Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #6 The Priebke Affair

Lis­ten now: One Seg­ment

Her­ald­ed by the media as “the last war crimes tri­al of the Sec­ond World War,” the tri­al of for­mer SS offi­cer Eric Priebke for his role in the World War II mas­sacre of Ital­ian hostages has revealed more about the Post-World War II world than about the mas­sacre. Like so many SS offi­cers and Nazi war crim­i­nals, Priebke appears to have been aid­ed in his flight from jus­tice by the Vat­i­can, U.S. intel­li­gence and the ODESSA net­work (the post war SS under­ground formed to aid vet­er­ans of Hitler’s SS.) The pro­gram dis­cuss­es the ongo­ing assis­tance giv­en men such as Priebke by the intel­li­gence ser­vices of many coun­tries (includ­ing the Unit­ed States) and suc­cess­ful efforts to form alliances between these men and pow­er­ful, trans-nation­al cor­po­ra­tions. One of the star wit­ness­es against Priebke, fel­low SS offi­cer and mas­sacre par­tic­i­pant Karl Hass, has worked for U.S., Ital­ian and Ger­man intel­li­gence fol­low­ing the war. (Record­ed in August of 1996.)


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