Recorded February 28, 2008
MP3: Side 1 | Side 2
As indicated by the title, this program supplements discussion topics covered in past broadcast, as well as introducing some new items of interest. Beginning with a look at one of the more frivolous stories preoccupying an American journalistic community that should be paying more attention to the deadly serious matters confronting society, the program looks at a feature of the ongoing Britney Spears melodrama that has received little attention. It appears that the unfortunate Ms. Spears is being squired by an Islamist. Much of the program consists of a reading of an article by a retired Air Force officer that decries the growing presence of an authoritarian, evangelical Christian hegemony within the Air Force officer corps and much of the rest of the U.S. military. Among those manifesting what the officer of that article calls “Christian fascism” within the national security establishment is Joseph Schmitz, the chief operating officer of the Blackwater private security outfit. A member of the Vatican military order the Knights of Malta, Schmitz refused to correct the orgiastic proselytizing within the military while he was Inspector General of the Pentagon. The island of Malta itself appears to have become Blackwater’s operational base. The State Department’s internal watchdog has been obliged to step down from his position because his brother, former CIA official “Buzzy” Krongard is an official with Blackwater. The program concludes with a look at the Ukrainian fascist organization OUN/B, which collaborated with the Nazis in World War II.
Program Highlights Include: Review of the OUN/B’s collaboration with the CIA; review of the Schmitz family and their connections with international fascism.
1. Beginning with a look at one of the more frivolous stories preoccupying an American journalistic community that should be paying more attention to the deadly serious matters confronting this society, the program looks at a feature of the ongoing Britney Spears melodrama that has received little attention. It appears that the unfortunate Ms. Spears is being squired by an Islamist. Her bodyguard and—according to some accounts—lover Adnan Ghalib has fought in Afghanistan, Macedonia and Kosovo. The available evidence suggests that Ghalib belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood and [possibly] Al Qaeda. (For more about the Muslim Brotherhood, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 455, 473 and 537.) “ . . . Over the past week or so Adnan—who has earned his expertise in weaponry fighting abroad in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Macedonia—has been acting more bodyguard than boyfriend. . . .”
(“Brit Files Restraining Order Against Adnan?” by jwinter;; 1/20/2008.)
2. Much of the program consists of a reading of an article by a retired Air Force officer that decries the growing presence of an authoritarian, evangelical Christian hegemony within the Air Force officer corps and much of the rest of the U.S. military. “ . . . I no longer recognize the Air Force Academy as the institution I attended almost four decades earlier. At that point, I had no idea how invasive this extreme evangelical ‘cancer’ had become throughout the entire military, that what I had witnessed was far from an isolated case of a few religious zealots. . . .”
(“The Cancer from Within” by David Antoon; Truthdig; 11/7/2007.)
3. In FTR#610, we examined the Knights of Malta, a Catholic military order dating back to the time of the Crusades. Incorporating intelligence officers, political officials, journalists and business luminaries from around the world, the organization issues its own diplomatic passports and is viewed as a sovereign nation by many countries. With the United States embroiled in military adventure in the Middle East and with Blackwater playing a significant role in those adventures, it should not come as a great surprise to learn that Blackwater’s center of global operations is—according to the Maltese press—Malta. Former Pentagon inspector general Joseph Schmitz is the chief operations officer of Blackwater. He is a Knight of Malta. (For more about Joseph Schmitz and his family, see FTR 476.) “A European Parliament working document drawn up by Giovanni Claudio Fava has claimed ‘Malta is the operational base of Blackwater, the organizer of private military militia which are increasingly taking on more and more roles which used to be undertaken by US forces in Iraq and elsewhere.’ . . .”
(“Malta is ‘Blackwater’s Operational Base’—MEP Report” by Noel Grima; The Malta Independent Online; 2/9/2008.)
With Blackwater—a private security outfit—playing an increasingly large role in American national security affairs, conflicts of interest involving Blackwater are beginning to surface. (For more information about Blackwater, see—among other programs—FTR#529.) “The State Department’s internal watchdog, accused of politicizing his office, told a congressional panel Wednesday that he will step aside from any future probe of Blackwater USA because his brother serves on the advisory board of the controversial security contractor. The testimony by Howard J. Krongard, the department’s inspector general, came as a surprise at a congressional hearing about his performance. At first, Krongard denied that his brother, former CIA official Alvin B. Krongard, had any interest in Blackwater, the State Department’s primary private security contractor in Iraq being investigated for deaths of civilians. . . . During a hearing break, Krongard called his brother and said he learned that, in fact, Alvin Krongard agreed earlier this year to be a member of Blackwater’s advisory board, a position that pays travel expenses for meetings and offers $3,500 for each gathering attended. . . .”
(“State Department Official’s Brother Has Blackwater Ties” by Paul Richter; Los Angeles Times; 11/15/2007.)
5. The program concludes with a look at the ongoing presence of the Ukrainian fascist organization the OUN/B. (For more about the OUN/B and its connections to the current government of the Ukraine, see FTR#529. For more information about the OUN/B and its links to the Nazi Gehlen spy outfit, the CIA and the assassination of President Kennedy, see—among other programs—AFA#’s 1, 36, 37.) “ . . . World War II also remains a divisive issue. A new monument to the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalist leader Stepan Bandera, assassinated by the KGB in Munich in 1959, was vandalized after it was recently unveiled in Lvov. . . .”
(“Russia, Ukraine Trade Harsh Words over Historical Memory” by Taras Kuzio; Eurasia Daily Monitor; 12/17/2007.)
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