Introduction: Highlighting developments in the “independent” Kosovo nation, the program illustrates continuity between fundamental aspects of Axis policy in that part of the Balkans and the regime spawned by the Kosovo Liberation Army, heirs to the Skanderbeg (21st Waffen SS) division. (Troops of this Albanian [Muslim] Waffen SS division are pictured at right.) Both during the Second World War and at present, Germany has been the actual or de facto colonial master of Kosovo. The Federal Republic spawned the KLA, serving as a base for the destabilization of that and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. Subsequently, Germany has perpetuated its support for the Kosovar regime, despite the indictment of the former Kosovo prime minister, Ramuysh Haradinaj, for war crimes.
In violation of the UN charter and Resolution 1244, the German, U.S., NATO and EU annexation of Kosovo has been executed, despite dissent on the part of several EU states, much of the UN and growing evidence that Haradinaj’s ethnic cleansing was typical of policies pursued by the KLA and by former officals of that army, who became leaders of the “independent” republic. The “peacekeeping” and oversight administrative forces in Kosovo have been complicit in the anti-Serb, anti-Roma ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Germany’s proteges.
The fundamentally lawless nature of the German, U.S., NATO and EU partitioning of Yugoslavia/Serbia is prompting a challenge to that policy in the UN. Germany and its client states (including the U.S.) are formally disregarding attempts at rolling back Kosovar “independence.”
The Federal Republic is explicitly endorsing that political law and reality are established “on the ground.” In that regard, Germany is printing hundreds of thousands of Kosovar “passports” and “drivers’ licenses” to confer ostensible legal and bureaucratic legitimacy to its criminal protege state.
Putting the touches on its Balkans Frankenstein’s Monster, the German military is actively transforming the KLA fighting formations into a Kosovar Army. In addition, the genocidal, mafia officials of the KLA are being transformed into the main functionaries of Kosovo’s new government.
Solidifying the metaphor of Kosovo as a “Frankenstein’s monster,” the program concludes by noting that the Kosovo regime is turning on its German and BND masters. (The BND is the German intelligence service that helped spawn “independent” Kosovo and participated with the KLA in terrorist incidents in the past.)
Recently, the government of Kosovo has charged several BND operatives with complicity in terrorism. Perhaps this is a reaction to BND analysis division’s report on the ongoing criminality of the Kosovar regime and the villains who inhabit it.
Program Highlights Include: Review of Kosovo as what the UNPO considers its major “success;” the numerous former KLA war criminals who have been reinvented as officials of the new government of Kosovo; analysis of the Kosovo operation as the conclusion of Germany’s successful subjugation and re-occupation of the Balkans; analysis of the war crimes of Hashim Thaci (Prime Minister of Kosovo); the pivotal role of Albanian exiles in the U.S. and Germany in the destabilization of the former Yugoslavia.
1. A measure of the “success” touted by the UNPO is the war crimes trial of former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who appears to have faithfully executed the legacy of the 21st Waffen SS progenitors of the KLA.
As the trial draws to a close–with little or no coverage in the United States–we should not fail to notice that the crimes with which Haradinaj is charged were instrumental in precipitating the NATO intervention in 1999.
Of note is the close relationship between Haradinaj and the German UN administrator in Kosovo! Note also that potential witnesses against Haradinaj were allegedly intimidated by elements of the UN administration for Kosovo.
An outgrowth of Haradinaj’s activities is the criminal network he directed and f0rmed under auspices of KLA, and which apparently has survived his incarceration and indictment. Operating on a vast and internati0nal scale, it is inextricably linked with the Kosovan government and has profound connections in Germany, and outgrowth of the role of the Federal Republic as an operational base and spawning ground for the “independence” of Kosovo.
The trial against a close collaborator of Joachim Ruecker, the German UN administrator in Kosovo, is drawing to a close with the concluding declarations before the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague due to begin this week. The International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia had charged the former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj with ordering — and even participating himself in — torture and numerous murders of Serbs, Roma and Kosovo Albanians in 1998, a year prior to NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia. While being a commander of the KLA, Haradinaj, according to intelligence circles, was also the leader of a powerful Mafia organization. He enjoys close ties to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) including its current Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Joachim Ruecker. In a discussion with, the journalist Boris Kanzleiter explained that high ranking UN officials helped intimidate witnesses due to testify in The Hague against Haradinaj. The structures of organized crime in Kosovo, in which Haradinaj is said to play an important role, extend all the way to Germany. It is being reported that German government authorities prevented investigations of Kosovo Albanians residing in Germany.
Command Headquarters
Last week the prosecutor of the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague demanded 25 years imprisonment for Ramush Haradinaj and two of his closest collaborators. The indictment is dealing with incidents in 1998 that led to an escalation of tension in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and served to legitimize NATO’s aggression in March 1999. These incidents took place in the mountainous Dukagjin region in Western Kosovo bordering Albania and Montenegro, the home of the Haradinaj-Clan. In 1997 and 1998, “the Haradinaj family estate (...) had been expanded to become a command headquarters for the KLA,” reports the journalist Boris Kanzleiter in a discussion with[1] Kanzleiter has been doing research in the countries of the former Yugoslavia since several years.
Total Control
The indictment of the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague charges Haradinaj, who, in 1998, commanded KLA operations in the Dukagjin region from his family estate and his close collaborators: “The common criminal purpose of the JCE (Joint Criminal Enterprise) was to consolidate the total control of the KLA over the Dukagjin Operational Zone by the unlawful removal and mistreatment of Serb civilians and by the mistreatment of Kosovar Albanian and Kosovar Roma/Egyptian civilians, and other civilians, who were, or were perceived to have been, collaborators with the Serbian Forces or otherwise not supporting the KLA.”[2] The indictment also states: “over the course of several days following 19 April 1998, KLA attacks forced out or killed virtually every Serb civilian remaining in the KLA controlled parts of the Dukagjin Operational Zone.” The murders were aimed at the elimination of all non-Albanian members of the population to edify an “ethnically pure” state structure.
All the Way to Germany
Following the end of NATO’s war against Yugoslavia in 1999, Haradinaj transformed his consolidated positions, established with the help of the KLA during the aggression, into a political power base. In 2000 he founded his own political party, the “Alliance for the Future of Kosova” (AAK). In December 2004 he was even elected Prime Minister of Kosovo, but had to vacate that position in March 2005 because of his trial pending in The Hague. Even today in Kosovo, Haradinej is seen as the leader of an influential group in organized crime (OC). The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND — Bundesnachrichtendienst) classified him in 2005 as a “key player” in the network between politics, business and internationally operating OC structures in Kosovo.[3] The BND drew the conclusion that Haradinej’s network of smugglers was operating “throughout the Balkans”, extending “into Greece, Italy, Switzerland and all the way to Germany.”[4]
Close Partner and Friend
Irregardless, the UN administration in Kosovo (UNMIK) maintains very close ties to Haradenej. The former head of UNMIK, Sören Jessen-Petersen referred to him as a “close partner and friend”. Boris Kanzleiter told, “Jessen-Petersen’s successor, the German diplomat, Joachim Ruecker, also has a close relationship to him. Ruecker reinforced Haradinaj’s position prior to the opening of the trial in The Hague through an ostentatious meeting with him in Pristina.[5] “Over the past few days, accusations were made that high-ranking UNMIK functionaries were directly involved in the intimidation of witnesses,” says Kanzleiter. These accusations are to be taken seriously in light of the fact that last year a witness against Haradinaj was killed in an unsolved auto accident. Back in 2002 three witnesses and two investigating officials were assassinated in the context of the trial against Haradinaj’s clan.
Contrary to what one could be led to believe through the trial in The Hague, Haradinaj’s activities in Kosovo are not out of the ordinary. Several German security administrations’ reports have been published in excerpts. They point out that there are several powerful Mafia organizations seeking to attain political offices in the southern Serbian province that is preparing to postulate its statehood. In a study contracted by the Bundeswehr (German military) and completed at the beginning of 2007, it was reported that “under the noses of the international community, several multi-million Euro organizations have developed out of old KLA structures” linking political ambitions with their criminal activities and “exercising extensive control over the governmental machinery.”[6] Back in 2005, the BND named several people with leading positions in the organized crime of Kosovo, including the current Prime Minister and a member of the current parliamentary executive board.
Straight From Berlin
Up to now this information of the security administration has had no consequences. Meanwhile complaints of an insufficient prosecution of suspected Kosovo criminals are even being heard in Germany. The publicist Juergen Roth reported in 2006: “already in the summer of 2005, the State Offices of Criminal Investigation of Bavaria and Lower Saxony tried to convince the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation to open a centralized investigation concerning the known [Kosovo-Albanian — author’s note] clans and individuals in Germany” because “many criminal culprits from the entourage of the KLA have settled in Germany.”[7] “Yet this demand was refused, even though the Austrian Federal Office of Investigation and the Italian police strongly insisted that their German colleagues finally initiate these investigations. The rejection (...) — according to a confidential source in the Austrian Federal Office of Criminal Investigation — came straight from the Interior Ministry in Berlin.”
Massive Support
In fact, back in the 1990s, Germany was used by former KLA commanders and present day Mafia bosses for their preparations of the secessionist struggle against Belgrade — which is an often used explanation for the current conspicuous impunity. According to Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, a specialist on intelligence services, the KLA was being financed “with millions since the beginning of the 90s mostly originating from Albanians in exile in the USA, Switzerland and Germany.”[8] “These activities were not just tolerated, they were massively supported” [9] writes the publicist Juergen Roth, “leading, to say the least, to political friendships.”
Roth dealt also with a Kosovo Albanian family clan from Northern Germany that was suspected of involvement in the KLA financing in the latter part of the 90s. The clan is also accused of various illegal dealings.[10] The accusations have yet to be finalized through the court. Still, according to research presented by KFOR, the clan had close business relations with Ramush Haradinaj, on trial in The Hague, occasionally through high-ranking contacts in government circles. According to Roth, “both the former German Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel (in 1998) and later the director of the BND, August Hanning, met with the head of the Northern German clan.” Today Hanning is State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior.
“Political Friendships”;; 1/21/2008.
2. The German, U.S., NATO and EU policy is in violation of the UN Charter and Resolution 1244, a restatement and reassurance of Yugoslavian territorial integrity! Once again, journalistic coverage of this in the U.S. is non-existent.
Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has become the apparent head of Kosovo’s vast criminal apparatus, inextricably linked with the KLA and the German, and Albanian exile elements who generated the “independence” movement.
The blatantly illegal German-sponsored and U.S., NATO and EU supported actions have generated considerable controversy, even within the German foreign ministry. Six EU member states have resisted German pressure to send occupation contingents to Kosovo, in part out of fear that they may ultimately be partitioned as well.
Not surprisingly, the occupation forces have failed systematically to investigate war crimes and incidents of ethnic cleansing, according to Amnesty International. Thaci is suspected of being behind much of the criminality.
With Germany’s successful destabilization of Yugoslavia, concluding with the mid wiving of Kosovo’s “independence,” the German neutralization of Serbia and establishment of hegemony over Southeast Europe has been realized.
Sunday, after Berlin’s years of preparations, the South-Serbian province, Kosovo, declared its secession in violation of international law. Kosovo is “independent” of Serbia, declared Hashim Thaci, the Prime Minister of the Provincial Administration in Pristina. The German government intends to recognize the secession soon. Berlin will thereby be participating in the violation of the UN Charter and other valid legal norms, just as the German police and judicial officers, who will be dispatched to Kosovo within the framework of a so-called EU mission. Their deployment will be without a valid, internationally recognized legal basis and will therefore constitute an illegal occupation. The objective is to establish an informal protectorate, while keeping its nationalist forces in check. Kosovo’s secession is the preliminary finale of a policy seeking the parcelization of the Balkan states along the lines of allegiance, which began with Berlin’s recognition of the Croatian secession. Each of the EU states, after brief hesitation, joined this policy and along with Washington, militarily attacked what was left of Yugoslavia in 1999. Since that time, Berlin has been fostering the Kosovo nationalists, whose representatives in Pristina are designated as the bosses of organized crime. One of them is the current Prime Minister Thaci. On the murals celebrating Thaci’s proclamation of secession, one reads “Thank You Germany!”
With yesterday’s proclaimed secession the provincial administration in Pristina has concluded what Berlin has been preparing for years — at first with covert secret service support for the KLA, then with participation in the military aggression against Yugoslavia in March 1999 and finally within the framework of the UN Administration in Pristina (UNMIK) ( reported [1]). The secession of Serbia’s southern province was carried out in violation of the UN Charter — guaranteeing all UN member states the sovereignty and territorial integrity — and in disregard of the decisions taken by the UN Security Council. Most significant is the Resolution 1244 explicitly reconfirming to Belgrade the integrity of its sovereign territory. The German government intends to recognize the secession soon and demands that all EU member states do the same. Berlin thereby proves once again that it is the driving force behind a growing degeneration of international law, blatantly exalting the despotism of power to the highest principle of foreign policy.
With the aid of fantasy the foreign ministry seeks to cover up the German government’s renewed breach of international law. In its statement before the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Parliament, the ministry alleged that the guarantees of Serbia’s sovereignty and integrity, laid down in UN Resolution 1244, refer merely to a “transitional government” in Kosovo and does not preclude secession. A reading of the text proves this audacious fabrication to be groundless. According to the Foreign Ministry, the UN Resolution — except for the guarantees for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity — is still in force, so as not to jeopardize the legitimacy of NATO’s and the EU’s deployment, because if the resolution were no longer valid, it would mean that the western countries’ occupation of Serbian territory would be dependant upon the “invitation” of their Kosovo vassals in Pristina, an embarrassing dependency that Berlin and Washington would like to avoid.[2]
This ludicrous approach that degrades UN Resolutions to non-binding suggestion lists, from which one can pick and choose to apply clauses at preference, meets open contradiction even within the entourage of the Foreign Ministry. Warnings of incalculable counter-measures are being heard. “Unilateral interpretations of Security Council Resolutions constitute (...) cases of precedence that, under other circumstances, can be turned against the western nations,”[3] a member of the Foreign Ministry’s Council of International Jurists wrote in a newspaper article.
German legal arbitrariness can also be seen by the way the decision was taken to dispatch a so-called police and judicial mission to Kosovo. In spite of massive pressure from Berlin, six EU member states are still rejecting the secession, because their own sovereignty is threatened by separatists. With the refusals of Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus to actively support the new “EU-mission”, the modalities for decision making were changed without further ado and the dispatching of 2000 police and judicial officers was virtually taken by decree. In Brussels one could hear concerning the decision-making, that the dispatching had been proposed and “formally adopted” when the time-limit for lodging an objection — at midnight on Saturday — had expired without a veto from an EU member state. With this new voting technique, final approval becomes superfluous. Berlin had made it clear that it would accept a veto under no circumstances. To demonstrate its determination, Germany had already chosen its first 63 police officers for the “mission” before the time-limit had expired.[4]
Amnesty International has recently published a report on its research concerning the “police and justice mission” being conducted in the name of the United Nations, but also under western control. The conclusions are devastating for the numerous ‑among them also German — police and judicial officers who have been deployed in Kosovo since 1999. According to Sian Jones, Amnesty International’s researcher on Kosovo, “hundreds of cases including murders, rapes and enforced disappearances have been closed, for want of evidence that was neither promptly nor effectively gathered” by the UN Mission. There is persistent “impunity” for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the southern Serbian province claiming to be an independent state and about to be recognized by Germany.[5] According to Amnesty „no progress is ever made”, quite the contrary, the situation has worsened in recent months. Amnesty International “urges the UN not to undertake any similar international justice missions in the future until effective steps have been taken to ensure that none of the extensive flaws identified in this report are repeated.”[6]
The current Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is among those persons whose past could shed light on what Amnesty considers “extensive flaws”. Washington and Berlin’s close ally proclaimed the southern Serbian province’s “independence” in Pristina yesterday. If the UN police and judicial officers would have accomplished their mission, Thaci would have been brought to trial long ago. Already in 1997, Serbian judges had sentenced him to ten years in prison — for several murders. “Thaci had ordered liquidations within his own ranks,” two former KLA fighters report about their former leader.[7] In the eyes of the German Foreign Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst), the current Prime Minister is one of the heads of the Kosovo Mafia and a sponsor of a “professional killer”.[8] A survey commissioned by the German Bundeswehr asserts that “in intelligence circles” Thaci “is considered to be ‘far more dangerous’ ” than Ramush Haradinaj, who is indicted for war crimes [9], “because the former KLA leader has an extensive international criminal network at his disposal.”[10]
Last Question
With the Kosovo declaration of secession, that, in violation of international law, has granted criminals their own state, German efforts to achieve the disempowerment of its traditional opponent, Serbia, has attained its objective. Belgrade has lost the control over most of the territory of what had formerly been Yugoslavia, has been deprived its access to the sea and is surrounded by hostile states. On the other hand, through a new war against Belgrade and the break-up of Serbian territory, Berlin was able to successfully reassert its claim as hegemonic power in Southeast Europe. With yesterday’s declaration of secession, according to the German government, the “last remaining open question concerning the disintegration process of Yugoslavia (...) has been resolved.”[11]
“ ‘Thank You Germany!’ ”;; 2/18/2008.
3. The fundamentally lawless nature of the German, U.S., NATO and EU partitioning of Yugoslavia/Serbia is prompting a challenge to that policy in the UN. Germany and its client states (including the U.S.) are formally disregarding attempts at rolling back Kosovar “independence.”
The Federal Republic is explicitly endorsing that political law and reality are established “on the ground.”
In that regard, Germany is printing hundreds of thousands of Kosovar “passports” and “drivers’ licenses” to confer ostensible legal and bureaucratic legitimacy to its criminal protege state.
Because of a Serbian UN initiative, Berlin’s Kosovo policy is threatened with serious defeat. Belgrade is requesting that the UN General Assembly petition the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) for an advisory opinion on Kosovo’s secession from Serbia. The Assembly is expected to vote on Wednesday. Germany was unsuccessful in mobilizing a majority against Serbia’s initiative. For the first time, UN member states have announced the intention of reversing their recognition of Kosovo, if the ICJ should confirm its secession was illegal. While EU functionaries declare that the International Court’s decision would be of no consequence to them, Berlin is continuing its aid in consolidating Kosovo’s illegal sovereignty. State officials, who, with Western help, had been brought to power in Pristina, are confronted with new accusations. According to reports, new evidence has surfaced pertaining to criminal trade in human organs in Kosovo. Kosovo’s “prime Minister” is suspected to be implicated in this crime. One of Pristina’s designated “ambassadors” to a European country is also accused of serious crimes.
Serbia has placed a demand that the UN General Assembly petition the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) for an advisory opinion concerning the secession of its southern province. For the time being, Belgrade is therefore renouncing legal action against Pristina and those states that have recognized its secession. The UN General Assembly is expected to vote on Serbia’s request on Wednesday. A simple majority will suffice. Already back in July, the Serbian Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremić, pointed out that “never before” [1] has “the General Assembly prevented a member state from seeking an ICJ advisory opinion.” But governments of several Western states are attempting just that.
Refusal of Loyalty
German and US American attempts to prevent the ICJ advisory opinion are doomed to failure. Western pressure, which already last summer were the topics of interviews in the media,[2] could not prevent the Serbian government from introducing its resolution in New York. And all attempts to tone down the formulation of the resolution have failed. Washington and Berlin plan to either vote “No” or abstain. But in a test vote, approximately two thirds of the 192 UN member states are refusing loyalty, endorsing an ICJ advisory opinion on Kosovo’s secession.[3] The Serbian President reported a few days ago that Western states continue their efforts to obstruct the vote by trying to induce more states to recognize Kosovo’s independence. In spite of massive pressure from large EU member countries and the United States, only 47 countries — not even a fourth of the UN member states — have recognized Kosovo as a sovereign state.
Latest Tricks
Berlin is therefore faced with a serious defeat. Since the legal questions are clear — Kosovo’s secession was obviously in violation of the UN Charter — the West is uncertain about how to prevent an ICJ ruling in Serbia’s favor. According to Christian Tomuschat, professor of law in Berlin, there would be possibilities when the concrete formulation of the demand is decided in the UN General Assembly’s sub-commission, where controversial questions are often excluded. Then “the ICJ would not even have the possibility of formulating an opinion on the primary issue.”[4] The sub-commission will be convened on Monday. If Serbia’s formulations still pass, the only thing left would be massive pressure on the ICJ.
Creating Facts on the Ground
If this option is also unsuccessful, German experts are pleading for disregarding international jurisprudence. Neither the ICJ nor the UN can create facts on the ground, alleges the political advisor, Franz-Lothar Altmann. “A nation’s independence can only be established through recognition by individual states.”[5] The EU’s special emissary to Kosovo subscribes to the demand that the arbitrariness of the mighty be lifted to the global principle of design in central questions of sovereignty. “Kosovo’s independence is a fact and cannot be changed, even if Serbia’s ICJ initiative should prove successful.”[6] Until now the larger EU nations and the USA have been relatively isolated in this standpoint. Now nations that had already recognized Kosovo, are beginning to serve notice that in the case of a negative ICJ verdict, they would consider rescinding their recognition.[7]
All of the dispute notwithstanding, the German government is creating facts on the ground and is pushing the establishment of an independent “Kosovo” nation. Alongside the political accompaniment, in mid-September Berlin had promised further support for the development of the infrastructure of Kosovo and earmarked a total of 40 mil. Euros from its development budget for the rest of the current year. For 2009, 60 mil. Euros more have been reserved. These measures are not limited to construction aid, but extend to the consolidation of Pristina’s quasi-state structures. For example, 600,000 passports and 400,000 driver’s licenses that the Interior Ministry in Pristina has begun to issue have been produced by the Giesecke and Devrient Corp. in Munich. “By issuing passports, we are establishing the legal basis for a sovereign Kosovo,” declared Kosovo’s “Interior Minister” — providing an indication that the criminal accusation of abetting an illegal act of secession can be raised not only against the government, but even against employees of private firms.[8]
Trade in Human Organs
Serious accusations are recurringly being raised against Kosovo’s new ruler, placed and maintained in power by Berlin. Extensive press research has reinforced the suspicion that the former Kosovo terror militia, UCK, killed Serbian prisoners and sold their organs.[9] Months ago this was reported by Carla del Ponte, former head prosecutor of the International War Crimes Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, citing numerous witnesses. Pristina’s “Prime Minister” and former head of the UCK, Hashim Thaci, is said to be implicated in this affair.[10] There is also controversy over the “ambassadors” Pristina wants to dispatch to several European nations and to the USA. Kosovo’s designated “ambassador” to Switzerland is being accused of having collected money in Switzerland to finance the UCK’s war on Serbia and thereby run into conflict with the Swiss authorities. It is alleged that even blackmail was involved.[11] The Swiss Foreign Ministry denies however that these accusations have any meaningful bearings on existent reservations concerning this “ambassador.” The accreditation nevertheless is still pending.
Not Isolated Cases
The accusations against members of Pristina’s elite are not isolated cases. As just recently reported in an appraisal of Kosovo’s human rights situation by the OSCE, it is not only a question of grave shortcomings of application in conditions of rule of law.[12] Particularly the struggle against organized criminality and the slave trade [13] are making limited progress. On the other hand, the new political elite is interfering to a growing degree in the workings of the justice, the police and even the media. The new power in Pristina is creating its realm of the arbitrary.
“Arbitrariness in Power”;; 10/03/2008.
4. Putting the touches on its Balkans Frankenstein’s Monster, the German military is actively transforming the KLA fighting formations into a Kosovar Army.
In addition, the genocidal, mafia officials of the KLA are being transformed into the main functionaries of Kosovo’s new government.
Interestingly, the commander of the German “peace-keeping” force in Kosovo was the son of a major Nazi war criminal.
According to the separatist “government” in Pristina, the German Government is paying millions in militarily equipment to transform the former UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army — KLA) terrorist group into a Kosovan army. German soldiers are providing “manned support” and the German Bundeswehr the military hardware. The new troops, operating under the name of the “Kosovo Security Force” (KSF), due to be operational by next June, are being recruited from the current “Kosovo Protection Corps” (KPC), the successor organization of the KLA. In the future, they can be deployed around the world within the framework of NATO interventions. Not only the future army of Kosovo, but even the secessionist government’s new “minister of defense” Fehmi Mujota have their roots in KLA tradition. The current “prime minister” was once the militia’s political leader and other current top politicians in Pristina had also been active in the KLA. Charges of serious war and postwar crimes raised against them have remain unsettled. Berlin is broadening its cooperation with these former militiamen and beginning to arm them — in strict accordance with NATO standards.
As a first step, the German government has earmarked seven million Euros for the creation of the “Kosovo Security Force” (KSF). This was reported by the Kosovan “government” following negotiations in Pristina with the German Defense Minister Franz-Josef Jung. Jung had visited the Bundeswehr troops stationed in Kosovo at the beginning of the week and also held talks with the “Prime Minister” and the “Minister of Defense”. As announced by the German Defense Ministry, the Bundeswehr is also providing “manned support” — with 15 soldiers, for the time being. Ultimately Berlin will also be participating in equipping the KSF with military hardware. The planned delivery is rated as voluminous by the Defense Ministry.[1]
Officially the KSF is at first supposed to be only engaged in “crisis management,” “civil defense” and disposal of ordinance. Later it is supposed to take on more extensive tasks, that generally fall within the realm of army duties.[2] This is also written into the “constitution” of the Kosovan secessionist regime, which states in Article 126 that the KSF “shall protect the people and Communities of the Republic of Kosovo.”[3] It further states that the KSF “may send its members abroad” — an indication of future foreign interventions of the Kosovan army. Against this background, it is significant that it is under the auspices of the NATO that the KSF is being built up, trained and armed — with light weapons, for the time being — but in accordance with NATO standards.[4] Other NATO states, participating with Germany in these measures include the United States, France and Great Britain. Countries not taking part are Slovakia, Romania and Spain, who have refused to recognize Kosovo’s secession. The KSF is supposed to be operational by June 2009.
The KSF will initially be a force of over 2,500 with 800 reservists. The personnel is mainly taken from the 5,000 man strong “Kosovo Protection Corps” (KPC), which is to be officially disbanded by December 10. It is a direct successor of the former KLA terror troops. Having served NATO as terrain cognizant ground forces during its aggression against Yugoslavia, the KLA, was only formally disbanded after the war, but transformed in fact into the KPC militia. Though officially classified as a “civilian emergency management organization,” it perceives itself to be the nucleus of a Kosovan army in the making. Accordingly KFOR soldiers complained that the members of the KPC, in violation of their official assignment, were going around heavily armed in public. One was not supposed to interfere, it was said; the NATO lets them do it. In fact KPC members and KFOR troops — including Germans — were carrying out common training maneuvers. The Bundeswehr was equipping the KPC, for example with German military ambulances. Already in the spring of 2007, while officially, the status of Kosovo was still being “negotiated”, the KPC spokesman announced that the transformation of his forces into a regular army had already begun.
The types of personnel that went from the KLA to the KPC, with some now being taken on as members of the KSF, can be judged from examples of some prominent individual militiamen. Agim Çeku was very significant for the KPC. He had fought against Belgrade already in the first half of the 1990s — in the newly created Croatian army — to then join the KLA at the beginning of 1999. During the war, he rose to the rank of the highest military commander. The war crimes charges leading to an arrest warrant against him in Serbia date from this period. Through several direct interventions, the West has thwarted court proceedings against him. Instead, already in 1999, Çeku became the first leader of the KPC, and always maintained close cooperation with KFOR. In March 2006, he rose to the office of “Prime Minister” in Pristina.
Hit Man
In the mid 90s, Çeku’s successor Hashim Thaçi was one of the KLA’s main organizers and was considered its political leader. First sentenced to several years of imprisonment in 1997 for various acts of terrorism, he was again placed on the wanted list in 1999 because of several other terrorist attacks. “After one year of KLA-leadership, Thaçi was in control of an extensive network of gunrunners, trained hit men, soldiers and former criminals,” wrote a prominent expert on Yugoslavia at the time.[5] Unlike other KLA members, Thaçi did not join the KPC, but launched a political carrier — in spite of the fact that the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) suspected him of close ties to organized crime.[6] But most likely his name will not be mentioned in the next edition of the European Commission’s annual Kosovo Report, due in November. It will be focused on organized crime in Kosovo.[7]
High Positions
The Pristina secessionist regime’s new “Defense Minister”, charged with the transformation of the KPC into the KSF, came not only from the same party as the “Prime Minster”, but also like Thaçi from the KLA. He is also had charges raised against him. The same goes for Thaçi’s “right hand” man, Fatmir Limaj, former KLA commander and current “Transportation Minister”, who was miraculously acquitted in The Hague. Jakup Krasniqi also fought on the side of the KLA during the war — as its spokesman. Today he serves as Pristina’s “Parliamentary President”, while his former comrades make up the hard core of the new Kosovan army.
Quite noble terms are being applied to describe the legal status of Germany’s support for the KSF. KFOR is assuming the “responsibility” for “the establishment and the training of the future ‘Kosovo Security Forces’ (KSF),” announced Defense Minister Jung at the Central Conference of the German Military Attachés last Mai.[8] This is more than merely another violation of international law. After all, the KSF will be an illegal military arm of the illegal secessionist regime in Pristina. That this is being organized through the KFOR is also an affront, because even though the UN Security Council legitimized KFOR’s presence in Kosovo, it explicitly did not recognize its secession. The aid furnished by KFOR personnel to train and arm the KFS is one of the West’s innumerable violations of international law in Kosovo — and it will surely not be the last.[9]
“In Accordance with NATO Standards”;; 10/31/2008.
5. Solidifying the metaphor of Kosovo as a “Frankenstein’s monster,” the program concludes by noting that the Kosovo regime is turning on its German and BND masters. (The BND is the German intelligence service that helped spawn “independent” Kosovo and participated with the KLA in terrorist incidents in the past.)
Recently, the government of Kosovo has charged several BND operative with complicity in terrorism. Perhaps this is a reaction to BND analysis division’s report on the ongoing criminality of the Kosovar regime and the villains who inhabit it.
The arrest in Kosovo of several agents of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) shines the spotlight once again on the political criminal happenings in this western protectorate. The three men, working for a front company of the German foreign espionage service, are charged with involvement in several bomb attacks against facilities of the EU and the UN. As a matter of fact, the BND had been implicated in criminal intrigues in Kosovo in the past. It assisted in setting up the UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army — KLA) terror organization and maintained contact to organizers of the Kosovo-Albanian Pogroms that caused numerous deaths in March 2004. The objective in both cases was to have a decisive influence on political developments in the region. It remains to be seen if this is also the case now. Observers are not excluding the possibility that the arrests had been initiated by the Kosovan Mafia. On various occasions, the BND has reported on organized crime in Pristina. Several members of the “government” are from this milieu, such as the current “prime minister.” Berlin is primarily responsible for the criminal conditions in Kosovo. With the collaboration of the BND, Germany prevailed in the formation of a Kosovan “state” under the leadership of suspected gangsters.
The obscure occurrences that led to last week’s arrests of three suspected BND operatives in Pristina, exposes once again the political criminal character of what is taking place in that protectorate. The agents are charged with implication in the November 14, bombing attack on the Kosovo EU headquarters. The men had already been placed under surveillance in connection with other attacks carried out on institutions of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Kosovan Parliament. They will probably be also indicted for espionage for a foreign service, which carries up to a 20 year sentence, if found guilty. According to analogous reports from several intelligence sources, the three were employees of a BND front company, the “Logistics Coordination Assessment Services”, which allegedly offers investment consultation to German companies in Kosovo. Pristina is obviously seeking to create a scandal around the BND activities. Whereas the German foreign ministry had hoped to clear up the matter without too much public attention — also by referring to the significant role played by Germany in Kosovo’s secession — the Kosovan press has published not only the names, but also photos of the agents.
Controversy over EULEX
This scandal was preceded by complicated disputes concerning Pristina’s secession. The press reports that, “for the first time, since the beginning of the Kosovo Crisis in the early 90s” not the Serbian, but the Albanian side has come under international pressure.[1] The bone of contention is EULEX — the 2,000 police and customs officers, jurists and administrative personnel that the EU, under the label of European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), wants to send into the South Serbian province. EULEX is supposed to transform the Kosovan authorities into a state apparatus, thereby making Pristina’s secession irrevocable. According to Berlin and the EU’s original plans, the EULEX was supposed, to primarily replace the UNMIK, literally placing Brussels in control of the Kosovan transformation. This has so far been unsuccessful due to resistance from within the United Nations, in spite of massive obstructions set up also by Berlin ( reported [2]).
Protests in Pristina
Two members of the UN Security Council (Russia and China), as well as the majority of UN member nations, still refuse to recognize Pristina’s illegal secession, which is why the transfer has not succeeded. To the surprise of the West, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon has been supportive and has been refusing for months his accord for an implementation of the EU plans, if there are no concessions to Belgrade. Already a while ago, Ban tabled a proposition that took the Serbian minimal position into account. According to his proposition, EULEX was to be active in the Albanian-speaking areas of Kosovo, while UNMIK would maintain control over the police and justice in the Serb-speaking regions of the province. EULEX would also be formally obligated to remain “status neutral” and not promote Pristina’s independence. Brussels has now agreed to Ban’s concept, to avoid further delay and speed up the EULEX engagement. Pristina rejects this mediating proposal and protests, for the first time without western back-up. Last Wednesday, thousands of Kosovo Albanians demonstrated against Ban’s plans and the EU’s approval.
Political Objective
Observers initially supposed that the bomb attack on the EU headquarters in Pristina — just two days after Brussels made known its approval to the EULEX restrictions — was also in protest of the EU’s concessions to Belgrade. If it is proven that the German intelligence agents were implicated in that attack, it would not be the first time. Already in March 2004, during the large scale pogroms against Serbs and Serbian institutions, a BND informer played a noteworthy role. The man was one of the organizers of the pogroms while serving as an informer of the German intelligence service.[3] Only two weeks before the pogroms began, the BND supposedly broke contact with their informer. “I suppose that the BND certainly must have informed the German government” said the intelligence service expert, Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, at the time and concluded that “the Albanian attacks on the Serbs were tolerated” by the German side.[4] Nineteen people were killed, approx. 4,000 driven from their homes, over two dozen monasteries were severely damaged during these pogroms. But the pogroms had a political effect: Berlin and Brussels demanded Kosovo’s accelerated secession.[5]
With Criminal Means
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the BND has been pursuing political objectives in Kosovo with criminal means — through its support for the KLA terror troops. According to reports, the BND established contact to Kosovo Albanian militants in 1992 [6] and soon afterwards helped “in training and arming the rebels (...), to consolidate German influence in the Balkans.”[7] These close ties were advantageous during the aggression against Yugoslavia, with the KLA replacing NATO ground forces and helping to vanquish the Serbian adversary. It soon became clear that Berlin and the rest of the West would not be able to shake off their deputy, a militia of criminals. Former KLA commanders have been able to prevail not only as bosses of the Kosovan Mafia but also in high political positions.
Get in the Way
For years, the BND — the organization that, with its support for the KLA in the 90s, made its rise possible in the first place — has been regularly warning against the Mafiosi structures in Pristina. The BND had reported back in 2005, in a paper destined for the public, that Hashim Thaci — today’s “prime minister” — had earlier been a boss of the Kosovan Mafia. Two years later, another study, whose authors seem also to have had access to BND sources, says that “at the international level” Thaci has access to wide-ranging “criminal networks.”[8] Also other Kosovan politicians are seen as criminals by the BND. The intelligence service expert Udo Ulfkotte, explains that an important task of the “Logistics Coordination Assessment Services” front company of the BND, was to gather information on money laundering, drug trafficking and sexual slavery in Kosovo. Ulfkotte sees the current arrests in Pristina as a counter-attack by the Mafia: “The BND men got in somebody’s way.”[9]
In Both Cases
If Ulfkotte proves to be right, the current scandal will be the hardest counter-strike delivered to date by the criminal structures put into power in Pristina by Berlin and the West. The only thing left to acknowledge — also if the BND agents’ involvement is proven: Berlin can no longer rid itself of the criminal forces, it called into being in the 90s, to end Serbian control over Kosovo.
“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”;; 11/24/2008.
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