Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #61 Update on the Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

Lis­ten now: One Seg­ment

Pre­vi­ous­ly record­ed seg­ments and archive pro­grams ana­lyze a grow­ing and com­pelling body of infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ing com­plic­i­ty on the part of ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence agen­cies with the bomb­ing of Pan Am flight 103 on 12/21/88. This pro­gram updates that infor­ma­tion by dis­cussing the shod­dy (and prob­a­bly ille­gal) treat­ment of for­mer Defense Intel­li­gence Agency oper­a­tive Lester Cole­man. Cole­man pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion alleg­ing that a DEA sting oper­a­tion went awry, per­mit­ting the Pan Am 103 bombers to car­ry out the act. Impris­oned in New York City, whis­tle blow­er Cole­man has been denied access to treat­ment for the can­cer that afflicts him, thus endan­ger­ing his life. In addi­tion, the broad­cast sets forth the alarm­ing cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the death of doc­u­men­tary film-mak­er Alan Fran­covich, whose film The Mal­tese Dou­ble Cross access­es Cole­man’s alle­ga­tions, as well as high­light­ing oth­er evi­dence of the com­plic­i­ty Amer­i­can, British and Ger­man intel­li­gence ser­vices with the bomb­ing. The film had been the focus of active attempts at sup­pres­sion. Fran­covich died of an appar­ent heart attack while going through U.S. cus­toms in Hous­ton, with doc­u­ments in his pos­ses­sion that would exon­er­ate Cole­man and impli­cate the Rea­gan and Bush admin­is­tra­tions and the CIA in a num­ber of unsa­vory and ille­gal activ­i­ties.


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