Introduction: The program begins with John’s assessment of Barack Obama’s term in office, so far. Noting–correctly–that good Presidents learn to govern from the center, he noted that Obama’s grasp of this has no doubt alienated some of his progressive backers.
Opining that Obama might have done better to have placed job creation before health care reform, John notes that the GOP is profoundly involved with the pharmaceutical lobby and, as a result, opposed to meaningful health care reform.
On the subject of the bank bailouts and their unpopularity with the bulk of the public, John defended Obama’s actions–and those of the Bush administration–as necessary to prevent the onset of a second Great Depression.
Turning to the subject of Saudi Arabia, a frequent topic of discussion in past interviews–John noted, reluctantly, that the Saudis had actually done something good. The kingdom kept China from de-coupling its currency from the weakening dollar. Because this would severely damage the Saudi holdings, the Saudis told the Chinese that, if they did so, the Saudis would never sell them any oil. (China is an oil importer.) In return, the U.S. would continue to tolerate China’s currency manipulation, which hurts the U.S. and global economies.
In addition, John noted that the Saudis have agreed to keep the price of oil below $80.00 a barrel, placing an enormous economic burden on the Iranian economy.
Program Highlights Include: recent disclosures that the Vatican Bank continues to be one of the world’s leading money-laundering vehicles; review of the role of Allen Dulles in the founding of Saudi Arabia; review of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood [above and to the right are pictures of Hamas, top, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, bottom, both offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood]; review of the links between the U.S. industrial and financial elite and those of the Axis powers of World War II; review of the Bush family’s profound links to Nazi finance and industry; review of the Vatican’s profound involvement with the Axis powers and postwar international fascism; review of John’s lawsuit against Sami al-Arian, that led to the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002; review of the Crusade for Freedom and the genesis of the Nazi/GOP connection; review of the top leadership of the GOP to the milieu targeted by the raids of 3/20/2002.
1. The program begins with John’s assessment of Barack Obama’s term in office, so far. Noting–correctly–that good Presidents learn to govern from the center, he noted that Obama’s grasp of this has no doubt alienated some of his progressive backers.
John feels that Obama might have done better to have placed job creation before health care reform, and notes that the GOP is profoundly involved with the pharmaceutical lobby and, as a result, opposed to meaningful health care reform.
On the subject of the bank bailouts and their unpopularity with the bulk of the public, John defended Obama’s actions–and those of the Bush administration–as necessary to prevent the onset of a second Great Depression.
2. Turning to the subject of Saudi Arabia, a frequent topic of discussion in past interviews–John noted, reluctantly, that the Saudis had actually done something good. The kingdom kept China from de-coupling its currency from the weakening dollar. Because this would severely damage the Saudi holdings, the Saudis told the Chinese that, if they did so, the Saudis would never sell them any oil. (China is an oil importer.) In return, the U.S. would continue to tolerate China’s currency manipulation, which hurts the U.S. and global economy.
In addition, the Saudis have agreed to keep the price of oil below $80.00 a barrel, placing an enormous economic burden on the Iranian economy.
3. Much of the first side consisted of review of material from his exhaustive work (co-authored with Mark Aarons) The Secret War Against the Jews. As covered in that landmark book, the Saudis were pro-Nazi, but remained officially neutral. In order to keep them from allying formally with the Nazis, Roosevelt included the Saudis in the Lend Lease program, the only neutral nation to receive such assistance.
Sullivan and Cromwell kingpin Allen Dulles and anti-Semite (and eventual Axis spy) Jack Philby had much to do with the founding of Saudi Arabia.
4. In addition to reviewing information about the genesis of Saudi Arabia, John also recapped the Bush family’s links to the Nazis and the decades-long coverup of this information. (Note that this subject is covered in many For The Record Broadcasts, and because of that, is encapsulated here.)
In order to escape “excessive regulation,” the profits from the American industrial boom of the 1920’s were invested abroad, primarily in Germany, Italy and Japan. These fascist totalitarian regimes, along with the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia, were viewed as fertile soil for the monopolistic operations of the Robber Barrons. Stalin’s USSR was also seen as potentially useful.
Discussing the operations of the Harriman industrial empire, John notes that these powerful Wall Street Robber Barrons and Bush family business partners were also subsidizing Stalin’s regime, in hopes of utilizing what was to become Auschwitz as a forced labor facility to produce synthetic fuel.
John’s career in government as an investigator stemmed from attempts by Nuremberg prosecutors to find out just how Nuremburg was sidetracked, with the profound links between the Robber Barrons, their firms and their counterparts in German industry and finance mandating that the truth about the American/Nazi industrial connection be suppressed. Listeners are emphatically encouraged to check out the old anti-fascist books available for download for free on this website in order to flesh out their understanding of this phenomenon.
5. Concluding the first side of the program, John summarizes the genesis of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood, parent organization of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Afghan Mujahadeen who fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. (This, too, is a subject covered at length in other programs.)
After Egyptian Nasser expelled the Brotherhood from Egypt in the early 1950’2, the CIA under Allen Dulles helped persuade the Saudis to accept the Brothers, who were installed as clerics and teachers in the Saudi madrassas, from which they continue to wield enormous influence.
John also reviewed the career of the Grand Mufti, the first leader of the Palestinian national movement, his position of General in the Waffen SS and his close alliance with the Saudis, the Muslim Brotherhood and Jack Philby.
6. Reviewing the genesis of the Nazi/GOP connection, John reviews the Crusade for Freedom, an illegal domestic covert operation through which Nazis and Nazi collaborators came into the U.S. and evolved into a Nazi wing of the GOP.
Principally involved in this concatenation were Allen Dulles, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and the elder George Bush.
7. Next, the program reviews John’s suit against professor Sami al-Arian, a founder of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It was John’s suit that led to the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002. This raid, in turn, uncovered profound links between the highest ranking officials of the Bush administration, the GOP and the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition to Karl Rove and Bush mentor and business partner Talat Othman, super lobbyist Grover Norquist helped forge the GOP/Muslim Brotherhood link.
8. Yet another significant point of review was John’s encapsulation of the Nazi/Vatican connection he laid out in his opus Unholy Trinity, also co-authored by Mark Aarons. Funding Hitler in 1919, the Vatican turned to the Nazis as an antidote to communism, and then helped many of the top Nazis escape through networks that are known as the Ratlines.
The Vatican bank became a major investor in Nazi industry, and, as related by John, continues to be a major laundering vehicle for “black” money, because their books cannot be audited.
9. Concluding on a positive note, John relayed that his first book, The Belarus Secret, is going to be released in a new, uncensored version by TrineDay publishers. The new book will feature material that was omitted from the original text, released in 1982.
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