Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned


Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

NB: This descrip­tion con­tains mate­r­i­al not con­tained in the orig­i­nal broad­cast.

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

Intro­duc­tion: The first of sev­er­al pro­grams deal­ing with Wik­iLeaks, this broad­cast exam­ines an intel­li­gence-con­nect­ed mind con­trol cult with which Wik­iLeaks king­pin Julian Assange appears to be affil­i­at­ed. As well con­nect­ed as it is ruth­less and crim­i­nal, the San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion of Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne con­di­tioned chil­dren with drugs, sen­so­ry depri­va­tion, sleep depri­va­tion, tor­ture and rit­u­al sex­u­al abuse in order to pro­duce sub­jects who bent to the will of the group’s leader.

Although Assange (pic­tured at left) claims to have been “on the run” from the cult, his claims of links to Aus­tralian intel­li­gence plus his strange, “plat­inum” col­ored hair (dis­tinc­tive of chil­dren raised in the group) sug­gest that the con­nec­tions may run much deep­er. (Recall in this con­text that the group prac­tices rig­or­ous, sophis­ti­cat­ed mind-con­trol method­ol­o­gy and Assange him­self may be sin­cere­ly unaware of the depth of his appar­ent links to the group. The orga­ni­za­tion also devel­ops mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties for the chil­dren raised in its ranks, as well as obtain­ing mul­ti­ple pass­ports for them. Assange’s moth­er claims his hair turned white fol­low­ing a dif­fi­cult cus­tody case involv­ing a child of his. As will be seen lat­er, Assange claims that Aus­tralian intel­li­gence has advised him, and there is an appar­ent link between Aus­tralian intel­li­gence and the cult.)

The title of the pro­gram comes from two sci-fi/hor­ror movies from the late 1950’s and 60’s called Chil­dren of the Damned and Vil­lage of the Damned. Both movies fea­tured a gen­er­a­tion of plat­inum-blonde chil­dren with psy­cho-kinet­ic pow­ers, preter­nat­ur­al intel­li­gence and a real­ly, real­ly bad atti­tude. The chil­dren are pic­tured in a pro­mo­tion­al poster for the film in the upper left. Cult leader Hamil­ton-Byrne (inset) and her “chil­dren” are pic­tured above and at right. A still from the film is at right. Assange is pic­tured twice at left. Is this a case of life imi­tat­ing art?

Pos­sess­ing con­sid­er­able wealth, in con­trol of its own psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal, com­posed large­ly of well-heeled pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple, uti­lized as an exper­i­men­ta­tion cen­ter by one of Aus­trali­a’s lead­ing Catholic psy­chol­o­gists, linked to the Aus­tralian min­is­ter over­see­ing that coun­try’s intel­li­gence ser­vice, the “Fam­i­ly” as they like to be called, used these con­nec­tions to escape the pun­ish­ment that would cer­tain­ly have fol­lowed their activ­i­ties. Avail­able evi­dence sug­gests that the group is an intel­li­gence front.

Even for­mer cult mem­bers who have turned on the orga­ni­za­tion have been drawn back into its fold and rec­on­ciled with Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne.

Tar­get­ing Rus­sia, Chi­na and some of the Cen­tral Asian states that emerged fol­low­ing the breakup of the Sovi­et Union, Wik­iLeaks has pur­sued a polit­i­cal agen­da that smacks of a Third Position/UNPO/Underground Reich polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion. The group has also stung the Unit­ed States, mak­ing an already dif­fi­cult Afghanistan pol­i­cy that much more dif­fi­cult fol­low­ing their leaks of key U.S. doc­u­ments about NATO involve­ment in that coun­try.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: The group’s exces­sive secre­tive­ness; the group’s lack of can­dor about their sources of financ­ing in par­tic­u­lar; phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny San­doz’s alleged dis­pens­ing of free LSD to Fam­i­ly; par­tial dis­cus­sion of Wik­iLeaks’ con­nec­tions to the milieu of Pirate Bay and Swedish fas­cist financier Carl Lund­strom; the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult’s “car­ing” for Lord Casey, the Aus­tralian cab­i­net mem­ber charged with over­sight of the Aus­tralian intel­li­gence agency; the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult’s close asso­ci­a­tion with Catholic psy­chol­o­gist Ronald Con­way; Con­way’s alleged molesta­tion of peo­ple asso­ci­at­ed with the cult; Con­way’s role as an expert com­men­ta­tor on the Church’s molesta­tion scan­dals; a Time mag­a­zine review that rein­forces the hypoth­e­sis that Assange was part of the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult.

1. The pro­gram begins with dis­cus­sion of a cult with which Assange appears to have been affil­i­at­ed, although he min­i­mizes his con­nec­tion to them. It is worth not­ing that flee­ing this cult appar­ent­ly dom­i­nat­ed much of his life at this point, yet the group’s pow­er­ful con­nec­tions appear to have allowed them to track him and his moth­er. Note that, although “on the run” from the group, Assange’s moth­er dis­cussed their where­abouts and fre­quent­ed some of the same places. This may indi­cate a lack of imag­i­na­tion and/or resources on the part of Mama Assange, or it may indi­cate a process of cre­at­ing a legend–a plau­si­ble cov­er for observed phe­nom­e­non.

For exam­ple, if some­one not­ed a resem­blance between Julian Assange and chil­dren belong­ing to the cult, it could be neu­tral­ized by say­ing that he was an oppo­nent of the group.

In light of the appar­ent mind con­trol tech­niques prac­ticed by the group, indi­ca­tions of the group’s pos­si­ble intel­li­gence con­nec­tions, as well as delib­er­ate and exten­sive oper­a­tions to obfus­cate the iden­ti­ty of cult mem­bers, one should take much of what Assange says about his rela­tion­ship to the group with a grain of salt. Might he be a mem­ber of the cult, who was “sheep-dipped” to mask his links to the group?

Assange’s own track record indi­cates a record of delib­er­ate, elu­sive behav­ior and state­ments.

. . . . When Assange was eight, Claire left her hus­band and began see­ing a musi­cian, with whom she had anoth­er child, a boy. The rela­tion­ship was tem­pes­tu­ous; the musi­cian became abu­sive, she says, and they sep­a­rat­ed. A fight ensued over the cus­tody of Assange’s half broth­er, and Claire felt threat­ened, fear­ing that the musi­cian would take away her son. Assange recalled her say­ing, “Now we need to dis­ap­pear,” and he lived on the run with her from the age of eleven to six­teen. When I asked him about the expe­ri­ence, he told me that there was evi­dence that the man belonged to a pow­er­ful cult called the Family—its mot­to was “Unseen, Unknown, and Unheard.” Some mem­bers were doc­tors who per­suad­ed moth­ers to give up their new­born chil­dren to the cult’s leader, Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne. The cult had moles in gov­ern­ment, Assange sus­pect­ed, who pro­vid­ed the musi­cian with leads on Claire’s where­abouts. In fact, Claire often told friends where she had gone, or hid in places where she had lived before. . . .

“No Secrets” by Jeff Khatch­a­touri­an; The New York­er; 6/7/2010.

2. Wikipedia gives a nice overview of the group. Note that Wikipedia should, as a rule, be scru­ti­nized very care­ful­ly. It is fre­quent­ly in error. When sources and links check out, as they do here, it is gen­er­al­ly reli­able.

Around 1964 Dr Raynor John­son was host­ing reg­u­lar meet­ings of a reli­gious and philo­soph­i­cal dis­cus­sion group led by Hamil­ton-Byrne at San­ti­nike­tan, his home at Fer­ny Creek in the Dan­de­nong Ranges on the east­ern out­skirts of Mel­bourne. Also con­nect­ed was a series of week­ly talks he gave at the Coun­cil of Adult Edu­ca­tion in Mel­bourne, enti­tled “The Macro­cosm and the Micro­cosm”. The group pur­chased an adjoin­ing prop­er­ty which they named San­ti­nike­tan Park [1] in 1968 and con­struct­ed a meet­ing hall, San­ti­nike­tan Lodge.

The asso­ci­a­tion con­sist­ed of mid­dle class, pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple; it has been esti­mat­ed that a quar­ter were nurs­es and oth­er med­ical per­son­nel, and that many were recruit­ed by John­son who referred them to Hamilton-Byrne’s hatha yoga classes.[2] Mem­bers main­ly lived in near­by sub­urbs and town­ships in the Dan­de­nongs, meet­ing each Tues­day, Thurs­day and Sun­day evening [3] at San­ti­nike­tan Lodge, Crowther House in Olin­da or anoth­er prop­er­ty in the area known as the White Lodge [4].

Dur­ing the late 1960s and 1970s Newhaven Hos­pi­tal in Kew was a pri­vate psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal owned and man­aged by Mar­i­on Vil­limek, a San­ti­nike­tan mem­ber; many of its staff and attend­ing psy­chi­a­trists were also mem­bers.

Many patients at Newhaven were treat­ed with the hal­lu­cino­genic drug LSD [7]. The hos­pi­tal was used to recruit poten­tial new mem­bers from among the patients, and also to admin­is­ter LSD to mem­bers under the direc­tion of the San­ti­nike­tan psy­chi­a­trists Dr John Mack­ay and Dr Howard Whitak­er . One of the orig­i­nal mem­bers of the Asso­ci­a­tion was giv­en LSD, elec­tro­con­vul­sive ther­a­py and two leu­co­tomies dur­ing the late 1960s.

Although the psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal had been closed down by 1992, in that year a new inquest was ordered into the death of a Newhaven patient in 1975 after new claims that his death had been due to deep sleep ther­a­py. The inquest heard evi­dence con­cern­ing the use of elec­tro­con­vul­sive ther­a­py, LSD and oth­er prac­tices at Newhaven but found no evi­dence that deep sleep had been used on this patient. The Newhaven build­ing was lat­er reopened as a nurs­ing home with no con­nec­tions to its pre­vi­ous own­er or uses.

Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne acquired four­teen infants and young chil­dren between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the nat­ur­al chil­dren of San­ti­nike­tan mem­bers, oth­ers had been obtained through irreg­u­lar adop­tions arranged by lawyers, doc­tors and social work­ers with­in the group who could bypass the nor­mal process­es. The children’s iden­ti­ties were changed using false birth cer­tifi­cates or deed poll, all being giv­en the sur­name ‘Hamil­ton-Byrne’ and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uni­form­ly blonde[11].

The chil­dren were kept in seclu­sion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rur­al prop­er­ty usu­al­ly referred to as “Uptop”, at Tay­lor Bay on Lake Eil­don near the town of Eil­don, Vic­to­ria. They were taught that Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne was their bio­log­i­cal moth­er, and knew the oth­er adults in the group as ‘aun­ties’ and ‘uncles’ They were denied almost all access to the out­side world, and sub­ject­ed to a dis­ci­pline that includ­ed fre­quent cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment and star­va­tion diets.

The chil­dren were fre­quent­ly dosed with the psy­chi­atric drugs Anaten­sol, Diazepam, Haloperi­dol, Largac­til, Mogadon, Serepax, Ste­lazine, Tegre­tol or Tofranil[4]. On reach­ing ado­les­cence they were com­pelled to under­go an ini­ti­a­tion involv­ing LSD[13]: while under the influ­ence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone apart from vis­its by Hamil­ton-Byrne or one of the psy­chi­a­trists from the group[4].

“San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion”; Wikipedia.

3. More about the cult, from an arti­cle about a long-over­due bust of the group. Note the dif­fi­cul­ty law enforce­ment had in bring­ing this group to jus­tice. One of many indi­ca­tions that the orga­ni­za­tion was “con­nect­ed.”

The leader of Australia’s most noto­ri­ous cult, The Fam­i­ly, remains unre­pen­tant two decades after the raid that shocked the nation.

Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne broke her silence yes­ter­day, say­ing she was ready to die after rec­on­cil­ing with Sarah Moore, the “daugh­ter” who betrayed her to the author­i­ties.

The Fam­i­ly made head­lines around the world in 1987 when the Aus­tralian Fed­er­al Police and Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vices Vic­to­ria raid­ed the cult’s prop­er­ty at Lake Eil­don and took six chil­dren into care.

Police lat­er found 14 chil­dren had been brought up in almost com­plete iso­la­tion believ­ing they were the off­spring of Hamil­ton-Byrne and her late hus­band Bill.

In fact none of them was the Hamil­ton-Byrnes’, but chil­dren of sin­gle moth­ers who had been pres­sured into giv­ing them up for adop­tion or cult mem­bers who did not want them.

But it was the way the chil­dren had been treat­ed that real­ly shocked the nation.

Hamil­ton-Byrne had ordered the children’s hair be dyed per­ox­ide blonde and they be dressed in iden­ti­cal out­fits.

It was also alleged they had been half-starved, beat­en and forced to take large quan­ti­ties of tran­quilis­ers to “calm them down” and even fed LSD when they became adults.

Now, in the first ever inter­view at her sprawl­ing Olin­da com­pound, the cult leader has defend­ed how she raised the chil­dren and attacked those who said she mis­treat­ed them as “lying bas­tards”. Of her crit­ics, she said: “I would love to put them right, but I can’t.” . . .

“Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne, Leader of the Fam­i­ly, Unre­pen­tant but Ready to Die” by James Camp­bell; Her­ald Sun; 8/16/2009.

4. More about the prac­tices of the group, from a police­man who helped to bring them to heel:

Lex De Man, the police­man who spent five years bring­ing The Fam­i­ly cult leader Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne to jus­tice, is still haunt­ed by the case and its toll on every­one involved.

And while proud that Oper­a­tion For­est, the task­force on which he worked from 1989 to 1994, even­tu­al­ly secured her con­vic­tion for per­jury, he is still angry Hamil­ton-Byrne escaped pun­ish­ment for alleged mal­treat­ment of the chil­dren in her care.

Mr De Man said Hamil­ton-Byrne was lucky the chil­dren who had endured beat­ings, drug­gings and star­va­tion at The Family’s Lake Eil­don prop­er­ty were too trau­ma­tised to tes­ti­fy against their alleged tor­men­tor.

“One girl looked like she was sev­en but was, in fact, 11. She was suf­fer­ing from psy­cho-social dwarfism,” Mr De Man said.

“I didn’t think at that time – and even today – that many of the kids would be able to sus­tain giv­ing evi­dence in the wit­ness box. I think they’d been dam­aged too much.”

The detective’s deci­sion to go after Hamil­ton-Byrne for fal­si­fy­ing doc­u­ments came in 1991 when the cult’s solic­i­tor, Peter Kib­by, decid­ed to co-oper­ate with police.

“Doc­u­ments don’t lie. Peo­ple lie on doc­u­ments. A doc­u­ment might be false, but it’s a human being that puts the infor­ma­tion on it,” Mr De Man said.

Kib­by then per­suad­ed one of the for­mer “Aun­ties”, Pat Mac­Far­lane, to make a state­ment.

After months of inter­views, and lat­er armed with the evi­dence to secure a war­rant to arrest Hamil­ton-Byrne, police still took three years to find her.

“Painful Jus­tice” by James Camp­bell; The Her­ald Sun; 8/16/2009.

5a. Anoth­er indi­ca­tion of seri­ous insti­tu­tion­al sup­port for the cult con­cerns the par­tic­i­pa­tion in their activ­i­ties of Ronald Con­way. One of Aus­trali­a’s most promi­nent Catholic intel­lec­tu­als, Con­way appears to have engaged in molesta­tion of chil­dren placed in his care. Con­way has also writ­ten dis­mis­sive­ly of com­plaints of sex­u­al abuse against Catholic priests. Of para­mount impor­tance here is the fact that the hos­pi­tal at which he con­duct­ed his LSD exper­i­ments was under the con­trol of  the San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion, “The Fam­i­ly.”

. . . Conway’s auto­bi­og­ra­phy says that he began his LSD exper­i­ments at St Vincent’s Hos­pi­tal. And for­mer patients say that Con­way also admin­is­tered LSD to them at the Newhaven psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal which was sit­u­at­ed at 86 Nor­man­by Road, Kew, in Melbourne’s inner east.

In the late 1960s and dur­ing the 1970s, Newhaven hos­pi­tal was owned and man­aged by Mar­i­on Vil­limek, a mem­ber of a “New Age” sect called the San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion, also known as “The Fam­i­ly”. A leader of the sect, Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne, was also an admin­is­tra­tor at the Newhaven. Con­way, Eric Seal and oth­er ther­a­pists hired con­sult­ing rooms there on a ses­sion­al basis, and were not involved with the sect. Newhaven ceased being a hos­pi­tal in 1992.

Ronald Con­way became one of Australia’s most promi­nent Catholic intel­lec­tu­als, writ­ing books and news­pa­per arti­cles about Aus­tralian soci­ety. He also appeared in radio and tele­vi­sion dis­cus­sion pro­grams as a psy­chol­o­gist and social com­men­ta­tor.

When the church’s sex­u­al scan­dals became news in Aus­tralia in the 1990s, Con­way some­times com­ment­ed on the issues of celiba­cy and sex­u­al abuse. . . .

“Ronald Con­way: The Hands-On Psy­chol­o­gist Who Helped the Catholic Church’s Trainee Priests”; clericalwhispers.blogspot.com; 5/17/2010.

5b. As one wag who blogged about the San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion observed; “What good is an LSD mind con­trol reli­gious cult sex­u­al abuse sto­ry with­out the Catholic Church mak­ing a guest appear­ance?”

. . . “After sev­er­al ses­sions with Con­way, it was sug­gest­ed that I under­go LSD ther­a­py in Newhaven Pri­vate Hos­pi­tal as an overnight patient. It was explained to me that this ther­a­py was a way to fast-track psy­cho­analy­sis and would be very help­ful in accept­ing my sex­u­al­i­ty. Con­way, as a psy­chol­o­gist, had no qual­i­fi­ca­tions to admin­is­ter drugs. I did not under­stand this at the time.

“Dur­ing the last ses­sion I came to believe that I had been in the pres­ence of God who autho­rized me to lead the sex­u­al life which had been cho­sen for me.

“Con­way then sug­gest­ed that I con­tin­ue to see him with­out the use of LSD.I explained to him that my finances were stretched and that it was not pos­si­ble. He said that it was impor­tant that I con­tin­ue to see him and that if I were will­ing he would see me at his home in Tor­ring­ton Street, Can­ter­bury, gratis.

“What a shock I got when one night he made advances to me and we end­ed up on the floor of his sit­ting room. The room was dec­o­rat­ed as if it were the inside of an Egypt­ian tomb. He said this should not have hap­pened but that, as it had, we should do it prop­er­ly in his bed­room. It was a spar­tan room with the bed cov­ers on a sin­gle bed already turned down and elec­tric bar heaters turned on rest­ing on tables either side.

…”In the ear­ly 1990s, when I was 48 years of age, I was a patient in the Freemason’s Hos­pi­tal and woke up one after­noon to find Ron Con­way sit­ting on my bed hold­ing my hand. He had heard from some­one that I was in hos­pi­tal. I made it clear that I was not hap­py with his pres­ence .He explained to me that he had been fol­low­ing my life through a work col­league of mine, anoth­er psy­chol­o­gist.

“Ron Con­way nev­er appeared again.” . . .


6. A more detailed–and con­se­quent­ly more horrifying–account of the cult’s prac­tices was pre­sent­ed by dis­si­dent mem­ber Sarah Moore, who even­tu­al­ly rec­on­ciled with Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne. Note the “breed­ing pro­gram” allud­ed to here, as well as the use of mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties, birth­dates and pass­ports.

Note also, Moore’s indi­ca­tion that ene­mies of the group had “dis­ap­peared.”

My moth­er was Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne, the leader of a small sect in the Dan­de­nongs called the Fam­i­ly or the Great White Broth­er­hood. I was a small part of her plan to col­lect chil­dren in what she her­self once called a “sci­en­tif­ic exper­i­ment”. Lat­er I dis­cov­ered it was her inten­tion that we chil­dren would con­tin­ue her sect after the earth was con­sumed by a holo­caust. She saw us as the “inher­i­tors of the earth”. I didn’t know that then. In those days I was just a child. A child of a guru, but a child no less.

Twen­ty-two to twen­ty-eight chil­dren in all lived at Uptop in its hey­day, although the fos­ters had vary­ing lengths of stay

She used to say that she couldn’t remem­ber all the dates very well because she had so many chil­dren. Maybe, in ret­ro­spect, we should have realised that was weird but then we nev­er thought it was any­thing out of the ordi­nary. She decid­ed upon sets of twins and triplets and gave us ages and birth-dates to fit in with that idea. Birth­day changes were just some­thing you accept­ed. It was as if Anne knew so much more about every­thing than us and she just might be reveal­ing anoth­er piece of our life plan if she changed our birth­days.

We were the chil­dren of The Fam­i­ly, the chil­dren of Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne. We were dressed alike. Most of the girls’ hair was dyed blond, cut into fringes and worn long with iden­ti­cal hair­styles and iden­ti­cal­ly-coloured rib­bons. All the boys had bowl hair­cuts.

…Why did she raise us in almost total social iso­la­tion, miles from any­where, with min­i­mal con­tact with oth­er humans apart from the sect mem­bers who looked after us? Why did she sub­ject us to the bizarre and cru­el reg­i­men in which we grew up? Was it to demon­strate that she had the pow­er to cre­ate a gen­er­a­tion that would be reared with her beliefs and believ­ing in her? I sus­pect per­haps that there were more sin­is­ter motives than these alone. Some of us had mul­ti­ple birth cer­tifi­cates and pass­ports, and cit­i­zen­ship of more than one coun­try. Only she knows why thus was and why we were also all dressed alike, why most of us even had our hair dyed iden­ti­cal­ly blond.

I can only con­jec­ture because I will nev­er know for sure. How­ev­er I sus­pect that she went to such great lengths in order to enable her to move chil­dren around, in and out of the coun­try. Per­haps even to be sold over­seas. I’m sure there is a mar­ket some­where in the world for small blond chil­dren with no trace­able iden­ti­ties. If she did it, it was a per­fect scam. Many ex-sect mem­bers have said that they were aware that Anne was cre­at­ing chil­dren by a “breed­ing pro­gram” in the late 1960s. These were ‘invis­i­ble’ kids, because they had no papers and there is no proof that they ever exist­ed. Yet we Hamil­ton-Byrne chil­dren had mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties. These iden­ti­ties could per­haps have been loaned to oth­er chil­dren and the sim­i­lar­i­ty of our appear­ance used to cov­er up their absence. One lit­tle blond kid looks very like anoth­er in a pass­port pho­to. I don’t sup­pose we will ever know the truth because only Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne knows the truth about the whole affair and the truth is some­thing she will nev­er tell.

…I am train­ing to be a doc­tor but some­times I think my med­ical career will be sab­o­taged because there are still many in the sect who have a lot of influ­ence in pro­fes­sion­al and aca­d­e­m­ic cir­cles. It may sound melo­dra­mat­ic, but I know that some who were Anne’s ene­mies have dis­ap­peared in strange cir­cum­stances. . . .

Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore.

7. Among those on the receiv­ing end of the cult’s ser­vices was Lord Casey, for­mer Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al of Aus­tralia and the min­is­ter in charge of over­see­ing the Aus­tralian intel­li­gence ser­vice, with which Assange claims to be con­nect­ed.

. . . It has been sug­gest­ed that Anne would have had no pow­er with­out a syringe. She claimed a lot of knowl­edge of med­ical things. She said she had been the matron of a hos­pi­tal but there is no evi­dence she ever did nurs­ing. I can’t empha­sise the impor­tance of nurs­ing in the sect enough. It was crit­i­cal to the way she viewed the Aun­ties and, it was what she planned for the girls’ future pro­fes­sion. She said nurs­ing was one of the ide­al occu­pa­tions because it was a form of ‘self­less ser­vice’ that led to spir­i­tu­al advance­ment. We knew that on their weeks off from Uptop the Aun­ties were either train­ing to be nurs­es or prac­tised as nurs­es. Sev­er­al of the Aun­ties nursed Lord Casey, a for­mer Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al of Aus­tralia. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] Rumour has it that he made a sig­nif­i­cant dona­tion to the sect. . . .


8. More about Lord Casey, his pro­fes­sion­al his­to­ry and ide­o­log­i­cal out­look:

In pub­lic, Casey seemed to be a devot­ed Cold-War war­rior, fer­vent­ly sup­port­ive of Britain and the U.S.A., and deeply hos­tile towards the Sovi­et Union and Chi­na; he was the min­is­ter respon­si­ble for the Aus­tralian Secret Intel­li­gence Ser­vice.”

“Casey, Richard Gavin Gard­ner”; Aus­tralian Dic­tio­nary of Biog­ra­phy.

9. More about the bru­tal con­di­tion­ing pro­gram exe­cut­ed by the cult on its accolytes. Notice, again, the use of mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties, pass­ports and birth­dates for the chil­dren. What are they used for?

…Once ini­ti­at­ed, came the ‘go-through’ and that meant LSD trips. Every­one knew that it was an inevitable con­se­quence of ini­ti­a­tion, one of the rit­u­als that was inte­gral to the spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment of the new ini­ti­ate. I’ve been present at many ‘go-throughs’ of peo­ple in the sect and end­ed up hav­ing at least a dozen myself.

Dur­ing a ‘go-through’ you were sup­posed to look at your­self and see the bad­ness inside, to regress to sig­nif­i­cant inci­dents in child­hood and in pre­vi­ous lives which affect­ed your per­son­al­i­ty and retard­ed your spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment. The drug, which Anne some­times called the ‘herb’ or the ‘dream med­i­cine’, was meant to make this eas­i­er. It was also meant to make the spir­i­tu­al bond­ing eas­i­er between mas­ter and dis­ci­ple. You were sup­posed to recog­nise her as the “one true mas­ter”, Christ incar­nate.

She would come in to peo­ple when they were under and ask, “Do you know who I am?” The cor­rect answer was, “the Lord Incar­nate”. The incor­rect answer meant you weren’t ‘work­ing’ hard enough. “Work­ing” was ‘look­ing at your­self’ and real­is­ing what a “hor­ri­ble” per­son you were, repent­ing for your sins and puri­fy­ing your­self.

Before my first ‘go-through’ I was deprived of sleep for sev­er­al nights and made to read ‘Yoga and the Bible’. Before­hand I’d watched one of my broth­ers get down on his knees and beg me not to hate him for being a clos­et homo­sex­u­al. This con­fes­sion had been wrung out of him by Anne after sev­er­al days of inten­sive ‘work­ing’ under the drug. He felt that he was a fail­ure and I did my best to tell him that he’d nev­er be a fail­ure to me because I loved him. We were all scared of reveal­ing our weak­ness­es but doubt­ed that we would be able to hold any­thing back once under the influ­ence of the drugs.

Anne’s tech­nique, pret­ty typ­i­cal, of keep­ing us awake for sev­er­al days before a ‘go-through’ meant that we were incred­i­bly vul­ner­a­ble any­way. You have to hand it to Anne, she knew her stuff; this was chron­ic sleep depri­va­tion and it added to the strain of the whole expe­ri­ence. Even today, I find if I am real­ly tired I’m prone to flash­backs of LSD and it is hard­er to cope than it should be. Add to that the sen­so­ry depri­va­tion, for I was placed in a qui­et and dark room and nev­er knew whether it was day or night.

…It was also at this time in 1984, just before my ini­ti­a­tion, that Anne changed my name and gave me a new iden­ti­ty. No longer was I to be called Andree who was born in June, July or maybe Sep­tem­ber. Now, for some rea­son that I nev­er knew, I was called Sarah. I was now a triplet and had even changed nation­al­i­ties: I was now born in New Zealand on 16 Novem­ber 1970. I even had a pass­port to prove this.

It may seem bizarre now but at the time I took this in my stride. I didn’t even con­sid­er it strange that Anne had nev­er told me this infor­ma­tion up to now, that pre­vi­ous­ly I had believed I was some­one else. This sort of thing – sud­den changes in our real­i­ty- was par for the course in our lives and we nev­er ques­tioned sur­pris­es. We were used to unpre­dictabil­i­ty as far as Anne was con­cerned. I hat­ed the name Andree any­way and being a triplet was more inter­est­ing than being a sin­gle. I now know that there were sev­er­al pass­ports in my name, a cou­ple of which were Aus­tralian. They all had dif­fer­ent birth-dates. I also had sev­er­al birth cer­tifi­cates in dif­fer­ent names and in dif­fer­ent states.. . .

Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore.

10a. Sarah Moore sug­gests a pos­si­ble rea­son for the group’s appar­ent abil­i­ty to escape legal ret­ri­bu­tion for their activ­i­ties.

Of inter­est and pos­si­ble sig­nif­i­cance, also, is the alle­ga­tion by Moore that Sandoz–part of the old I.G. Far­ben complex–was pro­vid­ing the group with free LSD. San­doz also bought the fam­i­ly busi­ness of Swiss Nazi financier Carl Lund­strom, there­by empow­er­ing him with the cap­i­tal with which he has real­ized his polit­i­cal endeav­ors.

Among those endeav­ors is the Pirate Bay down­load­ing web­site, with an asso­ci­at­ed polit­i­cal par­ty (the Pirate Par­ty) and PRQ serv­er, which hosts Wik­iLeaks. As we will see in FTR #725, the Pirate Par­ty is help­ing spon­sor Wik­iLeaks’ pres­ence in Swe­den.

…The bulk of the sect was made up of pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple. With­out their sup­port and par­tic­i­pa­tion, Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne would nev­er have become what she is today. It was their names, or most impor­tant­ly, the let­ters that went after their names, that gave her the cred­i­bil­i­ty and social pow­er she need­ed. It gave her the means to keep those she already had and to get more and sim­i­lar peo­ple into the cult..

These pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple: doc­tors, lawyers, engi­neers, archi­tects, psy­chi­a­trists, nurs­es and social work­ers allowed her suc­cess­ful­ly to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes for more than twen­ty years.

Had The Fam­i­ly been a group of strange­ly dressed peo­ple meet­ing once or twice a week for med­i­ta­tion, an address by the Mas­ter, play­ing of music and chant­i­ng, they would nev­er have gone unno­ticed for so long. But pin-striped pro­fes­sion­als in their con­ser­v­a­tive suits with their impec­ca­ble social cre­den­tials could get away with main­tain­ing in their pri­vate life morals that were com­plete­ly at vari­ance with their pro­fes­sion­al ethics. They looked respectable, peo­ple thought, there­fore they must be respectable.

Who were these pro­fes­sion­als? They were doc­tors who wrote out the pre­scrip­tions that con­trolled us; lawyers, who wrote out the Deed Polls that were need­ed to forge pass­ports and birth cer­tifi­cates that cre­at­ed our false iden­ti­ties; social work­ers, who allowed Anne to by-pass nor­mal chan­nels to allow her to adopt, or sim­ply steal in some instances, six­teen chil­dren; doc­tors and nurs­es who gave her con­tacts with rich dying peo­ple who then left their estates to her. It was the same doc­tors who signed their death cer­tifi­cates; psy­chi­a­trists who had peo­ple com­mit­ted to Newhaven – the Fam­i­ly owned psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal; and doc­tors and nurs­es who super­vised the abuse of LSD,( which for a while they actu­al­ly obtained free of charge from the Swiss drug com­pa­ny, San­doz). . . .


10b. A TIME review of the recent movie about WikiLeaks–“The Fifth Estate”–reinforces that work­ing hypoth­e­sis. It is not clear what the writer’s source is for that asser­tion. Pho­tos of Assange, chil­dren of the cult are at right. Note the one child bear­ing strik­ing resem­blance to Assange. For more about the Assange/Family work­ing hypoth­e­sis, see FTR #745.

“Julian Assange and The Fifth Estate: Wiki Wacky Who?” By Richard Corliss; Time; 9/08/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . . Tall, drawl­ing and white-maned (he has dyed his hair ever since being induct­ed into an Aus­tralian cult as a child), Assange radi­ates a star qual­i­ty that impress­es all spec­ta­tors, espe­cial­ly him­self. . . .

11. Wik­iLeaks’ polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion is clar­i­fied in an arti­cle pub­lished in The New York­er. Note that the group’s pri­ma­ry tar­gets are “high­ly oppres­sive regimes in Chi­na, Rus­sia and Cen­tral Eurasia”–the Earth Island about which we’ve spo­ken so often. They’re also will­ing to work against the Unit­ed States, obvi­ous­ly.

Wik­iLeaks polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion smacks of a Third Posi­tion, UNPO polit­i­cal orientation–one con­sis­tent with the Under­ground Reich.

Do not fail to note the poten­tial dam­age that could result from pub­lish­ing the social secu­ri­ty num­bers of active-duty U.S. mil­i­tary per­son­nel. This could lead to, among oth­er things, the com­pro­mis­ing of WMD tech­nol­o­gy, nukes in par­tic­u­lar.

. . . Assange, despite his claims to sci­en­tif­ic jour­nal­ism, empha­sized to me that his mis­sion is to expose injus­tice, not to pro­vide an even-hand­ed record of events. In an invi­ta­tion to poten­tial col­lab­o­ra­tors in 2006, he wrote, “Our pri­ma­ry tar­gets are those high­ly oppres­sive regimes in Chi­na, Rus­sia and Cen­tral Eura­sia, but we also expect to be of assis­tance to those in the West who wish to reveal ille­gal or immoral behav­ior in their own gov­ern­ments and cor­po­ra­tions.” he has argued that a ‘social move­ment” to expose secrets could ” bring down many admin­is­tra­tions that rely on con­ceal­ing reality–including the US admin­is­tra­tion.”

Assange does not rec­og­nize the lim­its that tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ers do. Recent­ly, he post­ed mil­i­tary doc­u­ments that includ­ed the Social Secu­ri­ty num­bers of sol­diers, and in the Bunker I asked him if Wik­iLeaks’ mis­sion would have been com­pro­mised if he had redact­ed these small bits. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] He said that some leaks risked harm­ing inno­cent people–“collateral dam­age, if you will”–but that he could not weigh the impor­tance of every detail in every doc­u­ment. Per­haps the Social Secu­ri­ty num­bers would one day be impor­tant to researchers inves­ti­gat­ing wrong­do­ing, he said; by releas­ing the infor­ma­tion he would allow judg­ment to occur in the open.

A year and a half ago, Wik­iLeaks pub­lished the results of an Army test, con­duct­ed in 2004, of elec­tro­mag­net­ic devices designed to pre­vent IED’s from being trig­gered. The doc­u­ment revealed key aspects of how the devices func­tioned and also showed that they inter­fered with com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems used by soldiers–information that an insur­gent could exploit. By the time Wik­iLeaks pub­lished the study, the Army had begun to deploy new­er tech­nol­o­gy, but some sol­diers were still using the devices. I asked Assange if he would refrain from releas­ing infor­ma­tion that he knew might get some one killed. He said that he had insti­tut­ed a “harm-min­i­miza­tion pol­i­cy,” where­by peo­ple named in cer­tain doc­u­ments were con­tact­ed before pub­li­ca­tion, to warn them, but that there were also instances where the mem­bers of Wik­iLeaks might get “blood on our hands.” . . . .

“No Secrets” by Raf­fi Khatch­adouri­an; The New York­er; 6/7/2010.

12. More about the sen­si­tive nature of what Wik­iLeaks pub­lish­es. It might cause loss of life and/or limb by U.S., coali­tion, or Afghan per­son­nel.

. . . . In 2007, he pub­lished thou­sands of pages of secret mil­i­tary infor­ma­tion detail­ing a vast num­ber of Army pro­cure­ments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He and a vol­un­teer spent weeks build­ing a search­able data­base, study­ing the Army’s pur­chase codes and adding up the cost of the procurements–billions of dol­lars in all. The data­base cat­a­logued materiel that every unit had ordered: machine guns, Humvees, cash-count­ing machines, satel­lite phones. Assange hoped that jour­nal­ists would pore through it, but bare­ly any did. “I am so angry,” he said. ‘This was such a fuck­ing fan­tas­tic leak: the Army’s force struc­ture of Afghanistan and Iraq, down to the last chair, and noth­ing.” . . .


13. Anoth­er aspect of Wik­iLeaks that has attract­ed inter­est con­cerns their obfus­ca­tion of fund­ing, cre­at­ing ques­tions about where the mon­ey they col­lect is actu­al­ly going.

The secret-spilling web­site Wik­iLeaks appears to be a fru­gal spender, tap­ping less than 5 per­cent of the funds received through two of its three dona­tion meth­ods, accord­ing to the third-par­ty foun­da­tion that man­ages those con­tri­bu­tions.

Wik­iLeaks has received 640,000 euros (U.S. $800,000) through Pay­Pal or bank mon­ey trans­fers* since late Decem­ber, and spent only 30,000 euros (U.S. $38,000) from that fund­ing, says Hen­drik Ful­da, vice pres­i­dent of the Berlin-based Wau Hol­land Foun­da­tion.

The mon­ey has gone to pay the trav­el expens­es of Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange and spokesman Daniel Schmitt, as well as to cov­er the costs of com­put­er hard­ware, such as servers, and leas­ing data lines, says Ful­da. Wik­iLeaks does not cur­rent­ly pay a salary to Assange or oth­er vol­un­teers from this fund­ing, though there have been dis­cus­sions about doing so in the future, Ful­da adds. The details have not yet been worked out. . . .

. . . . The site got anoth­er boost in dona­tions in April after it pub­lished the con­tro­ver­sial video show­ing a 2007 U.S. Army heli­copter attack in Bagh­dad. Wik­iLeaks claimed it raised more than $150,000 in less than a week after the release of the video. A U.S. Army intel­li­gence ana­lyst named Bradley Man­ning was since arrest­ed and charged with being Wik­iLeaks’ source for the video. Assange and oth­er Wik­iLeaks vol­un­teers have claimed that the orga­ni­za­tion com­mis­sioned lawyers to defend Man­ning, and the group has cam­paigned for more dona­tions from the pub­lic to cov­er the legal expens­es.

Ful­da said that no mon­ey han­dled by the foun­da­tion has gone to pay expens­es for Manning’s defense. [Ital­ics are mine, D.E.] He didn’t know if Wik­iLeaks obtained mon­ey from oth­er sources for the pur­pose. He said, how­ev­er, that his foun­da­tion would have no prob­lem in prin­ci­ple pay­ing such legal expens­es. . . .

“Wik­iLeaks Cash Flows In, Drips Out” by Kim Zetter; wired.com; 7/13/2010.

14. Many of the orga­ni­za­tion’s crit­ics have not­ed the sharp con­trast between the opaque nature of its oper­a­tions and the dri­ve for total trans­paren­cy it demands on the part of the orga­ni­za­tions it scru­ti­nizes. In the next pro­gram about Wik­iLeaks, we will exam­ine the Wau Hol­land foun­da­tion at greater length.

The con­tro­ver­sial web­site Wik­iLeaks, which argues the cause of open­ness in leak­ing clas­si­fied or con­fi­den­tial doc­u­ments, has set up an elab­o­rate glob­al finan­cial net­work to pro­tect a big secret of its own—its fund­ing.

Some gov­ern­ments and cor­po­ra­tions angered by the site’s pub­li­ca­tions have already sued Wik­iLeaks or blocked access to it, and the group fears that its mon­ey and infra­struc­ture could be tar­get­ed fur­ther, founder Julian Assange said in an inter­view in Lon­don short­ly after pub­lish­ing 76,000 clas­si­fied U.S. doc­u­ments about the war in Afghanistan in July. The move sparked inter­na­tion­al con­tro­ver­sy and put Wik­iLeaks in the spot­light.

In response, the site has estab­lished a com­plex sys­tem for col­lect­ing and dis­burs­ing its dona­tions to obscure their ori­gin and use, Mr. Assange said. Anchor­ing the sys­tem is a foun­da­tion in Ger­many estab­lished in mem­o­ry of a com­put­er hack­er who died in 2001.

Wik­iLeak­s’s finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty has waxed and waned dur­ing its short his­to­ry. The site shut down briefly late last year, cit­ing a lack of funds, but Mr. Assange said the group has raised about $1 mil­lion since the start of 2010.

Wik­iLeak­s’s lack of finan­cial trans­paren­cy stands in con­trast to the total trans­paren­cy it seeks from gov­ern­ments and cor­po­ra­tions. . . .

“How Wik­iLeaks Keeps Its Fund­ing Secret” by Jeanne Whalen and David Craw­ford; The Wall Street Jour­nal; 8/23/2010.

15. Anoth­er fas­ci­nat­ing detail con­cern­ing the tan­gled web that is Wik­iLeaks con­cerns the PRQ serv­er, based in Swe­den. In addi­tion to host­ing Wik­iLeaks, it is the base for Pirate Bay, a con­trol­ling inter­est in which is owned by Carl Lund­strom, a promi­nent Swedish Nazi and financier of that coun­try’s lead­ing fas­cist polit­i­cal par­ty. It is unclear if this would give Swedish Nazi ele­ments to infor­ma­tion from doc­u­ments accessed by Wik­iLeaks, but that seems a rea­son­able pos­si­bil­i­ty.

Note that Lund­strom sold his fam­i­ly busi­ness to the San­doz com­pa­ny. Part of the old I.G. Far­ben com­plex, it is the firm that devel­oped LSD and, accord­ing to Sarah Moore, pro­vid­ed it gratis to the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult. Note that the ele­ments of the old I.G. Far­ben firm have coa­lesced into an essen­tial ele­ment of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work, the eco­nom­ic com­po­nent of the Under­ground Reich.

In FTR #725, we will exam­ine more ele­ments of link­age between the Pirate Bay milieu and Wik­iLeaks.

A Swedish Inter­net com­pa­ny linked to file-shar­ing hub The Pirate Bay says it’s help­ing online whis­tle-blow­er Wik­iLeaks release clas­si­fied doc­u­ments from servers locat­ed in a Stock­holm sub­urb. Mikael Viborg, the own­er of the Web host­ing com­pa­ny PRQ, on Fri­day showed The Asso­ci­at­ed Press the site — the base­ment of a drab office build­ing — in Sol­na on the con­di­tion that the exact loca­tion was not revealed.

“This is the office. The serv­er room is fur­ther inside,” the 28-year-old Viborg said, with the door to the office cracked open. Desks with com­put­ers, doc­u­ments, and emp­ty pas­try box­es and soda cans could be seen inside before he closed the door.

Wik­iLeaks post­ed more than 76,900 clas­si­fied mil­i­tary and oth­er doc­u­ments, most­ly raw intel­li­gence reports from Afghanistan, on its web­site July 25. The White House angri­ly denounced the leaks, say­ing they put the lives of Afghan infor­mants and U.S. troops at risk.

The secre­tive web­site gives few details about its set­up, but says its “servers are dis­trib­uted over mul­ti­ple inter­na­tion­al juris­dic­tions and do not keep logs. Hence these logs can­not be seized.” . . .

” Swedish Web Host­ing Firm Con­firms Wik­iLeaks Link” by Karl Rit­ter [AP]; msnbc.com; 8/6/2010.


15 comments for “FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned”

  1. Hi Dave,

    I am intrigued by your sto­ry on Wik­ileaks and most notable on Mr. Assange. I delved into some old footage of the cult, and noticed these chil­dren. And made a snap­shot of a group.

    It’s here.

    On the right side, I insert­ed two pic­tures of Julian. Now, is it me, or are those two peo­ple the same, but a younger ver­sion? Look at the eyes, the nose, mouth, com­plex­ion and pos­ture. It’s like two drops of water.

    Keep up your great show!

    Posted by Joplin | December 7, 2010, 7:50 am
  2. This arti­cle shook me pro­found­ly, to my core!

    I have fought fas­cists all my life..i am a descen­dant of Aus­tri­an Jews, a found­ing mem­ber of the Pirate Par­ty in Fin­land, and a pas­sion­ate syn­di­co-anar­chist... i knew the world was all “right is left” etc...but this arti­cle and quot­ed doc­u­ments has set in doubt all that i believed in...that the Sixth Reich was in the west­ern pseu­do-impe­ri­al­ism and the war for resources, like ‘1984’ and not such a sin­is­ter and appar­ent­ly dif­fuse mas­ter­plan con­spir­a­cy by pro­fes­sion­al elites.

    An oli­garchy is much eas­i­er to blame take aim on than a poly­garchy i sup­pose.

    Sud­den­ly how­ev­er most puz­zle pieces that have trou­bled me for a long time fall into places...some remain still obscure. In maths, the solu­tion to a com­plex equa­tion is often sim­ple and elo­quent and there­fore, Yes! it makes per­fect sense that Assange (or whatever/whoever he is) is a fas­cist manchuri­an can­di­date work­ing for a “dooms­day” when the ugly but new-and-improved fas­cist mul­ti­tude can come gal­lop­ing in to “save the day” and “lib­er­ate the peo­ple” first with open­ness and pop­ulism and then with an iron hand. All for our own good nat­u­ral­ly.

    Maybe im over­re­act­ing, but im deeply dis­turbed that once again we might each elect our own per­son­al Führer because “those who do not learn from the mis­takes of the past will be forced to relive them.”

    The pawns are already in place, but there is no leader yet appar­ent­ly. Why i say this is due to the need to have acti­vat­ed this smear cam­paign against the state dept. I can only guess as to why now of all times, but i have a strong feel­ing that it will be revealed when its already too late.

    thank you for this eye-open­er.

    Posted by Madventurer | December 8, 2010, 9:09 am
  3. Thanks. Well researched and fas­ci­nat­ing, it makes a lot of sense. The way the main stream media embraced Assange start­ed to ring alarm bells for me, I knew if he was a real whistle­blow­er the media would­n’t touch him.
    I got blocked from a few web­sites for even ques­tion­ing his authen­tic­i­ty which again made me high­ly sus­pi­cious, there’s def­i­nite­ly an agen­da going on here....

    @Joplin, wow, great pho­to, I’d say it’s 100% a younger Assange.

    Posted by Mia | December 11, 2010, 2:57 pm
  4. Hi,

    There are some more hints of Nazi ele­ments in the Wik­ileaks milieu now com­ing to light. For instance, the employ­ment of a Holo­caust denier in the ranks of the group: http://reason.com/archives/2010/12/14/the-assange-employees

    In addi­tion, and per­haps with a slight wink, the IP address for the .ch (for Swedish web­sites) ver­sion of the Wiki sites is: ! (source: Wikileak’s Twit­ter: http://twitter.com/#!/wikileaks/status/10621245489938433 ) 88 is a pret­ty loaded num­ber when it comes to neon­azis.

    Posted by Dave L. | December 15, 2010, 1:54 pm
  5. Mar­shall McLuhan warned us that the media is like a gram­mar. Noth­ing hap­pens by acci­dent. I found a video on Youtube that is quite pecu­liar in the present sub­ject. It is a video from a British female artist, called Lolene. In the video, we can see plat­inum blond dancers accom­pa­ny­ing her. At one point, and it is par­tic­u­lar­ly flavour­some, we can see the plat­inum blond dancers com­ing out...of freez­ers! I have dif­fi­cul­ty believ­ing that it was put there by pure coin­ci­dence. See for your­self.

    Mer­ry Christ­mas and keep the fight!


    Posted by Claude | December 23, 2010, 10:04 am
  6. All these leaks and noth­ing neg­a­tive on ever preva­lent Israeli war maneu­ver­ings? Am I miss­ing some­thing to be sus­pi­cious? Is Wik­ileaks a build up to jus­ti­fy state spon­sored cen­sor­ship & intru­sions on the Inter­net? And why are the main­stream press, effec­tive­ly sta­tist cheer­lead­ers, so atten­tive to Wik­ileak’s alleged­ly dam­ag­ing releas­es?

    Posted by Lem | January 4, 2011, 6:25 am
  7. [...] Isn’t that just fan­tas­tic? Julian Assange, prob­a­bly the faki­est Lefty of the cen­tu­ry (see FTR #724, FTR #732 and FTR #733) has shown his true col­ors. The sto­ry pub­lished in Pri­vate Eye mag­a­zine [...]

    Posted by Assange alleges smear job by a Jewish-led conspiracy | lys-dor.com | March 6, 2011, 12:44 pm
  8. [...] I encour­age you to read the com­plete post writ­ten by Dave Emory and lis­ten to the show about it here, for you to see who Assange real­ly is and under­stand all the con­nec­tions. The sec­ond link here [...]

    Posted by Julian Assange, Santiniketan Park Association kids and Dance Music | lys-dor.com | May 1, 2011, 11:35 am
  9. [...] Julian Assange [...]

    Posted by Brave New World preschools in Sweden: Another expression of the Pirate Bay vortex? | lys-dor.com | July 20, 2011, 7:59 am
  10. Well, this should be inter­est­ing:

    Wik­iLeaks: Founder Julian Assange to run for Aus­tralian Sen­ate
    By Michael Mar­tinez and Pierre Meil­han, CNN
    updat­ed 11:24 AM EDT, Sun March 18, 2012

    (CNN) — Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange has decid­ed to run for a seat in the Aus­tralian Sen­ate, Wik­iLeaks announced on its Twit­ter page Sat­ur­day.

    The group, which facil­i­tates the anony­mous leak­ing of secret infor­ma­tion, said it dis­cov­ered it is pos­si­ble for Assange to run while liv­ing in Eng­land under house arrest. Assange was born in Aus­tralia and grew up there.

    Since the sum­mer of 2010, he has become a house­hold name and a pop cul­ture fix­ture. He’s an inter­na­tion­al­ly con­tro­ver­sial fig­ure who has cast him­self as a cham­pi­on of free speech by dis­trib­ut­ing clas­si­fied doc­u­ments.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 18, 2012, 6:15 pm
  11. Dave;

    There seems to be some­what of a par­al­lel between the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult and that of “The Find­ers”, a cult that col­lect­ed chil­dren for unknown rea­sons.
    I’ve researched them and even had a guy write me to say that he and his sis­ter lived with a branch of the cult for a while.

    Have you done any work on “The Find­ers”?

    Posted by Swamp | June 30, 2013, 9:07 am
  12. @SWAMP–

    I don’t believe there is any­thing in the archives or posts on “The Find­ers.”

    I have cov­ered them on the week­ly three-hour show I did on Sun­day nights.



    Posted by Dave Emory | June 30, 2013, 5:56 pm
  13. There was a sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion in NSW with Dr.Bailey admin­is­ter­ing Deep Sleep to pri­vate psy­chi­atric patients in his Chelms­ford Clin­ic with many resul­tant sui­cides report­ed.

    I don’t think any link was made between the two sit­u­a­tions, but of course every­thing is cov­ered-up in NSW.

    Posted by Michael Correll | January 3, 2014, 2:03 pm
  14. Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne’s reign as the ‘one true mas­ter’ may be com­ing to an end, but ques­tions remain. Ques­tions like how her cult man­aged to obtain so many chil­dren for so many years:

    The Age
    The Fam­i­ly’s ‘liv­ing god’ fades to grey, estate remains

    May 17, 2014

    Chris John­ston

    Although she can walk and talk, accord­ing to for­mer cult mem­bers, Anne Hamil­ton-Byrne, Aus­trali­a’s most noto­ri­ous cult leader, does­n’t talk much. A hand­ful of acolytes still cling to the belief that she is a liv­ing god and vis­it her reg­u­lar­ly, while behind the scenes her once plen­ti­ful assets and prop­er­ties are being sold, trans­ferred or giv­en away.

    At 84, she is frail and iso­lat­ed, cared for inside the demen­tia care wing at Cen­ten­ni­al Lodge nurs­ing home at Wan­tir­na South, a long way from the mes­sian­ic fig­ure who ruled The Fam­i­ly in Mel­bourne through three decades from the 1960s.

    ”She’s at least being fed,” said for­mer cult child and Hamil­ton-Byrne’s ”adopt­ed” daugh­ter, Dr Sarah Moore. ”She’s very dement­ed, rock­ing back and forth. Her only con­nec­tion seems to be a plas­tic baby doll that she talks to and dress­es.

    ”She is lost in a regressed, dement­ed state. Anne does­n’t have to be a guru any more. You can see the child she was and per­haps see how it all end­ed up in her grand but dis­as­trous illu­sion.”

    Hamil­ton-Byrne has flash­es of her old delu­sion­al self: a woman born Eve­lyn Edwards in Gipp­s­land into a fam­i­ly rife with men­tal ill­ness, who went to school in Sun­shine and taught yoga in Gee­long before start­ing her cult and posi­tion­ing her­self as a god.

    Recent­ly, Dr Moore said, cult vis­i­tors to the nurs­ing home showed her a DVD about east­ern mys­ti­cism; when it fin­ished she said to them: ”But I am still the one true mas­ter.”

    Moore, 45, suf­fers from a range of men­tal and phys­i­cal ill­ness­es that she part­ly blames on her hor­rif­ic expe­ri­ences, such as beat­ings, drugs and star­va­tion in the cult, main­ly in a house at Eil­don, from birth until she was 17. She had one leg ampu­tat­ed above the knee after a botched sui­cide attempt and has been diag­nosed with bipo­lar dis­or­der and post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der. She suf­fers severe pain in her ampu­tat­ed leg’s stump.

    She was tak­en from her teenage moth­er in Gee­long by a doc­tor who was a cult mem­ber.

    She qual­i­fied as a doc­tor from Mel­bourne Uni­ver­si­ty after escap­ing the cult and has worked at the Austin, Roy­al Mel­bourne and St Vin­cents hos­pi­tals and Monash Uni­ver­si­ty as well as doing vol­un­tary med­ical work in Thai­land, Bur­ma and India.

    Now Moore is con­fronting that which haunts her by call­ing for fresh scruti­ny into The Fam­i­ly’s activ­i­ties from the ear­ly 1960s until 1993, when Hamil­ton-Bryne and her hus­band were arrest­ed near New York.

    She said an inquiry into the Newhaven psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal, which was in Kew, could reveal how The Fam­i­ly recruit­ed mem­bers and sourced LSD. Staff at the hos­pi­tal were cult mem­bers. She said the cult’s adop­tion scams should be inves­ti­gat­ed — cult lawyer Peter Kib­by con­fessed to forg­ing false birth cer­tifi­cates and adop­tion papers. Dr Moore said the cult’s assets should be seized by the state when Hamil­ton-Byrne dies and used for com­pen­sa­tion to the cult’s vic­tims. Despite get­ting rid of prop­er­ties, her estate is esti­mat­ed to be worth more than $10 mil­lion. Land titles show she has giv­en two prop­er­ties in the Dan­de­nong Ranges to a com­pa­ny she is linked to called Life For All Crea­tures, whose direc­tors are all cur­rent cult mem­bers.

    The neigh­bour­ing prop­er­ties in Olin­da were cult head­quar­ters. One was her home.

    Dozens of chil­dren acquired through adop­tion scams and cult mar­riages were impris­oned here and at a prop­er­ty in Eil­don until an Aus­tralian Fed­er­al Police oper­a­tion freed them in the late 1980s.

    The cult also owns a prop­er­ty in near­by Fer­ny Creek, on Bel­grave-Fer­ny Creek Road, called the San­ti­nike­tan Lodge, designed by for­mer devo­tee and archi­tect Don Webb.

    ”To us it is a sacred place,” cult mem­ber Michael Steven­son-Helmer told Fair­fax Media. ”If you went in there you would feel it. It is our great divine respon­si­bil­i­ty to pre­serve it.”

    Steven­son-Helmer, who is relat­ed to for­mer gov­er­nor-gen­er­al and promi­nent Mel­burn­ian Sir Zel­man Cowen, is poised to lead what is left of the cult with Eltham man Geoff Dawes, the son of for­mer senior cult mem­ber Leon Dawes and for­mer cult ”aun­ty” Helen Buchanan.


    Dawes and fel­low cult mem­ber Helen McCoy, of Gem­brook — a wildlife cam­paign­er and prin­ci­pal of a school in Wheel­ers Hill for dis­abled chil­dren — con­trol Hamil­ton-Byrne’s affairs.

    In New Zealand when a dan­ger­ous com­mu­nal cult called Cen­tre­point was exposed and leader Bert Pot­ter jailed on child sex charges in 1992, cult assets were seized by the gov­ern­ment and giv­en to vic­tims for ther­a­py, coun­selling, edu­ca­tion or pover­ty relief.

    Dr Moore said the same should hap­pen in Vic­to­ria. ”That way she can make a con­tri­bu­tion to soci­ety.”

    A new inquiry into the cult would ”bring it up to the light”, she said.

    ”It is an indict­ment on the state that this thing con­tin­ued for so long and was able to infil­trate the med­ical sys­tem. ”

    Fel­low cult child Ben Shen­ton, now a Chris­t­ian min­is­ter in Perth, said the rea­son The Fam­i­ly was able to pro­cure chil­dren from state insti­tu­tions and drugs from a research facil­i­ty was because they were ”too untouch­able”.

    ”The mon­ey is still there,” he said.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | May 19, 2014, 5:32 pm
  15. Fan­tas­tic arti­cle, Mr. Emory. This cor­rob­o­rat­ed many sus­pi­cions I’ve had.

    I’d heard your name from some reli­able ppl, so when I stum­bled upon this arti­cle while research­ing The Find­ers I was quick to read.

    This cult is very rem­i­ni­scient of The Man­son Family’s Hel­ter Skel­ter dooms­day vision, and also the recent case of the Turpin fam­i­ly, where a defense con­trac­tor was dis­cov­ered hold­ing his 13 kids hostage, chained to beds. They also dressed them all alike and cut their hair the same way.


    Thanks again, cheers

    Posted by Alexander Solzhenitsyn | August 15, 2018, 11:46 pm

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