Introduction: In a return appearance by John Loftus, we once again explore how events during and immediately after the Second World War affect contemporary events.
John points out that, at the end of World War II, (Sullivan and Cromwell partner and OSS officer) Allen Dulles created a mechanism for covering up the profound involvement of many dominant elements of the U.S. power elite with the Axis, Nazi Germany in particular.
That mechanism was an intelligence network composed of much of the cream of the Nazi national security establishment, to be put to work for the United States–ostensibly at least. When Dewey lost the 1948 election, that created a problem. From that point forward, there have been, in effect, two CIA’s–one for the Democrats and one for the Republicans.
The Republican CIA incorporated the Nazi and fascist elements with whom Dulles (and members of the Bush family) collaborated during the Second World War. This element of the CIA does the bidding of the transnational corporations, often following an agenda that is not in the best interests of the United States.
This “Republican CIA” and associated elements of the State Department mislead the Obama administration into several miscalculations with regard to Middle East policy.
Yet another issue dating from World War II to the present concerns a 60-year delay in release of the largest database concerning Third Reich activities and the Holocaust. Located in Germany, the release of the database’s information was delayed because many of the identities of Holocaust victims had been assumed by Nazi war criminals, fleeing the conquest of Germany proper.
Utilizing expert forging skills of Jewish engravers interned at the Ault-Aussee concentration camp, the Nazis provided excellent cover for some of their fugitives–Jews who had “survived” the Holocaust! The identities of some of these “survivors” were unmasked–including some who had found refuge in Israel! It is interesting to contemplate the possibility that some “Jews” involved with Israel are actually fugitive Nazis.
Turning to the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood, John highlighted the important new book Muslim Mafia, documenting Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of America. In particular, the book focuses on CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization in America. Conceptualized as sort of a NAACP for Muslims, CAIR is actually dedicated to the subjugation of American constitutional and democratic values to Sharia–Islamic law. It would not be inaccurate to describe it as a front organization for terrorists. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the recently-concluded Holy Land Foundation trial.
Highlighting information from his forthcoming American Nazi Secrets (to be published by TrineDay), John reviews the development of the relationship between the NSA and the GCHQ. In order to circumvent legal restrictions on wiretapping and electronic surveillance, NSA (American) and GCHQ (British) wiretap each other’s citizens and turn the information over to appropriate operatives of the respective agencies. Sweeping the microwaves used to convey long distance calls, the agencies monitor and record all long distance calls. Programmed to respond to individual voices and key words, the system generates tons of transcribed intercepts each day.
A particularly disturbing aspect of this “vacuum cleaner” approach involves the positioning of the Canadian embassy in Washington. Juxtaposed to the houses of Congress, the embassy is located in such a way as to permit electronic surveillance of Congress.
Turning to the subject of the Middle East, John noted the propagation of fabricated stories of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians and Arabs. In addition to the fabricated reports of the Jenin combat in 2002, John analyzed the high profile Mohammed al-Dura incident, which was a staged event.
Equally misleading was the Goldstone Report, alleging Israeli war crimes and dismissing entirely Hamas responsibility for the war.
Program Highlights Include: Review of the subversion of the Bush family’s involvement with Nazi industry; discussion of the transfer of Iraqi WMD know how and production technology to Syria; analysis of the high-tech surveillance and eavesdropping methodology of contemporary intelligence agencies; John’s belief that the Bush administration’s use of torture to obtain information from terror suspects will lead to their acquittal by the courts; John’s belief that economic sanctions, not military initiatives, should be used to contain Iran’s nuclear capability; the Vatican Bank’s role in laundering “black money”; the manner in which Enron’s negotiation with the Taliban over a pipeline through Afghanistan–with the cooperation of Dick Cheney–helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks.
1. Beginning with the titular concept of the broadcast, we explore the thought-provoking concept that the Obama administration is, indeed, the last victim of the Second World War. John points out that, at the end of World War II, [Sullivan and Cromwell partner and OSS officer] Allen Dulles created a mechanism for covering up the profound involvement of many dominant elements of the U.S. power elite with the Axis, Nazi Germany in particular.
That mechanism was an intelligence network composed of much of the cream of the Nazi national security establishment, to be put to work for the United States–ostensibly at least. When Dewey lost the 1948 election, that created a problem. From that point forward, there have been, in effect, two CIA’s–one for the Democrats and one for the Republicans.
The Republican CIA incorporated the Nazi and fascist elements with whom Dulles (and members of the Bush family) collaborated during the Second World War. This element of the CIA does the bidding of the transnational corporations, often following an agenda that is not in the best interests of the United States.
John set forth a manifestation of this–the deliberately misleading information given to Obama’s diplomats by GOP-connected State Department officials. Misleading Hilary Clinton about events in the Middle East, this contingent contends that the Muslim Brotherhood would be a wonderful element with which the U.S. should associate itself.
2. On the subject of Obama, personally, John opined that he was an honest man, who isn’t a fool and that quality–in Washington–makes him a threat.
3. Turning to the genesis of his work for a Justice Department project called the Office of Special Investigations (not to be confused with Air Force intelligence.) His boss at OSI was the late Walter Rockler, who was in charge of the Nuremberg prosecutions. Knowing that the trials had been deliberately sabotaged, OSI and John Loftus were looking to see the “who, how and why” behind that sabotage.
Illustrating the depth of the culpability of U.S. movers and shakers in Nazi crimes, John notes that there were American officials sitting on the boards of Nazi bank in Germany during the war! Despite the construction of a special prison to house the defendants, the “Bankers’ Trial” was interdicted. Allen Dulles’ machinations were the instrument of subversion.
All through the war, Roosevelt had reluctantly caved in to British demands that the Jewish issue be ignored, that the concentration camp victims must be expendable to the war effort. But the one issue upon which Roosevelt was unyielding was his insistence that after the war, the German bankers must stand in the dock at the Nuremberg war crimes trial. This is confirmed by the top-secret White House—Justice Department correspondence files.
The plan was to wait until [Deutsche Bank chief Hermann] Abs, Krupp, [industrialist Friedrich] Flick, and the rest of the industrialists were charged. Then Morgenthau would unleash the wiretap evidence showing that the Nazis had hidden their stolen assets in Switzerland, with the help of Allen Dulles. The whole scandal of Western aid to the German economy would unravel. All the slights of the Standard Oil blackmail would be avenged.
The sudden release of the Safehaven intercepts would force a public outcry to bring treason charges against those British and American businessmen who aided the enemy in time of war. The targets included not only the Dulles brothers, but [Dillon & Read executive and Secretary of the Navy James] Forrestal and major industrialists, such as Henry Ford. From a prosecutor’s point of view, indicting the German bankers first was a brilliant strategy. To save themselves, Herman Abs and Hjalmar Schacht would have to reveal the whole history of their sordid dealings with companies such as Ford Motor.
Despite the shields of Swiss banking laws and the layers of corporations that Dulles had erected, he had never anticipated that the Swiss bank codes and cables would ever become public knowledge. Roosevelt and [Treasury Secretary] Henry Morgenthau would have hanged him and all his colleagues, forever breaking the power of the pirates of international finance. It was a glorious dream. Yet the scheme completely fell apart because someone tipped off Dulles that he was under surveillance.
Because he learned about the Safehaven intercepts so quickly, Dulles knew that there was no smoking gun against him. His work for the Nazis prior to the war was not illegal, let alone treasonous. His wartime communications with the Nazis, although highly embarrassing, could be excused as an exercise in deception or as part of his intrigues to overthrow Hitler. Although many of his wartime actions were unauthorized, they were not criminal.
What was criminal was the way that Dulles was trying to help the German industrialists get their money out at the end of the war. After the Nazis’ 1943 defeat at Stalingrad, various Nazi businessmen realized they were on the losing side and made plans to evacuate their wealth. The Peron government in Argentina was receiving the Nazi flight capital with open arms, and Dulles helped it hide the money. This was more than a violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act; giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war was treason. Once again, however, Allen Dulles was one step ahead of his pursuers. . . .
(The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People; John Loftus and Mark Aarons; Copyright 1994 [HC]; St. Martin’s Press; ISBN 0–312–11057‑X; pp. 77–79.)
4. As indicated above, Dulles was able to maneuver out of the defendant’s dock.
Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity. They had to be in positions of power to suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis. The Safehaven investigation was quickly stripped from Treasury, where Morgenthau’s supporters were still influential, and turned over to the State Department. There Dulles’s friends shredded the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further investigations.
Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis. None ever was, despite the evidence. According to one of our sources in the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps had two large ‘Civilian Internment Centers’ in Occupied Germany, code named ‘Ashcan’ and ‘Dustbin.’ The CIC had identified and captured a large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating. . . .
Ibid.; p. 100.
5. Next, we reviewed the Bush family’s involvement with Nazi industry, including the deaths of two investigators who were pursuing the case–decades apart.
6. In connection with Third Reich money-laundering, we reviewed the Vatican bank’s role in financing Nazi industry, and John added that a recent investigation revealed that that institution was still among the most corrupt in the world. Because it can’t be audited, the Vatican bank is a major vehicle for the laundering of “black” funds.
7. Yet another issue dating from World War II to the present concerns a 60-year delay in release of the largest database concerning Third Reich activities and the Holocaust. Located in Germany, the release of the database’s information was delayed because many of the identities of Holocaust victims had been assumed by Nazi war criminals, fleeing the conquest of Germany proper.
Utilizing expert forging skills of Jewish engravers interned at the Ault-Aussee concentration camp, the Nazis provided excellent cover for some of their fugitives–Jews who had “survived” the Holocaust! The identities of some of these “survivors” were unmasked–including some who had found refuge in Israel! It is interesting to contemplate the possibility that some “Jews” involved with Israel are actually fugitive Nazis!
8. Turning to the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood, John highlighted the important new book Muslim Mafia, documenting Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of America. In particular, the book focuses on CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization in America. Conceptualized as sort of a NAACP for Muslims, CAIR is actually dedicated to the subjugation of American constitutional and democratic values to Sharia–Islamic law. It would not be inaccurate to describe it as a front organization for terrorists. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the recently-concluded Holy Land Foundation trial.
John notes that much of the progressive left takes the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood at face value.
9. John noted that CAIR, along with the State Department, subverted his Intelligence Summit forum, which brought together members of the journalistic and intelligence communities.
10. Describing David Gaubatz’s successful infiltration of CAIR, John relates how Chris Gaubatz (David’s son) posed as a Muslim convert in order to infiltrate the organization. Posing as an intern, Chris quickly earned the trust of the organization’s leadership.
Charged with shredding sensitive documents, Chris photocopied many of them, destroying them only after they had been preserved as evidence.
The purloined documents revealed that CAIR was not only a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, but an organization dedicated to helping subvert American democracy in favor of sharia—Islamic law.
Moreover, essential to this strategy is covering for Muslim terrorists.
11. John reviewed the manner in which Enron’s negotiation with the Taliban over a pipeline through Afghanistan–with the cooperation of Dick Cheney–helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks.
12. Highlighting information from his forthcoming American Nazi Secrets (to be published by TrineDay), John reviews the development of the relationship between the NSA and the GCHQ. In order to circumvent legal restrictions on wiretapping and electronic surveillance, NSA (American) and GCHQ (British) wiretap each other’s citizens and turn the information over to appropriate operatives of the respective agencies.
Sweeping the microwaves used to convey long distance calls, the agencies monitor and record all long distance calls.
Programmed to respond to individual voices and key words, the system generates tons of transcribed intercepts each day.
13. A particularly disturbing aspect of this “vacuum cleaner” approach involves the positioning of the Canadian embassy in Washington. Juxtaposed to the houses of Congress, the embassy is located in such a way as to permit electronic surveillance of Congress.
One of the methodologies involved in such eavesdropping involves the directing of a laser beam against the windowpane of a room to be monitored. The compression and rarefaction of the windowpane generated by the sound of the voices of the surveillance targets registers on the laser beam, which, in turn, propagates an audio reproduction of the conversation.
14. The retention and generation of so much raw intelligence input creates a bottleneck at the analysis level, weakening the actual hands-on application of the information.
15. Criticizing the provisions of the Patriot Act, John underscores the fundamental compromising of terrorism prosecution cases by the use of interrogation under torture. In addition to the fact that suspects will say anything under torture in order to escape the pain, prosecution of terrorists in a civilian court will result in the dismissal of charges. Among those who figure to be so acquitted are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, apparent mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.
16. Turning to the subject of the Middle East, John noted the propagation of fabricated stories of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians and Arabs. In addition to the fabricated reports of the Jenin combat in 2002, John analyzed the high profile Mohammed al-Dura incident, which was a staged event.
Alleged to be the fatal wounding of a young Palestinian boy during the Second Intifada, the al-Dura incident was an obvious and fairly crude fabrication. In addition to the fact that the bullets striking around the boy are coming from the wrong direction to have been fired by the Israeli forces, it appears that the boy wasn’t hit at all.
The outtakes from the incident reveal that, after allegedly being shot by an M‑16, the “mortally-wounded” boy raises his head, peers at the camera and then lies back down “dead.”
In a recent appellate decision stemming from the al-Dura incident, the court ruled that producer Charles Enderlin and France 2 (the TV station that aired the incident) were deliberately propagating a fraud! (The ruling stemmed from a lawsuit by Philip Karsenty, who was accused of libel when he documented Enderlin’s and France 2’s deliberate deception.)
17. Analyzing the Goldstone Report, John highlights the fundamentally disingenuous nature of the report. Co-authored by a retired Irish army colonel named Desmond Travers, the report alleges that perhaps as many as “two” rockets were fired by Hamas at Israeli targets. As can be readily documented, thousands of rounds were fired at civilian targets, timed to land when children were getting out of school.
Among the blatant falsehoods in the report is an allegation—supposedly taken from a Palestinian report on the 2009 war said that 4,000 jobs were lost as a result of the war. The Goldstone Report inflated that to 40.000 jobs, supposedly based on the Palestinian report.
John also notes that a retired British general, hired by the notoriously anti-Semitic BBC to comment on the alleged Israeli atrocities, stated that the Israeli Defense Forces did more to protect the lives of civilians than any army in the history of warfare.
By contrast, Hamas deliberately targeted civilians with their rocket fire, deliberately used civilian institutions including schools and hospitals as firing bases, deliberately posed as civilians in order to escape return fire.
18. On the subject of Iran, John opposes military action to prevent the mullahs from getting nuclear weapons. In addition to the fact that an attack would unite the country, John feels that the Iranian nuclear capability is to geographically dispersed to be dealt with militarily. He feels that sanctions, particularly a boycott of gasoline imports into the country, would help to produce regime change.
19. Concluding with the recent Israeli raid on a Syrian nuclear facility. Assembled from the weapons-production technology that had belonged to Saddam Hussein and was spirited out of Iraq under the noses of the American invading forces. The Bush administration covered this up, seeking to avoid embarrassment.
[...] China, in particular–a strategic gambit has been undertaken in cooperation with the GOP/fossil fuels/Underground Reich faction of U.S. [...]
[...] FTR #706 [...]