Recorded November 18, 2007
MP3: Side 1 | Side 2
As the 44th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination approached, Mr. Emory interviewed Paris Flammonde, author, radio producer and investigative reporter. The author of The Kennedy Conspiracy—one of the first books Mr. Emory read about the Kennedy assassination—Flammonde has worked as the producer for the near legendary “Long John Nebel Show,” a pioneering late-night radio talk show that helped to define that type of program. Paris has published a four-volume set about the Kennedy assassination entitled The Assassination of America. In this interview, Paris and Mr. Emory review some of the basics of the Kennedy assassination investigation. Beginning with discussion of the untenable single bullet hypothesis, the program sorts through the evidence in the slaying of Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippit—also allegedly committed by Oswald. After discussing the organized crime background of Jack Ruby, the slayer of Oswald, the program highlights key features of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation of the Kennedy assassination. The broadcast concludes with Paris’s analysis of the assassination as a coup d’etat.
Program Highlights Include: Rebuttal of the official, nonsense version of the assassination as set forth by the likes of Gerald Posner; analysis of the changing versions of the rifle allegedly used to kill Kennedy; an account of Paris’s own work with Jim Garrison in New Orleans; Paris’s own experience with some of the Chicago area gangsters who were part of Jack Ruby’s milieu.
1. Paris begins by highlighting some of the key discrepancies in the forensic evidence in the assassination. In addition to highlighting the numerous witnesses who saw a shot fired at President Kennedy from the grassy knoll to Kennedy’s right, Paris notes that the fundamentals of the Warren Commission’s thesis are not only demonstrably incorrect, but physically impossible as well.
2. Among the physical impossibilities embraced by the Warren Commission is the single bullet hypothesis. One shot fired at President Kennedy’s motorcade missed altogether and wounded a bystander named James Teague after ricocheting off of a curb. Another shot disintegrated President Kennedy’s head, killing him instantly. That left one bullet to account for all seven non-fatal wounds in President Kennedy and governor John Connally—if more than three shots were fired, there must have been more than one gunman. Therefore, the Warren Commission was obliged to attribute all the non-fatal wounds in the President and governor Connally to one bullet—the round dubbed by critics as “The Magic Bullet.” The term comes from the fact that the bullet performed contrary to the laws of physics in a number of ways. The bullet had to have executed sharp turns in mid-air without being acted upon by another object in contradiction of the law of inertia. In addition, the material recovered from the non-fatal wounds exceeds the amount of material missing from the bullet that supposedly made the wounds—in the case of the assassination of President Kennedy, the whole is NOT equal to the sum of its parts. It should also be noted that the bullet was found underneath the stretcher on which President Kennedy’s body was placed.
3. In addition to setting forth the single bullet theory, Paris noted the problems associated with attempting to identify the murder weapon, which ultimately was fingered as a Mannlicher/Carcano. The latter was an all but useless weapon that was ultimately retired from service with the Italian army due to its unreliability. Initially identified as a German 7.62 Mauser, as well as a British Enfield, the weapon was sighted in for a shooter other than Oswald. The FBI’s sharpshooters who attempted to duplicate the feat of marksmanship allegedly performed by Oswald were unable to do so. In that context, it is important to note that Oswald was a poor shot.
4. The mythology that has evolved around 11/22/1963 incorporates the fictionalization of another murder—that of Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippitt. Once again, there are fundamental contradictions in the official account. There are significant differences between the bullets recovered from Tippitt’s body and the cartridge cases in the pistol allegedly used by Oswald to shoot the policeman. The only testimony that the Warren Commission could muster in support of their contention that Oswald was the slayer of Tippitt was the account of one Helen Markham. That account is devoid of credibility. Other witnesses, such as Acquila Clemmons, identified Tippitt’s slayer as someone other than Oswald.
5. Paris also details key features of the background of Jack Ruby, the other “lone nut” assassin of Dallas. Far from being a “lone nut,” Ruby was an important organized crime figure in the Dallas area. Originally from Chicago, Ruby was part of the Capone milieu and had some acquaintances in common with Paris, himself a native of the Chicago area.
6. Much of he second side of the program underscored key features of Jim Garrison’s investigation in New Orleans. For more detailed discussion of this, see FTR#620.
7. In order to supplement the information in Paris’ books and the interview, check out Mr. Emory’s voluminous programs on the JFK assassination. See The Guns of November.
8. Paris’ four-volume set can be obtained from Scanuscription; Tarot; RR 6, Box 6199; Stroudsburg, PA 18360. Visit the website at: Paris can be reached at:
9. Two video productions are being generated by a couple of documentary filmmakers. One is a DVD of a three-lecture series called “The First Refuge of a Scoundrel: The Relationship Between Fascism and Religion.” In addition, there will soon be a documentary about Mr. Emory, titled “The Anti-Fascist.” For more about this project, visit
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