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Updating the analysis of the Oklahoma City bombing presented in the series entitled Specialized Knowledge and Abilities, this segment details the investigation into a German fascist named Andreas Strassmeier. The son of Gunther Strassmeier, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s former chief of staff, Strassmeier was the security director for Elohim City, a white-supremacist compound frequented by convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh. An ATF informant who infiltrated the compound alleges that Strassmeier was the mastermind of the bombing and that he exerted a profound control over Timothy McVeigh, a known Strassmeier associate. The program sets forth the actual text of an Oklahoma State Patrol bulletin concerning Strassmeier, issued in the aftermath of the bombing, as well as the text of a diplomatic cable in which the German government lies in denying knowledge of Strassmeier’s extremist activities. The broadcast also discusses the possibility that the German cover-up of the Strassmeier situation may be intended to prevent embarrassment of the Kohl government that could result in its electoral defeat.
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