Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #643 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

MP3: 30-Minute Seg­ment
REALAUDIO NB: This RealAu­dio stream con­tains both FTR #642 and FTR #643 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast.

Intro­duc­tion: Begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of neo-fas­cists and their activ­i­ties, the pro­gram notes that the wife of white suprema­cist Don Black is work­ing as a spokes­woman for a school ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing black and Lati­no stu­dents. Anoth­er exam­ple of strange polit­i­cal bed­fel­lows finds seces­sion­ists from the lib­er­al state of Ver­mont net­work­ing with neo-Con­fed­er­ates from the white suprema­cist League of the South. Con­tin­u­ing a dis­turb­ing trend, the pro­gram notes that white suprema­cist and Nazi ele­ments per­se­vere in attempts at recruit­ing from the ranks of the mil­i­tary and recent­ly-retired mil­i­tary. In addi­tion to high­light­ing the mur­ders of two bril­liant French stu­dents in Lon­don and the killing of the key eye­wit­ness to the assas­si­na­tion of for­mer Pak­istani Prime Min­is­ter Benazir Bhut­to, the pro­gram sets forth a for­mer astro­naut’s asser­tion that the gov­ern­men­t’s cov­er­ing up their sup­posed con­tact with space aliens. Con­clud­ing with the sub­ject of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood (an Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion), the broad­cast notes the Broth­er­hood’s oppo­si­tion to an Egypt­ian chil­dren’s rights law that pro­hibits female gen­i­tal muti­la­tion.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Ver­mont seces­sion­ist affin­i­ty for the Haps­burg-dom­i­nat­ed UNPO; review of the UNPO’s efforts at frag­ment­ing larg­er states; Chloe Black­’s pre­vi­ous mar­riage to ex-KKK leader David Duke; one of the mur­dered French stu­dents’ back­ground in the devel­op­ment of bio­fu­els; review of the long-stand­ing effort by neo-fas­cists to acquire “spe­cial­ized knowl­edge and abilities”–military, law-enforce­ment and espi­onage pro­fi­cien­cy; review of infor­ma­tion about the real­i­ty of UFO’s as devices devel­oped by humans–not space aliens; review of indi­ca­tions that the sup­po­si­tion of “ET’s” is a delib­er­ate false­hood per­pe­trat­ed by intel­li­gence ser­vices, as well as inter­na­tion­al fas­cist ele­ments.

1. Begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of the wife of a promi­nent white suprema­cist, the pro­gram high­lights Chloe Black­’s work as a spokes­woman for a school ded­i­cat­ed to help under­priv­i­leged black and His­pan­ic chil­dren. The ex-wife of David Duke (well-known Amer­i­can fas­cist), she is mar­ried to for­mer Duke assis­tant Don Black. One won­ders just what she is doing as a spokes­woman for this school? Is she actu­al­ly some­thing of a Tro­jan Horse for the white suprema­cist move­ment? Does she intend them ill? Read more about Duke and Black.

In the con­text of Ms. Black­’s activ­i­ties, it is worth con­tem­plat­ing anoth­er white suprema­cist, who sup­plied much of the meat for school lunch pro­grams, until his com­pa­ny was cit­ed for pro­vid­ing taint­ed meat. Was he delib­er­ate­ly pro­vid­ing bad meat to minor­i­ty school chil­dren? This sub­ject is dis­cussed in FTR#633.

“A Flori­da woman who has been mar­ried to both the for­mer head of the Ku Klux Klan and the cre­ator of a noto­ri­ous white suprema­cist Web site is work­ing as a spokes­woman for a school that aims to lift under­priv­i­leged black and His­pan­ic chil­dren out of pover­ty.

An exec­u­tive with an orga­ni­za­tion that tracks hate groups calls the employ­ment of the woman, Chloe Black, an “unten­able posi­tion” and “unbe­liev­able.”

Black, the ex-wife of for­mer KKK leader David Duke, is now mar­ried to Don Black, the cre­ator of the white-pow­er hate site Storm­front. Chloe Black is cur­rent­ly employed as an exec­u­tive assis­tant at Flori­da Crys­tals, a sug­ar con­glom­er­ate whose own­ers, the Fan­jul broth­ers, have donat­ed hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars to help build a new cam­pus for Glades Acad­e­my.

Glades is a char­ter school for the chil­dren of African-Amer­i­can and migrant work­ers in Paho­kee, a rur­al town in Palm Beach Coun­ty. Bil­lion­aire Jose “Pepe” Fan­jul’s wife, Emil­ia, is chair­man of the board of Glades Acad­e­my, and she hired Black to help pro­mote the school. . . .”

“Woman With Ties to White Suprema­cists Rep­re­sents School for Blacks and His­pan­ics” by Lomin Saay­man; FOXNews.com; 7/30/2008.

2. Next, the broad­cast updates a remark­able case of strange polit­i­cal bedfellows–a seces­sion­ist move­ment in the small, lib­er­al state of Ver­mont with a revan­chist, white suprema­cist neo-Con­fed­er­ate group. If the U.S. expe­ri­ences cat­a­stroph­ic eco­nom­ic and/or polit­i­cal upheaval, might such seces­sion­ist ele­ments even­tu­al­ly coa­lesce and pre­cip­i­tate the dis­in­te­gra­tion of the Unit­ed States? For more about the link between the League of the South and Ver­mont seces­sion­ists, see FTR#617.

” . . . In 2003, the Sec­ond Ver­mont Repub­lic (SVR) sprang up to push for the inde­pen­dence of Ver­mont, a tiny, idyl­lic North­east­ern state with few­er than 630,000 res­i­dents. In its seem­ing­ly quixot­ic quest, SVR took up the mantra that small is beau­ti­ful, argu­ing that seces­sion would lead to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, eco­log­i­cal bal­ance, an end to mil­i­tary entan­gle­ments over­seas, and a bet­ter life. SVR activists designed a new green flag for Ver­mont and start­ed sell­ing T‑shirts, par­tic­u­lar­ly pop­u­lar with the state’s many tourists, that read, “U.S. OUT OF VT!”

But in recent months and years, SVR’s actions have gone from way out to wor­ry­ing. Start­ing in 2005, SVR leader Thomas H. Nay­lor — along with SVR’s very close ally, the Cold Spring, N.Y.-based Mid­dle­bury Insti­tute that is head­ed by long­time left­ist Kirk­patrick Sale — began open­ly col­lab­o­rat­ing with a col­lec­tion of South­ern extrem­ists to build a nation­al seces­sion move­ment.

SVR’s dis­turb­ing new part­ner is the white suprema­cist League of the South. The Alaba­ma-based group is against inter­ra­cial mar­riage, believes the old Con­fed­er­a­cy nev­er sur­ren­dered, and wants to reestab­lish “the cul­tur­al dom­i­nance of the Anglo-Celtic peo­ple and their insti­tu­tions” in a new­ly seced­ed South. It seeks to accord dif­fer­ent class­es of peo­ple dif­fer­ing legal rights in what sounds very much like a medieval theoc­ra­cy of lords, serfs and cler­ics. League intel­lec­tu­als have defend­ed both slav­ery (which was ‘God-ordained’) and seg­re­ga­tion, a pol­i­cy described as pro­tect­ing the genet­ic ‘integri­ty’ of both blacks and whites. Right after Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na, league mem­bers put up ‘whites only’ hous­ing offers, includ­ing one from Alaba­ma offer­ing a trail­er to a ‘white fam­i­ly of three or four,’ and anoth­er from Ten­nessee offer­ing to tem­porar­i­ly house a ‘White Chris­t­ian fam­i­ly.’ . . .”

“North Meets South: Ver­mont Seces­sion­ists Meet with Racist League of the South” by Hei­di Beirich; South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter Intel­li­gence Report; Sum­mer 2008.

3. The Mid­dle­bury Insti­tute has also ref­er­enced the UNPO. The UNPO rep­re­sents itself as mul­ti-cul­tur­al­ly and pro­gres­sive­ly ori­ent­ed. Head­ed up by Karl von Hapsburg–heir to the throne of the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an Empire–the orga­ni­za­tion actu­al­ly appears to cham­pi­on the rights of eth­nic minori­ties in order to desta­bi­lize larg­er coun­tries seen as rivals to the Under­ground Reich. There is abun­dant infor­ma­tion avail­able in the archives about the UNPO.

“The Unrep­re­sent­ed Nations and Peo­ples Orga­ni­za­tion (UNPO) is a demo­c­ra­t­ic, inter­na­tion­al mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tion. Its mem­bers are indige­nous peo­ples, occu­pied nations, minori­ties and inde­pen­dent states or ter­ri­to­ries who have joined togeth­er to pro­tect their human and cul­tur­al rights, pre­serve their envi­ron­ments, and to find non-vio­lent solu­tions to con­flicts, which affect them. The UNPO pro­vides a legit­i­mate and estab­lished inter­na­tion­al forum for mem­ber aspi­ra­tions and assists its mem­bers in effec­tive par­tic­i­pa­tion at an inter­na­tion­al lev­el. . . .”

Web­site of the Unrep­re­sent­ed Nations and Peo­ples Orga­ni­za­tion; http://www.Unpo.org

4. Con­tin­u­ing a path of inquiry explored for many years on For The Record, the broad­cast notes an ongo­ing effort by white suprema­cists to recruit from among the mil­i­tary. For more about this sub­ject, see–among oth­er pro­grams–FTR#27, as well as pro­grams deal­ing with the book Ser­pen­t’s Walk.

“While-suprema­cist groups have recruit­ed 203 peo­ple who served in the U.S. mil­i­tary or who claim to have U.S. mil­i­tary back­grounds, accord­ing to a new report by the FBI. The unclas­si­fied FBI Intel­li­gence Assess­ment, issued last week and obtained by NBC News, cau­tions that white-pow­er extrem­ists are try­ing hard to recruit active-duty sol­diers and recent vet­er­ans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. . . .”

“White-Pow­er Groups recruit­ing from Mil­i­tary” by Jim Pop­kin [NBC News]; MSNBC.com; 7/16/2008.

5. The recent mur­der of two French stu­dents in Lon­don rais­es the ques­tion of what the motive for the killings may have been. What were they study­ing? Note that one of the stu­dents was work­ing on the pro­duc­tion of bio­fu­els, uti­liz­ing bac­te­ria. FTR#641 high­light­ed infor­ma­tion about the pro­duc­tion of bio­fu­els and poten­tial syn­the­sis of tech­nol­o­gy using microor­gan­isms with the Fischer/Tropsch Process.

“Lau­rent Bonomo and Gabriel Fer­ez, both 23, were in the sec­ond year of a three-year master’s degree in bio-engi­neer­ing in France. They had won intern­ships to take part in a three-month esearch roject into chains of pro­tein with­in DNA at London’s Impe­r­i­al Col­lege. The pair arrived in May and were just a few weeks from return­ing home when they were killed.. . . .’They were bril­liant stu­dents with glit­ter­ing careers ahead of them.,’ said a spokesman for the Poly­tech. ‘There is no doubt that they were two of the bright­est stu­dents of their gen­er­a­tion. Every­body is absolute­ly dev­as­tat­ed at what has hap­pened. Emo­tions are run­ning very high.’ . . .At Impe­r­i­al Col­lege, Mr. Bonomo was research­ing how pro­teins in a par­a­site cause dis­ease in humans. . . . On a per­son­al web­site, Mr. Fer­ez admit­ted that his per­son­al life was ‘less suc­cess­ful than I had expect­ed.’ In Lon­don, he was work­ing on the pro­duc­tion of ethanol from bac­te­ria for use as a bio­fu­el. . . .”

“French Stu­dents’ Mur­der: Vic­tims Were ‘Two of the Bright­est Stu­dents of their Gen­er­a­tion’” by Richard Edwards and Rupert Neate; Telegraph.co.uk [Dai­ly Tele­graph]; 73/08.

6. Revis­it­ing the polit­i­cal over­tones of the UFO phe­nom­e­non and the polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed myth of “ET’s,” the broad­cast high­lights for­mer astro­naut Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s claim that space aliens are real and—you guessed it—the gov­ern­ment has been cov­er­ing this up. For years, Mr. Emory has aired his view that UFO’s are real, but that the sup­posed con­tact with “ET’s” is a delib­er­ate decep­tion. (See more about UFOs and the ET myth. Be sure to lis­ten to the two lec­tures avail­able for down­load on the Spit­fire web­site: ”The Polit­i­cal Impli­ca­tions of the UFO Phe­nom­e­non and the ET Myth” and “The Future: Tech­nol­o­gy, Theoc­ra­cy and the Under­ground Reich.” )

“For­mer NASA astro­naut and moon-walk­er Dr. Edgar Mitchell—a vet­er­an of the Apol­lo 14 mission—has stun­ning­ly claimed aliens exist. And he says extra-ter­res­tri­als have vis­it­ed Earth on sev­er­al occasions—but the alien con­tact has been repeat­ed­ly cov­ered up by gov­ern­ments for six decades. . . .”

“Moon-Walk­er Claims Alien Con­tact Cov­er-Up”; News.com.au; 7/24/2008.

7. Next, the dis­cus­sion high­lights the mur­der of the key eye­wit­ness in the mur­der of Benazir Bhut­to. Who killed the wit­ness, and why?

“Khalid Sha­hen­shah, the key eye­wit­ness in the Benazir Bhut­to assas­si­na­tion case and the Chief Secu­ri­ty Offi­cer to her hus­band Asif Zardari, the leader of rul­ing Pak­istan People’s Par­ty, was shot dead at his door. . . .”

“Key Eye­wit­ness in Benazir Bhut­to Assas­si­na­tion Case Killed”; Roz­na­ma Nawa-I-Waqt [Roz­na­ma Khabrain, Pak­istan]; 7/23/2008.

8. Con­clud­ing with more infor­ma­tion about the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, the pro­gram sets forth the organization’s oppo­si­tion to a new Egypt­ian children’s rights law. An Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion allied with the Axis pow­ers of World War II and lat­er the CIA, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood is the par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of Al Qae­da, Hamas and Pales­tin­ian Islam­ic Jihad.

“Since June, Egypt’s gov­ern­ment and Islamist oppo­si­tion par­ties have been trad­ing barbs over a new law designed to pro­tect the rights of chil­dren. Reforms insti­tut­ed by the law touch on issues rang­ing from children’s legal sta­tus per­son­al health issues.

The law was passed by par­lia­ment, which is dom­i­nat­ed by Pres­i­dent Hos­ni Mubarak’s rul­ing par­ty. . . . .The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, a banned yet tol­er­at­ed oppo­si­tion group that holds 20 per­cent of the seats in the low­er house, argues that the law vio­lates Islam­ic law and impos­es for­eign val­ues on Egyp­tians. . . . Aspects of the law that he [Saad El Katat­ny, the leader of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood bloc in Par­lia­ment] takes issue with include . . . a stand­ing ban on female cir­cum­ci­sion. . . . Egypt has one of the high­est FGM rates in the world. Accord­ing to a 2005 study con­duct­ed by UJNICEF, 96 per­cent of women between the ages of 15 to 49 who had ever been mar­ried are cir­cum­cised. A recent study by the country’s Min­istry of Health and Pop­u­la­tion also found that 50.3 per­cent of girls between the ages of 10 and 18 had been cir­cum­cised. . . .”

“Egypt’s Child Pro­tec­tion Law Sparks Con­tro­ver­sy” by Liam Stack; Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor; 7/24/2008.


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