Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #632 Update on September 11 and Related Matters

Record­ed March 30, 2008
MP3: Side 1 | Side 2

The pro­gram begins with dis­cus­sion of the effect of the rise in oil prices on the glob­al econ­o­my. As dis­cussed in FTR’s 560, 561, war and threat of war in the Mid­dle East is caus­ing a con­sum­mate­ly impor­tant, deci­sive shift of glob­al wealth and pow­er from every­one and every­thing into the cof­fers of the oil-pro­duc­ing coun­tries and cor­po­ra­tions. An out­growth of this glob­al shift in wealth is the growth in sov­er­eign wealth funds, wield­ed by oil-pro­duc­ing nations and expand­ing their eco­nom­ic and, con­se­quent­ly, polit­i­cal influ­ence. Many busi­ness fig­ures have been rely­ing on these funds as a rem­e­dy for the grow­ing cred­it crunch and sup-prime cri­sis. Some of the coun­tries wield­ing SWF’s are not rush­ing in to help. Next, we revis­it the sub­ject of the Fifth Col­umn at work in this coun­try. It is Mr. Emory’s con­sid­ered opin­ion that the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is a man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Under­ground Reich and its Islam­o­fas­cist allies, embody­ing a fas­cist Fifth Col­umn that is in the process of sell­ing the U.S. out. Among the many things that the admin­is­tra­tion has done to under­mine the effort against the Islam­o­fas­cists is a recent betray­al of the hero­ic Rita Katz, a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor whose efforts led direct­ly to the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002. After giv­ing the admin­is­tra­tion an Al Qae­da video that Ms. Katz’s research orga­ni­za­tion had clan­des­tine­ly obtained, the Bush admin­is­tra­tion made the video pub­lic, despite the fact that secre­cy was manda­to­ry. Now, Ms. Katz’s pen­e­tra­tion of Al Qaeda’s infra­struc­ture stands revealed and con­se­quent­ly use­less. Next, the broad­cast revis­its infor­ma­tion from—among oth­er programs—FTR#569, review­ing the pres­sure put on Rita Katz and John Lof­tus by the FBI and CIA. This pres­sure fol­lowed the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002, pre­cip­i­tat­ed by Ms. Katz’s research. As dis­cussed in—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 356 and 454, the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002 revealed direct links between the Bush admin­is­tra­tion and the SAAR net­work, cen­tral­ly involved in fund­ing Al Qae­da, Hamas and Pales­tin­ian Islam­ic Jihad. The Fifth Col­umn has appar­ent­ly been able to access Amer­i­can nuclear secrets, and traf­fic them abroad, accord­ing to hero­ic whis­tle-blow­er Sibel Edmonds. [Edmonds is a for­mer FBI trans­la­tor whose research has dis­closed com­plic­i­ty between ele­ments of the US gov­ern­ment and mil­i­tary and ter­ror­ist ele­ments involved in the drug traf­fic.] The Nation­al Intel­li­gence Estimate’s report that Iran had aban­doned its attempts at acquir­ing nuclear weapons con­tin­ues to be chal­lenged, with experts not­ing that Iran has only aban­doned one rel­a­tive­ly unim­por­tant aspect of nuclear weapons devel­op­ment. Con­clud­ing with dis­cus­sion of the suc­cess­ful influ­ence that the Fifth Col­umn has been able to exert on the FBI, the pro­gram notes that the bureau has been con­duct­ing “out­reach” efforts that have placed it in a posi­tion of com­plic­i­ty with Islamist ele­ments.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Review of peace-activist Cyn­di Sheehan’s efforts on behalf of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood; review of GOP big­wig Grover Norquist’s prob­a­ble con­ver­sion to Islam; spec­u­la­tion about the pos­si­ble role in the dis­in­te­gra­tion of the Unit­ed States played by chil­dren of the SS offi­cers brought into the coun­try at the end of World War II.

1. The pro­gram begins with dis­cus­sion of the effect of the rise in oil prices on the glob­al econ­o­my. As dis­cussed in FTRs 560, 561, war and threat of war in the Mid­dle East is caus­ing a con­sum­mate­ly impor­tant, deci­sive shift of glob­al wealth and pow­er from every­one and every­thing into the cof­fers of the oil-pro­duc­ing coun­tries and cor­po­ra­tions. “High oil prices are fuel­ing one of the biggest trans­fers of wealth in his­to­ry. Oil con­sumers are pay­ing $4 bil­lion to $5 bil­lion more for crude oil every day than they did just five years ago, pump­ing more than $2 tril­lion into the cof­fers of oil com­pa­nies and oil-pro­duc­ing nations this year alone. . . .”
(“Oil Price Rise Caus­es Glob­al Shift in Wealth” by Steven Muf­son; Wash­ing­ton Post; 11/10/2007; P. A01.)

2. An out­growth of the glob­al shift in wealth dis­cussed above is the growth in sov­er­eign wealth funds, wield­ed by oil-pro­duc­ing nations and expand­ing their eco­nom­ic and, con­se­quent­ly, polit­i­cal influ­ence. Many busi­ness fig­ures have been rely­ing on these funds as a rem­e­dy for the grow­ing cred­it crunch and sup-prime cri­sis. Some of the coun­tries wield­ing SWF’s are not rush­ing in to help. Note that the dis­in­te­gra­tion of the US econ­o­my will increas­ing­ly sub­ject the coun­try to the influ­ence of the oil-pro­duc­ing coun­tries. “Ear­li­er this week, I chat­ted with a jet-lagged senior US financier. Like many of his ilk, he is flit­ting around the Mid­dle East and Asia try­ing to extract finance from sov­er­eign wealth funds and oth­er invest­ment groups. His lat­est trav­els have deliv­ered a sur­prise: some funds are qui­et­ly get­ting cold feet about the idea of putting more cap­i­tal direct­ly into west­ern banks, he says. ‘There is a back­lash build­ing,’ he mut­tered into a crack­ling cell phone. This is strik­ing stuff. In recent months, many equi­ty investors have tak­en com­fort from the idea that sov­er­eign wealth funds could ride to the res­cue of Wall Street, if not the City of Lon­don too. . . .”
(“Insight: West­ern Banks Face SWF Back­lash” by Gillian Tett; Finan­cial Times; 2/7/08.)

3. Next, we revis­it the sub­ject of the Fifth Col­umn at work in this coun­try. It is Mr. Emory’s con­sid­ered opin­ion that the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is a man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Under­ground Reich and its Islam­o­fas­cist allies, embody­ing a fas­cist Fifth Col­umn that is in the process of sell­ing the U.S. out. There is abun­dant evi­dence that ele­ments of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion aid­ed and abet­ted the 9/11 attacks. (Note, in this con­text, that Mr. Emory does not feel that the epi­cen­ter of the 9/11 attacks was in the Unit­ed States. How­ev­er the com­plic­i­ty of ele­ments of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion is a mat­ter of pub­lic record. For more infor­ma­tion about the Fifth Col­umn, see—among oth­er programs—FTR#’s 356, 454, 462, 464, 467, 515, 569.) Among the many things that the admin­is­tra­tion has done to under­mine the effort against the Islam­o­fas­cists is a recent betray­al of the hero­ic Rita Katz, a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor whose efforts led direct­ly to the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002. “A small pri­vate intel­li­gence com­pa­ny that mon­i­tors Islam­ic ter­ror­ist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its offi­cial release last month, and around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, it noti­fied the Bush admin­is­tra­tion of its secret acqui­si­tion. It gave two senior offi­cials access on the con­di­tion that the offi­cials not reveal they had it until the al-Qae­da release. With­in 20 min­utes, a range of intel­li­gence agen­cies had begun down­load­ing it from the company’s Web site. By midafter­noon that day, the video and a tran­script of its audio track had been leaked from with­in the Bush admin­is­tra­tion to cable tele­vi­sion news and broad­cast world­wide. . . .”
(“Leak Sev­ered a Link to Al-Qaeda’s Secrets” by Joby War­rick; Wash­ing­ton Post 10/9/2007; P. A01.)

4. The broad­cast revis­its infor­ma­tion from—among oth­er programs—FTR#569, review­ing the pres­sure put on Rita Katz and John Lof­tus by the FBI and CIA. This pres­sure fol­lowed the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002, pre­cip­i­tat­ed by Ms. Katz’s research. As dis­cussed in—among oth­er programs—FTRs 356 and 454, the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002 revealed direct links between the Bush admin­is­tra­tion and the SAAR net­work, cen­tral­ly involved in fund­ing Al Qae­da, Hamas and Pales­tin­ian Islam­ic Jihad. “Yet the FBI wasn’t the worst part in that sticky affair. The CIA was. The CIA was inves­ti­gat­ing me and the SAAR inves­ti­ga­tors from Green Quest and Cus­toms. The CIA and the FBI inves­ti­gat­ed every­one who had any­thing to do with the SAAR inves­ti­ga­tion. White vans and SUV’s with dark win­dows appeared near all the homes of the SAAR inves­ti­ga­tors. All agents, some of whom were very expe­ri­enced with sur­veil­lance, knew they were being fol­lowed. So was I. I felt that I was being fol­lowed every­where and watched at home, in the super­mar­ket, on the way to work . . . and for what? . Now—I was being watched 24/7. It’s a ter­ri­ble sen­sa­tion to know that you have no pri­va­cy. . . . and no secu­ri­ty. That strange click­ing of the phones that wasn’t there before. . . the oh-so-crude­ly opened mail at home in the office. . .and the same man I spied in my neigh­bor­hood super­mar­ket, who was also on the train I took to Wash­ing­ton a week ago. . .Life can be mis­er­able when you know that someone’s always breath­ing down your neck. The Cus­toms agents were ques­tioned. So were their super­vi­sors. So was the U.S. attor­ney on the SAAR case. One of the ques­tions they were all asked was whether they’d leaked mate­r­i­al to me. They all kept say­ing that this was the most pre­pos­ter­ous idea; they all said that before I came, none of them had the slight­est clue about SAAR and 555. They said that there was noth­ing of val­ue they could give me that I didn’t have already. That it was I who gave them the mate­r­i­al, not the oth­er way around. None of the inves­ti­gat­ed par­ties has the slight­est clue as to the real rea­son they were being inves­ti­gat­ed.”
(Ter­ror­ist Hunter by “Anony­mous” [Rita Katz]; CCC [imprint of Harp­er Collins]; Copy­right 2003 by Harp­er Collins [HC]; ISBN 0–06-052819–2; pp. 328–329.)

5. The Fifth Col­umn has appar­ent­ly been able to access Amer­i­can nuclear secrets, and traf­fic them abroad. “A whistle­blow­er has made a series of extra­or­di­nary claims about how cor­rupt gov­ern­ment offi­cials allowed Pak­istan and oth­er states to steal nuclear weapons secrets. Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old for­mer Turk­ish lan­guage trans­la­tor for the FBI, lis­tened into hun­dreds of sen­si­tive inter­cept­ed con­ver­sa­tions while based at the agency’s Wash­ing­ton field office. She approached The Sun­day Times last month after read­ing about an Al-Qae­da ter­ror­ist who had revealed his role in train­ing some of the 9/11 hijack­ers while he was in Turkey. Edmonds described how for­eign intel­li­gence agents had enlist­ed the sup­port of US offi­cials to acquire a net­work of moles in sen­si­tive mil­i­tary and nuclear insti­tu­tions. . . .”
(“For Sale: West’s Dead­ly Nuclear Secrets” The Sun­day Times; 1/5/08.)

6. More about Sibel Edmonds: “For­mer CIA ana­lyst and inter­na­tion­al secu­ri­ty and counter-ter­ror­ism expert Philip Giral­di has filed some of the Amer­i­can medi­a’s best reports (even though we real­ize that’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly say­ing much) on the Sibel Edmonds case. . . .”
(“For­mer CIA Ana­lyst: ‘Sibel Edmonds is Talk­ing About Trea­son”; The Brad Blog; 2/4/2008.)

7. The Nation­al Intel­li­gence Estimate’s report that Iran had aban­doned its attempts at acquir­ing nuclear weapons con­tin­ues to be chal­lenged. “The senior US intel­li­gence offi­cial on Tues­day stressed that a recent report on Iran had con­clud­ed that Tehran had halt­ed only one part of its alleged nuclear weapons pro­gram. Admi­ral Michael McConnell, direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence, said the Novem­ber nation­al intel­li­gence esti­mate had con­clud­ed that Tehran had ceased only efforts to covert­ly enrich ura­ni­um and design nuclear war­heads. ‘The only thing that they’ve halt­ed was nuclear weapons design, which is prob­a­bly the least sig­nif­i­cant part of the pro­gram,’ he told the Sen­ate intel­li­gence com­mit­tee. Adm McConnell said Iran con­tin­ued to devel­op ura­ni­um enrich­ment tech­nol­o­gy and longer-range bal­lis­tic mis­siles. . . .”
(“Intel­li­gence Offi­cial Revives Iran Doubts” by Demetri Sev­astop­u­lo; Finan­cial Times; 2/6/2008.)

8. The Islam­o­fas­cist Fifth Col­umn has suc­cess­ful­ly influ­enced the FBI, among oth­er orga­ni­za­tions. The FBI has been con­duct­ing “out­reach” efforts that have placed it in a posi­tion of com­plic­i­ty with Islamist ele­ments. “Much has been writ­ten about the U.S. gov­ern­men­t’s cur­rent bout of schiz­o­phre­nia in its out­reach to the Amer­i­can Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty, specif­i­cal­ly relat­ed to the Depart­ment of Jus­tice. While fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors in Dal­las have labeled sev­er­al Islamist orga­ni­za­tions as unin­dict­ed co-con­spir­a­tors – describ­ing them as front groups for Hamas and the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood — in the ter­ror­ist financ­ing tri­al against the Holy Land for Relief and Devel­op­ment (HLF), the FBI is meet­ing with the very same groups to hold out­reach events and the Civ­il Rights Divi­sion of the DOJ is set­ting up booths at their con­fer­ences. As wrong­head­ed and short­sight­ed as these poli­cies are, they do not hold a can­dle to a recent out­reach event held by the FBI’s Detroit field office at the end of last month. As report­ed in the Detroit Free Press (see: Detroit’s FBI chief: Vio­lence extrem­ism cuts across reli­gions), two top FBI offi­cials from that office ‘spoke to about 50 Mus­lims inside the Islam­ic Orga­ni­za­tion of North Amer­i­ca, or Tanzeem-e-Isla­mi.’ The Free Press described the orga­ni­za­tion as mere­ly ‘a Sun­ni mosque with a pri­mar­i­ly Pak­istani con­gre­ga­tion’ and tells us that the meet­ing was noth­ing more than ‘part of an effort by the FBI to reach out to Mus­lims and oth­er com­mu­ni­ties.’ . . .”
(“FBI’s Lat­est Out­reach Out­rage” by Steven Emer­son; IPT News Ser­vice; 11/7/2007.)


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