Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #642 Update on the Anthrax Attacks, AIDS and Biological Warfare

MP3: 30-Minute Seg­ment
RealAu­dio NB: This RealAu­dio stream con­tains both FTRs 642 and 643 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast.

Intro­duc­tion: With dis­clo­sure of the sui­cide of Dr. Bruce Ivins, dis­cus­sion of the 2001 anthrax attacks returned to jour­nal­is­tic cen­ter stage. Eclipsed by oth­er events in the inter­ven­ing years, the anthrax attacks have now been ascribed to the actions of a single–and dead–individual. (Dr. Ivins had been employed at Fort Det­rick, the mil­i­tary’s top bio­log­i­cal war­fare research cen­ter.) After high­light­ing the death of the late, unfor­tu­nate Dr. Ivins, the pro­gram exam­ines evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries lead­ing from those anthrax attacks in the direc­tion of resid­ual South African fas­cist ele­ments. In the months before Dr. Ivins death, the FBI dis­closed that no few­er than it was inves­ti­gat­ing no few­er than four pro­fes­sion­als employed at Fort Det­rick. After dis­cus­sion of the anthrax attacks, the pro­gram focus­es on a genet­ic sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty to HIV infec­tion preva­lent among peo­ple of African descent, review­ing in that con­text dis­turb­ing indi­ca­tions that AIDS was delib­er­ate­ly cre­at­ed.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Dis­cus­sion of pos­si­ble links between the anthrax attacks of 2001 and the milieu of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s Bank al-Taqwa; a pos­si­ble prece­dent for the anthrax attacks estab­lished by the Baad­er-Mein­hof gang in Ger­many; review of the Baad­er-Mein­hof’s rela­tion­ship with Nazi banker and ide­o­log­i­cal heir Fran­cois Genoud; the rela­tion­ship between Ft. Det­rick researcher Steven Hat­fill and the pro-Apartheid forces in South Africa; the ini­tial focus of the anthrax inves­ti­ga­tion on Hat­fill; dis­cus­sion of the late Dr. Lar­ry Ford and his rela­tion­ship with both the CIA and apartheid regime of South Africa and its bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram; review of the influ­ence on Dr. Ford of the Nazi tract The Turn­er Diaries; review of Turn­er Diaries author William Pierce’s fore­shad­ow­ing of the attacks of 9/11 and the anthrax attacks; dis­cus­sion of the hered­i­tary immu­ni­ty to HIV infec­tion car­ried by some pure-bred North­ern Euro­peans or “Aryans”;

1. The pro­gram begins with reportage about the death of a sci­en­tist at Fort Det­rick, for a long time the mil­i­tary’s top bio­log­i­cal war­fare research cen­ter. The alleged per­pe­tra­tor of the anthrax attacks, Dr. Bruce Ivins took his own life. It is Mr. Emory’s view that it is unlike­ly that Ivins was the sole author of the event. Read more about the anthrax attacks.

“After four years pur­su­ing one for­mer Army sci­en­tist on a cost­ly false trail, F.B.I. agents inves­ti­gat­ing the dead­ly anthrax let­ters of 2001 final­ly zeroed in last year on a dif­fer­ent sus­pect: anoth­er Army sci­en­tist from the same biode­fense research cen­ter at Fort Det­rick in Fred­er­ick, Md.

Over the last 18 months, even as the gov­ern­ment bat­tled a law­suit filed by the first sci­en­tist, Steven J. Hat­fill, inves­ti­ga­tors built a case against the sec­ond one, Bruce E. Ivins, a high­ly respect­ed micro­bi­ol­o­gist who had worked for many years to design a bet­ter anthrax vac­cine.

Last week­end, after learn­ing that fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors were prepar­ing to indict him on mur­der charges, Dr. Ivins, a 62-year-old father of two, took an over­dose of Tylenol with codeine. He died in a Fred­er­ick hos­pi­tal on Tues­day, leav­ing behind a griev­ing fam­i­ly and uncer­tain­ty about whether the anthrax mys­tery had final­ly been solved. . . .”

“Scientist’s Sui­cide is Linked to Anthrax Inquiry” by Scott Shane and Eric Licht­blau; New York Times; 8/2/08; pp. A1-A10.

2. Pre­vi­ous­ly, anoth­er Ft. Det­rick sci­en­tist was the pri­ma­ry focal point of the inves­ti­ga­tion. Although Dr. Steven Hat­fill is no longer regard­ed as a prime sus­pect, he has an inter­est­ing and pos­si­bly sig­nif­i­cant link to resid­ual pro-apartheid ele­ments in South Africa. This con­nec­tion is dis­cussed at greater length below.

“Hav­ing been named a “per­son of inter­est” in the inves­ti­ga­tion of the 2001 anthrax attacks, the for­mer Army sci­en­tist Steven J. Hat­fill has tried for six years to clear his name, both inside court and out.

Now the dis­clo­sure that a for­mer col­league died this week, appar­ent­ly by sui­cide, just as inves­ti­ga­tors pre­pared to seek his indict­ment in the case has pro­vid­ed the clear­est indi­ca­tion yet that Dr. Hat­fill may final­ly achieve his goal.

The Jus­tice Depart­ment, which has not pub­licly exon­er­at­ed Dr. Hat­fill, would not com­ment about the case on Fri­day. But all indi­ca­tions are that inves­ti­ga­tors have lost inter­est in him. . . .”

“A One­time ‘Per­son of Inter­est’ Moves a Step Clos­er to Pub­lic Exon­er­a­tion” by Char­lie Sav­age; New York Times; 8/2/08; p. A11.

3. Although mov­ing toward exon­er­a­tion, Hat­fil­l’s involve­ment with the Afrikan­er Resis­tance Move­ment rais­es some trou­bling ques­tions. In FTR#‘s 419, 456, Mr. Emory not­ed the pos­si­bil­i­ty that fas­cist ele­ments, includ­ing anoth­er sci­en­tist involved with bio­log­i­cal war­fare research and the South African apartheid move­ment might fig­ure in the inves­ti­ga­tion. Involved with the CIA, the South African apartheid regime’s bio­log­i­cal war­fare and assas­si­na­tion pro­gram (Project Coast), as well as the post-apartheid “under­ground Broeder­bond,” Dr. Lar­ry Ford took his own life after he was fin­gered for an unsuc­cess­ful attempt at mur­der­ing a col­league. (The Broeder­bond was the fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion at the epi­cen­ter of the apartheid regime, and it was mod­eled after and allied with the NSDAP–the Ger­man Nazi Par­ty under Hitler. Like the NSDAP, it went under­ground after the fall of the apartheid regime.) Read more about Dr. Ford, his activ­i­ties, his back­ground and the Broeder­bond.

As dis­cussed in FTR#‘s 419, 456, Ford took his polit­i­cal ref­er­ence points from The Turn­er Diaries, the Nazi nov­el authored by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the now-deceased for­mer head of the Nation­al Alliance. In a radio broad­cast deliv­ered years before the 9/11 attacks, Pierce advised New York­ers who lived in build­ings the size of the World Trade Cen­ter to start wear­ing “hard hats”, warned that “Osama bin Laden was com­ing” and pre­dict­ed that the Unit­ed States would be hit with bio­log­i­cal war­fare attacks. This is dis­cussed in FTR#456.

Was there a con­nec­tion between Hat­fill and the late Dr. Ford? Did the CIA’s involve­ment with the South African apartheid regime and Project Coast afford fas­cist ele­ments the oppor­tu­ni­ty to uti­lize Ft. Det­rick anthrax stock for their own pur­pos­es?

” . . . Short­ly after 9/11, the Unit­ed States was beset with a sec­ond round of ter­ror­ist attacks in the form of anthrax-laden let­ters sent to Sen­a­tor Tom Daschle and var­i­ous rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the media. Accord­ing to one account, sev­er­al top lev­el CIA and FBI offi­cials sus­pect­ed that domes­tic extrem­ists were respon­si­ble for the anthrax attacks Per­haps the chief rea­son for this sus­pi­cion was that sev­er­al years ear­li­er, Lar­ry Wayne Har­ris, a micro­bi­ol­o­gist by train­ing and reput­ed extreme right sym­pa­thiz­er, had pre­vi­ous­ly been arrest­ed for pos­sess­ing what author­i­ties believed was the anthrax agent. The FBI’s inves­ti­ga­tion this time focused on Dr. Steven J. Hat­fill, who once worked as a research sci­en­tist at the U.S. Army Med­ical Reserch Insti­tute of Infec­tious Dis­ease at Fort Det­rick, Mary­land. Hat­fill had spent con­sid­er­able time in South Africa, and was affil­i­at­ed with the Afrikan­er Resis­tance Move­ment (AWB). How­ev­er, after a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion, the FBI even­tu­al­ly cleared Hat­fill of any con­nec­tion to the anthrax attacks. . . .”

The Ene­my of My Ene­my; by George Michael; Copy­right 2006 by the Uni­ver­si­ty Press of Kansas; ISBN 0–7006-1444–3; p. 111.

4. Oth­er evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries lead­ing from the 2001 anthrax attacks toward Nazi and fas­cist ele­ments include a pos­si­ble link between the Bank al-Taqwa milieu and a Swiss front orga­ni­za­tion for a for­mer Sovi­et bio­log­i­cal war­fare front, and a pos­si­ble precedent/template for send­ing anthrax through the mail as a ter­ror weapon. In FTR#403, we exam­ined a gam­bit by the Baad­er-Mein­hof gang to send anthrax-laden let­ters through the mail. (Baader-Meinhof–also known as the Red Army Fac­tion were among the pro­teges of the late Fran­cois Genoud, a key Nazi spy and heir to the polit­i­cal last will and tes­ta­ment and col­lect­ed lit­er­ary works of Adolf Hitler, Mar­tin Bor­mann and Joseph Goebbels. Although he died in 1996, Genoud’s name crops up in con­nec­tion with the 9/11 attacks and the Bank al-Taqwa milieu. For more about Genoud and his links to Baad­er-Mein­hoff, see–among oth­er pro­grams–FTR#453. For more about Genoud and the 9/11 attacks, see–among oth­er programs–FTR#‘s 456, 498, 499.) Did the pro­posed Baad­er-Mein­hof anthrax mail-attacks serve as inspi­ra­tion for the 2001 anthrax attacks in the U.S.?

“ . . . In the 1980’s, the Ger­man far-left Baad­er-Mein­hof ter­ror­ist gang threat­ened to spread anthrax bac­te­ria through the mail in West Ger­many, but the threat was nev­er car­ried out. . . . ”

(In the Name of Osama bin Laden; by Roland Jacquard; Copy­right 2002 [SC]; Duke Uni­ver­si­ty Press; ISBN 0–8223-2991–3; p. 153.)

5. For The Record has fea­tured a mas­sive analy­sis of the links between the Bank al-Taqwa, Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks. As men­tioned above, there is an evi­den­tiary trib­u­tary link­ing the Bank al-Taqwa milieu and Interplastica/Biopreparat–a front for for­mer Sovi­et bio­log­i­cal weapons activ­i­ties. (Read more about Bank al-Taqwa.) From FTR#356:

“ . . . Begin­ning in 1973, Bio­preparat pro­duced and stock­piled hun­dreds of tons of anthrax and dozens of tons of plague and small­pox. Doc­u­ments obtained in Switzer­land by this reporter show that the Ban­ca del Got­tar­do in Lugano has been tight­ly involved in deals between Russ­ian weapons firms and Inter­plas­ti­ca, a com­pa­ny which begin­ning in the 1960’s spe­cial­ized in trade with the coun­tries of the East Bloc to pierce west­ern embar­goes. Inter­plas­ti­ca is reg­is­tered in Mor­bio Infe­ri­ore near Lugano, in the can­ton of Tessin in south­ern Switzer­land. Among the deals, doc­u­ments show that the Ban­ca del Got­tar­do financed a con­tract between Bio­preparat and Inter­plas­ti­ca in 1993. . . .Begh­jet Pacol­li . . .ran Inter­plas­ti­ca. Pacol­li, who was born in Koso­vo, sup­ports mil­i­tant Mus­lim groups. . . .Through the Fund for Recon­struc­tion of Koso­vo (FORK), in Lugano, he finances the Koso­vo Lib­er­a­tion Army or UCK, (known in the West as KLA) described by Robert Gel­bard, who was America’s spe­cial envoy to Bosnia as ‘Islam­ic ter­ror­ists’ . . . .On Wednes­day, Novem­ber 6, the U.S. announced that it was adding to its black­list of banks and indi­vid­u­als believed con­nect­ed to the Bin Laden net­work the Al Taqwa bank, with oper­a­tions in Switzer­land, Italy, Liecht­en­stein and the Bahamas, and its chief exec­u­tive Youssef Nada and board mem­bers Mohamed Man­sour and Albert Huber. Mohamed Man­sour is on the board of the Bosn­ian Insti­tute in Zurich. So is Pacol­li. Pier Feli­ci Barchi, Nada’s lawyer, and Clau­dio Gen­er­ali, pres­i­dent of the Ban­ca del Got­tar­do, serve togeth­er on boards of a cap­i­tal man­age­ment foun­da­tion in Liecht­en­stein and sev­er­al enter­pris­es in Switzer­land. They are both lead­ers of the Lib­er­al Rad­i­cal Par­ty, which rules in Switzer­land and which, till now, has afford­ed the bank polit­i­cal pro­tec­tion from intru­sive inves­ti­ga­tions by author­i­ties. The U.S. should put an end to that. . . .”

(“Swiss Bank Han­dled Sale from Russ­ian Bioweapons Com­pa­ny” by Lucy Komis­ar; Earth Times News Ser­vice; Novem­ber 2001.)

6. It appears that Hat­fill and the late Dr. Ivins was not the only Ft. Det­rick pro­fes­sion­al under inves­ti­ga­tion in con­nec­tion with the anthrax attacks.

“The FBI has nar­rowed its focus to “about four” sus­pects in the 6 1/2‑year inves­ti­ga­tion of the dead­ly anthrax attacks of 2001, and at least three of those sus­pects are linked to the Army’s bioweapons research facil­i­ty at Fort Det­rick in Mary­land, FOX News has learned.

Among the pool of sus­pects are three sci­en­tists — a for­mer deputy com­man­der, a lead­ing anthrax sci­en­tist and a micro­bi­ol­o­gist — linked to the research facil­i­ty, known as USAMRIID. . . .”

“FBI Focus­ing on ‘About Four’ Sus­pects in 2001 Anthrax Attacks” by Cather­ine Her­ridge and Ian McCaleb; FOXNews.com; 3/28/2008.

7. The pro­gram con­cludes with infor­ma­tion about a hered­i­tary sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty to HIV infec­tion among peo­ple of African extrac­tion. It should be not­ed that, as dis­cussed in FTR#606, there is a hered­i­tary resis­tance to HIV infec­tion present only in some pure bred North­ern Euro­peans or “Aryans.” FTR#606 explores the pos­si­bil­i­ty that this may not be acci­den­tal but, rather, the result of delib­er­ate genet­ic engi­neer­ing built on boil­er plate research done by the Third Reich. For more about AIDS as a prod­uct of bio­log­i­cal war­fare research, see–among oth­er programs–FTR#‘s 16, 19, as well as AFA#16.

“An inter­na­tion­al team of AIDS sci­en­tists has dis­cov­ered that a gene vari­ant com­mon in blacks pro­tects against cer­tain types of malar­ia but increas­es sus­cep­ti­bil­i­ty to HIV infec­tion by 40 per­cent.

Researchers, keen to find some bio­log­i­cal clues to explain why peo­ple of African descent are bear­ing a dis­pro­por­tion­ate share of the world’s AIDS cas­es, sus­pect this sub­tle genet­ic trait — found in 60 per­cent of Amer­i­can blacks and 90 per­cent of Africans — might part­ly explain the dif­fer­ence.

Ten per­cent of the world’s pop­u­la­tion lives in sub-Saha­ran Africa, but that region accounts for 70 per­cent of the men, women and chil­dren liv­ing with HIV infec­tion. In the Unit­ed States, African Amer­i­cans make up 12 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion but account for half of new­ly diag­nosed HIV infec­tions. . . .”

“New­found Genet­ic Clue to HIV Rate Among Blacks” by Sabin Rus­sell; San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle; 7/17/08; p. A1.


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