MP3: 30-Minute Segment
REALAUDIO NB: This RealAudio stream contains both FTR #642 and FTR #643 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast.
Introduction: Beginning with discussion of neo-fascists and their activities, the program notes that the wife of white supremacist Don Black is working as a spokeswoman for a school dedicated to helping black and Latino students. Another example of strange political bedfellows finds secessionists from the liberal state of Vermont networking with neo-Confederates from the white supremacist League of the South. Continuing a disturbing trend, the program notes that white supremacist and Nazi elements persevere in attempts at recruiting from the ranks of the military and recently-retired military. In addition to highlighting the murders of two brilliant French students in London and the killing of the key eyewitness to the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, the program sets forth a former astronaut’s assertion that the government’s covering up their supposed contact with space aliens. Concluding with the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood (an Islamic fascist organization), the broadcast notes the Brotherhood’s opposition to an Egyptian children’s rights law that prohibits female genital mutilation.
Program Highlights Include: Vermont secessionist affinity for the Hapsburg-dominated UNPO; review of the UNPO’s efforts at fragmenting larger states; Chloe Black’s previous marriage to ex-KKK leader David Duke; one of the murdered French students’ background in the development of biofuels; review of the long-standing effort by neo-fascists to acquire “specialized knowledge and abilities”–military, law-enforcement and espionage proficiency; review of information about the reality of UFO’s as devices developed by humans–not space aliens; review of indications that the supposition of “ET’s” is a deliberate falsehood perpetrated by intelligence services, as well as international fascist elements.
1. Beginning with discussion of the wife of a prominent white supremacist, the program highlights Chloe Black’s work as a spokeswoman for a school dedicated to help underprivileged black and Hispanic children. The ex-wife of David Duke (well-known American fascist), she is married to former Duke assistant Don Black. One wonders just what she is doing as a spokeswoman for this school? Is she actually something of a Trojan Horse for the white supremacist movement? Does she intend them ill? Read more about Duke and Black.
In the context of Ms. Black’s activities, it is worth contemplating another white supremacist, who supplied much of the meat for school lunch programs, until his company was cited for providing tainted meat. Was he deliberately providing bad meat to minority school children? This subject is discussed in FTR#633.
“A Florida woman who has been married to both the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and the creator of a notorious white supremacist Web site is working as a spokeswoman for a school that aims to lift underprivileged black and Hispanic children out of poverty.
An executive with an organization that tracks hate groups calls the employment of the woman, Chloe Black, an “untenable position” and “unbelievable.”
Black, the ex-wife of former KKK leader David Duke, is now married to Don Black, the creator of the white-power hate site Stormfront. Chloe Black is currently employed as an executive assistant at Florida Crystals, a sugar conglomerate whose owners, the Fanjul brothers, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to help build a new campus for Glades Academy.
Glades is a charter school for the children of African-American and migrant workers in Pahokee, a rural town in Palm Beach County. Billionaire Jose “Pepe” Fanjul’s wife, Emilia, is chairman of the board of Glades Academy, and she hired Black to help promote the school. . . .”
2. Next, the broadcast updates a remarkable case of strange political bedfellows–a secessionist movement in the small, liberal state of Vermont with a revanchist, white supremacist neo-Confederate group. If the U.S. experiences catastrophic economic and/or political upheaval, might such secessionist elements eventually coalesce and precipitate the disintegration of the United States? For more about the link between the League of the South and Vermont secessionists, see FTR#617.
” . . . In 2003, the Second Vermont Republic (SVR) sprang up to push for the independence of Vermont, a tiny, idyllic Northeastern state with fewer than 630,000 residents. In its seemingly quixotic quest, SVR took up the mantra that small is beautiful, arguing that secession would lead to sustainability, ecological balance, an end to military entanglements overseas, and a better life. SVR activists designed a new green flag for Vermont and started selling T‑shirts, particularly popular with the state’s many tourists, that read, “U.S. OUT OF VT!”
But in recent months and years, SVR’s actions have gone from way out to worrying. Starting in 2005, SVR leader Thomas H. Naylor — along with SVR’s very close ally, the Cold Spring, N.Y.-based Middlebury Institute that is headed by longtime leftist Kirkpatrick Sale — began openly collaborating with a collection of Southern extremists to build a national secession movement.
SVR’s disturbing new partner is the white supremacist League of the South. The Alabama-based group is against interracial marriage, believes the old Confederacy never surrendered, and wants to reestablish “the cultural dominance of the Anglo-Celtic people and their institutions” in a newly seceded South. It seeks to accord different classes of people differing legal rights in what sounds very much like a medieval theocracy of lords, serfs and clerics. League intellectuals have defended both slavery (which was ‘God-ordained’) and segregation, a policy described as protecting the genetic ‘integrity’ of both blacks and whites. Right after Hurricane Katrina, league members put up ‘whites only’ housing offers, including one from Alabama offering a trailer to a ‘white family of three or four,’ and another from Tennessee offering to temporarily house a ‘White Christian family.’ . . .”
3. The Middlebury Institute has also referenced the UNPO. The UNPO represents itself as multi-culturally and progressively oriented. Headed up by Karl von Hapsburg–heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire–the organization actually appears to champion the rights of ethnic minorities in order to destabilize larger countries seen as rivals to the Underground Reich. There is abundant information available in the archives about the UNPO.
“The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is a democratic, international membership organization. Its members are indigenous peoples, occupied nations, minorities and independent states or territories who have joined together to protect their human and cultural rights, preserve their environments, and to find non-violent solutions to conflicts, which affect them. The UNPO provides a legitimate and established international forum for member aspirations and assists its members in effective participation at an international level. . . .”
Website of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization;
4. Continuing a path of inquiry explored for many years on For The Record, the broadcast notes an ongoing effort by white supremacists to recruit from among the military. For more about this subject, see–among other programs–FTR#27, as well as programs dealing with the book Serpent’s Walk.
“While-supremacist groups have recruited 203 people who served in the U.S. military or who claim to have U.S. military backgrounds, according to a new report by the FBI. The unclassified FBI Intelligence Assessment, issued last week and obtained by NBC News, cautions that white-power extremists are trying hard to recruit active-duty soldiers and recent veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. . . .”
“White-Power Groups recruiting from Military” by Jim Popkin [NBC News];; 7/16/2008.
5. The recent murder of two French students in London raises the question of what the motive for the killings may have been. What were they studying? Note that one of the students was working on the production of biofuels, utilizing bacteria. FTR#641 highlighted information about the production of biofuels and potential synthesis of technology using microorganisms with the Fischer/Tropsch Process.
“Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez, both 23, were in the second year of a three-year master’s degree in bio-engineering in France. They had won internships to take part in a three-month esearch roject into chains of protein within DNA at London’s Imperial College. The pair arrived in May and were just a few weeks from returning home when they were killed.. . . .’They were brilliant students with glittering careers ahead of them.,’ said a spokesman for the Polytech. ‘There is no doubt that they were two of the brightest students of their generation. Everybody is absolutely devastated at what has happened. Emotions are running very high.’ . . .At Imperial College, Mr. Bonomo was researching how proteins in a parasite cause disease in humans. . . . On a personal website, Mr. Ferez admitted that his personal life was ‘less successful than I had expected.’ In London, he was working on the production of ethanol from bacteria for use as a biofuel. . . .”
6. Revisiting the political overtones of the UFO phenomenon and the politically motivated myth of “ET’s,” the broadcast highlights former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s claim that space aliens are real and—you guessed it—the government has been covering this up. For years, Mr. Emory has aired his view that UFO’s are real, but that the supposed contact with “ET’s” is a deliberate deception. (See more about UFOs and the ET myth. Be sure to listen to the two lectures available for download on the Spitfire website: ”The Political Implications of the UFO Phenomenon and the ET Myth” and “The Future: Technology, Theocracy and the Underground Reich.” )
“Former NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr. Edgar Mitchell—a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission—has stunningly claimed aliens exist. And he says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions—but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades. . . .”
“Moon-Walker Claims Alien Contact Cover-Up”;; 7/24/2008.
7. Next, the discussion highlights the murder of the key eyewitness in the murder of Benazir Bhutto. Who killed the witness, and why?
“Khalid Shahenshah, the key eyewitness in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case and the Chief Security Officer to her husband Asif Zardari, the leader of ruling Pakistan People’s Party, was shot dead at his door. . . .”
8. Concluding with more information about the Muslim Brotherhood, the program sets forth the organization’s opposition to a new Egyptian children’s rights law. An Islamic fascist organization allied with the Axis powers of World War II and later the CIA, the Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of Al Qaeda, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
“Since June, Egypt’s government and Islamist opposition parties have been trading barbs over a new law designed to protect the rights of children. Reforms instituted by the law touch on issues ranging from children’s legal status personal health issues.
The law was passed by parliament, which is dominated by President Hosni Mubarak’s ruling party. . . . .The Muslim Brotherhood, a banned yet tolerated opposition group that holds 20 percent of the seats in the lower house, argues that the law violates Islamic law and imposes foreign values on Egyptians. . . . Aspects of the law that he [Saad El Katatny, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood bloc in Parliament] takes issue with include . . . a standing ban on female circumcision. . . . Egypt has one of the highest FGM rates in the world. According to a 2005 study conducted by UJNICEF, 96 percent of women between the ages of 15 to 49 who had ever been married are circumcised. A recent study by the country’s Ministry of Health and Population also found that 50.3 percent of girls between the ages of 10 and 18 had been circumcised. . . .”
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