MP3: Side 1 | Side 2
NB: This description contains a great deal of material added after the broadcast was originally made. Listeners/readers are emphatically encouraged to pursue other programs dealing with this subject, especially AFA #16.
Introduction: For more than two decades, Mr. Emory has presented programs indicating that AIDS is a man-made disease. Supplementing that body of work, this program sets forth circumstantial evidence indicating that AIDS may have been created on a foundation of research done by the Nazis in concentration camps during the Second World War. Under a program named Project Paperclip, Nazi scientists—many of them war criminals—were recruited to do research for the U.S. national security establishment.
Among the war criminals so recruited was Erich Traub, who was one of the principals in charge of bacteriological and virological warfare for the Third Reich. After testing deadly diseases and toxins on apes procured from Africa, the Nazis progressed to testing lethal illnesses on concentration camp inmates. Note that HIV is an African simian virus, mutated in such a way as to infect and kill humans.
Among the Nazi operatives sought by the U.S. after the war was Franz Liesau Zacharias, who procured the apes in Africa for use in developing diseases to be tested on concentration camp inmates—among the diseases tested in the camps was the plague. Recent medical research indicates the existence of a genetic trait that affords immunity to both AIDS and the infections that have come to be known as “plague.”
This gene—the CCR5 delta-32 mutation—is only carried by the white race and [according to some sources] only by people of Northern European extraction. Did the Nazis note [in their experiments] that some people appeared to be immune to infection with plague? Were tissue samples taken and preserved for further study? Was this in any way connected to the eventual evolution of the CCR5-delta 32 gene as a hereditary protection against infection by HIV?
In June of 2009, it emerged that CCR5 delta-32 was used in transplant therapy administered by a German doctor to an HIV-positive leukemia patient. It appears that the patient was cured of HIV! The German doctor deliberately selected a CCR5 delta-32 positive donor for the stem cells used for the transplant.
Is it possible that Liesau Zacharias was actually targeted for recruitment by the U.S. for Project Paperclip, like Erich Traub? This program explores that possibility.
In the context of the “ethno-specific” nature of HIV, this description also contains information from late 2008 about a heightened physical susceptibility of the African race to HIV infection. Taken in conjunction with the CCR5 delta-32 mutation that affords “Aryans” immunity to infection by HIV, this is as revealing as it is frightening.
Program Highlights Include: Zacharias’ founding of a company in Spain in 1944; Zacharias’ company’s longstanding relationship with the security services of fascist dictator Francisco Franco; the profound relationship between the Underground Reich and the Spanish intelligence services; review of testimony before a House subcommittee in 1969 that directly foreshadowed the appearance of AIDS; review of the background of Dr. Wolf Szmuness—the creator of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine that appears to have been a major vector for deliberately infecting people with AIDS; Szmuness’ longstanding friendship with Pope John Paul II; the South African background of Roderick Murray—a key official with the National Institutes of Health; review of the Nazi heritage of the apartheid regime of South Africa; this description contains a consummately important review of the use of cancer research programs as cover for biological warfare both in Nazi Germany and in the United States; indications that what was known as bubonic plague may well have been a variety of hemorrhagic fever, perhaps native to a Middle Eastern of African principality.
1. The program begins with a look at an excerpt from testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee that was drawing up the defense budget for the following year. (The hearings were in 1969.) The testimony discusses the possibility of using genetic engineering to produce a disease that would be “refractory” to the immune system. This is virtually the clinical definition of AIDS. It is worth noting that the project was funded, and just such a disease—AIDS—appeared in just the time frame posited. It is also worth noting that, in the 2002 edition of A Higher Form of Killing, this passage is omitted!!
“. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The implications were made more specific that genetic engineering could solve one of the major disadvantages of biological warfare, that it is limited to diseases which occur naturally somewhere in the world. ‘Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.’ [Italics are Mr. Emory’s.] The possibility that such a ‘super germ’ may have been successfully produced in a laboratory somewhere in the world in the years since that assessment was made is one which should not be too readily cast aside. . .”
2. Next, the program reviews discussion of the gene providing people of the white race [and—according to some sources—primarily those of Northern European extraction] with immunity from the AIDS virus. The program highlights that gene’s role in providing some people with immunity from the plagues that ravaged Europe centuries ago. (The gene is CCR5 delta32.)
“ . . . In September 1665, George Viccars, a tailor in the small, central-England village of Eyam, received a parcel of cloth ridden with plague-infected fleas from London. Four days later, Viccars died. By the end of the month, five more villagers had succumbed to the plague. The panicked town turned to their rector, William Mompesson, who persuaded them to quarantine the entire village to prevent the bacterium from spreading throughout the region. It seemed like suicide. A year later, the first outsiders ventured into Eyam, expecting a ghost town. Yet, miraculously, half the town had survived. How did so many villagers live through the most devastating disease known to man?”
(“Secrets of the Dead—Case File: Mystery of the Black Death; Background”; Secrets of the Dead.)
3. “Local Eyam lore tells befuddling stories of plague survivors who had close contact with the bacterium but never caught the disease. Elizabeth Hancock buried six children and her husband in a week, but never became ill. The village gravedigger handled hundreds of plague-ravaged corpses, but survived as well. Could these people have somehow been immune to the Black Death?”
4. “Dr. Stephen O’Brien of the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. suggests they were. His work with HIV and the mutated form of the gene CCR, called ‘delta 32,’ led him to Eyam. In 1996, research showed that delta32 prevents HIV from entering human cells and infecting the body. O’Brien thought this principle could be applied to the plague bacteria, which affects the body in a similar manner. To determine whether the Eyam plague survivors may have carried delta 32, O’Brien tested the DNA of their modern-day descendents. What he found out was startling . . .”
5. “For a disease-causing microorganism to infect the human body there must be a gateway or portal through which it enters into human cells. The plague bacterium works this way, hijacking the white blood cells sent to eliminate it. Traveling inside the white blood cells to the lymph nodes, the bacteria break out and attack the focal point of the human immune system. Dr. Stephen O’Brien felt that the mutated CCR5 gene, delta 32, may have prevented the plague from being able to enter its host’s white blood cells.”
6. “Eyam provided O’Brien an ideal opportunity to test this theory. Specifically, Eyam was an isolated population known to have survived a plague epidemic. Everyone in the town would have been exposed to the bacterium, so it’s likely that any life-saving genetic trait would have been exposed to the bacterium, so it’s likely that any life-saving genetic trait would have been possessed by each of these survivors. ‘Like a Xerox machine,’ says O’Brien, ‘their gene frequencies have been replicated for several generations without a lot of infusion from outside,’ thus providing a viable pool of survivor-descendants who would have inherited such a trait. . . .”
7. “ . . . DNA samples could only be collected from direct descendents of the plague survivors. DNA is the principle component of chromosomes, which carry the genes that transmit hereditary characteristics. We inherit our DNA from our parents, thus Eyam resident Joan Plant, for instance, may have inherited the delta 32 mutation from one of her ancient relatives. Plant can trace her mother’s lineage back ten generations to the Blackwell siblings, Francis and Margaret, who both lived through the plague to the turn of the century. The next step was to harvest a DNA sample from Joan and the other descendants. DNA is found in the nuclei of cells. The amount is constant in all typical cells, regardless of the size or function of that cell. One of the easiest methods of obtaining a DNA tissue sample is to take a cheek or buccal swab.”
8. Note that no other ethnic groups or races have the delta 32 gene that prevents infection by HIV.
“After three weeks of testing at University College in London, delta 32 had been found in 14% of the samples. This is a genetically significant percentage, yet what, really, did it mean? Could the villagers have inherited delta 32 from elsewhere, residents who had moved to the community in the 350 years since the plague? Was this really a higher percentage than anywhere else? To find out, O’Brien assembled an international team of scientists to test for the presence of delta 32 around the world. ‘Native Africans did not have delta 32 at all,’ O’Brien says, ‘and when we looked at East Asians and Indians, they were also flat zero.’ In fact the levels of delta 32 found in Eyam were only matched in regions of Europe that had been affected by the plague and in America, which was, for the most part, settled by European plague survivors and their descendants.”
9a. “Meanwhile, recent work with another disease strikingly similar to the plague, AIDS, suggests O’Brien was on the right track. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, tricks the immune system in a similar manner as the plague bacterium, targeting and taking over white blood cells. Virologist Dr. Bill Paxton at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City noticed, ‘the center had no study of people who were exposed to HIV but who had remained negative.’ He began testing the blood of high-risk, HIV-negative individuals like Steve Crohn, exposing their blood to three thousand times the amount of HIV normally needed to infect a cell. Steve’s blood never became infected. ‘We thought maybe we had infected the culture with bacteria or whatever,’ says Paxton. ‘So we went back to Steve. But it was the same result. We went back again and again. Same result.’ Paxton began studying Crohn’s DNA, and concluded there was some sort of blocking mechanism preventing the virus from binding to his cells. Further research showed that that mechanism was delta 32. Scientists studying HIV first learned about the gateway-blocking capacity of the CCR5 mutation in 1996. Several drug companies, then, quickly began exploring the possibility of developing pharmaceuticals that would mimic delta 32 by binding to CCR5 and blocking the attachment of HIV. . . .”
(Ibid.; pp. 1–2.)
9b. In June of 2009, it emerged that CCR5 delta-32 was used in transplant therapy administered by a German doctor to an HIV-positive leukemia patient. It appears that the patient was cured of HIV! The German doctor deliberately selected a CCR5 delta-32 positive donor for the stem cells used for the transplant. Dr. Gupta, quoted in the following article, wonders why more publicity wasn’t afforded this event. Why indeed?
A Foley [Alabama] physician said what appears to be the first case of HIV/AIDS cure in the world is getting little mention in the media.
Dr. Awadhesh K. Gupta, medical director at Foley Walk-In Med Care, said he first heard of the medical breakthrough in April when he attended the Annual Conference of the American College of Physicians in Internal Medicine in Philadelphia.
It’s a conference Gupta tries to attend every year.
“This is the most prestigious organization of physicians in Internal Medicine and is responsible for certifying post graduate training in Internal Medicine. It is also one of the oldest,” he said.
According to Gupta, who has been practicing medicine in the South Baldwin area since 1997, the cure was first reported in early 2008 by a group of physicians from Germany at the annual conference on “Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections” in Boston. The New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, finally published the report in its Feb. 12, 2009, issue, Gupta said.
So why has the news of the first case of HIV/AIDS cure received so little attention where the public is concerned?
“I can’t be sure as to why so little publicity,” Gupta said recently.
“My guess is that most scientific researchers are somewhat stunned that a clinician — not a research scientist — has been able to come up with the cure. Most of the big research money and big name American institutions are somewhat embarrassed to acknowledge that the very first case of HIV cure is not coming from their institutions.”
The cure, instead, is coming from Charity University Hospital in Berlin, Germany, and the doctor is Gero Huetter, who works in the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Transfusion Medicine at the same hospital.
Asked about the reaction of attendees at the medical conference in Philadelphia as regarded the news of an HIV/AIDS cure, Gupta said, “Unfortunately, because of the hectic schedule, I did not try to engage too many physicians. However, the doctor presenting this information seemed extremely excited about it.”
As Gupta explains the case and cure in question, a 40-year-old American working in Berlin had been HIV-positive for 10 years. The patient’s HIV infection had been under control for four years with “conventional HAART treatment regimen” (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy).
When the patient developed leukemia, however, a bone marrow transplant of stem cells was done using standard protocol, which Gupta said includes radiation therapy and chemotherapy prior to the transplant.
“Remember, once you stop HIV drugs, the HIV viral count rises very rapidly, usually within a few days to a week,” Gupta said.
According to Gupta, Huetter, the German physician treating the American, deliberately chose a stem cell donor who had a gene mutation known as “CCR‑5 Delta- 32,” rather than using the best matched donor.
Gupta said Huetter remembered research first observed in 1996 — research Gupta said is well known in the scientific community. That research found that certain gay men in the San Francisco area remained uninfected with HIV in spite of engaging in risky sexual activities. As it was later discovered, those men had the CCR‑5 Delta-32 gene mutation.
As it turned out, the patient’s stem cell transplant was a success, Gupta said, even though the patient had to have a second stem cell transplant (from the same donor) when his leukemia relapsed.
“This patient has been off all his HIV drugs for two years now,” Gupta said. “He continues to show no detectable signs of HIV in all the known places HIV is detected — no signs of HIV in his blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, intestines or brain.” Also, the patient’s T‑cell count remains normal.
Thus, according to Gupta, within the limits of scientists’ ability to detect HIV, it appears this patient’s HIV has been “eradicated.”. . .
10. The devastating implications of the findings discussed above were eloquently presented in an online editorial:
“This is the nightmare of AIDS no one wants to believe. As we come closer to celebrating, on December 1, yet another World AIDS Day, let’s take a good hard look at what’s really going on before we pour more of our ever diminishing hard earned money down yet another horrendous sinkhole. It has been found that some Caucasians who have tested positive for the HIV virus were found to take a very long time to actually develop ‘full-blown’ AIDS (as they call it). It has since been discovered (since 1997) that 20% of European Caucasians have the so-called ‘Aryan’ genetic disposition. If both your parents, in other words, are of Aryan descent, it appears you can never die of AIDS even though you might be infected.”
(“Aryan Genes Immune to Death from AIDS” by geminiwalker_ink; p. 1.)
11. “The reason for this is in the genetic coding of the killer T‑cells, which are part of the body’s immune system protective shield. These are the cells that are attacked by the HIV retrovirus. The location of the attack has been discovered. It is on the CCR5 gene in the 3rd DNA gene pair. The particular location is the Delta 32 RECEPTOR SITE. If either of your DNA pairs (from either your mother or your father) is DELTA 32 POSITIVE then the HIV virus can attach itself at that point. If you are DELTA 32 NEGATIVE then HIV just floats around in your blood harmlessly for you.”
12. “But even though you may be DELTA 32 NEGATIVE at both sites, you can supposedly still spread the virus. What has been discovered is that these 20% of European Caucasians are members of the Aryan gene pool. Also it has been discovered that the farther north you go in Europe, say in Norway, Finland, Sweden, etc., you find the highest percentage of people that are DELTA 32 NEGATIVE at the CCR5 gene allele.”
13a. “That this would be a simple coincidence is beyond all human reason. To say that HIV suddenly crawled out of the woodwork in Central Africa by someone being bitten by a green tree monkey is one thing. But then to say that the only human gene pool on Earth that is immune to HIV is the Aryan Race is a coincidence that even Howdy Doody wouldn’t buy.”
13b.The program presents information about a hereditary susceptibility to HIV infection among people of African extraction. For more about AIDS as a product of biological warfare research, see–among other programs–FTR#’s 16, 19, as well as AFA#16. (Note: this was inserted into the post on 6/11/2009.)
“An international team of AIDS scientists has discovered that a gene variant common in blacks protects against certain types of malaria but increases susceptibility to HIV infection by 40 percent.
Researchers, keen to find some biological clues to explain why people of African descent are bearing a disproportionate share of the world’s AIDS cases, suspect this subtle genetic trait — found in 60 percent of American blacks and 90 percent of Africans — might partly explain the difference.
Ten percent of the world’s population lives in sub-Saharan Africa, but that region accounts for 70 percent of the men, women and children living with HIV infection. In the United States, African Americans make up 12 percent of the population but account for half of newly diagnosed HIV infections. . . .”
14. Clarifying and refining the discussion about CCR5-delta 32, this description presents information from an article not included in the original broadcast. Note that this story claims that 10%–not 20%–of Northern Europeans carry that gene. The article also asserts that what has become known as “the plague” that ravaged Europe centuries ago was actually a series of epidemics of a viral hemorrhagic fever, not the “Bubonic Plague.”
“Scientists have known for some time that these individuals carry a genetic mutation (known as CCR5-delta 32) that prevents the virus from entering the cells of the immune system but have been unable to account for the high levels of the gene in Scandinavia and relatively low levels in areas bordering the Mediterranean. They have also been puzzled by the fact that HIV emerged only recently and could not have played a role in raising the frequency of the mutation to the high levels found in some Europeans today. Professor Christopher Duncan and Dr Susan Scott from the University’s School of Biological Sciences, whose research is published in the March edition of Journal of Medical Genetics, attribute the frequency of the CCR5-delta 32 mutation to its protection from another deadly viral disease, acting over a sustained period in bygone historic times. Some scientists have suggested this disease could have been smallpox or even bubonic plague but bubonic plague is a bacterial disease rather than a virus and is not blocked by the CCR5-delta 32 mutation. Professor Duncan commented: ‘The fact that the CCR5-delta 32 mutation is restricted to Europe suggests that the plagues of the Middle Ages played a big part in raising the frequency of the mutation. These plagues were also confined to Europe, persisted for more than 300 years and had a 100% case mortality.’”
15. The passage that follows further clarifies the nature of the epidemics that decimated the population of Europe. According to the authors, the theory that the “plagues” were actually Bubonic Plague gained acceptance around 1900. Prior to that, the hemorrhagic fever theory was predominant.
“Around 1900, historians spread the idea that the plagues of Europe were not a directly infectious disease but were outbreaks of bubonic plague, overturning an accepted belief that had stood for 550 years. Professor Duncan and Dr Scott illustrated in their book, Return of the Black Death (2004, Wiley), that this idea was incorrect and the plagues of Europe (1347–1660) were in fact a continuing series of epidemics of a lethal, viral, haemorrhagic fever that used the CCR5 as an entry port into the immune system. Using computer modeling, they demonstrated how this disease provided the selection pressure that forced up the frequency of the mutation from 1 in 20,000 at the time of the Black Death to values today of 1 in 10. . . .”
16. Next, the program turns to discussion of the introduction into the United States of Erich Traub, according to credible sources one of the principal directors of bacteriological and virological warfare for Nazi Germany. In order to understand how Erich Traub came to the United States, it is important to understand Project Paperclip. The program begins with a synoptic account of that project and how its prosecution led to Traub’s entry to the United States and his involvement with the federal Plum Island animal research laboratory:
“Nearing the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union raced to recruit German scientists for postwar purposes. Under a top-secret program code-named Project PAPERCLIP, the U.S. military pursued Nazi scientific talent ‘like forbidden fruit,’ bringing them to America under employment contracts and offering them full U.S. citizenship. The recruits were supposed to be nominal participants in Nazi activities. But the zealous military recruited more than two thousand scientists, many of whom had dark Nazi party pasts.”
17. It is interesting to note that the Third Reich’s biological warfare program had the cover name of “Cancer Research Program.” (In AFA#16—available from Spitfire—as well as FTR#’s 16, 73, we look at the National Cancer Institute’s Special Viral Cancer Research Program and the evidence suggesting that the project was actually a front for the continuation of biological warfare research. Erich Traub appears to have been involved with the projects related to the SVCRP.)
“ . . . Everybody seemed willing to forget about Erich Traub’s dirty past—that he played a crucial role in the Nazis’ ‘Cancer Research Program,’ the cover name for their biological warfare program, and that he worked directly under SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. They seemed willing to overlook that Traub in the 1930’s faithfully attended Camp Sigfried. In fact, the USDA liked him so much, it glossed over his dubious past and offered him the top scientist job at the new Plum Island Laboratory—not once, but twice. Just months after the 1952 public hearings on selecting Plum Island, Doc Shahan dialed Dr. Traub at the naval laboratory to discuss plans for establishing the germ laboratory and a position on Plum Island.”
(Ibid.; p. 10.)
18. Turning to a primary area of theoretical inquiry, the program notes that the Nazis began researching toxic agents on apes and then moved on to humans—inmates in concentration camps. AIDS results from a monkey virus that eventually jumped to humans as well. Does the progression in the Nazi death camps of testing on apes to testing on humans have any relationship with the progression of a simian virus to infection of humans? Might the creation of AIDS have stemmed from Nazi research? Is it an accident that the hereditary immunity from HIV infection is only present in the white race, and [according to some sources] Northern Europeans in particular?
“Guinea pigs and white rats, animals traditionally used for testing purposes, were deemed inadequate for measuring the effect of the nerve gases on humans. Early in the war, it was decided to substitute apes, whose biological reactions to such gases were believed to be more like those of human beings. However, apes were not readily available in Germany, and Speer’s office supplied 200,000 Swiss francs, a precious foreign currency, to buy them in Spain. They were transported to Germany with great difficulty; many died before the experiments were concluded (TWC I, p. 351, Brandt Document Book 12, Defense Exhibit 11). Eventually it was decided to experiment on concentration camp Jews. It is suspected that the testing of I.G.‘s poison gases on humans was known in the highest echelons of I.G. After the war, Georg von Schnitzler swore that Ambros, Schmitz, and Ter Meer were aware of these activities. According to British intelligence, one of them was reported to have ‘justified the experiments not only on the grounds that the inmates of concentration camps would have been killed anyway by the Nazis, but also on the grounds that the experiments had a humanitarian aspect in that the lives of countless German workers were saved thereby’ (Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Military Affairs, U.S. Senate, 79th Congress, 1st Session (1945), pursuant to S. Res. 107 and 146, Elimination of German Resources for War, part X, p. 1276)”
19. Turning to a primary element of analysis, the program sets forth the career of an interesting and [possibly] very significant individual. Franz Liesau Zacharias was a German intelligence agent stationed in Spain. Among the duties he performed for the Nazis was obtaining animals, including apes, for experimental purposes. Note that the animals were to be used in experiments used for developing diseases for testing on concentration inmates.
“One tortured French citizens in ice baths. Another was a Gestapo agent who packed bombs into crates of Spanish oranges bound for England. They were just two of 104 Nazi secret agents in Spain whom the Allies sought near the end of World War II. But Spanish dictator Francisco Franco—Adolf Hitler’s ally—refused to hand them over, according to an investigative report by El País, a Madrid newspaper. . . .Another agent was Franz Liesau Zacharias, whose job fori Hitler’s Abwehr spy agency was to obtain monkeys and other animals from Spain’s colonies in Africa. The animals used for experiments in Germany aimed at manufacturing killer diseases that were to be unleashed on concentration camp inmates, El Pais reported. . . .”
20. Among the diseases that Liesau Zacharias’ animals were used for testing was “the plague”! Did the Nazis note that some people appeared to be immune to infection with plague? Were tissue samples taken and preserved for further study? Was this in any way connected to the eventual evolution of the CCR5-delta 32 gene as a hereditary protection against infection by HIV? Is it possible that Liesau Zacharias was actually targeted for recruitment by the U.S. for Project Paperclip, like Erich Traub?
“ . . . Another ‘German on the list is Franz Liesau Zacharias, who died in Madrid in 1992 at the age of 84. A member of the German military intelligence agency, the Abwehr, he had been in charge of obtaining animals in Spanish territories in Africa for experiments in Germany, the allies said. These experiments included ‘spreading horrific diseases, such as the plague, in concentration camps,’ the newspaper said. . . . It added that man of those on the list started up businesses in Spain after the war, mainly in the Basque country. . . .”
(“Spanish Newspaper Publishes List of Nazis Protected by Franco”; Agence France Presse [English]; 3/30/1997.)
21. Of considerable interest is the fact that Zacharias founded a company that sold electronic eavesdropping equipment to the Spanish intelligence service of Francisco Franco, a doctrinaire fascist and admirer of Hitler. This is significant for our purposes, because this indicates that Zacharias remained active in a reactionary political capacity for decades after the end of the war. Note that Zacharias’ sons took over his business and were investigated by the internationally famous Spanish jurist Balthasar Garzon (known for indicting both Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and Henry Kissinger.) The sons provided an altogether unsatisfactory explanation for their presence at the scene of the shooting of a couple of “parliamentarians.”
“A presumed agent of Nazi intelligence was the president of the company that provided to the Cesid [Spanish intelligence service] all of its eavesdropping equipment. Franz Liesau Zacharias was president of the company. . . (SIAISA) until his death in December of 1992. Since then the company has been presided over by his son Christian Liesau Von Lettow and the vice-president is his other son Francisco Gerald. . . Also on the company’s registry is the Nazi’s daughter Corina and his widow Sitta Von Lettow Vorbeck. . . . When World War II finished, the Franco regime protected [him] and prevented his delivery to the Allies. Now, the World has documentation that demonstrates that, during the ‘80’s, it maintained its relationship with the Spanish secret services. In particular, his [Zacharias’] company was its main supplier of listening equipment and maintained magnificent relations with the then head of the Spanish secret services, general Alonso Manglano. . . Christian Liesau Von Lettow Vorbeck, son of the presumed Nazi agent and present [1997] president of SIAISA, had to testify before judge Balthasar Garzon in 1989. And according to the documentation that now is in possession of the World, he did not testify honestly. Christian Liesau was, on the night of November 20, 1989, in the Basque restaurant on Alcala street in Madrid. While he dined with friends, within a few meters of the office of the company that his father and presumed Nazi agent presided over, two individuals shot at several elected parliamentarians of Herri Batasuna, killing Josu Muguruza and severely wounding Inaki Esnaola. . . . The industrialist [Christian Liesau] declared he was accidentally on the premises and that his company was dedicated to making clocks, omitting the fact that the company was the supplier of equipment for the Spanish secret services and State Security Forces . . . especially those of the Department of the Interior, such as the National Police and the Civil Guard.”
(“A Presumed Nazi Agent Directed the Company that Provided the Listening Devices to the Cesid” by Fernando Garea and Fernando Lazaro; El Mundo; 4/13/1997.)
22. It is also significant that Siaisa was begun in 1944, as the Third Reich was preparing to go underground. Taken in combination with the company’s work with Spanish intelligence, this suggests that Siaisa was part of the Underground Reich. (For more about the Third Reich’s preparations to go underground, see both Paul Manning’s Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile and Curt Reiss’ The Nazis Go Underground, available on this website.
“Grupo Siaisa consists of two main companies: Siaisa and Tradesegur. Siaisa is a company that was established in 1944. . . .”
(“[New] Customers; accessed at:
23. The profound relationship between the postwar Nazi underground and the Spanish intelligence services is exemplified by the influence of ODESSA kingpin Otto Skorzeny on the DGS. It is in this context that one should view Siaisa’s relationship with Spanish intelligence. (For more about Skorzeny, his relationship with the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit and the postwar Nazi underground, see—among other programs—FTR#558.)
“ . . . Gehlen sang to the tune of more than one piper, having remained in touch with the old Nazi hierarchy, relocated in Latin America, whose coordinator, Otto Skorzeny, was in Spain. Skorzeny had infiltrated the Spanish intelligence agency DGS, and effectively controlled it single handedly. . . .”
(The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence and International Fascism; by Henrik Kruger; South End Press [SC]; Copyright 1980 by South End Press; ISBN 0–89608-031–5 [paper]; p. 205.)
24. Next, the show examines the political history of Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the developer of the experimental Hepatitis B vaccine that appears to have been a major vector for the deliberate spreading of the AIDS virus.
“Szmuness, a Jew born in Poland in 1919, was a young medical student in Lublin in eastern Poland when the Nazis attacked that country in the summer of 1939. When Poland was quickly partitioned by Germany and Russia, Szmuness was sent to Siberia as a prisoner. His family in western Poland were all murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust. Szmuness’ years in exile in Siberia were ‘a long, dark period that he was most reluctant to talk about.’”
(AIDS and the Doctors of Death; by Dr. Alan Cantwell; Aries Rising Press [HC]; Copyright by Alan Cantwell; ISBN 0–917211-00–6; p. 102.)
25. A careful examination of Szmuness’ curriculum vitae suggests very strongly that he was a creature of the intelligence agencies. Such is the case with the Pope as well.
“After release from detention in 1946, he was somehow allowed to finish his medical education in Tomsk in central Russia. While a student, he married a Russian woman. He specialized in epidemiology, and when his wife contracted a nearly fatal case of hepatitis, Szmuness decided that the study of that disease would be his life’s work. In 1959, the Soviets allowed him and his family to return to Poland ‘where he held a series of minor positions as an epidemiologist in municipal and regional health departments.’”
26. A fascinating connection concerns Szmuness’ life-long friendship with Carol Wojtyla, the Polish priest who became Pope. Note that John Paul’s political history suggests very strongly that he, too, was an operative of the Underground Reich.)
“During this time, he told Kellner ‘an interesting story.’ Due to exhaustion and stress from work, he applied to the authorities for a vacation at a rest home. Szmuness was allowed to share a room with a Catholic priest. A remarkable friendship developed and the two men corresponded ‘for a long time thereafter.’ The Polish priest eventually became the first Polish Pope in Catholic history: the current, anti-communist and anti-gay Pope John Paul II.”
(Ibid.; pp. 102–103.)
27. “In 1969, in another strange twist of fate, the communists allowed Szmuness and his wife and daughter to attend a scientific meeting in Italy. While there, he and his family defected to the West. . . . He arrived in Manhattan with $15 in his pocket. Through the intervention of Walsh McDermott, Professor of Public Health at New York Hospital—Cornell Medical Center, Szmuness miraculously secured a position as a ‘lab tech’ at the New York City Blood Center.”
(Ibid.; p. 103.)
28. “Within a few years, Szmuness was given his own lab, and a separate department of epidemiology at the Center was created for him. ‘In what must be record time, he was leap-frogged to full Professorship at the Columbia School of Public Health.’”
29. “By the mid-70’s, he was a world authority on hepatitis and ‘transfusion medicine.’ In another unbelievable occurrence, he was invited back to Moscow in 1975 to give a scientific presentation. As a defector he was terrified to set foot in the Soviet Union, but his colleagues assured him he would have the full protection of the State Department. He finally agreed to go, and his return to Russian was a scientific triumph.”
30. Szmuness’ hepatitis B vaccine was administered in South Africa, one of the areas most severely ravaged by AIDS.
“By the late 1970’s, he had been awarded millions of dollars in grant money and was ‘phenomenally successful’ in his hepatitis work which had tremendous ‘global implications.’ Szmuness’ meteoric and unprecedented rise to world prominence was halted by his death from cancer in 1982. (A 1983 paper published after his death detailed a new experimental hepatitis B vaccine program in Kangwane that would use Black South African infants as experimental subjects.)”
(Ibid.; pp. 103–104.)
31. “As a defector, could Szmuness have been a Russian agent? Or could he have been playing both sides of the field by working as a ‘double-agent’ for American and the Soviet Union? His life story was proof that he was honored by both countries. Although the scientific world would undoubtedly laugh at these questions, Szmuness’ professional life in the communist and the free-world was filled with the oddest of circumstances and coincidences.”
(Ibid.; p. 104.)
32. “As a precaution against escape, it is my understanding that potential defectors from communist countries are never allowed the opportunity to travel outside the country with their entire family. Yet, Szmuness defected with his family in tow. After defecting, how was it possible to arrange his safe return to Russia ‘to present a scientific paper.’ Undoubtedly, cooperation at the highest levels of both governments was necessary to accomplish this feat.”
33. In a speculative note, the broadcast highlights the fact that a native of South Africa was in charge of the regulatory standards for American vaccine manufacture. It is against the background of viral contamination (deliberate and accidental) of vaccines that Mr. Emory has set forth speculative inquiries into the origins of both AIDS and a soft-tissue cancer epidemic [apparently] generated by a cancer-causing monkey virus, SV-40. In FTR 225, we noted the Nazi origins of the Broederbond, the fascist organization that was the epicenter of political power in South Africa’s apartheid era. In effect, the apartheid regime of South Africa was an extension of the Third Reich. Is there any link between Mr. Murray’s presence in a key position at the National Institutes of Health, the Nazi/apartheid regime of South Africa, the Underground Reich, the creation of AIDS and/or the contamination of the polio and other vaccines with SV-40?
“ . . . The bureaucratic makeover occasioned by the Cutter incident extended deep into the NIH. In midsummer, the Laboratory of Biologics Control was dismantled and revamped as the Division of Biologic Standards (or ‘DB S’); the new agency had nearly triple the number of staff members as the old LBC. . . Workman, even though he had been persistently skeptical of Salk’s vaccine, was not named as head of the DBS. He was, instead, ousted in favor of his former assistant Roderick Murray. Murray, a native of South Africa, was a taciturn, inscrutable, and exceedingly cautious leader; under his direction the DBS continued to live under the cloud of Cutter and proved unwilling—some critics would say afraid—to make most any changes in government policies regarding polio vaccine regulation for his entire decade-and-a-half tenure. [Italics are Mr. Emory’.] As a result, the United States would lag far behind Western Europe in adopting advances in vaccine safety. . .”
34. In the successful flight capital program of the Nazis, Reichsleiter Matin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, and these became repositories for the liquid wealth of the Third Reich. Overseas subsidiaries of key German corporations were also central to the realization of the Bormann assets. Note that the Merck firm was one of these companies.
Although the German Merck firm technically separated from the American Merck at the end of World War I, the two companies remained close. The American Merck was very much involved with the manufacture of the experimental hepatitis‑B vaccine that appears to have been a major vector for the deliberate spreading of AIDS. The German Merck is an integral part of the Underground Reich.
“The movement of German assets into Switzerland had also gone well, Bormann noted from his reports. Flight capital investments had been accomplished principally through the establishment of subsidiaries of powerful German firms. Over half of the total German capital in Switzerland was used in setting up holding companies representing I.G. Farben, Merck, Siemens, Osram, Henkel, and others. A holding company may not trade in any form. It may only hold stock in other companies, but through this device the existing German firms, and the 750 new corporations established under the Bormann program, gave themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to the ‘neutrals’ of Europe and to the countries of South America; a control that continues today and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak for real ownership. Bearer shares require no registration of identity, for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the majority shares controls the company without needing a vestige of proof as to how he acquired them. Thus the Germans who participated as a silent force in Bormann’s postwar commercial campaign—which is sometimes referred to by aging nazis as ‘Operation Eagle’s Flight’ or ‘Aktion Adlerflug’—insured their command over the industrial and financial institutions that were to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the forefront of world economic leadership.”
35. Added to this description in August of 2009 are a series of excerpts from a vitally important Covert Action Information Bulletin article discussing the close relationship between the National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Program and individuals and institutions involved with biological warfare program. The epicenter of AIDS research and the “discovery” of HIV is the National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Program. In addition to the NCI’s 1971 takeover of Ft. Detrick (formerly the Army’s top biological warfare facility), the NCI’s VCP utilized the Naval Biosciences Laboratory in Oakland, California.
In 1969, President Richard Nixon ordered a halt to offensive biological warfare (BW) research and weapons stockpiling by the United States. The U.S. Army destroyed its toxins, viruses, and bacteria with heat and disinfectants by May 1972; the disposal of the scientific personnel was not so simple. Some of these biowarriors went to the CIA.2 Others quickly found new support from the National Cancer Institute, particularly in its Virus Cancer Program (VCP).3 The NCI funded and supervised some of the same scientists, universities, and contracting corporations—ostensibly for cancer research—which had conducted biological warfare research. Some of these medical research contracts ran simultaneously with the U.S. biological warfare program. When the military work ended, the civilian programs continued to expand on the same critical areas outlined by Colonel Tigertt.
The NCI’s Viral Cancer Program—a highly politicized public relations effort—was launched in 1971 with great fanfare as part of Nixon’s War on Cancer. The stated aim of the program was to organize experiments aimed at finding cancer-causing viruses.
Apparently this agenda was compatible with the incorporation into various units of the VCP of possibly dozens of former U.S. BW researchers who continued to study topics with potential military application. Potential cancer-causing viruses were collected, grown in huge amounts, and distributed through the thousands of animals were infected experimentally, and the aerosol distribution of carcinogenic viruses was studied.
Two former BW facilities would play a large part in VCP. The U.S. Army’s Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland had been the ‘parent research and pilot plant center for biological warfare.‘4 During the early 1960s, the CIA paid the facility $100,000 a year for BW and chemical agents and their delivery systems. In Oakland, California, the Naval Biosciences Laboratory was involved in early experiments with the plague and collaborated in massive open-air tests of biological warfare ‘simulants’ in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1950s. Former biological warfare specialists from both of these centers were deeply involved in all aspects of the VCP. . .”
36. The article details the work done on cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses at the Naval Biosciences Laboratory, partially financed by the National Cancer Institute and managed by the University of California. Note that the research also involved bubonic plague, of great significance to the CCR5-delta 32 gene and HIV immunity. Might this have had implications for the development of AIDS?
. . . Less well-known is the fact that UC Berkeley also helps manage the Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL) — earlier called the Naval Biological Laboratory. This connection became central to the VCP and continued after the ban on offensive BW work.
Well before President Nixon ordered the conversion of the U.S. Army BW center at Fort Detrick to civilian uses in 1971, this military facility was cooperating closely with UC.
From 1953 to 1968, the University of California, while managing the NBL, now at the Naval Supply Center, also had BW contracts with the U.S. Army.5 After U.S treaty obligations would have prevented open research on mass production of dangerous viruses without a medical ‘cover’; the VCP provided an ideal excuse to study “scale-up” problems.6
One of the first new priorities of the Fort Detrick facility after the ban was “the large scale production of oncogenic [cancer-causing] and suspected oncogenic viruses.“7 Within a year, the NCI began mass production and within one fifteen month period ending in June 1977, the VCP produced 60,000 liters of cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s.]
Throughout the 1970s, U.S. “defensive” BW efforts were increasingly aimed at the research and development of viral disease agents.8
The ‘seed stocks’ for this massive production of viruses came from the Cell Culture Laboratory (CCL); the CCL was ‘physically located at the Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL)’ in Oakland, California.9 Because this laboratory was financed in part by the NCI and linked to UC, it would become a clearinghouse and central repository for vast quantities of potentially cancer-causing tissues and the tissues that might contain them. Thus, after the ban, the Naval Biosciences Lab at UC continued experimentation on biological agents, but under the guise of ‘defensive’ research.
The VCP contract ran concurrently with the NBL’s work on bubonic plague, Rift Valley and meningitis. . . .
37. The National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Research Program maintained its Cell Culture Laboratory under the auspices of the Naval Biosciences Laboratory, supervised by two veterans of Fort Detrick!
The NBL/Cell Culture Laboratory project was supervised for the VCP by Drs. James Duff and Jack Gruber.12 Duff had been at Fort Detrick for 12 years joining the NCI. His biography lists research into clostridium botulinum toxins.13 Botulinum toxins cause botulism and are among the most toxic substances known. It was during Duff’s tenure at Fort Detrick that the U.S. Army stockpiled botulinum toxin weapons.14 There, too, the intensive study of psittacosis, or “parrot fever,” resulted in the accidental infection of at least 12 workers15 while Duff was working there. After serving for eight years at Fort Detrick, Gruber moved to the NCI. His biography lists work on “arthropod-borne viruses.“16 The U.S. stockpiled BW weapons based on one arthropod-borne virus and studied many others. He soon became Chair of the Program Resources and Logistics Advisory Group of the VCP, where he helped coordinate projects involving production of viruses, provision of test animals and the ‘biohazard safety program.’ 17 In 1984, Gruber became head of the Cancer Etiology Division of the NIH. . . .
38. Another biological warfare veteran who was involved with the NCI’s Viral Cancer Research Program.
. . . The NCI project officer and former U.S. Air Force virologist, Dr. Alfred Hellman, worked with Mark Chatigny, a research engineer at NBL and member of the NCI biohazards work group from the NBL. 19 Hellman also oversaw the 1971 $100,000 NBL study on the “physical and biological characteristics of viral aerosols..” In 1961, the NBL had done similar research for Fort Detrick on the “stability and virulence of BW aerosols.“20 Chatigny’s NBL research into aerosol distribution of viruses would continue into the 1980s. . .
39. In addition to Duff, Gruber and Hellman, Dr. Richard Griesemer was another biological warfare research veteran who went to work for the National Cancer Institute.
. . . Before he worked with UC, Dr. Hellman supervised an NCI contract for Ohio State University. Designed to study the aerosol transmission of cancer-causing viruses, this research started in 1965 and continued at least until 1972. The principal investigator for this work, Dr. Richard Griesemer, would eventually succeed in giving tumors to mice and monkeys. Griesemer then went to work briefly at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, part of the U.S. Department of Energy nuclear research system. After his stint at Oak Ridge, Griesemer returned to NCI, where he headed the NCI Bioassay program, which tested chemicals suspected of causing cancer. . .
40. Of consummate importance for our purposes here is the fact that Ft. Detrick’s consignment to the ostensibly civilian National Cancer Institute for its Viral Cancer Research program entailed the use of a military contractor to manage the facility! That military contractor was Litton-Bionetics, a biotechnology subsidiary of Litton Industries, a major military contractor and also sometime vehicle for covert operations.
Litton-Bionetics employed Dr. Robert Gallo in the 1970’s–Gallo was to become [arguably] the most important early American AIDS researcher, credited by many with the “discovery” of HIV! Gallo worked closely with the above-mentioned Jack Gruber at Litton-Bionetics. Note, also that Litton-Bionetics heavily rearched the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, a simian immunosuppressive virus.
. . . President Nixon’s 1971 announcement that Fort Detrick would be converted to a center for cancer research could not be immediately implemented. First, BW agents stored there, such as the anti-crop agent rice blast, had to be destroyed. The buildings were then decontaminated and the facilities were turned over to the NCI, which renamed the facility the Frederick Cancer Research Center; Litton-Bionetics was named as the prime contractor. A major player in the military-industrial complex, the corporation worked extensively on the dispersion of BW agents from planes, and included U.S. Air Force contracts for “the supersonic delivery of dry biological agents.“28 From 1966 to 1968, Bionetics Research Laboratories (which became Litton-Bionetics in 1973) held two contracts with the U.5. Army BW program.29 At the same time, it held major contracts with the NCI.30
One of Bionetics Research Laboratories’ most important NCI contracts was a massive virus inoculation program that began in 1962 and and ran until at least 1976, and used more than 2,000 monkeys. Dr. Robert Gallo, the controversial head of the current U.S. AIDS research program at NCI and the chief of its tumor cell biology laboratory, and Dr. Jack Gruber, formerly of VCP and then NIH, were project officers for the inoculation program. The monkeys were injected with everything from human cancer tissues to rare viruses and even sheep’s blood in an effort to find a transmissible cancer. Many of these monkeys succumbed to immunosuppression after infection with the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, the first known immunosuppressive retrovirus,31 a class of viruses that includes the human immunodeficiency virus. . .
41. Among the most alarming aspects of the NCI link to biological warfare research concerns recombinant DNA work that produced viruses capable of breaking the species barrier. Bear in mind in this context that HIV is a mutated monkey virus that jumped from apes to humans.
. . . In 1976, Dr. Seymour Kalter, a prominent NCI scientist and former military medicine expert, reported on experiments so dangerous that other scientists publicly asked for an end to such work.32 By blending the genetic material of viruses causing cancers in mice and baboons, he created a new virus which could cause cancer in dogs, monkeys and even chimpanzees. Because it could attack chimpanzees, other scientists feared it could spread to genetically similar human beings. The new virus was a product of some of the first crude genetic “recombination” experiments.
Lawrence Loeb and Kenneth Tartof of the Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, went even further in calling for change and called for a ban on such potentially dangerous experimentation.
The production of malignant tumors in a variety of primate species suggests the possibility of creating viruses that are oncogenic for humans... Therefore, we urge that all experiments involving co-cultivation of known oncogenic viruses with primate viruses be immediately halted until the safety of such experiments are [sic] extensively evaluated.33
Experiments performed under NCI contract included many dangerous viral inoculation programs, like the primate inoculation program run by Gallo and Gruber. So-called “species barriers” were routinely breached in efforts to find or create infectious cancer viruses. Viruses native to one species were injected into animals from another species in hope of triggering cancers. Often the recipient animal would be immunosuppressed by radiation, drugs, or other treatments. NIH primate researchers were well aware that “the ecological niches of man and animal cross with increasing frequency, and this undoubtedly will create or uncover new problems.“34
At a 1975 NCI symposium, a participant, Dr. J. Moor-Janowski admitted that “environmental-motivated, we motivated groups begin to consider primate laboratories as being a source of danger.” He continued to comment that “a [European] primate center was not able to begin operations as a result of adverse publicity they obtained because of Marburg disease” The speaker was referring to a 1967 outbreak in Yugoslavia and West Germany of this viral disease, which killed several people. Tissues obtained from African Green monkeys used in biomedical work were the source of the mini-epidemic. Dr. Moor-Janowski suggested that researchers should fight against tighter restrictions on primate experiments. . .
Interesting theory on Delta-32. The “plague” theory of HIV/AIDS has been modified since the 1990’s. “the bubonic plague” is now most probably HFRS, which is a hemorrhagic disease that has appeared in Russia since the 1890’s and hit German troops in 1941–1942 in Finland. The Nazis were brought to Paperclip at the same time as the Japanese because they saw the disease in the 1930’s in Manchuria.Sweden saw it in 1934 and they have the highest rate of Delta-32 at 18%, with N. Germany and N. Russia. The former Soviet Union tested it as a biological weapon in the 1970’s coded as disease No. 10. Actually the only two places that have the original recombinant strains of HIV/AIDS, clade A/B are Liberia in Africa and Kaliningrad in the former Soviet Union. The precursor glycoproteins of of SIV, Ebola, and Crimean-Congo are gp 160 and 140. Ebola and CCHF were all weaponized by the former Soviet Union.
i believe i read the delta 32 mutation was caused or found in persons that had a certain type of hapatitus . anyone know of this ?