have been indicted]; review of the British media bias against Israel, as evidenced during the 2006 Lebanon War.
1. The program begins by revisiting a subject researched by Mr. Emory for almost a quarter of a century—the tangled web of renascent Italian fascism, the residua of the infamous P‑2 Lodge and the myriad conspiracies surrounding the Sismi Italian intelligence service. (For more about the Sismi and its “Super Sismi” conspiratorial subgroup, see—among other programs—AFA#’s 17–21 and M49 (available from Spitfire. Interested listeners should also use the search function on this website [at the top of this page], doing key word searches for “P‑2” and “Gladio.”) A subgroup of the Italian intelligence service [Sismi] is under investigation for operating as a “parallel intelligence service.” Ostensibly formed to combat terrorism, the group operated as a private company, but using official government resources and personnel to do its work. There are reports that the DSSA overlapped Operation Gladio, a counterterror operation undertaken by NATO and the CIA. As discussed in FTR#44, Gladio stemmed from a plan devised by former Nazi intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen. Utilizing fascist elements dating to the World War II period, Gladio evolved in Italy into a terror and provocation campaign that was named the “Strategy of Tension.” “Italian police have launched a big inquiry into a ‘parallel’ intelligence agency, say Italian news reports. The Department of Anti-terrorism Strategic Studies (DSSA) was reportedly created after the 2004 Madrid bombings to combat Islamic extremism. Genoa-based investigators carrying out a probe into the DSSA have arrested two people and placed more than two dozen others under investigation. Anti-terror squads have also carried out raids in nine Italian regions. Many of those under investigation are said to be employed by regular law-enforcement bodies. Prosecutors believe that DSSA ‘employees’ were sometimes using official police badges and other equipment to carry out their own investigations. The alleged parallel force is also accused of illegally using the Interior Ministry database for its own purposes. Italian state radio Rai later reported that the two arrested men may have had links with Gladio, the Italian branch of a secret paramilitary network set up in post-war Europe with the backing of the CIA. There are also reports of a possible connection with a far-right political group. . . .”
(“Italy Probes ‘Parallel Police’”; BBC NEWS; 7/1/2005.)
2. The DSSA was angling for the contract to provide security for the Pope. As discussed in AFA#’s 17–21—available from Spitfire—the political forces of the Italian far right and corresponding elements from other countries associated with the Gladio/P‑2 milieu were involved with shooting Pope John Paul II. That the DSSA (with its P‑2/Italian fascist links) was formed to protect against Islamic terrorism is interesting. As discussed in FTR#’s 456, 535, the milieu of the P‑2 and the Allianza Nazionale also interfaces directly with the Bank Al Taqwa and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is also interesting to note that, as discussed in FTR#’s 535, 592 the Sismi (closely connected to the DSSA) was apparently involved with the Niger/Yellowcake forgeries. As can be seen from the balance of this article [and the one preceding it], the CIA renditions that have been the source of so much controversy also track back to the Sismi milieu. (These renditions have led to the indictment of 13 CIA officers in Italy.) “Up to 200 police officers and former intelligence operatives are being investigated by Italian magistrates on charges of organizing an illegal ‘parallel’ police force to combat terrorism. The shadowy group appears to have set itself up as a private security firm, offering protection to senior figures, and illicitly using official police resources. Its leaders have been accused of ‘usurping’ public functions and illegal use of classified data. Judge Francesco Lalla, Genoa’s chief prosecutor, said the self-styled ‘Department for Anti-terrorist Strategic Studies,’ (Dssa) maintained an arsenal of weaponry, stored by its accused commanders Gaetano Saya and Riccardo Sindaco, both with links with the Italian far right. The revelations have heightened many Italians’ unease about the strategies of the government of Silvio Berlusconi, the Prime Minister, against Islamist terrorism. Judicial sources said the Dssa recruited from police, paramilitary carabinieri, finance police and the armed services and presented itself to Italian institutions as well as potential recruits as an elite body specializing in fighting Islamic and Marxist terrorism. Mr Saya, now under house arrest, had applied for €32m (£21.6m) in European Union finance and had allegedly sought contact with the Vatican to try to obtain a contract to protect of Pope Benedict against terrorist attack. . . .”
(“Up to 200 Italian Police ‘Ran Parallel Anti-Terror Force’” by John Philips; The Independent; 7/5/2005.)
3. Proceeding from sunny Italy to the “new” Federal Republic of Germany, the program relates a racist video of marksmanship training by German soldiers, who were practicing killing African Americans in the Bronx! As discussed in FTR#50, as well as AFA#37 (available from Spitfire), the German military was never effectively de-Nazified. The first head of the German military was Adolf Heusinger, who planned every Nazi military campaign from 1940 on, including the invasion of the Soviet Union, one of the most brutal, murderous military operations in history. In the early 1990’s, Heusinger’s successor, Klaus Naumann, gave a farewell address to his staff officers in which he enjoined them to roll back the values of the French revolution and the enlightenment, as well as the results of World War II. This from the German equivalent of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff! “A video aired on German TV has shown an army recruit on firing practice being ordered to pretend he was in New York’s Bronx facing hostile African Americans. In the grainy 90-second video, the instructor tells the soldier to swear as he fires his gun. . . . During the filmed training session, an instructor tells the soldier: ‘You’re in the Bronx, a black van pulls up in front of you and three African-Americans get out and start really insulting your mother... act!’ The soldier then fires his gun several times and shouts obscenities in English, as the instructor encourages him to curse even louder. . . .”
(“German Army in ‘Racist Video’ Row”; BBC; 4/17/2007.)
4. Continuing our tour in the United Kingdom, we observe the British journalists’ union condemning Israel and calling for a boycott of Israeli goods. No doubt, we will continue to see thoroughly objective coverage of the Israeli/Arab conflict from this quarter! (For more information about the slanted British coverage of Israel and Middle East politics, see FTR#’s 564, 566.) “Britain’s National Union of Journalists denounced Israel on Friday for its ‘military adventures’ in Gaza and Lebanon, called on the government to impose sanctions and urged a boycott of Israeli goods. By a vote of 66 to 54, the annual delegate’s meeting of Britain’s largest trade union for journalists called for ‘a boycott of Israeli goods similar to those boycotts in the struggles against apartheid South Africa led by trade unions, and [for] the [Trades Union Congress] to demand sanctions be imposed on Israel by the British government.’ Some of the union’s 40,000 members decried its ‘trendy lefty’ agenda. Other motions before the four-day meeting in Birmingham, which ends Sunday, included condemnations of the US detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and support for Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. The boycott motion was the third clause of a larger anti-Israel resolution proposed by the union’s South Yorkshire branch that condemned Israel’s ‘savage, pre-planned attack on Lebanon’ last summer and the ‘slaughter of civilians in Gaza’ in recent years. . . .”
(“UK Reporters Union to Boycott Israel” by George Conger; The Jerusalem Post; 4/14/2007.)
5. There is an old expression that says, “life imitates art.” One can almost envision Monty Python presenting what follows. In a related resolution to the one covered in the preceding paragraph, the international journalists’ union called on the Palestinian Authority to secure the freedom of a BBC journalist who was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists! “ . . . On the same day the National Union of Journalists condemned Israel, the organization’s international affiliate, the International Federation of Journalists, called on the Palestinian Authority to secure the release of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston, who was kidnapped five weeks ago by Palestinian gunmen in Gaza. IFJ general-secretary Aidan White urged the ‘Palestinian government to do everything in its power to make sure [Johnston] is released immediately.’ . . .” (Idem.)
6. Detouring from our European sojourn, the program finishes off in Iran, where the Supreme Court has overturned the murder convictions of members of a prestigious state militia to which president Ahmadinejad belonged. Overturning the convictions because the group killed in the name of Islam, the court exonerated militia members who murdered a couple who were seen walking together in public. They were engaged to be married! This is the regime that is developing nuclear weapons! “The Iranian Supreme Court has overturned the murder convictions of six members of a prestigious state militia who killed five people they considered ‘morally corrupt.’ The reversal, in an infamous five-year-old case from Kerman, in central Iran, has produced anger and controversy, with lawyers calling it corrupt and newspapers giving it prominence. . . According to the Supreme Court’s earlier decision, the killers, who are members of the Basiji Force, volunteer vigilantes favored by the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, considered their victims morally corrupt and, according to Islamic teachings and Iran’s Islamic penal code, their blood could therefore be shed. The last victims, for example, were a young couple engaged to be married who the killers claimed were walking together in public. [Emphasis added.] Members of the Basiji Force are known for attacking reformist politicians and pro-democracy meetings. President Ahmadinejad was a member of the force. . . .”
(“Iran Exonerates Six Who Killed in Islam’s Name” by Nazila Fathi; The New York Times; 4/19/2007.)
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